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derek hale deserved better
Roleplay Type(s)
My Interest Check
Hey hey hey! I’m currently craving a Criminal Minds roleplay, which I know is kind of a longshot, but it’s worth it to at least try… I hope! Anyway, I’m 25 and located in PST, although I don’t mind which timezone you’re in, I’ve had partners from all over. I have over ten years writing experience and have done a bit of freelance writing on the side as well. As for my writing, I can easily write around two paragraphs, but if the scene calls for it I can go 3-5, it just depends. I do prefer rapid replies around two paras, but this is in no way a dealbreaker as I know not everyone has this sort of time.

Just a few quick rules that are important to me are as follows:

  • All partners must be 18+
  • Since doubling is a big thing now, I want to explain my stance - I’m so down for playing side characters in order to world build, however I won’t do an ‘I’ll scratch your back, you scratch mine’ deal. I’m not too great at playing canons, which is why I tend to play ocs. Sorry if this is a dealbreaker for you!

As for what I’m looking for specifically, it would be someone to play Spencer Reid against an original character of mine. While I do have a bio/background written up for her, here’s a quick lil summary for you to get a feel for her: she’s an investigative journalist and her and Spencer’s chemistry kind of reminds me of Brennan and Booth’s from Bones if anyone watched that. Due to her history though, she definitely has a dry sense of humor and is sarcastic to a fault. She has a history with the FBI due to her father’s murder and I’ve always liked the idea of Rossi having had something to do with the unsolved investigation and maybe continuing to keep an eye on her.

I'd also love to include other characters, I think they’re important to who Spencer is but I’d also love to see Olivia interact with them. We can split them up, but this isn’t a necessity if you don’t want to!

For this pairing I have a few little snippets of ideas for the most part, but I also have a decently fleshed out one that I can tell you about if my rambling hasn’t put you off yet haha. Even though I don’t wish harm on my favorite boy, I would also, maybe later down the line, like to explore his addiction a bit more and perhaps a relapse? I feel like the show sort of glossed over it and I’d love to dive deeper into what it’s done to Spencer, as well as those around him, and how he handles it.

As far as potential partners go, this is kind of what I’m looking for:

  • Can reply at least once a day, but would prefer multiple times. (obviously this doesn’t apply if something comes up, just let me know, I’m not strict or scary, promise!)
  • Loves to gush about the characters/pairings/fandom we’re writing. I love getting invested and coming up with potential future plot points or doing aus or hcs about where they could end up. It’s all so fun!
  • In that same vein though, I do want to set a boundary: I don’t do anything that requires me to share my voice or move off of discord. I have super bad anxiety so any kind of call or sharing of personal info stresses me out a lot. I’ve tried it once and it all ended in a mess and I’d rather not get into it again, so please be able to respect that.
  • If you write primarily on Discord in servers, that’s perfect! And bonus points if you use tupperbox! I can be persuaded to write here on site too.

If you’re another Criminal Minds fan and want to give Spencer a go, I’d love to hear from you! Either PM me on here or add me on discord - toxicdeliquency

If you do message me though, PLEASE send more than a ‘hey’, maybe introduce yourself and your history with writing/roleplaying or the fandom? Idk, just something to let me know this is the ad you came from haha. Hope to hear from some of y’all!

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