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Fantasy Return of the Soul Bladers (Accepting)

Avatar Arvis

The Last Avatar
Eternities ago, a great evil nearly reduced creation to complete darkness once again. We know of this thanks to ancient texts deciphered from the walls in long lost caves. A God of incredible might, even among his own kind, felt that creation was a disease, and that the only true beauty was silence and darkness. So he began a slow campaign. With great caution and stealth, he snuffed out the light of several worlds. All of which were on the edge of the universe and thus out of immediate notice of the other Gods. This activity continued uninterrupted for quite some time. Emboldened by his successes, the God began to destroy more worlds with less fear of retaliation from his brethren. When the others discovered their brother's twisted scheme, they turned against him, as he knew they would. But being an intelligent and crafty God, he had planned for this. He had gathered many hundreds of worlds as his followers, their life forces gave him power beyond any of the others of his kind.

The war against their corrupted brother lasted only briefly in the span universal time, but the carnage that resulted was horrific. The corrupted God had killed many of his brethren, adding their powers to his own. Knowing they could not beat him alone, the remaining Gods cast a spell which created an army of the most powerful individuals in all of the remaining worlds. The Gods gifted these people with a power, called Soul Blades, and with their army, they managed to destroy their enemy, but just oh so barely.

What the Gods had not foreseen however, was a new danger that would arise. Eon, a valiant Soul Blader with the ability to absorb and use the magic and powers of his opponents had been the key piece in defeating the lost God. But in doing so, he too became corrupted after stealing the God's magic. He then turned against his creators and fellow warriors, slaughtering the Soul Blader's army and stealing their power for his own. Horrified at this turn of events, the Gods tore Eon away from his Soul Blade and imprisoned him within a hellish dimension, where he would remain for eternity. The Gods then hid Eon's Soul Blade, as it was beyond their power to destroy. And with that, the Gods withdrew from the universe.

Present day, dark creatures have been sighted across many worlds. Hiding in the shadows and waiting for the perfect moment to strike. They consume the souls of their victims and thus turn them into evil creatures themselves. You have had a recent run-in with these creatures, and have since awakened your powers and manifested your Soul Blades. Now destiny is knocking at your door, for evil stirs and ancient powers are awakening once again. Can these evil monsters be the work of Eon, or someone else? All we know is that there is indeed an force out there bent on destruction and power, with their eyes set on Eon's lost Soul Blade as the ultimate prize.

Soul Blade Mechanics:

  • Each Soul Blade is a physical manifestation of their user's soul. As such, each Soul Blade appearance is unique. Some can be weapons, others jewelry.
  • Each Soul Blade has unique abilities based on their user's soul. Someone of good character would likely have beneficial powers. While those of negative disposition would likely have harmful and dangerous powers.
  • Soul Blades can "heal" if they are damaged or broken. The time it takes to do such is dependent on the extent of damage, and the state of their user.
  • Soul Blades cannot be taken from someone by force except by someone of Godly power.
  • Soul Blades can be given to another person/Soul Blader by consent. Soul Bladers can determine the amount of time another is allowed to wield their Soul Blade.
  • Soul Blades can be transferred to someone else permanently, however the Soul Blade/powers will change based on the recipient's soul. The original Soul Blader will then lose all powers and status granted to them by their Soul Blade.
  • The power of a Soul Blade comes from the energy of their wielder, as such the Soul Blade's powers are limited.
  • If a Soul Blader is killed, their Soul Blade will disintegrate, unless it was transferred permanently to another before death.

Soul Blade Universal Powers

  • When not in use, the Soul Blade resides within their wielders soul until manifested again.
  • Soul Blades allows their wielders to understand every language in existence, even when not manifested.
  • Soul Blades are keys to other worlds. They create and open portals to different worlds/locations. Limitation: Wielder must have been physically at the destination prior to using this power for it to work. Limitation: The destination must exist in real time, cannot use it to travel to the spirit world, dreamscape, astral planes.
  • Soul Blades purify dark entities they destroy.
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I'm interested.

My only question is: What will bring the characters together?

If all of the roleplayers are in separate worlds/locations things will quickly get chaotic, and it's a fact that Roleplays with their players spread out too thin are prone to a quick death... Thus my concern.
@Ensig, I was thinking of having all of the Soul Bladers summoned to a special world where they meet a sage or guru that tells them of their duty to stop the dark forces and the history of the threat they are facing.
@Ensig, I was thinking of having all of the Soul Bladers summoned to a special world where they meet a sage or guru that tells them of their duty to stop the dark forces and the history of the threat they are facing.

Alright, sounds good. Please tag me when the Thread's up!
Tag me up whenever you can.

Just need to know the setting. Whats the tech like and exactly how far into fantasy does it delve. Or is it more of a modern take? Just let me know lol
I'm interested. but you seem to already have a full house. If you think you can handle it, can you tag me when the thread's up?
@shadowz1995 The tech/society/science/sorcery levels will vary greatly upon the worlds in which our characters are currently on. I will post a thread for people to make their own worlds and include some information. That way it gives people the chance to be more creative! Some may be floating metropolises that are highly advanced technologically but have rigid social scriptures. Some may be medieval level but have strong magical possibilities. Then some in between. Who knows?! I will have a few worlds listed myself when I start the thread.

@SP3CT3R Yes, the Soul Bladers will be able to travel with others. This is will actually be a key mechanic for gaining efficiency in using the gate. Otherwise it would be very limited since you can only go places you have been to before :3

And with a good amount of interest, I think I will have the HP up sometime today :D
@shadowz1995 The tech/society/science/sorcery levels will vary greatly upon the worlds in which our characters are currently on. I will post a thread for people to make their own worlds and include some information. That way it gives people the chance to be more creative! Some may be floating metropolises that are highly advanced technologically but have rigid social scriptures. Some may be medieval level but have strong magical possibilities. Then some in between. Who knows?! I will have a few worlds listed myself when I start the thread.

@SP3CT3R Yes, the Soul Bladers will be able to travel with others. This is will actually be a key mechanic for gaining efficiency in using the gate. Otherwise it would be very limited since you can only go places you have been to before :3

And with a good amount of interest, I think I will have the HP up sometime today :D

Sweetness hahaha! I can use an old world of mine then. Ill give you the details whenever the RP is up
@Cynthiera @shadowz1995 @Shmivian @ThatOneGuy @SP3CT3R @Mitchs98 @Tessa Roberts @IctoraPost @Wolfcoon @GreenEyedStranger @Victoria Bradley @Ensig @Raikou Kaminari

The HP is up, I have completed the character form, so you may begin working on your characters. I made my own navigation button on the home page rather than use the one the site has. Its easier for me to click lol and does the same thing. If you have any questions, post them in the OOC :D

Hope to see ya guys there

Return of the Soul Bladers (Hosted Project)

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