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New Member
Hello Everyone!

As the title suggests, I'm in search of some RP partners! I find myself clicking the notifications tab multiple times in a minute-waiting for someone to reply. I'm sad to say many of my RP partners have fallen quiet.

So I come to YOU!

Before we begin, here's some information on me and kind of what I'm looking for:

About me:​
  • I am an avid RPer for the past 9-10 years, though only recently in the past year have I started rping with multiple people.
  • Fun and creativity is the name of the game! I try my utmost to think outside the box when it comes to plot, even if that means springing a surprise.
  • I love surprises if you don't, then you should let me know at the very beginning as I tend to try and throw characters for a loop.
  • I'm super chill about mostly everything and don't get upset quickly.
  • I do enjoy OOC chat, but I also love to get into the RP somewhat quickly as I've noticed that if a partnership starts with a lot of OOC chat, we don't get to the actual RP. I'm all for making friends on here (I don't bite!), but also keep in mind that we're here to RP!
  • For posting, my schedule is currently VERY free, so don't be surprised if I post multiple times a day.
  • I'm ok with playing multiple characters, but I will also expect the same from my RP partner. I believe that sometimes a break is needed from the central duo, and having a fresh start within the same story helps a ton. Not only that, but it also helps explore the world a bit more through a different set of eyes.
  • I adore romance but can do platonic too! (I'm such a sucker for it)
  • If you don't like the story, please lemme know, and let's try to fix it. That being said, if you feel like the partnership isn't working, then I'm ghost friendly. However, if you're going to be busy and won't be able to post, give me a heads up so I don't think you're done with the partnership.
  • I stand by the rules of this site, on discord or otherwise.
  • I'm also alright with rping over discord, just lemme know your preference.
  • I prefer to play the Female in an MxF relationship (romantic or otherwise). I've tried playing the male, but my characters always come out somewhat stale, sorry. I also can't do MxM or FxF, not because I have issues with that, but it's just not something I'm comfortable with.
What I'm looking for:​
  • 20+ is a must for me, especially if the characters become romantically involved.
  • I usually write a few paragraphs per post and hope for the same in response. I've found that when things get shorter on either end, then the story becomes a little stale, and it discourages me from putting more effort into my posts when I'm not receiving the same amount in return.
  • That being said, I understand when specific scenarios are hard to keep describing. I'm a quality over quantity kind of person. All I want is effort, and some consideration put into posting as I will be doing the same.
  • Another big thing for me is that we BOTH work on the plot. I do like throwing curveballs into the plot, but most of the time, I find that people are more than willing just to let me take the reigns. I love making plots, but please, it's exhausting to be the only one.
  • Though this isn't a must, it is preferred that you're ok with surprises like I stated earlier. I think it makes things more "organic" if characters react naturally to an event happening. This means, usually, the author won't have foreknowledge of it. With that, I do understand that sometimes the author may not want that particular instance to happen, and I'm more than okay with retconning. I want the author to have fun and experience more of their character.
-These are optional, and I'm more than willing to discuss other scenarios you may have in mind!-​
1. A draconic series where there are many mystical creatures. The story starts with a boy on a farm, and he's treated as nothing more than the second rate. He has no family, no possessions, nothing he can call his own. As he ages, he notices odd happenings to his body Hardening skin, a burn-in his throat that will never go away, a hungry appetite. He finds out he's part of an extremely rare race of dragonkin. He sets out on a journey to find the rest of his kin, or at least to discover the secrets they left behind. Along the way, he will meet friends and form bonds of friendship that they will all need to stay alive.​
2. The world has fallen to darkness...literally. The sun is gone, and the survivors have managed to erect Cities of Light — domes of golden energy cover main cities, beacons in the world of the dark. However, what's unknown to them, is that the "manufacturers" didn't make the light...it was given to them. It started with a few stutters, a few flashes, and then moments of the complete dark.​
The night was coming, and with it, the poor creatures that had evolved. One person is tasked with the journey of seeking out the same light source and getting it. But that will mean venturing out into the Forever Night; a world so changed that it's completely new. What will they find?​

3. It was a favorite gem passed down through one generation of kings to another. An heirloom of such importance that one could not ascend the throne without first holding the precious treasure. No one knows where it came from or who found it. It's just always been.​
It is time for a new ruler to come into his sovereign rights, and they gave been given the precious gem...little do they know, it will change their life forever.​
For the stone is a key.​
A key to another world.​
The next ruler to be is dragged into a world that they have never experienced, forced to learn things they could never imagine. Will they survive or come out a better ruler than anyone could have conceived?​

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