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Realistic or Modern Barton Hollow (Interest & Discussion)


Pure of Heart, Dumb of Ass
Roleplay Type(s)
This is here for anyone that has an interest for joining, feel free to ask any questions and I'll be more than happy to answer them :)

Below is a list of potential character role(s) to choose from, and if none of the following appeal to you, you can bring forth your own and we can go from there, this list is simply an indication of what sort of vibe we're going for overall. :) (NOTE: Any of the describers below can be adjusted as the writer wishes, meaning they can be customized however you may wish :)

The Golden Girl, It was never really a surprise when she graduated at the top of her class nor when she picked up the family business. Tilly Bordeaux was the perfect child. She was class president, head of the debate team, and was a key part in planning out so many of their dances. She was always in charge of something, always relied upon to watch after her fraternal twin sister and even her older brother. It's not hard to see how she'd been the main one of the entire group trusted to succeed, to make it. And she has, though she never did get to leave town like she thought she would. She had her family, a career, school - everything that mattered was here...which is probably why she's taking her brother, The Writer's, suicide attempt the worst. She was here and yet clearly not present enough in life to keep an eye on him. Then again, as her twin The Free Spirit has said, she was never really present, was she? Not enough to know what was really going on in her siblings' lives or even her own life, which is probably why her relationship with The Athlete didn't go the way she had dreamed. She's just convinced herself that she was fine with that disappointment, in never branching out the way that she had intended. But is she really? She looks a lot like Hunter Shaffer and she is currently [STATUS: TAKEN]. (PARTIALLY-STARS) #d193a7

The Actor
, Believe it or not, his big break was a bit of a surprise, for him and for everyone who knew him. It had happened two years after they'd all graduated high school; The Writer's first book was a big success and had even been offered a movie deal. His old friend had been hard-pressed to keep things as close to his original writing as he could considering the story was being reconstructed for the screen, and he'd recommended Theo Kos for the role. Flash forward and he's had a really successful run of it, having been offered some really awesome roles and experiences he's partially been able to work his way through with a longtime addiction. To those who knew him, he's become...quite an entertainer, an arrogant ass at best, a train wreck decked in Armani at worst. A life controlled by others, something he'd once had long talks with The Free Spirit over when they weren't pretending like something wasn't going on between them. Not to mention a string of unfulfilled and occasionally contracted romances, if it helped promote his career and the work his manager had signed him up for. And more and more, he's wondering if he's prepared to put on a show for the rest of his life, even if his blinding smile in front of the even more blinding lights says otherwise. He is said to look like Marko Purisic and he is [STATUS: TAKEN]. (apprenticesmith95) #6e250b

The Valedictorian,
When they had all graduated, she had sent her class off with the hopes that they'd, "Go forth unafraid." Imogen Renwhick promised herself that she would do the same. Always pushing through to better herself, regardless of her family's strictly Christian views on love, sex, and duties. To some extent, she'd done what she had set out to do: she'd been brave. She had left for school, even interned out of the country teaching, and found herself in a long-term relationship with The Rebel. But then her then girlfriend had asked for her hand in marriage, she'd been offered a once-in-a-lifetime teaching opportunity that would keep her away on the other side of the world and the microphone her mother told her would never result in a successful music career, and well...considering the fact that this will be her first time home in three years, it's no secret what her choice had been. A regret she's spent the last year bemoaning to The Free Spirit about, though she's neglected to tell her bestie that she'd slept with said bestie's sister's ex right before leaving for the UK all those years ago, a massive rebound and stupid choice she's since realized. If she could go back, she'd choose differently; her life hasn't exactly gone as satisfactorily as she had hoped, after all, even if she's managed to support herself. But her ex has moved on and she's just here to see a friend back on his feet...that's all, right? She looks like Emma Mackey and is [STATUS: TAKEN] (SARACEN_RUE). #AC7339

The Star Athlete, Down to the wire, and the winning touchdown he scored in the Barton Hollow, Virginia, Championship won his town and school the trophy and him the glory he carried with him even in to college and beyond. Kai Greymore thought he'd have it all: the beautiful future wife who would have a career of her own in The Golden Girl, the best friends in the entire world, and a career he'd eventually retire from when he was much older and could either become a coach or settle down in some position in their town's government; he hadn't really known what his life would be like beyond the dream he and his mom had had. But then life got in the way; he and The Golden Girl had fallen apart, he'd done the unthinkable by sleeping with The Valedictorian almost immediately after his own break-up, and now he's recovering from an injury that has set his career and the spotlight he'd once flourished under behind. Is the only thing he needs to heal really just his back? He looks like Brandon Flynn and is currently [STATUS: TAKEN]. (SARACEN_RUE) #154c79

The Free Spirit, Leave it to her parents and maybe even her twin, and it could be said that (NAME) always the opposite of said sister. Unreliable. Irresponsible. She had no aspirations, which well, if her sister were feeling particularly generous like their brother, The Writer usually is, she would at least acknowledge that she had been ambitious in her own way. A lot of things had been done in her own way. Instead of school like her parents demanded, she'd signed for an internship with a music label in LA almost immediately after graduation....and then it turned into her life. But, flighty like she had been in high school, which explains why she and The Actor never really fell into place like it always felt like they would, she left - no real destination in mind and her dreams of owning her own record label behind her. Which is how she found herself out of the country, owning both a written and visual blog that's provided her a living but not the living she thought she'd one day have. She's coming home now, not having spoken to her twin - her other half - in four years and only having kept in real contact with The Valedictorian and The Writer - the latter of which knowing she's not exactly coming alone. She looks a lot like (FC TBD) and she is currently [STATUS: AVAILABLE].

The Bad Boy, (NAME) had clearly been more than a troubled child to have attracted such good friends back in the day. Sure, he had gotten into more fights than he would have liked, he probably could have drank his entire liver into failure had it not been for his friends, and he'd probably not even graduated had it not been for The Valedictorian and The Actor keeping him in check. As much as he's owed that to them, he always felt the closest to The Writer and The Rebel; he's technically still married to the former, a feat they'd accomplished just out of high school when they graduated the year before everyone else. Despite the fact that the guy's parents never approved and they've been separated for two years. A divorce just never seemed an option, even when his husband skipped town to live closer to his publicist and 'better prospects for more inspiration.' He never really left and doesn't see himself doing so, but...well, he thought he'd be able to at least move on from his family's auto shop one day? Maybe even put that architecture degree to use...so why hasn't he? He looks like (FC TBD) and is currently [STATUS: AVAILABLE].

The Rebel, Always considered the toughest of all the girls, Katie Hensley had once labeled herself a conundrum wrapped in a bitch wrapped in band shirts. Which was why she'd been so surprised the day she caught The Valedictorian's eye. They'd been such opposites; the other girl had been a reluctant part time cheerleader with the twins (FREE SPIRIT & GOLDEN GIRL) and a fine member of society. Having spent her life going against the grain, considering the neglect of her well-off parents, she had wanted to do better - for herself, for the people who believed in her, for the woman she had wanted to marry. She had even managed to start that fashion company she's secretly always wanted, even if there are days when it feels like it's not as much hers as it is her aunt who just so happens to be her partner. But then The Valedictorian left and not even The Bad Boy could convince her to not bury herself in her work, becoming an enigma of a small-town celebrity that no paparazzi (or any one night stand) can get even remotely close to. Now that she's coming home though, can she handle seeing the one person she loved more than any other? Can she be convinced to stay? She looks like Angelina Mango and is currently [STATUS: TAKEN] (apprenticesmith95). #850b7f

The Writer, A lover of literature from a young age, Benjamin Bordeaux had always known that he'd be a writer, no matter how much his family's wealth and legacy demanded more. In his eyes, though, they had had his younger sister The Golden Girl and even though he would lament along with The Free Spirit that it wasn't fair how much their parents didn't believe in them the same way they believed in the older twin, he'd simply been able to see both sides. Perhaps, that had been the problem; as the eldest, he came in to the world forced to play roles he'd never successfully fulfill, take on expectations he could never hope to satisfy. It's a wonder he hadn't been diagnosed and given his medication earlier than ten. Nevertheless, he had had The Valedictorian and The Actor. He'd even had The Free Spirit, even after she'd left home and couldn't bring herself to talk to anyone else in their family. Which was how he'd found the courage to finish his book and ride the waves of his success as a novel writer under a pseudonym and even a freelance reporter. But between writer's block, pulling away from his husband when he really didn't mean to, being rushed by his publicist for more in his series, he'd snapped. He hadn't even meant to do what he did; now he's back home, monitored by his mother and a new therapist and everyone he's loved is home. But can that be enough to save him from his mind? He looks similar to TOM BLYTH and he is currently [STATUS: TAKEN] (PARTIALLY-STARS). #458b74
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Can I take both?
Sure! I'm more than happy to let people take on more than just one character :) and if this gains any more interest, people can feel free to bring forth their very own character ideas. More than welcome to accept more roles :)
They can either be submitted to the main character page, or you can send them to me. Either is fine. And any information you may see fit. Anything from the basic of age, gender/sex/sexuality, to personality and history. Really anything you want.
Or if it's easier, I can send you a discord invite and that way it will be easier for the others to explain some stuff? I still got about a few hours of work left and I sadly have to get off of break now 😞
Also, here's the link to the so far publically posted Character Sheets. They don't have to be as fancy, they can look however you may wish :)
Barton Hollow Character Sheets they can be used as examples of what we're kinda going for. They don't need to be nearly as over complicated like those, so don't feel overly intimidated. :)
Perfect! Do I send you my sheets, and if so, what do I need in them?
Or if it's easier, I can send you a discord invite and that way it will be easier for the others to explain some stuff? I still got about a few hours of work left and I sadly have to get off of break now 😞
I would love one if that's ok

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