• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fandom OHSHC; Battle of the Clubs CS


ur not a ghost, i'm not afraid of u
These codes are very simple, and they're completely mobile friendly. The only flaw is that your image can't be super huge or it glitches out. These two CS's are completely the same aside from color. I did this to help me keep track because I want these to be pretty uniform. Anyways, have at it.

Here's what they look like:


Basic Info
Likes: 5+
Dislikes: 5+
Traits: 3+, 3-
Appearance and Personality
Appearance:(I know you have a picture, but I still want a description)
Personality: What type of host your character is, how they treat other host members, how they are at home, what their general mannerisms are.
Is your character a scholarship student, or a rich kid? What does their family do? How were they raised and what is their relationship with their family?



Basic Info
Likes: 5+
Dislikes: 5+
Traits: 3+, 3-
Appearance and Personality
Appearance:(I know you have a picture, but I still want a description)
Personality: What type of host your character is, how they treat other host members, how they are at home, what their general mannerisms are.
Is your character a scholarship student, or a rich kid? What does their family do? How were they raised and what is their relationship with their family?


[border=10px double #304FFE]
[h=OPTION] [/h][h=OPTION][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=#000000]NAME GOES HERE[/COLOR][/FONT] [/h]

[FONT=Times New Roman][accordion=48%|fright]
{slide=Basic Info}[COLOR=#000000][B]Age:
Likes:[/B] 5+
[B]Dislikes:[/B] 5+
[B]Traits:[/B] 3+, 3-
[B]Quirks/habits: [/B]
{slide=Appearance and Personality}[B]Appearance:[/B](I know you have a picture, but I still want a description)
[B]Personality:[/B] What type of host your character is, how they treat other host members, how they are at home, what their general mannerisms are.
{slide=Background}[B]Is your character a scholarship student, or a rich kid? What does their family do? How were they raised and what is their relationship with their family?[/B] {/slide}[/COLOR]



[border=10px double #E91E63]
[h=OPTION] [/h][h=OPTION][FONT=Times New Roman][COLOR=#000000]NAME GOES HERE[/COLOR][/FONT] [/h]

[FONT=Times New Roman][accordion=48%|fright]
{slide=Basic Info}[COLOR=#000000][B]Age:
Likes:[/B] 5+
[B]Dislikes:[/B] 5+
[B]Traits:[/B] 3+, 3-
[B]Quirks/habits: [/B]
{slide=Appearance and Personality}[B]Appearance:[/B](I know you have a picture, but I still want a description)
[B]Personality:[/B] What type of host your character is, how they treat other host members, how they are at home, what their general mannerisms are.
{slide=Background}[B]Is your character a scholarship student, or a rich kid? What does their family do? How were they raised and what is their relationship with their family?[/B] {/slide}[/COLOR]



The Main Thread
Interest Check
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Ieyoshi Yamashiro

"Yeah, right, baka, why would I want to sit with you? Eek! Get off of me!"
Basic Info
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Grade: Year 2
Personality Type: Tsundere
Mostly meat with some rare few vegetables. He flat out refuses to eat anything that he doesn't like though.
+His sister
Ieyoshi is very protective of his sister, mostly because he sees her as very naïve and as younger than she actually is.
>> What else can I say?
Ieyoshi is almost always seen with headphones in. He usually listens to heavy metal or scream like the edgy guy he is.
Despite his rough exterior, Ieyoshi softens to any sort of kindness, especially towards cats.
He still hasn't gotten over his cootie phase apparently.
-Most sweets
He's a meat sort of guy. Besides, sweets are a girl thing. And he definitely isn't girly. How dare you come to a conclusion anywhere close to that?!
Again, despite how gruff he might appear to be, Ieyoshi is a peace lover so he isn't the type to cause any sort of fights. Or at least on purpose...
Drama is the whole reason he hates girls in the first place.
You can generally count on Ieyoshi if you're in a pinch, especial for his friends.
+Easy Going
When not around a girl, Ieyoshi is very relaxed and even has a sense of humor! Who knew!
If you need something, you know who to come to

This counts towards 'brutally honest'. If Ieyoshi has something on his mind, he's going to say it. Even if it's not the nicest thing to say.
-Narrow Minded
If he believes something, he 'knows' it to be true and nothing can convince Ieyoshi otherwise.
Despite his dislike of fights, it's not hard to rile Ieyoshi up.
He's mostly seen listening to music and trying to block away the world. He will be cranky if you try to interrupt him during this time of his tranquility (or not, seeing as the music he most likes is screamo).
His skills included cat whispering, cooking, math and drawing. He cannot, for the life of him, understand girls. He also is terrible at sewing and other crafts, as well as learning foreign languages (which means he's terrible at English, seeing as he speaks Japanese) even though his mother has tried to tutor him herself, being a genius at the subject.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance:Standing at 5'7, Ieyoshi is average height and build. If not for his personality, he would probably be labeled as forgettable due to his average looking appearance. He has brown hair and brown eyes, with a bit of a baby face. His legs are rather long for his height.
As you probably have guessed, Ieyoshi is a tsundere. He doesn't like girls, despite being a host, and doesn't like being around them very much. He finds all of their cooing to be extremely gross and unnecessary and isn't afraid to say as much. Whenever comes into contact with one, he will immediately blush and try to push the fangirl away. Those surrounding him only find these qualities extremely adorable, much to his chagrin. However, to him, boys are fine, so long as they don't have any girly qualities. Taken away from stress, he's quite a down to earth person, though somewhat excitable. At home, he's usually reserved but also not afraid to speak his mind. When around people he's comfortable with, Ieyoshi has a very dry sense of humor.

Born to a rich family like most at Ouran Academy, he's the heir to a vast and wealthy company that controls a number of wealthy, well-off banks. Ieyoshi has given some interest in succeeding, mostly to make his father and mother happy. Otherwise, he's somewhat wary of having so much power and control.

When he was young, Ieyoshi had a crush on a girl in elementary school (What? He didn't always hate girls?! Le gasp!). He gathered up his courage and actually confessed but he was cruelly rejected. Afterwards, he was made fun of by both his crush and her friends, causing him to grow to despise all girls no matter who.

The only reason he's a part of a host club now is due a favor for his friends, the ones that inherited the Host Club.

Mother: Kazuya Yamashiro
Age: 38
Personality: Elegant but extravagant, Kazuya loves to shop and travel. She likes to visit various foreign countries and bring back presents for her husband and children. However this means she's often absent from the household.

Father: Toshi Yamashiro
Age: 40
Personality: Somewhat strict, Toshi does love his family very dearly even if he doesn't know how to show it very well. Whenever he gives out advice, it's very dry and logical, which can describe himself as well. He sometimes accompanies his wife on her travels but sometimes stays in the country for his work or for his children.

Younger Sister: Koharu Yamashiro
Age: 14
Personality: Taking after her mother, Koharu loves fashion and shopping with a growing interest in boys, much to her father and brother's grievance. She's very sweet and kind but can be quite airheaded at times. She wishes to go with her mother on her travels but must stay home for her schooling.

Other Hosts
Yamato Narukami
Tamotsu Omori
Kaito Nashiro
Yuki Arakawa
Kida Kunagaki
Hiroki Nakano
Uta Engel-Fukushima

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Yui Takashiro


"You have something for me? Is it food? I love food!"
Basic Info




+Good Food

+Loves Tea


-Burned food

-Raw food (aside from Sushi)
-Being Betrayed
-Being played like a fool
-Being kept from sleeping
-Forced to do things she doesnt want to do
-Being Bullied



Yui is always happy to help others, no matter who they are. Weather its studying, or helping someone in need, she's the girl you could come to!

She's always a curious kitten, wanting to know what happened, or who did what, even wants to know what her presents are for her birthday or christmas!

She's soft and sweet and could comfort anyone whenever they are in need of it.

She loves food but she is messy. Though she tries not to be just to seem more like a lady. She's self-concious about it.

She hates waiting. Thus she almost goes insane trying to wait.

Yui is daring and sometimes this gets her in trouble...


Whenever food is available, she will take advantage and eat as much as her tummy can hold -Which is a LOT- and worries about the consequences later. Which is why there are special rules against her to keep her from eating all the food in the Hostesses room.

Whenever she's not being a Hostess, she's sitting by the window, looking outside and watching the sky and birds. This is where she is at peace, relaxing, not thinking of her stomach and looking quite peaceful. Sometimes she listens to classical music as she does this.
Appearance and Personality


Yui has the height of 5'6, she's not very tall but she is very cute for her frame. Her eyes are a light brown but she sometimes wears contacts to make them seem blue or another color of her choosing. She also dyes her hair from time to time but really, her hair color is actually ginger. Her ears are pierced and hold a small silver ring on each ear. Though she does wear other earrings from time to time. Around her neck she wears a necklace which her mother got her while she was a baby and to this day, it still fits her neck and sits perfectly around her neck. She has glasses but doesnt wear them unless she's in the comfort of her own home and if she has guests over, she refuses to wear the glasses and would put in contacts instead. This is one of her secrets! Oh my!


The type of host that Yui is... Well for one, many people know that she's a Harepeko. Someone who eats a absolute ton but nothing happens to her. Even though she loves food, she will share, if she feels like it. She treats the other Hostesses and Hosts with respect. Sometimes she'll even treat them as her clients but in a joking way, her way of saying she loves them. At home, she's pretty happy and cheery, walking around in a dress and doing fun things like going into the Garden, even playing with her baby brother inside the large fountain they have there. Though that does get her in trouble sometimes but she's having fun with her baby brother so she dont care! While at dinner, she's forced to eat like a lady, unlike when she's at the Hostess club where she could eat how she wants. If there is a boy she never met inside her home, she will eventually become shy and try to keep her distance. As much as her family wishes to spend time with a boy of her age and of her rank, she doesnt want to be forced into things she wouldnt like to do.


Yui is a Rich child, but she doesnt flaunt it or act as if she is all that for being in a fancy school and having fancy clothes or a fancy home. She's actually quite humble for her rank. Her family, however, her mother is a Florist and runs many shops within the city/town. While her father is a big boss to a large medical facility where medicine is made and Patients are taken care of. This has caused her family to grow fairly wealthy and have Yui and her little brother live in happiness.

Yui and her brother were raised properly, especially since their mother had been a commoner with a floral shop at one point. They were taught to be humble and not to do things such as flaunt money and think they are better than anyone else. She would often tell them stories about how she and their father had met. It was a rough set but she somehow broke into that hard heart of his and made him a far better man. Where as their father treats them like delicate glass figurines, he looks out for his children's needs, wants and also tries to do what he can to make them happy through their life. Sometimes he spoils them but he doesnt do it very often. He does what he can as a working father.

Yui has a strong connection with her little brother, being the big sister she is wanting to protect him from all the mean people out there. She wants to help him and guide him in the right direction. She's also close with her mother and father but not as close as she is to her little brother Rin. Rin is a shy boy but he's also very quiet and allows his sister to help him and guide him. Rarely do they fight which is why they have such a close relationship. Rin has the color of his father's hair and his mother's eye color, where as Yui has daddy's brown eyes and mommy's ginger hair



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Kimiko "Kimi" Honda

"You're like, the only guy who gets me! <3 uwu"
Basic Info
Age: 16
Gender: Female (AFAB)
Coffee, Video Games, 00's Emo Music, shopping at Hot Topic, Manipulating Boys
Dislikes: Boys who think they're in love with her, overly edgy people, gross weebs, tofu.
Traits: Witty+, Charisma+, Empathy+, Cynical-, Catty-, Misandrist-
Quirks/habits: Temples her fingers, pulls her hair behind her ear, taps foot.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance:About 5'4, with short black hair dashed with red highlights, she kinda fits the textbook image of your average edgy punk girl. Not even her bright red glasses detract from the image of being a neckbeards dream guy. Her entirely Hot Topic/Indie band wardrobe doesn't help, in various blacks, reds, and purples.
Personality: Kimi has two very distinct personality- her Hostess Persona is a very stereotypical 'not like the other girls' character- she strives to be different and distinguish herself from what she percieves as a normal girl, wheter it be immersing herself in gamer culture, or hating on feminine stereotypes. She's still feminine enough to be traditionally attractive, but not enough to be considered girly.
Her normal persona is a complete turn-around. Cold and Cynical as her Hostess face, he hatred is instead directed towards men. Her delight in making them do whatever she wants is only second to her amazement that they fall for her obviously fake stage persona.
Kimi's father is a director in New York for stage, and her mother is a FX makeup artist. She was raised spending spring and early summer in New York, and Summer and Fall in LA. By the time she hit high school, she decided she was sick of homeschooling and enrolled in Ouran. She currently lives in a small upscale apartment with her Maternal Grandmother. Kimi's fond of her parents, but she's grateful for the distance from their hectic lifestyle while she finishes out her schooling.


Ryo Misaki



"Oh, why would you need a hostess other than me? Aren't I the only hostess you need?"
Basic Info
Age: 15
Personality type: Yandere
  • Fighting video games
  • His senpais. All of them.
  • Gambling. It's not something he talks much about, but his sleight of hand is amazing.
  • Bunnies
  • Sweets. He loves sweet foods.
  • Anime. Another one that he doesn't talk much about, but he loves anime
  • Being mistaken for a girl. He doesn't identify as female and doesn't want to be a girl, but something about people thinking he's a girl, but something about people thinking he's a chick excites him
  • Napping
  • Rain
  • Stuffed animals
  • Chocolate
  • When his customers see other hostesses. Sure, he likes the other hostesses, but those were his guests...
  • Dirt. Ryo doesn't like to be dirty in any way.
  • Carrots. He's not fond of how they taste
  • Things being on the top shelf
  • When the person he likes pays attention to other people
  • Uncomfortable chairs
  • Hot days
  • When harem anime protagonists choose the wrong girl
Traits: +Cheerful, +Friendly, +Cute, -Possessive, -Manipulative, -Jealous
Quirks/habits: Frequently naps during class, pulls his hair when he's nervous/stressed/thinking
Appearance and Personality
Appearance:Ryo is a total of 5' in height, making him exceptionally short for a guy, which is perfectly fine by him. His built is slim, weighing at most 102 lbs. He appears to fit the "pettanko" trope, due to the fact that he doesn't have breasts and can act like he's insecure about that, despite how he's not at all insecure about his body. Her skin is pale, primarily because he doesn't get out into the sun much. His hair is long, reaching down to about his belly button, and a pretty lavender in colour. This hair is styled in two pigtails, which he normally keeps pulled over his shoulders. Similarly, his eyes are purple.

Personality: There are two flip sides to Ryo's personality. As a hostess, Ryo acts really sweet and cute toward his guests. His yandere tendencies show through in a lesser way toward them, getting jealous when he sees one of his guests with a different host and trying to get them to see only him. His cute appearance is only enhanced by the fact that calls the guests "Onii-san" or "Onee-san", thus making him the 'Little Sister' type among the hosts. He acts kindly toward the other hostesses, though it's not unknown for him to try pulling one of his regulars away from them should he see them visiting someone else.

His other side is hidden under lock and key; he's actually extremely possessive of the people he considers "his", and becomes extremely obsessive when he sees other people flirting with somebody he likes. He should be the only person giving them attention, where do other people get off on hitting on them? They're his. He hides this side of his personality well.
Ryo is the only child of two rich parents, thus meaning he's never needed to worry about who's going to be the company heir. This means that he's been highly spoiled by his parents, as they didn't have any other children to care for- He could have almost anything he wanted, when he wanted it. At the same time, they've been trying to groom him to be a suitable heir... Which really isn't going to well. They both agree that he probably needs a nice wife that can run everything for him, but have agreed not to tell him that.

He's been into crossdressing ever since he was young. He always thought that he just looked so pretty in girl's clothes, unlike how he felt in typical guy's clothes. His parents found this a tad bit disconcerting at first, but eventually got used to how he dressed. They weren't even surprised when he changed his gender on his enrollment form to 'female' so that he could wear the female uniform. They want their son to be happy, and... Well,
if that's what he needs to be happy, then they'll let him do it.

He was asked to join the Hostess club because of his appearance and persona. He happily accepted, but hasn't actually revealed to the club that he's actually a guy yet. What they don't know can't hurt them, right? He's told his parents about the club, but their only response was to sigh as if they expected something like this to happen.
Yuki-[color= purple]"Oh, he's really attractive! I haven't actually been able to talk to him yet, but he's one of the more attractive hosts."[/color]

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Yamato Narukami mmd_fedora___dl_by_sonictheunknown-d46cwze.jpg

"Oh don't be ridiculous! Of course i know what color that is!"
Basic Info

Age: 17
Gender: Male
He is known to have above average skill when it comes to physical parkour and stunts. But this is limited inside the school or club since he is told so.

+Presence of others
Yamato tends to feel discomfort when he's all alone even when there is totally someone else inside the building.since he has a special condition.

+A good hearty laugh
He enjoys a good laugh whether it came from him or others. He doesn't seem to pass a day without laughing hysterically or idiotically.

He respects any type of music even when it's not his type. But he loves Cha cha and Electro swing the most.

What Yamato is mainly known for other than doing something dumb and risky stunts, is his sick dancing skills. Tends to slow dance off the guests frequently.

+Being asked what color are they holding, pointing, showing etc.

+Being insulted about his condition.

+Some one taking his hat off

+The dark
He's scared of it

Also sacred of them

+100% Supportive
When it comes to moral support for others he's always there to back up, like a proud older sibling.

+Easily approachable
Since he never shows any genuine negative feelings or emotions. He can be be approached with ease.

+Self confident
A self confidence is one of the traits that a Host should have

-Loud mouth
Some will find it really annoying when he talks a lot because on how naturally loud his voice is.

-Total colorblindness
The most signature trademark of his identity. He suffers from a total colorblindness condition to the point that he cannot see most colors except for black and white.

-Minor accidents
He sometimes gets himself in trouble. It's either his color blindness or his stupidity.

From time to time you'll see him doing cha cha or capoeira somewhere in a open spot inside the club. Or just chilling and sitting reading a textbook. He tends to think a lot of cool physical tricks for his next entertainment for the guests. If he is not doing any of those he finds himself interacting with the other hosts. He never seems to take his fedora off his head unless there are important events.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Standing at 5'7, pale white and black haired. His body weight seems to be around average. Bright blues eyes and his black fedora.

Personality: Enthusiastic and cheerful. Yamato's most dominant personality like seriously you can never see this guy genuinely mad or anything negative. Just all positive emotions catching him in a bad or sad mood is like finding a four leaf clover in a clover patch. Like a good person he is. He treats his fellow hosts nicely and cheerfully. There's always a dumb moment with this guy. Yes he is not very smart but at least he makes up for something else like his natural body intelligence.
Nothing much is special about his life. Born to a rich family, his father was owner of a small video game company and his mother was working abroad to teach capoeira worldwide. His mother thought him the best of dancing and the art of capoeira. His father died of early brain cancer and the fedora was given to him. His mother stilled worked abroad and his older siblings took over their father's management. They're were four of them and Yamato was the youngest. Unlike his eldest brother and older twin sisters he din't work for the game company since he is too young and if he is capable to he'd still can't since his colorblindness. His older siblings were straight dang serious while there's him. Not a care in the world. His siblings brought him to Ouran for quality education.

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Extreme WIP

Tamotsu Omori

"Hehehe...Guess it's my win again! Aw, come on don't look so down! We have all the time in the world so let's play another round, 'kay?"
Basic Info

teen (1)


Board Games
Junk Food (preferably things that are sweet)
Animated Shows

Collecting Figurines

People who play dirty
Milk (by itself anyways)
Insults aimed towards his height
People attempting to comfort him
Card games


He replaces or adds ''ko'' to the people he's close with, girls, people the same age or younger than him, and even his own name to give them a ''cute'' appeal. He does this with all girls out of impulse.

Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Tamotsu is an incredibly young looking guy that resembles a child more than a teenage boy attending high-school. He stands at an unimpressive one hundred fifty-six centimeters (just barely 5'1ft) and has a surprisingly small, skinny build (considering what he eats) which matches his innocent,child-like features. His complexion is extremely pale so strong emotions like embarrassment and anger show all too easily plus blemishes aren't that difficult to spot either if you look for long enough.

Though appearing purple in the right lighting Tamotsu's wavy hair is indeed black however his eyes are a completely different story since they appear to be a dark shade of violet under any conditions.

Tamotsu is basically the one who fills the ''innocent cutie'' role in the club.

On the outside, everything about him from his appearance to his mannerisms, temperament, and attitude seem to be that of a child's. His overly ambitious attitude and his competitive spirit do nothing but support the idea that Tamotsu belongs in grade-school. His dreams tend to be...bigger than most because of his own set of standards and he enjoys spouting whatever nonsense he managed to come up with in his head to whoever is willing to listen. When speaking with guest, Tamotsu usually comes across as bubbly and open, two traits in which make people feel comfortable enough to be willing to talk to him without feeling a need to hold back.

When in the club, Tamotsu indulges in various kinds games and unhealthy snacks. To anyone who doesn't know him's astonishment, he is rather good at just about anything that deals with using his brain and typically wins most games revolving around strategy or trivia. Though he can be quite the ''cool'' player when winning, Tamotsu gets frustrated easily when presented with a challenge and his composure is likely to breakdown when faced with lost or failure. And once he loses his calm, it's best to prepare for a flood of waterworks.

Is your character a scholarship student, or a rich kid? What does their family do? How were they raised and what is their relationship with their family?

Hokuto Omori | Father | Forty-one (41) |

Minae Omori | Mother | Forty (40) |

Jubei Omori | Older Brother | Nineteen (19) |

Ieyoshi ''Ieyoko'' Yamashiro

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Kaito Nashiro

Basic Info

Age: 17
Gender: Male
>His half sister
>Helping Others
-His stepmom
-Obnoxious kids
-People who are mean to their siblings/their kids/animals for no apparent reason
Literally and figuratively.
He supports you in all your endeavors, as long as they won't get you killed. Oh, you want to see a therapist about your depression? Go for it, he thinks that's a great idea! You want to jump off a tall building ? Maaaaaaybe you shouldn't do that, here, he's got a couple therapists and support groups he suggests.
He knows you're having trouble, and he's always here to support you and listen to your problems if you need it. Even give you a shoulder to cry on.
What do you mean he can't help you? Of course he can! He has to! You are his to protect from all that ails you!
-Emotionless Exterior
It's nigh impossible to read what's going on in this guy's head, which typically irritates people around him.
-Low Self-Esteem
What do you mean, he's an awesome person and sooo cool? Pfft, he'd sooner compare himself to a trash can.
~Space out
Kaito's mind tends to wander when the girls start talking amongst themselves, he just kind of goes into autopilot, and it's something reminiscent of this;
Girl 1: "Wow, Kaito-senpai looks so stoic and stern! I wonder what's going on in his head?"
Girl 2: "Something as incredible as him, I'm sure!"
Kaito: *Cat gifs on endless loop with cheerful music in the background* ... God I love cats.
Nobody has ever really witnessed it, but Kaito has an incredible singing voice. The most anyone has ever heard was just his humming while he worked.
~Musical Quotes
... pretty self explanatory.
Kaito: Three words, Crocker- Get off the boat.
Kaito: Well the Medallion says that's dumb, so we're not gonna do that.
Personality and Appearance
A mountain of a man, Kaito stands at 6"3 and weighs in at around 210 lbs. This guy is the one called on whenever extra muscle is needed- Mostly that's just opening jars and stuff, but if a rowdy boy that isn't part of the club shows up, or say, a young woman trying to sabotage the Host Club's event plans, you can count on him to politely escort said person off the premises. That being said, he has a very muscular build. Washboard abs, tight pectorals, the whole package. He's got dusty black hair and muted green eyes that hide a lot of emotion.
Personality: Stoic and silent, Kaito is often requested by the more... emotional girls. He's a great listener, and the girls love that. He often just sits and listens to what the girls have to say, and they just pour their heart and souls out to him. And because of his big heart, he takes the problems of these girls onto his shoulders willingly, taking some of their burden to help them feel better. Because of this, he often ignores his own problems until they boil over and shut him down for a while. He keeps his stoic, neutral expression most of the time, but someone that knows him very well would be able to tell when he's hurting inside.
He prefers to keep his breakdowns to himself, excusing himself and making a beeline for the nearest secluded area before letting out any of his bottled up emotions. He has to keep his stoic, steely image.
Host Type: The Stoic type.


Kaito wasn't always the strong silent type he is today. Way back when, he was a happy boy, all smiles and hugs and laughter. His family was small, but happy. His dad being a world-famous neuro-surgeon and his mother a nurse at the same hospital. Kaito was happy, genuinely happy. His parents found the time for him, all his fencing tournaments, all those silly little things he did as a boy.
Then, his mother became very sick. He had no idea what was wrong with her at the time, but his father told him as long as he still loved his mother, she would never die. So he loved his mother. Endlessly, thinking as a naive child that if he loved his mother enough, she would get better. She had to.
She died on the operating table about a month after his ninth birthday.
After his mother died, he clammed up. Never smiled, never laughed. He rarely left his house, skipping practice, skipping school, never showing any hint of emotion.
His father recovered from the loss much quicker, however, for he soon remarried. The woman he married was an American woman named Karen. Karen had been visiting Japan as part of a vacation and met Kaito's father somewhere halfway through her trip. They then fell in love and were married not even a year after Kaito's mother's death. From the start, it was clear to Kaito that Karen did not like him. She never smiled at him, she had a scornful look in her eyes every time she glanced his way, and to Kaito it was more then enough to get him to shove even further into the shell of his former self. Not even five months after their marriage, Karen became pregnant with Kaito's half sister. Nine months later, Tatiana was brought home from the hospital... and Kaito instantly fell in love. He adored his little sister to the ends of the earth and back, no matter how much Karen frowned upon him being anywhere near her daughter. He spends a lot of time with Tatiana, watching all her shows with her, letting her braid his hair and put bows and colorful hair clips in it. He finally found something worth living for again. He stopped skipping school, his grades started going back up, he even went back to fencing.
Approximately six years later, the head of the host club [INSERT NAME HERE] approached him after fencing practice and asked him if he would like to be in the host club. At first he refused, but [INSERT NAME HERE] was persistent, and kept coming back until Kaito agreed more out of frustration then anything else. But he soon found he enjoyed it over there in the host club. Certainly, the antics the others got into were amusing. And so he stayed in the host club, becoming infamous for his sound advice and stoic attitude.


Juunko Nashiro
-Kaito's Father
-Juunko is a very... complacent man. He takes a lot of flack from his American wife Karen, and honestly doesn't seem to have much of a problem with it. He's pretty much just a doormat, and after his first wife's death, he became kind of disconnected from Kaito' life, turning more to Karen and Tatiana. Kaito absolutely hates this and generally avoids his father now. He still loves him because, well, he's his father, he just hates how he acts differently now that he's married to Karen.


Karen Gray
-Kaito's stepmother
-Karen is a loving, nurturing mother... to Tatiana. Karen appears unable to care less about Kaito and what's going on with him. Dare I say she even houses distaste for Kaito, as least she seems to. She also steps all over Kaito's father with her ridiculously expensive heels. Kaito is convinced that she's nothing more then a gold digger who married his father for the money. In reality Kaito just really doesn't know much about her.


Tatiana Nashiro
-Kaito's beloved seven year old half-sister
-Tatiana, nicknamed "Tutu" by Kaito himself, is an absolute sweetheart. She is one of the only people capable of melting his tough exterior with ponies and rainbows. She is the girliest of girly girls to ever girl. If it has pink on it, is My Little Pony or Barbie related, she wants it. She also absolutely adores ballet, so she is never seen without her pink tutu and tiara.

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Yuki Horiuchi


"You concern yourself with beauty? My biggest concern isn't beauty, darling. It's being noticed. For isn't the real heartbreak being unnoticed by the ones you so desperately want to see you?
Maybe that's why I like you."

Basic Info
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Year: First
+ Storms - Something about thunder, lightning, and heavy rainfall fascinate her.
+ Caffeine - She adds quite a bit of sugar to most coffee, but enjoys the faint bitter taste.
+ Foxes - This is her favorite animal.
+ Cakes/Cookies - Out of all the sweets, these two are her favorite. She's highly critical on the quality of them.
+ Hats - Specifically, the hat she always wears. It is a hat she has owned for several years and just begun to wear. If asked, she will say it is her most prized possession.
+ Birthdays - Specifically hers. It is the only day all of her family actively has a role in her life, even if it is a small one.
+ Surprises - She likes when people think to actually try to surprise her.
+ Candy - Especially chocolates.
- Being ignored/unnoticed - Since she aspires to be seen by her family, she hates to be overlooked. So, while she won't fight for attention, she will take note and try to find a new way to be seen.
- Cold Weather - She blames her dislike to the cold on her family's former head butler, who would always leave the house cold...even in the winter.
- Slow Walking - She is a fast paced walker, so being stuck behind people walking slower bothers her immensely.
- Mornings/Waking Up Early - She's not a morning person, so she wakes up extremely early in order to compensate for that. Typically very distant in the morning, and if spoken to before she's fully awake she may come off as cold.
- Directions - She has no sense of direction, so unless she's given a map with the directions, she is prone to getting lost.
- Pineapples and Peaches - Most other fruits don't bother her, but those definitely do.

+ Individualistic
+ Playful
+ Imaginative
- Unpredictable
- Sensitive
- Self-Conscious
Quirks/habits: She is an extremely fast walker, and she has to constantly pace herself when in a group in order to not pass them. She is ambidextrous. When given food, she will separate it.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Yuki stands at about 5'8 with a weight of about 145 pounds. While she doesn't have a petite build, she still believes she is quite graceful. This is...not true, but let the girl dream. Her skin leans towards an ivory color, and she always blames this to be the reason she burns so easily. Her hair is parted down the middle, but it is hard to tell because whenever possible she is seen wearing a hat. The color of her hair is a red/brown mixture, with lighter tips. She has a willowy build, but always considers her limbs too long and awkward. She has green eyes, which she would call her best attribute, and is usually seen with a pleasantly amused expression on her face.
Personality: At home Yuki plays the role of someone always seeking approval from the eyes of her parents. Her parents...who never really seem to notice her at all. Unless she's done bad on an assignment or they've been notified of something bad from one of their staff, they really just ignore her. Having been raised by nannies alongside her third oldest sister, Akira, Yuki has watched her two oldest sisters - Makoto and Kyoto - get all the attention as they've been groomed to take over the business. Her parent's actions have forced her to become someone that is persistent and even stubborn, perhaps even giving her a bit of a complex because she always worries she's never enough for her family.

At the Host Club, Yuki finds she is able to relax. Without having to worry about being some perfect child she could never be, she is able to have fun. It isn't a competition at the Host Club. She handles the attention she gets, and while saddened when she is ignored, she recovers quickly. She mostly tries to woo guests with her extravagant, even spontaneous jokes, tricks, and activities. It is not uncommon for her to try to lure her guests into an outrageous game of sorts, thus distinguishing her as the 'Mischievous' type at the club. It is rather hard to expect what will come out of her mouth, as she is hard to read. Always wearing a pleasant or amused expression, but inside she's constantly thinking. While being sensitive to being ignored or overlooked, she does not easily show what she feels...and is usually only partially open to others. This means...she will tell you only what she thinks you can bear to hear.

Eccentric, but ultimately with a good heart, she really strives to try new things everyday and surprise her guests with unexpected twists and turns. She is coy about flirting with her guests, and always seems confident.

However, one can tell when she actually likes a person because she becomes an awkward mess. You have been warned.
Background and Relationships
Yuki is the product of two genius masterminds. At least, that's what she calls them. Her parents are two very wealthy individuals who were unified by an arranged marriage. Both already came from money, having specialized in marketing, but they have since gone into purchasing several small companies to expand an empire that covers a wide variety of interesting franchises. Yuki has all but watched their activities with curious eyes, always wanting to become something useful to the family business. However, being the fourth born, with three older sisters in her way, she has always been the baby. Ignored, but also coddled. Her nannies once said that if she became anything, it would be a trophy wife to some rich man who would never love her. And for a while she was content with the fantasy. After all, she liked dresses and the pretty diamonds her mother wore everyday...but soon that fantasy melted from her mind. She wanted to be something more than a wife that sat and watched. She wanted to be a part of the magic. So, one day she decided she would seek attention in any way she could. She would become someone her family would notice, someone her family would never forget. More importantly, she would become someone that deserved to be called heir. Not for greed's sake, but for the simple fact that she wanted her parents to see her. Truly see her. So her first day of high school she enrolled as a boy, and masqueraded as one whenever necessary in an attempt to be more respected in the family. The family, still, does little to note her existence. But she has never been in the business of giving up.
She was asked to join the Host Club under the guise of this false persona she'd adapted, and has since continued the facade because she wants to be seen by her parents. While they do not show any more interest in her than before, they still hang this decision over her head anytime she makes a mistake that might influence her academics and the like.
Nonetheless, she keeps a positive demeanor and gets along well when her family does pay her any mind. Without bitterness and anger, she keeps things polite, even with her two eldest sisters, Makoto and Kyoto, who she considers her greatest rivals. Akira, her third oldest sister, is someone she actually gets along with well...only because they are in similar positions. They both are unlikely to become heirs, but Akira is not concerned with that. Regardless, she keeps Yuki's secret...even if she tries to talk her out of it quite often.

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Shiori Morikawa


"If I'm going to be good at something, it might as well be this. I like the baking and the sewing and the...I don't know. I like to take care of things. It means I can take care of myself, too."
Basic Info
Nickname: Shio
Age: 17
Year: Second
Gender: Female
+ Baking/Cooking - Ever since she was young she's been interested in cooking.
+ Gardening - This is a new interest of hers...and one she is honestly not very good at yet.
+ Being a Buzz Kill - Being a serious person, she typically does not engage in much fun.
+ Order/Tidiness - Partially due to her upbringing, she cannot stand for something to be out of place.
+ Giving Gifts - She likes to make new things, and she like to give...so why not combine them together?
+ Sewing - It is a hobby she's picked up over the years.
+ Tea Parties - She likes to make tea and sweets, so inviting other people to join and have a tea party would be fun!
+ Holidays - She really likes the decorations, the holiday-oriented food, and being together with people she cares about.
+ Her Personal Space - While working as a Hostess she doesn't let it bother her much, but any other time she likes to be in control of her bubble.
+ Cleaning - Corresponds to her desire for everything to be orderly.
- Hospitals - Her brother had to visit there quite a bit when they were younger, and she would often tag along with her parents. Something about them unnerves her.
- Cliffhangers - She doesn't like the suspense, and will refuse to watch most shows until they're completely done running.
- Choosing Where to Eat - Not because she's indecisive, but because she really just wants someone else to pick wherever they want to go. She's not picky.
- Certain Music - She really only listens to classical music, so she isn't a big fan of most other genres.

- Messing Something Up - Even something small. She will likely try to redo it if it isn't perfect.
- Heights - One of the few things that physically scare her.
- Disorganization - She prefers for everything to have a place, and for it to be in that place. Messes bother her.
- Spicy Foods - She'll eat them if she has to, but it's not something she craves. Ever.
+ Observant
+ Perfectionist
+ Selfless
- Serious
- Overly Self Critical
- Pessimistic
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Shio has short, ashy blonde hair and light green eyes. She stands at 5'4 and weighs about 130 pounds, with a thin build. She often wears sophisticated clothing even outside of school, and typically wears a lacy headband in her hair at all times.
Personality: Shio, while coming off as distant and cold at first glance, is still friendly and polite to anyone that speaks to her. Her serious disposition doesn't mask her kind heart, as she is always working to help others around her. However, she does always aim to do her very best with any task - even if she views her very best as not good enough. Thus, she's always on a journey to better herself. She'll practice something one hundred times in hopes of getting it just 'perfect', and is often really critical of herself because she always thinks she can do better. She believes that her actions in the Hostess Club helps her to get better, mostly because she's able to practice a lot of skills while hosting clients.

While she selflessly tries to do what's best for others, she is always thinking negatively. She wants others to be happy, but somehow she finds herself worrying nonstop about the bad things that could happen in the long run. Thanks to this, she always double checks work or actions - such as turning off an oven or locking a door.

As a Hostess she typically tries to engage in activities with her clients, and always presents an air of politeness. She doesn't try to woo her clients with flirtatious lines, but just by being herself. She'll often ask them if they'd like to try certain things with her, such as cake decorating or tea tasting, so that way they can all interact and try new things.
Shiori is the second oldest to a family known for their involvement in the pastry business. Her parents married out of love, and have appeared to have a happy union ever since then. Her older brother, a third year by the name of Kasai, has always been less healthy than her. Not to say he was bedridden all of his life, or that he was sheltered all of his life, but Shiori has always known that things never came easy for him. Due to a poor immune system, he just got sick easier than most kids, and periods of illness lasted longer for him. He has always been frailer than her, even though she herself has never been broad shouldered. Ever since she was little she made it her mission to help out her big brother in order to make sure he was well taken care of. Their parents were heavily involved in their childhood and the reason she likes so many things that she does it because of them. All of her memories revolve around her with her family doing something that...brought smiles to everyone's faces. Even her brother's. At the end of the day all she wants to do is ensure that she can always take care of the people around her, so they can always smile like that.
Her brother and her have already talked about their future with their parents. They are secure in knowing that they can both take over the family business when the time comes. There is so rivalry. There is no bitterness. They love each other and only want to help one another in the journey that is their life.
Shiori joined the Hostess Club because her brother asked her to. Well, her brother and her parents. She always cooped herself up at home trying to master her various hobbies, and didn't really like to interact much because she'd never been a talkative person. However, she doesn't complain about the club at all and although she doesn't say much about it, she really does enjoy the impact the club has on her life.
Her brother often checks up on her at the club, usually to bring her a snack of some kind from home. She often shares what he brings with her guests.

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Kida Kunagaki

"I keep requesting that we do a nude event, however that would apparently get us in trouble with the law. Perhaps we could have our own private nude event."
Basic Info
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Year: Third Year
Likes: Women, Jokes, Cars, Good cooking, Sleep
Dislikes: Being teased, Physical deprivation, Being told "no", Birds
Traits: +Flirty: Kido will flirt with almost any girl, just as well as he'll try to take her to bed. +Confident: Kido rarely doubts himself and his ability. This often works to his advantage, though sometimes it works against him. Protective: Kido is very protective and territorial over the people that he considers himself close to. He will do anything to protect the people that earn his respect. -Spoiled: Kido is overly used to getting his way, and will lash out if told otherwise. -Violent: Kido has problems with his anger and will often times break things when riled up. He's never hit a girl, but has fought many guys over tedious things. -Cocky: Kido often comes off as very pretentious. He uses his family's status as an excuse to put himself above others.
Quirks/habits: "Bone cracker": Kido compulsively pops the joints in his neck, fingers, and back.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance:Kido is quite tall, standing at almost 6'1. He weight about 150 pounds and regularly works out as anger and stress management. Because of this his build is lean but muscular. His eyes are a striking green and his hair is a strawberry blonde/ginger color that he gets from his mother. His skin is fairly pale, and if you look closely his under eyes are dotted with freckles.
Personality: As far as being a host goes, Kido is definitely the tease. He often makes many remarks that leave the girls red in the face. His clients usually consist of the braver girls, who can take his remarks without being offended. He is very seductive during host hours especially and loves cleverly inviting girls to sleep with him. he has a lot of "fun" in his free time but avoids real love at all costs. He has a relatively good relationship with other hots members and considers them his closest friends. He aims to defend his club at all costs, as it is one of the only consistent things in his life. He treats the other hosts better than his own family, whom he prefers to disregard. He more or less ignores his family because he knows that interacting with them will only lead to fights. Otherwise Kido is usually very nice and joking, unless he doesn't like you. If he doesn't like you then you'll surely know it.
Kido comes from a family of lawyers. His father owns a very popular firm in Tokyo where his mother also works as an attorney. They live a very lavish life, and Kido never lacked anything money-wise as he grew up. He did however constantly deal with his parents pushing him towards law school. When he decided to attend a co-ed private school instead of an elite business trade school that his father had attended, the family had a huge blowout. Since then family life has been very tense for Kido and he makes up for it by earning attention from his clients. While his parents are often gone for work, he generally hides in his room while they are home. He is very close with his younger sister Mai, however, and encourages her to do what she desires when she grows up.


Kayumi Haruno

"Technically speaking, anything can be sold for the right amount. Even you, you poor insignificant thing."
Basic Info
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Year: 3
Classical music: Symphonic music relaxes Kayumi, especially when she's studying or doing homework.
Rice: She can eat her body weight in sticky rice. 'Nuff said.
Homework: Knowing that her grades are perfect is what keeps her everyday life stable. She loves routine and knowing that things are going smoothly.
Useless facts: Do you know how an octopus reproduces? No? Do you want to?
Cats: Cats are very calm and intelligent creatures. Perhaps Kayumi likes them so much because they remind her of herself.
Loud noises: Kayumi has always preferred the quiet, and obnoxious noises give her a headache. She loves storms, however.
Ignorance: Kayumi is a firm believer in knowing your facts before you speak. Hearing people speak false information makes her angry, and she'll very quickly correct them.
Being wrong: She is rarely wrong- and if she is, she'd rather cut off her own arm than admit it.
Small talk: The words a person speaks should have meaning. Making pointless conversation with her about the weather will only serve to irritate her.
Traits: +Smart: Kayumi spends a lot of time studying, and takes pride in her vast expanse of knowledge.
+Brave: Despite her lack of enthusiasm, Kayumi isn't afraid to do whatever she deems necessary for whatever reason. She isn't intimidated by much.
+Selfless: While Kayumi has a less than friendly attitude, she is quick to help the people that she cares about and will often times go out of her way to complete tasks for others.
-Unsocial: Kayumi prefers not to socialize with a multitude of people. She tends to work alone and doesn't pick up well on social cues.
-Judgemental: Kayumi often looks down upon others if she feels that they are less intelligent than her. It boosts her ego.
-Sulky: Kayumi is very much a home body, even more so when she's upset. While she maintains her duties, it isn't unlike her to skip outings and stay home.
Quirks/habits: Kayumi is a nail biter when she's nervous. This makes her very self-conscious about her hands.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance:Kayumi is around 5'6, with raven colored hair and amber eyes. Her skin is light in coloration, though she has a dark birth mark on her right calf. She dresses precisely by the uniform and doesn't adjust it at all. She sometimes wears glasses when she's working on something but most often goes without them.
Personality: Though Kayumi is a founding member of the Hostess club, she doesn't often actually entertain the customers. She often remains behind the scenes and sorts out finances, events, and the like. She keeps things going smoothly and often takes care of conflicts that the hostess members may face. She is polite to the other hostess members, and maybe even likes them more than she lets on. Whether she'll say it or not, she has found a home amongst the hostess club and it's members. She is relatively the same towards her family, she treats them with a familiar politeness but doesn't indulge them with her feelings.
Kayumi is actually a scoholarship kid, though she doesn't tell anyone this. It is part of the reason that she studies so hard and maintains perfect grades. Since she isn't superior money wise or class wise, she makes herself superior intellectually. Her parents own a grocery store downtown, just a small shop with a pharmacy and some groceries. They aren't poor, they're just regular middle class people. They raised Kayumi in a very loving and attentive home, but when the girl started to show signs of an irregularly high learning capability things changed. She received a scholarship to Ouran Academy, where she started as a spunky girl with too much to say. She was quickly torn down for her families less than luxurious life, and her personality changed. She withdrew and learned to outsmart anyone who had something to say about her parents. Her family worries about her new persona, but Kayumi will never be the same.

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Hiroki 'Mommy' Nakano

"I never asked if you agreed with my decision, that's why I made it without asking."
Basic Info
Age: 17
Year: Third
Gender: Male
+ Productivity - He values efficiency, so having things moving in a smooth manner pleases him.
+ Note Taking - In class and in the club. His notes are often sporadic to others and hard to read, but make perfect sense to him. He likes to keep records.
+ Computers - He almost always has one on him in a bag, and uses it quite frequently for coming up with ideas to better the club.
+ Order - He is usually the one to step in if things get too out of hand, and will do so immediately. If there is nothing to be gained from senseless behavior, he will not tolerate it.
+ Bitter Foods/Drinks - He doesn't mind sweet, sour, or spicy things, but is fond of bitter substances. It is not uncommon to find him drinking some highly expensive coffee.
+ Winning - Despite his disposition, he is highly competitive. He likes to win. Don't ever let him tell you otherwise.
+ Games - Regardless of what kind of game it is, he is likely to enjoy it. Reflects back to him enjoying to win.
+ Cold Temperatures - He is prone to wearing long sleeves in warm weather, but likes the cold better than the heat.
+ Punctuality - He doesn't like to be late, and is often known to arrive early to events/meetings/etc.
+ Photography - He is actually pretty good at capturing photos, but only does it when necessary. So...when he wants to sell stuff to make the club money.
- His Name -He only goes by Mommy to other people, and will likely only respond to his actual name if you know him personally. Or, if you're a superior. If he has to go by a name, it would be Hiro. Whether or not he responds, however, is a completely different story. Why he hates his name isn't common knowledge, but he hasn't preferred to go by it since his early middle school days.
- Losing Profit/Clients - He always tries to ensure that the Host Club is a well oiled machine that is running productively. If he sees a drop in clientele or money, he WILL react very strongly.
- Crowds - He doesn't like to be in the middle of a lot of people.
- Feeling Like He Doesn't Have Control - He likes to be on top of things and know what's going on. He likes to know that everything is taken care of, but hates feeling helpless.
- Most Creative Activities (Painting, Writing, Acting) - Although he can draw/paint pretty well, he dislikes those activities because he doesn't feel like a very creative person.
- Sudden Plan Changes - He likes for there to be order and for a definite plan to be in affect.
- Change At All - Honestly he likes for things to stay the same, or to be the one in control of the change. He doesn't like unexpected events or crazy shenanigans he can't monitor.
+ Practical
+ Clever (Least he thinks he is.)
+ Attentive
- Snarky
- Blunt
- Cynical
Quirks/habits: He is prone to crossing his arms and tapping his index finger against his arm while watching things. He doesn't know why he does it, but it is almost calming to him.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Standing at 6'2 and weighing about 158 pounds, Hiroki is a man that often wears sophisticated, regal clothing. He has ebony locks (usually done in a messy style) and cerulean eyes, which compliment his slender figure. He wears rectangular framed glasses and is nearsighted.
Personality: Hiroki takes on the role as someone who tries to ensure everything is running smoothly in the club, thus earning him the nickname 'Mommy' (which he takes great pride in...for some unknown reason). He is essentially the one that ensures all the plans the club decides on are executed correctly and also manages funds. During the Host Club's active hours, he can mostly be seen working to ensure things are going well, but will also interact with guests when called upon. Usually his time with guests includes him being informative and wooing them with his mellow behavior. He always tries to come off as more personable during business hours, especially since any other time he is very serious. He smiles a lot more during this time, and is often seen as approachable and kind.

Outside of club hours, however, he doesn't smile much and often doesn't seem as friendly. He may come off as cold to anyone who didn't know him, but honestly does care for the well being of the other members, even if his demeanor doesn't show it.

Snarky and blunt, he is prone to saying whatever comes to mind - unless he simply deems it beneficial to keep his words to himself. Prone to secret keeping, he is often thinking of his next move carefully before acting. He aims to make all of his actions as logical as possible, and strives to do what is best for the club - even if deep down he believes people are only for themselves at heart.

He likes to think that he is really good at hiding his emotions, as his exterior is usually cool and collected. However, he can become quite reactive when in certain situations - such as when he is embarrassed or aggravated. One can easily tell when he thinks he doesn't have the upper hand because he will start to become a lot more expressive. Despite what one may think, he does actually like to be a bit playful. Sometimes.
Hiroki is the son of two corporate executives in big companies, and lived most of his childhood being raised by others. He was never bitter to the fact, but he was also never particularly close to his family because of this either. Ever since he could remember he was a bit of an isolated child, preferring his own thoughts to the time of others. He would consume his days with books, or playing board games by himself, and generally just proceeded on without trouble. As he got older he would interact with some, but didn't strive to form long lasting relationships because he saw no point to it. It wasn't until middle school that this issue was addressed. His parents told him that he should work to make friends, people who he could count on as the years progressed. He realized instantly that they wanted him to get to know people because he would one day be an important person and they wanted him to have other people as part of his contacts, so he refused at first. He wouldn't play into their little game. However, he eventually met Kida Kunagaki and they became a friendship some time later. He couldn't tell you why he became friends with the other, but he has stuck with him since then and wouldn't have it any other way.

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Uta Engel-Fukushima



"Do I really need to? I'd rather play some videogames."
Basic Info
Age: Klaus's younger twin
Gender: Male
  • Videogames
  • Energy drinks
  • Nachos. Not even the expensive kind, he wants the stuff you could get at Taco Bell
  • Soda
  • Pocky
  • Sleeping
  • Lemon filling
  • Stuffed Animals
  • Collectibles from his favourite videogames
  • Physical labour
  • Exercise
  • Hot days
  • When the battery of his 3ds runs out
  • Homework
  • Bosses that are hard to beat
  • Most kinds of pork
  • Chameleons creep him out
Traits: +Friendly, +Frequently carrying snacks, +Generally cheerful, -Lazy, -Inattentive, -It's really fucking hard to get his attention
  • Any time he can, he tends to be playing some sort of videogame. He owns at least three 3ds's.
  • He's almost constantly chewing on something. Whether it's his tongue, a pencil, a pen, food, or gum, he has a compulsion to chew on things.
  • He's blind in his right eye. The eye is still there, he just wears an eyepatch because it seemed like it would attract more visitors to the host club.
Appearance and Personality
Appearance: Uta stands at a whole 5'7", putting him slightly below average for a guy. He can still reach the top shelf though, so he can't really be bothered to put that much importance on his height. His hair is bright red, and seems to be perpetually in an attractive mess. Both of his eyes are bright green in colour, though the right one is always covered by an eyepatch so there's some debate among his clients as to what colour it is. His ears are pierced, and he can frequently be seen with earrings in.
Personality: Uta fits two different categories that could attract a client- one of those being 'disabled' due to his blind eye, and the other being 'gamer boy'. The first one is the less popular of the two, considering it doesn't have much to do his personality. Uta tends to play videogames to a point that they take up most of his time, and can hold lengthy conversations about the ones he's exceptionally fond of. He doesn't at all enjoy physical labour, and due to such does terribly in gym.

Still, he's genuinely a nice guy. His secondary life in goal, with the first one being play as many video games as he can, would have to be to find ways to make people happy. If you can get past the fact that he's a lazy son of a bitch that couldn't figure out how to use a broom, he's not bad to be around.
Fucked if I know


  • Name: Isaac Flame
    Gender: Male
    Age 17
  • Grade: Year 2 because he got held back due to having to take of his sick aunt
    Personality Type: Wildcard
    Isaac is very friendly and easy going despite how he looks, Some might even call him a fool because he tends to joke around a lot but he's anything but a fool, in fact he enjoys breaking people that really annoy him and has a deep seeded hatred for man hating lesbians or those that think all men are stupid, but he won't show it front of others unless really badly provoked because he's calm and level headed and sly.

    He not one to just become someone's friend but if he is around you it means something about you draws him to you.
    He can be a right flirt but then again he can be a bad boy and so much more so it's hard to tell which is the real him but maybe there all the real him

    open to pretty much anything as long as it taste good
    The stars and wild life learning new things
    Martial Arts
    likes testing people
    and more
    - man haters
    - people that can't read between the lines
    - Stupid/lazy people
    - overly self righteous people
    - being compared to idiots just because he jokes around a lot

    +Easy Going
    if he likes you or sees you have

    • potential

    • +Reasonable

    - hates being cheated or hustled and that brings out his dark personality
    - hates super up tight people and takes great pleasure in screwing with them
    - Doesn't smile very often and hates having his picture taken unless it's with a person or people he likes
    - hates mindless thieves and people that step on others to get on top
    - jocks and activist because they assume so much about his family with out knowing very much

Background: Issac came from a very poor background but his sister and brother had a knack for creating useful medical tools and medicine and taught him, he loves them both dearly but hates his father for forgetting where they came from and treating people that are still poor, his mother died in a explosion in one of the flame industry's labs. But he thinks someone sabotaged it because his father had a lot of foes.
Issac lives on his on a moderate flat and works part time jobs after school every other day, but he gets every other week or so off because he brings all the people he works for clients and cash.
He secretly enrolled on a scholar ship and has been under the radar of the press ever since and would like to keep it that way.
Relationships Aunt ruby flame
Older sister: misako flame
Older brother: Henry Flame


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