• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Reaching for Stardom


☯ Lil' Sarcastic Muffin ☯

The Character Sheets


So this is the character sheet there are three rules to get accepted:

1) Find the code hidden somewhere in the thread

2) Please make it colorful! No one wants to see a chunk of black writing!

3) Stick to the gender I have paired with that role. I don't care about sexuality but I did that so we have even genders

Also whatever is colored blue is optional and check the overview for a tick next to your name, if not Ii either haven't looked at it yet or there is something wrong with it

Now.. Let's Aim For The Stars!

[photo/gif #1]



Age: (Band: 18-20) (Manager: 20-30)




[photo/gif #2]

Personality: {Either 5+ traits or written in paragraph}

Quirks: {Listed or paragraphed}

Likes/Dislikes: {Listed or paragraphed}

Their Favorite song: {YouTube link please}


[photo/gif #3]

Writing sample: {You may pick place and time etc but minimum is one detailed paragraph {5-6 lines}

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Just sing like never before" ~ Ria



Name: Aurelia Alexis Ebony Daniels

Nickname: Ri-ri or Ria

Age: 18

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship: TBH

Position: Lead Singer



Writing Sample: Ria stood there in the recording studio, a pair of thick black Dr. Dre beats headphones covered her small ears as a recording microphone sat in front of Ria's excited face. A man wearing thick black glasses that covered his eyes fiddled with some knobs and something on the mixing board before pressing a button so Ria could hear him. "Ya ready doll?" The man asked, having a small Jamaican accent. Ria flashed a smile to the Jamaican man, turning towards the microphone and placing her slender, olive hands onto the side of the headphones. The Jamaican man moved a small knob up and the song rang through Ria's ear. "When ya ready" The man said to Ria then Ria flashed a smile again. She huffed then began to sing "Ain't nobody, loves me better" her voice was smooth and sweet, like honey as she hit every note. The man smiled as he bopped his head to Ria's singing, changing the mix to suit Ria's voice.

"Ain't nobody made me feel this way" she sang, holding the note as she swayed ever so slightly, trying to calm her nerves. The man cut off the music and smiled widely at Ria, pressing the button again then spoke into the microphone "Amazing doll. Well done, we'll email you soon" he nodded then switched the microphone off, packing his things up. Ria exited out of the recording room then grabbed her bag and slipped it over her shoulder. "Thanks so much Jaxx" she smiled then hugged him. Jaxx smiled back and hugged Ria before watching her leave the studio and headed towards her car. She hopped into her black Aston Martin convertible, placing her things next to her on seat next to her. She took a deep breathe in then reapplied her lipstick. "I hope I got the gig..." Ria thought, placing the lipstick next to her then started the car then drove away from the recording studio.

no slide


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The Drummer

"The beat of the drums, the vibrations that course through me when I play them, it just has to be one of the best feelings in the world.." -Asher

Professional Bucket-Banger


Name: Asher Noah Zimriy

Nickname: Ash

Age: 20

Sexuality: Bisexual

Relationship: None at the moment (Autumn{Future Girlfriend~})

Position: Drummer

Weapon of Mass Percussion



Asher is known to be a giant dork most of the time. He's goofy and punny, and enjoys making others happy. He has a polite attitude, and is usually always honest with his friends and others around him; however, his honesty can be blunt and a bit harsh at times without him realizing it. He also tends to keep his anger and other negative emotions bottled up, wearing a mask as to not worry others around him.


-Constant tapping/drumming of feet/hands/fingers

-Randomly dancing to a rhythm in his head


Drumming (of course) | writing | candy | the band | napping

Rudeness | Being super quiet/serious | Showing his anger/sadness

Favorite song:



Asher had a pretty normal life, growing up in a small city in Washington with his mother and father. His father was a freelance musician, while his mother worked at home to take care of him. At a young age, his parents could already tell he had a talent of music, seeing as he would always sneak into kitchen and bang on anything he could get his hands on. They brought him a drum set, and he's been practicing and playing ever since.

The Drum Solo


Writing sample:

The loud beats coming off the drums sent vibrations up to Asher's hand, causing them to pleasantly tingle. He was getting lost in the rhythm of the music, so much that he didn't notice that the recording session was over. Everyone just kinda left him there to jam by himself. Finally, the young male snapped out of his trance, and glanced around with an embarrassed smile oh his face. "Ah, crap....not again. Well, at least I got to play for a bit longer.." He trailed off with a soft chuckle as he stood, and made his way over to the door, spinning one of his drum sticks between the fingers of his left hand. "Maybe now I can finally sneak in a quick power nap somewhere before we start up again." Asher sighed and continued to make his way out of the studio, passing by friendly faces and other musicians as he walked to the break room, eager to take a well deserved nap.


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The Bassist

"Dictate your own fate"

Name: Lea Mason

Nickname: "how do you shorten Lea?"

Age: 19

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Relationship: PM me?

Position: Bassist


Personality: Lea is a sweet and kindhearted girl with a cheerful disposition and not a bad word to say about anyone. She loves to be surrounded by friends at times, but is really an introvert, preferring to recharge alone after excessive socialising. Lea is also a general knowledge hub, seemingly storing even the most pointless facts in her head for later. She is a bit scatterbrained and tends to forget where she puts things on a regular basis, but she is a stickler for good time keeping.

Quirks: General knowledge extraordinaire||Clicks her tongue when thinking||tends to randomly hum bass lines to songs

Likes: Rainy days||Friends||Books||Starbucks||Classical music||Motown

Dislikes: Jazz fusion||Clothes shopping||Being centre of attention||The movie Titanic (There was enough room on that raft!)

Their Favorite song: [media]

History: Lea grew up in a family that were very pushy and set in their ways. Lea was born and raised in New York's Upper East Side and had her future planned from the moment her musical talent became prominent. She was expected to become a concert cellist and attend Julliard for classical music, but ever since a friend introduced her to more popular music she was drawn to the bass guitar.

When she announced this to her parents they were furious and threatened to cut her off from the family wealth if she pursued the bass. She followed her heart and began playing bass and although they are not very supportive, her family have respected her decision if somewhat reluctantly.



Writing sample: Plucking the strings of her glossy bass was second nature to Lea. She had named this particular bass Rosemary after her favourite song and it had become an extension of herself. The strings would bend to her every whim with a simple motion with her fingers, and produce glorious earthy bass lines. Lea had almost forgotten where she was until she opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by the bedroom of her apartment. She had been imagining an entire band jamming together to an adoring crowd. Yeah right, as if that was ever going to happen! With a wistful chuckle she set the rosewood bass on its stand. "Maybe one day Rosie, maybe one day."


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Guitarist #1

"Guitar is legit the only thing that has kept me sane"
Raven Lumie

the flour


Name: Raven Blue Lumie

Nickname: Rav, Little Red (her friends only)

Age: 18

Sexuality: Straight

Relationship: None at the time.

Position: Guitarist #1

the eggs



Raven can be known as the biggest down to earth, sarcastic, and chill person you've probably ever met. Shes extremely care-free, not giving a care in the world about what others think about her, or the way she does her things. She tends to be sarcastic most of the time, and is pretty irritated when people take her jokes seriously. Raven loves to tell it how it is, making her quite a an honest person. She can be considered a little daredevil, never afraid of trying out new things, and most of the time is first to participate in them. To her friends, she can be seen as a cute little fireball, but she always remains loyal to them and is constantly kind.


- Humming without realizing

- Biting lip when happy

- Twirling fingers when nervous


+ Writing music - Friends - Horror movies & Books - The band -

- Disrespect - Keeping in her feelings - Being told what to do - Authority

Favorite song:



Raven was born in a strict family of four, which included her older sister Lily, her mom and dad, and of course herself. Her mother was a university professor whereas her father was a lawyer. Her parents constantly bothered her, always telling her how she was never going to be like her perfect veterinarian sister. She didn't care about what her parents thought about her dream of becoming a famous guitarist, and thus grew the trait of hating being told what to do. She constantly ignored her parents because of this, and when she graduated high school, she immediately moved in with one of her close friends, now in a band and attempting to pursue her dreams. She rarely keeps in contact with her parents, constantly ignoring their calls.

Frosting on the cake


Writing sample:

A wave of chills, spread down from Raven's spine to her feet. Why was she nervous? She preformed in front of people millions of times. Plus, there were only three judges in front of her. Although they looked like normal human beings, she felt their eyes pierce into her soul, almost as if they felt what she felt and as if they were practically waiting for her to mess up. "Whenever you're ready sweetheart, take your time," The pretty brunette judge said. Raven cracked a light smile, nodding her head towards the woman. This was her moment. This was her time to shine, and make her mark. This was her time to officially prove to her stubborn parents that she would be able to fulfill her dreams. This was here time to show those assholes in high school that this wasn't a stupid decision...was it? Her fingers quivered as she walked over to the stand, and grabbed the guitar. Raven slid her hand down the neck of the guitar, placing it comfortably on her knee so that she was able to play. Her tiny fingers tingled as she intertwined them with the strings.

One pluck at a time, she began to play her song. Instead of using a mainstream song like most of the people that were audition used, she used a song that she wrote for herself. Raven had practiced this song a million times in her room, while her parents were screaming at her to come down for dinner. She hummed it everywhere she went, she basically knew it more than she knew herself. Softly shutting her eyes and taking a deep breathe, she began to play the rhythm and melody to her tune. She felt alive, and nearly forgot about the people judging her every move. Once Raven was over, she placed the guitar back on its stand and thanked the judges. The same brunette female winked at her, setting her out to the waiting room. Now, all she had to do was wait. Wait for the final cue that would determine her whole future.


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"Your image is the first thing people see, thats why it's so important." -AD


Name: Autumn Dallas

Bitch, A-Town, Princess, Little Miss.Manager



Ash (Future Boyfriend)

Assisstant Manager /Back up singer



Autumn is the assisstant manager of the band and her job focuses mostly on the image of the band. So appearences and the image of the band is very important to her. Autumn is all about aesthetic. Things need to look good. If they dont look good, they arent good.

Autumn is less shallow than she appears to be. She has admitted that she loves singing and that it is the best part of her day.

She is extremely emotional at certain times for ridiculous reasons and is often comforted by Ria. Autumn gets jealous quite easily, especially when it concerns her sexual partners. She has displayed hostility towards everyone at least once.

Autumn is also known to be manipulative and persuasive. Autumn can be considered the most perceptive person in the bamd. She is always finding out others secrets just by observing.

Autumn acts confident, but it has been proven on few occasions she's actually insecure. She gets incredibly hostile when her weaknesses are exposed. It's also been shown that while she has no problem insulting and putting down others, she can "dish it out, but can't take it," and gets upset when others turn on her, showing she cares a lot about what people think of her.


+Plays with hair and bites lip when nervous

+Plays with necklace when talking to people she is attracted too





+Managing things

+Making things run smoothly



+The Rain





-Bad time managment

-Toxic Relationships



Their Favorite song:


Can I roleplay out?


Writing sample:

Autumn sat in the back with her clip board. She was taking notes on the singers and their images. It was her job to make sure that no ugly ass bitches made it into the band. She scoffed a little as a flaming hot mess started to warm up in the back. She sounded like a dying goose and she looked like a trash can. Autumn put on her bitchy smile and walked up to the girl tapping her shoulder.

"Hello Im sorry... You aren't really the right look for our band. Please get out." she said smiling. She escorted the babbling idiot outside and waved at her as she left.

She sighed. That was part of her job. Being a bitch. She was pretty blunt and would tell what they needed to hear not what they wanted to hear. Autumn hummed a little song she had been working on as she walked around doing busy work. She looked around the room admiring the people who were left and how good they looked. At least they looked good. Someone else would decide if they sounded good that really wasn't her job. She was a little restless. This part of the process was hard for her. She didn't really have too much to do yet.

She sat down on the couch in the green room and sighed getting out her phone. She was starting to create social media platforms for the band and started making buzz for the band. She checked the social media platforms sighing. Nothing to do. She could probably go yell at more auditioners but been there done that. I guess all that was left was to enjoy the music.


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Isaac McCall

"I believe it flows fairly well."



"Mention the candy, and nobody will remember your name."





"I will treat her like the queen she is."


- Ashley (Wife)(Deceased)

PM or tag in OOC



"I guess you could say I make dreams come true."



Isaac tries his best to sound serious and sophisticated, but he's just a giant goofball. He's quite sarcastic, and often witty. He's pretty carefree, and can't hold a grudge. He's fairly forgiving, along with friendly. His bold personality leads him to do what some consider pretty embarrassing, but he could not give a single damn.

While Isaac may seem to be a great guy, his work always comes first. He'll put on his "manager mode" when needed, and can rarely ever be budged. He's pretty good at his job, and almost always comes up on top. Sometimes he'll snap at you if he's stressed or you try too hard to gain his attention, but that doesn't occur often.


- Often runs a hand through his hair

- Bites his lip and bounces his leg when concentrated

- Uses hand gestures when talking





Late-night drives

Random outings



Obnoxious people


Cats (Allergic)

"Relax, I'm not a monster."

Favorite song:


Nothing worth stating has occurred in Isaac's life, until he graduated high school. He eloped with his girlfriend of four years, Ashley, at the age of nineteen. They first began dating as sophomores, and nothing could separate them. They remained happily married for around two years, until Ashley died in a car crash. Her death left Isaac terrified and alone for about two years, until he started recovering. He's still fairly broken, but has opened up to the idea of dating again.


Writing sample:

Isaac tugged on the material of his sweatshirt, trying to ignore the air conditioning that shouldn't have even been turned on. He slid his sleeves down, causing him to laugh lightly at his new sweater paws. He heard a soft giggle in front of him, and he glanced up to see Ashley. The two had decided to make a late-night run to Taco Bell, despite it being in a bad part of town. They always goofed around and did stuff like this together, which was something they loved about each other.

"How are you always so cold? I think it's just fine." Ashley giggled again, causing Isaac to playfully roll his eyes.

"Why are you always so cute? I think it's impossible."

Ashley leaned over the table, and softly swatted her boyfriends arm, "You're as cheesy as the nachos."

The couple laughed at one another, guiding their attention back to the food placed before them. It wasn't necessarily the best place for a date, but it was also close to midnight. Isaac would always treat his lover like a queen- even at small fast-food restaurants that reeked of grease and cheese.

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