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Fantasy Roommates!


The Clawed Fauni
You are sent to a boarding school. On the outside, it seems like a regular school, but on the inside, it is full of some students who are not human, and some that are. When you walk in, you figure out you've been paired with a person of another race!

You go to find a dorm and figure out all the spots are taken! The only spots left are in a co-ed dorm close to the school, called the Neko dorm. Now you and your partner are not only working together, you are living under the same roof! What will unfold as you just try to survive school.

1. Follow all Rpnation rules

2. No mature romance! Fade to black!

3. Grammar. I swear to god if you don't even complete sentences, get out. Also, the password at the bottom is fake, the real password is not the one at the bottom, it is "Neko".

4. 3rd person. Again, for the love of god, use third person.

5. Be nice. Drama inside the Rp is fine, outside is off limits.

6. 3 sentence minimum

7. Have fun!

The password is "Dorm"
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This is the time. Late summer. The day's are hot enough that you can't wear pant's but to cold to wear shorts. So you had to options, wear shorts and freeze to death, or wear pants and sweat into said pants. This is also the time that school starts. This story starts around that time, when groups of students gather to share stories, knowledge, and equally, germs.

Groaning, Mei got to the front of the school. She had walked a long way from the bus stop to here, so she was already exhausted. She sighed, walking towards the main office to grab her schedule. She trudged though the halls, her head held high, even though she was a head shorter than a lot of the kids here. Her ears twitches as she walked, and she was not afraid of her ears now. Here, there where all different species, and some humans.

She really hoped her partner wasn't allergic to cats.

Humming, she walked down the hall to the main office her tail swishing behind her. She heard some murmurs and some cat calls as she walked, her eyebrow twitching ever so slightly as she picked up the pace, trying to avoid people. That was easier said than done, because everyone here was really tall, except her. She ducked her way though the crowd, finally reaching the main office.

Placing her long and perfectly slender fingers on the counter, she faced the old attendance lady with a smile. "Excuse me~" She said, her voice like silk. "Can I have my schedule please. The name is Yui." She said, smiling brightly at the lady. She smiled and muttered something about the perks of youth and found her schedule, her partner, but everything hit a snag when she heard about the dorms.

"I am sorry, but all the dorm rooms are taken. You will be on an off campus house with your partner. Here is your key." she said, passing her a key with the door number 4 labeled on the key chain and some directions. She sighed, picking up her things and thanking the attendance lady. She promptly walked out of the school, her heels clicking on the floor.

After a long time of searching (Not thanks to the encrypted directions) she finally found the small two story house that she was doomed to live in. She sighed and walked up to the door, opening it. To her left, she noticed a small living room with a big couch, some arm chairs, and a television. To her right was a dining room with a large table, and a kitchen with an island separating the two. Strait ahead of her was a spiral staircase that lead to the upstairs, which where the dorms. "Nice." She mumbled, walking though the house and up the long spiral stairs.

"2... 3... Here we are." She said, stopping in front of the door labeled 4. She pushed her key into the lock, turning to the right and swinging the door open. The dorm was simple. One side had a twin bead and a desk against the back wall, a closet lying in the wall near the door. The other side was mirrored. She walked to the left side of the room, setting down her class schedule and other things, looking at the boxes. "Now or never." She mumbled, starting to unpack.
Peter looked up at the door. Number 4, he had been told. The directions were easy to follow. He pushed on the handle, and the door as already unlocked. That could mean two things, one, someone had broken in, or two, his roommate was already there. He prayed for the latter, but when he stepped in, he regretted his decision. He wrinkled his nose at the smell and his eyes started to close. "ACHOO!" He sneezed. Cats. Did his roommate seriously have to have a cat? He wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands and pulled out his last pack of Homeopet. He didn't have the slightest clue he would be taking allergy medication on the first day, but still, he was proud for packing it. "Hello?" He itched his nose and pulled his backpack on again. He was travelling as light as he could, but his back pack was giant and was filled to the brim; it was starting to ache him. "Hellooo?" He called again.

Ivy pulled her case behind her. "Dorm number 13." The receptionist nodded to her and Ivy dragged her case tiredly as she walked towards the stairs. She blinked slowly, hating that she had to be here. The hustle and bustle of people was too much for her and she longed to be in the forest, reading under a tree. But no, she was here, alone and bored. She made a sort of growling noise under her breath and trudged to the 3rd floor, where she found her dorm. It was small, but large enough for two people to sleep and eat it. She looked at the two beds. One on the left, one on the right. She knew that she wouldn't be able to change this decision. Shee moved towards the left one and placed her case and bag on the bed. She began to unpack, placing her clothes in the small drawers next to her bed. She put her Panic at the Disco poster on the wall and sat on her bed. They had plain sheets, but she didn't care. She put her childhood stuffed animal on it, and shoved the empty case under her bed. She collapsed onto her bed, and folder her arms over her chest, letting a long sigh escape her. She was tired after a long time travelling, and she felt sick with hunger.
Mari arrived to the campus, hair messy and white cheecks tinged with grey after a sickening train and bus ride. She wore a pale blue hoodie and black and white checkered long pants, covering every inch of skin comforably, as her hood was also up.

Eyes adjusting to the light, when trying to scope out the school she grinned to herself and nearly ran to get her room number.

She danced through the halls with an excited lack of grace, feeling the need to wave or smile at everyone she passed, noticing an odd population of different races. Well.. now a vampiric looking human is barely worthy of gawking. When she finally arrived, she asked in a joyous and quite tired voice,

"Hi, may i get my room number?"

The lady frowned slightly and explained the shortage.. than gave her an odd set of instructions and a key.

After some walking and getting lost and or exhausted to the point of running into walls, she found the cute building. It was like a house immediately. She laid on the couch and yawned, not caring to see her room and unpack. Instwad she listendd to the steps that prooved others were there.
Mei turned at the sound of the door knob turning. She flicked her tail, her ears perking up at the sound of footsteps. She smiled, getting ready to say hello. As soon as she opened her mouth, a loud sneeze rang throughout the room. Squeaking the slightest bit, she fell backwards, landing on her back on the bed. She slowly sat up again, rubbing her ear with her open hand. "Bless you." She said, her ears twitching. She smiled, her tail swishing. "Hello. My name is Mei."

Casually entering the school, Yun went to get his schedule, chipper than most as he was unphased by the heat. Once he was in the school building he was greeted by the front attendence lady " Um excuse me miss, my name is Yun Lee, I'm here to get my schedule " he asked. But to his dismay the lady just had to start talking about random stories to his along with his schedule and dorm room. After awhile he quickly left, getting the information that he needed. Using his memory he was able to find the dorms pretty quickly, he wasn't really worried about his roommate, up until now he was able to pretty much get along with everybody, though it was just him who thought that

Once he arrived to his dorm room number, 8, he opened it with the key he received and saw that no one was there yet. Not knowing which bed to take he decided to wait, sitting on a chair in the room, for his roommate to decide, to keep himself busy he had pulled out a book.
Ryuza walked into the school to get his schedule. "What dorm?" He asked the lady.

"Sorry, all the dorms are taken, you will have an off campus house, here," the lady said, giving him a bronze key. He walked out of school, wearing his raggedy clothes. After getting directions, he found the house, opening it. There were two beds, both twins. He claimed the one on the right, and sat down. "Ugh, finally I can get Neko," he muttered, summoning his dragon from the gold ring he was wearing. Finally Ryuza, I'm so annoyed.

I am a dolphin.
Issei Nagi walked into the school. He didn't go to the firsr attendance lady but the third as she seemed younger and better looking. He gave the woman his name and got a key and a paper with directions. He thanked the woman then walked outside. He dashed becoming a ball of lightning moving at lightning speed to arrive outside the dorm house. He opened the door and went up to his room. He went to the one that said 2 and opened it. He saw a more simplistic room to his standards. He set down his bags and backpack on the left. He lightning speed unpacked all his stuff. Then sat on his bed, testing it's comfortability.
After nearly falling asleep on the couch, she eyed her bag and got up. Mari had a slight bit of curiosity as to if someonr was in the room. Making sure her hood was covering her head and white as paper arms were tucked away, she headed up with a bag.

Openning, as she expected, her boxes were already inside. She was not expecting the blonde in the room. He was a dude. A guy. And her roomate? Weird.

"Uh, hey.. whatsup?" She said with a mix of happiness and hesitation, as she unpacked.
Rue emerged from the building, a thin scarf wrapped around her neck, covering some of her face. She looked down at her schedule, and her eyes traveled to the key in her other hand. She was nervous--these people weren't....normal to begin with, and their senses would probably be sharper than others she'd bumped into in her past; they might find out about her real identity.

She shook her head, but to others, she looked like a small male who was shaking water from his head, or something like that. No one would find out, right? She kept her existence a secret--no one had known, though a couple nearly blew her cover, but she learned from those mistakes. Rue walked, trying to keep herself from being nervous. Luckily, her face wouldn't show any of those emotions, but she still found it quite uncomfortable to be feeling such things.

After a few minutes of wandering and nearly bumping into things, she finally found her dorm. She turned the key in the lock and pushed the door open, closing it again when she was inside. She stiffened--someone was already here. She ventured a little deeper into the dorm and found a male with a book and guessed it was the person she was rooming with. "Have you chose a bed yet?" she asked, trying to make her voice sound as masculine as possible.
Aimee looked at the map once more because she was once again lost. Earlier she had went to get her schedule and the attendant had told her that the dormitory she would be living in was an off campus dorm. She glanced at the dorm key, becoming fascinated with the design so she stopped in front of a house and found a particular stone rock. She put the key on the stone and stepped back picking up her camera from around her neck, angling certain ways, Aimee began snapping shots of the key. Smiling, content she had enough photos to edit on her laptop later on, she looked at the map once again. "Wait, this dorm is a house, right?" She asked herself them slapped her forehead, turning around she forgot she was already in front of the dorm.

Opening the door, she bounced inside all excited and jumpy, already snapping photos of her new temporary home at least until she graduated. Practically running up the steps she glanced at her room key looking for her dorm room. Finally finding the dorm door, she unlocked the door and opened it, freezing in place when she saw her roommate Male. Dragon. Male?! Please be a tomboy girl in disguise..., "um sorry uh roommate?"
Ryuza summoned his dragon into the gold ring, and turned forward. "Oh hey," he said. He still was blinded by the flash of the camera. His platinum blonde hair shone in the light as he studied her. Hmm, must be coed he thought.

I am a dolphin.
He looked at the girl who walked in. Though je couldn't tell much if the person was a girl due to the jacket. He replied "Greetings." Then he was at the window instantly checking whatever ever view it had. Then he was downstairs instantly exploring the place. A kind of hum could be heard in this moments of highspeed movement with small display of lightning. Then he was back upstairs instantly on his bed same spot he was before.
Before Mari even had time to remove her hoodie, her roomate was there and back. She laughed, white brows raised.

"My, couldnt wait for the tour, speedy?" She asked with a smirk, feeling at liberty to remove the hoodie fully and relax to being seated on the bed. Blue eyes, pink in light, examined her roommate.

"Hm.. would it be rude of me to ask watcha are?"
"I'm just a human that can do this!" Issei replied standing up and covering himself in lightning. One can hear the chirp of lightning from downstairs. The flashes it gave off are very noticeable if you're in the hall outside.It was blue lightning though another normal color he uses is yellow but he can do red, purple, aand white as well. Thennhe stopped and smiled. "Yeah lightning........"
Aimee pursed her lips, mumbling "so no privacy huh oh coed maybe? Ahem, sooooo hi." Grinning she sets her camera onto the bedside table on she assumed her side of the dorm, she then falls onto her bed not normally a private girl having 5 older brothers after all. Sitting up on her elbows she looks at her roommate, "Name's Aimee. What's yours?"
Mari smirked again, paper white skin getting a tinge of pink from the interaction and waking up from the rides there. A small yawn escaped her mouth as she replied. "So.. can i call you lightning? Or flash? Speedy?" She asked interested.

"Or.. do you have an actual name?" She joked.
He walked towards the main office, towering about most of the students. The day had been especially hot, and Sebastian likes it. He arrived at the main office, smiling pleasantly at the attendant. He was about to speak but the attendant cut him off. "Listen kid, the dorms are now full. Here's your key. You'll be staying in a dorm outside of school, understand? Good." She said, sounding very annoyed as if she had said it a lot of times before. "Jeez, very welcoming." He muttered as he walked away.

The dorm was a two story house, and he can already hear the sound of people talking to each other. "Seems like we have a full house." He said, walking in. He looked at his key number, 13. "First day and I already have bad luck." He said, chuckling at his own joke. He opened the door to, only to find a girl inside. He thought that it was a mistake, but clearly it was not. She had already unpacked, and he doubted that he was in the wrong dorm. He went inside, feeling really awkward. His ears are twitching and his tail is nervously swaying. "Um, hi! The attendant gave me a key, which says 13. Am I in the right room, or is this a coed dorm?" He asked the girl, who was very likely to be his new roommate.
"Names Ryuza Takeushi, you can call me Ryu," Ryuza told her. He laid down, and stared at the ceiling. He had one hand over his heart, clutching a crystal shard. He closed his eyes, not falling asleep.

I am a dolphin.
"Thank you?" He squinted at the girl, who seemed to have a tail. He rubbed his eyes again. "Am I seeing things-" he walked behind her and studied the tail. "This is mighty awkward," He said, "But I am allergic to cat hair, and, well-" He sighed. "You seem to be, correct me if I'm wrong, a cat." He scratched his scalp, confused.

"Oh-" Ivy sat up. "Yeah, um-" She saw two ears sticking out of his head and she averted her eyes, "This is the right room." She got up, "I'm Ivy." She stepped forward and ran a hand through her blue hair and put her other through her belt loop. This was the part where she had to start socializing, "And you are?"
Jumping out of bed, Aimee pulls out her laptop from her bag and plugs up her camera. She begins to upload her pictures and editing them, occasionally looking at Ryu. That was a dragon, so he's not human sighing she scrolls through her phone while the pictures download.
Mei nodded, her tail flicking back and forth again. "Well, very close. I am a neko, or rather half human, half cat." She said, purring slightly as she moved her head to the side. "It seems you are my new roommate. What's your name?" She asked, lying on her stomach. She smiled and looked at him as she crossed her ankles.
"I know I'm not human, and you know. I am a shapeshifter," Ryu told her. To then prove, he turned Ito a dog an ran around, wagging his tail. "See?" He said. He kept running around and being hyper to act like a dog.

I am a dolphin.
Issei looked at Mari for a moment. Then he said "If you must call me lightning call me Raikou or Rai. My real name is Issei though........"
"Rai then... but nice ta meet ya Issei." Mari said with a nod, thoroughly amused by the fact that her roomate was a super powered dude. A guy. A male.

Forgetting to give a name, she got up and ran a brush through her hair, situating her clothing. Turning to the blonde with a grin, she asked, "wanna get some food? Not sure about you but ive been on a train all day and could eat this dorm down."

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