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Fandom OHSHC; Battle of the Clubs


ur not a ghost, i'm not afraid of u

"A Chaotic Meeting"


It was around 8:00 AM on a bright and sunny autumn morning. A monday, to be exact, and not just any. Today was the first day of the new year for students at Ouran Academy. The Beautifully decorated hallways were already bustling with life. Uniformed bodies moved about left and right, searching for their classes, lockers, and friends. However- not all of Ouran's students had this luxury. The school's resident Host and Hostess club members had their own place to be that morning. A very important meeting had been called, and it was crucial that they all made it on time. Well, crucial for most of them. But first, let's rewind a bit.

Yes, you read correctly. Ouran Academy now has it's very own Hostess Club. Started by females, with females, for females. Besides the clientele, and Ryo, of course. But he was a story for another time. Anyways, back to our newly founded club. At the beginning of the last school year, the club was privately funded and launched by students Kimiko Honda and Kuyumi Haruno. Together the girls began their own cafe, centered around pleasing it's visitors in whatever way necessary. (Well, except or that way. Get your mind out of the gutter!) It was a slow start, but after the club gained more members, it was quite a hit. Male and female students were wooed by the charming personas that the club and it's members possessed. They were raising quite the income for the school, almost evenly that of the school's long known Host Club. The Hostess Club is currently inhabited by students Yui Takashiro, Ryo Misaki, Shiori Morikawa, Saniiro, and co-presidents Kimiko Honda and Kayumi Haruno.

Once our Host Club found out about it's more or less female counterpart, it's members were confused and outraged. While they generally stayed out of eachother's way, the student body was beginning to become confused about which fanservice cafe to visit. While you'd think it'd be more gender specific, both clubs had their own way of attracting customers. Only so much revenue could come from the students, and this was beginning to become an issue for both clubs. Our Host Club, founded many years ago, is currently inhabited by members Ieyoshi Yamashiro, Yamato Narukami, Tamotsu Omori, Kaito Nashiro, Yuki Horiuchi, and co-presidents Kida Kunagaki and Hiroki "Mommy" Nakano.

Now, let's get back to our meeting, shall we? It was about time for our Hosts and Hostesses to be arriving anyway. The students had been emailed at their student email addresses, telling them to meet in the third floor student conference room. There they would be met by the activities director, Mr. Tadashi. Mr. Tadashi was a nice man, well known for working with both of the clubs individually. Perhaps it was his bushy mustache and blushy cheeks, paired with his round figure that made him such a jolly man. As our hosts and hostesses began to file in, however, he looked much less happy than he usually did. The room itself was fairly clean, with one large oval table surrounded by chairs. Student council often met in this room, and it was littered with posters that had inspirational quotes about education on them. As the meeting attendees began to exchange glares and take their seats, Mr. Tadashi began to speak.


"A-as we all know, both clubs have had an increasingly confusing and inconsistent rate of guests, lately. Each week, it seems that one club makes reasonably more money than the other.. The only problem, is that it's never consistently one club. Now, you kids know that I love working with you, and I've tried talking the board out of this, but it's really all about the money. This entire school in itself is founded on money. The bottom line, is that.. well.. we can't keep both clubs around. If we do, we'll end up spending more money than we make trying to make ends meet. The year has just begun, and you are all proposed with this task; if you want to keep your club open, you must do what you do best... well... better. Throughout this school year, your progress will be monitored. This means your revenue, and clients. On the last day of this year, we will compare your data, and the club that made the most money throughout the total of the year. The other, unfortunately, will be closed. Permanently." The chubby man began to make his way to his feet. "Host events, meetings, whatever need be. Just know, coming straight from the administration, that there will only be one host cafe at Ouran Academy next year."

With those words, he waddled from the room, leaving only a gasp behind him.

Interest Check
Character Sheets
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Kida Kunagaki


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Confused, Surprised, Irritated
Interaction: ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret

The moment the fat man had left the room, Kida was on his feet. He could feel the anger boiling in his stomach, ready to explode. This was so unfair, on many levels. "This is all because of you damn girls." He said gruffly, taking the time to glare at each individual girl in the room, more near their chest areas, but still glaring nonetheless. "We were here first. In fact, we have been here. For years. The Host Club was assembled looong before we even got to Ouran. Who do you think you are? You think you can just-" He frowned in thought, interrupting himself. One could clearly see the wheels turning in his head. He clearly wasn't the quickest thinker..

After a moment, his deep frown slowly faded, and a smirk took it's place. Perhaps his most familiar expression, though it more often than not meant bad news. He looked as if he'd just found the cure to cancer, smiling from ear to ear as he slid back into his chair. He glanced to Hiroki, watching his friend with happy eyes whilst gesturing to the rest of the room. "These girls are nothing. They had their fun, and they'll watch their cute little club burn at the end of the year. We'll easily destroy them, mommy. There's no point in even yelling at them." He explained, as if he were the most scholarly scholar to ever exist. This was quite possibly the first time in his life that he didn't see the point in yelling. Yelling was Kida's primary form of communication, in fact.

What he said had plenty of truth to him. There's no way that the infamous host club would get owned by some stupid-- albeit attractive-- girls. Surely the female populace was way more desperate than the guys were. They had customers that had been coming since freshman year. Kida just couldn't picture this "Hostess Club" winning, no matter how hard he tried. Which was a good thing, seeing as it would never happen. Now on his watch, anyway. He had mommy, and the rest of his fellow hosts to help him crush these girls where they stood. Then at the end of the year, when they cried over losing, he'd be there to.. "comfort" them. It was the best plan he could possibly think of. He got to keep his club, and let a bunch of pretty girls who thought they could beat him cry on his shoulder.

Kayumi Haruno


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Confident, Annoyed
Interaction: The Succubi Queen The Succubi Queen @Myself

The news that had just been delivered wasn't a huge shock to Kayumi. With the uneven numbers they were receiving, it only made sense that the school board would try to eliminate one of the problems. What did come to a shock to her, however, was the redhead that had randomly begun to yell. She could already feel herself becoming irritated, and her mixed feelings only increased when the strange obnoxious creature uttered the word "mommy". How these boys received any clients at all was a mystery to her. Sure, they were relatively good looking, but good looks were only part of what it took to become a host. What she saw in front of her would probably be cute if he weren't insulting them like a fool. Surely he didn't attract any girls with that primitive nature. At this rate, Kayumi was sure that she attracted more ladies than this thing could.

Once the loud man finally shut his mouth, Kayumi spoke to Kimiko with an intentionally loud voice. "Surely these boys don't earn any money by acting like apes." She said, her monotone voice ringing into the room with a hint of smugness. "Perhaps it's the weird parent kink that Kida and Hiroki have that draws people in. I personally don't see the appeal." She added, tilting her head in mock question before going back to her notes. She'd managed to write every word that Mr. Tadashi had spoke, thankfully. That way, if the board tried to change anything later, she had a statement to show. Backup plans like that made her feel a little better. While she didn't doubt their ability to keep their club running, she knew it wouldn't be nearly as easy as Kida seemed to think it would be.

The raven haired girl jotted a few more notes, glancing around the room at all the hosts. It did seem that they were slightly outnumbered, but that wouldn't matter too much as long as each member kept up a high visit rate. She then tuned out o the conversations until she was spoken to, dividing numbers and busying herself until someone had something to say.

Hiroki 'Mommy' Nakano


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Slightly Worried, Perplexed
Interaction: Xylona Xylona

Hiroki listened to the news with only a mild sense of what was coming. He knew that the introduction of this new organization hadn't...benefited the Host Club, but he'd half-hoped that their interactions wouldn't influence the board so much. The Host Club had been a known force at the academy for more years than he could remember, and yet it could suddenly come to an end? Sure, entertaining clients all the time wasn't his favorite thing to do, but he would be a fool not to admit that he liked his role, his fellow club members, and even the club itself. He frowned some, listening to his best friend talk before hearing some girl chime in. A girl he vaguely recalled from a class he'd taken last year. A girl who - from today on - would be his enemy. Along with all the other girls in that club, thinking they could do anything to his precious club. Anymore stress may send Kida into a panic, after all.

He glanced to Kida with surprise, fascinated that he wasn't going to continue his rampage for once. Kida was always the more aggressive of the pair, and seeing such composure almost made him think he was growing out of something. And then girls were brought up and Hiroki knew that it was just a fleeting moment. Kida was Kida, and Hiroki was fine with that.

"You are right as ever, daddy. With our cunning minds we'll find a way to win. Their club may be new and seem exciting for now...but we're the ones that have a history with this academy. A history that will not be dismissed by their frivolousness. I say we have a meeting immediately to discuss the best course of action." With that, Hiroki closed his laptop, which he'd been typing on throughout the meeting, and slid it into his bag. He smiled at the slightly shorter male, glancing over to Kayumi only so he could glare. She dared to talk loudly enough to where he could hear, all the while tarnishing the name of the dad of the Host Club. Such behavior was not acceptable. Perhaps she needed to take another course on manners. However, he tried to remain calm. "What do you think of that idea? The only way to outsmart our competition is by being a step ahead, after all." He spoke quiet enough to where he wasn't easily heard by the others.

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Yui Takashiro


Ouran Academy in the Conference Room
Feeling: Angryish, Competitive, Confident, and Content
Interaction: @HostessClubMembers and @HostClubMembers ( Xylona Xylona )


Yui had been the last person to arrive to the meeting, this was only because a bakery had caught her eye with it's giant cookies and couldnt help but buy two of them. On the way to the school, she had eaten the first, and the second she had been eating while entering the Conference Room. Yui took her seat and the meeting started. Though despite the situation being as harsh as it was, Yui began eating the large, and chewy chocolate chip cookie. Taking in all the information that had been given to both clubs. Yui wasnt sure what to think about the situation now that they were at risk and only had one year... As soon as Mr. Tadashi left, one of the host members began to blame the girls for being at fault for this. At first this angered Yui and she put her cookie down, slamming her hands on the table "How dare you speak to us like that! You guys arent the only ones that can create a Host Club! Girls can do just as much as guys can!" she gritted her teeth. No one was ever going to talk about her friends this way! Especially blame them for all of this.

Then her attention turned towards Kayumi who spoke in a loud voice, making Yui blink in surprise as she heard the words leave her lips. Oh dear, shots were being fired already, and not in a good way. The ginger-haired girl sat back down and picked up her cookie, finishing it within a few bites. A content sigh left her lips before suddenly standing from her seat pointing directly at the Host club, a hand on her hip as a sudden will to be competitive had shown itself "We will make it through this I know it! Our club is always lovely and lively to walk into. We always have open arms to boys and girls, being the girl's best friend or the boy's cuddle buddy!" she said with confidence "This is war from here on out!" then she paused for a moment, letting her finger falter some as she tried to think and then pointed her finger once again "Unless we can make it a game. Less violent that way." a nervous giggle escaped her lips and dropped her hand, placing that on her other hip as well. Everyone knew that this was going to be a battle they could not forget. This was a battle that determined who stayed and who went home (not really). "But I am confident in our Hostess Club. If we dont lose, I know I would feel bad for kicking you guys off the stand... But Change is good! If our club were to lose, at least we had fun and did what we could to the best of our ability." Yui may have shown that she had pride, but she also showed that she cared for both Clubs, despite them pretty much disliking eachother for rival reasons. Yui didnt know the details, but she did know that the clubs didnt like eachother much.

Yui looked between both clubs and then stuck with her fellow friends "We got this girls, I know we do." she gave them a warm smile with a light blush on her cheeks. She wanted to give her team some confidence, even though some probably were excited and confident for this to begin. The more confidence the better. Wether we win or we lose, we all still had fun being rivals and fighting to be the one on top. Though I will miss everyone if things did end... It'd be back to usual school work and having the option to see the guys.


Yuki Horiuchi


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Surprised, Upset, and Slightly Annoyed
Interaction: @ Entire Room

The news had come as a shock to her for sure. The new club had intimidated her when it first began, but ever since then it was nothing more than a regular nuisance in her everyday life. She hadn't ever considered the fact that the two clubs were at equal footings, or that all of it would come down to this. This moment where both organizations were told that only one would survive. She glanced to the Hostess Club members, eyeing them warily. Suddenly the animosity between them seemed to double in her eyes. This was no longer a playful game, one which could be brushed off as mild playfulness. No. This had turned into something else, something darker. From this moment onward, the relationship between the Host and Hostess Clubs at Ouran Academy was going to be one of all out war. And only the strongest club would survive.

She glanced to Kida and Hiroki upon hearing them talking. Curious, she leaned forward in her chair to listen to them, which wasn't very hard to do for Kida - especially when he stood and yelled. However, when he sat back down they both became a little harder to hear. She knew they were the leaders of the current Host Club, but sometimes she never really understood what they were talking about. She didn't know what went through their heads sometimes, and being unable to read them unnerved her.

Seeing so many people talking in louder voices to what seemed to be the entire room suddenly motivated her to do the same. Why should everyone else be noticed if she wasn't being noticed too? She couldn't help but feel uneasy these days when she felt she was being overlooked. She was already ignored at home, she wouldn't be here. So, with confidence, she stood up on her chair and looked out to the sea of other club members, grinning.

"Seems like the perfect way to stir up drama on the first day of school! May the best club win, right?" She said it in a fun, lighthearted way, but everyone in the room knew that any kind word could just be a way of hiding the growing resentment. The truth was simple: both clubs wanted to win. And with such strong personalities conflicting, it was only a matter of time before the spark this meeting had set off would blow up. She smiled, as if trying to be friendly, before moving to sit back down, only to topple out of the chair and hit the floor. She immediately sat up, rubbing at various parts of her body where the landing hadn't been...as pleasant. She then yelled, "I'm okay!"

With that, she brought herself back into her seat, eyeing the Hostess Club once more.

Perhaps this would be their first battle.
Ieyoshi watched the exchange with narrowed eyes. He scoffed at the pink haired girl's comment. Girls can do just as much as guys can. Yeah, right. Girls can also be overdramatic and basically steal guys' ideas. Can't they be original? It seemed that was what they were good for. Being spoiled brats and greedy pigs.

Even so, Ieyoshi could appreciate Yuki's peace-making attitude. Something you could only expect from a guy (he thinks Yuki's a guy). He sat up, ready to help until Yuki found his way back to his seat.

"We shouldn't sit here and deal with this sort of shit," Ieyoshi spat. "Everyone knows that the Host Club was founded first. Why should we go through this game with girls that only know how to steal other people's ideas? If you guys want to prove yourselves and your stupid feminazi ideals, then why don't you prove them through coming up with original ideas, huh?" He could only hope that that smirk on Kida's face meant that he had something in store.

Everyone Everyone
(Disclaimer: Character's thoughts and action doesn't represent the writer's :) )

Kida Kunagaki


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Confident
Interaction: ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49

Kida listened to Hiroki, as usual, since Hiroki was undoubtedly smarter than him and had much more common sense. While he wouldn't typically admit it, it was common knowledge that his best friend was the more knowledgeable of the two. "That's a good idea, for sure. But I'd like to stay here just a bit longer. Knowing what these dumb girls plan to do could also put us further ahead." He said, once again as if it were the smartest, most original idea to ever occur to a man. He gave a look to the two that were clearly orchestrating things in the other club, attempting to draw his friend's attention to them. "Those are the co-presidents. We should be watching them like a hawk from now on." He said quietly.

The boy made sure to throw a grin towards Ieyoshi, as he seemed to get it. "Exactly. These girls don't know what they're talking about, and they surely can't use our own idea against us. There's no originality in that."

Before he could continue, however, he heard a large crash behind him. His head whipped around, and his gaze was greeted with a disheveled Yuki, toppled over from his chair. He stifled a sigh as he watched the boy get up and sit back down in his seat. "Way to make an impression." He joked, raising an eyebrow at the Host. He certainly wasn't the most graceful guy Kida had ever met, and that was for sure. He was still a good guy though, and his playful demeanor always seemed to make Kida feel less tense about whatever was going on. In this case, the redhead found himself coughing in order to avoid laughing. The last thing he'd wanted to do was prove the rude dark-haired girl's point-- and she really was rude! He'd managed to avoid getting angry at her comments, barely, but he was still very offended. Mostly because a girl had never talked to him that way before. You'll appreciate my ape-like behavior when you fall into bed with me. He thought, but decided against saying. He couldn't defend his club if he was dead, after all.

His green eyed attention was then drawn to a cute shorter haired girl as she stood up and began rambling about her friends, club and blah blah blah. She was very cute, however, and he took her speech as a good time to admire her body shape and features. Perhaps this was how the club had made so much money- that was the kind of hostess that guys would actually go and visit. She eventually stopped talking though, and he then had to pretend that he'd listened to what she said. "Whatever floats your boat, sweetheart." He grinned, "When your cute little club gets shut down, feel free to come cry to me anytime." He purred, throwing out a wink for good measure. Maybe this whole thing wasn't so bad. It was a good opportunity to argue with cute girls.

Kayumi Haruno


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Challenged
Interaction: ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret

Kayumi was more or less surprised that the loud boy didn't have anything to say to her. Part of her was hoping that her insult would push him to make an even bigger fool of himself. Instead, he just gave her a look that made her feel uncomfortable. She could also almost physically feel the glare of his counterpart, Hiroki, whom she'd had a class with during the last school year. She glanced up from her notebook and returned the glare, looking at his laptop with disapproval. The sound of his fingers tapping against the keyboard had echoed in her ears during the whole meeting, and she was quite irritated by it. "Why don't you invest in a real notebook, that way you'd avoid making those annoying sounds." She complained, holding up her own leather journal and tapping the hard cover for emphasis. His habit of taking notes was admirable, as she herself was constantly taking them, but that glare of his felt like a challenge that she couldn't refuse. There was no time to compliment such a thing when there were insults to be dished out.

Her attention briefly strayed from the abnormally tall boy as Yui began to speak. While she had never had a full conversation with the girl, Kayumi had a deep appreciation for the girl's dedication to the club and her friends. She was outgoing, and ate a lot but overall Kayumi didn't mind the girl, as she was nice. The other host club members to speak, however, she was skeptical of. She knew that the older looking one was Yuki, but she had no idea what the shorter, negative boy's name was. He was very critical of girls, however, and she made sure to write that down. She was sure that if any girl touched him he'd freak out and have an aneurism. They could use that to her advantage.

With that, she turned back to the pair of glasses across the table that she'd previously been talking to. She surely didn't think he would ignore her, not with how angry he looked.
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Music played in Kaito's head as the entire display went on, his expression blank as usual. Never mind the rave going on in his head. Man, stuff like this bored him so much. Sure, he heard the announcement by Mr. Tadashi, and yeah it was kind of upsetting to think that the stakes had risen so high, but he had no doubt in his mind that the Host club would prevail. After all, the Host club had been around far longer then the Hostess club. There wasn't a shadow of doubt in his mind.
He, of course, found it somewhere within his soul to take this information in stride and maintain that emotionless exterior he was so well known for. He was, after all, a host. And he had to maintain his image. So with a fluid movement, he let his hand forward and plunk it on Kida's shoulder, with a simple remark of, "Victory is assured." Stepping up behind the smaller guy, his strong hand placed lightly on Kida's shoulder. His stare remained cold and calculated, having said all he needed to say already. Kaito was a man of few words, that was certain. But on the inside, his internal dialogue was raging.
If the club is disbanded that will mean that generations of hosts will be disgraced, and what about all his guests? The girls that needed him? He had to take care of them! What would they do without him? He was just getting Juliet to open up! He couldn't just ... no, this was unacceptable.

Xylona Xylona @Anyoneelse

Hiroki 'Mommy' Nakano


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Increasingly Frustrated
Interaction: Xylona Xylona

Hiroki listened to his friend talk, nodding along to his words patiently. He couldn't argue with the other's logic this time, which was a good sign that Kida was taking this whole thing seriously. He decided he would concede with his friend's point, mostly because the idea of subtle espionage intrigued him. He went to glance over to the girl once more before he heard a young member, Yuki, speaking...followed by a loud thud. He sighed and turned his head, his sharp gaze directed at the first year student with mild disdain. Typically he let the actions of the others go, regardless of how senseless they may seem to him, but he wanted to ensure that the Host Club appeared to be serious opponents - because they were. He would have them seen as nothing less. They were the first ones to be here, and they would be the ones to stay for years to come. That was his promise to himself, and to his fellow club members.

He was about to comment something to Kida when he heard Kayumi's from the other side of the room. At first he thought she was just trying to play it off as though she were cool, but he quickly realized she picking fun at him. More importantly, his computer. He turned to her with a grimace, his eyes narrowed, almost as if he were trying to cut right through her.

"I don't quite recall asking what your opinion was regarding my note taking preferences. Maybe I type faster with a computer. Maybe the paper doesn't get all smudged. Maybe it helps the environment." He almost growled the words, but then his tone dropped. Changed. His next words sounded almost threateningly polite, like a suggestion. A suggestion that she should follow without hesitation. "If the sound of my typing disturbs you so much, you may as well invest in ear plugs. You wouldn't have needed them for this meeting anyhow, seeing as you have no need for this information. Your club should just go ahead and quit while they're ahead. Die with dignity, while you still have it."

He then crossed his arms over his chest in his chair, keeping his gaze on her even when he heard the voices of other club members, such as Kaito, talking to Kida. Her words had bothered him immensely, but he wouldn't let that show. It was almost as if he was looking at her, waiting for her to blink or look away, just so he could say he won some imaginary staring contest.

In this mind, victory was the only option. After they were defeated, he could forgive her and her little club's slights against him and his family.

Then and only then.

Yuki Horiuchi


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Pleasantly Ready for a Challenge, Curious
Interaction: NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49

Yuki adjusted herself in the chair, pulling one of her legs up to rest on the chair so could lean up against her knee. She listened for another moment or two leaning back once more when Kaito leaned forward. She heard the male make a comment about their chances of victory, and this surprised her. How could he be so certain about their chances of winning? She glanced to him from the corner of her eye, unable to tell what he was thinking. She never could, honestly. He was so stone faced, so unreadable. Come to think of it...most of the men in this club were a mystery to her.

She opened her mouth to speak up to Hiroki, perhaps to ask what all he got in the meeting, when he suddenly started verbally dueling with one of the girls across the table. She immediately decided that Mommy wasn't available for a chat and then quickly glanced to Kaito, Kida, and Ieyoshi.

All she knew was that Kaito thought (verbally, at least) that victory was the only endgame option. Kida had mentioned something about letting the girls have their fun for now, and another thing about them crying on his shoulder. Everything else he'd said she had somehow missed. Ieyoshi had voiced a few comments about the girls, all of which made her relieved to be perceived as one of them. She somehow felt intimidated at the idea of opposing a group of men like this. They all kinda scared her when it came down to a moment like this, a moment where something challenged them to step back from their rightful spots. She was glad to belong. At least then she wouldn't have to worry. This club followed a family system, a system that Hiroki seemed to shove down anyone's throat, and she followed along. The system built loyalty, she thought.

"Hey guys..." She said after a moment, just when Hiroki had finished his rant. He sat down, looking like he was still cooling off. Or glaring. Who knew? Thus she directed her statement to Ieyoshi. "You don't think they'll actually beat us...will they? I mean...I know how you feel about it...but y'know girls. They're devious. You think we'll be okay right?" She was really just looking for reassurance, and perhaps mild conversation to distract herself from the room...with its increasingly tense atmosphere.

Ieyoshi looked at Yuki when he spoke. He could understand his worry, understand why he would be concerned. Even Ieyoshi had some concerns about the situation but he easily covered them up with his agitation and anger. "Don't worry about it, Yuki," Ieyoshi tried to reassure his clubmate, his tone softer than it was before. "We won't let them defeat us. We've been here longer than they have and they know it. We have more experience and we won't let some uppity little brats take our perches as kings," he said, clasping his hand on the taller boy's shoulder in his version of a reassuring gesture.
ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret

Kayumi Haruno

Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Angry
Interaction: ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret

Kayumi watched Hiroki with an amused expression, even raising an eyebrow challengingly. He indeed seemed very touchy, which gave her a small confidence boost. He dealt with the finances of the host club, or at least she hoped that he did. The rest of them didn't seem like they were quite up to the task. The point was that he knew what the club's true stats were looking like, and if he was even slightly worried, it meant that her club had a chance. Sure the host club had been around for awhile, and she would be sad to see such a tradition end, but the Hostess Club had it's own purpose and she wouldn't give up on it. It had given her a home, one that the price of didn't matter. One that she'd never be bullied or disrespected for. Well- until now. This was what made her angry.

"Listen, mommy." She almost growled, leaning forward in her seat to bring her face somewhat closer to his. "The most expensive ear buds on this planet wouldn't keep me from your annoying presence." She gripped the table tightly, ignoring the tense air that arose in the room along with her anger. "You don't know anything about us, or the importance of the club that we've created. We've worked just as hard as you have, and that's obvious. If you guys were doing so well, then we would have been automatically shut down once numbers started to slip. But that's the thing. It isn't just our numbers that are slipping." She clicked her tongue, opening her notebook to the most recent page. with Mr. Tadashi's word written to the T. She held it up for him to see, pointing at the writing. "As of right now, it's fair game. And we aren't going anywhere."

Kayumi shut the book with a grin, waiting to gauge his reaction. She took a moment to actually study his features, and opted to lean back. He was actually attractive up close, and she that unnerved her. Perhaps it was better to lean back indeed. The last thing that she needed was for anything petty like that to throw her off of her game.


Yuki Horiuchi


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Comforted, Optimistic
Interaction: NekoQueen49 NekoQueen49 With mention of: Xylona Xylona

Yuki was temporarily relieved by the other's words. With a soft sigh, she nodded slowly, placing a hand on the others for a moment to assure him that she took the reassurance eagerly, and that it was appreciated. After giving his hand a small squeeze, she pulled her hand back and laid it in her lap. "I just don't know how we're going to one up them. I mean, we could make an original idea, can't we? But who is to say they just won't...do the same idea and make it better? Because they're girls and everyone likes girls." She crossed her arms, her cheeks puffed out a bit. "I'm really hoping Daddy has something clever up his sleeve..." She paused long enough to look at the back of Kida's head before shaking her own, realizing that they may just be doomed. Not that Kida wasn't an intelligent leader, or capable...it was just...He was more impulsive. And if the girls happened to set him off, who knows how he would react.

She leaned back in her seat, looking up at the ceiling. "No, can't think about that. Dad obviously has something that'll surely allow us to win. We're kings! And kings always have a happy ending!" She said this and immediately remembered several kings from history that were murdered, overthrown, or chased out of their kingdoom. She then decided to ignore that realization, smiling in ignorant bliss.


Hiroki 'Mommy' Nakano


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: You Best Have A Reason to Talk to Him...Cause he's hot. Physically and emotionally.
Interaction: Xylona Xylona

Hiroki sat in his chair, listening to the girl's rant about her club, and while she spoke he watched what looked to be satisfaction on her face. How smug she must've felt to know her club was doing alright. To know that after such a short time her club was already on the same level as his. To know she had a chance. As he looked at her all he wanted to do was crush her dream. He wanted to grab the idealistic cloud that must've been forming in her head and break it. She was living in a fairy tale if she thought her club could really compete with his own. He wanted her to know there was no point. That, quite honestly, her stats were likely only so high because 'new' and 'different' always attract attention. Once they're no longer something brand spanking new, would they still pull in the same amount of guests? It's easy to become well known when you're just getting started. People get so excited, so involved. And then the excitement dies. How could she talk like she was secure in her place? The Host Club had been for years...but she didn't have that kind of stability. Not in his eyes. No, he almost pitied her and her club....because they looked like a catastrophe waiting to happen.

And then the pity died when he continued listening to her talk. The more she said, the more aggravated he became. How could she talk to him like that? Like he was garbage? How could she be so confident about her own club when his had been doing just fine for - how many years? How long had his club been so much to this school? How long had generations of men dedicated their time to the people here? And she talked like it was nothing. He would not stand for it.

However, he was a man of composure. He was a man that played mental games. Games of wit. They were, to him, the best kind of games to play. And, to everyone, they were the best kind to win.

He stood up, leaning across the table some to be closer to her. He got closer to her face, staring at her eyes with his own blue ones. He was smiling, almost slightly.

"Mommy? Why, I never took you for that kind of club. That makes sense. Since you are such a new club, it is strange to see your profits skyrocketing at alarming rates...rates close to our own. It would almost seem as if you engage in scandalous behavior. Mommy would usually say such behavior is bad, but you've never exactly been a good girl, have you?" He smirked at her, moving away to avoid getting swatted at. "Now, as you were saying, you have so much to be proud of, right? Because you started from the bottom and now you're - well, you're going to be shut down."


  • Ryo Misaki
    Fight, fight, fight!

    Ryo hasn't had much to say throughout the entire mess between the Host and Hostess clubs. He cared, of course. He didn't want the hostess club to be shut down because the school couldn't be arsed to fund more than one Host(ess) club. He enjoyed being a hostess. He just didn't want to get in an argument with several guys who were... Much bigger than himself. Well, that one really short guy (as if he had room to talk) that he just couldn't remember the name of, but the rest were considerably bigger than him and that was enough to make it seem like a bad idea to get in an argument with them.

    Additionally, none of them were saying anything that seemed like something worth arguing about. Just promises about how they were going to win and then that one really sexist guy making sexist comments. How the fuck was somebody like that a host? What appeal would a girl see in spending time with a guy who very clearly hated women? The idea was absurd, and thinking of it was enough to make Ryo sigh. No, he didn't understand the appeal in that at all. If he wanted to see a man... woman... whichever, he would've gone to somebody that wasn't so sexist that somebody of the opposite sex touching them would cause a stroke.

    An eyebrow cocken when he saw a dark haired host step closer to Kayumi. What did that guy call himself- Mommy? Damn, and Ryo thought that he was having some sort of strange gender crisis. This man wanted to be called Mommy. His commentary toward Kayumi called the crossdresser to hiss from between clenched teeth. He stood up, dusted off the skirt of his dress, and strode closer to the taller man. This one, this one was worth his commentary.

    [color= violet]"Oh, or perhaps the Host club has just gotten too old to be of interest, and that's why people are flocking toward the Hostess club, Onee-san,"[/color] The trap said in the same playful, upbeat fashion as he used with his clients, [color= violet]"Although, the fact that you're so willing to jump to your conclusion certainly says something... Perhaps that's why your popularity spikes like it does. Awfully naughty for somebody who calls himself 'mommy', ain't it?"[/color] He made sure he was looking up, as close to in this 'Mommy's' eyes as he could manage, [color= violet]"If you're that fond of using illicit methods to increase your clientele, how about you get on your knees and suck Ryo's dick, Onee-san?"[/color]

    Ryo Misaki


    Important actions

    You know telling someone to suck his dick normal shit



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Kimi HondaThe room erupted into chatter and bickering, and Kimi sat silently through it all, listening rather than directly reacting. Seems the boys wanted a more direct fight- a few of them at least. But they were all civil enough to realize this would be a long game.

But as much fun as it was to be in a room filled with the hottest guys in school, they were rather exhausting. Even more than regular men. She put a gentle hand on Kayumi's shoulder. At least they didn't have pet names for each other. "There really is no sense in arguing with them. We all know boys are stubborn creatures." She placed slight emphasis on the word "boys" as in "not men."

"But it really is a simple predicament. One of us will perform better and keep funding from the school, and the other club will have to subsist on whatever meager earnings they manage. If those are even enough to actually support a club." She snorted a bit, careful to make sure that it wasn't an entirely unattractive sound. "Though I have to admit, Im a bit insulted you see us as inferior just because our club is more recent. Perhaps, rather than us being some lesser copy, maybe we're an improvement to your outdated style of.. well, whatever it is you do."

She grinned at the boys across the table. "Though, I'd say, as a general rule, insulting girls is a poor was to prove to the school that you're the superior club. Isn't that the opposite of what a gentleman is supposed to do?" She asked, steepling her fingers as she leaned onto the desk. She carefully gauged their reactions, particularly those of Kida and Hiroki. They were the ones to be reckoned with. The other boys were little more than pawns.

Tamotsu Omori


Ouran Academy, Conference Room

Irritated, Confident

Everyone (Specifically Necromantic Necromantic )

The news that came from Mr. Tadanshi's mouth seemed to have left most of the students in shock for only a few moments but when the man had left the room all hell broke loose. It didn't take long for insults to start being thrown around, fingers to start being pointed, and people to start panicking or plotting. He was silent through most of the ordeal though not particularly because he had nothing to say but more like he was too lost in his own inner monologue to pay them a whole lot of attention.

The idea of them ever bringing in less profit than the hostess club--even if it was inconsistent--was enough to make the boy feel threatened and all this piled on top was the icing on the cake. He didn't need the director or anyone else to tell him that one of the clubs needed to go and the sooner one of them threw in the towel the better it'd be for the other club. Of course, their club wouldn't be the ones backing down or even losing this ''battle'' that was being set into motion because they had far more history than they did at this school and despite the fact, and he hates to admit this, that they had beauties that rivaled their own charm he would like to think that the host club was far more capable strategy wise. And that was the most important thing other than appealing to the eyes.

He continued to rant, rave, and reassure himself of their chances of beating these girls for most of the time after the conference ended until he managed to catch something that caused him to shoot up from where he was sitting and finally start talking.

"That's absurd! Girls don't have d-!" he started, trailing off briefly with a first questioning then contemplative look on his face like he was mulling something over in his head before quickly continuing on "...Well, anyway, you're talking crazy! The host club isn't like that at all and matter of fact we wouldn't stoop that low ever because we always bring in large amounts of income! I can only imagine what kind of tactics you use to bait people in to match up, why don't you guys just play fair? " he shook his head slightly in a disapproving manner and took his seat again with folded arms.
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Kayumi Haruno


Location: Ouran Academy, Conference Room
Feeling: Surprised
Interaction: ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret Necromantic Necromantic The Succubi Queen The Succubi Queen Gizaira Gizaira

The last thing Kayumi was expecting was to find a pair of glasses directly in her face. Sure, she'd leaned in for emphasis, but he was very close. Her eyes widened in surprise at the proximity, and it took her a second to actually process what he was saying. She kept eye contact, though her stare probably looked confused more than offended. Was he implying that they used sexual methods to increase their popularity? They were the ones who had some sort of weird family kink amongst themselves. She considered headbutting him, but figured that violence really wasn't the answer. He clearly had deep feelings for his club, just as she deeply cared for hers. Not enough to sleep with anyone, however.

She felt a hand touch her shoulder, and looked back to Kimiko. "Precisely." She agreed, turning back to see that Hiroki had finally backed out of her bubble. Which was a relief in itself, for she hated being in close proximity with guys. They made her awkward and uncomfortable up close, not to mention that most of them smelled weird.

Before she could bite out any sort of reply to the host, she heard the familiar voice of Ryo. Where she had suddenly come from, Kayumi had no clue. She hadn't really been paying attention to anyone else at this point. By the time she had finished speaking, Kayumi's jaw was on the floor. She looked to Hiroki, then back to Ryo, then back to Hiroki, and finally back to Ryo again. While the comment was hilarious to Kayumi, it was also surprisingly lewd and maybe even a little more harsh than what she would've gone with. Quite the shocker. This was really all just banter to her, as she understood that Hiroki's cause was just as important as hers. "R-ryo, ah.." She blinked slowly, scratching her head. "You don't even, I mean, Hiroki was just, ah..." She was basically a fumbling mess.

By the time she had caught her bearings, the voice of yet another host made it's way to her ears. He was clearly confused by Ryo's comment (as was she, and probably everyone else) but his words didn't make any more sense to her. "I don't understand this random assumption that we do anything sexual or offhanded for profit. Is it really that hard understand being equally matched? Besides, I hardly think it's fair to imply that any of us have slept with our clients when Kida is 'daddy' to many more girls than he is to your club." She said, gesturing to the redhead who even then seemed to be pricing Kimi and Yui with his eyes.

Yamato Narukami

Location: Ouran, Conference room
Mood: Sad but not mad, Calm
Interactions: None​

Yamato... Yamato Narukami hasn't moved an inch since Mr. Tadashi's leave. He was bound in his seat, elbows resting in the table, hands over his mouth, and hasn't said a single word for awhile. Strange for a guy who is loud mouthed. As he listened to Mr. Tadashi's big announcement his mind wandered of after. Such words haunted his mind. As everyone started to fire away words and insults against the opposite clubs he was in the edge of it. He kept his mouth shut to avoid further conflict. Lucky for him he has tons and tons of words to say but he thought that now is not the time to do it. While being widely ignored despite his appearance he kept low and observed every single Host and Hostess member.

He kept his statue like siting position, as he observed deeply. His black fedora shaded his deep blue eyes but one can still see that his eyes are moving rather rapidly while he kept his warm smile at bay. He's been smiling during the meeting which was slightly creepy. After 18 more seconds of steadiness, he suddenly stood up rather elegantly from his seat and pushed his fedora a bit upwards revealing his friendly face. "Well, this has been quite an interesting meeting. We've got competitors now. That's cool, that's cool. Yamato Narukami, nice to meet all of you. " Awkward silence followed him after he said it with a warm genuine smile. His voice was just as clear as day, almost like he's on a microphone. Yamato seems to be acting like everything is cool despite the situation his club is in. He hasn't said another word.

Yui Takashiro


Ouran Academy in the Conference Room
Feeling: Flustered, offended, Surprised
Interaction: Xylona Xylona (Kida) @EveryoneInTheRoom Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre (yamato)


Yui was Offended by Kida's words and couldnt really come up with anything to say. How could handsome guys like them be so... so... Rude! Taking a deep breath she relaxed herself and turned her eyes over to one of the Hosts who fell off his chair and just before she could ask if he was alright, he already answered it. Shifting her eyes back over to Kida, -who only tried to use his host charms on her- a light blush appeared on her cheeks at his words "I'm not going to cry! I have no reason to. As long as I have my friends, I dont need your shoulder to cry on." crossing her arms, she turned her head away from him with a huff "With or without the club, the people in it are still people I care about and will be friends till the end of time." Even though Kiba and Yui had their own comments going back and forth, everyone else was still going at it. Kayumi with Hiroki mainly, Yui herself and Kida, Kimi and Kayumi were also still talking smack about the boys. Yui was sure that the boys were still doing the same, just in their heads more than likely, aside from Ieyoshi who expressed his feelings quite clear through all this.

How can boys be so cruel to girls this way? I didnt even think it was possible... I mean sure, some girls were called fat or ugly but this...this is new battleground I've never run into... Yui thought, but smiled as she recalled the words of Kimi who stood up for the girls and tried to shove it in the guy's faces. Dropping her arms, she looked over all of the guys "Kimi has a point! You guys are Host Members! Those who treat women with respect and not talk down on them like they're some kind of bug under your shoes!" the hostess was only able to chime in where she could because so many things had been still going on at once. That was till things had finally died down for a couple of seconds for one of the Host members to speak up, his voice nice, his smile genuine as he introduced himself.

The silence still followed but Yui instantly got excited, moving quickly from where she was and moving onto the Host's side of the table, taking the man's hands and shaking them happily "I'm Yui Takashiro! It's so nice to meet you, Yamato!" At least there was someone who was nice enough to introduce himself and not be rude to the girls. Now that she thought of it, she didnt hear not one word from him so maybe he was the cool one of the group. Even though she had been on the Host's side of the table, she completely ignored them and released Yamato's hands "Im very happy that you introduced yourself. It's a nice way to get to know our opponents!" she smiled at him warmly with a giggle. Completely forgetting the fact that everyone was throwing rude comments and such to one another just mere seconds ago!


Ieyoshi was about to reply to Yuki when he was distracted by the interactions going on around him. Great, now sex was getting thrown into it. He took that particular conversation in with a blush. Now, Ieyoshi had no love for most girls, but really... Where did that comment come from? Even he, as a fellow host, thought that Hiroki's (he flat out refused to call him 'mommy') implication was in poor taste. And the one purple haired girl... What the fuck? Did they have to be so vulgar? That comment of her's made his blush go from a pretty pink to a scarlet.

After that, Ieyoshi was certainly very grateful for Yamato's friendliness (even if Ieyoshi might have seen it as a betrayal otherwise). Out of all of them, hosts and hostesses alike, he seemed to be the one taking it the best. Did he really feel that way? Or was it some sort of ploy? While the tsundere hoped for the latter, knowing Yamato, it seemed to be genuine.

After clearing his throat, Ieyoshi rose from his seat, finally looking calm. "Sorry to take control guys," he said in direction of Kida and Hiroki, "but this is getting us nowhere. I'm sure we finished sizing each other up, making our comments, and whatnot, so we should just head back. Probably good for you guys," he nodded to the black-haired stuck-up chick who seemed to be their leader. "So you can plot and scheme like we're going to do. I don't like it, I've made that clear, but even I'll say let the best man-er, person win." With that, Ieyoshi pushed his seat in and went to leave.
Xylona Xylona ReminiscenceOfRegret ReminiscenceOfRegret & everyone else
Yamato Narukami

Location: Ouran Academy, Conference room
Mood: Enlightened, Calm, Sad
Interactions: Britt-21 Britt-21
Yamato was surprised when one of the hostess invaded the host side of the table. He continued his warm calm attitude and stood up as she proudly introduced herself. "Yui Takashiro. Such a sweet name for a girl like you." Yamato didn't expect that someone from the hostess club would return the favor of being nice. "That's nothing really. Just doing my job. Treating women and girls alike nicely is my primary function after all." Yamato just really wanted lighten up the conference room. If the heat of this conflict between the two clubs was measured, it could burn the conference room completely. "Sweet hair bun by the way." He pointed to Yui's hair while his other hand rested in the conference room's large table.

Yamato took a moment of silence as Ieyoshi left a speech before leaving the room. Looking back Yui waiting if she has something else to say to him.

  • [color= Orange]Uta Engel-Fukushima[/color]
    [color= Orange]Holy shit[/color]​

    Uta hadn't looked up front his 3ds since he'd walked in the school. Normally, this would be just fine; he'd just follow Klaus. Looking up from time to time generally kept his twin within his line of sight, and thus prevented him from taking a wrong turn and ending up in some unfamiliar part of the school. It wasn't exactly a foolproof method, though, because Uta's sense of direction wasn't even good to begin with, and coupled with the fact that he didn't tend to watch where he walked to begin with...

    Well, he probably needed a leash to make sure he didn't end up completely lost.

    It had just taken him getting a bit too invested in the game in his hands, and he had managed to wander off in completely the wrong direction. The Pottery club certainly hadn't been expecting him to be in there. While a a couple of his clients that just so happened to be in there had appreciated his presence, they certainly didn't appreciate the redhead almost plowing over one of their prize vases. That... would've costed a lot had he broken it. Thankfully, the vase was just fine, and he made it out of the room with all of his clothes still on his body.

    Why was the Pottery club hanging out at 8 AM? Fruther more, which way was it to the conference room? Had everything started without him? Well, he was sure somebody would fill him in once he got there if they had. It was no big deal... Unless... They actually put him on a collar and leash like a couple of them had threatened due to him walking in late on multiple occasions. That would probably attract a more people to the Host club, though, so maybe it would be fine. It was too early to be thinking this hard, he needed to sleep through his first class before he would be awake enough for this.

    It took him about another ten minutes to actually find the conference room. He got in the door just in time to see Ieyoshi walking toward it, apparently intent on leaving the room. Oh, was everything already over. He held the door open just in case Ieyoshi actually was walking out. One look away from the brunet, and the friction between the Host and Hostess clubs was almost palpable. Fuck, he was sure he had missed something big this time.

    Uta Engel-Fukushima


    Important actions

    He... Came in. That's all, really.


    No direct interactions

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