Resonance!~ A Soul Eater Role Play

Her own soul flared at this strong presence. How peculiar. She could literally feel the friction between her own wavelength and him, like two magnets attempting to force themselves away from one another in a desperate attempt of escape.

Zachary seemed to be hiding behind her. Aria could sense his sudden anxiety, his tension, his confusion.

She was not confused, more like curious.

The pressure being placed onto her own soul by this stranger's was incredibly forceful. It was as though even subconsciously, this person radiated an intensity to this level.


The girl brushed her hair behind her ears, raising an eyebrow in obvious inquiry. From her position she gained a proper view of this gentlemen.

He was much larger then she had anticipated, being adorned within a heavyset of natural muscles. He emitted strength and prowess, it being quite clear how he might intimidate and even frighten others.She couldn't help but notice the scars that decorated his rough skin. It almost reminded her of her own physical craters, forever bound onto her body as his were to himself. Judging by the position, the length, the depth of these markings, she would say they were made by a mixture of blade injuries and that of a whip.

He truly was battle worn.

But as her bright pupils trailed up every tendon and exposed view of scarred flesh.......the very irises of her eyes grew into a dark emerald at seeing his face.

Another mask.




Why the hell was she placed into an enclosed area with two young men who chose to keep their facial features hidden? This was an outrage! How can Lord Death expect her to attempt control regarding her urges of experimentation when he placed two enormous questions directly on a silver platter in plain sight?

The old man must be trying to cause her to perform arson, were he to make such a decision.

And while Zachary's cloak of secrets was in the form of a cat-like piece.....this man's reminded her of a silvery, black moth. As though it was made of shadow and dropped onto a coating of blood so thick it appeared to be leather.

Her gloved fingers twitched to rip his off, to teleport directly onto his head and set the damnable mask to fire.

That, however, would be for another time.

A time when she was not being so closely monitored.

"Who the f*ck...?

Aria folded her arms. His voice rang from beneath his cloaked mouth, dark and haunting in its smoothness. How ironic should a man with such a beaten and damaged body could pertain to having a natural tone that was so enchantingly dark. But, she of course was not at all intimidated in the least, if that was his intention.

She walked forward, her boots gentle against the ground as they lightly padded towards him in her natural stroll of calamity.

"I should be inquiring to you the very same question. Spade, is it?" Aria came to the other side of the stove. Why was he making food?

She actually had to look up at him. He happened to be much taller then her, and though she was apparently oblivious to this factor.

"Do you always present such revealing attire, or is this a strange form of greetings towards your new....."

The girl twirled her hand.

" "roommates" ?"
He stopped, a little bit shocked. Who did this girl think that she was? Who gave her the right to... Oooo, Spade was absolutely fuming, his fists clenched dangerously at his sides, pale knuckles jutting out from under flesh like snowy peaks, and his masked eyes narrowed.

Whoever this way, she looked completely punk, and insane. The girl had a mop of bright green hair atop her head, peculiar goggles, and bright, neon green eyes. Those eyes, flaring things, alive with uncaring indifference... They were amazing, wonderful, even.

But those eyes caught Spade's attention, distracting him enough to almost calm him down, enough to make him realize that... That was her soul. The pulsing, withering, oversized thing wavering against his own like a war-waging general. The thing he felt leaning oppressively against his own aura, ever since she had first opened the door.

Spade was startled by the pounding, green, powerful wavelength being emitted by the girl.

And her companion, a short, thin boy in a weird cat mask; a cheshire grin smiled up at him from the corner of his eye, he was interesting too.

The visor was ridiculous, and at the same time, turned the boy into something of an enigma... A mysterious boy with an eternal cat grin. The lad was also dressed in a way that seemed highly casual, a sweater that only made the boy look thinner, and black shorts. Skinny chicken legs protruded from the bottom, and only made Spade wonder if the boy was sick.

This individual's soul was also riveting, but in a way that was strikingly different than the way the girl shocked him.

His soul was too calm, its wavelength slow and probing. He could feel it, though oddly powerful and prominent, it lacked the girl's rush and imminent insanity.

He missed something, and now he realized exactly what it was. She had said that her and the masked boy were his room mates.

Oh no...

They weren't... They were. Spade was supposed to watch over these two during his stay.

He pinched the bridge of his nose, suddenly feeling very, very overwhelmed. He had been expecting a duo of young, wide-eyed whelps. Not these two, somewhat powerful, clearly mad individuals.

"No... I... You must be Aria. And that must be Zachary..." He looked up at her, his tone careful... Lost in thought.

Suddenly, the man became much more... darker. He appeared to loom over the two with a dark voice, ebbing into neutral crescendo beaming with dignity, and a rich, buttery smoothness.

"I am Spade."

It almost sounded indifferent, and final. A conclusion, an ending- not an introduction.
((I apologize for my absence. And, yaknow, guys, just because Desu isn't here doesn't mean you can't post. It seems like she and I are basically the only ones working on this. Are you all alright?))

No... I... You must be Aria. And that must be Zachary..." His hidden gaze turned towards her. Something in his voice had changed. It sounded......cautious and distant. This was a sudden and strange change from his previous hostility. But this came as no surprise to Aria. She could sense the immediate change in his emotional wavelengths.

The man reminded her of a shadow. Dark, disturbing, slowly growing larger as the day grew smaller. He only revealed a fragment of his inner darkness, the possible corruption, but it was only that single fragment she required.

"I am Spade."

Many say that simplicity provides the highest level of complexity. Those many would be correct. See, in those three words, those powerfully placed, commanding words.......he managed to keep a discreet layer within himself she suddenly itched to uncover.

The girl merely raised an eyebrow and flicked the toothpick with her tongue, yet again turning it to the other side of her mouth.

"And yes, seeing as I am the only female here, I must be Aria. It's a good thing we cleared up who is who, otherwise I would have no idea how to address the situation."

Her tone became edged with a dry and monotone sarcasm. She had a very bored look on her face, with tired though curious eyes. The female then tore her stare away from.....Spade.....and instead chose to look around the room. It was also simple, as expected of a dormitory, and fairly small. She could see another connecting hallway which surely lead to the individual rooms. Stepping a couple feet away from him, her hands slipping into her coat pockets once more.

Still, even with herself turned away, she couldn't help but feel this terrible friction. All three of their souls together, in such a closely confined space, it was almost as though Lord Death was attempting to destroy the entire academy. But why would he place herself, Zachary, and this Spade character together, knowing all to well of their potential, without having some sort of plan in mind?

Even the dullest of minds could detect something odd here.

"How long have you been here?"

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