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Realistic or Modern Redwood High


Forever a Ghost
Redwood high is a boarding school for teenagers who are mentally gifted in one particular thing or multiple. Pretty much meaning there super smart. Just like every high school though, there are jocks and nerds and popular's and the Goths and etc.. The high school is located in a undisclosed location only accessible by plane. It rains a lot there and the ground is very grassy. There's a forest nearby and a lake. The dormitories are mixed, they are not separated by gender and room mates can be boy and girl. There are seven class periods per day and you get one class period every day to do whatever you like. this is called free hour. you get your schedule in the morning everyday as to what classes you will have and when. It all depends on what you particularly specialize in. You have program areas that the students are separated in but all common core classes are together. Everyone has the same class periods for common core and there program area but they never know when they will have math first or science. English first or program area. Social studies first or Free time. There is a movie theater, a tattoo parlor, a mini mall, a coffee shop and a library on premises. This is the 80th year that Redwood has been open and you were specially selected to attend. Can you handle the pressures of this school? You never know until you try.
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Orion had an abusive step father who he constantly is running away from. His real dad died when he was three of a heart attack and then his mother married this guy named Lou. Lou is the reason his mother was found in the bathroom dead. She had killed herself because she couldn't handle it all. She couldn't handle the fact that she married another loser. Orion got constantly beat up as a kid because he was always sad or because he didn't have enough money to buy the right shoe price. He lives with his abusive stepfather and he lives alone in his attic. He checked the mail the other day only to find that he had gotten a letter from some seemingly fancy school. He opened it and it said " Thank you! You have now been enrolled at Redwood High: Boarding school for the highly gifted." He smiled and took it up to his attic where he read it over and over again. "Free admission and boarding, just accept now and we will pay for your plane ticket as well. If it were a boarding school he wouldn't have to live here with Lou anymore. He immediately pulled out a pen and started signing away at forms and things. Now, he is actually here at the school that will probably save his life. " Thank you.." he whispered up at the sky hopefully towards his mom. *He lifts up his bag and his back pack and heads towards his basis room, he looks at his sheet of paper, "Um...873." he said out loud as he opened the door hopefully the door to his possibly brighter future.*
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Orion got off of the plane as he was the only other passenger in the small blue plane. They landed and he smiled big as he looked out the window at the beautiful campus. The airport was part of the school. He saw other planes landing as well as his own. He unbuckled his seat belt. The pilot came out of his little control room. "Welcome to Redwood Orion." The pilot smiled really wide. "Thank you." He smiled back. He grabbed his bag that he stored under his seat and he got out of the plane. The pilot told him,"Entrance is right over there..." He pointed at this huge glass room that was attached to the outside of the castle like looking school. "Woah..." The pilot smiled, "she's a beauty, I hope you like here." Orion smiled and shook the pilots hand "Thank you sir." Then he started walking off towards the glass doors.

Thursday at 11:47 AM
Lilith was called into the office one day and there stood a man, dressed overly fancy for her small town, who told her she was invited to Redwood High: Boarding school for the highly gifted. She instantly accepted and began the paper work with his and her counselor's help. When she got home she packed her things, then waited for her dad to come home. He was ecstatic for her, but her mother was a different story. This was her day to visit and when Lilith told her mom of the amazing news she forbid Lilith to go. Lilith rolled her eyes and her father drove her to the airport where the man from school was waiting and they flew her out.

When they landed the man who had helped her pointed to the glass doors of the school. "That is the main entrance, you should get help where to go after that though." He smiled. Lilith smiled back, nodding. She stepped out of the plane and looked back for him, expecting him to follow. "I have to recruit more kids, what do you expect?" He laughed and turned into the plane, disappearing from her sight. She sighed, holding one luggage, duffle bag draped over her body and rolling a third behind her. She started toward the place she would now call home.
Orion unlocked the door to his dorm. He stepped in and looked around, it looked like his roommate had not arrived yet. There are two desks on either side of the room with chairs and a medium sized dresser next to them. A bathroom is to the right of the room, a small couch in the middle of the room facing a television mounted on the left and a mini fridge. The wood floor ends after the couch and it leads up to a small marble step that leads to wear the beds are. There's one big window in between the two beds that curves out into a semi-circle. Blue drapes adorn either side. "Woah..." is all he can say as he looks around. He sighed and walked over to the bed that he claimed on the left side of the room. "I could do far worse than this." He smiled a little to himself and then started un-packing his only bag.
Lauryn stayed quiet, fingers combing through her hair. A fridge, a TV? Hell yeah. She collapsed into her bed, the large mattress more than enough for her small body. She'd arrived a few moments ago, the walk confusing her several times. She hung her hoodie up, revealing the black long sleeves she wore underneath. This was nice and all, but she knew she'd have to be really careful. Smart people were competitve, she knew this well.
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