Newsletter RpNation Newsletter: January 2023

The Moon and the Rabbit have long been prominent figures in the storytelling traditions of various cultures around the world. In East Asian folklore, for example, the Chinese story of Chang'e, the Korean celebration of Chuseok, and the Japanese tradition of Tsukimi all feature the Moon and Rabbit prominently. Indigenous Native American traditions also connect the Moon and Rabbit. These stories, which are often as beautiful as the Moon itself, are often inspired by the rabbit-shaped outline on the lunar surface and center on themes of mystery and love.

One of the reasons the Moon and Rabbit have such enduring appeal is the rich symbolism and meaning that each holds individually, and the unique combination they create when paired together. The Moon is often associated with the passage of time, the cycles of life, and the natural world. The Rabbit, on the other hand, is often seen as a symbol of fertility, renewal, and mystery. Together, the Moon and Rabbit represent the interconnectedness between the natural world and the forces that shape our lives.

And now as the year comes full circle, just like the legends of the rabbit and the moon, it's a time to celebrate new beginnings and the birth of a new cycle. So let's start this new phase of our lives off right by sharing our aspirations, goals, and wishes in the comments.

๐Ÿˆโ€โฌ› Official RPN Merchandise
Be sure to head on over and see what available products we have for our users!​

๐Ÿ‡ Badge Resolution Change
The resolution of the badges have been increased to upgrade its overall quality.​

๐Ÿพ Staff Contact Ticket System
Users can now enter in tickets for assistance to staff members. This will help for faster response time. You can access this system at the top menu of the website, under โ€œImportant Linksโ€ on the homepage or here.​

๐Ÿ’ฎ Distress & Crisis Resources
RpNation now provides a Distress & Crisis Resource thread for your needs. Click here to learn more.

๐ŸŒ™ Return of Old BBCode Tags
Certain codes are now back and good to use! Check out the BBCode guide here and here and here!​


What is The Case of Lockheed Orphanage for the Supernaturally Gifted about?
Lockheed Orphanage is, as the title suggests, one Case among many surrounding a supernatural phenomenon called The Other. In this RP, the writers and their characters are embroiled in this strange, government operated institution focused on studying and raising children with abilities called Oddities. Created at the onset of World War I, the British crown has seen it fit that digging into the connection these children have with the Other would serve the greater good of the British Empire. As such, Lockheed Orphanage was formed under the watchful eye of the ominous Owner. It is not long before the orphans and their caretakers begin to feel that not all is what it seems at Lockheed. It will be up to them to uncover the conspiracy behind the origins of the orphanage, the Owner, and the Other, from which terrifying beings called Things emerge that also seem to have a keen interest in the children. All sorts of mysteries like talking five-eyed ravens, paintings of the Owner moving, and even the identity of some of the characters within the rp make for what I hope to be thrilling mystery horror story!​

What are some of the things that inspired you to create this roleplay?
Oh dear. A great many things, if I'm honest but I'll start with Chainsaw Man, particularly a panel in which a certain character writes to another, "(Name) is listening." (Avoiding spoilers for the Chainsaw Man fans haha). I loved the feeling that single panel gave me - the feeling that I cannot speak my mind because I am being watched from somewhere unseen. The feeling that the people I thought I could trust are now suddenly being called into question. The paranoia that comes from that? I wanted to recreate that in my own story. I took further inspiration from Little Nightmares and Cabinet of Curiosities to help me envision the eldritch/ cosmic horror elements and then spent a lot of time browsing music playlists and Pinterest.

From there, came the more refined details like the way the Orphanage changes at certain times or in different "World States" as I call it. Meaning, as the story progresses, the environment changes, the rules change, and so on. This is the mystery element of the rp. The uneasiness from knowing one's situation can change at the drop of a hat is another feeling I hope to latch onto. For example, one character named Quinn recently performed a series of actions that, without his knowledge, rapidly progressed the timeline of some events and shifted the "World State" forward. The effects are yet to be felt in their entirety but nevertheless, there are all sorts of internal trackers I'm keeping tabs on that will alter the story going forward.​

What has made your roleplay successful?
When I went into making the interest check for this RP I wanted to be wary of a couple of different things that I felt would hurt the health of my RP. First, initial interest can be explosive which is great but if I didn't take advantage of that enthusiasm, I risked losing the attention of my writers. So, the moment I felt like I had a steady stream of interested folks, I went ahead and started posting the necessary threads for the RP such as the IC and Character Sheets. Second, keep the barrier of entry low. Often times when I browse RP's I might be interested in joining, I'm put off by massive blocks of lore that I have to read through just to feel ready to make a character! I worked around this by making the setting historical but even when it came to adding fictional elements, I kept the details to a minimum. "Give the writers the starting package and go from there," I said to myself. Hell, the writers didn't even know about the existence of the Other until one of their characters accidentally stumbled into it! Let them learn as they go, which brings me to my third point: sustaining interest.

It's great to have a lot of interest at the start but if you're not careful, that interest can fade fast once the story slows down. This is where my story faces its greatest challenge in my opinion. The RP is a mystery horror. That means a lot of digging for clues, a lot of thinking, and a lot of generally slow moments where the action is less physical and more subtle. In comes OOC. The story doesn't just operate IC. Something I've spent a lot of time toying around with is setting up activities outside of IC for my writers to engage in even when the story is hitting a slower beat. I've hidden clues in the various lore pages and information entries I've built up for them, created riddles, Morse code messages, and even ciphers based off the ones that were used in the first and second World Wars, contemporary to the actual setting of the story! My hope was that in all the chaos of life, if one doesn't have the time to dedicate a complete post IC, they can still hang out OOC, talk to others or fish around for puzzles they could solve that might give them hints about what's happening in the story or what may happen.

But suppose I didn't have time for that. I'm a solo GM that, in the interest of keeping the story's secrets close to the chest, have avoided splitting up my responsibilities. How the hell do I find the time to manage everything? I have a job, pets and family, and all sorts of stuff to worry about in my life. In everything, there is a balance. I formatted the story into chapters. For example, right now, the RP is just about wrapping up Chapter 1. After which, I plan on letting the RP take a one week hiatus so that way me and the writers can take a break and avoid burnout. When we return, I hope to create a new opening event that will kick off Chapter 2 and be the story's focus for that part of the RP. That way, instead of making it so that I have to worry about everyone and their character's all the time, I can focus on some of the characters when the need arises. Its a juggling act but I shift my attention accordingly to remain flexible and make sure everyone has their time to shine.

Last but not least, my writers. The people that have joined this RP are without a doubt, the other half of this story. I could not have done it without them. Each and every one of them have a wonderful ability to write and their attitudes toward the RP has made my job as GM a joy to undertake. I am humbled to be surrounded by such a talented cast and I want to give them proper thanks here because they are very much a part of this story's success.​

What's your favorite part of the roleplay so far?
Oh, so far? I hope the other writers will forgive me in saying that it was Mateo's encounter with the Thing named Evidna. There have countless brushes with Things, the Other, and the Owner so far and those are all moments I look back on with excitement, but Mateo's faceoff with Evidna was quite incredible to me. Mateo was trapped within an abandoned Church searching for a way out while this corpse roamed about looking for him with a box covering its head. Mateo was caught, ensared within the box of Evidna and entered into a discussion that, much to my surprise, he escaped unscathed. Surprising because Mateo and his writer, AmberV, asked Evidna to take an orphan she had previously captured back to the orphanage. There are certain hidden consequences for doing such a thing and many of my writers are rightfully suspicious of this captured orphan's identity but it was a spectacular scene to help in writing. AmberV did a spectacular job and her character, Mateo is a joy to read. Check out the posts about the scene if you want to witness the thrill for yourself! It's a good glimpse for what's to come of my writers who will face new and dangerous Things further along the story.​

Has it been moving along like you envisioned it to?
Not at all. In all honesty, the only thing I wanted to do was make an interesting story that people enjoyed for as long as they enjoyed it. I never expected to move so quickly at the beginning or even to sustain a healthy pace once we had delved deeper into the story. Hell, I never expected to make this newsletter! It has all been one surprise after the next and I will say it again: A million thanks to my wonderful writers who have all put in their all into their characters and the story. It is because of them that I have the confidence to move forward and greatly expand the vision of this RP. As I mentioned previously, much of the pacing is a balance and I check in regularly with everyone to make sure we're moving at a comfortable pace. The last thing I want is to make this RP feel like homework for everyone so I do my best to accommodate and keep my options open. A lot of it comes down to trust and I wholeheartedly trust my writers to help bring our story to its peak!​

If you had the choice to adapt your roleplay into a different medium which would it be; comic book, novel series, TV show, movie, or video game? And why?
You're not going easy on me, are you? Haha! This one is tough. See, the Case of Lockheed Orphanage for the Supernaturally Gifted is not an isolated story. It is a part of universe I've called the Other Collection for its focus on the Other as a core storyline that follows each entry. Additionally, Lockheed wasn't the first story I thought about in this universe! It was the story I intended to create as its sequel, the Crimson Files, which takes place a decade after the events of Lockheed in New York. If I had to pick, I would make it a TV Show because it would suit the serialized story form I've gone for with this RP and any potential successors to it. Also, it would be so much fun to toy with my audience's emotions by dropping cliffhangers every episode. That said, I am a writer by trade, not a director so even if this was a TV Show one day, I'd need to make a novel series first. I suppose its a difference of timelines. Ideally, I would love to be at the TV Show stage of my life where all the hard work of writing is already done and I can enjoy adapting it for visual media, haha!​

How do you maintain stability and comfort between roleplayers that have been in the roleplay since the beginning and new roleplayers that just joined the group? Is there ever a time that someone feels left out? If so, how do you handle it?
I check in with them constantly. I keep communication as open as possible. Seriously, aside from the obvious mysteries I need to keep under wraps, I remain as transparent as possible with my writers so they know what to expect. I do not want anyone to be uncomfortable because of misplaced expectations so I try my best to make sure everyone is happy with the RP and the direction its going in. For example, we have two new potential roleplayers that will be joining us at the start of Chapter 2 but they joined the RP's OOC server on Discord weeks ago. Both of them opted to have their characters present in Chapter 1 but as NPC bystanders until Chapter 2 starts. In the meantime, they have time to meet the other writers, dig into the lore at their leisure, and then when Chapter 2 comes around sometime after New Years, they can join in as if they were there from the start!

As far as feeling left out goes, I wanna point back to my earlier mention of a juggling act. The feeling of being left out is inevitable. I had a few roleplayers who were around since the beginning but because of one reason or another, started the RP late and needed some time to catch up. The trickiest part of all this, of course, is giving them the ability to interact with people when they jump in. Otherwise, they're sort of left out to dry with nowhere to go. I try to find them options for people to interact with and if none of those present themselves, I have them interact with an NPC, essentially, characters that I manage myself. That way, they can join the story and have something to do until more opportunities become available.

If all else fails, I can point them to a host of Mini-Scene Channels I've set up in the discord in which a roleplayer may RP a small scene with their characters disconnected from the events IC. They can be canon events that have happened in the past, or non-canon events that are explored just for fun! That way, eager writers that want to do more roleplaying can do so without pressuring slower roleplayers that happen to be short on free time to write. The RP IC remains stable and much easier to manage as a result without stifling the interest of writers who are enthusiastic about the story!​

How did you start roleplaying? / How did you discover RpNation?
I started roleplaying here, actually, back in high school! This is the only site I roleplay in, honestly. I was hungry for a chance to explore a character with others without needing to write a full fledged story on my own and I discovered RPNation just on a whim. From then on, I've always come back to RPNation as a way to take a break from other stories I'm working in a more professional sense!​

What are some roleplaying tips and tricks you think others could benefit from?
There are a million tips I can give to prospective GM's looking to make a good RP for their friends to enjoy but I'll focus on the tips I've learned from my experiences not as a GM but as a roleplayer. Metagaming. I cannot tell you how hard it has been to be excited about an RP where the secrets of my character were spilled without my consent IC. It is important to let roleplayers keep some things close to their chest. It lets them look forward to roleplaying their character well into the story and gives them plenty to write on their own even when the story is slow. If my character's story is spoiled because someone let it slip that I was secretly planning something all along, what else is there for me to write? My character's arc is over until I create a new one that may or may not be spoiled as well. Let secrets slide so long as the roleplayer is aware of what their parameters are. I know the secrets of all the characters of my writers but I haven't said a peep. They are at liberty to share these secrets among themselves but don't allow someone to spill said secrets without you or the writer's consent. At the end of the day, mystery makes character and story more interesting.​

Will there be any upcoming projects? A continuation for the current universe?
Yes! This is a very optimistic vision but if Lockheed manages to make it through completion, I intend on continuing the story in a sequel RP, Crimson Files! This one would take place in New York during the Great Depression and anyone who happens to be returning as roleplayers would be allowed to roleplay as their original characters now older and experienced in dealing with Things and the Other. New roleplayers will be teamed up with returning roleplayers as they complete top secret missions protecting the American public from Things hiding among them and preying on unsuspecting victims. If this universe ends up becoming truly something that could return again and again, I have further plans for an RP that takes places after Crimson Files called Operation Black Tower that will take place in World War II. The Other Collection would be the name of the series as a whole. I would really love for such a thing to happen. Itโ€™s hopeful but these things come with taking the small steps first, so Iโ€™ll focus my attention on Lockheed Orphanage and take things chapter by chapter!​

I want to shoutout my writers (again) for their incredible enthusiasm, understanding, kindness, and talent. I've mentioned this more times than I can count here but truly, this RP stopped being just mine the moment they joined it. From then on, my job was to ensure they were having fun and enjoying the mystery unfold.​


Gary Sue Gary Sue
When did you start roleplaying and what made you stick to it?
This is actually a bit of a funny and embarrassing question, so let's start off strong. Being a kid as I were, I eased myself into roleplay the best way possible (sarcasm*), Roblox. I think it was probably around... 2013 back then, and I was fairly active in a few social games, mostly anime and such. To make a long story short though, I reached a level where I wanted to 'step my game up' a bit, and went from the well known asterisk style roleplay to a more formal one. From there on out, things kind of slowed down up to 2015. It was around then that a friend of mine from that platform invited me over to Feralfront for a Fairy Tail roleplay featuring some characters we'd made in advance, and I hopped on a few sites from there on out. That's the origin story for forum RPs at least, and I only have my friend Tucod to thank for roping me into this fun hobby, bwahah.​

As for what made me stick to it- the truth is, my friend backed out rather quickly as the initial group died down, although I made some connections from there and had a few new plot points for my character that I wanted to resolve, even on a new thread (it was a groundbreaking concept to use the same character in multiple separate RPs for 14 y/o me). So I kept going and going, and before I knew it, I figured I was having a lot of fun just writing my own story. I've always had a knack for writing, but it's hard to stick to it when I'm all alone. Roleplay helps me scratch that itch- I'm writing, but it's always with a partner to play ideas off of me and keep me on my toes, in a good way always. Really helps get the muse going and blood pumping, and it's a very fun past-time too.​

How did you discover RpN?
It's somewhat of a continuation to the previous answer, but I did eventually fall out of roleplaying when I started uni around 2019. Things slowed down a fair bit though, and once I realised gaming alone wasn't going to cut it for filling up my free time in a consistently pleasant manner, I looked back into roleplay. I stayed with a different site for a good year or so, but once I moved out of it, I decided to do the forbidden Google search- roleplay forum. The magic of actually searching the exact key words you're looking for, huh?​

RpN was (and still is!) on top of the list, and the rest should be self explanatory from here. Good and welcoming community, and now everyone here's stuck with me. :P

What type of character(s) do you lean towards creating? Any preferences?
This is gonna be a bit of a long one, so ahem... It really depends on what setting I'm going for, but even so, there is a common point. The main consistent trait of my characters is that they're always flawed one way or two... or ten- if they're a perfect character, they don't tend to be fun to write, because then the burden of keeping things interesting depends on my ability to keep pushing the story ahead. They need to have some character flaws that they'll learn through, develop and conquer while the roleplay progresses. That way, while they remain the 'same character' I started out with, they're never literally the same by the start and end of the story, and that keeps things fresh and interesting to write throughout.​
It ties in heavily to how I feel I've grown and learned throughout my teen years and early adulthood (I'm still at that point really), because I know I've acted less than ideal on multiple occasions. Having the gift of hindsight and the now added insight, it's really interesting reminiscing on said mistakes and seeing how I could tackle them with all I know now, in a way that feels natural and earned for each character's situation. Not through self reflection, as much as from observing their surroundings first and foremost and then drawing the parallels, that's really how I learned too, and... I'm honestly really glad I did. Not that me (or my characters) ever really became perfect, life is as much a learning experience as my roleplays are for my characters. ^_^

To get back on track, what I find very interesting about the characters I do end up writing however, is that most of them tend to have some 'suspect' aspect to them. Be it their way of thinking or selfishness when acting at times, or that they're flat out the (potentially secret) antagonist for the rest of the group. In 1x1 settings, their story arc tends to revolve around bettering themselves or overcoming their own problems and shortcomings once they manage to take note of them. But in group roleplays, it would appear I stay true to my roots and just like back in 2015, I have yet to find myself writing a single character that's not the villain, oftentimes very literally, of the group.​

Generally, I like to believe I can write down to earth characters that anyone can get behind if they try to put themselves in their shoes. So taking that dynamic and trying to turn it into a believable, most often morally grey character with their own goal that comes in direct opposition to the main group's, is one of the most fun times I can have. It's also really interesting to me that while I'm on good terms with everyone else, I can have fun and provide something unique to the dynamic (out of character and in character), by giving them another common goal to work towards and bond over. Besides getting through the main plot, that is. When roleplay's a group activity, fun's best had when everyone is on the same page after all. ;)

Is there any specific interactions and/or experiences on RpN that stuck out to you and caused you to feel more attached to the community?
Any specific interactions or experiences, no, not really..? Every single partner I've had the joy of fleshing out a roleplay with on here has had common etiquette down to a tee, and they have far from given me a 'rough time'. One of the main reasons I grew out of roleplay was that anybody can just ghost you, and that... hurts, a little bit. It still happens, even here, don't get me wrong, but it feels a lot less personal and more 'that's just how it goes' when you get to interact out of character with others and get some idle chitchat and (even if surface level) bonding going. This seems tangentially related, but where I want to tie this to RpN is that everyone I've interacted with from joining a few months ago to now, feels down to earth, approachable and talkative!​

It's much to ask from anyone to just 'fess up' and start talking, cause some people have trouble doing that, and that's alright. I've just been pleasantly surprised with how many outgoing and talkative folks this site has attracted honestly, and... that really warmed me up to interacting with others, even if I knew there was a chance of getting ghosted. If I had to pinpoint any particular interactions on the site as 'my favorites', it'd be the ones where I, my partner or both of us just back out of the roleplay after a bit of conversation and realising that our situations have changed. Maybe I'm busy, they've got too much on their plate or we just figured our styles didn't mesh. It'd be great fun to get to write more with them, but... I think it's equally nice that we can just agree we just can't do that, without any needless quarrels and arguing. It's sweet to be able to take the good moments from something (a roleplay, in this case), cherish them and move on, even if it ends up 'unsuccessful' by the end of it all. ^_^

What's a memorable roleplay experience you've had?
I will cheat here and instead of giving you one, I'll give you two for the price of one (generous, I know) instead!​

So I want to start off by highlighting one of my latest and probably last group roleplay endeavors in a good while. I was scrolling through the Group Interest Checks, and I saw this one Pokemon RP that was recruiting a few people. The plot was about 'six chosen ones', each chosen by a Mythical Pokemon, trying to protect this fanmade region that was loosely based off of Greek islands from the evil Team Eclipse. For those curious, the roleplay was called Pokemon: Destinies, so I'll just refer to it as Destinies from here on out.​

It was more of a sandbox, with some plot events laid out for the future. To make yet another long story short, people joined the group and it quickly became a bit bigger than I expected, but the controlled chaos of all the members interacting with one another was super fun. I didn't want to have to worry for getting a 'chosen one' role for the story, and because I do sometimes want some spotlight for me too, I thought of something else and messaged the DM. And so, Jet Cressfield was created, the travelling trainer that was secretly in cahoots with Team Eclipse. Although part of the main group, he was going to be double crossing them eventually and by the time the villains got to their endgoal, the time-travelling Pokemon Celebi, he'd be pulling another fast one on Team Eclipse, this time to take Celebi for himself.​

... Not cause he was an evil mastermind or anything, but rather to go back in time and try to save his mother from the illness that caused her to pass away, shortly before he started his adventure and travels to begin with. It's not often I get to make characters or plans that intricate, so it was really fun to plan everything out. The roleplay admittedly ended prematurely, but people knew something was up, just not who with- it was really fun watching everyone try to figure things out of character, and the group dynamic between some of the actual characters was really enjoyable too. I want to give special mention, if allowed, to two people in particular here though. @Key of Stars was a really fun player to be around, in character and out, and William (his OC for the roleplay) was really nicely written and fun to watch interact with others, even though our characters never crossed paths.​

The other person that made the experience super enjoyable, despite Ezran (their character) and Jet never interacting was @Cresion Breezes . With a super fun character in the roleplay and an incredibly talented player behind him, this lad was a joy. Sketches, group drawings, fun outfits for their mess of a detective, you've got it all. Although we don't talk anymore with Cresion, I hope you don't change my friend. You're genuinely really cool, and you're one of the many reasons this experience has stuck with me as much as it has.​

The reason why I'm sneaking a second roleplay experience in here is because I have less to say about it, although I hold it at very much the same regard as Destinies. Around my birthday, I had this itch to make a "Legend of Zelda" Link style character, mute bodyguard in a fantasy world. I thought that getting some short roleplays using him going would be a fun way to build the lore and flesh out the low-fantasy medieval world this would all take place in, but... it didn't get a lot of people's attention. Except for a single madlad, and here is where I praise @ShredKnives , the shrebby boy himself.​

His character Laila is a shrine maiden that was out doing jobs for a nearby town, when she ran into my mute character, Reeve. After narrowly avoiding becoming a wyvern's BBQ meal in the forest, they ended up tagging along for a trip or two, and we took the chance to try and see if we can turn that into a more sustained roleplay. Right now, they're trying to find out what's going on with a town further out of the main settlements, oozing with cursed energy produced by dark arts, forbidden magic that many consider to be inhumane. It's a very basic plot, but the way shrebby writes his characters and stories genuinely makes it super fun to go along with, and we've got a very unique dynamic of both DMing for one another in turns through this!​

We tend to be on the same page with things, play off of one another super well, and he's super fun to be around. You should also never change (for the worse at least, keep growing mate), you're a great guy Shreb.

Do you have any favorite memes? One that never fails to make you laugh.
Is this the part where I sound like a boomer for being out of touch with them? I don't really have any 'standards', unless a Spanish guy saying 'COCA COLA ESPUMA' unnecessarily loudly before a bottle of coke blasts him in the face counts. I kind of enjoyed memes a bit more back in like... 2017, 2018, around then. Not because 'they were better' back then, jesus christ no. They just tended to 'rotate' a bit less often, because people didn't run them into the ground as much.​

Stuff like Ugandan Knuckles felt incredibly funny, cause especially if you were also active in VRChat at the time, it felt like a funny inside joke you and a stranger could oddly enough bond over and just laugh with, without being offensive to anyone in particular. It ran its course though, and eventually became stale, as all memes do. MGR: Revengeance memes were also very funny before they got oversaturated, but since I've gotten over those two, coke boy is all you're getting out of me. ๐Ÿ—ฟ๐Ÿท

If you were granted 3 wishes under the conditions that one of them had to be a selfless wish, what would they be?
If I sounded like a boomer before, now's when I'm meant to sound like a complete simpleton too. The truth is, I'm a simple man. So here's the most 'default' responses you could expect to hear. And a little explaining for them, too.​
  • A stable job that allows me to get enough money to pay the bills and take care of my family.
  • Someone I can trust with my all by my side and be happy to call my wife.
  • I wish people would be more compassionate, in real life and behind a screen.
Well... The first two should be rather self-explanatory, right? I don't think demanding things or asking 'too much' is going to help anyone in the long run, so I keep my wants and 'needs' down to earth. I really don't think I could ask for much more than a job that gets me by and lets me keep some extra money by the side, and take care of those I love. And on that topic, second wish is just a matter of time, really. There's a lot of fish in the sea, so I'll run into someone like that sooner or later, as long as I stay decent and keep giving every day my all. ^_^

I suppose I'd benefit from the last one too so it's not 'truly selfless', but it's just a bit tiring, seeing how many fights and squabbles happen because people didn't take two moments to put themselves in one another's shoes. Circumstances push people to be stupid and act horribly sometimes, and... I know from experience that thinking about their situation, as much as you do about yours, would really change things. It's unrealistic to ask of others, but hey, it's not like anyone could fulfill my wishes anyways. :P

If you could shift into another animal, what animal would it be and why?
Hohoho... I have thought about this long and hard, and now is time for all my expertise come to light. I present to you, about 20% of my possessions on my desk and my college life- from notebooks, to snow globes, to pencil sharpeners and image stands, nightlights and the list goes on- sloths. I could unironically make this a three paragraph long copypasta fanboying over those smug, relaxed little loaves but I'll do my best to contain myself, bwahah.​

They're slow, they take it easy, they look like they're always smiling and wearing a funny eye mask, and they are absolutely adorable. Give me one reason to not want to be a sloth myself, past perceiving everything very slowly. I'll wait. ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Would you rather be a background character in a music video that's extremely well known or be the main character in a movie no one has heard of ?
There are two sides in me, fighting for control. One wants to be positive and say that in both cases- I'm glad that I got picked for either role in the first place. It's an honor, and yada yada. The other? It wants to be honest and probably say I'd rather be a protagonist in a movie instead, plain and simple. Even if nobody knows about it, I'm not one to dwell on getting acknowledged first and foremost. So long as I had fun doing it, I've got no qualms, so why not hog the spotlight, even if nobody's really looking all that much? I told you I'm an attention hog at times, didn't I?​

What advice do you have for the newsletter readers?
Ahem... I'll be honest, I'm not quite sure what most people would expect to hear here, but for what it's worth, I'll take a moment to be more serious and give some heartfelt advice. Things have been stressful for me now lately, and thankfully the hard part's over with December wrapped up and neatly packed back in 2022. For a lot of people, hardships are still unresolved or next in line, and to you lot, I'll sincerely ask you to give it your best.​

Things can and probably will get rougher than I or anyone can imagine, and it might test some more than others. Believe in yourselves and pull through however best you can- in one piece, preferably. People around you, friends or loved ones, or even kind strangers, might try to reach out to check on you or help you, and I urge you to do your best and, even if things are frustrating at the time, be grateful for that at the very least. Everything will become better, and it's all up to you to make it through and come out a 'better you' at the end of the day.​

And if you've got no (evident at least) hardships ahead, and you've just hit your stride, keep it up. Your pace, your chin, your everything, and keep zooming through all of it your way. You've got this down, chief. And if you're in neither of these two groups and you're just cringing at how sappy and cheesy this probably read, I sincerely apologise to you too, bwahahah.​

But I hope my words of encouragement could reach even one of you lot and give you what you need to keep going, even if just for a day more. This is my last question in this interview, or so I hear, so I'll leave it at... Have a happy 2023 everyone, and keep on vibing. And thank you to the staff for giving me this opportunity to reach out to everyone, too. Keep up the good work running RpNation as well as you have been! ^_^


January Donation Badge by @Onmyoji
Huge thanks for having me once more, it was really fun to do the interview and interact with you lot! Cheers, and have a happy new year everyone! ^^
Wowowowow! Amazing ๐Ÿคฉ๐ŸŽ‰ Thank you again for the opportunity. Iโ€™m honored to have my RP selected for the newsletter!
Congrats Coyote Coyote , you donโ€™t really know me but the amount of times I have almost tagged you and have tagged you on posts because a shared name with a friend is insane. The RP sounds fun and well thought out. Congrats again LOL and to everyone else in the newsletter!
Congratulations to all those mentioned! I hope everyone had a happy new year!

A goal I'm working towards is finally becoming fit after focusing on simply raising my endurance through cardio this year. And I also want to write more as I have been lacking the past few years.

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