OOC Chatter

Ella Trics



When Azure held out his hands in front of him Ella had expected some sort of leaf magic to appear out of them or something natural because of his vibrant green hair, but instead she was surprised to see him shoot electricity (like she had earlier!) at the 5 people instead of shooting some sort of bland nature magic to relate to his hair. In utter shock that the person who was previously stating outside that they had no idea what the term 'shocking people' meant, while the same person had just shocked the same people she had with such expertise, caused her to completely ignore the big, toothy, weapon coming straight for her and would hit if she didn't notice. Luckily, right before the chain would've hit her ankle, Azure had heroically jumped right in front of her! Being confused of why he had just randomly jumped right in front of where she was standing instead of starting to bolt for the exit that he probably should've, only to see the reasoning by finally noticing the tooth-like chain had grabbed right onto him in a way that looked rather uncomfortable and extremely hard to move in. Hearing Azure tell her to run she had started to put one foot in front of the other, only to suddenly stop from remembering all of those previous experiences she had when her accomplices had told her to run, which had always ended up with them either tattling their face off about her, or her waking up the very next day in the nurse's office because she had went unconscious the day before (which was by either gaining too much electricity for her to handle that would cause her to black out or someone flat out hitting her so hard that it caused her to go unconscious). Deciding on not wanting either of those to happen just yet, she grabbed onto both of Azures' arms as she tried to drag him off the chains while thinking that it would work with some non-logical ideas backing her actions up, which had also convinced her that this would work better than trying to take the actual chain off that was attached to him. A red haired boy had then interrupted her focus by asking why she had just shocked them out of nowhere. Dumbfounded by the fact that this person didn't know her reasoning she decided to answer in a way that only people who knew that she subconsciously made balls of electricity from the electricity around her when bored would understand. "Because I was getting way too bored from just sitting in my own cabin, duh." Being too self absorbed to realize the faulty in her reasoning and that they probably didn't know, she continued tugging Azure as if what she had just said wouldn't come off as rude. "If you guys aren't too busy with standing around and doing nothing then I would really appreciate some help with getting my friend Azure off of this random toothy chain."


-=-=((Interacting with @Advent Azure (Azure), @InternalAssumpter (Iris), @A Mysterious Figure (Olivandra and Oliver), @BlackJack (Jaws) & @Nami (Nyx)))=-=-

-=-=((Outside of the cabin @Darkholme (Serena)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=-

-=-=((@InternalAssumpter & @Nami Bump!))=-=-
Sorry if it seems like I'm dead and haven't posted in a while. I'm just waiting for a more appropriate moment to post. At the moment, I don't have much to post apart from *watches the chaos, lel*
It's been more than am week since I replied. I'm so sorry! My laptop took another crap on me,  I didn't mean to do that; am I out of the rp? I don't want to be, but I understand if I am
It's been more than am week since I replied. I'm so sorry! My laptop took another crap on me,  I didn't mean to do that; am I out of the rp? I don't want to be, but I understand if I am

It's totally fine! Hurricane Mathew kind of messed up how often I'm on this site, life happens and its alright. You can jump back in whenever you want!
Hello to all, it's been awhile, I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to leave this rp, as great as it is I feel like this isn't going anywhere for me and I've been out of it lately too. Cheers! *clings glass*
Hello to all, it's been awhile, I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to leave this rp, as great as it is I feel like this isn't going anywhere for me and I've been out of it lately too. Cheers! *clings glass*

Aww, that's too bad, but I understand!

Ella Trics



Ella Trics was about to punch the red-headed girl straight in the face from ignoring what Azure was saying when the girl mentioned that her feistiness was 'cute.' She then took a step back and rested her fist and looked at the red-headed girl with a dumbfounded expression while a tint of almost unnoticeable pink covered her cheeks. Ella was most certainly uncomfortable in her current situation, confused that feistiness somehow meant 'cute' to this red-headed girl. Staring at this odd girl for a couple more seconds (which was probably longer then socially acceptable) while trying to process what had just happened and why feistiness meant 'cute' to the red-head, when to her it always showed dominance. Never once had the thought of Ella being feisty could ever be considered by other people that it was something considered to be 'cute.' And almost just as if clockwork she had became static which was probably made clear to everyone else as her long blonde hair that was previously following the laws of gravity decided that it wanted a change and went straight up like Miss Frankenstein's hairstyle and that anyone in her personal bubble will get an annoying small shock of electricity, but not at all painful. After feeling her hair no longer resting on the back of her clothes Ella realized what had just happened as the pink tint of color on her cheeks almost instantly disappeared after the realization. Trying to be as casual as possible about this Ella brought up her left hand to her hair and began to repetitively try to force it to go back down only to have it spring right back up after letting go of the strand of hair. After countless more times of trying to bring her hair back down and receiving no success whatsoever, she then made an effort to not look at anyone square in the face, but Azure. After finding him standing nearby she started to talk to him while also diverting her attention from him by looking around the room to see everyone else's reactions to this. "So Azure, you think we're ready to go now?" Ella tried to pull of an awkward laugh so everyone would hopefully look away from her, but it probably would attract them to looking at her rather than the intended effect.


-=-=((Interacting with @Advent Azure (Azure), @A Mysterious Figure (Olivandra and Oliver), @BlackJack (Jaws), @InternalAssumpter (Iris) & @Nami (Nyx)))=-=-

-=-=((Nearby @Darkholme (Serena)))=-=-

-=-=((Need to see Ella's CS? Click the link in my signature!))=-=- 
Azure Zelo

"... Uh...?" This didn't seem good... he didn't understand what was going on with Ella right now... normally, she's spunky or lively, doing her own thing... as far as he's known her over this very short amount of time... but, she's gotten really, really silent... He was trying to figure out why this might of been... but... those twins did say they have charm magic, since they did pass that on to Azure... Wait... was Olivandra targeting Ella? He noticed a slight blush, a faint blush on her... and... was Ella completely unaware of what to do??? She actually started to seem to freak out. She started venting static charge into Azure, which, thanks to his clothing/equipment, and his always annoyingly on absorption, combined with how weak the shocks were, Azure got away with not feeling hardly a thing, other than a slight sensation. Not much changed with Azure, considering that he had already absorbed electrical magic, although maybe he did learn a new applicable way to utilize this magic. It occurred to Azure that... using the charm and electric magic he now has probably should never be used together ever... She seemed to calm down, sorta, and actually went to talk with Azure again, but... was she really alright??? "Uh.... ya, lets go!" Azure lead the two of them out of here, gentle pulling Ella along with him, as they ran out of the cabin. "Sorry again Oliver, and uh... Olivandra!"

He was glad that he ended up not giving her name too Olivandra... maybe. It looked like she really got underneath Ella's tough skin, and besides that, he didn't think she would appreciate that either. If there were going to be introductions, she should be the one to do it herself. She'd probably get mad at him if she didn't want to give a name or anything. "Er... was this uh... plan a success???" He brought the both of them over toward were Serena was hiding out, still tugging Ella along. Something told him that there might be an issue here also, depending on what she does, but it wasn't like they could just leave Serena hanging here either. She's probably head back to the cabin on her own eventually... but why not make sure she knows now too?

Now that he thought about it... she probably was going to prod him later over using Ella's magic from earlier... or maybe she forgot... he wouldn't be surprised after the way she ended up reacting to Olivandra. "Hey... uh... we're going now Serena, we should get a move on... before something weird happens..."

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme @InternalAssumpter @A Mysterious Figure @BlackJack @Nami
I've tried to talk to Darkholme a few times, but with no response. He's been regularily posting on other threads though. He probably doesn't know what to post anyway for Serena, since she had her walking on back, while ours rushed on back. It might of been his way of saying he's ready to move on? I wouldn't know. I don't know how the whole moving on thing works but everyone seems busy.

Where you waiting for Darkholme to make it back to the cabin with Azure and Ella, and did whatever before you posted?

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme
I've tried to talk to Darkholme a few times, but with no response. He's been regularily posting on other threads though. He probably doesn't know what to post anyway for Serena, since she had her walking on back, while ours rushed on back. It might of been his way of saying he's ready to move on? I wouldn't know. I don't know how the whole moving on thing works but everyone seems busy.

Where you waiting for Darkholme to make it back to the cabin with Azure and Ella, and did whatever before you posted?

@CellistCat606 @Darkholme

-=-=((Yeah I was, and I've been a bit tired today so I'll probably get my post in sometime tomorrow.))=-=-
Sorry, I've been stupidly busy this past week. I've barely even managed to get in my mandatory post a day on the RP I'm co-GMing at the moment.

I assume your characters are in a rush, so you'll definitely arrive back at the cabin well before mine would, so go ahead without me for the time being. I'll try and get something up after the two arrive in the cabin.

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