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Fantasy Oddity Sleuths [Urban Fantasy] [You can join anytime]

"Like climbing over the gate?" Loren looked up.

(cya tomorrow)
Loren kept climbing. It looks like it would take a while to get to the top.
Quentin continued walking until he herd the screech of the creature again he could see it in the distance running at him full speed.
No matter how much Loren climbed, he can't seem to reach the top of the gate. He got tired and looked down... only to realize he's only made it 12 feet away from the ground even though it felt much longer than that. Loren sighed and climbed down and waited for Quentin to come back.
Quentin knew he could not outrun it so he had to stay and fight. He dodged to the left early so the thing would lunge and miss him but instead it sled right beside him.

( sorry about yesterday I was some late night stuff and forgot my phone)
Loren looked at his phone and checked if the OP has responded yet. "Should I go look for him?" Loren thought to himself. "Nah, it's better to wait for him to come to me than getting lost."

(It's alright)
Quentin put all his strength into one swing. The thing blocked the pan and grabbed Quentin by the head and lifted him into the air and then throwing him against on of the vending machines and dislocating his left arm and making him cry out in pain
"Oh shit" Loren immediately ran towards the source of the screaming. He ran around the corner only to see the creature and Quentin on the floor. Loren grips his baseball bat.
The thing attacks him on the ground he managed pull his pan up and block it. It was inches away from his face clawing his arm trying to get closer
Loren takes his chance to rush towards the creature and hit it in the legs.
Loren keeps bashing the creature but nothing seems to be working.
Loren soon ran after Quentin, but not before giving the the creature one last kick.
"I tried climbing it but.. *pant* I think it's infinitely tall"

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