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Fantasy Randalla Academy of Perils [IC]

The Beginning of a Magical Journey


Ruler of the Sky

The Beginning of a Magical Journey

Year 607, September 1st

Early Morning

Randalla Academy - Front Gate

For as far as the eye can see, only jagged spires and treacherous earth could be seen, matched with an eerie stillness that felt as if a predator was watching your every move.

At least, that was the usual situation. But today, even if one peered down from a tall mountain, small dots could be seen hiking their way over mountain tops and peeking out through man-made caverns. Curiosity and determination filled their faces, no matter how naive, as they slowly peered up at their destination, a cluster of sturdy buildings etched firmly into a tall mountain side.

The final stretch fortunately involved a staircase, a blessing for those who have hiked up mountain after mountain to get here, yet it was still a significantly steep climb to the academy's front gates. The staircase, like the academy's buildings, wasn't particularly pleasing to the eye either. Simple and functional, there weren't even railings to help with the climb, appearing as mere stone slabs positioned in an even ascending order.

Such a sight, though faint, truly showcased what this academy stood for.

There would be no shortcuts, no easy ways out. If you could turn something into a challenge, then do it.

Though thousands applied for the academy across the entirety of Aes Aralis, the number of those that made it to the front gates were far lesser. Whether they were consumed by the clever predators slinking in the dark, fell through a treacherous crevice or succumbed to the elements, or perhaps simply abandoned the journey half-way through, there were countless reasons why applicants would not show up.

Naturally, the staff of Randalla Academy were used to it. As such, classes were decided, quite simply, based on the order in which they arrive.

If one reached the top of the steps, they would find the black gates of the barred academy wide open, with a single woman standing at its center. Her hair was loose and raven, faintly messy even, whilst her sleepy crimson eyes drifted open and closed, relaxedly awaiting the next lot of pupils that would inevitably make their way up the steps. Clad in a plain black formal dress that reached her heels, she looked rather bored, and a bit out place considering the treacherous environment.

Make-shift earthen benches were erected either side of her, looking a little odd considering the vast, flat expanse behind her that led towards formidable, stone-like buildings. If one was knowledgable, perhaps they would feel that the atmosphere here faintly resembled that of a military camp, with a serious, calm, yet sturdy and safe feeling to it.

A few simple wooden signs were posted in front of the woman who didn't appear to be paying much attention to her surroundings. Quite simply, they read:

"Sit down on the benches and await for the entirety of your class to arrive."

"Minor refreshments have been supplied to my right."

"If you require medical attention, an improvised clinic has been setup to my left."

Indeed, to the woman's right laid a small table of refreshments. Nothing fancy, just some small sandwiches, dry biscuits and water, barely enough to soothe one's stomach if they're desperate.

Additionally, to the woman's left laid a small open-air clinic, setup with tarps and basic medical equipment. A man with blond hair and squinty eyes was rummaging about quietly, cleaning up blood stains and re-arranging equipment.
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Luce's journey was a shorter one, comparative to his compatriots that is. For the continent's most prestigious academy, the student body was no doubt from fully across the continent. Still, it was interesting how little people he had come across during the trip. Although, there was one person. A girl with greyed hair and pigtails, wearing a brown blazer. He passed by her while he pushed through his sister city of Pincil, and he'd seen her in passing on the roads for the near entirety of his trip; however many days it was. Neither of them had exchanged words, nor was he sure she was even conscious of his presence. Of course, as he neared his destination he discovered more and more people along the path; still, it was disconcerting that not even simple pleasantries were exchanged between any of the lot. Of course, that might've been just him. Luce wasn't a very approachable person, and it was fully understandable that he'd be avoided. Still, he found it unfortunate that he was in the final stretch of the trek, and he'd yet to make even an acquaintance. If this keeps going, he'll likely not have any friends or a support system of any kind. That wasn't something to look forward; alright, anxiety rising. Damage control, how do we fix this issue, it's only the beginni--

Luce woke in a cold sweat, it wasn't a start or a jump. He just opened his eyes, letting the dull ache wash over him. Wincing, he pulled himself from the ground in which he slept at the base of the mountain. The wind chill coming down from the mountain overnight was now once again being overpowered by the warmth of the day's sunlight. He cradled his left wrist in his right hand with a sigh. Looking out, he could see the flood of students pushing through the mountain pass and moved to join them; it was quick, he didn't really set up a camp of any kind he just kind of laid on the cold stone.

Still, as he pressed up the mountain, he heard people complaining about the difficulty of the terrain, how sore they were. He couldn't say he felt it; while not a direct translation, moving sheet metal and ingots with dollies and wheelbarrows will do some good for your body. Your muscles at least, Luce couldn't say it helped his bones all that much. The deeper the trail went, the more he could feel the heat leave his body. They were fairly high up and it was starting to get cold. Letting go of his left arm, he settled into a more paced walk and began to climb just that much faster up the pass. That was until his was finally met with stairs. Taking the steps two at a time, he took note of the people he passed in an attempt to get what grasp of his compatriots he could. Unfortunately for him, a great deal of them seemed to be of noble descent; well, that's fair, what other way could they get into the most prestigious magical academies on the continent? He also saw a great deal of what kind of differential in nationalities they had, from their clothes; some people being better prepared for the chilling wind of the pass. Though, as far as he could tell, a great deal of the crowd were from Vorracia. Still, northern Vorracia is vastly different from southern Vorracia on a cultural level; they might as well be different nations entirely. It seemed the northerners outnumbered southerners like him.

Reaching the top, he noticed the odd layout of the plaza; and also that in his thought swimming haste, he'd been first to arrive at the top. The woman too, she addressed none of the students as they filled in. Looking to the signs, Luce felt it best he retain what energy he can. He didn't know what came next. Also--goddamn I'm hungry as fuck.
Rich Bitch.
The front gates.
riding leathers with a black bear pelt clipped to her shoulder.
Khestri Belmont.

Khestri regretted saying goodbye to the horses.

The mountain was a formidable foe. More than formidable, even, though she would never utter it. The path was a tragedy, but a spectacular opportunity as well. Her ass had grown numb on the ride here, and the walk fixed that right up, but, despite her activity from a child and into adulthood, the mountain quickly became their worst enemy. The amount of research on Randalla didn't even cover the pain she'll be in tomorrow. It did, however, help her prepare for it. As toned as she was, there was still a fair amount of struggle past a certain point.

Khestri glanced up from time to time, determined eyes clocking the distance she traveled by her visible progress. There were people in front of her and behind. All wanting exactly what she wanted. To get the fuck off this damn hike. And a better life, no doubt. All she could think about as she climbed the treacherous earthen path was the excitement her life would finally hold. The work she threw into her parents' businessโ€”the time, the effort, the days and nightsโ€”had given her a thirst for something better. When business returned, more abundant than before, Khestri was able to fall back and go back to normal.

Which meant endless days and nights doing nothing.

Running in the woods and asking to be challenged with new skills only fended off the dreadful feeling of 'there's more than this'.

The pain became background noise, and Khestri's eyes were on her feet. They didn't even notice they had reached a staircase, until they almost tripped up it. Khestri straightened their posture and their head snapped back up. A hand reached to adjust the heavy bear peltโ€”ebony in color and healthy, as though freshly huntedโ€”that hung to one shoulder before regaining her stride. A second wind slammed into her. A giddiness turned her professional stride into a miniscule leap and bound.

Her new burst of exuberance is what got her to the raven-haired figure. Inquisitive eyes studied them as they stood there. Their entire presence spoke of relaxation. The faint messiness to the hair, the soft blink of their eyes. There was no fear for what lingered out here. Not at the gates, it seemed, but she had heard the faint screams. She was surprised (and thankful) that she hadn't come across any blood.

Khestri was still working to get her breathing under control as she read the signs. There would be time for bothering the crimson-eyed woman later. They looked important, with the way they stood, and the simple yet formal. Khestri admired it, even though it's an energy she'd never quite be able to hold herself, being a lover of detail and all that. Even now, that extravagant bear pelt made her feel like she was on top of the world. Her father had hunted it for her, a good week before she was set to leave. He had tracked it for days, and when he finally felled it, he rushed to get it tailored as a cloak.

"To have a little piece of me up there."

Khestri would be lying if she said her eyes remained dry during that talk.

A loose hand reached for her bag. There was something from her mother in there. A box, wrapped neatly, with a little ribbon on top. Her mother had handed it to her with the simple command. Open it your first night there." A near impossible feat, her mom knew, but she made them promise, and promise they did.

Khestri sighed quietly and sat down, a snatched drink in hand. Her attention went from the lady to the other students that were climbing their way up after her. Sipping leisurely on occasion, she began to caress the fur clipped to her shoulder, happy to just relax now that she had made it past the looming obstacle that kept her from the life she wanted so badly. It looked different than she thought it would. The paintings and the sketches didn't do it justice. And, if she was being honest, the appearance didn't meet her expectations. It looked rather... homely.

Perhaps it was the location? Being in the mountains couldn't be good for decorating, or anything ornate. A damn shame. Alas, she was not here to just appreciate the view. The subject matter was the most important part. She could handle a little eyesore.

Another quick look around bought her more to look at. People moved around her, and a man was at the refreshments. One of the first up at the gates, if she's remembering correctly. His form denotes a life different from hers. Khestri was active, sure, but not out of necessity, like his seemed to be. Her brows lowered and her mind began to think up scenarios of his life. People watching, what a wonderful way to recharge.
coded by natasha.

Khestri regretted saying goodbye to the horses.

The mountain was a formidable foe. More than formidable, even, though she would never utter it. The path was a tragedy, but a spectacular opportunity as well. Her ass had grown numb on the ride here, and the walk fixed that right up, but, despite her activity from a child and into adulthood, the mountain quickly became their worst enemy. The amount of research on Randalla didn't even cover the pain she'll be in tomorrow. It did, however, help her prepare for it. As toned as she was, there was still a fair amount of struggle past a certain point.

Khestri glanced up from time to time, determined eyes clocking the distance she traveled by her visible progress. There were people in front of her and behind. All wanting exactly what she wanted. To get the fuck off this damn hike. And a better life, no doubt. All she could think about as she climbed the treacherous earthen path was the excitement her life would finally hold. The work she threw into her parents' businessโ€”the time, the effort, the days and nightsโ€”had given her a thirst for something better. When business returned, more abundant than before, Khestri was able to fall back and go back to normal.

Which meant endless days and nights doing nothing.

Running in the woods and asking to be challenged with new skills only fended off the dreadful feeling of 'there's more than this'.

The pain became background noise, and Khestri's eyes were on her feet. They didn't even notice they had reached a staircase, until they almost tripped up it. Khestri straightened their posture and their head snapped back up. A hand reached to adjust the heavy bear peltโ€”ebony in color and healthy, as though freshly huntedโ€”that hung to one shoulder before regaining her stride. A second wind slammed into her. A giddiness turned her professional stride into a miniscule leap and bound.

Her new burst of exuberance is what got her to the raven-haired figure. Inquisitive eyes studied them as they stood there. Their entire presence spoke of relaxation. The faint messiness to the hair, the soft blink of their eyes. There was no fear for what lingered out here. Not at the gates, it seemed, but she had heard the faint screams. She was surprised (and thankful) that she hadn't come across any blood.

Khestri was still working to get her breathing under control as she read the signs. There would be time for bothering the crimson-eyed woman later. They looked important, with the way they stood, and the simple yet formal. Khestri admired it, even though it's an energy she'd never quite be able to hold herself, being a lover of detail and all that. Even now, that extravagant bear pelt made her feel like she was on top of the world. Her father had hunted it for her, a good week before she was set to leave. He had tracked it for days, and when he finally felled it, he rushed to get it tailored as a cloak.

"To have a little piece of me up there."

Khestri would be lying if she said her eyes remained dry during that talk.

A loose hand reached for her bag. There was something from her mother in there. A box, wrapped neatly, with a little ribbon on top. Her mother had handed it to her with the simple command. Open it your first night there." A near impossible feat, her mom knew, but she made them promise, and promise they did.

Khestri sighed quietly and sat down, a snatched drink in hand. Her attention went from the lady to the other students that were climbing their way up after her. Sipping leisurely on occasion, she began to caress the fur clipped to her shoulder, happy to just relax now that she had made it past the looming obstacle that kept her from the life she wanted so badly. It looked different than she thought it would. The paintings and the sketches didn't do it justice. And, if she was being honest, the appearance didn't meet her expectations. It looked rather... homely.

Perhaps it was the location? Being in the mountains couldn't be good for decorating, or anything ornate. A damn shame. Alas, she was not here to just appreciate the view. The subject matter was the most important part. She could handle a little eyesore.

Another quick look around bought her more to look at. People moved around her, and a man was at the refreshments. One of the first up at the gates, if she's remembering correctly. His form denotes a life different from hers. Khestri was active, sure, but not out of necessity, like his seemed to be. Her brows lowered and her mind began to think up scenarios of his life. People watching, what a wonderful way to recharge.
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manic, cheerful, sleep-deprived


the front gates



asteria ochroma โ™ฆ


Randalla Academy!

Months of preparation, and Asteria could scarcely believe it. She was here! She had made it! A perilous trek it was, laden with sudden, heart-stopping cliffs and jagged spears of earth, but the gates were right over the crest. So close she could almost feel them. Or maybe that was just her stomach. The chill of high altitudes did little to deter her -- she refused to let it set in -- and the simple, dark-hued tunic and cloak she bore did its job well, flaring with every step as chilled stone thudded beneath worn leather boots. She had spent so long ascending uneven earth that the stairs were a divine respite.

Indeed, the trek to the mountains themselves was hardly an easy one. Almost the opposite, in fact. Ilmestys was miles away from this place, and finding a horse to get her here? All but impossible. She had been forced to resort to interconnected stable houses -- to rent a horse at one place and drop it off at its sister location -- and that could only get her so far before the isolation ensured bringing a horse here to be theft (she hadn't had the foresight of faking an identity), and plus, she only had so many coins.

But, mountain after mountain, and she was almost there. Asteria ignored the burn in her legs and set forward in a bound of energy, taking the haphazard steps two at a time, with an energetic sparkle in sleep-deprived eyes and a grin like bared teeth. Heart pounding, breath in staccato. A final burst of stamina.

And she was in. Perhaps a bit anticlimactic, after the arduous journey, as she stumbled her last steps of the staircase and slowed to a halt before a raven-haired, crimson-eyed woman, hands on knees, something between a cackle and a wheeze escaping her throat.

"Hi!" Asteria chirped out, lips still twisted in a manic grin, the choking huffs and puffs of her lungs evident. Blue eyes would rove over the tired-looking woman quickly, though a secondary glance would soon draw her attention to the obvious wooden signs. With hardly a moment of hesitation -- or even a pause to read the third sign detailing medical attention -- she would make a beeline to the rightmost station, an easy 'thanks!' tossed over her shoulder for good measure.

Her lightly-dirtied hands would snatch the nearest sandwich, offering an easy grin to the brown-haired, tan-skinned guy nearby, and Asteria would pivot to the benches in a meandering gait. Smile self-satisfied and sustenance tucked close to her chest. (Water she had plenty of; it was food that she had underestimated her need for.)

She lingered near the edge of the benches for a bit, scanning the clearing -- some other students had already made it, how neat -- before settling her gaze on... wait.

"You!" Asteria shouted across the gap, arm raised to point. "Khestri! You're here!" Her voice was an odd amalgamation between a cheer and a gasp.

Without a hint of hesitation, she raised her arms as if a robot, making her way to the other girl in an odd, loping sort of gait.

"Oh, I'm so excited! I didn't even know you were applying, what gives? This place is supposed to be pretty dangerous, y'know. I was almost gonna try my luck at Ruiyol Academy, can you believe it? That place is so froufrou -- they don't even allow knives!" A cough. "I mean, so I've heard! And not that I'd care anyway, of course."

She gave Khestri a grin, full of unbridled Gremlin Intent, before unceremoniously plopping herself down on the earthen bench beside her. She had known the other girl for a while -- about a year, actually -- during the other's visits to Ilmestys. And what fun they had! Her parents had thought Asteria was a bad influence -- blasphemy, she knew -- but in reality, their escapades were a mutual decision. Not that they would've believed her, anyway.

"So..." Asteria trailed off, brows raising in a sly, conspiratorial manner. "Magic, eh? What type d'you want?"

nine lives

Randalla Academy!

Months of preparation, and Asteria could scarcely believe it. She was here! She had made it! A perilous trek it was, laden with sudden, heart-stopping cliffs and jagged spears of earth, but the gates were right over the crest. So close she could almost feel them. Or maybe that was just her stomach. The chill of high altitudes did little to deter her -- she refused to let it set in -- and the simple, dark-hued tunic and cloak she bore did its job well, flaring with every step as chilled stone thudded beneath worn leather boots. She had spent so long ascending uneven earth that the stairs were a divine respite.

Indeed, the trek to the mountains themselves was hardly an easy one. Almost the opposite, in fact. Ilmestys was miles away from this place, and finding a horse to get her here? All but impossible. She had been forced to resort to interconnected stable houses -- to rent a horse at one place and drop it off at its sister location -- and that could only get her so far before the isolation ensured bringing a horse here to be theft (she hadn't had the foresight of faking an identity), and plus, she only had so many coins.

But, mountain after mountain, and she was almost there. Asteria ignored the burn in her legs and set forward in a bound of energy, taking the haphazard steps two at a time, with an energetic sparkle in sleep-deprived eyes and a grin like bared teeth. Heart pounding, breath in staccato. A final burst of stamina.

And she was in. Perhaps a bit anticlimactic, after the arduous journey, as she stumbled her last steps of the staircase and slowed to a halt before a raven-haired, crimson-eyed woman, hands on knees, something between a cackle and a wheeze escaping her throat.

"Hi!" Asteria chirped out, lips still twisted in a manic grin, the choking huffs and puffs of her lungs evident. Blue eyes would rove over the tired-looking woman quickly, though a secondary glance would soon draw her attention to the obvious wooden signs. With hardly a moment of hesitation -- or even a pause to read the third sign detailing medical attention -- she would make a beeline to the rightmost station, an easy 'thanks!' tossed over her shoulder for good measure.

Her lightly-dirtied hands would snatch the nearest sandwich, offering an easy grin to the brown-haired, tan-skinned guy nearby, and Asteria would pivot to the benches in a meandering gait. Smile self-satisfied and sustenance tucked close to her chest. (Water she had plenty of; it was food that she had underestimated her need for.)

She lingered near the edge of the benches for a bit, scanning the clearing -- some other students had already made it, how neat -- before settling her gaze on... wait.

"You!" Asteria shouted across the gap, arm raised to point. "Khestri! You're here!" Her voice was an odd amalgamation between a cheer and a gasp.

Without a hint of hesitation, she raised her arms as if a robot, making her way to the other girl in an odd, loping sort of gait.

"Oh, I'm so excited! I didn't even know you were applying, what gives? This place is supposed to be pretty dangerous, y'know. I was almost gonna try my luck at Ruiyol Academy, can you believe it? That place is so froufrou -- they don't even allow knives!" A cough. "I mean, so I've heard! And not that I'd care anyway, of course."

She gave Khestri a grin, full of unbridled Gremlin Intent, before unceremoniously plopping herself down on the earthen bench beside her. She had known the other girl for a while -- about a year, actually -- during the other's visits to Ilmestys. And what fun they had! Her parents had thought Asteria was a bad influence -- blasphemy, she knew -- but in reality, their escapades were a mutual decision. Not that they would've believed her, anyway.

"So..." Asteria trailed off, brows raising in a sly, conspiratorial manner. "Magic, eh? What type d'you want?"
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Babrabrella Andilet
Location: Gates of the academy
Interactions: None

Barb cursed her lack of knowledge on survival.

It had been two days since she had left home unannounced. Four days since she had talked to her father and... what was it now? About a week since the last good book she had read. In a morbid way it was quite amusing how, out of the 1,141 books she had taken interest in, not one of them had anything to do with how to build a decent fire. Not to mention her attire! The biting cold was unrelenting against the thin fabric of her blazer, and her pale, worn legs were practically blue from hypothermia. It wasn't even the chill that had gotten to her, rather the lack of food. Barb hadn't eaten a decent meal in two days, and the consequences seemed to catch up rather quickly. There wasn't much that could be done now, however. The sparsity of life in the mountains left her little choice but to continue on or die trying.

Moments like these were quite odd. Although Barb's purpose on this journey was to free herself from the confines of her home, her thoughts had been traveling back there since she left. Her head seemed to be on board, but her heart yearned for the familiarity of what she had always known. How pitiful. What were her parents thinking right now? Were they worried? Relieved, perhaps, that they could now start fresh with a son to carry on a stronger lineage? Barb pursed her lips at the thought, forcing the tears back with whatever strength she had left. She had lost a lot on this adventure, but her pride would not be one of them. Not that there would be anyone to see.

Unable to confront whatever feelings she had about home, she forced her thoughts instead to the boy she had seen numerous times before. What became of him? Had he succumbed to one of the many threats presented on their journey? She hadn't thought much of it the first time she had noticed him, but the few times after that rose some suspicions. She was sure he was headed to the academy as well, and the thought that he had made it before her somehow fueled her desire to make it to the destination, if not some feelings of longing for a companion.

That was how she spent the rest of her walk up the mountainside before the glint of the sunlight off of the gates of the academy were in sight. At first Barb was certain it must be a mirage. The closer she got the more her disbelief turned to pure excitement. She had done it! It was right there, the makeshift steps just unnecessary encouragement now. Barb wanted to cry out in relief, pain, fear and overall victory, but the sight of the other students cut her celebration short. The first one she noticed was the boy. Her disappointment at the discovery was covered under her usual aloofness. Now that she was here, she was determined to make sure she didn't fall behind again.

Standing on the outskirts of the forming group, her amber eyes slid across the most notable features. The signs that laid out perfectly simple instructions, the courteous spread of food and beverages, and of course the unusual lady standing at the head of the path. Her gaze alone caused Barb to internally flinch away. After some consideration, she moved to grab a sandwich and some water. It wasn't hard to figure out where she would take a seat, seeing as one of the loudest people of the bunch had made her way to sit with a friend in the front row. Barb slid to the back, already munching on her well deserved sandwich. Her teachings on proper etiquette seemed to take hold without her realizing despite her weariness as she sat straight, laying her free hand in her lap and taking small bites from the food in her left. She had made it, and that was the most important thing for now.

A shrill wailing sound pierced the sky, bursting the silence that shrouded the mountain. It's a long continous monotone skirl of Una's pipes. The sound resonated and bounced off the mountainside, creating echoes that joined her to create a harmonious invisible band of pipers. She thought it's beautiful, definitely not something that could be done in Anagon's Point since the endless frozen sea would usually drown her music instead.

The girl smiled at her discovery and stopped playing. Enough music for now, she would continue it later. Sipping the last of her ale, Una felt the liquor warmed up her stomach. She wrapped her fur cloak around her body in such way that it efficiently prevents her body heat from escaping and continued her climb. She was no hiker, but she's well-adjusted and well-equipped against the cold so as long as she pace herself and tread carefully she should be fine... at least she thought so, but the higher she climbs, the heavier every step becomes. She found herself took a lot of breaks here and there but unlike the first one where she still had enough energy to play her pipes, the rest were just her staring blankly at mountainside while massaging her own legs.

The mountain path abruptly changed into staircase and that was a refreshing sight to behold. The peak is just a few steps ahead! Exerting the remaining strength on her legs, the tall girl enthusiastly hopped one or two stairs with each stride. That was quite dangerous considering how steep each of the steps were but she didn't care, she just want to reach the peak as soon as possible. A sigh of relieve escaped her lips as she finally see the students sitting on lined up earthen bench. Una looked around and read the wooden sign near the staff member. She thought she would be hungry after climbing that much but she didn't feel like eating, she just wanted to rest so she dragged her feet towards the back row and threw herself on top of one of the bench. She landed on her stomach and simply stay in that position for the next few minutes.


Una groaned and forced herself into a sitting position. She shouldn't be like this, father sent her here so she could train herself to be strong. Slapping her own cheeks as a wake up slap, she distracted herself by scanning her surrounding and looked at all the students who had arrive before her. There's one at the food stall, another two talking to each other and one more sitting on the bench not far from her. The latter caught Una's attention because of her attire, it wasn't a proper one to handle cold. Just by looking at her Una could feel the shivering cold the girl must had experienced on her way up. She slided on her bench to approach the girl and then unstrap her fur cloak, revealing a rather casual jacket and trousers beneath it.

"Looks cold. Wear this." Una offered her fur cloak towards the girl, she seemed to need it more.

Pipsqueak Pipsqueak
Senja Hakala

Location: Randalla Courtyard

Step, click. Step, click. The sound of wood on stone echoed through the air. Senja limped up the steps, winding her way through the rocky crags below Randalla. Blood seeped through the makeshift bandage around her leg, creating a patch of warmth along her thigh. "Stupid. Stupid. A rookie mistake." She should have seen that thing comingโ€”all teeth and claws and fur, darting out of underbrush in a flash of silver and shadow. "My first lesson, it seems. Never give your enemies a place to hide."

Gritting her teeth against the pain, she adjusted her grip on the canes head and pushed forward. The embossing dug into her hand, the pain a distraction from the burning in her leg. The thing throbbed with each step. Senja had cleaned it as best she could. But there was little she could do with limited supplies. The bandage was torn from her damaged coat sleeve. The thick fabric absorbed the blood, but the constant motion constantly tugged at it. "I should have joined the medical core. At least that way, I'd know how much of an idiot I am for walking on the dam thing." She winced with each step, the movement sending bolts of fire up her leg. But she forced herself forward. At this point, the Academy was the only place within reach where she could hope to get treatment. Looking up, she saw the tail end of her group. "My group," she chuckled ", As if I've spent more than twenty minutes with any of them." Senja had to squint to see the group, the slowest of them so far ahead of her. "All I need to do is keep them insight. I don't have to be first. I just have to make it to the top."

Hours later, Senja managed to haul herself to the top of the stairs. She had long since lost sight of her group. If she were to look over her shoulder, another group would no doubt be visible behind her. Leaning on her grandfather's cane, she gasped for air. At that moment, she wanted nothing more than to curl up into a ball and sleep. "But of course, we can't allow that, can we. Appearances come first." It would not do to prove herself unfit on the first day. Glancing at the woman by the gates, Senja took a moment to compose herself. A single deep breath. Then she stood upright, straightened her hair and stepped forward, head held high. Passing through the gates, she locked eyes with the older woman. Holding her gaze for a moment, Senja gave her a brief nod before gliding into the courtyard. Or as close to gliding as one can come with a limp. A large group had gathered at this point, in various stages of dishevelment. She quickly scanned the crowd. "More than a few Vorracians, hardly surprising. Some Ruiyoli and Quidori. Even a few from home. Quite the spread it would seem." Striding past them, Senja made her way to the clinic. Seating herself primly, she nodded politely to the blond man before pointing to her leg. "If you wouldn't mind. A cat of some kind came at me in the night. I suspect infection has already set in." She spoke politely, all hint of her usual coldness expunged. It's always prudent to be polite to doctors, especially when the other option is losing a leg.
Nina's trip up the mountain was a pretty difficult one, she wasn't used to rough terrain like this. And her body certainly wasn't trained for hiking in any way, shape, or form. She almost gave up at some points, but she wouldn't. She couldn't. She would be disowned if she didn't graduate from this school. And- she wanted to finally give her family something to be proud of. She was a burden, and she always messed everything up. But if she could do this, then maybe they could see that she's changed and forgive her. Then they could be a happy family. This thought helped Nina smile for the majority of the hike, using this dream of hers as motivation to keep going.

Nina was usually behind most of the others, so when she felt like she needed a distraction she could do some subtle people watching. She could ignore the newly forming blisters on her feet that way. She liked to make guesses about some of their stories and how they got here, sometimes she would make actual attempts based on their appearances and clothing. But most times it was her making up outlandish backstories for her future peers. Being in the back of the group also meant that she would witness many people's trek of shame back down the mountain as they gave up. She encountered so many people giving up that she almost wondered if there was anyone still left walking by the second half of her journey. She wanted to try and convince them to keep going, but the looks of embarrassment on a lot of their faces made her feel like talking to them would make them feel worse. What was worse was that, once or twice on her trip she would notice a blood trail leading somewhere else on the mountain, like someone was dragged away. She would have to come to terms with the fact that someone probably died nearby. Thankfully, she didn't see any actual corpses..

A few hours and some mild injuries later, Nina had finally made it to the end of her journey. Her exhausting, lonely, painful, and horrible journey. And yet, she wore a soft smile. Disregarding some of the more gruesome parts of the journey, Nina kind of enjoyed herself. She had never been allowed outside by herself for this long before. She had never been granted freedom like this. She was free from the watchful eyes of her family, or the maids and butlers. She could make a mistake out here because no one was watching and they couldn't punish her for it! It was thrilling! She looked down and noticed that she got mud on her expensive shoes. And no one came out of nowhere to yell at her and make her take off the shoe so they could smack her with it! That's when it fully dawned on her, as she stood in front of one of the shabby signs, that she had real freedom here..

She almost squeaked in excitement. She was so giddy, she could barely contain herself! She bounced on her heels even though they stung, and quickly headed towards the benches. Sitting down and quickly tapping her feet, a wide smile on her face as she glanced around at some of the others who had made it. She wasn't even paying attention to the fact that she was thirsty and in pain at this point, she was just grateful to be out of that house.

Finally, freedom prevails! After having every waking moment of his life confined to the Nachtigall Domain for so long, it was nice to be given the reignsโ€”to control his fate. For Klaus, scaling the sky-scraping peaks was the ideal scenario for getting a taste of real world. Throughout his entire trek, his mind repeated a single phrase, like a broken record: "This is the best you've got?" Growing up in Northern Quidor has its perks, especially when considering the conditioning his parents put him through during the cold winters. Sprints with nigh no clothing and other arduous tasks during the frigid temperatures were ample preparation for the mountain range's climate. As cold as it was, there was no time to complain about it. His stride had purpose, a broad smile spread across his face as the winds whipped against his skin. Nevetheless... there's no way he'd remove his robe from his upper body. As cocky as he was, he wasn't an idiot. Frostbite isn't something you can laugh about and move on from.

Each step carried the weight of the last, exponentially increasing his strain. His positivity was maintained through sheer willpower, as doubt is a vile thing. Once it creeps up on your mind, it overwhelms and takes control. Luckily, Klaus was able to utilize the new experience constructively, admiring the peak-shapen earth that was otherwise alien to him. While a third of his life so far consisted of reading, mountains were something he'd only heard about in stories โ€” funny, considering Northern Quidor had its fair share. Unfortunately for Klaus, he never made it that close to the border. The generous pocket of land near the coast was all he knew, alongside a few towns and villages in the general vicinity. Needless to say, he was awestruck by the peaks, which allowed him to take his mind off of the aches that plagued him throughout his entire body.

As most have come to understand, temperature isn't the primary threat as far as the journey to the academy is concerned โ€” the beasts are. Beasts that Klaus has little to no understanding of. They weren't something you could simply fend off and overpower with ease, you needed a plan. In every scenario, that plan was to run, as cowardly as that may be. Klaus hated it, but there was no other way around it.

As things turned out, Klaus was in the presence of 4 others who had decided to risk their lives in order to attend the academy. He hadn't remembered their names โ€” he didn't think they had even shared them amongst one another. Their faces were empty and devoid to him, partially due to how tired and emotionless they were, but also due to how meaningless they were to him. As bad as it sounds, he didn't want them to die, but was rather impartial towards their fates. Only the worthy would make it, after all. That's how things were structured here. This was the first test. If you fail it, the academy saw no worth in your attendance. With this in mind, Klaus was even more fired up. Of course, everything becomes a competition with him, and he was not going to falter, no matter what happened. However, just as Klaus' luck would have it, complications did arise.

Stars lingered overhead, a zenith of the dark, looming expanse. This had occurred the night before Klaus' had finally been rewarded mangled steps of the Academy, after he had formed a little group with a few of the other potential students. They had settled down and were attempting to regain some of their lost energy. No small talk, no conversation. Though the day had left them, the light had not, with the moon and stars continuing to illuminate the path that awaited them. They could continue whenever they pleased. This complacency, however, is what lead to chaos. The predators out here were clever, whatever they were. If there were any more than only one of those beasts, Klaus probably wouldn't have made it. The first victim was the person sitting next to him, in fact. Such a close call with death.. Whatever it was, its presence was only capable of being acknowledged when it pounced on the person next to him. It knew that the neck was the weak-point of living flesh, thus, their death was swift. Oh... Oh fuck. Needless to say, Klaus' own figure went from sitting to standing in an instant. This was the only point, throughout the entire trek, where his smile truly faded. "Run or die!" The words stung, for they were true. They were defenseless prey. Of course, Klaus didn't need to say it โ€” everyone was sitting in a pretty tight circle, they were completely aware of the imminent danger that stood before them. The creature, featureless due to the dead of night, turned to Klaus next. No, you're not going to kill me. I won't let you. Not yet. Throwing both arms up, he crossed them in front of his neck, as he'd figure it increases his changes of getting away alive. As he did this, he also took a leap back. The thing was clever. Seeing as it couldn't go for the neck, it decided on the next best option: Klaus' midsection, honing in on his heart. After realizing his head was still attached to his body, he felt the warm, trickle of blood dripping from his chest. However, he paid it no mind.. For now, at least. The pain was seething, but the wound itself wasn't incredibly deep โ€” creating distance by moving backwards allowed him to turn it from a potential life-ending injury into more of a papercut, only a few centimeters deep. However, the wound itself was lengthy. It ran vertical from the top of his chest, beginning right under his neck and reaching down to the top of his stomach. In his adrenaline induced rush, he felt anger more than anything. "You.. Who do you think you are, you stupid animal? You missed!" He hissed at the creature, which trailed into laughter. As clever as it was, perhaps it misunderstood how exactly the deep the wound was, as it turned its attention away from Klaus to hunt down the others. One was frozen in fear, the others ran. Perhaps it figured he would bleed out before he got anywhere? Either way, it gave him a chance to run. Fight or flight is a crazy thing.. Klaus felt anger, the urge to fight, against a creature he stood absolutely no chance against. He needed to keep himself in check. No, you fool. You'll get yourself killed. Just go. In all honesty, the whole debacle hurt Klaus' pride more than anything. He felt like a coward โ€” but he definitely wasn't a fighter. At the very least, he could kick his brother's asses, but it's not like he's got any training. Thirty minutes later, he had continued his trek, dried blood laying stained on his upper body. He absolutely refused to touch it, fearing any bacteria that could be present on his hands. Luckily, the cold ended up being in Klaus' favor, as bacteria cannot thrive as well in such frigid temperatures. His grin returned, a reminder of what suceeding will mean for him. As he walked, Klaus took a moment to reach into a small bag he kept tucked in his robe, allowing his arms to leave the sleeves as it draped behind him. Following this, he slid down his Nagigi as well, hastily wrapping the bandage around his torso and messily tying it off. Perfect. Pulling back up his Nagigi, the cold still slammed against his bare arms. Having this much skin in contact with the frigid air was incredibly painful, moreso than the would itself. Wearing the second layer, his Haori, was a necessity; as expected, he put it back on rather quickly. After many more hours of strenuous walking, he was finally met with his destination.

First the mountain, then these damned beasts? Fate does not favor me, yet... The steps. His reward. "Yet I prevail." Once he reached the base, the following howling laughter was of pure joy. Making his way up, he couldn't help how worn they were. How many people had gone up these stairs, he wondered? How much longer would they be used?

Reaching the top, he was greeted by what seemed to be a small, established camp that laid just beyond the gate. He aura oozed confidence, bearing a tall-stood posture and a merry expression, he felt proud of how easy things turned out to be... In his words, at least. His tunnel vision ignored the figures that stood around โ€” other students who had made it. How unfortunate. I wasn't the first up, huh? Most of them seemed to be either minding their own business or engaging in small-talk. Entering through the gate, he threw his arms out to each side, letting out a victorious roar. The adrenaline was still wearing off, so he had to take a moment to focus his vision and regain his mental composure. He noticed the small, makeshift clinic that was set up towards the left of a rather important-looking woman. As for the group he was with prior, he had absolutely no idea if any of them had survived. If they, he hadn't studied their faces enough to remember. No need for pleasantries. He looked towards the raven-haired woman. "Child's play. If you've someone who can sew, I'd appreciate that you direct me to them sometime later. Damned beasts had the nerve to tear my clothing." A wink followed. Whether the woman caught it or not, Klaus was unsure of.

Without another word, he headed over to the small clinic, seeing that a rather professional-looking woman was already being treated inside. Stopping near the entrance, he lowered himself to the ground. After not being able to plant your ass for so long, it was nice to have a little bit of security. Acknowledging both the blonde man and the lady, he spoke. "No rush. Wound's nothing I can't handle. I've got a while before infection, especially considering this frigid cold..Did you trip, miss?" Klaus was a hand talker, that's for sure. Each word was accompanied by a gesture, nearly without fail. A single finger pointed towards her leg, wrapped in the makeshift bandages. A better job than he had done, though he wouldn't acknowledge it.

interactions: Nuclear Magician Nuclear Magician
Rich Bitch.
The front gates.
riding leathers with a black bear pelt clipped to her shoulder.
Khestri Belmont.

Khestri was lost in the wind, the lackluster view, and the throbbing pain in her legs.

Her green gaze was focused in the distance. Not many people were here, she came to realize. People dropped like fliesโ€”out of life and out of the academy. More than she originally thought. Her focus during the climb was everlasting, it seemed. Only the blood seemed to catch her attention. Those that simply left her presence, heading back down the mountain with a heavy head and a laden heart just didnโ€™t.

The thought of giving up wasnโ€™t even one she experienced on the way up. It wasnโ€™t even a possibility in her mind for others. It was only now, at the top of the mountain sitting on the bench she claimed, that she realized that it was, in fact, an option. All of the journals she asked for from different countries stated that there was a climb. Turning back was something she didnโ€™t consider. Guess it meant she got the right journals.

In the deep well of her thoughts, she didnโ€™t even hear the crisp greeting from someone that climbed gracelessly up the last bit of steps. Taking leisurely sips from her cup of water was the only sign that there was any life behind those focused eyes. A bird was in view, and there didnโ€™t seem to be anything that could tear her eyes away from it. It was a hawk. One she didnโ€™t know the name of. Khestri quickly noticed her failure to study the fauna of the area. Not a good look, for someone that comes from a bloodline of hunters.

โ€œYou! Khestri! Youโ€™re here!โ€

Khestriโ€™s eyes snapped to the voice, only to see a familiar face. Khestri was on her feet, mimicking the finger point as if it were a command, or a sleeper spyโ€™s secret signal to come to life. The face that had been prim and proper, clear and focused, was now split into a soulful grin with a hint of wilderness tangled in. โ€œMy gremlin! Youโ€™re here!โ€ The tone was torn between confusion and excitement. Indeed, the calm disposition vanished. Who knew when it would be back, with Asteria here.

The power stance Asteria took on was mimicked immediately, and it was like they were playing a game of mimicry. Khestri couldnโ€™t help but laugh once Asteria was close enough for her to reach out. Reach out she did, slender fingers grasping the edges of the fabric Asteria cloaked herself in, with an amused and adoring grin. โ€œI canโ€™t believe you thought Ruiyol Academy would be a good fit for you! A wolf wanting to flock with the sheep,โ€ Khestri laughed out. Froufrou. Loved it.

Khestri fretted with the strange threads her friend adorned herself in, plucking at it a bit. Perhaps they should have gone shopping when they were in Ilmestys. What was that? A month ago? A week was all they could stay, and her parents would have rushed her, if she didnโ€™t campaign for her bad influence as often as she could. They acted as though bounding through the trees and over city property was the worst thing in the world.

Khestri sat down next to her and continued to try to make her friend look presentable. She couldnโ€™t work with nothing, but she was lucky Asteria was prettier than the clothes she was wearing. The blonde could wear a potato sack and still look gorgeous.

The question caught her off guard and Khestriโ€™s fretting hands stopped moving, before falling back into her lap. She twisted her body to lean towards her friend, drawing herself into the conversation. โ€œHonestly? No idea. Iโ€™ve read journal after journal, book after book, all about as thick as that skull of yours, and Iโ€™ve not an inkling of what I want to do. Yet.โ€ That gremlin smile was echoed with her own. The smile of a witch offering a fresh red apple. โ€œWhat do you want, my fierce friend? You seem moreโ€ฆ fire-like. Or lightning?โ€ Khestri hummed, tapping her chin. โ€œMaybe weโ€™ll have elements that compliment each other, also what in the hell are you wearing.โ€ The words were quick, and her question was added as though she nearly forgot. โ€œI love you, but if I have to dress you like youโ€™re a tot the entire time youโ€™re here, Iโ€™m going to explode. Literally or figuratively, depending on my affinity.โ€
coded by natasha.

Khestri was lost in the wind, the lackluster view, and the throbbing pain in her legs. Her green gaze was focused in the distance. Not many people were here, she came to realize. People dropped like fliesโ€”out of life and out of the academy. More than she originally thought. Her focus during the climb was everlasting, it seemed. Only the blood seemed to catch her attention. Those that simply left her presence, heading back down the mountain with a heavy head and a laden heart just didnโ€™t.

The thought of giving up wasnโ€™t even one she experienced on the way up. It wasnโ€™t even a possibility in her mind for others. It was only now, at the top of the mountain sitting on the bench she claimed, that she realized that it was, in fact, an option. All of the journals she asked for from different countries stated that there was a climb. Turning back was something she didnโ€™t consider. Guess it meant she got the right journals.

In the deep well of her thoughts, she didnโ€™t even hear the crisp greeting from someone that climbed gracelessly up the last bit of steps. Taking leisurely sips from her cup of water was the only sign that there was any life behind those focused eyes. A bird was in view, and there didnโ€™t seem to be anything that could tear her eyes away from it. It was a hawk. One she didnโ€™t know the name of. Khestri quickly noticed her failure to study the fauna of the area. Not a good look, for someone that comes from a bloodline of hunters.

โ€œYou! Khestri! Youโ€™re here!โ€

Khestriโ€™s eyes snapped to the voice, only to see a familiar face. Khestri was on her feet, mimicking the finger point as if it were a command, or a sleeper spyโ€™s secret signal to come to life. The face that had been prim and proper, clear and focused, was now split into a soulful grin with a hint of wilderness tangled in. โ€œMy gremlin! Youโ€™re here!โ€ The tone was torn between confusion and excitement. Indeed, the calm disposition vanished. Who knew when it would be back, with Asteria here.

The power stance Asteria took on was mimicked immediately, and it was like they were playing a game of mimicry. Khestri couldnโ€™t help but laugh once Asteria was close enough for her to reach out. Reach out she did, slender fingers grasping the edges of the fabric Asteria cloaked herself in, with an amused and adoring grin. โ€œI canโ€™t believe you thought Ruiyol Academy would be a good fit for you! A wolf wanting to flock with the sheep,โ€ Khestri laughed out. Froufrou. Loved it.

Khestri fretted with the strange threads her friend adorned herself in, plucking at it a bit. Perhaps they should have gone shopping when they were in Ilmestys. What was that? A month ago? A week was all they could stay, and her parents would have rushed her, if she didnโ€™t campaign for her bad influence as often as she could. They acted as though bounding through the trees and over city property was the worst thing in the world.

Khestri sat down next to her and continued to try to make her friend look presentable. She couldnโ€™t work with nothing, but she was lucky Asteria was prettier than the clothes she was wearing. The blonde could wear a potato sack and still look gorgeous.

The question caught her off guard and Khestriโ€™s fretting hands stopped moving, before falling back into her lap. She twisted her body to lean towards her friend, drawing herself into the conversation. โ€œHonestly? No idea. Iโ€™ve read journal after journal, book after book, all about as thick as that skull of yours, and Iโ€™ve not an inkling of what I want to do. Yet.โ€ That gremlin smile was echoed with her own. The smile of a witch offering a fresh red apple. โ€œWhat do you want, my fierce friend? You seem moreโ€ฆ fire-like. Or lightning?โ€ Khestri hummed, tapping her chin. โ€œMaybe weโ€™ll have elements that compliment each other, also what in the hell are you wearing.โ€ The words were quick, and her question was added as though she nearly forgot. โ€œI love you, but if I have to dress you like youโ€™re a tot the entire time youโ€™re here, Iโ€™m going to explode. Literally or figuratively, depending on my affinity.โ€
Helina_1_small.jpgIn all ways, the journey the future students of Randalla Academy had taken to the peak of the mountain was a metaphor of the time they would spend there made manifest. Perhaps the manner in which each student arrived would reflect how they left the academy as well. Students flying up the final stairs earning the title of mage with ease. Those that came unprepared for the journey struggling every step of the way. Helina fell in the latter category by that logic, pulling herself over the top of the steps on literal hands and knees, heaving, packless, and covered in dirt and dried blood.

It wasn't that she didn't come prepared, though. The journey had just found every opportunity to try and break her. She was well adapted to the cold air, having lived her entire life in the northern forests of Auvayles, but the air was so thin here that she could never get a full breath. She had brought plenty of food, water, medicine, bedding, and clothes to survive the trip, but, as she had gotten closer to the mountain by way of one of the main passes, some other wannabe students that hadn't prepared properly stole most of her food and water. So, Helina switched to a longer but less traveled pass. She was confident that her talent for not getting lost would keep her on track, and it did, but leaving the highly trafficked pass was akin to a single herbivore getting separated from the herd. Beasts descended upon her in little time, tracking her by the smell of her herbs, and tore what little she had left to shreds and injuring her before she could get away. For two days they chased her until she made it to the summit of the mountain. Her body begged to collapse, but she couldn't let herself fail when she had come so close to overcoming the journey. She had crawled up the stone steps, refusing the help of the few future peers that offered any. Accepting their help would have been the same as giving up for Helina.

Atop the mountain now, Helina gave in to the exhaustion and fell flat, rolling onto her back. She hadn't paid the raven haired woman or the signs any attention. Helina just didn't have the energy left to. Her eyes stared up at the cloudless sky. Though it was only the first step, she had won her first battle. Despite how drained she was, pride filled her and gave her relief from her aches and pains. From this day forward she would no longer be the weak coward she was anymore. She would remake herself, and this small victory gave her hope that it was actually possible for her to change. To celebrate her first victory, Helina closed her eyes and embraced the settling lethargy. Cold hard stone had never felt so comfortable.

Where: at the top of the final steps
What: lying down about to fall asleep
Who: no one at the moment
Why: life's rough
Last edited by a moderator:
Randalla Academy - Front Gate
Interactions: ithinkcat ithinkcat [Helina Mignar]

It was quiet. No voices. No sounds of life. Just the piercing cold wind. Staring up from the bottom of the staircase, Noelle took a deep breath before the click of her shoes on cold hard stone broke the silence. Her journey had not been nearly as long or arduous as some of the other applicants, but it was still tiring nonetheless. Strangely however, as she continued up the incline there wasn't another person in sight. She had met up with two other applicants in Newhill; Reid and Luna. She still remembered their names, and even more so the dinner they bonded over the night before they all left. But there was no sign of them now. Sure, she may have gotten lost more than a few times but she couldn't have been that far behind...

She quickened her step.

She was tired, her legs were cramping, and she was breathing pretty heavily but she was focused. Anything was better than going back to the inane boredom of Emesa. The chill from the mountain wind was the only thing that seemed to keep her from sprinting the last stretch of this journey. Her mom had prepared most of her necessities for the trek, though even she probably underestimated how frigid it was near the top of the mountain. There weren't many mountains in South Quidor to be fair, and even less near Emesa. Even trying to get her mind off of it with geography doesn't help why it's so damned cold...

The monotonous click continued like a metronome.

She glanced around once more, still not noticing anyone, only the occasional shadow of a spire off the path giving the illusion of any life. Glancing further ahead however, finally yielded something interesting; A large bland looking building. The academy she had spent all this time climbing for was finally in reach, and even better was the sound of voices coming from just above. Gaining a second wind she began taking the steps two at a time, the clicking getting faster and more lively as she did so. Her eyes never deterred from her goal as she crested the top of the final stairs. The last stair felt slightly different from the others though.... strangely.... soft? Though the girls face was already in the dirt before she could process the thought any further.

Pulling herself up from the earth and rock, she looked back at what she had seemingly tripped over only to find a person lying on the final step.

"Ah! I'm so so sorry! I swear I did not mean for that to happen!" She quickly reached her hand out to help the white haired girl up before she continued.

"I got too excited seeing the gates and wasn't paying attention. Hopefully you're not hurt..." Standing over the girl she looked over her examining for any bruises only to find the dried blood from multiple wounds sticking out like a sore thumb. Her eyes widened at the sight, and she stammered, "Oh gods.... Um, uh, let's get you to a doctor or something!" She began forcing her way under the injured girls shoulder and tried to help her get to the nearby medical tent.
Goddamn, these sandwiches bussin'. Luce's voracious apatite took over as he moved to take his--uhh, which 'wich is which? Looking down to his hands, he held one of the sandwiches in his teeth before flicking his fingers up one at a time. Ninth sandwich? No, eleventh. Luce hoped no one had been watching. It's just that he'd only just now--having made it to the summit--realized how fucking hungry he was. Like, surprise necrosis levels of hungry. He'd not eaten for some days; not because he didn't have the food, rather he just didn't want to waste the time stopping or slowing up his pace to eat. He... didn't have all the time in the world. He couldn't afford even a second wasted on his behalf. Still, now that he was waiting on others, he could spare a moment to wolf something down.

Grabbing three more sandwiches for good measure, Luce made to sit down with some of the others; though, he made it a point to sit as far back as he could. He wanted a vantage point of which to observe the best he could. It seemed that he wasn't the only one with that idea. Having taken his seat, he took note of who was closest to him. It was actually that girl from Pincil. Sh-should I say something? Hey, I'm glad you made it. No, I don't think she was even paying attention to me, who would? I should probably just pretend I don't know her.
Pretend? I don't have to, I actually don't know her. Maybe I should've been paying more attention before sitting down; I definitely just made this weird for the both of us. Right, uhhh, it's been more than a few moments. I should just give up, let it happen. She's not conscious of you so it shouldn't be a problem, right? Actually, that's a dum--

"Looks cold. Wear this." Luce was beaten to the punch, then again, was he even gonna do it?

Feeling his mind reel back from his thoughts being so abruptly disrupted, he rotated. No, no, let them do their thing. Jumping in would be a bad idea. One-on-one dynamics are better to start with, as it allows a person the ability to make judgments on character with undivided attention. That and group interactions this early would create weird group dynamics moving forward that could get in the way of--I don't fuckin' know. Sighing to himself, Luce was almost content with just staying silent and waiting. That was until a cheery girl bounced up and plopped down on the bench in front of him, rocking back and forth with an energy so fervently resisting containment. Luce let out a breath, almost turning into a laugh. It was funny, despite this place being the dreams and/or aspirations of so many, she was probably the first happy face he'd seen. Everyone else was just... neutral; or worse. It compelled him to lean forward a bit, fairly close behind her left shoulder.

"Excited, lass?" Luce started with a warm smile, his voice low as to not disturb several carrying on around them both. "You must've come a long way for this."

x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X
Barbarella Andilet
Location: Gates of academy
Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

The buzz of chatter around the little plaza began to drown into the background as Barb began to drift off. The chill in the air was beginning to feel more comforting than anything. Something in the back of her mind was persistent to stay awake, to fight the newfound comfort in the cold, but the voice was easy to push away. The girl's lips were almost as blue as the sky above them, her skin flushed and deadly pale at the same time. What was left of her sandwich slipped out of her hand and fell in a heap on the rocky ground below her. Just as Barb's consciousness began to drift away, a sharp but concerned voice broke through the haze.

Opening her eyes, Barb slowly glanced around until she met face to face with a wide eyed, pale blue stare.

"Pardon?" Barb managed to lift her head a fraction. Her voice came out hoarse. Not speaking in days was enough to do that, she supposed. Blinking in confusion, she lifted herself upright from her slouched position and drew her attention to the soft and quite warm looking cloak being handed to her by a tall (And quite intimidating if she did say so herself) brunette girl. Any other time Barb probably would have refused, but she had common sense. Her uniform was not fit for this kind of weather.

"Oh... Thank you." Barb took the cloak gratefully, giving the girl a tired but genuine smile.

Stay awake, stay awake!

The little voice came back stronger this time, snapping her more into reality.

"I'm Barbarella, but you can just call me Barb. Pleasure." She held her hand out, not in the mood to stand and curtsy. She half wished the girl would just stand and go somewhere else, her previous longing for a companion long gone. She had never been the talkative type, which often made interactions a bit awkward.

"So... what brings you to the academy?" There. A decent conversation starter. Barb tried to concentrate on the girl's face, but something felt off. Someone was staring at her. Unable to stop her curiosity, she turned to look behind her, spotting the problem right away. It was the boy she had seen during her trip, the one who had beaten her to the plaza. He had taken a seat fairly close to the two, and Barb squinted suspiciously at him. What was his problem? She was about to interrupt the girl who had given her the cloak to berate the boy. She was sure he was about to gloat about making it before her, but his attention was quickly diverted to a very cheerful, pretty girl who had just made it up the hill.

Biting the inside of her cheek to keep from making a smart remark, she turned back to the girl she was sitting with.

"Sorry, some people just love making things a competition." She huffed. Barb wasn't typically so ill tempered, but her physical and mental state just wasn't up to par to really care.

"What were you saying?"
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Settling In

Settling In

Year 607, September 1st

Early Morning

Randalla Academy - The Obsidian Dormitory

"If you wouldn't mind. A cat of some kind came at me in the night. I suspect infection has already set in."

The blond man nodded gently at the black-haired student in response, before lightly pulling the makeshift curtains around them and getting a closer look at the wound. The seeping blood made it difficult to discern where the original wound was, and since he wasn't sure how high it was on her thigh, he thought he'd close the curtains to save her decency.

Fortunately, his worries were unnecessary, causing him to leave the curtains half-open to allow better lighting. The cut on her clothing was big enough for him to be able to see the injury and the depths of it, allowing him to start on first aid treatment immediately. He bent down and began cleaning the wound meticulously, even using small tweezers to pull out a broken-off shard of a beast's claw, though the voices outside the make-shift clinic seemed to mildly divert his attention.

( Nuclear Magician Nuclear Magician )

"Child's play. If you've someone who can sew, I'd appreciate that you direct me to them sometime later. Damned beasts had the nerve to tear my clothing."

Vaguely awoken from her stupor, the raven-haired woman glanced coolly at the newly-arrived snow-haired student addressing her. She glanced at the dried blood, laughable bandaging and torn inner robe, before quietly looking back at his hazel eyes, just barely catching his follow-up wink.

"...You'd do well to learn how to sew yourself, or perhaps ask one of your new classmates... otherwise, just learn to grow some thick skin. Decency, will likely be the least of your worries here."

She replied coldly to his back as he walked away, though her tone of voice was similar to a senior giving a junior sincere advice. After her words were said, she quickly returned to her sleepy daze, half-watching as students continued to trickle in.

"No rush. Wound's nothing I can't handle. I've got a while before infection, especially considering this frigid cold..Did you trip, miss?"

As the female voice from outside stopped speaking, the doctor present in the clinic paid no more heed to the outside, focusing solely on the wound in front of him. Though, he did glance at the snow-haired student to mentally take note of the severity of treatment needed for him later.

( kasigi kasigi )


As the latest student made her way over the top of the 'stairs'... that is, if those 'stairs' included a new classmate's face, the raven-haired stranger abruptly moved, gesturing for the newer students still climbing the steps to wait by the gate. Picking up four seemingly random students resting on benches and dragging them by their collars, the raven-haired woman paid no heed to their struggles as she approached the side of the mountain. The sound of her steps remained even despite the added weight, and her crimson eyes remained motionless, without a ripple, as she spoke.

"You must take me for a fool, to impersonate students in my presence."

"Crawl back to whatever kingdom you came from, and tell them this: the Randallas only have so much patience."

Without a second glance, she threw all four of them off the mountain side, their screams and shock echoing pitifully below. Whether they would survive the fall, or the journey back, seemed to matter very little to the woman as she returned to her original position as if nothing had happened.

"Ah, as heartless as ever Headmistress."

A man's playful voice emerged from behind, as a pair of students emerged from across the courtyard. Dressed in Randalla Academy's trademark uniform, though usually a rare sight considering how often students were found in training gear, they wore casual smiles as their eyes glossed over all the new arrivals, including those at the clinic.

The male student, wearing an easy smile, had olive skin and a messy tousle of dark hair. His red and black school uniform was worn loosely, with scabbards of scimitar-like blades attached to his sides. The female student, with her uniform virtually pristine, had fluffy pink hair tied into a braided bun, and soft golden eyes.

"Good timing, Rebecca, Nefer. This next class is yours. Be sure to tell the others to quicken their pace on your way back, there seem to be more students this year. Also... request a re-supply from the cafeteria."

The raven-haired woman ordered calmly, though her eyes looked towards a certain brown-haired male student near the latter of her words.


The pair chimed in response to the woman now known as the Headmistress. Though their eyes seemed gentle, a sense of heavy scrutiny was present in their gaze, as they looked over the class that was now 'theirs'.

"Quite the female-orientated class huh?"

"Indeed... you treat mr. snowman over there?"


They conversed idly, before Rebecca went over to treat the snow-haired student waiting by the clinic, and Nefer went to help the student that got stepped on. Rebecca quickly realized that the wound on her patient was much more lenient than it seemed, as she hurriedly cleaned the wound and bandaged him up, before moving to help Nefer. The olive-skinned senior also moved quickly, helping the purple-eyed student carry the injured onto the other free bed and began assessing her injuries. Noticing that most of her wounds had already closed up, he could only apply some cream to help with the swelling and give her a herbal concoction to drink.

The way the pair moved was perhaps quite odd to the average on-looker. They moved at an unnaturally fast pace, and spoke no words as they applied first aid, as if this was a very usual routine and habit for them. It was only when all three were successfully treated, including the woman treated by the clinic's doctor, that their stoic faces returned to their usual smiles.

( Nuclear Magician Nuclear Magician kasigi kasigi ithinkcat ithinkcat )

Noticing the crowd gathered by the gates, undoubtedly the next class of arrivals waiting to be let inside, as well as their Headmistress's cold gaze, the pair of senior students quickly ushered everyone up and gestured for them to follow.

It was only when they were a fair distance from the front gates, that they turned around and began to speak.

"Hello everyone! We're your new Guidance Mentors, a pleasure to meet you. If you have questions about things here, we should be your first point of contact, as our teachers can be awfully busy. I'm from class 3-1 and he's from 3-3, so at least one of us should be around pretty often. If not, well, tough luck!"

Rebecca smiled harmlessly, as the pair continued leading the class down a plain, earthen trail towards the west. It seemed that no matter how far they walked, everything remained the same. The pristine earth without a single weed, the looming grey buildings and the shadows cast by the mountain side, always seemed to be present.

It was only when they arrived at a row of smaller stone buildings, that the pair of guidance mentors stopped.

"Alright, I believe your new dormitory is the third one on the left, the Obsidian Dormitory, for this year's class 1-2. Make your way over there and settle in~"

Rebecca explained with a light smile, pointing towards the building in question.

"I would like to say take your time, but, I think your first class is in about an hour, so, we'll be back to pick you up then. Oh, also, Rebecca lives in the Sunstone Dormitory, whilst I live in Pearl. They're identifiable with their names and icons on the buildings, so, you can come find us if you need us... if we're here."

Nefer continued whilst scratching the back of his head, though, just before the pair went off to leave and fufill the headmistress's orders, he spoke again.

"...Try your best to get along with each other. Being an asshole or an edgy loner certainly won't do you any favours on the battlefield. Don't forget, you're not just classmates, you'll soon be comrades in arms too, whether you like it not. So, uh, yeah. Just unpack your things, chitchat amongst yourselves, eat something, we'll be back to pick you up in an hour."

He advised carefully, before catching up with Rebecca and walking off.


Though all the dormitories look plain, grey and hopelessly dull on the outside, their interiors are a completely different story. Immediately to the left of the front door, lies a simplistic, but cozy common room. Three wooden benches, padded and cushioned in simple colours, surround a plain coffee table and lightable fireplace. To the right of the front door, lies a small kitchen and dining area, able to sit more or less half the class at once. Simple boxes of food supplies sit on their counters, enough for a single meal for all thirty students. Straight ahead of the front door, lies stairs to the above floors where all the bedrooms lie, with 10 on each subsequent floor, totalling 30, the starting number of students for every class. Each bedroom is equipped with a bed, bedside table, wardrobe, desk and chair. Beneath the staircases lie the four bathrooms, with buckets, tubs, cloths, towels and basic soaps. Clean water is channelled in, and dirty water is channelled out, via magic crystals, which need to be replaced every week or two.
Nina jumped a bit when she heard an unfamiliar voice pop up behind her. Nina quickly turned to where the voice came from, looking slightly confused. Was someone talking to her? She didn't think anyone would start a conversation with her so soon. Nina partially turned the rest of her body to face the stranger, taking a quick look at him. He was handsome, she noted. Which wasn't very good because she was awful at talking to people she found attractive. So she did the most logical option available. Not looking him in the eye and only looking at his eyebrows when she spoke to him. Waitโ€“ What did he even initially say to her? Nina was too busy panicking and she forgot. Thankfully, Nina was able to listen to the second thing he said.

"I have." She confirmed with a nod, an overly polite tone to her voice. Someone from Vorracia could probably pick up that she was from Orlais. Her clothing was a dead giveaway.

"I'm from Vorracia." She added, as if it wasn't obvious enough.

Nina's head snapped in the direction of some screams coming from the side of the mountain. She bit the inside of her cheek and tore her gaze from the scene, questions swirling inside her head. Questioning things would do her no good, it might just make things worse. She pushed them down and turned her head back to the man she was speaking with. There was probably a reason. Maybe she was just missing context. Yeah, that must be it. Even with that, the smile that was previously on her face had fallen. Her hands were on her lap, lightly gripping the fabric of her clothing. Maybe it's not so different here. And with that, Nina's mood was soured.

Soon enough, two other students were urging everyone out of their seats. Nina stood up, sending a glance at the man behind her. She wondered if he'd continue the conversation as they walked. She headed to the gates, looking a bit distant as she half listened to what the Guidance Mentors were saying. She was mostly focusing on their expressions, and how normally they addressed the situation. She was eventually able to fully pay attention to their explanation. Making a few internal notes about what they said. Nina examined the dorm building for a moment or two, not going inside quite yet. She glanced at some of the other new students for what they were going to do. Was she allowed to go inside yet? She knew they said she could unpack her stuff now, but what if they didn't mean it and she was supposed to wait? Nina had never not been homeschooled, maybe there was a protocol she didn't know about? She didn't know what to do. She needed someone to tell her what to do..

Mentions; Yakov011001 Yakov011001
Location; Right outside the Obadiah Dormitory
Mood; anxious and slightly confused
Perhaps it was because he was always hyper-aware, he was always on edge; that's why he tensed up so quick when the headmistress stood from her seat. He didn't really catch what this one in front of him had said, instead he watched as the headmistress tossed several people down the cliffside. Luce felt his entire body lurch, he almost stood up entirely for one reason or another. He clutched the stone of the benches. What the fuck just happened? While there were some amount of people who seemed just as confused as he was, Luce was disconcerted by the amount of people who seemed to completely ignore the entire situation. There was a lack of regard for human life that suddenly made Luce sick, and more than anything extremely angry. Clutching his left wrist, he felt his mind fill and swirl with an infinite amount of thoughts, all equally as useless. That was when his group was retrieved by two upperclassmen of the academy. They offered a tour and advice, but they hadn't offered their names: how polite of them.

As much as Luce was excited for what came next, things seemed to be soured by what had happened. He noticed that he wasn't alone in this, fortunately. Despite being comparatively forward in the group, the young girl he'd initiated with before seemed to be on the back foot, same as him. For some strange reason, the same seemed to be for the rest of the group. Some for the anxiety, others for the apathy, few for the interactions with others they'd busied themselves with. Luce felt this strange compulsion to push forward, take some kind of charge when they'd been left to their own devices. From the middle of the crowd, he pushed through.

"What's the hold-up, lass?" He addressed his acquaintance. "This is the fun part!" He motioned her to follow as he was the first to push into the dorm commons.

Stepping into the dorms, he felt the warmth of the building wash over him: filling his body. Moving his hand up his arm, he cradled his left arm with his right hand at the elbow. Looking from the front door, he passed to his right where the kitchen lie. When was the last time I cooked for other people? There was a small smile on his face as he started sifting around the kitchen and collecting an inventory of sorts. Potatoes, kale, there are a strange deal of perishables here. It made Luce wonder how well stocked they'd stay moving forward. Still, he had a lot more to work with than he thought he would.

"You're from Vorracia you said, lass?" He asked, not looking back to meet his nervous friend's eyes. She'd avoided eye-contact before, perhaps it would be easier on her this way? "But you're from Orlais, I can tell that much," Luce said, a smile appearing wide on his face as he turned to meet her more directly; completely contradicting the point he just made to himself. "That means you've probably not had Zuppa Toscana before," Luce's hands settled on each other, he rubbed his left palm with his right thumb as he spoke. "Maybe I should cook something up for the lot of us, celebrate the journey we've individually conquered; and the journey we're now on together." With a wide smile, he bowed just a tad.

"My name is Luce Laurent Flynn, I look forward to what comes next."

x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X
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Una took Barb's hand and shake it gently, her cold hand gave Una affirmation of her condition and Una was glad that she was able to help even if just a tiny bit. She nodded at Barbarella's introduction but the thought of introducing herself didn't occur inside her head, instead her attention was drawn by the fur cloak. She hadn't button it so the front side of the cloak was pretty much still open. When Barbarella was distracted by another student Una silently worked on the cloak, making sure there would be no gaps where cold wind could sneak in. Her cloak was way too big for Barbarella but it might actually be a good thing in this case. She made sure all buttons were locked and all straps were tied. When Barb's attention went back to her Una was almost finished. Last thing to do, she pulled up the hood on the cloak and made sure Barbarella's ears were covered. Looks good, Barbarella seemed like she was ready to roll down a snowy hillside with the cloak. She gave Barb a satisfied thumb up without saying anything.


Una watched with interest as the sleepy woman suddenly moved and dragged several students with her, but her eyes widen in surprise when the woman threw them off the cliff before commenting something about them being impostor. Her mind was suddenly flooded with question at what was just happened. No one seemed to question it though, even the other teacher simply treat it like regular shenanigan. She slowly walked towards the edge of the cliff and peered down where the students were thrown, but the mountain fog blocked her view. She looked at the sleepy woman and tilted her head in confusion before a pair pf older students announced their presence.

Una silently followed the guidance mentors, but her head kept looking at various directions. She's not good with direction so she wanted to memorize the layout of the place. When they finally arrived at their dorm she didn't hesitate to enter it and started wandering around. The place felts more like someone's home than what she would expect of a dorm. One of the boy seemed to had taken interest in the dorm's kitchen and said he wanted to make a meal for them all. She wouldn't mind that, actually, she would loves that. Ever since she journeyed to the south she had met various foods she never knew existed before so she would be curious of what the boy would cook.

"Una, Una brynhildr." She abruptly announced her name before falling back to silence, she thought this would be a good time for introduction.

SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Pipsqueak Pipsqueak Yakov011001 Yakov011001 @alll
Helina_1_small.jpgCreeping weariness swept over Helina as she laid against the hard stone surrendering to a toil free dreamscape, but, before the last pieces of her consciousness could be carried away, a distinctly leather force impacted her hip followed by an audible crash. Helina's mind was ripped from the settling soft comfort back into the cold, hard, and painful reality but with yet another ache to add to the list she had nearly been allowed to forget. Still depleted of nearly any energy, her ability to process what had happened lagged. Her sense of time was lost, and she worried. Why- her mental voiced struggled to speak. Why did her side now hurt? What was that crashing sound? Given a few more seconds to think of the worst possible answer to those questions, thoughts of herself falling down the side of the mountain flashed like pictures in her head. Was the sound of the crash her hitting a rock or step as she fell down the slope? Was that why her side hurt? Did falling down the side of a mountain only hurt that much? She battled with the terrifying idea as a small remaining bit of adrenaline made her heart begin to racing just a bit more giving her the energy to open her eyes. Her lids parted unmasking her steel colored eyes.

Just as her sight regained its focus so too did her other senses in time for Helina to realize an unknown girl was yanking Helina back to her feet. "-appen!" Helina had missed what the girl had said almost entirely as she stumbled up weakly, practically laying all her weight on the girl's shoulder--unable to keep herself standing on her own. "I got too excited seeing the gates and wasn't paying attention. Hopefully you're not hurt..." Helina heard the girl clearly this time. Helina was still a bit confused as to what the girl was talking about, though. The girl's eyes widened as she looked at Helina. "Oh gods.... Um, uh, let's get you to a doctor or something!" Helina took a look at herself and admitted it to herself. She looked terrible. Shreds of cloth were torn from her travel clothes, the only articles of clothing she now owned, and she was covered in bruises, dirt, cuts and scabs. Her pride tempted her to refuse the assistance, like an Auvaylian pipper owl whispering in her ear, but even Helina could recognize she needed the help.

Helina looked the girl strait in the eyes as her father had told her she should always do. "Thank you." she said softly. Her father told her people could always tell if you were lying by looking into your eyes when you said something, so he taught her to look others in the eye when she said something so they would know she wasn't lying or being disingenuous--a cultural norm in certain parts of Auvayles though the intense eye contact was certainly off-putting to people from some other cultures. Helina didn't say anything else as they shambled to the medical tent, and instead focused on staying awake and not collapsing on the other girl completely. Perhaps the girl would think Helina was being cold, but she just couldn't muster the willpower to make small talk in her state, and it wasn't like Helina came here to make friends. All she cared about was learning how to cast magic.

The medical facilities weren't much more than a basic clinic, and when one of the older students came to inspect her, Helina was a bit disappointed. She had expected the great academy of Randalla to have a healing mage casting cure-alls on all the students. But no. Instead she received essentially the same level of care she could have given herself had she the energy to do it. The herbal concoction gave Helina a good buzz, restoring her mental clarity, but she knew it wouldn't last long. It was just to kill some of the pain and to get her walking on her own two feet for a while. And the cream was probably only keeping the wounds from getting infected or at least any further infected if they already were. She knew she would have to address her condition more thoroughly on her own when she got some free time...and supplies. Hopefully before the concoction wore off. As the medicine set in, though, the two upper classmates that began rounding up the current group of students to show them the dorms. Helina gave another polite thank you to the one who had tended to her and the girl that had helped her.

She followed with the group to their dormitory, but the mention that they would be having class on the same day they had arrived, and in an hour no less, shook Helina. She just couldn't get a break. As her peers began giving some introduction, the suggestion of food sounded amazing, but she knew that, if she didn't use what time she had to get some rest, she wasn't going to be able to make it through the first class without collapsing again. Ignoring the introductions, she moved past the boy name Luce Flynn, poured some water into cupped hands, drank it down, and immediately walked up the stairs to the top floor. She knew taking a room on the top floor meant she would: 1. have a good view of the mountains out her window, and 2. not have to hear people walking around above her when she was sleeping or studying in her room. walking to the room at the farthest end of corridor, she opened the door and let herself fall, face planting into the bed with eyes already shut.

Where: in dorm Obsidian, top floor, last room on the left
What: asserting her dominance and trying to take a nap before the first class
Who: Zufaix Zufaix and maybe Yakov011001 Yakov011001
Why: when life gives you beds and you have nothing to unpack...

Lore Addendum: Auvaylian Hock "Pipper" Owl - Small, palm sized owls that live in the forests of Auvayles. They are notoriously curious birds and relatively intelligent. Colorations are always primarily white with black or brown spotting. The hunt small snakes, tiny rodents, beetles, worms, and grubs primarily. They get their pipper nickname from the unique soft "pip pip pip..." sounds they make occasionally. Auvaylian folktales tell stories of pipper owls causing mischief by resting on the shoulders of hunters or travelers and whispering lies in their ears or screeching to scare off game.
Nina was stuck between taking a step forward and not moving at all. What would happen if she didn't move? Would someone notice and think she was ungrateful for not immediately going into the dorm? Then would the headmistress make her leave? Or also throw her off the cliff. No- no. That wouldn't happen, you're just freaking yourself with made up scenarios like you always do. The same person who had spoken to her before had pulled her from her thoughts again. She turned to face him, looking slightly grateful when he motioned for her to follow him. She was relieved to have some sort of instruction to follow.

Nina followed the half-stranger into the dorm's common room. She was almost distracted by how nice it was. It was nothing like back home, with the sparkling marble floors and expensive interior. This room was nice without having to try and prove itself. She relaxed a little bit, turning her gaze back to the half stranger. Who was proving to be pretty nice. She liked people who took initiative and were friendly. Friendly people were bright. She followed him into the kitchen, lingering at the doorway, glancing inside. She wasn't allowed in the kitchen back at home without permission. Cooking was a servant's job was what her parents would say. Nina heard him speak again and glanced at where he was.

"Yes. " She said, nodding a bit as she hesitantly stepped into the kitchen. She looked around for a moment before turning to face the friendly fellow again, noticing that he had spoke to her. Her eyebrows rose at his words and she made actual eye contact with him. How could he tell?! She nodded with a surprised gaze. That was impressive to her for some reason.

"No, I've never had that before." She questioned, looking curious as she watched what he was doing. It would be easier if he stopped smiling at her like that. It was distracting, and she was trying to have a conversation. Her cheeks were red, probably from being in the cold so long. Yeah, definitely. Nina was brought back to the real world by his offer to cook for everyone and his charismatic introduction.

"Ah, my name is Nina Simone Rivera. It's nice to meet you, Luce." Nina smiled at him. Now she didn't have to call him a friendly stranger in her mind. Wait a damn minute- This girl was a Rivera? This sweet, kind-looking, anxious ladyโ€ฆ Was a Rivera? Who were known for being on top of the political games in Orlais? The manipulative, wealthy, and ruthless Rivera family.. producedโ€ฆ this lady. She was like a sunflower in a field of thorns. Huh.

Mentions; Yakov011001 Yakov011001
Locations; The kitchen of the Obsidian Dormitory
Mood; She's feeling better now, and curious.
Barbarella Andilet
Location: Dormitories
Interactions: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Yakov011001 Yakov011001 x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X

As the silence drew out between them, Barb began to wonder if she had said something wrong. Maybe asking another's intention was too personal? She was about to apologize before movement pulled her attention yet again, this time by the lady with the intense gaze. The woman hadn't spoken to the crowd at all, even as the last of the students made their way to the plaza. Her movements were so graceful, her aura just demanding attention. Attention was thoroughly received however when, out of nowhere, she had dragged four students to the edge of the cliff and just... dropped them. No emotion was displayed, but it had caused a ruckus among the students. Some, including Barb's new acquaintance, made their way over to peek along the edge. Others still glanced at the woman with horrified looks, wondering what had caused the sudden violence.

Barb stayed seated, not because of her lack of concern but rather her intense and growing fear of the woman. Was this how it would be at the academy from this point on? Would she herself be inevitably killed for, what seemed like, no reason at all? Pinching the bridge of her nose, she found the strength to stand and follow her acquaintance to the ledge. Despite her aching joints, the warmth from the fur cloak was enough to keep her steady. She risked a peek as well, but there wasn't much to look at. Almost everything at the base of the mountain was shrouded in a thick white fog, and Barb was silently grateful that she couldn't see what devastation had been caused. Turning back with the intent on grabbing another sandwich (RIP sandwich #1), she was instead greeted by two upperclassmen who began hasty work the minute they arrived. They were an odd pair, as it was beginning to be a trend with almost everyone who worked at the academy. Barb wondered how many people she would be able to get along with if everyone were as discomforting as the staff.

It took only a few minutes before they were finally able to go somewhere. The plaza was a wonderful welcome compared to the journey here, but she was getting antsy. Bundling up tighter in the cloak Barb followed her acquaintance, along with the others, down a path apparently leading to the dorms. The scenery was much more appreciated now that she wasn't fighting for her life (Not to mention a good way to take her mind off of the horrific deaths), and they made it to the destination in no time. The silver haired girl listened intently as things were explained to them and made her way inside after everything was done. The inside of the dorm was much more inviting than what was shown outside. Barb, reminding herself to not judge a book by its cover, finally relaxed as she took in the place. She didn't have much- just a few clothes and her favorite book- so unpacking wasn't the first thing on her mind. Instead she took interest in following the large brunette into the kitchen where they met up with the boy and his friend.

After seeing the woman push four students off of a ledge, her internal competition with the boy Luce was long forgotten.

Luce Flynn? Why does that sound so familiar?

Barb had heard the name Flynn before, she was sure of it! While trying to remember, Una had finally introduced herself along with Luce's new companion, Nina.

I'm sure my father mentioned them before!

She had been staring quizzically at Luce for what was probably an inappropriate amount of time before realizing her mistake. She took a quick curtsy and gave everyone a small, albeit uninterested smile.

"I'm Barb Andilet, from Pincil. It's nice to meet you all." As she began unbuttoning the cloak to hand back to Una, she couldn't stop herself from blurting out the question.

"Forgive me, Luce was it? You wouldn't happen to be from Vencil, would you?"


manic, cheerful, sleep-deprived


the front gates, the dorms



asteria ochroma โ™ฆ


A smile that split her face into two, eyes gleaming with a wild light, Asteria cackled at the proclamation of gremlin and the utter prospect of someone matching her frenzied energy, pointed fingers and power stance alike, even with the certain breed of poise that spoke of the aristocracy. Khestri had a subtle sort of lawlessness that Asteria was all too thrilled to discover when they had first met, and already, her mind was swirling with scenarios, imitations of their time in Ilmestys but better and more.

"Hey, I totally could've done it!" Asteria harrumphed, jerking her head towards Khestri as if squaring up, though there was a certain obligingness to her smile, the twist to her lips softening into something a bit more tender. A wolf wanting to flock with the sheep? She gave an easy chuckle at the compliment, gaze drifting to somewhere above the other's shoulder. "Magic's magic; I would've just needed to read a lot. Y'know, before my inevitable expulsion." She gave the dark-haired girl a roughish grin, though she didn't elaborate on what exactly she would've gotten expelled for. For the better, no doubt.

Khestri's... fussing, for utter lack of a better word, caught Asteria a bit off-guard, though she accepted the touches with curious eyes and a pinkening, closed-lip smile. How nice.

Asteria took the opportunity to let her gaze rove over the rest of the clearing's inhabitants. A couple more had made it in since she had last checked, and she took care to memorize their faces with vigor. A couple of other people were conversing, some sat at the benches, some at the clinic, and another at the food.

"Oh, what a mood." Asteria would whisper as she watched the same brown-haired, tan-skinned guy from earlier absolutely demolish those sandwiches. It made her own appetite pale in comparison. She glanced down at her own half-finished sandwich as if assessing, before shoving the remainder in her mouth. Bussin'.

Her attention would be drawn back to Khestri before long. "My skull is not thick." She muttered, shifting in her seat. "It's durable." Though the question would have her light up before long.

"Fire and lightning would be cool!" she agreed, "They're so... well, fierce! Like thunder, too! Light and darkness could also be fun, but I dunno; how does that even work, anyway?"

"For you, I think... nature or ice! Because you're like, super -- hm, professional isn't the right word -- put-together! Mostly."
As she looked to the matched gremlin smile the other bore, her lips took on a sheepish twist. "But don't quote me on that."

"Complimentary elements!"
she squealed, "We could be fire and water! Or earth and air! Oooh, dibs on air."

Asteria probably would've gone on and on about the pair they would have made, had the question about her clothing not interrupted them. "My clothes are fine!" she blustered, "And warm! Okay, maybe I'm slightly triangular, but these are very, uh, camouflage...y? And warm! At least I'm not- wait a fuckin' second is that bear pelt?"

Her tone went from petulant from star-struck in an instant, making grabby hands as she began to pet Khestri's shoulder as if there was a real animal beneath the pelage. Soft! "How much did this cost? This is Upper Ring quality stuff, right here."

Yet, another distraction would arise, this one in the form of the same red-eyed, black-haired woman from earlier awakening and yeeting four students off the cliff-edge. Asteria didn't know if it was a survivable drop, but despite herself, her eyes widened and she had to duck to hide the shocked wheeze that escaped her throat. The nonchalantness that the lady did it with almost made her think it was a prank, the macabre breed of comedy so rampant in the Lower Ring, and that certainly didn't help matters. Those people... were probably on the deader side of alive, right about now, but that was a notion that she wouldn't think about. She refused to.

She swallowed.

"Uh, anyway..." Asteria turned back to Khestri, though her voice lacked the exuberance of only moments prior. A whisper that swiftly trailed off into nothingness. If they were to meet eyes, Khestri would see Asteria sending a 'hey what the fuck is happening haha' expression her way, though she quickly averted her gaze. She knew that extended eye contact with the other would make her burst into laughter, as it had in the past, and that would be dreadfully inappropriate.

Two other students -- older ones, Rebecca and Nefer -- were bustling around the clearing, and she allowed her eyes to follow them for the time being. They would leave the front gates behind and traverse to the dormitories -- Obsidian, how neat -- and they would undergo a whole lecture of being friendly and the like. Which she knew already, so no sweat there. The walk seemed to make her forget her dreary attitude, though the cliff-yeeting was doubtlessly a topic that would come to mind again as she struggled to sleep.

The exterior of the dorms was shabby, but the inside? Aw, yeah. There was so much space! More than her own home in the Middle Ring, that was for sure. Maybe she could get a room next to Khestri? But most rooms had two on either side, and now was a marvelous time to make new friends. There was already a congregation in the kitchen, how convenient!

"We cooking? I can help!" Asteria chirped as she caught the tail end of the sandwich-guy's -- Luce Flynn's -- statement. "I can make, uh, soup!" She blinked, as she realized how unimpressive that sounded. "Or I can chop stuff! I'm handy like that."

Una was a pretty name! She beamed at the other girl, waving a hand in greeting. She offered the same to Nina, bobbing her head easily, and soon after, Barb.

I'm Asteria Ochroma, but you can just call me Asteria! I'm from Ilmestys, Ruiyol. No one else in my family uses magic, so it's super nice to meet you all!"

nine lives

A smile that split her face into two, eyes gleaming with a wild light, Asteria cackled at the proclamation of gremlin and the utter prospect of someone matching her frenzied energy, pointed fingers and power stance alike, even with the certain breed of poise that spoke of the aristocracy. Khestri had a subtle sort of lawlessness that Asteria was all too thrilled to discover when they had first met, and already, her mind was swirling with scenarios, imitations of their time in Ilmestys but better and more.

"Hey, I totally could've done it!" Asteria harrumphed, jerking her head towards Khestri as if squaring up, though there was a certain obligingness to her smile, the twist to her lips softening into something a bit more tender. A wolf wanting to flock with the sheep? She gave an easy chuckle at the compliment, gaze drifting to somewhere above the other's shoulder. "Magic's magic; I would've just needed to read a lot. Y'know, before my inevitable expulsion." She gave the dark-haired girl a roughish grin, though she didn't elaborate on what exactly she would've gotten expelled for. For the better, no doubt.

Khestri's... fussing, for utter lack of a better word, caught Asteria a bit off-guard, though she accepted the touches with curious eyes and a pinkening, closed-lip smile. How nice.

Asteria took the opportunity to let her gaze rove over the rest of the clearing's inhabitants. A couple more had made it in since she had last checked, and she took care to memorize their faces with vigor. A couple of other people were conversing, some sat at the benches, some at the clinic, and another at the food.

"Oh, what a mood." Asteria would whisper as she watched the same brown-haired, tan-skinned guy from earlier absolutely demolish those sandwiches. It made her own appetite pale in comparison. She glanced down at her own half-finished sandwich as if assessing, before shoving the remainder in her mouth. Bussin'.

Her attention would be drawn back to Khestri before long. "My skull is not thick." She muttered, shifting in her seat. "It's durable." Though the question would have her light up before long.

"Fire and lightning would be cool!" she agreed, "They're so... well, fierce! Like thunder, too! Light and darkness could also be fun, but I dunno; how does that even work, anyway?"

"For you, I think... nature or ice! Because you're like, super -- hm, professional isn't the right word -- put-together! Mostly."
As she looked to the matched gremlin smile the other bore, her lips took on a sheepish twist. "But don't quote me on that."

"Complimentary elements!"
she squealed, "We could be fire and water! Or earth and air! Oooh, dibs on air."

Asteria probably would've gone on and on about the pair they would have made, had the question about her clothing not interrupted them. "My clothes are fine!" she blustered, "And warm! Okay, maybe I'm slightly triangular, but these are very, uh, camouflage...y? And warm! At least I'm not- wait a fuckin' second is that bear pelt?"

Her tone went from petulant from star-struck in an instant, making grabby hands as she began to pet Khestri's shoulder as if there was a real animal beneath the pelage. Soft! "How much did this cost? This is Upper Ring quality stuff, right here."

Yet, another distraction would arise, this one in the form of the same red-eyed, black-haired woman from earlier awakening and yeeting four students off the cliff-edge. Asteria didn't know if it was a survivable drop, but despite herself, her eyes widened and she had to duck to hide the shocked wheeze that escaped her throat. The nonchalantness that the lady did it with almost made her think it was a prank, the macabre breed of comedy so rampant in the Lower Ring, and that certainly didn't help matters. Those people... were probably on the deader side of alive, right about now, but that was a notion that she wouldn't think about. She refused to.

She swallowed.

"Uh, anyway..." Asteria turned back to Khestri, though her voice lacked the exuberance of only moments prior. A whisper that swiftly trailed off into nothingness. If they were to meet eyes, Khestri would see Asteria sending a 'hey what the fuck is happening haha' expression her way, though she quickly averted her gaze. She knew that extended eye contact with the other would make her burst into laughter, as it had in the past, and that would be dreadfully inappropriate.

Two other students -- older ones, Rebecca and Nefer -- were bustling around the clearing, and she allowed her eyes to follow them for the time being. They would leave the front gates behind and traverse to the dormitories -- Obsidian, how neat -- and they would undergo a whole lecture of being friendly and the like. Which she knew already, so no sweat there. The walk seemed to make her forget her dreary attitude, though the cliff-yeeting was doubtlessly a topic that would come to mind again as she struggled to sleep.

The exterior of the dorms was shabby, but the inside? Aw, yeah. There was so much space! More than her own home in the Middle Ring, that was for sure. Maybe she could get a room next to Khestri? But most rooms had two on either side, and now was a marvelous time to make new friends. There was already a congregation in the kitchen, how convenient!

"We cooking? I can help!" Asteria chirped as she caught the tail end of the sandwich-guy's -- Luce Flynn's -- statement. "I can make, uh, soup!" She blinked, as she realized how unimpressive that sounded. "Or I can chop stuff! I'm handy like that."

Una was a pretty name! She beamed at the other girl, waving a hand in greeting. She offered the same to Nina, bobbing her head easily, and soon after, Barb.

I'm Asteria Ochroma, but you can just call me Asteria! I'm from Ilmestys, Ruiyol. No one else in my family uses magic, so it's super nice to meet you all!"
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Rich Bitch.
Obsidian Dorm.
riding leathers with a black bear pelt clipped to her shoulder.
Mire Mire @all
Khestri Belmont.

"It's not a question of if you could do it," Khestri laughed a bit, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I know you can conquer the world if you wanted to. Getting into our country's stupid academy would be a piece of cake, love." Khestri didn't hold back a snort. Her lawlessness was a part of her she was used to hiding beneath elegance and a discipline only her mother would be able to teach. No amount of tutors could have given her the strange aura she held now. The love of things going slightly amiss, but appearing as prim and proper as her bloodline. The most unassuming fiend.

Khestri was too lost in her fussing to be entirely drawn to those around her. While resting her legs, Khestri did quite a bit of people watching. Noting where her new peers had come from. Most from Vorracia. There were even some from Quidor โ€” North and South. Khestri couldn't stop herself from running through the questions she'd think to ask them should she find them alone. Weighed the disrespect of them. Found most of them to be in such territory. Andโ€”oh! A quick glance around told her that Auvayles had also tied for the most. It seemed that only Asteria and herself would represent Ruiyol. An honor and a curse. If Khestri messed this up... The town she would become the lady of would look at her with scorn, no doubt.

"Oh, what a mood."

Khestri's eyes shot up after a moment. She watched Asteria shove her sandwich in her mouth before Khestri tossed her attention to where Asteria's eyes were a moment before. A muffled giggle made its way out of her, and she leaned towards Asteria to muffle it further, hoping her terrible attire and the wind would hide it. The last thing she needed was to make a foe of someone in their class simply because she decided to laugh at their monstrous appetite. It was certainly fair of them, to want to shuffle food into their mouths. Khestri, however, had a shyness when it came to eating.

Khestri held both sides of Asteria's head as she muttered about her head being durable, peering into her eyes with an adoring face. That slight feral look lingering behind her eyes. "It's VERY durable. And also very cute." Khestri planted a kiss on the top of Asteria's head and went back to tapping her chin. Khestri had weighed the pros and cons of the affinities thoroughly, as if that would help her decide. No one decided their affinity, but she thought it would help her potentially come to terms with her affinity, should it be particularly disappointing. They all had their pros and cons, and none seemed to outweigh the other for her. Unless it was based on something other than usefulness. Coolness was also a favorable factor.

Khestri did a little jump, stimming with her arms. Her lower lip was captured beneath her teeth and an excited blaze filled her eyes. "If! If we get someone with fire, water, and air? Asteria," Khestri's voice turned light and airy, her eyes wide. "We could create storms. Terrible ones." Khestri squealed softly. "Of course, we have stormy affinities available, but if we really needed to? It would be absolutely amazing. Queen energy, right there." So long as the other person was also a girl. Khestri put a hand on her chest, a pleased smile on her face. "Put together? Miss ma'am... don't make me fall for you or something."

Khestri giggled a bit, listening to Asteria talk about her clothing. "Camouflage is important, yeah! And warmth too! I just wish I could have bought you something while I was in the capital. You could have been camouflaged, warm, and sexy. Just sayin'!" Khestri held her hands up in surrender, a faux bashful face taking attendance. She blinked, watching Asteria's hands reach out and grasp the fresh fibers of the bear pelt. She brightened immediately. "Oh yeah! My father tracked this one for days because I told him how cold it was and he said that he wanted me to have a little bit of him up here. Isn't thatโ€”"

The conversation didn't stay long. A commotion began nearby, and Khestri's attention turned swiftly to scout it out. The headmistress had thrown four students off of the mountain. Khestri couldn't hide the look of shock and horror on her face before it was completely washed away. Her eyes stayed glued to the side they were tossed off of, before she blinked. The look she sent Asteria was pretty much on par with the one already being sent her way. Khestri cleared her throat and reached out to hold Asteria's arm. Would the nonchalant woman throw them next? What did she even mean by imposters?

Thankfully, it wasn't long until they were lead away by two other students. Clearly here for a while, and she did her best to pay attention. It was their first day and she had a lot more to pay attention to, but she didn't quite know how to handle this situation yet. She was, however, immeasurably happy to find that the inside of their dorms looked loads better than the outside. "Fresh food would be lovely," Khestri chimed in. She did her best to look unaffected by the event at the gate.

A warm gaze followed the faces that spoke their names, and she was quick to make mental notes and draw connections as to not forget their names. Noble life was all about showing your best face, acting lovely, and remembering names and faces. The rest was easy. At least for her. She got to be a wild child most of the time.

"My name is Khestri Hale Belmont! Future Lady of a notable city in Ruiyol!" Said future Lady gave a sweet wave. She didn't feel the need to give them any more information than that. As proud as she was of her family and their rank and name in Ruiyol, she'd rather it not soil her time here. "I'm so excited to meet you all! I can't wait to see what we'll be able to do together." And though her introduction felt like there would be more tacked onto it, Khestri was quick to move on through the dorm, eager to climb the stairs to find the room she most wanted, before the rest of them got ahead of her. Someone already had, but she didn't want to cut in front of them since they seemed to be... worse for wear.

She simply followed them towards the end of the corridor, let the pick the room they wanted, and then swiftly chose her own. The one directly next to her, and then immediately begin to set her bag down. She settled there a moment, looking around the room that she would no doubt turn into a place she felt she belonged, before debating whether or not to continue through the day with her current look. Their first class would be in an hour... that's enough time for a costume change, but there were more important things to do... It was strangely easy to decide that the bear pelt would stay, and she would take up residence in the kitchen. Asteria would probably get into trouble with her chopping. And she wanted to be there to watch.
coded by natasha.

"It's not a question of if you could do it," Khestri laughed a bit, tossing her hair over her shoulder. "I know you can conquer the world if you wanted to. Getting into our country's stupid academy would be a piece of cake, love." Khestri didn't hold back a snort. Her lawlessness was a part of her she was used to hiding beneath elegance and a discipline only her mother would be able to teach. No amount of tutors could have given her the strange aura she held now. The love of things going slightly amiss, but appearing as prim and proper as her bloodline. The most unassuming fiend.

Khestri was too lost in her fussing to be entirely drawn to those around her. While resting her legs, Khestri did quite a bit of people watching. Noting where her new peers had come from. Most from Vorracia. There were even some from Quidor โ€” North and South. Khestri couldn't stop herself from running through the questions she'd think to ask them should she find them alone. Weighed the disrespect of them. Found most of them to be in such territory. Andโ€”oh! A quick glance around told her that Auvayles had also tied for the most. It seemed that only Asteria and herself would represent Ruiyol. An honor and a curse. If Khestri messed this up... The town she would become the lady of would look at her with scorn, no doubt.

"Oh, what a mood."

Khestri's eyes shot up after a moment. She watched Asteria shove her sandwich in her mouth before Khestri tossed her attention to where Asteria's eyes were a moment before. A muffled giggle made its way out of her, and she leaned towards Asteria to muffle it further, hoping her terrible attire and the wind would hide it. The last thing she needed was to make a foe of someone in their class simply because she decided to laugh at their monstrous appetite. It was certainly fair of them, to want to shuffle food into their mouths. Khestri, however, had a shyness when it came to eating.

Khestri held both sides of Asteria's head as she muttered about her head being durable, peering into her eyes with an adoring face. That slight feral look lingering behind her eyes. "It's VERY durable. And also very cute." Khestri planted a kiss on the top of Asteria's head and went back to tapping her chin. Khestri had weighed the pros and cons of the affinities thoroughly, as if that would help her decide. No one decided their affinity, but she thought it would help her potentially come to terms with her affinity, should it be particularly disappointing. They all had their pros and cons, and none seemed to outweigh the other for her. Unless it was based on something other than usefulness. Coolness was also a favorable factor.

Khestri did a little jump, stimming with her arms. Her lower lip was captured beneath her teeth and an excited blaze filled her eyes. "If! If we get someone with fire, water, and air? Asteria," Khestri's voice turned light and airy, her eyes wide. "We could create storms. Terrible ones." Khestri squealed softly. "Of course, we have stormy affinities available, but if we really needed to? It would be absolutely amazing. Queen energy, right there." So long as the other person was also a girl. Khestri put a hand on her chest, a pleased smile on her face. "Put together? Miss ma'am... don't make me fall for you or something."

Khestri giggled a bit, listening to Asteria talk about her clothing. "Camouflage is important, yeah! And warmth too! I just wish I could have bought you something while I was in the capital. You could have been camouflaged, warm, and sexy. Just sayin'!" Khestri held her hands up in surrender, a faux bashful face taking attendance. She blinked, watching Asteria's hands reach out and grasp the fresh fibers of the bear pelt. She brightened immediately. "Oh yeah! My father tracked this one for days because I told him how cold it was and he said that he wanted me to have a little bit of him up here. Isn't thatโ€”"

The conversation didn't stay long. A commotion began nearby, and Khestri's attention turned swiftly to scout it out. The headmistress had thrown four students off of the mountain. Khestri couldn't hide the look of shock and horror on her face before it was completely washed away. Her eyes stayed glued to the side they were tossed off of, before she blinked. The look she sent Asteria was pretty much on par with the one already being sent her way. Khestri cleared her throat and reached out to hold Asteria's arm. Would the nonchalant woman throw them next? What did she even mean by imposters?

Thankfully, it wasn't long until they were lead away by two other students. Clearly here for a while, and she did her best to pay attention. It was their first day and she had a lot more to pay attention to, but she didn't quite know how to handle this situation yet. She was, however, immeasurably happy to find that the inside of their dorms looked loads better than the outside. "Fresh food would be lovely," Khestri chimed in. She did her best to look unaffected by the event at the gate.

A warm gaze followed the faces that spoke their names, and she was quick to make mental notes and draw connections as to not forget their names. Noble life was all about showing your best face, acting lovely, and remembering names and faces. The rest was easy. At least for her. She got to be a wild child most of the time.

"My name is Khestri Hale Belmont! Future Lady of a notable city in Ruiyol!" Said future Lady gave a sweet wave. She didn't feel the need to give them any more information than that. As proud as she was of her family and their rank and name in Ruiyol, she'd rather it not soil her time here. "I'm so excited to meet you all! I can't wait to see what we'll be able to do together." And though her introduction felt like there would be more tacked onto it, Khestri was quick to move on through the dorm, eager to climb the stairs to find the room she most wanted, before the rest of them got ahead of her. Someone already had, but she didn't want to cut in front of them since they seemed to be... worse for wear.

She simply followed them towards the end of the corridor, let the pick the room they wanted, and then swiftly chose her own. The one directly next to her, and then immediately begin to set her bag down. She settled there a moment, looking around the room that she would no doubt turn into a place she felt she belonged, before debating whether or not to continue through the day with her current look. Their first class would be in an hour... that's enough time for a costume change, but there were more important things to do... It was strangely easy to decide that the bear pelt would stay, and she would take up residence in the kitchen. Asteria would probably get into trouble with her chopping. And she wanted to be there to watch.
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Senja Hakala

Location: Randalla Courtyard, Obsidian Dorm

Tags: kasigi kasigi ithinkcat ithinkcat

Senja turned her head minutely to examine the young man. That hair was quite striking. But, robes? Hardly the most practical choice. She had packed her gowns away before making the journey to Randalla. She replaced them with a shirt and trenchcoat over military trousers and stout field boots. Hardly fashionable, but the few documents her grandfather had written during his time here suggested this was not the place for frivolity. Still, he made it here just the same as you. Now is hardly the time to critique his dress sense.

Smiling slightly, Senja turned her head more fully to reply. "Not quite. Some form of mountain cat caught me unawares. I had the misfortune to select an exposed campsite. Purest luck that I managed to drive the infernal thing away." She twisted the head of her cane with a thumb, sliding the blade out to expose an inch of steel. "If I hadn't been cleaning this...." Senja hissed, biting back a particularly foul oath. The doctor looked up from his suturing as if expecting a reaction. Taking a deep breath, she smiled and nodded for him to continue. It's a leg, not a side of beef, you damn butcher. Just barely maintaining her composure, she slid the sword back into the cane. Relaxing her face with effort, she turned back to the young man. "And you?" She nodded to his apparent injuries. "Those are hardly the result of a simple misstep."

She slid to the edge of her seat as the doctor finished, making room for the young man. Using the cane to haul herself upward, she limped toward him. She extended a hand, waiting for his reply, when a shriek punctuated the air, followed quickly by two more. Senja looked up just in time to see another candidate hurled from the cliff. The dour woman from the gates stared downward for a moment. Then without ceremony, she turned and stored toward several young men and women in uniform. Senja felt her mask slip at the sudden callousness. She turned to the young white-haired man, blinking slowly. "My grandfather's notes said they were hard here, but not cruel. I find myself wondering if things may have changed."

Before she could take half a dozen steps, two more hopefuls stepped beneath the canopy, one carrying the other. The invalid looked quite injured, Senja stepping aside quickly to make room. Within moments two students, dressed in red and black, appeared. They seemed to flow, moving with a grace the women of the court would envy. Senja watched them tend the other two, not a hint of wasted motion or speech. "Half the court would kill to dance with that level of composure." She frowned slightly, unsure if she was among them.

As soon as they finished, she and the others were ushered forward toward a waiting crowd. The pace forced her to lean upon her cane once again. "No pain killers," she thought as the rhythmic thumping of her steps sent fresh blossoms of pain to rise up her leg. "Likely means there is no lasting damage. It appears that we will not be coddled. My second lesson." She made a mental note to add it to the notebook she had prepared for the purpose. She followed the other students, keeping an eye on the other two from the medical tent to ensure they could walk steadily.

The buildings around them were somewhat plainer than expected. The windows were small slits instead of grand arched casements. Marble sculptures were replaced with tight blocks of rough stone. Much closer to a military base than the posh finishing school, she had anticipated.

The older students stopped some distance from the gates, introducing themselves before the dorm. She listed but took the time to men and women around her. Most appeared to be in better condition than herself. "Quite some ways to go, it would appear." She cocked her head as they continued speaking. "Class 1-2?" She looked around. "Where is 1-1, I wonder. Were we not the first to arrive."

Senja followed the others into the class, her glide interrupted by her limp. The chambers within were quite austere. Simple padded benches, plain wooden tables and a fireplace without a hint of carving or gilt. She stepped into the kitchen, examining the ingredients prepared; she bit back a grimace. Simple, practically bland, really. Not a delicacy to be found. "Not a finishing school at all." Still, it would be nice to eat something fresh. The difficulty of the climb had required packing lightly. Dried beef and hardtack had not made for an appetising meal. Leaving the rooms, she made her way down the corridor, nodding politely to the other students.

Senja examined the rooms as she made her way along. "Small. Practically a cupboard. Not even suitable for a servant." She grimaced slightly at the narrowness of the bed and the lack of a canopy. She stopped at a door, one indistinguishable from the others. Stepping inside, she pressed her lips. There was little to tell it apart from the others. A narrow window above the bed, with a faint view of the mountains, was its only distinguishing feature. Running her finger under the desk, she found a small sketched mark. Nothing to tell it apart, yet it had once housed a prince. There was nothing to say to it apart. Yet, it was three doors down from the bathrooms, just far enough to conceal the sounds and smells but close enough to get to the head of the queue when reverie sounds in the morning. Just far enough to mask the sound of people pounding down the stairs in the morning and close enough to reach the kitchen in a hurry. The optimal room to get two more minutes of sleep. Two minutes that, if her grandfather's notes were to be believed, would be crucial. Senja had not expected to have been housed here. A touch of destiny, perhaps. She stowed her few possessions quickly before making her way back to the common area. Cooking a fresh meal couldn't be that hard. If servants could do it, why not a princess.
"...You'd do well to learn how to sew yourself, or perhaps ask one of your new classmates... otherwise, just learn to grow some thick skin. Decency, will likely be the least of your worries here." A response was the last thing that Klaus expected. Having turned his back to the woman, he accepted that his words may end up being lost to the void. The retort that the lady provided was one he couldn't help but respect. The last thing this school was going to do is coddle the students. Students who, on their own terms, agreed to face the many hardships that the academy would put them through. Such refusal to hold your hand under all circumstances โ€” no matter how insignificant or overwhelming they may be โ€” resonated with Klaus. Forcing the students who don't have a backbone to grow one was surely one of the defining features, breaking the students down slowly over time. This atmosphere was not necessarily depressing, but unforgiving, as it gave those who sought a challenge everything they could've wished for, and more. Everyone's resolve, up to this point, had been proven. Well, mostly everyone.

Klaus' newfound seat under the medical tarp was a lot more comfortable than he expected it to be. As is the fate of one who has been unable to comfortably plant their ass without a million threats looming over them. Given their reputation, one could easily argue that the veterans of the academy were equally โ€” if not more โ€” dangerous than the beasts that stalked the mountainous terrain. Perhaps now was the time to be on alert. Extending his legs, Klaus leaned forward. Once right, once left, allowing the muscles and tendons of his lower half to finally be at ease after the strain they were forced to endure. No longer needing to keep his mind busy meant Klaus could allow all of his pent up emotions to surface. His hunger, his pain, his fatigue. He had suppressed each feeling throughout the entirety of his journey in an effort to keep his own morale as high as possible. To be entirely fair, the strategy worked, the smile painted across his face acting as a barrier against the overwhelming odds. Looking to the well-dressed, sophisticated woman, Klaus' eyes traced the cane held purposefully within her grip as she spoke. "A similar fate to my own, huh? I imagine having your leg out of commission proves to be pretty damn debilitating." Klaus brought one finger close to the wound on his chest, tracing across the cut without actually making contact with it. "I hadn't managed to get a good look at it, whatever it was." The T was harsh, his tongue stressing the word's implications. Whatever that thing was, it proved to be a vile beast. Luckily for Klaus, it didn't appear to be venomous. Or, it hadn't kicked in yet. "As much as I'd love to say I could handle it, I doubt any newcomers could. I practically let the damn thing do this to me. I've not seen any of the others who had been with me make it up those stairs. Dead, most likely." As the lady with the cane approached, finishing her treatment, Klaus subconsciously refused her assistance in getting up, only moving to grip her hand after he had already lifted his form from his seated position. "Pleasure to make your acquaintance. Hopefully our next encounter comes about during.. less unfortunate circumstances." His words were cut off by the screams of students, caught in the vise grip of the headmistress. Their fates had been sealed.

Klaus couldn't help but be taunted by a lingering fear, locked away deep inside his mind. He wouldn't admit it, but he had come eerily close to losing his own life. If his mental state wasn't as stable as it was, there was no doubt that he would've met a similar fate to those that he traveled with. Confined within the walls of this university, life wasn't precious. You could not falter, lest you perish. This was further reinforced by the headmistress' proceeding actions, grabbing hold of four potential students and, quite literally, throwing their lives away. Needless to say, these actions were astonishing and, frankly, uncalled for. Klaus felt his eyes flutter as he bore witness to the murder, his mind deciding if what he saw was merely an illusion. Whether the woman's remark regarding them as "impersonators" was literal or not hardly mattered, as she ripped away the lives of four individuals either way. As distasteful as these actions were, Klaus couldn't help but admire the way she carried herself. She was powerful. Authoritative. An unwavering machine that acted as the manifestation of pure, harsh reality. A catalyst for the student's success, no doubt. "Your grandfather left you notes? Very resourceful. I commend your preparedness. After all.." Motioning towards the students who had met their demise, his tone grew more serious. "With that display, it looks like cruel may be an understatement. If it's not too much of a secret, I'd be curious to learn more about these notes some other time. Though, I'd understand any reluctance you may have." Notes? Needless to say, Klaus' curiosity had been piqued. Depending on their quality, they could prove to be a useful tool for success. As the lady left Klaus' presence, he prepared to be treated by whichever doctor would attend to him. Much to his surprise, the individual who approached him wasn't the man who had treated the lady with the injured leg.

Enter, the aforementioned students. Their reaction, or lack thereof, indicated how numb they've grown to these kinds of events. Was it often that students were thrown off the side? Klaus figured that his primal instincts of self-preservation on its own would be more than enough motivation for him to succeed. As selfish as it sounded, he valued his own life before any of the other students โ€” especially when considering he didn't even know any names. Doing nothing to assist someone in need, however, would prove to be a blow to his pride. Klaus made an effort to memorize the appearances of the two students, as he felt they would be of importance at a later time. As the female student approached him, he realized that she would be the one treating him. The students are doctors too, huh? They've got it all. Klaus smiled at her, cheerfully greeting her as she got to work on his wound. "A pleasure to meet you." Following these words with a nod, he allowed the woman to work in silence as her face grew more stern. She was focused. As the lady finished and headed over to work on the other patient, Klaus took a few steps outside of the open-air clinic. He felt reinvigorated, frankly. Now that his wound was properly treated, he could focus on all of the other necessities. Food and water were a good starting point. However, he would first have to join the crowd in making their way towards the dorms.

Moving with the crowd, Klaus made it a point to push through towards the front. The buildings they'd passed were, admittedly, less grand than he would have expected. They were functional, basic, and provided just enough to allow anyone dwelling inside to survive. It was eerie, to say the least, with a looming silence broken up only by idle chatter between the students. Heeding the words of the two older students, Klaus made his way inside of the Obsidian Dormitory. Inside the Dormitory, Klaus instantly went to discover the room he believed would be appropriate โ€” his tunnel vision laying upon the stairs that laid straight ahead from the entrance. The first room on the first floor was appropriate . First one out. Every day. That was the goal. There would be no shortcuts. He paid absolutely no mind to any of the other minute details, feeling as if they weren't worth considering at the time. Creaking open the door, the cozy interior of the room flushed over him. Contrasting with the harsh journey and the cruelty of the headmistress, the snug ambience practically begged whoever was subjected to it to dive into bed and turn their brain off for the night. Standing directly within the doorframe, he had only examined the room with his eyes, as he couldn't rest just yet. I'm fucking hungry. Damn. As quickly as he made his way up the stairs, Klaus found himself going right back down, turning a hard left into the kitchen, wherein other residents of the dorm had already gathered. Chatting can come later. We don't have much time, after all. No harm in a greeting, though. Laser-focusing on the food, Klaus tuned everything else out and grabbed his share, downing an entire glass of water in just a few seconds. Clearing his throat, he announced himself to everyone in the room, speaking powerfully and with purpose. "A pleasure to meet you all! I am Niklaus Nachtigall, though Klaus is preferable. I do hope we can all be acquainted soon. Remember my name, and I'll remember yours.' After introducing himself, he lowered his voice, continuing to address everyone. "Be aware of our idle time, we don't have long. Let's aim to make a good first impression." No doubt, they'd punish the entire dormitory. We must manage our schedule wisely. Food in hand, Klaus moved towards the stairs, acknowledging any potential responses before heading up once again. While he was able to catch a few names during his food expedition, meeting each of them individually would allow them to stick a lot easier.

The quick introduction allowed Klaus to allocate some of his time towards getting settled in to the room he had chosen as his own. Stuffing the food he had brought to his lair in his mouth, he began to examine the interior a bit more closely โ€” utilizing touch over sight. Knocking lightly on the walls, he could tell they were relatively thin. This came as no surprise to Klaus, of course. Moving to the bed, he could tell that it would end up being a place of solitude and reflection for him. Sitting down near the edge, Klaus looked up at the ceiling, his hands resting atop his legs. He wanted to gather his thoughts before the first class, and the cushioned perch allowed him to clear his mind.

mentions: mostly everyone

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