Potere Del Re

"I suppose I should turn in as well." Xavier walked over to his dresser and withdrew some clothing. He then proceeded to the bathroom. He turned on the shower and adjusted it to a warm temperature. He let the water to relieve some of the pain in his body. His wet hair hanging over his face. In the middle rinsing off, he released a small cough into his hand. He grimaced when he saw the amount of blood in his hand that had been released from his mouth. 'Dae! You will pay for this!' He gripped the metal rod a little to hard and bent it slightly.

After his shower, Xavier had changed into a pair of black silk pants and was about to put on his shirt, when he looked at the open wounds on his chest. "Sanitatum Flamma De Leo." A small flame coated his palm and he pressed it to the wounds. Although fire was meant to burn, the wounds began to heal under the soft bright flame. He had discovered in his youth, that every element had a variety of uses. After healing his wounds he put on his black long-sleeved night shirt, with a hood attached to the back. He walked back into the room and sat on his bed. "The shower is open now, if you would like to use it."
Jat played some stones. Focusing on making the stones spin in circles in the air. She was laying back completely focused on her training for the day. She started to move the stones back and forth, up and down, and threw them up in the air and catched it. Slowly she started adding more stones, and heavier stones. She found herself getting tired out after 20 stones, 5 of them being huge ones. She stopped for ahwile to take a break. She grabbed her bookbag and opened it up to get a bottle of water. She drank half of the bottle of water, closed the top, and layed back with her eyes closed for just a little longer.
As Xavier went into the bathroom to take a shower, Gwendolyn pulled out a green journal that was filled with medical notes. Opening it at the entry she wrote recently, she quickly skimmed through it. 'Even if the vaccine worked there's still the problem of transporting it though all the kingdoms' thought Gwendolyn, she tapped her pen against the desk. With a soft sigh she turned the page and proceeded to write down the ratio of herbs she used for xavier's incense. 'I'll have to make it again as a precautionary. As he would want to be brought out of 'it' before it happens' thought Gwen. Gwendolyn was brought out of her thoughts when she heard Xavier, "Oh. Thank you." She got up from her desk and picked up her night clothes before heading to the bathroom. Her medical journal stayed opened at her desk but it didn't stay at Xavier's incense but at the vaccine information.
Xavier wasn't one to pry, but when he saw the open journal, he felt it was important. He moved quietly to the other side of the room and read the page. 'Vaccine?' He read the whole entry, but he didn't find a mention of what it was for. Only basic information about certain materials and something about transporting it across the kingdom. Xavier understood why it was such a problem. Transporting something across all of Ellienad was a hard thing nowadays, especially now that the tournament was underway. A thought managed to work its way into Xavier's head, as he read the more. Looks like he would have another task if he became king. He made his way back to his bed and rested his head on the soft pillows. He couldn't just think IF he became king, he needed to. Ellienad depended on it.
Gwendolyn was nearly down with her shower when she figured out the perfect stabilizer in the vaccine's formula. She then proceeded to rush through her shower so she wouldn't forget. Quickly changing into her black shorts and forest green t-shirt, Gwendolyn walked out of the bathroom, with the towel around her neck, and then proceeded to quickly jolt down the new information. After she was done, she tapped the pen against the desk reading over the whole formula again.

Gwendolyn smiled. "I think I perfected it. I'll be sure to send the updated version to Father." she murmured out loud.
"Perfected what?" Now that she had announced the vaccine out loud, Xaver was free to discuss it openly. If the vaccine was what he thought it was, it would be a positive for both him and Ellienad.
'I said that out loud didn't I' thought Gwendolyn. She turned to face Xavier, "I have been working on a vaccine for some time as there might be a small epidemic going around that seems to affecting children younger than us and the elderly. I needed an effective stabilizer to balance out the diseased cells and the serum. And it seems I may have figured out the perfect ratio."
Xavier immediately shot up from the bed and quickly walked to Gwendolyn. "What can you tell me about this epidemic?" He wanted to know what was going on in Ellienad. After his parents died, he went into seclusion and trained, so he didn't know much about current events. "Do you think you've found a stabilizer that won't cause the cells to take over or make their way into a more vulnerable part of the body? The cerebrum of the brain could be especially suseptable."
Gwendolyn was slightly surprised that he wanted to know more as usually people pretend to be interested until it doesn't concern them or benefit them. "Well, the epidemic isn't that large but its better to prepare a vaccine to avoid it spreading." she said for starters and turned back a few pages in her journal to read the genera symptoms. "The disease seems to start as a common cough which most healers dismiss but as time goes on, like say a few months or perhaps max a year the individual starts to experience chest pains and cough up blood." She turned to face Xavier, "I know that the symptoms as similar to the Sidra but the diseased cells are significantly different from Sidra its safe to say that disease has mutated into a more harmful strain."

Gwendolyn took a breath and leaned back in her chair, "I am not sure whether or not if there's a third stage as the vaccine I formulated is only till the second stage. And to answer your question, I do believe that the stabilizer should stop the cancerous cells from heading into other areas."
Xavier took a breath of relief after hearing the news. It seemed like Gwendolyn had found an effective stabalizer. "If you don't mind, I would like to discuss more about it with you at a later date." Today had worn Xavier out and he needed rest. He slowly walked towards the bed and pulled the covers over his body, quickly falling asleep.
Gwendolyn nodded her head, "Sure, as you need your rest." She went back to the formula's page and wrote down a few more notes for the testing procedure before closing the journal. Gwendolyn then went towards her bed and fell asleep.
Katniss awoke the the sound of her alarm from her phone. Her hand unconsciously reached for her dresser, turning the noisy thing off before she started half-sleep walking into the shower. "Well, today should be fun after everything that happened yesterday...." Once she had dried off, she would look into her closet. She wasn't quite sure what to wear on the first day, so she decided to be safe and went along with her school uniform. It was a basic white blouse with a striped red plaid miniskirt and a navy blazer. The blazer would have the scorpio insignia embroidered around her chest. To finish it off, she tied a red ribbon around her neck. Kat made sure to quietly leave the room as to not wake up her partner. Who knew if he was the cranky type in the morning?

(This is actually my alarm xD )


(Sorry I hadn't posted in the last couple of pages, Illness took me over! Dx I've been told we're starting the next day so I'll go from there if it's fine Dx)

Vax awoke in his room from a nightmare about him losing his ability to fight. When he looked around, he wasn't quite sure how he got there as he didn't remember going to bed. Oh yeah, he got so awkward from bumping into that person that he blanked the rest out of his memory. A self-taught trick from how many times he's felt it due to wanting to fight everyone. With a pathetic sigh. "Who was that person again? Katniss?" Vax thought to himself in his head. He looked over to where he thought his roommate was and saw a note saying "Gone back to kingdom" It kind of came as a surprise to him but he didn't put much thought into it as he didn't know her as well. He got out of bed and dressed himself, he was seriously worried about how he couldn't remember anything but bumping into that woman. A whole day had gone to him and now he didn't have anyone to ask what happened. He looked over to his staff and grabbed it. He had already lost a day, no way he was going to have this go to waste. After-all, if he was so curious he had that Katniss-woman to ask. But for now, to so the one thing he loves!

At least, he hoped this place had a sparring place, at least a place with dummies to shatter! Vax coughed to clear his head of such thoughts and told himself to calm down. He left the room and walked down the hall. Vax was actually happy now. Perhaps sleeping in this place was all he needed to do to warm up to it. Though something nagged at him that he missed something while he was blacked out. "Maybe, I should visit that woman? She seemed okay with me bumping into her, at least what I can remember. Now...what kingdom did she say she was under? I presume it's okay to go down the other hallways...." He looked at the signs till he saw the Scorpion one. "Ah, there we go! Scorpio!" He walked down it to see if he could find her. After all all he wanted to ask her is if he missed anything, not like that wouldn't be too much of a hassle. Anyway, how much could he have missed?
Katniss turned the key, making sure the door was locked before going down the hallway. She was busy trying to put her key into her backpack and didn't notice another person was there when she had turned the corner. Her reflexes weren't as fast as the last encounter considering she let her guard down. Kat bumped into the man and landed on her tush. Perhaps it was her still half asleep, but she would look up at the cause of her falling and stare at him for a while. "Ah, you!" It was the same boy from the other day who had bumped into her. She felt rude for addressing him "you", but she never caught his name. Katniss quickly brought herself to her feet and bowed apologetically. "Sorry, it was rude of me to leave you alone yesterday. It just got flustered from the fight and wasn't thinking straight."
Vax used the wall from falling, using his fist as a stopper. Ironic that she fell this time. Though something she said when she got back up puzzled him. "Er, you left me alone?" Vax replied confused. He really didn't remember much from yesterday. But he didn't let that distact him. He had to know if something happened in his concious-absense. "Talking about yesterday, anything happen? Like something I should know about?" He asked, hopefully conveying his voice that he wouldn't know. He kind of felt like he shouldn't be in this hallway but till someone said otherwise, he was going to stay here. At least till he got his answer.
Katniss tilted her head to the side in bewilderment. Just how many people here have split personalities?!! First that Minako guy, then Xavier, and now this guy?! She wasn't used to all this, yet. "You.... don't remember what happened yesterday?..." So he probably doesn't remember the fight that broke out yesterday. She didn't mean to be abrupt, but after the different personas that she met yesterday, she felt the need to ask: "Who are you ?"
"Oh! I must have forgotten to tell you! Name's Vax! Sorry about that, I don't normally be that rude. It's a pleasure to meet you properly Katniss." He extended his left hand for a handshake, his staff on his back making a clonking sound as it hits the wall from the movement. "But yeah, I don't really remember. I must've been that tried from the trip here that my brain was more focused on bed than anything" He paused. "Wait...does that mean I DID miss something?"
Katniss shook Vax's hand, and then shook her head. "Nothing really happened much. Just some rough housing. Nothing to worry about, heh". In the midst of everything that happened yesterday, she wasn't surprised that he forgot to introduce himself. "You can just call me Kat." She was never too fond of her name, probably because her little brothers mispronounce her name a lot and call her "Catnip" instead.

She took note of Vax's staff, assuming he was on his way to class as well. "So.... which kingdom are you from?" she asked curiously.
Vax's smile widened a little bit more when Kat shook his hand. He'd forgot what actual human interaction was like. He looked to her with a smirk when she asked which kingdom he was from. His face kind of said "it isn't obvious?" but he answered regardless. "I'm from the Pisces Kingdom, the kingdom of docks!" It was more a title he gave it than official one. Then something caught his attention. Kat's face was purple on one side. "Owch. I see what you mean by rough housing. Y'know. I got something that'll help that back in my room, if you want it." Vax's Natural Piscesian was kicking in, memories of how many travelers he saw in his house has his family took care of this injury and that. One of the pleasures of living near a dock I suppose.
Katniss became slightly more enthused when Vax stated he was from the Pisces Kingdom. They were known to be good allies, both Pisces and Cancer. That, and all three of them were water users. "Well, VERY nice to meet you, good sir." It was then when she realized that she forgot to put a bandaid over her face before leaving her room when Vax pointed out her bruise. I knew I forgot something... "Ah, this is nothing. I'm fine, really!" she laughed nervously. "We're gonna be late to class! Let's go!" she slightly nudged him to move towards the elevators. "Did you eat breakfast yet?"
"I don't know, it looks really" Before he could finish his sentence he was on his way to the elevators with her. It didn't reassure him with her nervous laugh either. Though he pushed the thought aside as he didn't want to seem pushy. "Wait, classes? I thought we were here to train? as in use dummies or spar with each other?" This line of thought was interrupted with a rumble from his stomach which probably answered Kat's s question by itself. "Heh, guess we both forgot to do something this morning..." He coughed, to stop his cheeks going red. "You think we be able to get to the cafeteria before hand?"
"Training is part of the curriculum too. Or at least, that's what I was informed", Kat said as she hopped inside the elevator. She couldn't help but laugh when she heard Vax's stomach growl. "Well, the stomach has spoken. Off to the cafeteria we go!", she pushed the button in the elevator that would lead them to the dining hall. There was a huge clock on the ceiling of the place. "We have some time before class. I hope Daniel's not late." It wasn't long until Katniss' stomach would respond with a growl as well.

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