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Fandom Rapture: A Multifandom Survival Sandbox RP [DEAD]


ur lite fades awey
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

At first, it was empty. Nothing but a chunk of empty space populated by a handful of barren, dead rocks, trapped in a localised area of time and space. It was meant to be, anyway. This dimension was really just supposed to fill in the space in the vast void between universes, in the infinite space known as the multiverse. It wasn't supposed to have any real purpose other than that. Why it was even implemented is up to question, as it was inaccessible to any and all beings, even so-called gods. Absolutely no one knew of its existence, nor was anybody supposed to come here, anyway. And so it quietly existed for countless eons.

Then, they came.

In a flash, beings and entities from dozens of separate universes arrived with no warning whatsoever. They were misplaced, taken from their homes to this new and unfamiliar plane. Sometimes, their homes came with them. Literally, as entire chunks of land such as cities, towns, and sometimes even entire landmasses were transitioned in. Nobody knows how and why they came. These beings were stranded, far away from home with no way of returning. The only thing they could do was survive.

And survive they did, all through the years. Over time, the inhabitants began to form communities and functioning societies from the ashes, spreading across the planets as they began to grow accustomed to their new home. Every now and then, more beings would be translocated here, and those already inhabiting the realm would either help them to adapt or kill them on sight.

The inhabitants began to call this realm Rapture.

Time passed. More land began to fill the empty space. Home became a distant memory. Governing entities rise and fall. Tensions are ever high. Arrivals are forced to adapt and survive. All attempts to escape have ended up in complete failure.

Welcome to Rapture. Enjoy your stay, for there is no escape.

Hello, and welcome to Rapture! This is a multiversal survival sandbox RP, designed to give players a large amount of freedom to do what they want. There is no real set plot, but story arcs created by players. Players are generally free to do as they please, with few restrictions. Player characters can be anyone from any universe, provided that they are not too powerful or just plain stupid. These characters may be commanders of vast armies or the heads of megacorporations, should you wish for that. Player characters are encouraged to work together. Or, of course, start killing each other because reasons.

As always, there is a set of rules players must follow or die be kicked.
  1. No speedposting (one-liners), unless in general conversation or if there is nothing important to describe. Please write a few sentences at the very least.
  2. Listen to the gamemasters.
  3. This RP is always open and accepting, but you must get your character approved first.
  4. Treat people how you want to be treated. Do not be an asshole to other members. Disrespect the law and you disrespect me.
  5. No metagaming, unless your character is capable of breaking the fourth wall.
  6. Godmodders will be excluded.
  7. Absolutely no OC universe characters, though I shall allow OCs from preset universes.
  8. Try to post whenever possible.
  9. Have fun.
Totally not a complete ripoff of What Remains. ( The Mad Queen The Mad Queen pls don't sue)

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although, i do have a question - if this is a survival RP (as shown by the tags) is there anytihng in place ot prevent the really OP fandom characters from being used? Goku, Gilgamesh (off the top of my head) and so on?
Yeah, pretty much no characters who can destroy planets with a punch. No Goku or Gilgawhatever. I may consider, though.
I already have a character in mind. She's so rarely used though. Hopefully people remember her.
Aimee Brightower from Galaxy High was going to be mine. She definitely isn't strong by any means, but she is quite smart .

And bruh you're talking about Gilgamesh. Believe me, there are far more characters stronger than those two... Believe me. I do my homework quite well.
I have been thinking of maybe using Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins, but maybe nerfing some abilities. Like, one ability is to entrap others within their memories, which enables Gowther to look through their memories and thoughts. I will probably only limit it to thoughts, or make a "Lock" for the memory-part. So he can only look for the memories that are relevant.
But then, also giving him maybe one or two new abilities, as, in the anime, he only has two (Invasion (trapping opponents in their memories) and Transformation (Can change his looks whenever he peleases). So, he'd be mostly canon with maybe one or two new abilities.

I've never heard of Gilgamesh lmao
I'll give you a bit of credit for at least admitting it's a copy but currently I'm balancing my own RP, making characters for another and trying to get back into another ongoing RP that's sort of died down.
Tie that with a part-time job with almost full-time hours, a relationship I actually care about, an 11/77 year old child, fighting the forces of evil that threaten our world and my lifetime goal of destroying every single copy of Ride to Hell: Retribution so that such evil may never see the light of day...

I'm afraid I'm booked, sorry. Shrugs shoulders

Also: One of these is bullshit. Guess which one, kids. ;D
I see this and I am also very interested.
And oh god, I have so many ideas already. Too many ideas.
The options.
My brain!
Oh god!
" fighting the forces of evil that threaten our world and my lifetime goal of destroying every single copy of Ride to Hell: Retribution so that such evil may never see the light of day "
This is some BS.
" fighting the forces of evil that threaten our world and my lifetime goal of destroying every single copy of Ride to Hell: Retribution so that such evil may never see the light of day "
This is some BS.

You got me. I'm actually out to destroy every single copy of Kayne and Lynch 2: Dog Days.

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