Resonance!~ A Soul Eater Role Play

(( Just to avoid confusion, everybodys character is a special case. You all follow the same schedule, and whatnot. You all get your key from Lord Death, etc. ))

"I don't know, Aria. I'd rather not walk into a stampede of deadly people." Of course, he still stood up and tried to find a gap in the seemingly endless amounts of people surging past their row.

One person, he found was very, very interesting. She wore what looked like armor, her silvery hair loose and flowing as she expelled her arms outward to shift her donned cloak behind her legs.

Perhaps she was a unique case, like Aria and him.

Speaking of which, Zachary realized that perhaps his partner was a better way out of this situation. He looked up at her, a grin hiding behind the squarish angle of his cat mask.

"Perhaps you could teleport down there, and get the key?"

Of course he knew what was likely to happen- that was the point. He fund her teleportation antics both beautiful and amusing--the glorious blast of fire devouring her body and depositing her elsewhere, usually not somewhere Aria wanted to be.


Meanwhile, Lord Death waited patiently for the very few special students he had wanted to meet face-to-face. Surprisingly, his Weapon was there as well. The red-haired man looked impatient while chattering to the masked shinigami.

[QUOTE="Desu Juice] Surprisingly, his Weapon was there as well. The red-haired man looked impatient while chattering to the masked shinigami.

Well helloooooo there, Spirit. If my character were legal, I'd make her grab you by the ear and drag your death scythe ass to the nearest broom closet.

The funny thing is, I am totally not joking about that.))

"Hmm." She tapped her chin.

"As much as I would love to teleport, if I ended up on Lord Death's head I'd certainly be rewarded with his infamous reaper chop."

Infamous indeed. This was a signature move that belonged entirely to the headmaster and the headmaster alone. She has heard the the very though of being subject to such a punishment was enough to send most into a frenzy of fear.

A curious move for a curious character. It fit rather well, now that she thought about it.

But still, Zachary had a point. Aria could always light a fire and have all the staff and students run for their lives.

That would certainly clear a path. Yet she doubted that would go over very well with Lord Death standing right there.

And besides, if she did in fact land on the reaper's head, maybe she could have an interesting previous of this motion she had heard so much about.

Aria put her hands on the back of her head, elbows pointed outward.

"Eh. It's worth a shot. I'll reserve us a place in "line", if you want. You should be able to come down in about three minutes, judging by the flow of our peers movements."

The girl ran her left fingers through her hair, subconsciously ruffling it even further.

She snapped her fingers, watching carefully as the tips of her index and thumb were started up by a single spark of green electricity. In the moment of its creation, it grew and slid over her frame in the usual form as it always does. The fire puffed and gave a small expansion before seemingly inhaling and growing so small as such a fast rate it appeared to disappear, leaving only a tiny trail of smoke where she had stood.

The reason Aria usually landed on the heads of others was simple:

Their souls.

Her fire was an extension of her own wavelengths, so when she used it in a form that would surpass the natural laws of physics it would generally go towards the closest soul of the designated area. It was an energy highway, if you will, but to control it completely was literally impossible.

But, because the two closest souls of the designated area were so extremely powerful, they contrasted one another in an intersection of positively charged particles.

Unfortunately, because there were also so many souls coming and going from this room, everything was confused according to her original path. So, as expected, she appeared standing on the seat of another student.

Of course, the seat was occupied.

"Shit. My bad." The student had gasped in both horror and surprise, his arms raising as he involuntarily leaned back in his chair, his mouth open in pure shock. The boy's companion was in an equal amount of unnecessary anxiety.

"Please, pay no mind to me." She snapped her fingers again, just as the boy's partner's lips were forming the breathy word "FIRE".

And just like that, Aria was gone again.

And just as it had been anticipated, she now appeared in a flaming ball of fire at the second row, scaring the literal crap out of another meister and her weapon. Aria did not even both to speak this time, she just released an exasperated sigh and went at it again.

Thankfully, Lord Death and the red-headed male known as Spirit were the most powerful in the room. As soon as her highways were in sync, she reached a reasonable destination.

She poofed up in between the headmaster and his Death Scythe, landing cross-legged on the top of the podium.

"Damn, that turned out better then expected.

Hello, headmaster."

She gave an acknowledging nod to his companion.

"Death Scythe."

Aria hopped down from her seat, regaining her collective composure. "Might I be granted keys?"
(( Oh God Doctor, thanks a lot, now I'm laughing like a crazy maniac while in a pitch black room while everybody else is asleep.

damn insomnia


Zachary watched his partner vanish, and almost instantly, a sudden monologue with himself began.

"Zaaachary. Look at her, she's completely insane! She'll kill you, or worse, take off your mask. You can't trust somebody like her.

"Oh, but that's part of the fun. And I'm sure she won't betray my trust so quickly..."

"But she will, just like-"

"Shut up."

"Oh? What's wrong, I thought you were over it already."

"I'm not."

"She's dead, you know."

"While I do hate the fact that she constantly attempted to violate my privacy, and go against my disorder, her death hurts more than her betrayal. Please do not mention her, Zachary."

"But Zachary-"




He sighed, running a pale hand through his raven-black hair, only to stop when he realized how damp and matted it was. Was he so shaken by the voice? To sweat and shake and suffer in the grip of your own hand is the worst kind of madness.


That was his only defense against his own words. Miaou was like a killswitch, repeating it stabilized whatever effects of the Doppelganger experiment still plagued his mind. It was only temporary, but it shut off the voice inside of his head.

In a last-ditch effort to ignore himself and the sweat pooling under the lip of his mask, Zachary watched Aria repeatedly poof from one place to the next, always earning a startled gasp, or scream, wherever she appeared. Normally, Zachary would have found this incredibly amusing. Now, he only wanted to retrieve the key to the dorm, and collapse on whatever bed would be his.

At least for a minute- give his mind a rest.


Lord Death looked a bit surprised to see Aria suddenly at his foot, greeting him. Spirit, on the other hand, had launched himself sky-high and was now somewhere well over the Pacific Ocean. He only came back down to Earth when he realized the sudden fire that had appeared south of his field of view was Aria.

"Oh, hello Aria!"

"E-hey!" Spirit quickly regained his composure.

"Ah, you're here for your key, is that right? I'm afraid it has already been taken by Spade."
((It's true, though. And if I would be able to find Stein, you better believe he'd end up in that very same closet.


I wonder if Spirit's arm or whatnot ever accidentally turned into some sort of blade / scythe while in intercourse.))

Aria merely glanced at the Death Scythe with a calm look of inquiry. "Welcome back to this dimension. Let's just hope the trip didn't twist up your panties too much."

The girl set her arms at her side, giving a small shift in her stance. Her voice remained level, not altering from a cool tone. But at the information of another person taking mentioned keys, she was a bit taken aback.

"I was not aware there would be yet another person to have access to my living quarters, Sir. Is this....Spade....another student?"

It takes a lot to give Aria any form of surprise. She already expected to be under constant super-vision, but not to have two other people appointed to her specific section. Yes, cameras, recording devices, a next-door-watch. But who was this person that they would be entrusted with her private keys as well as immediate accessibility?

It was exceedingly strange, even for this circumstance. Oh well, things like this to pop up could only be expected from the DWMA and its faculty. She doubted Zachary was aware of this, as if he was he most likely would not have asked her to retrieve the room keys. How would he react? Maybe he would be welcoming to this information. Considering his reaction to a simple hand-shake, that was a large possibility. Or he could be cautious, though most likely not nearly as paranoid as herself.

More additions to her experimentation just kept rolling in......That brought both good and bad things to her current situation.

She'd just have to wait and see how this would play out.
(( ouch ))

Spirit glared at Aria before suddenly excaliming, "Pumpkin pantiesss! Oh my Maka used to wear those when she was little!" The Death Scythe apparently freaked out after that, crouching and grabbing the rich, red locks of his shoulder-length hair mumbling something about, "His Maka."

Lord Death gave a loud sigh, and suddenly an arm sprung forth from his black silhouette.

The arm went up over his head... and suddenly crashed down on top of Spirits head, earning a loud screech of pain. The red-head crumpled to the ground comically.

"I'll use the Chop next time you do that! Now, regarding Spade."

The arm vanished, and the shinigami turned to face Aria.

"I could have sworn... I told him to introduce himself. No matter, if he does not open the door, come back to me. He's a bit... angryselfishbattleworn." The Meister could not decided which word suited the red-clad man better.
((Ouch indeed. That would totally suck))

Maka? Maka...Maka...Maka.....The name sounded familiar enough. Aria had certainly heard it before.

His Maka?

Oh! Yes, yes, Maka Albarn, the meister prodigy! Her name has commonly been thrown around by a great many others, it was only expected of Aria to be aware of the very title. However, his reaction to a subject so distant from his daughter was quiet odd. He must suffer a damaged attachment towards her, to be set off like this by something so incredibly simplistic. Aria set out a mental goal to purposefully "set him off" sometime as to see how far this mental handycap spread.

The Death Scythe must do this very often, as the headmaster's reaction was fluid and routine, like he had done it before.

"I'll use the Chop next time you do that! Now, regarding Spade."

Ah, so there was a fashionable demonstration of the chop she had expected. How lovely. It was truly spectacular, and judging by Spirit's reaction, completely true to the rumors.

But at this point she was more interested in what Lord Death had to say in reference to this "Spade".

"I could have sworn... I told him to introduce himself. No matter, if he does not open the door, come back to me. He's a bit... angryselfishbattleworn"

Oh. So Spade was "that" type of person. She knew how to deal with people who covered themselves up in these masks of bitter emotions. All the better for her research.

As long as she would not have to answer to him, of course, because that would definitely not fly well with her.

"I will inform my recent partner of this newfound situation. Aside from this, Lord Death, does the rest of our previous agreement remain the same?"

((Short post is short, sorry!))
(( If that was short, then I should go ahead and ban myself right now. xD ))

Lord Death gave the girl a curt nod, "Yes, indeed it does."

Of course he wasn't going to tell her why Spade was there.

Spade was eighteen, old enough to leave the DWMA. He was a renowned warrior, kishin-egg slayer, EAT class member, three-star DWMA student, and a powerful member of the Soul Liberation.

Aria was bound be suspicious of him. Lord Death could only hope that Spade won't make his purpose too obvious.

He was there to babysit the two insane students. Make sure that they don't hurt anybody, or themselves. And Lord Death knew that he made the right choice giving him this assignment, for Aria and Zachary are beyond the common grounds of "unpredictable."

Telling Aria why Spade was sharing a room with them...

That would be like dangling a lit match over a box of ammunition.

"I hope you like your room." It almost sounded like an apology, an attempt to cover up whatever shame he felt for violating Aria's 'privacy'.
"Sir! Milord!" Thea slid past the two students in front of her and saluted the figure, Lord Death, that towered over her, and fell to one knee, one arm clamping her military hat under it. The headmaster was a tall figure, his form seemingly part of the pitch black cloak that hid his physique. Mayhaps the cloak was his body. It wasn't a surprise to her, seeing what the other students just pulled off. She, however, felt it was a needless display of talent. Why waste energy for such a trivial act that only held attention when one can expend their energy elsewhere? In any case, her thoughts lie with telling the headmaster her own erring. Her eyes ran up his figure and stopped on the skull-like mask. Like his body, this mask could very well be his real face, and she would not have even been at the slightest bemused.

"My name is Theadora Carmine, Meister as well as the daughter of Marquess Lucius Carmine. I must apologise for my tardiness." She bowed her head in a show of apology, before looking back up at Lord Death. "I....haven't a Weapon, be it an actual partner or an inanimate one." She waved her hand at the empty space beside her, her cape brushing the floor of the auditorium as she swept her hand across. "Sir, I am willing to accept any punishment regarding my latecoming, but mayhaps you can instruct me on my future actions, seeing that I missed most of your speech, milord?" She bowed her head once more, awaiting her instructions.
(( Desu, if you listen very, very very closely.....

You can hear the sound of Aria's dignity being brutally murdered by the fact that she now has a babysitter.

And if you listen even closer....

You can also hear the sound of her loading up a gun as to shoot Theadora. ))

"Very well then. It's been a pleasure as always, Lord Death."

Aria was about to make another remark, but found herself rather rudely interrupted by such an obvious display of brown-nosing that she literally grew to have a nauseous taste in her mouth. This girl had suddenly appeared, skidding to a halt on her knees. Aria merely raised an eyebrow in cold calculation as the female released an ongoing rant about the most ridiculous things. Why on Earth would a person feel any form of need to display themselves like that?

Ah, one of the many mysteries of mankind.

Of course, the green-haired female's face revealed absolutely no trace of her annoyance. That would be better kept quiet, better saved for the battlefield.

She returned the headmaster's nod with a small one of her own, though it was equally directed towards his Death Scythe as well.

There were far more important matters at hand that did not involve the appearance of the one called "Theodora Carmine", such as the one instead called "Spade".

Placing a a form of watch in her room was a cunning and slick move. Yet, as earlier mentioned, it was only to be expected of the academy. However, how did Zachary play into all of this? Would Lord Death risk putting not only her partner, but also a guard, in her room were they not capable of performing to the severe extremes that required such a situation to play out?

Certainly not.

So, ignoring the entrance of the other girl, Aria begin to step around the lavish cape that now covered the floor.

How unnecessary.

"I'm sure I will, headmaster."

Her boots only silent as she stepped to the side of the area, Aria's eyes seemed to glow with question as she switched her toothpick to the other side of her mouth.

"Say hello to your daughter for me, Death Scythe."

Aria's tone unchanging and casual, she just turned and walked away, her hands oddly empty without the key that was supposed to be held within them.

As she hopped down from the platform, her coat giving a tiny swirl at the edges as she landed, she looked up towards where Zachary had been.

It appeared as though he had made major headway through the crowds as she had completed"enlightening" encounter with Lord Death and his red-headed weapon.

The room has been dramatically cleared of most students, providing a much more thorough passage for her partner. She stopped for a moment, slipping her hands into her jacket pockets as she waited.

((Hope you don't mind that, Desu. I just thought it would help with the time gap and such. :smile 2: ))
"Ah! Hello miss Carmine!" The figure greeted her excitedly. "Nonsense! Your tardiness is only expected, nobody's used to going to such a large school yet! But it better not happen again!" Lord Death scolded playfully. He found her extensively formal antics rather amusing, if not impressive. Theadora was certainly an interesting person.

"Here you are- your room key. The number of your room is written on the tag." A hand suddenly sprung forth from the figure's black garb, a silvery item held in its blocky, white grasp. "Once your have settled into your room, you are to go to mister Soots class. You have about an hour, 'should be enough!"

Lord Death chuckled, "Now, now, miss Carmine! No worries! Half of the students here do not have a partner yet. You must find one on your own, be it in this school, which is recommended, or elsewhere."

He gave Aria an eccentric salute when he noticed the greenette take her leave.

Meanwhile, Spirit had somehow managed to recover from his previous, well-deserved Reaper Chop. But at the mention of his daughter, the demon scythe exploded. "MY MAAAAKA," and suddenly he was on the ground again, butt-up, arms flat against the podium floor with his head buried in his hands.


Seeing the flow of students finally begin to stem, the black-haired boy began to make his way down to where he could see Aria's green hair. His vision was not the best- thus this was the only way he would be able to locate his companion.

He started to increase his speed, bumping other students out of his way carelessly until he finally met the girl, stopping just in time to avoid crashing into her.

"Ah! Salut, mon amie! Where is the clé?" The words were followed by a sudden, interrupting "Miaou," like a word-hiccup, it was completely unintentional. He played it off quickly, continuing with, "I was hoping to meet Seigneur Mort, but now I am much more eager to examine our new room."

He was unaware of the fact that the room would be already occupied by an angryselfishbattleworn man named Spade.

(( Decided to give Zachary a sort of cat theme. Now he has cat-based special attacks. And like the frog-girl-witch (forgot her name), he has a habit of meowing after talking to his Doppelganger self. Woop. ))  

No but seriously, where is everybody? Come on.

*activity check* ))
(I'm working on a reply. I just have an assignment due at 0930 hours tomorrow. And it's 0100 hours now. Commence FUUUUUUUU-)


"Hey there, Zachary."

She removed her left hand from one pocket, brushing her bangs back behind her ear before returning the appendage into the safety of her jacket.

Our key was taken by our "roommate". We'll have to collect it from him at our living quarters."

The boy had rigorously come crashing down, nearly colliding into her. He had left behind a trail of angry and irritated classmates, but she paid them no attention, nodding her head in the direction of the door.

She caught the cry of anguish coming from the Death Scythe.

Separation anxiety, much?

Aria only vented the tiniest of sighs in return.

This was getting to be too bland. But, of course, things would lighten up as soon as she encountered this babysitter.

Literally, in fact. She couldn't wait to burn this new test subject. Hopefully, he would prove to be somewhat cooperative. Though that was highly unlikely and excessively improbable, there was no harm in keeping her mental fingers crossed. Then again, it was always fun when her patients proved to be a bit of a challenge. She did love competition, after all.

Still, the problem at hand would remain despite this singular form of positive feedback.

Right now, all she needed to do was get to the room and deal with..."the other things" as they came, then work with "the same things" that followed her here to begin with.
(( //Likes to take her sweet time before she comes up with a post.

//Commonly known as procrastination. ))

All of the information that Liunne had received during the assembly poured into one ear and flew out the other. While she got the gist of the whole speech and why they were at the school, she questioned what these things mentioned actually were. What was a Kishin anyway? Her mind went blank at all the possibilities. She supposed she could ask the weird-looking guy at the front of the stage. Yes, she would ask him when it was over.

When everything was over, and the students were prompted to go receive their room keys, Liunne stood up from her chair. She gave the two children next to her sideways glances and grabbed at their little hands. Liunne learned from the last time that she was in the hallway, surfing through some crowd. She knew they could easily loose eachother. "Hold on to Liunne, don' let go." she ordered, then pulled them into the student storm.

They were pushed, they were shoved, but they had finally made it to the stage. Liunne gave a little wheeze before advancing forward to the grim figure infront of them.

"Excuse me, mister, what exactly is Kishin." She asked.

((Too lazy to include the kids' monologue orz))
(( Paranoia, you have no clue how much I love the children btw ;v;

*seconds later*


YOUR NAME *pointpointpoint* ))

"Oh, hello there! A Kishin is a being created as a final result of eating an unimaginable amount of pure Souls. The first Kishin was the coward Asura. Kishin Eggs are what Kishins first become before becoming all-powerful. A murderer is a Kishin Egg."

(( Lil' bit of a time skip here. ))

Zachary and Aria travelled down the width of the school, and had finally discovered a way into what looked like a little courtyard. Several students sat around idly on benches, either eating or talking. These were most likely the students with few belongings, that had already settled into their dorms.

The masked boy winced in the bright sunlight, feeling the tight constriction of his pupils going narrow.

There was a main pathway going down the length of the courtyard, and Zachary could see a pretty little fountain in its center, a mural of Lord Death. Kishin Eggs sat on their heels before him, spewing cold water from whatever orifice their sculpture had deemed appropriate. It was a grand thing, really, nothing less of what is expected from such a regal school.

Passing the fountain, Zachary laid a hand on the stony leg of an Evil Human, water bulging from its sockets, its mouth agape in terror. An aura of wonder shuddered through the small form, and he released the monument, continuing onwards to the dorm areas.

There they were, three grand buildings standing shoulder-to-shoulder. They looked like they encompassed the better part of the academy. Zachary remembered that their room was in building three, their room; 203.
((With that time skip, Desu you've been officially promoted to "time lord" xD ))

It was seemingly endless amounts of walking, but Aria didn't really care. She felt like her body was being sent off in the direction of a gravitational pull set by Zachary himself. Yes, she was completely alert and aware (enabling her to smoothly dodge other students who threatened to walk or run into her. not so much as paying them a second glance), but she was also becoming engulfed within her thoughts.

Her boots lightly tapped against the school grounds, moving to the rhythm of her drone-like walking.

Ah, so much self-control and restraint could only be bad for the soul. If she didn't set somebody on fire by the end of the day, there was sure to be an even bigger explosion tomorrow.

Aria's own pupils suddenly dilated, hit by a blinding natural light from above. She didn't squint or narrow her eyes, but instead of facing upwards she turned her attention forward.

It was really quiet ironic that she wasn't much to fond of the sun. After all, she was a heat based elemental, it was only expected of her to savor every touch the great star in the sky granted upon her skin.

She actually preferred nighttime. In the daytime, the flames she set alight were not as notable, their own personal glow shrouded by the fierce hunger of the sun. But beneath the moon.....there was not a more beautiful sight then seeing the glowing green embers dance along ribbons of fire in the guidance of the dark.

There were times, however, when she actually found herself craving a bit of outside warmth.

Yet now was not one of those times.

When their path had settled into an innocent looking courtyard, Aria noticed the many students who oh-so-casually socialized and relaxed. How can they possible be so carefree? Everybody has burdens to bare. Does it only take sunlight and fresh air to hide them?

It certainly did not for her.

But she then caught a glance at the unique little fountain surrounded by a lively portrayal of Lord Death.

How incredibly suitable, in all of its grand, majestic apparition in which it provided.

Her eyes trailed along the Kishin Egg's of the structure, even as she had passed it. She looked forward again, switching the toothpick to the other side of her mouth, feeling the sharp wood poke at her tongue as she did so.

In serene calamity, nearly looking like boredom, she looked the three buildings up and down.

Wasn't it in building two?

No, no, it was building three, and if she remember 203.

Aria rolled back her shoulders, keeping her hands in her pockets as she walked towards the third arrangement.

The buildings themselves were connected by thick bonds of the schools decorative materials, allowing the "grand" and "bigger then life" general appearance of the school no exception in this zone.

((I have no idea where the room is, otherwise I'd take us there.))
(Found a theme song for Thea. Expect it to play every time she Dynamic Entrys or something. I dunno.)

The keys clinked onto Thea's hand, which closed on them as she straightened up to her full height. With a sweep of her hand, her cloak settled once more on her entire body. Her fingers ran over the keys. Two of them. One for her absent partner, it seems. Those went into her pockets. She bowed down low to Lord Death, feeling a pair of eyes settle down on her. No doubt the green-haired girl from earlier. Thea figured she'll apologise for her rudeness then, if she had the time later. Now was not the time, however. She had been late for the orientation. There was no way in Hel that she was going to be late for an official lesson.

"Now, now, miss Carmine! No worries! Half of the students here do not have a partner yet. You must find one on your own, be it in this school, which is recommended, or elsewhere."

She highly doubted Lord Death's words. So far, she had only seen people with their partners, Meisters and Weapons hand in hand. In any case, she doubted that anyone would have any compatibility with her chaotic soul wavelength. Uncontrolled, unrefined and violent, it rejected almost any attempt to synchronise with her. No matter, Thea vowed to do her best, with or without a Weapon. She bowed to Lord Death. "I take my leave then, milord." With a flutter of her cloak, she turned and started to make her way out of the auditorium.

"Excuse me, mister, what exactly is Kishin."

Thea stopped at those words. She turned slowly and found two young girls approaching the tall, dark figure that was Lord Death. Kishin. A demon god. He who consumes the souls of the pure and becomes one on par with gods, on par with Lord Death himself. A foul being that walked the face of the earth bringing madness to all those who were near. An interesting one. Thea found Lord Death's words and explanation, however, lacking. Maybe, it was to protect the students from what they don't know. Thea bowed her head and exited the auditorium, making her way to her own room. 204. A wonderful number to be shared by no one else. 
(Hrrrr. Just noticed the timeskip. Making another post. Buckle yer pants.) 
A monument. Thea kept her face under the hood of her cloak as she looked up at the sculpture of the proud Lord Death as he conquered what he had called the Kishin Eggs. While aesthetically awe-inspiring, her visits to the local marches and the mansions of the lords and yielded such monuments as well, all of them displaying some sort of heroic bravery committed by their house's founder. It would seem that Lord Death was no different. At least he had the ability to match up for it. Thea lowered her head as she heard footsteps upon the pavement besides hers. The green haired girl from earlier along with a boy strode past her, making their way to the third building of dormitories. The green haired girl, Aria, if she wasn't mistaken, had a certain air around her. Strong-willed, but cold, calculative, almost to a manipulative point. Her eyes pierced everything, knew everything, studied almost all. Thea could practically make out her thoughts as she scanned the surroundings, taking in all the behaviours of the other students as they frolicked in the sun. Thea shifted her attention to the boy. A masked figure, black hair, a grinning face plastered upon his mask. Curious. Why the mask?

What an interesting lot of people here. Father wouldn't believe her if she told him. Thea waited until the two vanished into the third building before she produced a map of the academy, searching for Room 204. Third building as well. Huh. Fate played a curious hand. Thea's hand returned to under the cloak and she departed from the courtyard, her indigo cloak trailing behind her in the wind.
(( Haha, finally get to use this gif.



Zachary was quiet now, more focused on getting inside of the building. The front of the third building, besides the heavy-looking mahogany door, was rather plain and uninteresting. The hinge of the door, where the fame met brick, was, under a heavy helping of grease, was clean and shiny. The handle of the door was likewise polished, and seemed warm when Zachary touched it- clearly after the couple hundred students that had used the door only moments ago.

The door opened soundlessly, and Zachary stepped into the dormitory. He was greeted by a cozy-looking corridor, and upon proceeding into its depths, a little living room with a lit fireplace, sofas, and a plush rug that urged Zachary to touch it- which he didn't. He was no child, and would not give in to such sudden, impulsive natures.

Past the room was a staircase, which, after taking a moment to examine the common room, he approached.

(( Oi, guys. Heavy writers block over here ;~;

The front of the building, next to the large mahogany door, was certainly nothing of special interest. The hinge of the door, where the fame met brick, was, under a heavy helping of grease, was clean and shiny. Aria watched quietly while Zachary opened it, watching him reveal a "humble" looking sitting area.

She gave a slight frown as she stepped in after him, observing the common room in which she now stood.

"Well.....isn't this.....cozy."

She stepped onto the carpet, her feet slightly sinking into the plush fabric. But her eyes were immediately drawn to the fireplace, her mind becoming oblivious to anything else around her. Aria's stare suddenly turned into a very blank and wide expression.

The flames.

So pretty.....

So confined.....

No fire should be contained within a prison of brick. This was an outright-outrage.

Aria grit her teeth.

She should free the fire. It was so lonely and trapped....starving for the fuel of the room.

The girl turned away in an almost violent fashion, her hands turned into fists even tighter then the clamping of her jaws.

Not now.

Aria exhaled, regaining her serenity.

That was ridiculous.

She planted a tiny smile on her face, walking besides Zachary.


"Let's do this, shall we?"


Bright pupils flickered across the steps ahead as she began walking. Her boots lightly landed on the steps, one after the other. Would the quarters resemble a similar style to this entrance? It seemed highly out of place in the general sense of the school, averting from the normally advanced and abstract appearance into a more homely gesture.

This made sense, being that the headmaster would surely want the students to feel as comfortable as possible. Yet still, the thought sent shivers up her spine. How could they stand feeling so enclosed? It was truly terrible.

((This short post is so terrible I feel like crying ;-; ))
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(( Nonsense! It was a perfectly acceptable post! ))

Zachary watched the girl approach approach him, his eyes knowing, feeling her constraint, her forced smile, her posture had grown a little tense, but the boy could read her, read her face like one would read a nonsensical book.

She wanted something.

His eyes narrowed.

She needed something.

It was his duty as merchant to provide whatever she lacked, but in this case, he knew that what she lacked was much more... intangible, less present than a lamp, or a mug. Something else was behind those bright green eyes.

Something was off about her, but the sly little male did nothing but observe. He could not put his finger on it, thus it was immediately sent to the back of his mind for later analysis.

"Hmm. Aria. It seems that this school is laid out in a rather convenient format. 100's are on the first floor, 200's are on the second floor. Thus, we will immediately proceed a level higher." After his explanation, the masked boy avoided the opening in the staircase leading to the first level of the dormitory, and instead continued upwards to the second floor.

He was right- as soon as the exited the staircase, Zachary was greeted by room number 200, parallel to 201.

"Aha, it seems that our room is not far away from the staircase." Yet another correct statement--a few more steps and they hit room 203. Zachary stood back, arms clasped behind his back as the mask grinned up at Aria, patiently waiting for her to retrieve the key and open the door.
(( Warning- activity is falling slightly below what is required. Paranoia, and Sheogorath, where're you guise? ;v; ))
(Aye, still here. I'm waiting for a good time to reply, still watching the thread. All about the timing, you see?"
After his vivid clarification, her partner seemed to shy away from the opening in the staircase leading to the first level of the dormitory, and chose to continue upwards towards what would be presumed to be the second floor. She was not very comfortable taking directions from a being whom she still had not the faintest clue as to what he actually looked like. Aria was not compelled to interact with things that she found to have no potential worth or usage for current times or future events......but he so far has proved to be an intriguing case that she believed would eventually prove beneficial to her cause.

Yet, it was wrong.

It felt wrong.

It looked wrong.

It sounded wrong.

Despite him being right, he was wrong.

How was she expected to work with a person without knowing what they hide beneath an artificial mask?

It added much more fascination to the particular personal assignment she was working on......even so, it made her uneasy. His soul revealed him to be human, but to be very distorted in the sense of mental stability. He was kind, yes, yet also able to be set off by the tiniest of things. She must tread carefully as to not upset any potential balance between the temporary partnership.

So, the big question wasn't what was he.

It was who was he.

And correct, he lead them to exit the staircase. Her eyes flickered across each door number while she counted her steps to the room.





Ah, there we go. Educational prison sweet educational prison. She shot an accusing stare towards the closed entrance.


Then she turned to glance at Zachary, who was standing back with his....his mask looking to her with that haunting humor.

"I feel safe to assume that our guest has already arrived and left the door unlocked. After all, why would an angryselfishbattleworn person need to lock the door while he is present?"

She looked back at the dormitory passage and vented a tiny sigh, twirling the toothpick to the outskirts of her lips. Aria pressed on the handle, pushing it open with ease. The green-haired girl waved her hand across the now open frame.


With that she walked inside, her body tense beneath the cover of her clothing as she was hit by a strange smell. She immediately felt the presence of another soul. And an extremely powerful soul to boot.

Here we go.
"A... guest? I was not informed of this." The voice coming from the masked figure sounded a lot less certain, a lot less stable. He was completely unaware of this new development, though not entirely unwelcoming towards its looming horizons. Perhaps this person would-

Oh no, that must have been the single, strongest, darkest soul Zachary had ever sensed. And his soul sensing abilities usually only worked during stress and physical duress. It felt like it was... Almost asleep, dormant like a mouse in its nest... More like a flood behind a dam.

There was simply no other way to describe the feeling- no way other than the word intimidating.

Zachary stood behind Aria, motionless like a child that had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. One pastry clutched in a stumpy, weak fist. And then sent off to bed with nothing more than the promise of, "tomorrow."

His head swiveled up and down, trying to peek at the person inside of the room- ah, there he...

A large, extremely muscled man stood before a kitchen stove, completely naked except for a white towel hanging precariously around his waist. One hand clutched around a frying pan, and the smell of eggs met Zachary's nose under the brim of his visor.

Holy crap, this dude was ripped.

Every little motion, every move he made, resulted in the shifting of muscles under his hide, the folds of flesh jutting forth like stressed rubber. But, Zachary could see long, jagged, white scars marring his skin, just above the low swoop of his lower back. They looked like whip marks, Zachary realized, and he almost felt bad for the tall figure.

But then the man turned around, and Zachary's eyes were drawn to his face. Not a face, a red, leathery mask. Black shapes outlined his eyes, they looked almost like moth wings. Nearing the end of the mask were little folds, brims, metallic frills. This birthed a new realization- the mask was part of a Kevlar suit that had been custom made for this man. He must be some sort of fighter, a war-hero, judging from the scars and muscles.

"Who the f*ck...?" The figures voice... Holy crap. It was richer, deeper, darker, and much more silkier than the merchant's own.

, even when cursing. Especially when cursing.
So far, the man mesmerized the merchant.

(( Oh man, this post was not good. Sorry for the whole description bomb, think of it as a tribute to

. xD ))

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