Potere Del Re

[Thanks Haru. I really hate time-zones.]

Placing the staff underneath the table, placing both feet on it so no-one gets any bright ideas about stealing it. Next to him was Kat, he didn't feel it would be wise to ask what the whole cafeteria thing was about. So he kept quiet, thinking if anything did kick off he had a staff to calm it. Then the teacher walked in. A blonde haired, blue-eyed, glasses-wearing 27 year old man. Claiming to be there to teach them about strategy development. Whoo-hoo. He introduced himself and seemed to act friendly enough, thought isn't that what they're paid for? "How about we go around and introduce ourseleves?" What? Surely he must be joking. Judging by that Libra guy, knowing these people are the last thing Vax would want to do. He looked towards a window, hoping not to be noticed and forced to introduce himself. He'll just learn what he needs to and leave this room without a word having to escape his mouth.

It got to the point where his curiosity just got the better of him. He had to ask. Turning to Kat, he cleared his throat and in a whisper as to not be seen or heard by the teacher. "Hey, what was the deal with that Libra guy?" It was one of those moments he was hoping that the answer wasn't a slap to the face or something of equal pain.
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Katniss would eventually have to put away her journal when a young man came in. He didn't look that much older than her and seemed pretty friendly. When he asked for introductions, there was silence in the room until Gwendolyn introduced herself first. There was silence again. Well, I guess it wouldn't hurt. Just my name and origin will do...right? Katniss stood up from her seat and presented a small bow. "Katniss Hart. Scorpio Kingdom", she would say as she made haste sitting back down. Glad that's over with. The class wasn't very talkative as no one else seemed to introduce themselves. It seemed Vax got bored or curious, or both. He had asked her about the boy from earlier that she had shown some attitude towards. Katniss would simply answer by pointing to the bruised cheek from earlier. Simple, and to the point.
When Kat pointed to the bruise, it didn't take Vax long to add 1 and 1. His toes curled round in his shoes as if he were trying to grab the staff with his feet. His grip on the desk tightened as a thought just surged through him. "Why?" Vax was only able to reply with. There had to be some reason someone goes out of their way to hit someone but even then, he needn't to. Vax tried to calm down as he loosened his grip on the desk, but he had to know. "Why did he hit you?"
Katniss shook her head slowly, as if telling Vax "don't do it" when she saw his reaction. "That's what I get for trying to stop a fight", she shrugged. "You'd be surprised at the discrimination that exists between the kingdoms from the past..." Kat remembered her father telling her about one of the participants from the previous Potere Del Re took things too far and killed someone before. It wasn't hard to believe that certain kingdoms held a grudge against one another. "I try not to dwell on the past though. I judge people based on my own experiences."
Vax sighed. "Next time you're going to stop a fight let me know, kay? Might go down smoother with two people." He eased up a bit from the tension that was rising within him. "So some guy comes along and socks you one all because you're from different kingdom? Should I be on the look out for anyone who likes sushi?" Vax asked, in a sort of joking tone. He hoped that she'd either chuckle at it or give actually take him seriously and tell him who to look out for, which wouldn't be too bad he had to admit. It was kind of eerie how silent the class was. It got to him as he stood up with a clear of his throat. "Vax Derim of the Pisces Kingdom." He did a mixture of a bow and sitting down after it. He smiled when he heard that she rather go based off present experience and not something that might have happened eons ago. "I'll be honest, I don't know much about my kingdoms past, so you got a clean slate with me."
Minato got up "I'm Minato Namikaze Libra Kingdom and this" His personality changes again I'm MinaKO Libra kingdom minato is my twin brother nice to meet you all" he said with a bright warm smile
Katniss grinned. "Don't worry, you'll be the first one to know." Although she didn't get the joke about the sushi, because Katniss loved sushi. (scorpios take jokes seriously :P ) Would he kill me if I said I liked sushi? Kat pondered this very seriously, hoping not to make enemies with Vax. She fiddled around with her fingers, as Vax would introduce himself to the class. She would smile when he deemed Kat would have a clean slate with him. "Likewise, vase" (Nickname for vax= vase xD ).
Xavier had been the last to introduce himself. He stood and gave a curt bow towards the teacher. "Xavier Vermillion. Leo kingdom. Pleased to make your acquaintance." After the introduction, he sat back down in his seat, continuing with his book. He hadn't felt the need to share antyhing else. He was quite sure everybody in the room could guess his young age and he covered the the basics. He wondered if the the teacher would be offended by his emotionless tone. The answer appeared to be a no, as he still wore the same smile he had since he walked in.

"It's nice to meet you all." The smile didn't look like it would be leaving his face anytime soon. "I guess since you guys introduces yourselves, it would only be fair of I said a little something about myself. My name is Setio Militam. I am from the Gemini kingdom. My favorite food is marshmallows. My blood type is B-. I enjoy drinking tea in my living room and I dislike being bothered by insects. Now then, let's start the lesson." There had been nothing 'little' about his introduction, whatsoever. It made Xavier wonder what he considered a lot.
"Yeah let's get this party started Minato is the strategist if us so he's going to cone out us that okay?"
Elodie had been scoping around the school, getting used to its floor plans and what it held inside. There were elevators, a swimming pool, a big cafeteria, and whatever else was in a school. Though it looked luxurious, it wasn't different from your average high school - unless she missed out something.

But now it was time to get to class. Elodie made her way to the classroom. She stopped in front of the door, pulling it open a crack and peered in. It wasn't that she was nervous, she was just curious as to who was inside. There were familiar faces, but one made her curse under her breath. It was Minako, and his facial expression was completely different from when she last saw him. But as if the sight of him would deter her.

Elodie entered the classroom, closing the door behind her. "Hey, everybody,"she said, taking a seat.
"Ah! Glad you could join us. We have just finished with introductions. Please stand and say a little about yourself to the class. Afterwords, the lesson will start."

Xavier kept a close eye on Minato when the Aries entered. He has to stop the last fight and he wasn't looking forward to another. However, if either of them made a move, he would step in.
"Oh, alright,"she said, not expecting introductions. She stood up next to her desk, leaning her hand on it. With her other hand she pointed to herself,"I'm Elodie, representative of the Aries Kingdom." Her eyes flickered over to Minako when she stated what kingdom she came from. Elodie went back to sitting down.
Minato simply yawned and stated "I've.decided not to kill you anymore,you have done nothing wrong.However I will track down the one who killed my brother and mercilessly rip the flesh from his bones "
Gwendolyn wanted to sigh as she saw that Elodie is still aggressive towards Minako. She looked forward at the head of the classroom and waited for the teacher's instruction.
"For today's lesson, we will be divided into pairs of two. Each pair will devise a strategy for a situation that is written on these hand outs. Since there isn't enough people of the same kingdom, you will be paired with a random partner. Please move to the back of the room for partner assignments."
((sorry guys, but im gonna have to remove myself from the equation. I'm drowning at work and i dont have the time for a big rp like this. just kill me off.))
(Awwww T oT My partnerrrrr. Take care ; w; real life before rp)

One or two more students had entered the class while she was conversing with Vax. Once the teacher had explained what they would be doing, Katniss and Vax both got up and moved to the back. She would silently pray under her breath for good luck. Not good luck to do good in the assignment, but good luck in the partner that she would be with.
Xavier hadn't needed to move, since he was already in the back. All he had to do was stand. He knew he didn't need much luck with the assignment, it was the pairings that needed luck. He had hoped that he would be paired with Gwendolyn. It would be easy to cooperate from the same kingdom and she already knew how he did things. That partnering would be easiest to deal with.
Gwendolyn nodded her head and went towards the back of the room. She didn't really mind who she paired up with as long as they do there share of the work. Gwendolyn merely waited for the teacher to assign the partners.
Allison Lahey was late. Not that she cared too much. Sure she missed talking to people yesterday and now she was late for class. But Allison didn't care about talking to people. Sure it'd be nice to size them up, but she had time. Allison was not an idiot. She was here because she was quite the opposite. Still it would be good to talk to some of them today. If she didn't get in trouble for being late.

She walked slowly to class, trying to already try and guess who she might encounter. She really hoped none of them had obnoxious personalities. She didn't think she could stand it. But in the end, Allison had to remind herself she was not here to make friends.

She paused in front of the classroom and then opened it. She looked at the teacher only.

"So sorry I'm late."
"Welcome to the class, young lady! You're just in time for the lesson. If you could please introduce yourself, we can get underway."

Xavier thought that the teacher's face might freeze if he kept smiling. It seemed like a new person would pop up right before the lesson began. However, her arrival was good. They now had and odd number of students, so one of them would be partnerless. He hoped that he would be the one to work by himself.
Allison faced the class and gave the smallest of smiles and nodded.

"I am Allison Lahey. Virgo." She then moved to take a seat. She choose somewhere in the back. As she sat down, she counted heads. Hm an odd number. This could work out to her advantage, but it depended on if they would be paired up or not. Allison wasn't sure if there was another Virgo, but she didn't care at the moment.
"Now then, lets begin. Oh. There seems to be an odd number of students. But for now, let's get pairings out of the way." Mr. Militam took a good look at the students, looking at their characteristics. "Yes, that should do. All right, I think these partners should work out. Vax and Minako. Xavier and Allison. Elodie, Gwendolyn, and Katniss. Please group with your partner and grab a worksheet."

Xavier felt a headache forming. The teacher had done the complete opposite of what he was hoping for. He went with a group of three instead of a group of one. Xavier was sure the man had good intentions and didn't want anyone to be left out, but this wasn't a good thing for Xavier. He had to work with a person and it was somebody he had never seen before. He felt a small pang of pain in his head. What was that? Ah yes, it was that headache he had mentioned.

(I decided the partners by putting names in a hat. That way everything would be fair.)
(Thats fine :> )

Gwendolyn nodded her head and walked towards Katniss and Elodie. 'Hopefully Xavier would be alright' thought Gwendolyn.

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