Potere Del Re

"I see, well then. I can't wait for that part!" The ding of the elevator told them that they had reached the place. While they entered, Vax looked at the huge clocked. It reminded him of the clock-tower in his home-town. He turned to Kat when he heard her mention someone called Daniel. "Who's that?" He asked, like simply, while picking up a menu off one of the many tables. He searched through it as he awaited for an answer. There was so much to choose from on here so they could satisfy everyone.
"Daniel's my partner in the Potere Del Re", she answered as she picked up a menu as well. She quickly scanned through it, skipping to the sweets section. Strawberry green tea for breakfast? Yes please. Although after thinking about it carefully, she decided she would need more than a drink to function correctly in class today. "The buttermilk pancakes look pretty good!" She peeked over at Vax to see what he was ordering.
Gwendolyn woke up a four hours later, as she wanted to send the information to her Father as soon as possible. Rising from her bed, Gwendolyn gather her clothes to change in the bathroom. She exited the bathroom quietly while trying her red scarf around her neck. Gwendolyn then wrote up a quick note on her desk to inform Xavier that she'll meet him in class. She then exited her dorm with a quiet 'click' and walked down the hallway towards the telephone.

Gwendolyn dialed her Father's medical center and quickly explain what would be needed to progress in the testing phase. "Alright, we'll get to it at soon as possible" said her Father, "Gwendolyn before you go can you convince Diana to go to bed?" he asked. "Diana's still up? Isn't passed midnight over there?" replied Gwen. "Yes it is." her Father chuckled, "She reminds me of you where you were younger." Gwendolyn smiled as she heard her father. "Well do you're best in the tournament and here's Diana." said her Father.

"Hi Gwen." replied Diana with a cheerful tone. Gwen smiled as she heard the child's voice, "Diana you know you're not supposed to up late." she gently told her. "I know Gwen...its just its very different without you here. Its less warm." "Don't fret, its only for a brief time I'll be back soon." Gwen reassured her, "Plus little girls need their rest, so you should go to bed." "But I'm not tried", Gwendolyn can practically hear Diana pout. With a smile Gwendolyn said, "I'll tell you what I'll sing your favorite song before you go to bed. Deal?" "Deal" Diana softly replied.

Gwendolyn then began to sing softly as she was sure people were still sleeping, "La lay loo, la lay loo. All the stars, they shine for you. Guiding you, and protecting you. From their fields of blue. Dream, child so dear. Wise beyond your years. Never lose sight of who you are..."

As she finished the lullaby, she softly said goodnight and waited for a small reply of 'goodnight' before hanging up the phone. 
( http:// youtube .com/ watch?v=vo763o9k47U here's the song; just remove the spaces :> )
Vax ordered just a plain and simple glass water. It's all he needed in the morning, something he found neither odd or strange. He was thinking more on who to fight with when given the chance, then something clicked to him. He had no idea who the enemies to his kingdom are as in the eighteen years he spent there, it really never came to him to ask. He figured when it came to the fighting, he'd just have to fight whoever attacks him. But surely Kat couldn't be one of the enemies, after all she seemed kind of nice to him. Especially after he told her where he came from. He pushed it aside for the moment. "We'll worry about that when the time comes, till then enjoy the company. Hey, she might make a good sparing partner..." Vax thought to himself. He marched his way to a table with his drink and pondered if he should ask. Besides, she'd might want to stick with people she knew.
Kat's buttermilk pancakes eventually came. They were stacked like a huge tower. She grabbed the syrup, poured it over the pancakes and started eating it. People from the Scorpio Kingdom liked to watch Katniss eat. They would wonder where all the food fit into her tiny frame. Katniss would always say her stomach was a black hole. "So, did you make any allies yet?" she would ask. From the previous Potere Del Res, several kingdoms would collaborate and team up with one another to take out the others more easily. Kat already had in mind the team she would want to take out first: the Libras. She would make sure to pay back the punch to the face ten-fold.
Minako awoke showered dressed and headed straight to the Cafe he was glad he made two new friends and was determined to make more he walked intot the cafe and order bannana split crepes and a caramel frappucino0 "oh look scorpio" he walked over to them and sat down "hey scorpio how's it going I'm minako Libra" He grinned and outstretched his hand for a handshake
Vax looked to Kat when she asked him, mouth still touching the glass. "Not really, in-fact I'd say you're the only friend I have here." He would like to make more allies than one but without a clue who's an enemy to the kingdom and not, how was he supposed to? Just then, someone walked in claiming themselves to be Minako Libra. The last name must be a clue to where he's from. Though he seemed to take more notice to Kat than him, so Vax kept to the background, to continue with his water.
Xavier awoke and quickly took a shower. After showering and brushing his teeth, he dressed himself in new attire. He now wore a pair of black jeans with a slightly darker hoodie than yesterday, along with a pair of black sneakers. He was glad after reading Gwendolyn's note. He didn't want to walk to class together in akward company. He didn't hate Gwendolyn, he owed a lot to her, but his quiet and antisocial nature hadn't left him. He was aware of how much he had spoken yesterday, but that was to give a proper explanation and he needed to know more about the vaccine. He had never talked that much in his life and his vocal meter was currently on empty. Although he had talked a lot yesterday, the emotionless tone and blank expression had never left him. He hoped he wouldn't have to interact with more people today, but his intuition told him that it wasn't likely. He exited the room and began walking towards the cafeteria. He needed to take his pills and he didn't want to miss breakfast. After all, it was the most important meal of the day.

Upon reaching the cafeteria, he walked towards an unoccupied line and quickly grabbed his items. Like yesterday, his meal only consisted of two items. He simply took an apple and a bottle of water. After retreating to an empty corner in the room. He immediately took a pill from the white container and swallowed it with a drink of water. Luckily the effects of the pill were nearly immediate, something he had worked hard for. After taking the pill, he began to eat his apple on silence.
(I mean to

TheNarrator said:
Vax looked to Kat when she asked him, mouth still touching the glass. "Not really, in-fact I'd say you're the only friend I have here." He would like to make more allies than one but without a clue who's an enemy to the kingdom and not, how was he supposed to? Just then, someone walked in claiming themselves to be Minako Libra. The last name must be a clue to where he's from. Though he seemed to take more notice to Kat than him, so Vax kept to the background, to continue with his water.
(I meant to put a coma between my name and Libra sorry xD )

Minako saw Xavier out of the corner of his eye and waved quietly at him and grinned and the He turned to the larger scorpio "Oh I didn't introduce myself Hi I'm Minako,Libra kingdom and you?"
(Vax is a pisces>_>)

Katniss nearly dropped her fork and knife when a certain uninvited guest sat down at the table. Her eyes flickered to him with murderous intent before she looked at her pancakes once again. This time, she would cut her pancakes and stab her fork into them with aggressive force. "Yes, I know who you are. You made it pretty clear yesterday when you screamed out your name ever so rudely", Kat said with a snobby tone. She forced a small smile at Vax, hiding the urge to kill the Libra.
Jat woke up and went to the cafe with her bag and big puffy ears as her hat. She got in line to get some orange juice and a couple eggs to eat. She sat down feeling a little out of it and sighed.

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(Before I can teach the lesson, I'm gonna need to know who will actually be on the thread when it starts.)
Gwendolyn stayed there standing thinking of Diana, she was an orphan her parents died in a fire. Having no one she was raised in an orphanage until she contracted the illness Gwendolyn described to Xavier. Taking a breath she figured that she should mediate for a while to compose herself before going the cafeteria to eat.
( Lucem Tenebris just start whoever is here is here)

Minako saw Jat and invited her over "Hey Jat come sit with me" he shouted and then turned his attention to the scorpio "I advise you not to try anything, if you do Minato will be forced to come out and I'm pretty sure your 10x weaker than Xavier okay?" Minako gave Kat a bright smile when his crepes came and he started devouring them
Gwendolyn exited the mediation hall feeling much better. ''I better get something to eat' she thought as she walked towards the cafeteria. When she got there, Gwendolyn saw Mianko conversing with a Scorpio and a few other individuals. She sat at a table and ordered an omelette with some greens with a glass of orange juice.
Xavier hadn't noticed the other people in the area after getting lost in thought, but he raised his head after hearing his name. He didn't recognize anyone that well, except for Minako and Katniss. The atmosphere surrounding them was unsettling. He hoped there would be no conflict. He hoped Minako wasn't trying to drag him into a conflict when he mentioned his name. He didn't want anybody to get the wrong opinion of him. He didn't know much about Katniss, but her sense of justice stemmed to coincide with his, which he respected. Minako want a bad person either. His just didn't always think through what he says or does. While the atmosphere continued to thicken, he resigned himself to finishing the red fruit. Until the situation escalated to violence, he would remain neutral in his place in the corner.
Katniss wasn't one to have a sense of humor, but she would laugh at the male Libra who invited himself to the table and started making threats. "Don't worry, I wouldn't waste my energy on the likes of you. Don't flatter yourself", she finished her pancakes and nodded over at Vax. "We'll be late, let's go." Before she left, she looked back at Minako. "By the way, don't bother Xavier. He's a good kid."With that, she was gone as well, with Vax following her.
When her food arrived, Gwendolyn ate calmly and drank her juice before leaving the cafeteria. She saw Xavier through the corner of her eye but didn't want to bug him while he's eating.

'Now then I'll guess I'll go to the classroom.' thought Gwendolyn.
After finishing his food, Xavier the cafeteria and left for class. He was always punctual, so he couldn't afford to be late. He brought out a class schedule from coat pocket and began memorizing. The first class would be strategy development. Xavier was glad to know that there wouldn't be any fighting involved in the lesson. Developing strategies was something that came naturally to hime, especially after all the training he did. The training wasn't only for developing his body, but also his mind, which resulted in his unnaturally high IQ. He found it only natural to work at becoming adept in every field. His work ethic had been partly contributed to being born in the Leo kingdom, but there was a more important reason. His thoughts were halted when a large door entered his view. He had arrived at the classroom.

He was slightly surprised when he walked in. The room was much larger on the inside than it appeared. It was roughly the size of a football field. In front of the class was a large whiteboard and projector, along with the teacher's desk. The student's desks were more like tables, given their large sizes. There were many windows on the opposite side of the room, which were currently being covered by the blinds. There were many cabinets spread across the room, posseing many tools locked inside. Xavier sighed when he realized the teacher had not yet shown up and took a solitary seat in the back of the room, next to the window in the corner. The teacher would most likey show up when the rest of the students arrived. Until then, he would be reading a large book, describing the geography of all of Ellienad.
Gwendolyn found the classroom after going down the wrong hallway. 'I always end up somewhat lost on the first day' thought Gwendolyn. She opened the classroom door. 'Hmm. Its like the conference room back home.' she mentally commented. She saw that Xavier was seated at the back near the window. Gwendolyn sat in the middle row of the classroom.
[TheNarrator gave me permission to post as his character so he doesn't fall behind]

Katniss soon would enter her first scheduled class of the day. Vax would follow her, as they scouted the room for a good seat. She usually liked sitting in the front of the class so she would place herself on the front row, near the window. Vax sat in the table next to her. Kat saw the Leos were already in the classroom. "So punctual", she would smile to herself. Another good quality of the Leo Kingdom. The teacher wasn't in class yet so Kat would pull out a book from her backpack and scribble in it. She liked to write in her journal because it was like documenting everything in her life.
Minako and Jat were the last ones to enter the classroom all the other kingdoms were there Minako headed straight for the front row He whispered "Minato it's time to play" His deameanor completely changes Minato was here

(Lucem Tenebris you cans start class when your read)
Xavier looked up from his book, as he saw what appeared to be the teacher, walk in. He wore a white shirt with a purple sweater vest. His blond hair reached his shoulders, matching his crystal blue eyes, which were covered by a pair of glasses. He appeared to be in his late twenties and he possessed a very relaxed atmosphere. "Good morning class! My name is Mr. Militam, the teacher for strategy development. It's nice to meet you all." He appeared nice enough, with the smile he wore on his face. However, Xavier could have sworn he had seen this man before. "How about we go around and introduce ourselves. I'm aware that we are missing a few students, but they'll be brought up to speed if they join us later. Feel free to share as much as you like."
Gwendolyn smiled at the teacher in a respectful manner before looking around the classroom to gauge who is going to introduce themselves first. Seeing that no one was willing to start Gwendolyn stood up from her seat and said with a smile, "My name is Gwendolyn Sunn, from the Leo Kingdom. I'm nineteen years old and a healer. Its nice to meet you all."

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