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Multiple Settings Of Dead Stars


Grossly Incandescent
Roleplay Type(s)
Of Dead Stars

At first a moment of silence, then the next, a crackling burst of energy tearing through reality, it's emergence incinerating what stood on it's path. In a world of technological progress and greed which draws closer to cataclysm as people move to the last remaining habitable cities and corporations look to seize power from each other, a rift appeared, a gateway to the unknown, a thing that they believe they can understand and others believe it is the path to their salvation. It is clear however that those who enter the rift do not come out.


In a world of vast ocean, horrors beyond the comprehension of the average man lurking beneath the surface, and the drive of sailors and pirates alike to plunder, adventure, and conquer, a rift appeared. An anomaly as dark as the abyss and a perfect adventure for a drunken pirate, it's presence drawing the attention of powerful people and the eldritch below.


In a world of gods and men, of heroes and villains, where magic overflows the lands. A world ever changing as empires rise and fall, where great wars are waged and gods are born from the hopes and prayers of the people did a Rift appear, a mass of darkness yet far from a passageway for the rift in this world does not act as an entrance, but as an exit.


Through the appearances of these rifts have these worlds been united and through them something long forgotten stirs within the world of magic, a slumber awakened.


Welcome to the RP Of Dead Stars, This is a soft reboot of an RP with the main premise of three very distinct worlds having rifts appearing in each of them causing characters from one setting to adventure into a separate one. The RP will be adventure based with ideally one group for all the players, all meeting up first in Fantasy based world first and as the RP progresses the rifts will change and a new destination will be selected.

For some clarification on each of the three worlds. The technologically advanced world is mostly a cyberpunk and dystopian world where life is very poor for the majority of people as the environment around them is essentially dead and powerful individuals seek to gain power and influence. The pirate one is a combination of pirate adventures, Lovecraftian eldritch horrors under the water, and slight BioShock inspirations, it's a weird mishmash. Finally the fantasy setting is essentially fantasy but with the magic cranked to very high with Gods being born from prayer of people and magic sometimes being used for everyday activities.

If you are interested in joining the RP I will send you a Discord link where you can ask further questions about the RP and to get more detailed explanations about each world/setting.
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I have to assume that the technological world would kinda just make this into a repeat of GATE, logically, right?
I wouldn't entirely agree on that. If you want we can discuss that in the discord?
Interested, got an OC in mind

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