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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)


Sweet Transvestite

We're not like other people, though we were once. I remember when I was human, though it's more difficult for me to remember my time "in-between" the world of human and inhuman. Maybe that's because of how often they drugged me. The people who were told to "experiment" on me. Scientists. We all have our own views, but even still scientists are supposed to be the good guys. I don't know how they can be however, when they basically told parents to volunteer their children to be weapons of mass destruction. That's what we are. Weapons of destruction. Is that why so many of us ran away, to destroy? No. We ran... because they were already searching for us. By the time society realized that putting these abilities into the developing minds of older teenagers and young adults was a huge mistake, we were already packing our bags. Most of us have nowhere to go, and even if we did, we wouldn't go there. Nobody could be trusted, and it's not like we're friends. The only reason you and I are together, is because we're street rats now. We're people on the run, fighting for our lives... trying desperately to forget about the Hell they've put us through.

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"Would you like a cup of coffee ma'am?" the boy at the register offered. Tabitha shook her head. She couldn't afford anything- and was pretty oblivious to the fact this guy was hitting on her. Pretending to be unassociated with her, Matthew was sitting outside acting depressed as always. Today the plan was sadly not going to plan. The manager was nowhere in sight! Finally, Matthew muttered quietly under his breath, and in response Tabitha smiled to the boy and waved goodbye, before walking outside to join her mopey friend. "I don't see what he sees in you." Matthew finally said, after they had walked a distance. It was only there that they pretended not to know each other, just in case the guy Tabitha worked endlessly to distract was the jealous type. Tabitha, however, never seemed to realize that Matthew was trying to use her as a distraction, and because of this is confused by Matthew's comment. "What do you mean?" she whispered, but the boy only shook his head. The toy were polar opposites, but somehow they managed to survive together without killing each other- not that Tabitha would ever hurt anyone.

Ooc: Sorry I've waited until now to post guys! It's been a slow day lol.​
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Nate's heavy paws hit the moist forest floor heavily, as he hurried through the forest. He had been watching a herd of deer, when hunters had shot one, just as Nate has revealed himself. Nate tried to backtrack yet the hunters had spotted him and where now chasing him, using their dogs. Three dogs chased him, hot on his tail, snapping at his tail. A bullet whizzed past Nate's ear, causing him to sprint quicker. He reached the top of a hill and turned quickly on his paws, he sank his massive fangs into the side of one of the hunting dog's neck. He tasted the tangy pet's blood as it gushed into his jaws. Nate thrashed violently, for a few seconds, breaking the dogs neck. The other two lunged for him. Nate dropped the carcass and swung one of his massive paws against the dogs head, the powerful blow rendering the canine unconscious.. or dead.. he couldn't tell and didn't care. He quickly bit onto the other dogs back, causing it to cry out loudly, Nate held the bones crushing in his jaws, the loud cracking of bones filling his ears. Yet the evident sound of a gun being loaded made him stop. He dropped the squirming, crippled dog. Suddenly a bullet cut through the air, and slammed into his shoulder hard. He cried out, the sound of a whimper echoed over the trees. He turned quickly, sprinting quickly toward the town. Blood dripped from the bullet wound and he favored the leg reasonably. He reached the tree line, and shifted into his human form. He was shirtless, and his khaki shorts were dirty and stained with blood as it flowed from the wound in a gurgling rush. He cupped his bloody shoulder as he pushed himself out of the forest, hurrying across the road and toward town.

Daisy sat in a coffee shop, sipping it silently as a woman about her age visibly denied the coffee boy. Yet Daisy didn't smile, or laugh. Smiling and laughing had become very rare for her to do. She watched as the girl and another guy conversated, before turning his gaze back to her coffee.
Hunt's nappy blonde head rested against the rotting wood of an old shed she'd found just outside town. It helped to be further away from the bustling of people, kept her head clear. The sweet serenity of this brief mental clarity was broken with a crash. She could hear the thoughts of someone nearby, they were hurt.

Hunter groaned. Of course she needed to go help them, but when had anyone helped her? It could be one of them, she thought. One of the people in their tiny group, the few of them that had escaped the lab. So, with a hefty sigh, Hunt pushed herself up off the floor, dusting her already too dirty jeans off. She padded across the floor and pushed the creaking door open.

Her eyes scanned the area...nothing yet. She stepped out into the high grasses and began walking towards the road. It wasn't far, but it was far enough that Hunt didn't have to hear much from it. Mostly just a distant buzzing.

She heard his thoughts before she saw him, hurrying across the road, cupping a bloody shoulder. Damn. It didn't look good. He would need a doctor. That much she could tell from the few feet she was away from him. Her feet carried her towards him and her eyes scanned his face, recognizing those dark brown puppy-dog eyes.

"Damnit, Nate, what'd you get yourself into now?" She murmured under her breath as she came close enough to catch him. She knew there was no way in hell she was going to be able to help him walk, she was far too short. Her teeth dug into her bottom lip, an old habit, as thought. The only thing she could do was get him down and do her best to stop the bleeding, then maybe they could get him to town and the hospital.

"Nate, we gotta get this bleeding under control, okay?"

She didn't think much of it. This was a service to a friend, a fellow test subject. She certainly couldn't leave him out here to bleed out. None of them had been close, hell, the only thing they had in common was the experiments. But that was their bond, and it was unbreakable, in its own way. There was no way she'd let one of them die if she could've saved them, and this was someone she could save.

@Cyber Wolf
((Ok I'm gonna rp now.))

Sakura slipped her fingers into a man's pockets, no wallet. She noticed him starting to move forward in the line. The woman behind the counter noticed Sakura. That wasn't normal. Sakura gave an awkward smile before leaving the bakery. She had checked several purses and large pockets. She had only scraped together two dollars and a nickel. She sighed. At least she could get something to eat. She looked around for another place that would sell a cheap breakfast. She noticed a coffee shop and two people walking away from it. She crossed the street and stealthily started following them. She recognized them, but couldn't remember where from. @iiimee
Cicero was walking out of a store with his pockets full of cookies and anything he thought was cool and shiny after he was out of the door he went into an ally way and jumped from building to building until he was on the roof. Then he thought he seen someone from the facility he escaped from but he didn't want to temp talking to them so he just sat down and ate his cookies and looked at the shiny stuff he just stole. What to do when bored and already stole something he thought to himself while chewing on his cookie. "I got it!" He said yelling from the top of the roof and with that he look to see if anyone was in the ally way and jumped down landing on his feet and decided to mess with a random stranger and hopefully get some money.
"Matt..." Tabitha whined in her most silent voice, grabbing unto the boy's shoulder. He just shrugged her off. Annoyed, Tabitha crossed her arms and stopped walking. "I'm leaving you." she declared in her whispery tone that always made people on the streets look her way. Matthew glanced back at her quickly, before looking forward again and shrugging. "Suit yourself." he replied, smirking. Realizing Matthew wasn't going to wait for her, Tabitha followed after him again, before suddenly stopping. "What is it now?" the boy mumbled, glancing over at her. Tabitha could here it- the sound of several pockets being opened, and change being taken out. She also heard the sound of footsteps from above. The rooftops? Looking up, she was surprised to see a boy jumping down from one, though she couldn't see where he landed due to the busy crowds. "Thieves." Tabitha finally said. This made Matthew tense up, and in seconds his hands were firmly planted on his wallet. He'd due anything to protect the money they both needed to desperately to survive. @Cicero

"Who can I mess with" Cicero asked himself looking at the street until he seen a boy and a girl taking only to him that didn't seem like a good idea something about them where different from the other humans around him where they like me he thought to himself. Once he pushed passed that thought he then seen a girl by he self "I think I found my target" He said to himself as he made his way over to the girl "Umm...Hello Miss can you help me i'm kinda lost this is my first time being here and I was wondering if you could show me around?" He asked lying like it was no big deal because he got so use to it and even though he knew this street inside and out he still liked to pick on people and lead them to a dead end only to take anything shiny off of them he doesn't really care about money and thanks to his cat ears he can hear if anything is sneaking up on him. @Lonely Star
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Sakura looked behind the person that jumped in front of her. She wanted to talk to the two people she recognized. Sakura glared at the boy. "I'm not in the mood to show some idiot around town. Leave me alone." She said through gritted teeth. She noticed his stuffed pockets and sighed a little. "What kind of person keeps a bunch of cookies in his pockets?" She asked. She mad an illusion of herself in front of him, so he wouldn't notice her walking behind him. The illusion was made so that the boy would think Sakura was standing in front of him. He would hear her voice from the direction of the Illusion, he would see the Illusion move naturally. Sakura smiled when she was out of his eye sight. She carefully pulled a cookie that was sticking out of his pocket. @Cicero
Nate looked to the smaller female approaching him. Hunt. He had always admired her from the moment he saw her at the testing grounds. She was beautiful, short, yet she was definitely someone he enjoyed to be around. "I..it was a hunter.. and dogs.." He muttered, he could smell a group of people nearby.. no.. not people.. more experiments. They smelt different.. blood didn't flow through their veins like they did in normal humans. He gritted his teeth. "I don't need a doctor.. it's not that bad." His hand was caked in dried blood, and the crimson life-liquid was dripping down his ribs and onto his shorts. The experiments could endure more than average humans. A sigh escaped his gritted teeth, "come on.." He growls, it was similar to a canine. "There is more experiments nearby.." His voice was quiet, and a tad weaker than it usually was.

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"well why do you not wanna show an idiot around that doesn't seem fair and I have the cookies in my pocket encase i'm hungry." He said while reaching for his pockets "HEY ONE OF MY COOKIES ARE MISSING!" He screamed making the people around him stare like he was crazy he looked around to see if he could see anyone that would of stole it. 'Where are you...if I catch you your definitely going to pay for stealing my cookies' He thought to himself "Wait...your not real are you he said pointing to the girl in front of him he looked at the sidewalk across the street hoping to find the person who stole it but he couldn't find anyone. Eventually after looking with his cat eyes he just left to bother some one else but he swore to remember the person who stole his cookie if he ever found them.
Ooc: Wow, did I not receive the notifications for these last few posts? Well, time to hop back into the RP! ^_^

Also, one thing: Nobody can recognize Matthew by face because he was isolated from the others. Tabitha could be recognized but most of the time she was drugged so she wouldn't remember anyone unless she saw them in her escape.

Bic: Matthew stared at the mysterious girl with hostility as she approached him. She dealt with illusions, just like him, only unlike him, she wasn't directly a part of her illusions. He had to admit he was curious about what else she could do, but at the same time he didn't want to. He never wanted any part in those experiments, and neither did he want to become friends with any of those "freaks"- the people who were exactly like him. Before he could stop her however, Tabitha was waving at the girl, only to be interrupted by the sound of the boy in the distance yelling about his cookies that the illusionist had stolen. Tabitha kneeled down, covering her ears. Usually she wore earmuffs, but she couldn't due to the fact the cashier-guy would've thought she was crazy if she had worn them. Her whispering already gave her identity up too easily.

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Sakura jumped behind a trash can, and crouched. The Illusion tilted it's head, to Sakura's command. The Illusion glared at the boy. "Of course I'm real." it snorted. "Whatever. You can find your own way around town." The Illusion walked off, disappearing as soon as it was out of the boy's sight. Sakura held in her breath, as she held her cookie. She didn't want to look out to see if the boy was looking for her, or the cookie she stole. She had hoped to get more, seeing as he had ten times as much as her. She started to get angry. He was a thief... She was a thief... She decided to creep to the spot where the Illusion disappeared, and talk to the boy for real... She felt stupid for tricking him like that, just to change her mind. She crept around behind the restaurant the Illusion had gone into, and stepped out onto the sidewalk. She glared at the thief boy. "So, you're a thief, I'm a thief, we can work together." She hated herself for sounding so... friendly. She wasn't actually that friendly. She was just more friendly than usual. She kept hold of the cookie as she spoke.@Cicero
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"Hmmm I don't think I call myself a thief I just like taking cookies and shiny sharp things from other people and say their mine." He said with a smile like nothing was wrong with it. "Anyway give me back my cookie...NOW!" he said growing impatient "You know you call yourself a thief and yet you couldn't even steal a cookie out of my pocket without me knowing it or anything out of my pockets but me on the other hand...Well i'm gonna keep that a secret anyway I don't wanna work with someone who's just going to slow me down." He said walking passed her taking anything shiny she had on her and walking into an ally way jumping on the roof. "Ok time to see what kind of shiny things that girl will have." He said while eating the cookie he stole back. @Lonely Star

Matthew was getting annoyed simply watching this game of cat and mouse. "Let's go." he barked impatiently to Tabitha, barely even noticing how his companion winced at his suddenly loud voice. He quickly took off after the illusionist, while Tabitha quickly tried to climb the steps to a roof in order to get to the other person she barely knew.

@Cicero @Lonely Star
Cicero noticed someone coming to the roof "Who's there who your self now?" He said while perking his ears up to listen better and using his cat eyes to try and find anything out of the ordinary. While looking around the roof to the street's and ally way he finally found the top of a girl's head trying to climb up. "I might as well safe you the trouble." He said to himself then he jumped down and landed and his feet with no emotion in his eyes "Ok what do you want?" He asked her just wanting to go back to the roof and sleep and think of a plan to steal some more cookies and shiny objects. 'Man why today I just wanna eat cookies i'm done stealing for now and now some random person decides to climb to the roof...wait if she's human then I just relieved my powers to a human...I have two options kill her or just leave and hope she doesn't turn me in' He thought to himself

Tabitha ran up to him energetically the second he jumped down from the roof. "I caught you!" she whispered excitedly, happy she had done what Matthew ordered her to do... until she realized she had no clue what to do with the person she just "caught". Tilting her head, she decided to ask him the most obvious thing. "What's your name?" she tried to interrogate him, but since she could only whisper her voice lacked the strength of any interrogator- at least from the ones she'd heard about.

Sakura rolled her eyes at the boy's attempt at stealing from her. She had hidden her two dollars deep in her boots. The thief boy only got her nickel. "Fine. I don't need your help. I'm going to have a nice, two dollar breakfast at this coffee shop." She said, walking up to the coffee shop. Before going inside, she saw a boy, the one she was following before the thief boy interrupted her. She didn't know him. She then spotter the girl. She looked so familiar. She just didn't know how she knew her. @Cicero
Managing to hear her fine "My name's Cicero" He said "Whats yours and why are you whispering?" He asked her confused even though he can hear her fine he guesses it was because hes bored or just wanted someone to talk to while waiting for the girl to answer he started to eat one of his cookies from his pockets 'Maybe the girl will be easier to steal off of then the other one although it might be hard knowing I got two shiny nickles I wonder how much shiny things she has?'He wondered to himself while staring at the girl and suddenly remembering that this was the girl that was different from the rest but if that's the case wheres the boy at while wondering that he looked around hoping to hear or see him but he found nothing maybe shes by herself he thought
Matthew ran up to the illusionist quickly, before catching his breath. He meant to come out acting cool and arrogant, but instead he probably looked like a bratty kid- Not that she could call him a kid, since they looked around the same age. "Why... are there... more of you?" he said between gulps of breath. He wasn't sure, but he hoped she knew what he meant. Only a week ago, the last facility around here blew up, and scientists and test subjects alike blew up inside. Matthew and Tabitha only came to this city because nobody else wanted to go to a place with so many people, figuring it might attract attention. Matthew figured there weren't any people like them in the area, considering the fact he had searched the place for a month with no sign of one. Now however, there was one.

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"Sorry but you can't fool me I know I remember seeing you somewhere but I can't remember and that guy you're with where is he?" He asked growing uneasy with the lack of the boy know where to be seen is he really that quiet and quick that I can't find him any where? He asked himself 'No I just need to calm down the girl must of left him and now hes gone some where else yea that's it' He thought to himself "Anyway be truthful have you been in any sort of lab yes or no?" He asked knowing she might lie but if he can just find a clue to tell if she's lying it would be enough for him. He was eating his cookies and sat down focusing only on the girl and her actions to find anything unusual about her.
Sakura's eyes grew wide. She shook her head and returned to her normal expression. "There's only one of me." She said. "I have a twin." She lied. She glared at him. "It's none of your business anyway." She turned away, her heart racing. @iiimee
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Nate stumbled slightly, yet he wrapped his hand around Hunter's wrist. He hurried up the road. The small cafe came into view, and several others were around. "Hunt.." His voice was deep, rouged, and weaker than normal. "There are others.. like us.. I can smell them.." As growl rumbles in his chest, or maybe a groan of pain. He had his bloody hand firmly cupped on the bullet wound. His arm and side covered in dry blood. Experiment blood smelt different, less like iron, it is an unexplainable scent. Yet it's distinct to other experiments.


@everyone else

Tabitha shook her head, more confident in her lie now. "Do you mean the lab that blew up last week? Everyone in that lab died." She wished she could've raised her voice above a whisper, but it hurt and she knew it would ruin her cover anyway. She suddenly remembered the way Matthew taught her to get away with any lie- be hostile! Glaring her eyes and putting her hands on her hips, she asked "Do you not believe my name's Tabitha too?" She kept her face straight and hostile-looking, but in her mind she was praising herself. She was good at this! Still, her attention was elsewhere when she heard the sounds of two people talking together far from the busy grounds of people. Whatever it was, she was curious. "Come on." she said, grabbing the boy's hands without thinking and leading him in the direction of the voices.

@Cicero @Cyber Wolf @Xx-Katherine-xX

"I know what I saw." Matthew insisted, but he knew it he just argued with her she'd never admit to it. "If you're not one of them," Matthew said, a smirk on his face. "Then why were you talking to a guy that clearly jumped from a roof? If I turn him in, I can turn you in for being an accomplice." The boy knew that even if he wasn't an experiment it would be nearly impossible for him and Tabitha to keep him prisoner, but he was sure the threat would mess with her if she was an experiment regardless.

@Lonely Star
"Eh what?" He asked confused by the sudden change of events 'What the heck she went from i'm guessing what she calls hostile to grabbing me and leading me somewhere...Wait is she leading me to the other boy?" He thought to himself as he was being pulled but the more he was pulled the more he began to hear voices that aren't like the rest scientist that survived the explosion coming to find us again? He asked himself but he couldn't think right now so he stopped and pulled the girl around holding her shoulders so she can't escape "Where are you doing and were you at the laboratory when it blew up I want answers and I want them now." He said in a yelling whisper so no one around them could now what they are talking about

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