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One x One Outlast Discussion


Fathomably Unfathomable
[[ Discussion between myself and @King of Limbs in regards to a one on one Outlast roleplay. ]]

Hey, there, I hope this is alright? I'm not sure where else would've been appropriate ahah. I suppose my first question would be in regards to  characters. Do you savvy OCs, canon characters, or perhaps a mixture? I'm open to pretty much anything so long as we are writing out the events of the game(s) and it isn't an au outside of Outlast-risqué settings (a high school roleplay, for example). ovo;
Yup! Thanks for starting the topic. (: I'd probably prefer OCs, as I haven't played the game in a very long time and don't really remember too much about the canon characters personalities and such.
Thank you for showing interest!

Haha, that'd probably be best for myself as well, I'm not too canon-savvy. c":

That said, may I ask you what gender you prefer playing, if any, (also if you have any preferences in which gender(s) I play, I have no personal preferences)? Would you be interested in singular or multiple characters for each of us?

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