• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Reaching for Stardom


I can create a manager CS, if it is still available. I see no name next to it, so please correct me if I am wrong.

@Geek with Me
Nyannno said:
Also, just to make sure, I post after Lea, right?
You can post before Lea because she's not feeling great. Ill edit my post.

Oh how about instead of @Geek with Me changing hers. We just called you by the wrong name. and you can be like no, its Asher.
Last edited by a moderator:
I've never really used BBCode...... xD Also, I highlighted the "Code" but I'm like, where is the code?
I found this: Yay you found the code! Place a quote at the top of the page that your character would say. But where is the actual code xD ? Am I blind?
Kyzaba said:
I found this: Yay you found the code! Place a quote at the top of the page that your character would say. But where is the actual code xD ? Am I blind?
It's not like a BBcode.
So how will the order of who posts work? Do we just tag who we want to interact with? QwQ This is my first time in a group RP so I don't know anything lol >w>
Going to bed soon~ hopefully nothing too crazy happens while I'm gone, especially after that silly post I left >w> lol
Everyone, I'm sorry I haven't been online much or posting up much. I've been very busy lately, and also very tired and kinda sick. I just wanted you all to know, so that it doesn't seem like I just abandoned this rp and such. Thank you for your time, and for bearing with me. UwQ

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