Out-of-Character Chat

I have a voice! It always guides me more towards making it sound like something I would say or do, Either that or it gives me ideas as to how to make things interesting. It basically sets my guidelines for what's too far and what's not far enough, if you get what I'm saying... I'm probably just sounding like a crazy person.... and I watch Naruto as well.

Yesss. That's the one! If you watch it then you'll get this.


Gotcha. Well, this will still work! You have, a voice/feeling in you, that kind of tells you what to do. It gives you tips on how things should go or look. Yours, is locked away. You don't seem to have access to it. If you do, it's very little. This means, you can only hear it when you're feeling stressed and desperate. When you're feeling like you've done all you can, but still can't get where you want to be.

There are 3 ways to bring out the inner voice. Someone has to force it out of you; you have to be taught how to use it; you drag it out yourself.

They all work, but at the end of the day, you're going to have to learn how to handle it when it comes out.
well he kinda did something unpredictable - He gave away his hat which he loves more than anything in the world
Now you see.......That's a difficult question with an extremely simple answer.

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