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"The weak ones are there to justify the strong"
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[div class=textbox] The sun was a burning aura of reds and oranges, cascading across the New Mexico horizon like an artist's canvas. The faint coo of a hawk could be heard in the distance, indicating that it was near time for it to progress into it's moment of hunting for the evening. The scent of chicken broth and beans filled the young man's nostrils as he stepped into an old home, it's atmosphere calming and peaceful. By the fire place, stood a woman, adorned in the finest of Mexican clothing, and her silky-black hair cascading across the middle of her back. When the sound of the door followed the young man with a soft click, she turned away from her cooking and gazed her doe-like eyes on her son. A smile was faint on her lips, drawing up her freckled cheeks as she realized who it was who stepped into her home.

"Buenas dias, hijo."

Her words were soft, melodic, and it brought a warm sensation to Ashley's chest, as he smiled back at the woman who gave him life. Walking over to her, arms open wide, his mother returned the offer and held her son close to her - as if her life depended on it. Arms wrapped tightly around his waist, her head held itself against his chest, her eyes closed as she breathed in deeply through her nostrils. Placing his lips at the top of her scalp, Ashley gave a low chuckle as relief washed itself and lifted the heaviness off his shoulders. He was home... he was home at last.

Instantly, Ashley's eyes shot open, a loud gasp escaping past his cracked lips. The burning sensation in his chest had returned, and the aroma of burning wood caused him to cough, blood spluttering out and sprinkling across his chin and all over the dirt underneath him. Bullet holes riddled the front of his torso, while a couple more managed to mark his back. Blood stained his white shirt, clinging on to his body. Searching for one more gasp of air, Ashley began to push himself off the ground, the muscles within his body tightening at the very movement he began to display. Groaning, Ashley's eyes closed tightly, trying to withstand the searing pain, but eventually he was able to stand on his wobbling legs.

Around him, buildings were in flames, the crackling of wood resembling near closely the sound of thunder, as they were all beginning to collapse from their weakened state. Those who had lingered to witness the fight, were nearly finishing their packing - the look of absolute fear in their eyes. They looked at him as the enemy at first, but after what had happened, they see him now as a monster. Nothing more. Dead bodies laid spewed all over Main Street. The remaining remnants of what was once The Devil's Sons was now gone... and it was all because of Ashley Elizar Santos - The Grim Reaper of New Mexico.

After a few seconds of adjusting his mind from the dream he had, to the reality he was standing in, Ashley's breathing grew ragged as his hazel eyes lowered themselves to the ground, and off to the left, before he felt his legs nearly give out from under him again. Laying in a heap, black hair blowing from the gust of desert wind, what was once his mother... before she was brutally murdered in front of him by one of the members. Blood splayed in a pool under her, a big gape open across her throat, and her eyes looking up lifelessly at the desert sky. Tears began to sting Ashley's eyes, his chest tightening, and his breathing heavy as he limped towards her. Upon reaching her body, he fell to his knees, before finishing out the gape between them, on all fours.

Soft sobs began to make their ways out of his mouth, his throat dry from the sand he had inhaled, and the lack of water he had obtained within the several hours prior to now. Everything around him was spinning, spiraling, as he picked his mother up and pulled her weakly on to his lap - before rocking back and forth and allowing the cries to bellow out like a lone wolf.

"Lo siento, madre."

As he continued to sway, the loud creaking roar of the last building, descended down further to the ground - a wave of heat hitting Ashley's back as it did so. The cry of a desperate family followed after, as they watched what was once their store, become nothing more than a pile of ashes. He could feel the stares, boring down the back of his head, as they soon realized that they will no longer have a home in Compass... as now the city had fallen into the hands of Ashley's fit, rage and hurt.

Pressing his lips to the top of his mother's head, he closed his eyes as a shaky breath escaped his lips. Silence had enveloped them now, besides the soft purring of remaining flames lapping up whatever wood had not fully burned, and Ashley could feel the cool recollection of calmness settle over him as his heart began to beat steadily in his chest. What overcame him next, was the feeling of a soft hand grabbing his shoulder from behind. But, instead of looking to see who it was, Ashley continued to sit there... eyes closed. He didn't have to know who it was, simply because he knew who it was. It was his mother, and it was her spirit who was calming him in such dire hours. He recognized that touch, and the way it held him made him feel that it was alright... she was alright.

"Come home."

Opening his eyes again, he was no longer in Compass. No longer the smell of burning wood filled his senses. He couldn't hear the crackling behind him, nor the cries of people. He listened for a noise, any type of sound, and instead he got complete silence. The familiar hues of browns, blacks, and the burning sky no longer were in his peripheral vision - but instead everything was white. It was bright, causing Ashley to squint lightly as he looked around his surroundings. Nothing. There was nothing around him. Upon realizing all of this, he also noticed that there wasn't the heavy weight of his mother's body in his arms. Instantly, his heart began to pick pace, and he stood himself up to begin searching for her. The burning in his chest was gone, the weakness in his knees was replaced by the normal strength they normally held, and his shirt was no longer blotched with blood. He was wearing new clothes, a whole new outfit as a matter of fact, and it only made Ashley more overwhelmed. Is this what heaven is like?

Reaching down, he took the end of his black trench coat, feeling the firm leather-like texture of it. Taking his palm, he ran it across his chest and over the soft white shirt, that was tucked into black jeans. He wasn't wearing his old cowboy boots anymore, but a brand new pair, with silver spurs that jingled with each step he took. His hair was no longer matted, but neat and combed, slicked back into a ponytail. Taking the leather tie that held it together, he untied it and allowed his hair to cascade against his shoulders. Eyes looking up, around, and anywhere, he began to walk... not knowing where in the hell he was going.

"Ashley," a voice broke the silence, causing the young man to whip around, to see where the source came from. "Thought I'd never see you again."

Ashley's eyebrows furrowed, eyes scanning around, Ashley spoke out, a thick Southern accent coming out in an uneasy tone, “Who are you?” He started off, “And where are you?"

"Right behind you,"
the voice came as clear as day, whispering into Ashley's ear. Snapping back around, Ashley's fist nearly met the older man's face, but was deflected when he felt the iron grasp take a hold on his hand. Eyes wide, bewildered, Ashley's eyes gazed right into the same colored ones of this stranger, who only looked at Ashley with a subtle grimace. He appeared to be examining him, taking in every inch of the young man in front of him. He was tall, with broad shoulders and a barreled chest, and gray hair covering his rugged features. His beard was full, nearly resembling the same color of his hair. It was carefully trimmed along his sharp jawline and cheekbones. He had dark eyebrows, perfectly arched up in surprise, as he hummed to himself. Taking his hands, he held them behind his back, as he began circling Ashley... who in return, glared at him from top to bottom.

"You look awfully a lot like your mother. But you sadly had inherited your father's eyes. Tragic. Your mother had far prettier eyes."

Ashley's heart dropped, and his face contorted into one of hurt. Who is this man? How does he know about his mother?

"Oh, pardon me. I had seemed to forgotten my manners. I'm Hades, King of the Underworld. You're in Mount Olympus, where other Gods like me reside."


"Gods, you ask a lot of questions. Maybe once we get out of this void,"
the older gentleman, Hades as he prefers, hissed out. A look of disgruntled irritation was apparent, and he waved his hand above his head, motioning at the nothingness that surrounded them. "Then I can answer your questions. Right now, the others are waiting for us. Gods and Goddesses aren't keen on being patient for very long."

Hades turned on his heel, to leave, before Ashley reached and grabbed his wrist with his gloved hand. Jolting him back, Ashley scared demeanor broke out, as a mixture of emotions were obvious on his face and in his body language. He had just murdered an entire gang, nearly an entire town, and his mother had just died right in front of him. He thought he was in heaven, but instead, a mysterious man who claims to know who his mother is, is telling him that he isn't where he's supposed to be. Swallowing a lump, a mixture of words he wanted to spew out, Ashley shook his head and slowly let go of Hades's wrist.

"Who are you, really?"

Hades stood there, eyeing Ashley. For a split second, there was a look of understanding. His eyes softened, the hard exterior melting away for a brief moment, and the smirk he had diminished into one of gentleness. That was, until he realized what was happening, and he scoffed at himself.

“I’m your father, Ashley.”

[div class=minibox]Ashley Santos

[/div][div class=credits]credits @RI.a [/div]
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❝S'annoncer, voyager-

Pourchasser sa destinée.❞
[div class=title]Gabriel et Elise de Sade[/div] [div class=quote]Children of Hermes[/div] [div class=textbox][div class=scroll]Dusk was coming again. Ever since the Terror began, dusk had always been the most frightening time of day- the time when the angry mobs gathered once more and flowed through the streets of Paris in their seemingly neverending thirst for revenge. Every evening, the Sades huddled up together in their living room- mother, daughter and son, the lamps turned down low, hoping and praying that the murderous cries wouldn't come their way. Until now, they had been lucky, they had been missed. That night, they could tell it was different. The room fairly hummed with the thrill of tension as they could hear, though it was subtle, that the crowd was getting closer. Panic rose in their chests when it became clear- they were coming for them. Their mother held them close as the maid cowered in the corner, fearful of being found somehow guilty by association. She needn't have worried- when the crowd arrived, they only had eyes for the Marquise de Sade, solemn and beautiful and proud. The children screamed as their mother was ripped away from them, and such was the fury of the crowd that they were simply borne along with it as the tide bore them out of the apartment, onwards all the way to the infamous Place du Trône-Renversé. It was here that, every night, heads would roll. The streets of Paris ran red with blood, soaking into the ground, temporarily appeasing the neverending thirst. For death, for punishment, for revenge. The children screamed for their mother, unheard. The roar of the crowd drowned out their cries as the Marquise was lead up the steps to the guillotine. She had endured so much, and now this was how her life would end. She didn't plead, or beg, or try to somehow bargain her way out of it. Her resolve was impressive but, when her eyes settled on her two youngest children, trying to break through the crowd to get to her, it broke. You could see her love, and her fear, plain as the light that would soon leave her eyes forever. As they placed her into what many considered to be the Revolution's greatest invention, she lifted her head, trying to keep her gaze on her children. She locked eyes with Elise and mouthed "Je vous aime, mes enfants. Prenez soin de vous."* Elise looked much older than a simple girl of twelve at that moment, holding onto her brother to keep him from running forward. Gabriel, for his part, couldn't even see his mother through the tears, seeming almost like a lost, and very young, little boy. His cries, tearing out of his throat with an agonizing sound, pierced the hearts of any who heard them- especially his mother. "Maman, Maman!" he called desperately, over and over again, but there was nothing he could do. No one would listen. At the last moment, right as the blade came down, it reflected the light from the descending sun, gleaming the color of blood. Elise covered her brother's face with her hands, turning him away, even as her eyes followed the blade downwards. In a moment, it was over. Silence fell across the place, A terrible, awful silence. And then, surging up out of it, a triumphant cry, as the crowd celebrated and rejoiced, while in the midst of them, two orphaned children sat crying and alone.
A few months later, the children were barely recognizable. Dirty, malnourished, their clothes tattered and worn. They got by begging, doing odd jobs, running around as messengers and newsboys, which they were both surprisingly good at. They slept in basements and under bridges and in crowded workhouses and boiler rooms. They stayed mostly unnoticed, and mostly together, looking out for each other. They told no one their names, or who they were. Just two more orphans in a ruined city. One night, the boy discovered he could fly. His bright, innocent laughter was heard for the first time in weeks, and his sister forgot her concerns out of sheer delight. Unfortunately, she wasn't the only one to see him do it, and she would regret it. Convinced that the siblings were practicing some form of witchcraft, religious zealots, persecuted under the new regime much the same as the nobility and bourgeoisie, set a trap to capture them, and interrogate them. They tortured Gabriel, despite Elise's pleas that they take her instead, and when the children wouldn't confess, they opted to 'rid them of sin'- against their will. Elise was forced to watch as they stabbed her terrified brother through the heart. At the sight, she flew into a rage, attempting to kill anyone within reach. The zealots determined that she was possessed by a demon, and advanced on her, knife in hand. The last thing she remembers is the gleam of the metal in the firelight. The blade dripped blood red.
When the twins awoke, the blood was gone. The zealots were gone. Their wounds and their dirty clothes were gone. They stood in a world that seemed to be made of bright light and fluffy clouds, their appearance almost... angelic. They had no idea what was going on. Pretty soon, they began to hear music. It seemed like... strings and trumpets, coming from far away. Drawn by the sound, they began to walk in its direction. It got louder and louder with every step they took. Eventually, they stepped forward between two, immense white columns, soaring upwards out of sight. The music built to a crescendo, as if announcing their arrival, and then stopped. When it did, a man floated down from the ceiling- a winged man. He looked at the children with bright blue eyes matching their own, and smiled warmly. "Welcome, Gabriel and Elise de Sade, to Mount Olympus!" he announced. They simply stared at him, Gabriel in particular with open-mouthed awe. After a tense moment of silence, Elise stepped forward, defiance and mistrust evident in her eyes. "Qui etes vous?" she demanded, "Et comment nous connaissez-vous?"** The winged man laughed, and his laughter seemed to somehow echo around the space. "My dear, my name is Hermes," the god replied, "And I am your father." *I love you, my children. Take care of yourselves. **Who are you? And how do you know us?
[/div][/div] [div class=details][div class=scroll3]location: Mount Olympus with: Hermes [/div][/div][/div][/div]
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Josef Hayward

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"Son of Hephaestus"
location: 1153 AD England
with: n/a
tags: n/a

If he were home by the sea, he might walk into the waters and never resurface, take with him the tired weight of the world and drown it beneath dark waves. He'd let the current lull him to sleep in its fearsome embrace and feed the fish every black thought and rancid memory he'd held onto. His eyes would stare and his mouth would draw in a long and cool breath. The slate would be washed clean and he'd start anew someplace far and foreign.

. . .​

Standing in the doorway to the castle's stables, Josef rocked a cup of tea around in his hands. Casting a look back into the dark, he sipped at the warm drink and leaned against the door's frame. His voice was raspy as he spoke. "Wake up." Inside the stable and around the corner, a man lay in a heap on the ground, the stench of sick rolling off him. Kicking his boot, Josef held the cup close to his face, breathing in the steam, the smell of steeped barley and a bit of honey he'd scavenged from the kitchen. He didn't have to look at the man to know he hadn't stirred, the noise he was making in his sleep still strong and undisturbed.

Behind him, the castle smoked. They'd laid siege to it for four longs weeks, pelting the hard exterior with flaming pitch and boulder. Late in the night, the lord of the castle had surrendered after a breach in the walls and Asher's army had rejoiced, bedding down with warm ale. Josef himself was recovering from the celebration, nursing a headache by squinting through the morning light. Wrapping one arm comfortably around his torso, he turned slightly to look out at the yard. The new day had brought with it a silence which settled over the castle like dense fog. Nothing could penetrate it. The men woke weary, their gazes long and solemn. They held their heads in their hands and sauntered about the yard like mindless specters. The few that were functional, ate little and drank too much.

The thrill of victory had long since faded. Word of an approaching army, sobering.

Tipping back the last of his tea, Josef turned his attention upon the man again. He looked at him plainly, their routine near habitual. "Wake up." His voice came louder this time, still monotoned and empty. When the man showed no sign of budging, Josef dropped his hands to his sides and trudged towards the nearest horse trough. Dipping the cup into the water, he returned to crouch close to the man. Staring at him for a moment, he held the cup out and poured the water onto his head. He woke with a sputter, almost knocking Josef out of the way before he could stand and retreat a few steps.

"Damn you, boy." The man, his father, glared and wiped at his face. "Can you not let a dead man rest peacefully?"

Backed against the nearest stall, Josef crossed his arms over his chest. "You're not dead yet."

"No... But destined to soon enough."
Sat up, Sir Isaac set both elbows atop his knees and swept back grease-slicked hair. "Asher would have it be today," he mumbled.

"Perhaps... One of the courier's brought word. Fletcher's army is near."

"Then the poor bastards surrendered for nothing."

Josef was quiet as Isaac spoke, watching carefully. "You're certain we'll lose?" He finally asked.

"We took the castle but our resources are low. We celebrate but half our troop is bedridden and ill." Isaac spit as he spoke and stood. Stumbling first toward Josef, he took the cup from his hand and walked over to the trough. Leaning over it, he used the cup to rinse out his beard and hair. "Pray to your God, boy." He turned as he spoke to look at Josef sternly, brown water dripping from his face. "You'll meet him soon enough."

. . .​

Wrapping the reigns to his horse tightly around one hand, Josef used the other to pat its neck. She only stamped the ground in response and bobbed her head. Next to him, another nickered quietly and, further down the line, a horse lunged about their rider nervously. There was a chorus of noise as other knights readied themselves for the forward advance. They secured their armor and inspected their weapons, hardly a word uttered between anyone.

Running a hand down the length of her mane, Josef leaned forward, closer to his horse's ear. "Stay your worries, Rhona. We ride with the sun on our backs," he whispered. Straightening himself again, he gave her a second's pause before leading her to the front.

There was a speech to be had and a prayer to Saint George. A man dressed in battle-proved armor rode the line, shouting words of encouragement upon those first to do battle. Josef heard only his breathing. His eyes wandered about the tight formation, starring as his body tensed. The sun shone overhead, glares of silver clouding a hillside laden with crisp evergreen. His head fell back and he felt the light on his face. He shut his eyes against it and imagined the rush of blood in his ears were crashing waves. If he listened hard enough, he might hear a voice call from its midst, small and gentle. It'd speak to him things he'd long since left behind, sweet words of moments passed.

The metallic screech of sliding metal drew his attention back to the front. The general stood before them, his sword raised as he screamed their country's name. Josef raised his lance high into the air and joined the troop in a rallying cry, his voice lost in a thunderous roar of shouting and moving armor. The general turned his horse toward the open field. On the horizon stood their adversary, foot knights ready with lance and sword. Securing their visors, Lord Asher's men rode off to meet them.

. . .​

Though Josef sought for it, he could not see the blue of the sky. However hard he might try, there was only red. Before him, Sir Isaac knelt. He held him by the shoulders and starred into Josef's eyes firmly, intent on finding something there. Josef would spare him the trouble.

"It's done."

With a pained look, he choked and Isaac peered at him then with a softness he'd thought impossible of the crude and broken knight. Knelt in the dirt, Isaac pulled him forward, his arms closing tightly around Josef as his head lolled back and onto his shoulder. Blood pooled in his mouth and painted the silver of Isaac's pauldron. "Where do we stand?" Josef asked, his voice little more than a whisper.

"With England," Isaac replied, his own unsteady.

There was a numbness which spread through Josef like cool water, leaving him cold to the touch and distant. The fire he'd felt rage in his stomach for so long, burned down to cinders. There was an urgency to say something more, but the words were lost, a strangled gasp of air the last he could offer. Gripping Isaac tight and desperate, Josef cast his gaze over the knight's shoulder to the field beyond.

Mountains of flesh and iron, shinning and terrible. Turned terrain, muddied by pools of dark crimson. Torn standards billowed by a faint breeze.

Josef shut his eyes against it and he listened instead. From afar, he could hear a voice... small and gentle.

. . .​

"-stared up at me like a cat on the prowl, so young and still so curious."

Opening his eyes, Josef drank in a dark nothingness, split only by a faint orange glow.

"See, I'd seen my others, and they were as beautiful a baby as any other, but you..." There was a rustling as someone set something down. A figure moved about the room, dragging something behind them. "They looked for their mothers while you stared right at me. You sought me out and stopped me in my tracks, Josef."

"Where am I?"
Seated in a chair, Josef sat up slowly, his gaze sweeping about the room. "Who are you?"

"I thought it best to bring you to my forge... I don't mingle well with the others."

Shaking his head, Josef pushed off the chair. "That tells me nothing."

"Hmm. Yes. But the point here is to break the news softly, son. Answering everything right away could leave you in a state of shock."
The man gasped in the dark. "That's why I'm telling you my stories. I thought they might bring you some comfort." The distinct sound of a hammer sliding against stone briefly filled his ears before things fell quiet again.

"I don't need your comfort. I need answers," Josef snapped, his jaw tight and hands searching. "Who are you?" He asked it slowly this time.

"Ohh. I go by many names. They called me Vulcan in another life, Lord of Volcanoes! Clever that, isn't it?" Next to the light, the man raised his arms and posed. He held himself there proudly for a moment before hunching over and limping on through the shadows. "But that was many years ago. You can call me whatever you like really. I've come to care less about who I am. Should you not concern yourself with what I am?"

"A man,"
Josef said simply, trying to appease the stranger.


"Then what? Pray tell. I've lost my patience."

The man chuckled and faced him. "I am a blacksmith," he said slowly and bemusedly. "I... Am... A son! To a king and a queen. I am brother to many. I am an inventor and I am a god." He paused then as if to let Josef process these things. "But perhaps my most proud... I am a father, Josef. I am your father." Through the dark, the man rose a hammer far overhead and brought it down on a sheet of metal, illuminating the room instantly with shards of burning light. They hung in the air as the man set the tool down and walked toward Josef. He came at a lunge, his feet twisted behind him. Placing a hand on his shoulder in passing, the man stopped to look at him. "It's time we joined the others."
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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Loreia Arvina
Rome 246 BC
Waves crashed against the white sandy shores and the hoards of seagulls flew across the sky. A lonely figure sat a ways away from the water with her feet dug into the sand, her mind lost with the waves. The sea breeze swept at her hair- the color of the earth- and brushed against her skin in cool, gentle kisses. The sun began to peek from behind the blue horizon, and soon the sky bled with golden silk. The fishing boats returned to the docks with large wicker baskets teeming with fish, fruits, and legumes from the mainland. The fishermen unloaded and carts drawn by donkeys were waiting for their arrival. The wooden port was bustling with working men. The city would be much worse. Among those preparing to transport the fish to the public market was one that caught the female's eye. She stood from her spot, a grin on her lips, and made way to the man. "Kaeso!"

"Chaire, Loreia," Kaeso greeted and embraced Loreia in a hug for the first time in a while. The man was thin compared to Loreia due to staying days out at sea and his skin was much tanner and rough from the harsh sun. He smelled heavy of seawater, which always brought Loreia ease when she was young. "The days have been long, my child. Have you grown?" He pulled away to assess his daughter.

"Not as much as your beard has, old man." Loreia gestured to Kaeso's greying beard. "You best be careful. Zeus would become jealous and turn you hairless." Her laughter, loud as always, caught the attention of the fishermen before they resumed their duties. Kaeso stroked his beard with wounded pride.

"Those gladiators have been feeding your mouth dirt while I was away too," he muttered. "Where is your mater? How has she been?"

The bright grin dampened. "Not so well, I suppose," Kaeso guessed, knowing fully of what his wife would do during his time away.

"Her attempts of finding me a suitor has worsened since you left." The two began to walk along the shore as Loreia spewed her pent-up frustration. Loreia allowed herself to be vulnerable, share her greatest fears and secrets when she was with Kaeso. As the father and daughter walked, the cool water lapped at their feet, washing away their troubles. They trekked their way back as noon was quickly approaching and Phoibe, Kaeso's wife, would be worried.

Kaeso gentle grasped Loreia's arm before they approached their home made of wood, brick, and stone. Solemn written all over his face and he held his daughter. "Your mater loves you, despite everything she puts you through."

Loreia stepped away from her father and feigned a smile instead of arguing. A woman appeared from the house, her hair as grey as Kaeso and skin wrinkled from age. Loreia glanced back at her father and whispered, "But by the gods, if she keeps bringing men pulled out of a mule's ass, I will die before the next full moon."

The two approached the woman, who wore a tight smile and wrung her hands together nervously. "Phoibe, my dear," Kaeso mumbled. The woman named Phoibe held Kaeso dearly and exchanged greetings in a soft kiss. Then Phoibe turned to Loreia, who was ready for another scolding but was met with worry. The deep voice of a man trailed from the inside before Phoibe could explain, or at least prepare Loreia for what was to come. With a knowing look, Loreia cursed beneath her breath.

The family entered their home and Loreia noticed the room was completely cleared from its tables and cushions. There only stood a single chair made of the finest carved wood Loreia had ever set her eyes upon, and a man wearing white sheets and jewelry made of gold sat comfortably in it. He was accompanied by soldiers who stood at every entrance, adorned in their shining armor and equipped with their sharp heavy-wielding axes. "What may your name be, child," the man in the chair asked before his voice boomed throughout the house. "Speak!"

"Loreia," she answered through gritted teeth. The man shuffled in his seat and groomed his skimpy beard. He repeated her name to himself, which elicited a chill down Loreia's spine. The man's grinned from her reaction. "I've heard stories of a wild woman who fights with ruffians- a lot of trouble- many have told me. They say her beauty was unique, her eyes as blue as Poseidon's favorite sea, and that she has turned down every suitor that presented himself." The man stood from his seat and approached her in slow circles. "Have you heard of this, dear?"

"More of one than the other," she responded, her voice clipped and her body frozen. The man hummed a light chuckle from behind her and whispered suddenly in her ear. His sickly hot breath ran down her neck. Loreia fought against herself from flinching as her personal space was invaded. "Do you know why I am here, Loreia?"

Loreia's fists tightened by her sides and she met eyes with the man. "Well, it's certainly not to tell stories."


There was so much blood. Guts ripped from the confines of the human body now scattered the arena. The noise was almost deafening, pounding in her ears. The earth spun, but Loreia's focus remained on the bodies that lay motionless in the center of the Colosseum. The creature who maimed the bodies of Kaeso and Phoibe was forcibly dragged back to its cage while the bodies stayed on the grounds. "Mater... Pater..." Tears trickled down her swollen cheeks and her lip trembled. "If you accepted my offer, they would have lived," the voice of the venomous man spoke with a grin that would make even Hades cringe. Loreia's bounded hands tightened into balls and her body trembled with rising anger. In a fit of rage, she roared and broke free from her captive's hold. The ground shook beneath them as she grasped a sword from a soldier's sheath. Loreia ignored the exclamations of fear resonating from the crowds. The intent to plunge her sword into the man, a political Senator, before her was overwhelming. She lunged at the Senator with fury in her eyes. He stumbled away as his men caught their footing and grabbed desperately at the young gladiator. They brought her down to her knees and it was then the earth stopped shaking. The Senator starred at Loreia with horror. "Demon of Hades," he accused while pointing a finger. "Take her away. Now!"

Her head throbbed and her body ached more than ever. The wind was strong and the air was cold. It was difficult to stay awake, but the rough jerk of her body shook her out of her stupor. Through swollen eyes, Loreia took in her surroundings. The moon brightened the dark skies above the crowd who stood before her holding torches and wearing masks of fear. The vile Senator was among them. "We will cleanse the earth of you, foul demon," he announced. Loreia took notice of the Senator's men who were holding her body upright. The Senator approached her, but not without sheathing a dagger from one of his men. He grabbed a lock of her hair and smelled it deeply. "My offer still stands, Loreia."

Loreia spat in his face. "I pray to Hades; may your death be painful," she curses, her voice hoarse and wheezing. The senator flinched and wiped her spit from his face, disgusted. In a quick jab, he thrusts the dagger's blade into Loreia's abdomen. A low groan rips through her throat from the unwelcomed agony. "You first," he sneers. The senator slowly retrieves his weapon, only to return with a count of four more. Soon, the harsh wind whipped around her as she was thrown off of the cliff. Her back stung as she plummeted into the freezing waters. Bubbles of her last living breaths and blood tainting the water red were the last of what she saw before succumbing to everlasting darkness.


"Get up," an impatient voice yelled, pulling Loreia from her slumber. She sprung from her lying position and greedily gasped for air like water; it was sweet like wine. Loreia was on the shore by the port, but the sand was unusually soft and whiter. Loreia rubbed the sand between her fingers in speculation and then noticed her clothes were changed. She was clothed in flowing sheets made of silver silk, and Loreia could not help herself from rubbing it against her skin. Her hands traveled throughout her body for the injuries inflicted on her. No marks, no swelling, no wounds. "Was it a dream," she wondered before the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted her. "I thought you would prefer a familiar scene," the voice reasoned. There, sitting on a rock was a man with high cheekbones and silver braided hair trailing down his back. He sat with a three-pronged spear made of glistening gold. He assesses Loreia followed by an approving hum.

"Hmm... Your eyes remind me of my favorite sea. I wonder how that came to be," he speaks frankly. Loreia watches as the man stands from his rocky throne, speechless and confused. She parts her lips to speak. "Ah, no questions. Get up. We're already late. The others beat me to it," the man interrupts as he walks passed her. Loreia scrambled to her feet and twists around. "But I don't understand--," she begins, but is once again interrupted.

"Nuh-uh! Follow your Pater. We're running late."

Loreia froze in her place and stumbled back to the ground. She picked herself up from the sand. "My what?"
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Dominic Argento

Location: Mt. Olympus

Dominic pushed through the crowded streets of Downtown, London glancing down at his watch as it ticked further and further past seven a.m. He was late and his boss was going to kill him, no excuses were acceptable when it came to Dominic, even if he had to get off the tube early due very insignificant derailing. So here he was sprinting through the wet and rainy streets, hoping to make it to work before seven forty five.

Dominic glanced down at his phone as it began ringing, his coworkers name and face popping up on the screen. He quickly answered pushing the door to his ear muttering a quick hello.

“Where are you? I’ve been stalling for you but I’m not sure how much longer I can?” She asked, as Dominic narrowly avoided a man spilling coffee all over him.

“I’m almost there, my train was shut down due to a derailment, so I had to get off like twenty minutes away.” Dominic answered, as he stepped into the crosswalk, his eyes focused on his watch.

Dominic turned as someone called out to him, but darkness overtook him.


Dominic woke abruptly, his body shooting up into a sitting position, his brain to busy trying to process the dream that it wasn’t processing the room around him. It wasn’t until he watched a curl of something that looked like a cloud pass in front of his face that he was brought back to the room, or rather the sky? All around him lumpy clouds rolled passed him, some white and fluffy others dark and gray rolling with thunder and crackling with lightning.

A man in a suit stood in front of him back to him as he watch a few planes pass in the distance. The man turned, his arms were crossed over his chest, he watched Dominic with an emotionless expectant look, as if waiting for him to catch on to the punch line of a joke. But there was no joke and a tense silence filled the air.

“Who are you?” Dominic asked, his voice hoarse and dry.

It was then that he noticed the extreme thirst he had for water, or something to drink. He’d even settle for alcohol anything to add some moisture to his mouth. He licked his lips trying desperately to quell the burn of his cracked lips as he waited for the man to respond, but as the time stretched on. The man turned again and crossed his arms behind his back.

“Isn’t it obvious.” His deep voice boomed around the sky.

“Should it be?” Dominic asked, moving to stand, although albeit on wobbly legs.

“They always say that there is an unseen connection between a father and his child,” The man spoke. Dominic could tell his was smirking, could hear it in his voice, even though the voice seemed louder than a storm’s clash of thunder.

“You’re my father?” Dominic asked, distrust and disbelief dripped from his words, clearly he was still dreaming and it was just his brain creating a scenario in his mind.

“Well among other things, a king, a creator, even a God.” The man answered, “And I can assure you, this is far from a dream.”

“What do you mean, where am I?” Dominic asked, anger and panic rising into his throat, as he looked around for an exit, but the room stretched on forever.

“I don’t have much time to explain, so I’m just going to tell you.” The man said, turning back around to face him, this time a warm expression on his face. “I’m Zeus, God of the Sky, you are a demigod, but unfortunately my son, you are dead. Now let’s join the others shall we?”

Mood: Curious Interactions: N/A
William had been nervous all day, having been waiting for the faithful job interview that would be happening in just a few minutes. The brunette sat on a plain black couch and fiddled with his hands anxiously as he waited for his name to be called. Looking around the eggshell white walls he didn't notice the ruckus happening outside the building before he was knocked to the floor. The air he had disappeared leaving him gasping for it as screams erupted from around him. Once he was able to breathe William looked around in hopes of an answer. Unfortunately, the answer was obvious as a masked man stood behind the couch he was sitting on with a pistol in hand. Before he could process anything else a pain erupted in his neck making him cry out. It only lasted a few seconds but it hurt far worse than anything he had ever felt. His world was quickly falling to black and William could do nothing but accept it.
When he opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a bright forest, filled with animal and plant life.
The man glanced over his own body, finding his outfit was now was similar to silk robes. He was growing more confused and curious by the second until a voice cut through his thoughts.
"Hello, William."
The voice was smooth and had an instant calming effect. William turned to the voice and saw a woman with brown hair and eyes. She held herself with grace as she walked over to him.
"Who are you?"
He asked, his curiousness giving him the courage to take steps to meet her in the middle.
"I am Artemis, your mother."
William gave her a surprised look, out of all the things she was going to say that wasn't what he was expecting.
She hushed him, setting a warm hand on his head to help enforce it.
"I know you have questions but there is no time."
Artemis let her hand fall.
"We have to go now, please follow me."

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Ronan O'Colman

The rays of sunshine crept over the waters and touched Ulster's coastline, illuminating the docked boats, early risers carrying their goods to and from said boats, and finally the desperate people who arrived here only to escape this hell on Earth. Two horses amongst many pulled a caravan to the ports, one horse's gait sickly and weak while the other's had a strong, firm.

"Ay! We are here." Ronan shouted into the back of the caravan. A petite voice responded. "Hmmh.. Yea." Siobhan wearing a simple knitted dress climbed up to the front of the caravan. "Shannon still asleep?" Ronan asked Siobhan in a hush tone. "She... couldn't sleep..." An awkward pause in the young woman's answer. "Crying..." Ronan blinked thrice. "Right..." He lifted one hand up to rub his eyes while the other steered the horses, the bags under his eyes were heavy. "I miss oul wan" Siobhan uttered. "I know... it's only been a couple of days." He adjusted his leather hat then grabbed the reins again. "Aren't you tired?" The worry in her voice was palpable. Ronan hasn't stopped since that day. "Even for you, this---" She was cut off. "I know!" He exhaled. "But because I decided to take it easy, to sleep! those manky eejits snuck in and tried to rob us! They couldn't rob us so they killed oul wan." Anger seeped out of his mouth.

With a tug of the reins, the two horses stopped in their tracks. "You can't keep blaming yourself..." She said with grief, Ronan sighed. "I know... Sorry" He leaped from his seat on the caravan. "Wake Shannon but don't go anywhere." He told Siobhan. "Gonna go find someone to take us to America" Siobhan only nodded.

As Ronan walked along the port, he couldn't help but wonder how different would his life if this damned crisis didn't happen or even if he knew his actual parents; sometimes the man's mind still traces back to when his athair told him that he was adopted. Bah! He thought as he began to shake his head - can't daydream now, stay focused.

Just as Ronan was about to give up hope on finding someone on this side of the port, he overheard a conversation between two men. "Sir, we've almost reached storage capacity for the meegrants." A sheepish man said then the sharply dressed man rebutted. "It's migrants , you fool and this ship has been in my family for over 2 generations, I've memorized its' qualities like a man memorizes a maiden's naked body! So I say that she can carry a whole lot more!" The self-conscious man gulped at the sheer confidence that emanated from the gentleman."As you say, sir." The worker slinked away. Ronan carefully walked up to the gentleman. "Pardon me, sir." He took down his leather hat and held it on his chest. "But I couldn't help to overhear that you were transporting uhhh... migrants?" The gentleman took a moment to respond. "Oh? Yes, we are, good fellow and pray tell are you perhaps in need of transportation?" He looked at Ronan with a smile. "Just me and my two sisters." The gentleman cleared his throat. "Excellent! my good fellow, you'll find no better transportation for troubled folk than us! Our ships are first class and we use the McCorkell Line so you know that our voyages are safe!" Ronan rolled his eyes back in disgust at the attempt of this sales pitch. "No need to convince me, man." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stack of British Sterlings, the gentleman's smile broadened and eyes lit up like stars in the night sky. "By the Queen's grace! Listen here, my friend, you come back in two hours with your sisters and that beautiful stack of money, okay?" "Sure, thank you" The two men shook hands.

He returned to the caravan. A cold whistle danced in the morning air and a chilling tingle ran down Ronan's spine. Suddenly, he was struck with a sense of urgency and worry which resulted in him bolting down the street like a cat that just got its' tail stepped on. Ronan finally reached the caravan... Only to find it barren and empty with signs of struggle. At the moment, Ronan just wanted to let loose tears but they can't have gone far so he asked one of the deckhands that were staying nearby.

The deckhand said that they already informed the police but he saw three people take the girls into a nearby building, it was most likely used as a storage house.
Ronan was greeted by a lovely coterie that smelled like they haven't touched soap or clean water in days. "Ah, so the brother finally showed up, your sisters were starting to get lonely, the fine things, we were thinking of keeping them sum company." Ronan didn't even waste a second in retaliating, delivering a crushing blow into the closest vermin's stomach.

"He nailed Oscar!" One gasped.
"Get... get him!" Oscar coughed out.
Soon three other men jumped into action to attack Ronan, each armed with a shiv. They stabbed their short blades into his body and yet despite all that Ronan still managed to continue to attack, sending out punches, kicks, knees, and even headbutts onto these worthless sacks of shit!
But for every strike, they returned in kind with stabs. However, thanks to Ronan's unique physiology granting him increased strength, he won this battle.
With all opponents unconscious on the ground, he moved towards to where his sisters were tied up; he pulled out a knife that was stuck between his ribs. He cut their ropes and removed their gags. "Brothe---" Before they could say anything he cut them off. "Go... find.. Mr. Shay O'Neil." He pulls out the money from his wool jacket. "But... what about you?" Shannon replied, tears dripping down her face. "Won't... make it, GO!" With that last sputter, Ronan collapsed. The last thing he sees is his two sisters fleeing through the door then darkness.


Is this what death feels like?
I feel so light...
Huh... I never was quite religious like Ma wanted me to be.
Well, I hope they made it to America...

What is this? IS this truly MY son?

What? Who said that.

I did, you trash hoplite.

Ronan tried to look around but was only met by darkness.

By my father's electric beard, OPEN YOUR EYES!

Ronan's eyes fluttered open, blinded by an immense light. His eyes quickly adjusted and were met by a man wearing golden spartan armor.

"Where am I?"

The man wearing golden spartan armor rolled his eyes.

"You are on Mt.Olympus, son."

"Wait... you called me son? Pfft, where were you all these years, acting the maggot?"

"Acting the what? Maggot? Oh, right! I left you and your mother in Ireland." The man released a very guttural sigh.

"Why am I even here? I died" Ronan asked.

"Thanatos can never truly reap our children.... As for why you are here, well, you are going to kill a titan."

"A titan? What's that?"

Ares walked towards Ronan then placed his arm around him.

"I'll explain along the way, let's go."

"uhhh... I forgot to ask your name, dear ol' dad."

"My name is ARES, the god of WAR!" A thunderous roar was heard throughout the room.
Josef Hayward

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"Son of Hephaestus"
location: Mount Olympus
with: Hephaestus
tags: gospel gospel

Using Josef's shoulder for support, the stranger pushed past rather roughly. His hands jumped from one object to another, using them to help him steady as he shuffled on. "Come. I'd rather we be on time," he called back. "My good standing among the other gods wears awfully thin these days." The man peered over his shoulder with an expecting smile and sighed when Josef neglected to react.

Questions still hung in the air, half ignored by Josef's fascination with the shards. He backed away from the scene slowly, the furnace burning fiercely in the dark. Tools and pieces of molded metal adorned every wall. Contraptions he hadn't the names for hung high from the ceiling. Though dimly lit and cramped, Josef felt the place stretch on infinitely around them, the only exit to this dark room being the door the stranger was walking towards. He felt his heart quicken and anticipation sting at the tips of his fingers.

This place was impossible.

Turning very sudden, Josef jumped to follow the stranger and stopped by the door as the man paused to sit in a chair. Laying thick furs over his legs, the man turned the wheels on either side. He gestured toward the door. Opening it, Josef watched in silence as the man wheeled himself out. "I can try to explain things on the way, but I'm afraid it will only confuse you more. Wouldn't you prefer another story instead?" The man looked almost hopeful.

Josef's eyes narrowed and he shook his head no. "I'd rather you just tell me what's going on." His hands brushed down his front, the armor he'd been wearing only moments before replaced by lightly embroidered attire. It was made of fine material and befitting of a king. He hadn't the coin for any of this. "Did you change my clothes?" He half mumbled, a mere thought spoken aloud.

"Ah. With a bit of magic, yes. I haven't the hands to sew something so delicate. My craftsmanship is better put to use by fire and metal. Do you mind?" The stranger hooked a thumb towards the back of his chair. Coming up to it, Josef pushed it forward. "I'll tell you where to go." As they continued on, Josef squinted at the brightness of the landscape, white and lush green. Not far from them, an ocean calmly crashed about. The sky was as vibrant a blue as Josef had ever seen it.

"Where are we?" He asked.

"Olympus. Home to the almighty Zues and his family." Josef felt vague familiarity. He was sure he'd read those names from a book some time ago. "A family you are apart of... I was not mistaken in telling you what I did. I am your father, Josef."

His brows furrowed. "The only father I care to claim is long dead."

The man nodded thoughtfully, carefully placing his next few words. "Sir Gwaine did right by raising you. He was there when others were not." He paused then as if to think of something further to add but seemed to think better of it and carried on. "Your Josef Hayward, son to the beautiful Lady Jacqueline. How is your mother?"

Josef was quiet for a moment. "I know not. I haven't seen her in many years."

The man nodded again. "They stole you away to war, hm? I imagine you fought gallantly at the end."

The man's words held an unspoken weight to them, a graveness Josef couldn't understand. "I- ... I don't remember."

"Which is how it should be. Let your memories be only of home, Josef."
He looked out over the sea. "Think of your mother and sisters for a time." The man's voice was quiet as he stared. "Let all else be forgotten."

As they strode towards a sharp incline leading up to a building unlike those Josef was accustomed to, Josef stopped and starred. "What is that?"

"The Pantheon."
The man looked up at the building in admiration. "It's greek architecture at its finest." Looking down he met Josef's gaze and steeled his own suddenly. The boy peered at him in bewilderment, subtle hints of frustration evident in the tense way he held his shoulders.

"Is this a dream?" Josef asked.

"Far from it, my boy."

. . .​

"What do I call you?" Josef asked, standing aside the man in an expansive room. Before them stood a table unlike anything he'd ever seen. Made of stone and pale, it caught the light of the sun and shone bright. The room was divine. If it were real, it'd be sacred.

Hephaestus studied Josef for a moment. The soldier stood guarded, his feet apart and arms crossed over his chest; one hand was pinched under his arm and the other gripped at his elbow so tight his knuckles turned white. The god so longed to be called father that his heart ached. Knowing, he merely clasped his hands together in his lap and looked across the room. "Hephaestus," he said simply.

"And how is it you know of me when I know nothing of you? I am no one. You, clearly, are someone." Josef gestured toward the room, his eyes drinking in its beauty.

Hephaestus was taken aback. "I've never been apart of your life, Josef, but I have heard of it. I may not be able to leave this immortal plane frequently, but there are those who can." He stopped and tried to meet Josef's gaze. "They speak proudly of you. They say you are a great warrior and that you are an even greater man."

Josef cast his gaze down, nearly flinching at the words. "I've done nothing in my life worth such praise."

Sitting back in his chair, Hephaestus looked stricken. "You fight to reclaim Isaac's name. You fight so that your mother and sisters can live happily on the estate. You-"

Josef looked at him suddenly, anger deeply set in his eyes. "You speak as if you know me... You don't. So stop pretending."

For a moment, they held each others gaze, Hephaestus lost for words and sitting small in his chair. Looking away, the god stared past Josef and suddenly sat straight again. Raising a hand into the air, he waved. "Hades, uncle!" He called, wheeling his chair forward with the other hand. "Josef, follow me. It's time you were properly introduced."
codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
Ashley Santos.

"I am your father, Ashley."

The words echoed in Ashley's mind like haunting church bells. Eyes widened, breathing hitched in his throat, and chest tight... Ashley could only stare in disbelief as Hades calmly looked back, as if he knew this would be his reaction.

"Let it settle in, Ashley. It's a big thing to take in, I under-"

Ashley said, this time his tone icy and biting, "I don't think you do understand."

Taking a step back from the lingering figure, his face writhed in fury, Ashley shook his head and snarled back in disgust. "You don't understand because you are not my father." Ashley placed his hands on his hips, head hung low, as his eyes looked down at the ground. Biting his bottom lip, a new wave of irritated tears began to sting the corners of his eyes, threatening to spill, but were held back by Ashley's will to not express emotion in front of this... fable. "It was just my mother and I," he started off, slower this time, "fighting against the odds without a father figure in our lives. For you to come to me, and tell me that you're someone who has been nothing but a displeasing topic, is not achieving nothing. But let me tell you something..." Ashley glanced up, a malevolent smile on his lips, before finishing his sentence.

"Fuck... off."

Brushing past Hades, who stood calmly as he watched Ashley storm off, the young man began to murmur under his breath in Spanish, eyes casting about as if trying to find some clue on how to get past the never-ending white. His tracks had been stopped, though, when he heard the soft clapping of hands echoing behind him. Confused, Ashley turned around to see Hades, still standing in his spot, clapping with amuse and a rigged chuckle heard echoing around Ashley. The rage he felt in his chest only grew progressively. Just as he was about to open his mouth, Hades beat him to his next deriding comment.

"I take back my comment about you just inheriting my eyes. You have inherited my temperament, which I'm not too sure is entirely a good thing. Ah," Hades had a wide grin on his rough features. "I tried, and I guess if that's the case... then it's up to you to believe me or not." Taking calm, casual, and cool steps which were sweeping and graceful, he caught up with Ashley. Black cloak billowing behind him, Hades placed a hand on his shoulder, giving it a squeeze, he nodded for Ashley to follow him. Despite his conflict with Hades, Ashley reluctantly ensued. For one second, they remained stuck in what Hades addressed as the void, and then with one blink, Ashley was no longer standing in a room of white. Instead, they appeared to be in a hallway made entirely of stone, pure onyx. Torches lined up and down the hall, flames licking up the walls and giving the area an orange aura. The cries of what appeared to be people echoed in the air, creating shivers to travel up and down Ashley's spine. A chilling breeze picked up, the smell of damp earth and mold filled Ashley's nostrils. Along with the cries, the scraping of chains against the ground could be heard, and Ashley could've sworn as they walked down the mysterious hall... he saw someone chained up in one of the rooms they passed.

"I apologize greatly that we have to start off our reunion in such a damp and depressing place. I tried to start it by hiding in a calm and peaceful area, but seeing that didn't do much... might as well show you what your daddy does."

Ashley glared at the back of Hades head, but proceeded to say nothing. His jaw was tight, his muscles taunt, and his eyes cast back to looking at his environment. He wasn't entirely sure where he was... but wherever they were, it didn't give him a good feeling.

Reaching the end of the hallway, a black iron door with locks and wheels adorned the body of it. With a simple wave of his hand, each lock and bolt opened on its own, before the door creaked with a haunting noise, allowing the white light of what appeared to be the sun, peer into the room. Squinting, Ashley had seemingly forgotten the brightness of the sun, although it felt like seconds ago he was in New Mexico, underneath the sweltering heat. Together, both Hades and Ashley strode out into a new place, and Ashley's eyes only widened in awe as he gazed upon the scenery in front of him.

Quite a contrast to where Ashley had grown up, to the dark hallway in which he was in. Rolling green hills met crashing shores, with fluffy white clouds that sprinkled across an equally bright blue sky. Birds flew in the air, while animals of various shapes and sizes grazed among the emerald grass. The air was fresh, with the taste of salt in it. Never in his life, had he seen so much... life. Growing up, Ashley witnessed only the desert and death.

"Beautiful," Hades hummed under his breath, a sigh leaving his lips as the word came out in sync with the breeze. But then, he chuckled once more, and continued to walk towards an array of white marble buildings that laid on top of the hills. "Haven't seen this type of beauty in thousands of years. It's actually quite sickening to look at."

Continuing their travels in tense silence, Ashley looked up to see one of the buildings drawing nearer with each step they took. "What's that?" Ashley spoke, words low and cautious, the trust he had for Hades still incredibly thin.

"Wow, no cursing at me or declaring you're not of my bloodline? Never would've guessed you knew anything else to talk about." Hades commented, eyes glaring sideways at his son, before flickering forward. "That there is the Pantheon." Hades finally answered, a shrug following after. "It's been a building of many meetings, many fights, and many memories. I'm not entirely keen on going there, but, it has been demanded by my big brother... Zeus. Heavens forbid nobody answers his call immediately."

"What's this meeting?"

Hades paused briefly, before clearing his throat, and looking at Ashley. "A rather big one. Make sure you pay attention, cause there won't be another second chance if you don't."

a voice cried out, causing both Hades and Ashley to look and find where the voice was coming from. They were walking down marble hallways, the area white and spotless. Not a speck of dirt to be seen. The aroma of fresh flowers and grass wafted into Ashley's nostrils, a smell he wasn't entirely familiar with. Some part of him wanted to close his eyes and open them, hoping that this was some form of morbid dream he was having. Another part told him, though, that this was all real. The thought made his stomach drop.

"Ah!" Hades called back, although the hint behind his voice was quite obvious. The way his shoulders tensed, the way his mouth curled up into a fake smile. Arms open wide as if awaiting an embrace. Ashley couldn't help but notice how he saw himself in the man standing next to him. It was almost as if he was... looking in a mirror. He's not your father, Ashley reminded himself, he will never be your father.

"Come here boy," Hades said, under his breath, his tone hurried and hushed. Recoiling at the inflection, Ashley's body language was tense, as he took a step back away from Hades. Eyes veering back between son and friend, Hades finally chose the friend, and began chatting away with him. "It has been a very long time, Hephaestus. How have you been?"

He was an older fellow, with a face that read wisdom and kindness. He was in a chair with wheels attached to the sides, legs crooked and bent, as if age had not been too keen on his well-being. His face lit up as he spoke to Hades, as if they were friends from a far past. Ashley, still standing a good distance, peered lightly over Hade's shoulders, to peek past the other whom was addressed as Hephaestus, he saw a younger boy that had kept the same amount of space as Ashley was. He was tall and lingering, with apparent muscle underneath his clothing. Pale skin, taunt cheekbones, and hair black as midnight. He didn't appear to have much interest in being here as well, and Ashley assumed he too had been brought here without a choice. Without knowing what to do, Ashley only nodded, before changing his gaze and flickering them down to the ground.
"Son of Hades"

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll
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[class=link] display: inline-block; cursor: url(https://66.media.tumblr.com/6fb38fc5e97353c67e3fc3a2e2b29bf9/tumblr_inline_ol4nwisGdu1uxxza6_75sq.png), auto!important; transition: 1s; font-size: 9px; font-family: Avenir; padding-top: 5px; color: #00667D; [/class]
Loreia Arvina
Hades and Hephaestus
bad wolf bad wolf gospel gospel
"Keep up, child," the pepper-haired man patronized as he walked on. The pale sand crunched against his footsteps, full of purpose. The sound recedes as Loreia is left behind. She stumbles back onto the soft sand after taking a step, irritated by the clothes she awoke in. She growls through her teeth.

"Could you fucking stop for a second," she shouts after him, her breath heavy and hair falling down her face. She puffs away a strand of hair only for it to fall back down in a pitiful limp.

The man turns and stabs his pronged spear into the sand, leaning on it for support. A ghost of a smile graces his lips; it coils into a deep laugh. It was as though he was reminiscing from a memory long forgotten. He moves to cover his lips with a fist.

"What's so funny," she questions out of breath. The man says nothing and only shrugs at the young female. He stands up straight and moves toward the water. Loreia studies him, eyebrows furrowed, as the man continues. The water soaked his feet and pushed against his legs, but the man walked on unbothered. "What are you-"

The words fell from her lips as the man stepped onto the surface of the water. She had expected him to fall through in an ungraceful splash but was proved otherwise as he balanced on the surface as if stepping on solid ground. The water rippled in his wake the further he moved from the shore and soon the man was far out onto the water. Loreia's lips laid agape with incredulity. "By the gods," she breathes. "State your name, old man! Who are you," she demands.

The man, although far, could hear Loreia without fail; a wide grin stretched across his lips. With a swing of his pronged spear, the water surrounding him churns and swirls rapidly with it. The winds begin to pick up, pushing against Loreia as she squints and shields herself. She looks on through the shade of her hand, unable to remove her hold from witnessing the man standing on water. He whips the spear above his head and with a mighty thrust, he slams the spear before him. The forming waves behind him soar to the sky and Loreia cries from shock and falls back onto the sand once more. The water gushes in a massive wall form the man's rear, who stands calmly and stares right at Loreia. "I've been waiting all morning for you to ask," he shouts, his grin unwavering. His guffaw could be heard from the shore and Loreia gathers herself, gazing with wonder than with fear. The magic was beautiful- blue and powerful- but the moment short lasted once the man pulled back his spear. The liquid walls fell back to its original state and he returns to Loreia, who was still looking out at the water in pure disbelief and amazement.

"You... Are Poseidon," she states with realization, finally meeting Poseidon's gaze from the ground.

Poseidon hums. "Yes... It appears I am, and you are Loreia... My daughter."

Loreia stares up at Poseidon. His face didn't crinkle with mirth or show a hint of a lie. Although, she was hoping for one. She forces out a chuckle, but her face twisted in disbelief. "Such a proclamation should not be said so lightly," she begins as she brings herself up from the ground. She swats away the sand coating her silver silk dress. "You- you are not my pater. Kaeso is my pater." A burning sensation rose within the depths of her chest as her memory raced back to her. "Where are they? Where are Phoibe and Kaeso?" Poseidon watches Loreia, whose eyes pleaded for the truth.

"You know where they are, Loreia."

From a distance, the faint chiming of bells could be heard. Poseidon turns toward the source and sighs before looking back at Loreia. She paces around with worry and turmoil evident in her eyes. "We are late. We must get going."

Loreia goes into a protest. "But why am I here?"

"Questions and answers will come later. We must start moving or my brother will feed me to his three-headed dog," Poseidon jokes, twisting around to leave. Defeated, Loreia trails behind him, lost in the troubled thoughts of her mind.

Despite Loreia's conflict, she was astonished by the scenery before her. The stories and prayers from her people who spoke of Olympus was nothing compared to what Loreia was seeing. There were beautiful structures made of the finest marble and stone. Towering pillars and naked sculptures carved by the gods themselves were found around every corner. The greenery was lush and adorned the most vibrant shades. There were trees lining villas with fresh, ripe fruits hanging from their branches. There were people walking leisurely down cobbled paths. They wore clothes of golden silk or pure white clothes; their hairs were decorated by thin wreaths of olive branches. Many greeted and bowed before Poseidon as they walked by. Loreia's eyes wandered, almost losing Poseidon in the process.


"Child," Poseidon calls, bringing Loreia's attention back to him.

She gasps softly from the sight of the beast standing beside the god. Loreia grabs a bunch of her dress into her hand and jogs back to Poseidon. Standing ahead of her was a horse. Its fur was white as a pearl, powerful muscles flexing beneath its skin, but the one thing that stood out to Loreia was the set of wings attached to its sides. It shuffles in its place and stares at Loreia, who approaches it slowly and cautiously. She trails her hand from the tip of its wing- softer than cotton and duck feathers- to the bridge of its nose. "Beautiful," she grins as the horse releases a soft, casual blow.

"If you look closely, you might remember him," Poseidon hints, stroking the horse's side.

Loreia peers closer and notices a strand of black fur within the grey braided hair. Realization consumes her as her eyes widen. "Phobos? Phobos is this really you," Loreia asks. The horse grunts and nickers, pressing his snout against Loreia's shoulder. Loreia releases a breathless laugh and rests her forehead against Phobos' own. "It really is you," she gushes. "But- how could you-"

"Oh, gods! If you keep asking questions we will be here all day," Poseidon interrupts. "Come on. Get on the horse and let's move," he reminds urgently.

Loreia's eyes widen once more and she looks back at Phobos' new wings. "You expect me to-"

By the locked jaw and vein protruding from Poseidon's forehead, Loreia bites her lips. She steps away from Phobos and allows Poseidon to climb first, then she proceeds to load herself on Phobos' back. "Oh Helena. Why must she inherit your lack of time management- or was that from me," Poseidon mumbles.

"What was that?"


With a firm nudge of Poseidon's foot, Phobos charges down the wide cobbled path. People rushed to clear the way; their shouts of surprise and disapproval reminded Loreia of the people from her city. "Malaka," Loreia exclaims as the ground is replaced by air. Phobos takes up into the sky and soon they were flying over Olympus. Everything could be seen from this view, from the luscious green hills, and to the pale sandy shores. Loreia peers from Poseidon's side with eyes full of wonder. Loreia reached her hand into the clouds surrounding them. The white fluffs broke from her touch. "This is amazing," she shouts over the wind whipping in her ears. She whoops with glee that even the gods couldn't ignore.


Loreia slides off of Phobos, her hair was wild from the wind and clouds. She strokes Phobos' head with praise before Poseidon rushes her to follow him; she pats down her hair par his instruction. Poseidon leads her to what he had informed was the Pantheon and mentioned to keep her ears open and mouth closed. "This man will surely be disappointed," Loreia thought. The hallway they traveled through echoed with their footsteps, and the walls were decorated with either embroidered tapestries or painted with stories of their history. "Keep up, child," Poseidon would say every few seconds to prevent Loreia from wandering off and getting lost. Loreia could hear voices from the end of the hall, and they grew louder as they neared. The two entered a room lit by torches and featured a large round table in its center.

"I have arrived," Poseidon announced abruptly. It became apparent that there were people littered throughout the room- some old and new. They wore equally bizarre clothing and spoke in languages that Loreia could not decipher. The people acknowledged the god, who sauntered around the room with his pronged spear in hand. Loreia trailed behind him quietly, observing.

"Ah! Hades! Hephaestus! Just the men I was looking for," Poseidon hollers from across the room. He glances over his shoulder and gestures Loreia to follow him. The look within his gaze warned Loreia not to wander off. Loreia could only think, "Was that a challenge?"
[div class=link]coded by christy.

"Keep up, child," the pepper-haired man patronized as he walked on. The pale sand crunched against his footsteps, full of purpose. The sound recedes as Loreia is left behind. She stumbles back onto the soft sand after taking a step, irritated by the clothes she awoke in. She growls through her teeth.

"Could you fucking stop for a second," she shouts after him, her breath heavy and hair falling down her face. She puffs away a strand of hair only for it to fall back down in a pitiful limp.

The man turns and stabs his pronged spear into the sand, leaning on it for support. A ghost of a smile graces his lips; it coils into a deep laugh. It was as though he was reminiscing from a memory long forgotten. He moves to cover his lips with a fist.

"What's so funny," she questions out of breath. The man says nothing and only shrugs at the young female. He stands up straight and moves toward the water. Loreia studies him, eyebrows furrowed, as the man continues. The water soaked his feet and pushed against his legs, but the man walked on unbothered. "What are you-"

The words fell from her lips as the man stepped onto the surface of the water. She had expected him to fall through in an ungraceful splash but was proved otherwise as he balanced on the surface as if stepping on solid ground. The water rippled in his wake the further he moved from the shore and soon the man was far out onto the water. Loreia's lips laid agape with incredulity. "By the gods," she breathes. "State your name, old man! Who are you," she demands.

The man, although far, could hear Loreia without fail; a wide grin stretched across his lips. With a swing of his pronged spear, the water surrounding him churns and swirls rapidly with it. The winds begin to pick up, pushing against Loreia as she squints and shields herself. She looks on through the shade of her hand, unable to remove her hold from witnessing the man standing on water. He whips the spear above his head and with a mighty thrust, he slams the spear before him. The forming waves behind him soar to the sky and Loreia cries from shock and falls back onto the sand once more. The water gushes in a massive wall form the man's rear, who stands calmly and stares right at Loreia. "I've been waiting all morning for you to ask," he shouts, his grin unwavering. His guffaw could be heard from the shore and Loreia gathers herself, gazing with wonder than with fear. The magic was beautiful- blue and powerful- but the moment short lasted once the man pulled back his spear. The liquid walls fell back to its original state and he returns to Loreia, who was still looking out at the water in pure disbelief and amazement.

"You... Are Poseidon," she states with realization, finally meeting Poseidon's gaze from the ground.

Poseidon hums. "Yes... It appears I am, and you are Loreia... My daughter."

Loreia stares up at Poseidon. His face didn't crinkle with mirth or show a hint of a lie. Although, she was hoping for one. She forces out a chuckle, but her face twisted in disbelief. "Such a proclamation should not be said so lightly," she begins as she brings herself up from the ground. She swats away the sand coating her silver silk dress. "You- you are not my pater. Kaeso is my pater." A burning sensation rose within the depths of her chest as her memory raced back to her. "Where are they? Where are Phoibe and Kaeso?" Poseidon watches Loreia, whose eyes pleaded for the truth.

"You know where they are, Loreia."

From a distance, the faint chiming of bells could be heard. Poseidon turns toward the source and sighs before looking back at Loreia. She paces around with worry and turmoil evident in her eyes. "We are late. We must get going."

Loreia goes into a protest. "But why am I here?"

"Questions and answers will come later. We must start moving or my brother will feed me to his three-headed dog,"
Poseidon jokes, twisting around to leave. Defeated, Loreia trails behind him, lost in the troubled thoughts of her mind.

Despite Loreia's conflict, she was astonished by the scenery before her. The stories and prayers from her people who spoke of Olympus was nothing compared to what Loreia was seeing. There were beautiful structures made of the finest marble and stone. Towering pillars and naked sculptures carved by the gods themselves were found around every corner. The greenery was lush and adorned the most vibrant shades. There were trees lining villas with fresh, ripe fruits hanging from their branches. There were people walking leisurely down cobbled paths. They wore clothes of golden silk or pure white clothes; their hairs were decorated by thin wreaths of olive branches. Many greeted and bowed before Poseidon as they walked by. Loreia's eyes wandered, almost losing Poseidon in the process.


"Child," Poseidon calls, bringing Loreia's attention back to him.

She gasps softly from the sight of the beast standing beside the god. Loreia grabs a bunch of her dress into her hand and jogs back to Poseidon. Standing ahead of her was a horse. Its fur was white as a pearl, powerful muscles flexing beneath its skin, but the one thing that stood out to Loreia was the set of wings attached to its sides. It shuffles in its place and stares at Loreia, who approaches it slowly and cautiously. She trails her hand from the tip of its wing- softer than cotton and duck feathers- to the bridge of its nose. "Beautiful," she grins as the horse releases a soft, casual blow.

"If you look closely, you might remember him," Poseidon hints, stroking the horse's side.

Loreia peers closer and notices a strand of black fur within the grey braided hair. Realization consumes her as her eyes widen. "Phobos? Phobos is this really you," Loreia asks. The horse grunts and nickers, pressing his snout against Loreia's shoulder. Loreia releases a breathless laugh and rests her forehead against Phobos' own. "It really is you," she gushes. "But- how could you-"

"Oh, gods! If you keep asking questions we will be here all day,"
Poseidon interrupts. "Come on. Get on the horse and let's move," he reminds urgently.

Loreia's eyes widen once more and she looks back at Phobos' new wings. "You expect me to-"

By the locked jaw and vein protruding from Poseidon's forehead, Loreia bites her lips. She steps away from Phobos and allows Poseidon to climb first, then she proceeds to load herself on Phobos' back. "Oh Helena. Why must she inherit your lack of time management- or was that from me," Poseidon mumbles.

"What was that?"


With a firm nudge of Poseidon's foot, Phobos charges down the wide cobbled path. People rushed to clear the way; their shouts of surprise and disapproval reminded Loreia of the people from her city. "Malaka," Loreia exclaims as the ground is replaced by air. Phobos takes up into the sky and soon they were flying over Olympus. Everything could be seen from this view, from the luscious green hills, and to the pale sandy shores. Loreia peers from Poseidon's side with eyes full of wonder. Loreia reached her hand into the clouds surrounding them. The white fluffs broke from her touch. "This is amazing," she shouts over the wind whipping in her ears. She whoops with glee that even the gods couldn't ignore.


Loreia slides off of Phobos, her hair was wild from the wind and clouds. She strokes Phobos' head with praise before Poseidon rushes her to follow him; she pats down her hair par his instruction. Poseidon leads her to what he had informed was the Pantheon and mentioned to keep her ears open and mouth closed. "This man will surely be disappointed," Loreia thought. The hallway they traveled through echoed with their footsteps, and the walls were decorated with either embroidered tapestries or painted with stories of their history. "Keep up, child," Poseidon would say every few seconds to prevent Loreia from wandering off and getting lost. Loreia could hear voices from the end of the hall, and they grew louder as they neared. The two entered a room lit by torches and featured a large round table in its center.

"I have arrived," Poseidon announced abruptly. It became apparent that there were people littered throughout the room- some old and new. They wore equally bizarre clothing and spoke in languages that Loreia could not decipher. The people acknowledged the god, who sauntered around the room with his pronged spear in hand. Loreia trailed behind him quietly, observing.

"Ah! Hades! Hephaestus! Just the men I was looking for," Poseidon hollers from across the room. He glances over his shoulder and gestures Loreia to follow him. The look within his gaze warned Loreia not to wander off. Loreia could only think, "Was that a challenge?"
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When someone hears the term spirited away, they normally imagine some religious, breath-taking phenomenon, and then magically, they find themselves in a land of light, white clouds, and golden gates. Phoenix found himself in the middle of the Mojave Desert. There was at least a breeze. Not a cool one. A hot one comparable to a giant blow dryer blowing sand and sending his red, unbuttoned plaid shirt flagging every which way. He raised his arms to hopelessly guard his face as he squinted through the glare and heatwaves, rippling across the dehydrated plane. Speaking of dehydrated...he didn't have a single bottle of water on him. As he crunched about in his leather sandals, the ends of his flared jeans picking up stray rocks every now and then, he searched for the infamous white van. It was going to be either the FBI or drug dealers. He saw neither. As he looked left and then right, Phoenix stopped when he gazed straight ahead at what appeared to be a man in the simmering distance.

Excited (a person!), Phoenix raised his hand, the collection of wooden beads and leather tumbling down his wrist. He hailed loudly, "Hey!"

Phoenix started running toward the masculine blur, and as he drew closer, he could see more details in the man's appearance. He had dark-brown hair, a jean jacket over a tie-dye shirt with a peace sign printed on the front, blue flared jeans, and some brown cowboy boots. Phoenix stopped several feet across from the stranger. The overjoyed smile that had cracked on his face upon seeing another human being started to recede.

The man wasn't smiling back. Beneath hard, scrutinizing brows, he silently stared at him in the most uncomfortable manner. Phoenix nervously glanced around once more as he thought then that this guy may have been his kidnapper. As his hazel eyes swept the desert once more, he sheepishly asked, "Uh...do you know the fastest way back to the city?"

Silence. Phoenix stared back. A few yellow curls of dust rose about them and a tumbleweed danced by. Growing impatient, Phoenix finally decided to reveal his suspicions. "All right, look man. Did you bring me out here? If so, why? I haven't done a thing. So you either say something or piss off!"

The man's lips pressed into a straighter line as though he were annoyed (if Phoenix were to guess). Slowly, his hands rose. Phoenix blinked once, and then suddenly, there was the oddest instrument in his hands. It shined in a strange yellow light and appeared to be crafted from gold. It was a lyre. Phoenix stared blankly at the object as he realized then that he may have been dreaming or stoned. The man grasped the horseshoe handles of the lyre and stretched it before his eyes. The golden material stretched and curved as though it were putty. It solidified into a S-shape in the form of a guitar. The man strummed it once, and as though it were hooked up to an enormous invisible amp and speaker, the guitar wailed its cry into the distance and from the man's mouth released a melodic scream that stole Phoenix's breath.


Phoenix continued to stare at the man in shock. His caramel eyes were shrunk, lips parted in what could have been a jaw-drop. Within his body, his soul trembled and chills ran all over his arms and back. The man started to strum some hard rock chords and Phoenix blinked out of his awed condition. He recognized that song! The man tapped his heel to the beat and started to sing:

It's been a long time since I rock and rolled…

Phoenix grinned in excitement. He didn't know what the hell was happening. If he was on a trip, it was the best trip he ever had.

It's been a long time since I did the stroll…

Ooh~ let me get back, let me get back, let me get ba~ack~. Baby where I come from!

It's been a long time, been a long, been a long-

Phoenix joined in harmony: Lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time~

The man smiled at Phoenix, and then motioned with his chin to Phoenix's left. When Phoenix turned to look, there was a red and cream guitar sitting upright next to him. Curiously, Phoenix snatched it up and gave it a strum. Like the man's golden one, it cried out into the desert.

"Sick!" Phoenix exclaimed in delight. He then changed the song, strumming and tapping his heel in a similar manner. Phoenix sang his own tune in response:

It's been such a long time...I think I should be goin', yeah! And time doesn't wait for me, it keeps on roo~llin~!

They both strummed together and sang:

Sail on~ on a distant highway. Yeah~! I've got to keep on chasin' a dream. I gotta be on my~ way~! Wish there was something I could say…

Phoenix continued strumming, grinning away as the man clapped. They continued:

Well I'm takin' my time.
I'm just movin' on.
You'll forget about me after I've been gone.
And I take what I find
And I don't want no more
It's just outside of your front door.

Oh yeah, yeah, yeah~! It's been such a long time! Phoenix closed his eyes as he got into the song and let out a soulful cry: It's been such a LA~ONG~

The man's hand suddenly dropped heavily on his shoulder interrupting him. When Phoenix's eyes snapped open, he noticed that they were no longer in the desert. They were somewhere else with strange people. The man welcomed him with a warm smile: "Welcome to Mount Olympus...son."

"Time…" Phoenix finished on a weak breath. He gazed at everyone else obliviously before his head suddenly turned to regard the man he had been jamming with. Did he say "son?" Had he meant "son" for real, or "son" as in young man? "Huh?" was the only confused sound he could manage in his current stupor.

You're still trippin' Phoenix, he told himself. This was the calm before the fall. He was about to have a bad trip. It was coming!
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❝ Dies ist meine

Bildungsroman. ❞
[div class=titleB]Hannah Alleman[/div] [div class=quoteB]Daughter of Athena[/div] [div class=textboxB][div class=scrollB]Hannah was out in the field. It was the end of harvesting season and they needed to gather everything before the frost arrived. Her father was in a different field, doing the same. It was hard, long, arduous work, but still rewarding. Normally, this time of year, they had a few extra hands helping out. Temporary farmhands were customary during harvest, after all. However, since the start of the war, the country had seen a shortage of able-bodied young men. Hannah's father worried about the war. He worried that it would reach their peaceful little village and their quiet farm. Hannah, in her youth, was more naive, unable to picture such a disruption to the life she'd always known. Unfortunately, her father turned out to be correct. At first, it was supply requisition- their winter stores nearly raided to provide for the army. Then one day in November a regiment arrived, setting up camp in their field. Seated at the border between France and Germany, their land was now of strategic importance, and the regiment was stationed there in preparation for invasion. From which side it would come, Hannah didn't really understand. They spent the winter there, and as the weeks drew on and the cold set in, the men became less and less disciplined. First they took over the barn, then the mill, and then the house, eating and drinking their provisions without care. They became meaner as well, frustrated with waiting and with their isolation, and with each passing day showed her father less and less respect. Hannah tried to get them to stop, but with no effect. And still the men stayed. One day, in a drunken fit, one of the captains hit her father in the face when he refused to fetch them any more alcohol. Hannah screamed and ran to him, but the men held her back, and she watched in horror as they kicked and pummeled Hans. When she continued to struggle, the soldiers tied her up and gagged her. She sobbed in impotent terror as her father's blood pooled out onto the floor. When the men's rage was spent, he simply lay there, unmoving. Hannah feared he was dead. Luckily, this wasn't the case, but he was in a very bad way. After Hannah was released, she ran to Hans to look over his injuries; they were severe. For the next few days, she tended her father day and night, ignoring the soldiers entirely. After a week, it became apparent that one of his wounds was infected. She begged the captain to give her some of the regiment's medicine, but he refused, stating that it was reserved for the troops. Hannah was outraged, but to no effect. She tried going into town to get the medicine, but that was also met with failure- she had become a prisoner in her own home. One night, however, a young soldier snuck into her room and offered her a bottle of penicillin- he had stolen it. The soldier's name was Rolf, and as her father got better Hannah began spending more time with him. They shared a passion for books, learning and science (Rolf wanted to become an engineer, and help his country through innovation, not war). The two became quite close and, to Hannah, despite the war and the regiment's continuing occupation of her home, things were looking brighter. That is until one night, in a drunken quarrel, one of the other soldiers stabbed Rolf in the stomach. He died in Hannah's arms a few hours later. Enraged, she rushed the idiot soldier who had taken Rolf from her with a kitchen knife, screaming savagely and looking quite mad. The soldier, drunk and startled and afraid, reacted on instinct. At first, Hannah hadn't registered the wound. She had simply felt a dull impact. It was a few moments before she realized there was blood blossoming over her dress. This was followed by pain- blinding, excruciating pain. She passed out. When she woke, her father was kneeling by her bedside, her hand clasped in his own and with tears streaming down his face. She tried to speak, to reassure him, but found to her horror that she could not do so- she could not move! She heard, as if from very far away, the regiment doctor telling Hans that her wounds were too great- she would not last the night. She felt fear then, as she realized what the words meant: she was going to die. Her father did not scream, or rage. He didn't attack anyone, or beg the doctor to do more. He knew what her wound meant, knew there was no way to save her, and when he turned to look at his daughter the agony in his eyes all but broke her heart. With the last bit of effort she could summon from within her, she smiled. "Papa," she said, "nicht Sorge. Ich werde Sein mit Mama. Ich liebe dich."* The last thing she remembered was Hans lightly kissing her hand, and telling her to give her mother his love...
The next thing she became aware of was white- pure white, all around her. The pain was gone, the blood was gone, the soldiers and her father were gone. She tried to sit up, and instead seemed to float. She frowned, trying to understand. The more she concentrated, the more details began to appear. She saw the sheen of polished wood, lamps and desks and carpeted floors and, finally, row upon row upon row of books. She gazed in awe at the biggest library she had ever seen. If this was heaven, she thought, it was perfect. Before she could reach for one of the tomes, she heard soft, measured footsteps, coming her way. She turned to see a tall, beautiful dark-haired woman walking towards her, smiling warmly. She gathered Hannah to her in a gentle embrace. "My daughter..." she said. Hannah found her eyes fill with tears as she looked up at her. "M-Mama?" she asked timidly. The woman nodded, radiant. "Ich kann nicht glaube es..."** she breathed, stunned. The woman gazed at her for a moment more before pulling back, her expression turning serious. "I had hoped our first meeting would be under different circumstances, but I'm afraid we cannot take up any more time. We've had to call you here for a reason, and we must meet with the others." Hannah blinked in confusion. "'Das Anderen', Mama?"*** Athena nodded. "Aunts, uncles, and all of your cousins. We've called you here... to fight." *Dad, don't worry. I'll be with Mom. I love you. **I can't believe it... ***'The others', Mom?
[/div][/div] [div class=detailsB][div class=scroll3B]location: Olympus with: Athena [/div][/div][/div][/div]
coded by
Ashley Santos.

When a name had called out for Hades, Ashley watched the older man stop dead in his tracks, a look of... amusement was obvious in his features. The voice that called out was soft, but had a good ring for it to be heard from such a distance. Looking over his shoulder, Hades gave Ashley a wink. "Get ready to meet some of your family members, boy."

Without hesitation, Hades's pace began to quicken. Ashley, still frozen to his spot, stared at the back of his head with eyes wide with irritation. When is this nightmare going to end? When is he actually going to go to heaven? Maybe this was part of the repentance process, Ashley wasn't entirely sure... but by now, he hoped he had been forgiven of his sins and can move on to the next life. Whoever this man was who claims to be his father, must be some form of imagination. Eventually, though, Ashley ensued a thought that he might as well follow him - instead of be lost in a place he didn't know even existed.

Catching up with him, his strides equally matched, Ashley found themselves approaching two more people. One was in a chair with wheels on the side, a function Ashley hadn't seen in his life - and behind him, a brooding young man who appeared to have the same thoughts as Ashley... they both did not want to be here at all. His face was grim, ghosted by a look of either mourning or pure annoyance... either way, Ashley could understand what he felt. Both young men kept a distance from the man they were supposedly asked to follow and stick with. Ashley was going to see how long that would last.

"Hephaestus, my dear nephew!" Hades bellowed out, arms outstretched, as he placed a warm and welcoming hand on the older gentleman's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "How are you? You don't look any different from when I first saw you." Hades's smile was warm, and for a moment, Ashley could have sworn there was a twinkle in his hazel eyes.

The sudden booming voice cracked through the conversation that both mysterious men were having, Hades groaned almost rather painfully, as he glared daggers towards the tall and masculine gray-haired man. By his side was a young girl, with light brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Ashley managed to catch a glimpse of Hades taking a step back, hand reaching up to rub the bridge of his nose. Closing his eyes, he took a couple deep breaths through his nostrils, before releasing them back out in a loud breath.

"Please, by the love of my damned father, tell me that I had must have forgotten Poseidon is the other one who had enlisted into this plan of ours?" Hades whispered to himself, words biting and bothered; Ashley couldn't help but let a sneer draw up the corners of his lips. Glancing over towards Hephaestus, he glowered at the man, the hand rubbing his nose slapping itself onto his side. "A part of me hoped he had forgotten."

Sighing out loud, an eye roll following after, Hades gave a subtle grunt and then turned towards Ashley... who in return pretended he hadn't watched Hades this whole time. The smirk he had faltered, replaced by the familiar grim expression he had upon arriving to this strange and unfamiliar place. Glowering at his son, his face read of pure annoyance and stern anger, before reaching over himself and snagging Ashley's shoulder, pulling him forward. Ashley reached up and yanked the hand away from him, eyes widened and irked by the sudden action. If one would look close enough, it was a bodily language of defense - a way to prepare for any form of physical harm towards him.

"This is Ashley San-" Hades looked long and hard at Ashley, his mouth agape, as the memory of his own son's last name obviously left his mind. Gritting his teeth, jaw fastened, Ashley quickly corrected him. "Santos."

"Ah, Santos. This is Ashley Santos, my son. He's what they call on Earth... a cowboy."

Ashley's eyes immediately looked down, cheeks burning bright red, as he tried to hold back the urge to reach a hand out and choke Hades in front of the two; whom he had felt rather odd and judging stares come from the young boy. Not that he cared - he didn't care at all. That was it. He didn't care for any of this, or what was to occur with whatever plan Hades had mentioned a little while ago. Back home, he was taught to let things pass and be quiet about it. To be a soldier under unnecessary commands, despite his contradictions against it.

When the other man got closer, Hades replaced his ominous scowling with a fake grin, eyes obviously reading that the reunion of his brother was not one he had wanted to be a part of. "Poseidon," he started off, "It's nice to finally see you, brother."
"Son of Hades"

codedbycrucialstar | hidden scroll

Mood: Curious Interactions: N/A

The lady, his mother, had made it a good couple of feet away from William before he broke himself from his shock. It just didn't make any sense! William had never been more confused his entire life, he broke into a jog to catch up to the women. The two were already out of the forest, now stepping on a cobblestone path.
"How can you be my mother? Who was my father then?"
Artemis's stride didn't falter as she responded to his questions.
"I'm sure you know how a man and a woman make a baby." She teased, causing him to blush and look to the right. Her voice sobered however when she realized his second question.
"Your father was an aspiring Musician, he was quiet whenever he wasn't singing and was very honest. Why do you ask?"
William replied curtly.
"I grew up in an adoption center."
Artemis didn't react to that besides a nod of her head. She didn't attempt to console him and for that, he was silently thankful. The two continued down the seemingly endless cobble path, William was inside of his head for most of it, still wracking his brain for anything that would have been a clue that he wasn't human. It annoyed him that nothing came up, but before he could ask her if he had any abilities she spoke.
"We are here."
Here was the top of a large mountain, how they got there and he hadn't noticed was a mystery. Around them were others scattered among the mountain top. Artemis continued to walk further away from the edge and William followed hurridly, the other people were intimidating, Gods and their children if he had to guess. He stuck close to his 'mother', while he was curious about the other people(what gods were here, where their kids as confused as he-) his fight or flight instincts were his current priority. He decided that simply hiding next to Artemis was the best next thing.
"Do not fear my child." She calmed, sending him a reassuring smile that he didn't try to return.


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