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Fandom PokeHigh


Badass Fighter
Character Sheet:











A few notes for characters:

  • Only 1 of each legendary
  • All Pokemon are allowed
  • You are allowed to add extra things
  • BBCode is accepted
  • Have fun
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Name: Ivy

Nickname(s): Grassy, Vine, Weed-whacker

Age (In Pokemon Years): 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Pokemon/ Type: Servine (Grass)


  • Giga Drain
  • Toxic
  • Leaf Blade
  • Attract

Appearance: (Couldn't find Pic ;- ;)

Ivy looks like a conventional, normal Servine. A few minor differences, like his eyes. His eyes are more of a deeper maroon than average and he wears a pink scarf around his neck at all times.

Bio: Raised into a family already caught by a trainer, Ivy had no true future ahead of him. Until one day his brother helped him into escaping, thinking that Ivy may one day avenge their entire family. Ivy ran off and became lost and lonely for a long span of ten months. He then finally came across a savehaven for Pokemon, a paradise. He quickly jumped in and settled into his new lifestyle.

Witty and funloving, albeit paranoid of being discovered by humans. Though he is usually easygoing and friendly to almost everyone. And he hates violence. Though he is easy to anger if someone mistakes his gender (Which is easy due to stereotypical reasons and his name).

Quotes: "My friend asked me how I was doing. I didn't know whether to say if I was good or okay so I panicked and said I was gay."
Name: Midnight

Nickname(s): Night, Shady, Psychopath

Age (In Pokemon Years): 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Pokemon/ Type: Zoroark (Dark / Fighting)


  • Dark Void
  • Nasty Plot
  • Flamethrower
  • U-Turn

Appearance: She has slightly different coloring. Her eyes and her hair bead are purple instead of blue and her hair is grown out longer. For this she is constantly being referred to as Rapunzel, which annoys her.

Bio: She was wild at birth and remained that way unril present time. She's been constantly evading capture and detection from humans and was constantly on-the-run. She finally found a safe area for Pokemon only and quickly adapted to her new home. One day, a shifty looking Servine decided to slither into town and get comfortable in a settlement next to Midnight's own home. On multiple occasion he has spoke to her and quickly warmed up to the presence of Ivy. Since then she has been his unofficial caretaker. She isn't the best rolemodel but she tries.

Personality:Hot headed, stubborn, and Tomboy-ish. She loves to pick on or tease weaker and smaller Pokemon but has deep feelings for others. She also is quiet most of the time and insists to be left alone to her thoughts. She is easily annoyed and will not tolerate showoffs or people who try to grab her attention.

Quotes: "Some girls just want to be left alone."
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_10-10-28.jpeg.b50d53d3a32af0e4f0644797cae79e79.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119281" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-19_10-10-28.jpeg.b50d53d3a32af0e4f0644797cae79e79.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Pikatwo

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 7

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Pikachu

Backstory: This Pikachu was a slave for the humans and he was badly mistreated. His coping mechanism was to dress up, acting like bigger, tougher Pokémon who could handle the abuse. He eventually ran away when he heard news of the PokeHigh gates re-opening.

Personality: Kind, Sweet, Innocent, Adorable, Happy

Other: Enjoys cosplaying



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Noivern said:
Name: Midnight
Nickname(s): Night, Shady, Psychopath

Age (In Pokemon Years): 22

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Pansexual

Pokemon/ Type: Zoroark (Dark / Fighting)


  • Dark Void
  • Nasty Plot
  • Flamethrower
  • U-Turn

Appearance: She has slightly different coloring. Her eyes and her hair bead are purple instead of blue and her hair is grown out longer. For this she is constantly being referred to as Rapunzel, which annoys her.

Bio: She was wild at birth and remained that way unril present time. She's been constantly evading capture and detection from humans and was constantly on-the-run. She finally found a safe area for Pokemon only and quickly adapted to her new home. One day, a shifty looking Servine decided to slither into town and get comfortable in a settlement next to Midnight's own home. On multiple occasion he has spoke to her and quickly warmed up to the presence of Ivy. Since then she has been his unofficial caretaker. She isn't the best rolemodel but she tries.

Personality:Hot headed, stubborn, and Tomboy-ish. She loves to pick on or tease weaker and smaller Pokemon but has deep feelings for others. She also is quiet most of the time and insists to be left alone to her thoughts. She is easily annoyed and will not tolerate showoffs or people who try to grab her attention.

Quotes: "Some girls just want to be left alone."
Noivern said:
Name: Ivy
Nickname(s): Grassy, Vine, Weed-whacker

Age (In Pokemon Years): 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Pokemon/ Type: Servine (Grass)


  • Giga Drain
  • Toxic
  • Leaf Blade
  • Attract

Appearance: (Couldn't find Pic ;- ;)

Ivy looks like a conventional, normal Servine. A few minor differences, like his eyes. His eyes are more of a deeper maroon than average and he wears a pink scarf around his neck at all times.

Bio: Raised into a family already caught by a trainer, Ivy had no true future ahead of him. Until one day his brother helped him into escaping, thinking that Ivy may one day avenge their entire family. Ivy ran off and became lost and lonely for a long span of ten months. He then finally came across a savehaven for Pokemon, a paradise. He quickly jumped in and settled into his new lifestyle.

Witty and funloving, albeit paranoid of being discovered by humans. Though he is usually easygoing and friendly to almost everyone. And he hates violence. Though he is easy to anger if someone mistakes his gender (Which is easy due to stereotypical reasons and his name).

Quotes: "My friend asked me how I was doing. I didn't know whether to say if I was good or okay so I panicked and said I was gay."
Accepted. I'm amazed you didn't make Noivern. :D

Name: Lily

Nickname(s): N/A

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Straight

Species: Sylveon

Backstory: She lived a happy life with an owner who was kind, something very rare to find. She was treated well and all was nice. That was until a man broke into the house one night and killed her owner. She was unable to stop the violent attack and has blamed herself ever since.

Personality: Kind, Nice, Caring, Motherly, Happy

Other: Is pregnant

"I'll never lose to you, you hear me!!"





Fire Pikachu












Brave, Flirty, Hot Headed, Smart, Kind, and Loud


His nationality is Italian/English and he loves to battle.
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Name: Ambre

Nickname(s): Bre

Age: 6

Gender: female

Sexuality: female

Species: pichu


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.69d760dcf165dc34b2e9733ea3ec1fdf.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.69d760dcf165dc34b2e9733ea3ec1fdf.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: TBR

Personality: shy lovable hyperactive love pulling pranks steals anything




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Name: blossom

Nickname(s): bee

Age: 13

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Species: bulbasur


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.51bb533e740a23c53fcad36dfce2f199.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119311" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.51bb533e740a23c53fcad36dfce2f199.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Backstory: got kidnapped at a young age she lost part of her hearing. TBR

Personality: loving string acts toughtends to get in fights fun loving sometimes gets scared she has anger issues she can't control it sometimes

Other: partly deaf



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Name: Aghi

Nickname(s): none

Age: 14

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay

Species: Deino

Appearance: Your typical Deino though a bit paler in color. He has several wounds and scars as you would expect from his species. The most noticible scars can be found on the left side(his left) of this cheek, his right arm, and his left leg

Backstory: Aghi was born and raised in Opelucid city. Before he had left he lived in a small yet comfortable cave with his older sister who at the time had just evolved into a zweilos. His sister, having always been interested in humans had found herself becoming attached to a girl who often frequented their territory after stumbling into aghi's sister. It wasn't long before she left, becoming the girl's beloved pokemon. Having no reason to stay in the area, Aghi decided he wanted to find a new place to live as he didn't feel safe on his own

Personality: Aghi is not very well socialized with other pokemon and as a result is very quiet and shy. Despite this he is pretty outgoing once he opens up and has the tenancy to be very clingy toward those he considers a good friend or a parent figure

Other: he has very poor eyesight and is extremely accident prone.
Aha! That makes me have an idea. Maybe I should make a Noivern! Actually let's bring in my whole Pokemon OC crew! Let's get Flare, and Vyar....Actually, I'll edit a few things. .w.
Name: Aero

Nickname(s): Bat, Wingy

Age (In Pokemon Years): 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Pokemon/ Type: Noivern (Dragon / Flying)


  • Fly
  • Dragon Claw
  • Draco Meteor
  • Boomburst

Appearance: Aero has a much longer wingspan than normal. He wears a Jade necklace and carries a bag full of apples. Also, he has a visible scar under the tuft of white fur on his collar.

Bio: A loyal childhood friend of Midnight, he has stayed by her side and aided her to escape possible captivity since day one. He followed her to the safehaven and helped her take care of Ivy. Much like Midnight herself, Aero refers Ivy as 'Little Brother' although more often.

Personality: Bombastic and comical. He's the life of the party and is hard to discourage. Almost at all times he is optimistic and carefree, even reckless sometimes. Only in extremely dire situations he turns to his serious side. Most of the time he's the comic relief in stressful scenarios.

Quotes:"Life's a blast when you just SMILE."
Noivern said:
Name: Aero
Nickname(s): Bat, Wingy

Age (In Pokemon Years): 19

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Pokemon/ Type: Noivern (Dragon / Flying)


  • Fly
  • Dragon Claw
  • Draco Meteor
  • Boomburst

Appearance: Aero has a much longer wingspan than normal. He wears a Jade necklace and carries a bag full of apples. Also, he has a visible scar under the tuft of white fur on his collar.

Bio: A loyal childhood friend of Midnight, he has stayed by her side and aided her to escape possible captivity since day one. He followed her to the safehaven and helped her take care of Ivy. Much like Midnight herself, Aero refers Ivy as 'Little Brother' although more often.

Personality: Bombastic and comical. He's the life of the party and is hard to discourage. Almost at all times he is optimistic and carefree, even reckless sometimes. Only in extremely dire situations he turns to his serious side. Most of the time he's the comic relief in stressful scenarios.

Quotes:"Life's a blast when you just SMILE."
[QUOTE="Crusso Fang]Name: Aghi
Nickname(s): none

Age: 14

Gender: male

Sexuality: gay

Species: Deino

Appearance: Your typical Deino though a bit paler in color. He has several wounds and scars as you would expect from his species. The most noticible scars can be found on the left side(his left) of this cheek, his right arm, and his left leg

Backstory: Aghi was born and raised in Opelucid city. Before he had left he lived in a small yet comfortable cave with his older sister who at the time had just evolved into a zweilos. His sister, having always been interested in humans had found herself becoming attached to a girl who often frequented their territory after stumbling into aghi's sister. It wasn't long before she left, becoming the girl's beloved pokemon. Having no reason to stay in the area, Aghi decided he wanted to find a new place to live as he didn't feel safe on his own

Personality: Aghi is not very well socialized with other pokemon and as a result is very quiet and shy. Despite this he is pretty outgoing once he opens up and has the tenancy to be very clingy toward those he considers a good friend or a parent figure

Other: he has very poor eyesight and is extremely accident prone.

Zeldafangirl said:
Name: blossom
Nickname(s): bee

Age: 13

Gender: female

Sexuality: straight

Species: bulbasur


View attachment 265587

Backstory: got kidnapped at a young age she lost part of her hearing. TBR

Personality: loving string acts toughtends to get in fights fun loving sometimes gets scared she has anger issues she can't control it sometimes

Other: partly deaf
Zeldafangirl said:
Name: Ambre
Nickname(s): Bre

Age: 6

Gender: female

Sexuality: female

Species: pichu


View attachment 265585

Backstory: TBR

Personality: shy lovable hyperactive love pulling pranks steals anything

[QUOTE="Pyka the Pikachu]

"I'll never lose to you, you hear me!!"





Fire Pikachu












Brave, Flirty, Hot Headed, Smart, Kind, and Loud


His nationality is Italian/English and he loves to battle.

A lt of CS' there. All accepted and I love the wide range of characters.
Name: Bambi

"Princess of Spring"




Species: Deerling (Normal/



Her father is a Great Prince of the Forest, a large Sawsback. Her mother was just a normal Sawsbuck. Bambi came from royalty and she is born in springtime, giving a named "Princess of Spring." She and her family live in the wildlife. She may be a princess, but she have to keep it in secret in order to lived in normal life with her mother. When Bambi was 10 years old, during wintertime, a human hunt them, her mother died and leaving Bambi all alone. Until , her father came and get her and promised to take care of her.

Personality: Sweet, a bit Shy, Curious, and bit Brave

Other: She have other half-sliblings from her father other marriages.

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JessBeth said:
Name: Bambi
"Princess of Spring"




Species: Deerling (Normal/



Her father is a Great Prince of the Forest, a large Sawback. Her mother was just a normal Sawbuck. Bambi came from royalty and she is born in springtime, giving a named "Princess of Spring." She may be a princess, but she have to keep it in secret in order to lived in normal lived with her mother. When Bambi was 10 years old, she was happy in her normal life, until her mother died and leaving Bambi all alone. Until , her father came and get her and promised to take care of her.

Personality: Sweet, a bit Shy, Curious, and bit Brave

Other: She have other half-sliblings from her father other marriages.
I'm laughing at the fact that you called her Bambi! xD . Accepted...
NightCasterZ said:
Start posting everyone! I will post soon but feel free to start.
I think everyone is sleeping, lol. Not me doe. I'm staying up until midnight. Shit. Already 11:25 xD

I'm sleepy anyways...

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