Roleplay Pet Peeves

OMG I have no idea. I like vastly prefer platonic to romantic relationships. But your right most people I say - so why don't we just focus on family dynamics / friendships / getting shit done   look at me like i'm talking in tongues. B-but what about romance? Who is Character A banging? What does character B have a crush on?


You know, the romance thing would be a lot more tolerable if more people were actually GOOD at writing it. xD  
You know, the romance thing would be a lot more tolerable if more people were actually GOOD at writing it. xD  

lol. i blame twilight, fifty shades, and other books like it. they tell people that if you want romance you don't have to bother with making the writing interesting or the story compelling. just talk a lot about how Female A is the most desirable/shy/awesome/misunderstood person ever and Males ABCDEFG can't get enough of her/want her to change them/etc.
Okay, this one I may be guilty of xD  

It's a staple romance trope. It can be done well / even with a lot of heart. I had one world where the idea was kind of a upside down patriarchy. Men gained power in a social/political sense through their wives. And the more/higher ranking their wives the higher the males rank was. It was interesting to explore. 
lol. i blame twilight, fifty shades, and other books like it. they tell people that if you want romance you don't have to bother with making the writing interesting or the story compelling. just talk a lot about how Female A is the most desirable/shy/awesome/misunderstood person ever and Males ABCDEFG can't get enough of her/want her to change them/etc.

and both the me in twilight and 50 shades are straight up abusive, so now ppl want that kind of garbage but are like "its no abuse hes just an awful human being!!! it's not the same!!!"

(also as a side note, im def one of those romance-hungry doofuses, but i only like it if it develops naturally lol. the idea of putting characters together with only the intention to ship is just.... nah)
This type of pet peeve you're most likely gonna find in an ameteur or video game chat RP. But I'm including it anyways.

Those obviously Cliché, godmodding, etc... OC's, along with mediocre grammar.

I mean seriously...I could accept it if your OC was a demon or angel, as long as there's some diversity in it, other than're just a cliche OC that I've seen far too many times.

There's also the other OC everyone has seen at least once and that is, drumroll please.......

The Son/Daughter of, "Insert character here" Typically the devil himself or some other great all knowing celestial being, good or evil.

Another thing about these OCs' is that they often have the same personality too,

Goth/Emo/avoids others, remains relatively calm until they're threatened otherwise they'll  turn berzerk and use their,"magic weapon(Typically scythes) /spell/you name it" against you and will rip you apart regardless.

They also have the same storyline/romance too

*Start of RP* The oc is walking around avoiding others and being emo until they run into this ,"special flower" then they start a romance, blah blah blah,  *time skip* then something bad happens and and the oc's GF/BF is in danger. That's when the oc shows His/Her own true colors, they reveal some big sword/scythe or (Whatever celestial god they were the descendent of). and they demolish whatever threatening thing that was. The GF/BF is surprised and whatever else that happens is often beyond me.

I've also had a pet peeve with players that make their OC's commit suicide just for attention.

It absolutely infuriates me whenever that happens, most likely they stab themselves in the gut with a knife, (insert seppuku joke here) fall off of some large height (do a backflip) or shoot themselves.(it's just a flesh wound)

I've also seen these OCs' ,"magically" come back to life after doing that. Usually because nobody gave them any attention.

something else you might see is someone from a fandom. 

Its kinda self explanatory. But it's always at the wrong RP.

Well...that end my rant. 
I've also had a pet peeve with players that make their OC's commit suicide just for attention.

It absolutely infuriates me whenever that happens, most likely they stab themselves in the gut with a knife, (insert seppuku joke here) fall off of some large height (do a backflip) or shoot themselves.(it's just a flesh wound)

I've also seen these OCs' ,"magically" come back to life after doing that. Usually because nobody gave them any attention.

The closest thing to this that I've ever witnessed in an rp was when somebody's OC became suicidal and decided to stare into the sun until "their eyes turned black" or something. Naturally, he could see just fine after that.
I would call out some people I know for doing this but since the OP doesn't like that I'll just have to pass.

I have the usual pet peeves but I've got some unique to the group of people I know.

Bias in a GM: a few times a GM who doesn't like me too much has done this, whether it's just looking unfavourably on my character or literally sailing away marooning me.

Starting new RPs constantly: People who create an RP and just abandon it to create a new one next week and then blame you for letting their Roleplays die.

P.S. I realise that I need new friends

If you don't know what that is, it's when you tie in your character with someone else's for a little while (like they have an encounter, or date, and start living together.) and then they leave in the middle of something, and the rest of the group continues playing, but you can't cause you're locked with this player till they come back. I just call it a "tie lock." Cause you tie in, and get locked in place. I'm not sure if there's a better word with it. But these are like the worst. Part of the reason, I've pulled away from group RPs, and am hesitant to jump back into any. The game of catch up, after a tie lock is always the worst. Or if you big Tie Lock that halts everyone's play, because one person won't respond, at the most climactic part of the RP.... the worst...

And whats worst for me is , i'll find a away to escape the interaction only for them to come back a few minutes after!!!!!!!
I dislike when people constantly correct you , its annoying. Things like. "So and so is incorrect change it please" is fine but shit like "You do realize that so and so is wrong ,change it." is basically begging to be told off and impling i'm stupid in my eyes. And then when you tell them they get pissed off. First of all i'm glad you want to help me get it right but don't approach me in such a way that its rude cause if spelling errors annoy you so bad you're being rude to people you need to get off the internet , get drunk off some koolaid and calm your self cause you are not needed #sorrynotsorry

People why refuse to take hits in combat. UGHHHHHHHHHHH i can't deal. I was guilty of this  , 2-3 years ago. I understand you want your character to win but if i'm allowing my character to get hit while yours is happily smacking mine around there is a problem. Its especially worse if my character is stronger and/or smarter than you.
Oh Boy! Don't I have things to rant about!

  • Angst. All da angst.- It is like there is a competition for who can have the most angsty character. I mean, go and to a random rp, and try to see if there isn't at least one extremely angsty character. Go ahead. I'll wait. 
  • The Victim Complex- I can't stand this character. I have actually developed an irrational hatred for them over my rp days. There is never a time that they aren't the victim of something. They are literally the most unlucky person in the world, and they make sure that everyone knows it. Heck, I once did a rp with someone that straight up said: "You couldn't help but feel bad for her". Luckily my character was rather cold and unforgiving, so they could help it.
  • The Constant Hero- This is on the opposite side of the spectrum. They always have to be doing something of importance, and they never let anyone else have any glory. If you initiate a fight, they swoop in and win it. For me, this is the most frustrating when my character is supposed to be a warrior, and be superior to their character in combat in just about every way , shape, and form. Yet still, they can beat someone that my character was struggling against with one punch. Last time I checked, your character was not One Punch Man
  • The Edge Lord- This one is 2Edgy4Me. They are usually someone trying way to hard to have a cool and dark character. Their only personality traits are: Psychotic, Dark, Sadistic. It is like The Joker from Batman and Patrick Bateman from American Psycho had a love child. To be fair, in the right story a psychotic and sadistic character can work, i. e. The Joker and Patrick Bateman, but those two are far more interesting than anything I see on a CS.
  • The  Tragic Backstory- Don't get me wrong, I like a good tragic backstory as much as the next guy, but we have an abundance of them on most Rps. What really gets me is when the competition for who can have the most tragic backstory starts up. They were abused by their murdered parents and were thrown into an orpahnage where they were bullied  and had no friends(despite the fact that they are a normal, nice looking, and friendly person). Then they got put into a foster home where they were abused some more, and then they also got molested by these foster parents. They then got raped after that. Yet somehow they can still function normally in society. And they make sure that you can't dislike this character without your own being a jerk face.
  • Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu - Self-Explanatory
  • I also hate when the rp says detailed, but one rper just joins and writes nothing but one-liners consisting of nothing more than: "He pulled his knees up to his chest" or "He sighed".
  • God-Moding- Self-explanatory
  • When someone completely disregards the universe that the rp is taking place in so that they can make their character cooler. No, Jessica, you can't have a dragon in this Space Rp.
  • When GMs LET THEM disregard the universe so that they can make their characters cooler.
  • Completely unrealistic fighting sequences. I'm sorry, but your character is a knight from King Arthur's round table, that character is chosen by the Gods and has the strength of a thousand men. The knight ain't winning in this situation, why are you pretending like they can? Why did your character pick a fight with that one anyways? That guy is usually in fights with the other people chosen by gods or with the gods themselves! (I know this seems oddly specific, but I promise that I just came up with it off the top of my head. I don't know why my brain thinks the way it does)

Well, that's all I have to say about that.

My fave was once a group RP mod hated me so much that they recreated the RP and invited everyone else but me without ever saying anything instead of just asking me to leave or saying they disliked something about me. #maturity
Oh Boy! Don't I have things to rant about!

  • Angst. All da angst.- It is like there is a competition for who can have the most angsty character. I mean, go and to a random rp, and try to see if there isn't at least one extremely angsty character. Go ahead. I'll wait. 
  • The Victim Complex- I can't stand this character. I have actually developed an irrational hatred for them over my rp days. There is never a time that they aren't the victim of something. They are literally the most unlucky person in the world, and they make sure that everyone knows it. Heck, I once did a rp with someone that straight up said: "You couldn't help but feel bad for her". Luckily my character was rather cold and unforgiving, so they could help it.
  • The Constant Hero- This is on the opposite side of the spectrum. They always have to be doing something of importance, and they never let anyone else have any glory. If you initiate a fight, they swoop in and win it. For me, this is the most frustrating when my character is supposed to be a warrior, and be superior to their character in combat in just about every way , shape, and form. Yet still, they can beat someone that my character was struggling against with one punch. Last time I checked, your character was not One Punch Man
  • The Edge Lord- This one is 2Edgy4Me. They are usually someone trying way to hard to have a cool and dark character. Their only personality traits are: Psychotic, Dark, Sadistic. It is like The Joker from Batman and Patrick Bateman from American Psycho had a love child. To be fair, in the right story a psychotic and sadistic character can work, i. e. The Joker and Patrick Bateman, but those two are far more interesting than anything I see on a CS.
  • The  Tragic Backstory- Don't get me wrong, I like a good tragic backstory as much as the next guy, but we have an abundance of them on most Rps. What really gets me is when the competition for who can have the most tragic backstory starts up. They were abused by their murdered parents and were thrown into an orpahnage where they were bullied  and had no friends(despite the fact that they are a normal, nice looking, and friendly person). Then they got put into a foster home where they were abused some more, and then they also got molested by these foster parents. They then got raped after that. Yet somehow they can still function normally in society. And they make sure that you can't dislike this character without your own being a jerk face.
  • Mary-Sue/Gary-Stu - Self-Explanatory
  • I also hate when the rp says detailed, but one rper just joins and writes nothing but one-liners consisting of nothing more than: "He pulled his knees up to his chest" or "He sighed".
  • God-Moding- Self-explanatory
  • When someone completely disregards the universe that the rp is taking place in so that they can make their character cooler. No, Jessica, you can't have a dragon in this Space Rp.
  • When GMs LET THEM disregard the universe so that they can make their characters cooler.
  • Completely unrealistic fighting sequences. I'm sorry, but your character is a knight from King Arthur's round table, that character is chosen by the Gods and has the strength of a thousand men. The knight ain't winning in this situation, why are you pretending like they can? Why did your character pick a fight with that one anyways? That guy is usually in fights with the other people chosen by gods or with the gods themselves! (I know this seems oddly specific, but I promise that I just came up with it off the top of my head. I don't know why my brain thinks the way it does)

Well, that's all I have to say about that.

I'm guilty of the swooping in and winning a fight  but only one time. My character had just recovered and joined his guild in fighting a giant robot. He short circuited and destroyed it. But it was only one time!!!! lol
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For me a big pet peeve is people who treat roleplaying way too seriously. Like things have to be exactly to their specifications or they throw a fit.

Like there is a difference between having standards and micro-managing.

This is especially bad in groups. In 1x1s it's a little annoying but I can deal with it. In groups I just straight up - yeah no. Just reading your twelve pages of rules makes me tired and bored.

Now things is I know this because I used to be this person. And it sucked. Cuz I was constantly stressed out trying to force things to be exactly the way I wanted them to be and it basically burnt me out on roleplaying entirely.

I took a break and came back with a better attitude but every time I see a roleplay ( group or 1x1 ) where the person has like a micro-managing check list for the roleplay it's like I have flashbacks or something.

pet peeves i have beyond belief?

i think my biggest one is whenever there's a roleplay group that requires male/female, the female cap is quickly full and reserved more than males. i've been roleplaying since i was maybe 13 (i'm 21 now) and i've seen groups lose activity or just shut down because no one wants to app any male/masculine characters. i don't know how to accurately describe it, but it's like...people are just in it for shipping purposes and want to ship themselves with the males? this is a thing i saw on deviantArt quite a bit while growing up, so i app male characters to help mods out a bit. like, sometimes it gets so bad that i've seen mods put a cap on female characters or close them until there's enough male characters, so...i just roleplay as males now to avoid that.


idk if anyone gets me or understands what i mean, but i really do hate that. i hope that doesn't sound mean or gross or bitchy of me ashjddhejek ---

It is so freaking annoying with things like this. I will admit, when I first started roleplaying I was always playing as a girl and if I had to play as a guy it would always become a 'double up' kind of thing. But now I find myself playing guys more than anything because they were always needed and now I just love playing the opposite sex. I recently started making girl characters again for certain rps and it feels so weird lol.

You know, the romance thing would be a lot more tolerable if more people were actually GOOD at writing it. xD  

That would be absolutely wonderful. But another thing that I like to call it is SLOWMANCE. SLOW IT THE FUCK DOWN GUYS. I DON'T WANT OUR CHARACTERS IN LOVE BY THE THIRD POST.


If you don't know what that is, it's when you tie in your character with someone else's for a little while (like they have an encounter, or date, and start living together.) and then they leave in the middle of something, and the rest of the group continues playing, but you can't cause you're locked with this player till they come back. I just call it a "tie lock." Cause you tie in, and get locked in place. I'm not sure if there's a better word with it. But these are like the worst. Part of the reason, I've pulled away from group RPs, and am hesitant to jump back into any. The game of catch up, after a tie lock is always the worst. Or if you big Tie Lock that halts everyone's play, because one person won't respond, at the most climactic part of the RP.... the worst...

This is literally the worst. I was a GM for a rp and one of the role-players had went around and made sure their character had important ties with EVERYONE. Then they decided to disappear for ten years (exaggeration). But they were the reason the rp failed and I come to find out months later that they had been back way before I thought and had instead made a new account. *rips hair out while screaming*
*Glares* that better be some damn good angst and backstory. I only forgive if it is well-written :P

Well, the character was born a slave during the first hundred years of American slave ownership. A series of events leads her to become a vampire. She's not running around angsting about it to anyone who will listen 300 years later, but her life then was quite tragic. (Tragic backstory) She's still trying to pick up the pieces all these years later because her self-esteem and sense of self-worth haven't improved much. (Angst) 

I hope it's well written :P  
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Well, the character was born a slave during the first hundred years of American slave ownership. A series of events leads her to become a vampire. She's not running around angsting about it to anyone who will listen 300 years later, but her life then was quite tragic. (Tragic backstory) She's still trying to pick up the pieces all these years later because her self-esteem and sense of self-worth haven't improved much. (Angst) 

I hope it's well written :P  

That actually sounds rather interesting. The writing gods smile upon you
OMFG, there is one RP peeve of mine that I didn't mention. It's rearing it's ugly head more often than I'd like right now, and I just had to rant about it SOMEWHERE.

Players who join an established RP and just don't read the posts from before they joined, and don't look at any of the character sheets. They just come in with a million and one questions, wanting to be inserted into the action. It's bad enough when someone joins who has never even HEARD of the fandom, but com'on. If you need to know something about someone's character, that's what the CS is for! If you're wondering what is going on between two of the main characters, it's IN THE NARRATIVE! 

It would be one thing if it was an RP that was excessively long already, but when it's less than fifteen pages and just a couple dozen characters? If we're having an OOC discussion about the plot and you're going 'what?' every other post, I should think you'd take that as a hint that there's something you should be reading.
Pretty much any generic character gets to me. I like to make my characters flawed, layered. Those who can be summed up in one word(Sad, Shy, Cheerful) I have no respect for. Ones I see a lot are these:

  • Shy guy/girl with no respect for boundaries, typically small in appearance, and too weak to put up their own. Emotional, and may cry easily.
  • The special snowflake. S/he had eight fl. oz. of concentrated RAINBOWS AND BUTTERFLIES IN THEIR BREAKFAST TODAY, SO THEIR GOAL IS TO MAKE EVERYONE SMILE AND BEEEE HAPPY! I get embarrassed for this one. It's just so cringey. This is the character who has few flaws, and lives to be the little ray of sunshine.
  • Sad characters in general, usually the ones who have had 100% non-artificial sap for a background. They often have flash-backs, or some other reason to go cry in a corner so they're always in the spotlight. If used in moderation, these aren't too bad, but that seldom happens.
  • Overly-flirty characters. The charmer that always knows what to say and what to do in every situation. Usually flirts with every single character indiscriminately. This one doesn't kill me as much inside, as long as that isn't their only personality trait.
  • Mean boy/girl who actually has a really kind heart, and is a big softy. You just have to get through his/her first two semi-rude remarks.

I'm responsible for at least one of these, but I specifically try not to create these five, ever. When I can tell the player does something to get attention/provoke something, especially when it doesn't "flow"(for instance, suddenly interrupting a conversation to say they feel dizzy and need to go to the hospital, without previous warning or elaboration, or suddenly remembering that this exact place was where their entire family was killed), it not only takes me out of the immersion, but annoys me beyond belief.

Anyway, as for actual roleplaying, I've noticed that a lot of people use ellipses way more than necessary. There are other ways to show uncertainty or hesitation(again, mostly in shy or sad characters I mentioned).

Like this:
Canva was... she was scared. She didn't usually get scared... especially during the day. But this time... This time was different. No one would listen to her... But she knew... She knew that ellipses... they were pure evil.

Well, kind of. I've seen people use dozens of ellipses(not exaggerating) within just a few posts. Again, it's fine in moderation, but there are plenty of other ways to show emotion.

Canva hesitated writing the 'e' in ellipses. It was an evil word, like that one guy no one could say the name of in Harry Potter. The one with the botched nose job. Her thoughts trailed off to how cute Cedric was, but how much she hated his actor. Finally, she realized, she had to finish this. Her finger shook as she inched toward the keyboard. Ellipses. She did it. The user let out a sigh, leaning back in her chair. It was over.

This turned more into a PSA, but those characters(and ellipses!) are my worst pet peeves, that I can think of anyway.
my issues aren't with character types but behaviors and practices. i hate it when one of the roleplayers makes the most overpowered character they can with the largest and most mastabatory power list they can cram, just so they can beat up lesser powered newbies and claim easy wins because they ate Goku beating up Plastic Man. Goku would have no in character reason to beat up Plastic Man. at least Pit Plastic Man against Daredevil, so the fight can be fair and not "Lulzplanetgoboomiwin". they are usually compensating for insecurities so they make broken characters.
  • Metagaming still remains my biggest pet peeve. Especially when they try to explain why and insist they still know no matter how many holes you poke in it. Like how would you know about when and where character A was going to attack B, by following B around? B had no idea there was going to be a fight. B was in her room all day. You just said these spies don't enter people's bedrooms. Plus, it ruins any sort of plot I try to do when you can "just tell" that character B is an antagonist when she had only entered the room, and the rp, literally 5 seconds ago.
  • Roleplay yanderes are also annoying, and terrifying at times. Not yandere characters but players who make it their life mission to ship their character with yours no matter what anyone else, the other player included, feels about it. The lengths that people go to for their "otp". I've experienced people godmodding, metagaming, teleporting, ic assault and near rape,and even ooc harassment just because they wanted your character to love theirs. Luckily now, I don't feel as pressured to comply, but that may be because I haven't really met any yandere players recently.
  • Characters with "multiple personalities". This is in part due to how these characters are played, and how that is not how DID works. The main personality being fully aware of the other personalities. They remember everything the other identities do and sometimes are having conversations in real time with each other. And they're able to switch personalities at will. 

    But my biggest issue with them is that players seem to treat DID as an excuse for any actions the character does. "I didn't do it, my other self did. I'm perfectly innocent." As if everyone else is just forced to forget that the culprit just strangled someone. I absolutely hate this because you can't claim to have no power over the situation when you know everything your "other personality" is doing as they're doing it and have the ability to switch at will. Sometimes, I just want to grab their character by the head and scream, "This is a fantasy setting, your human justice system can't save you now!"
  • I understand that in a setting with many characters, having a few that share powers or characteristics is going to happen And it usually doesn't bother me. But when a character A suddenly has the same power my character B (who has just joined) has when A has not once exhibited such an ability in the over 300 pages he was in before B showed up (and yes, I read all 322 pages, twice), then I think I can call shenanigans. And it may be petty of me, but it was made worse when the same power was also given to a nameless child npc right after A got it.
  • When a player creates 16+ side characters whose only purpose is to worship their main character. I was once in an rp where this happened. All the extra characters only showed up occasionally and all they did, besides flirt, was rave on and on about how "in love" they were with the main one. Well, not exactly, but it looked that way since all they did was defend and praise her. Probably made worse by the fact that objectively, the main girl was a horrible person (constantly made mistakes that nearly cost people their lives but once confronted would blame others) but was constantly played as some perfect saint. It was character B's fault that A tried to kill her because B was a rude person. Despite the fact that A's reputation was that she did all she could to help B's kind.
  • When players keep adding stuff to their character to make them seem cooler despite it not making sense. So you're telling me that A's parents were murdered in front of her when she was 6. Then she was captured and whipped repeatedly by an evil scientist from when she was 8-14. To keep her there, he didn't chain her up but instead did something that literally had no power over her. And she fought in some huge kingdom vs kingdom war when she was 10 and was slaying enemies left and right when she had no time to learn any form of fighting, being raised on a farm until she was kidnapped? Literally, the player kept adding stuff to her character's "tragic background" until the timeline didn't make sense anymore.
  • When things don't make sense in general, especially when it's an "attempt" to add "angst" or "drama". Oh, you don't want to wear the halter dress because it shows off your scars and that brings bad memories? You're a ************* princess! Of the largest kingdom in the world! Buy a new ******* dress! You can afford it! Why is there literally nothing else in your closet? You had clothes 5 minutes ago. Why is a shopping trip too hard? Why did you put your hair up when it could've been used to hide the scars? Wear a cape. Just don't go. There is literally so many things you could do to solve this instead of going to the party and complaining about how everyone is staring at your scars.
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@Canvas @amdreams @Umbrie  related to your points is what I call a lack of self-awareness. 

This is basically when a player doesn't realize they are essentially making a self-insert and not a character.

Because the character exists only to be an extension of themselves and give them attention/accolades/etc. 

Basically they want to be the best , most well liked, most special person in the roleplay so they create a character they think will be the best, most well liked, most special person in the roleplay. 

Then they get angry when people don't treat this character the way they want them to because to them any negative energy pointed at the character is negative energy at them.

Because they don't realize that a roleplay is a story using made up people.

To them the "characters" are basically just the players using different names.

And then there is the kissing cousin to this people who basically want to write fanfiction where instead of putting in the effort to write it up themselves they have you do half or more of the work. 

These are people that will tell you Your character has to feel/do/express things XXX way about my character. Period. 

I'm like first off it's my character. Don't tell me what they think, feel, or behave. Secondly I'm not writing your epic novel for you. You want to do that than I wish you luck but your gonna have to put in the work yourself.

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