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Realistic or Modern r o s e s a n c t o r i u m ¬ OOC

I’m just waiting for a post for someone to suggest the circus. A sort of point in the right direction. Heck, I wouldn’t mind a little bit of a time skip jump as well to get us there. But that’s just a suggestion to move us to the next scene
I’ll make the post tonight. Though I feel like our cast has shrunken a bit too much with the loss of like 4 characters now. Just being honest.

edit: including our 2 most sociable characters Jordan and Aurora
in defense the most success RP's i've been in that ran for a while only had 4 to 5 people max. it'd be easy to write off the other characters since it's the beginning and we are in the middle of a transition. we could just say they had other plans and tried to leave. and either were captured or killed or maybe even managed to leave/disappeared. we could still make this work but it's up to everyone else. it's no problem for me even with my full time job and job transition happening soon. i'm a night owl
in defense the most success RP's i've been in that ran for a while only had 4 to 5 people max. it'd be easy to write off the other characters since it's the beginning and we are in the middle of a transition. we could just say they had other plans and tried to leave. and either were captured or killed or maybe even managed to leave/disappeared. we could still make this work but it's up to everyone else. it's no problem for me even with my full time job and job transition happening soon. i'm a night owl

I'm just talking from a character interaction point of view. We have a lot of "lone wolf" or "small clique" characters only. This is going to take some characters stepping out of their comfort zone. That's all I'm thinking. I still am certain this can work.
I'm just talking from a character interaction point of view. We have a lot of "lone wolf" or "small clique" characters only. This is going to take some characters stepping out of their comfort zone. That's all I'm thinking. I still am certain this can work.
yeah. true. but that's where character development comes in. most of the clique and lone wolf stuff was before all of these events so it wouldn't apply too hard when it, literally, comes to life or death. at least not at the moment. it would mostly be internal character conflict (including my character), i believe. i guess it's really up to their author.
yeah. true. but that's where character development comes in. most of the clique and lone wolf stuff was before all of these events so it wouldn't apply too hard when it, literally, comes to life or death. at least not at the moment. it would mostly be internal character conflict (including my character), i believe. i guess it's really up to their author.
Yeah. I mean Zeke's already starting to act like a leader, despite not really talking to anyone before this shit show.
Hey! I should probably introduce myself here haha. I'm Spirit and I am very afraid, this is the first RP on this site I'm looking into tbh. I do have some ideas for how my character could possibly know some of the others and I'll get to writing them out as soon as I'm able.
Spirit of Such Spirit of Such What's good, nice to have you :)

Okay guys, right now I'll have you all go onto the circus. Jordan will be immovable so you guys will have to leave him behind. Time skip if you have to. The next two weeks are going to be decently busy for me, weekends I will not be online at all but just know I'm not dead aha just working long ass hours. I really do not want to fuck up the RP with my own inactivity so I am going to try my best to slow the pace of the RP down to maybe one-three posts a week.

Whenever the characters arrive at the circus maybe consider calling the police ;)

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