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Fantasy Oddity Sleuths [Urban Fantasy] [You can join anytime]

"By the way, how did you get the URL to access the website anyway? I heard the government made it impossible to find the ODSForum by searching it up on search engines, and they have a bot that can remove all traces of the URL of the Internet, at least on the American side of the internet."
“ maybe we should just keep moving and try to get out of here” the walls began to look more like one sold instead of bricks.
" Jesus If I didn't know better I'd think we're going insane." Loren stopped on top of a vending machine. "Maybe if we tried the same thing we did to get in, we could get out?"
“ I’m out of cash and it’s right below us” Quentin paused to think “ if you have money I could distract it”
"How dangerous is it anyway? It's a 2v1, we're both armed, and the noise it's making could attract more of it's kind to our location."
“1!” Quentin jumps down behind the thing and hits in the leg, making it cry out in pain. “GO FOR THE KILL!”
Loren focuses, he drop down in front of the thing then he swings his bat as hard as he can, aiming to to hit the head.
"It's looks like it" Loren laid his back on the wall "It's a big wonder why we didn't do this earlier."
(Alright cya later, if you have any ideas on how we can get more players, feel free to tell me!)
“I don’t mean to be a downer but if it was that easy to kill there’s more” Quentin sat down and looked at his pan “no blood, strange”

( if you give it a name if you haven’t all ready I have no idea)
"Least we don't have to explain to the police why our weapons are covered in blood...." Loren checks his phone.
“let’s move” they walked for about 10 minutes before they saw something in the distance
“You see that?”
"Yeah, I could barely see it from here." Loren squints his eyes.
As they approach the object in the distance they can begin to tell that it is in alive but it is a totem or shrine of sorts. It had a pinch black base with markings of almost English but different in ways not comprehendible. It was about as tall as a human and was about 2 meters wide. To the right was a gate larger than life.
Loren takes a picture of the markings. "Who knows, maybe we could find someone that could read it." Loren said, he then attempts to look what's past the gate.
“Looks like the statue needs an offering of some kind” he looked at it from all angles “ but why is it here?”
"Most likely for no reason, you know how it is with Wrong Turns. They almost always pop in and out of existence at random. They lead to pocket dimensions with a possibly infinite about of depth. Not like I know much about this though, pretty much everything I know about anomalies came the OSDforum and there's still be an lot to be discovered."

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