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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy



Name: Akihiro Koshiro

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Grade: 11th


  • Fun
  • Sarcastic
  • Dimwitted
  • Curious
  • Strange

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Bio: Akihiro grew up with two older brothers, in a house that remained within deep fields of grain. He started public schooling when in 9th grade, so he isn't too comfortable with people, (Or people are more uncomfortable with him for that matter.) He develops crushes and love interests quite easily, but always had a tendency to scare them off. Again, Akihiro grew up far from city life, so he always acts like an animal at times, a wild one at that.


  • Interesting people
  • Animals
  • Pranks
  • Adventures


  • Textbooks
  • Bully's
  • Sometimes other boys (Especially when they flirt with girls)
  • Routine

Helper or Nonhelper: Undecided

Other: He can become violent under circumstances

The Ruko Twins

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/animetwinzies.jpg.bbf2962de1b14257396e20761700b5cc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/animetwinzies.jpg.bbf2962de1b14257396e20761700b5cc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/catz.jpg.47ff4baedbedab678e601d93b5eee527.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74003" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/catz.jpg.47ff4baedbedab678e601d93b5eee527.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name:[black] Ruy Ruko


Gender: female

Personality: fun, calm but not as much as her sister, funny


Bio: She grew up with her sister at their small townhouse and were home schooled with no friends but then their mom sent them to the school here.

Helper or NonHelper: helper

Other: she is ealily annoyed and angered and she is the only one who can see her sister's happiness

Name:[white] Kistu Ruko

Age: 17

Gender: female

Personality: calm, fun, funny but only her sister gets them as far as she knows

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: She grew up with her sister at their small townhouse and were home schooled with no friends but then their mom sent them to the school here.

Helper or nonhelper: helper

Other: she is really hard to make mad or annoy



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Ceres said:
The Ruko Twins

View attachment 166241 View attachment 166242

Name:[black] Ruy Ruko


Gender: female

Personality: fun, calm but not as much as her sister, funny


Bio: wather not talk about it

Helper or NonHelper: helper

Other: she is ealily annoyed and angered and she is the only one who can see her sister's happiness

Name:[white] Kistu Ruko

Age: 17

Gender: female

Personality: calm, fun, funny but only her sister gets them as far as she knows

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: wrather not talk about it

Helper or nonhelper: helper

Other: she is really hard to make mad or annoy
Can you give me a little more detail in the bio like why they rather not talk about it?

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/len_kagamine_x_neko_reader_____arousing_ears__by_heichou_minjikarkar-d86n13y.png.0a88fec22707d61d5c288ec5b0a89957.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74853" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/len_kagamine_x_neko_reader_____arousing_ears__by_heichou_minjikarkar-d86n13y.png.0a88fec22707d61d5c288ec5b0a89957.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Cat.jpg.b5cd6e71a1111be01b3af800aea3021c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="74856" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Cat.jpg.b5cd6e71a1111be01b3af800aea3021c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: ((First and Last)) Kathrine sakura

Age: 15 looks 10

Gender: Female

Grade: ((10th through 12th)) 10

Personality: ((Bullet or paragraph))

  1. smart
  2. trustworthy
  3. kind
  4. bubbly
  5. sweet
  6. playful

Sexuality: bi

Bio: ((No 'rping it out')) she lived with cats most of her life she uncomfortable with humans they make her feel uneasy inside and out she lived in a dubster she usually stays in her cat form shen she sees cats she don't know who her parents are

Likes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))

  1. cats
  2. music
  3. dogs
  4. friends
  5. reading

Dislikes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))

  1. cat haters
  2. dog haters
  3. humans
  4. bullies
  5. mean people
  6. storms

Helper or Nonhelper: ((Can be undecided, or neither)) undecided

@Aero how this character is she okay



  • len_kagamine_x_neko_reader_____arousing_ears__by_heichou_minjikarkar-d86n13y.png
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Zeldafangirl said:
View attachment 167881

View attachment 167885

Name: ((First and Last)) Kathrine sakura

Age: 13 looks 10

Gender: Female

Grade: ((10th through 12th)) 10

Personality: ((Bullet or paragraph))

  1. smart
  2. trustworthy
  3. kind
  4. bubbly
  5. sweet

Sexuality: bi

Bio: ((No 'rping it out')) she lived with cats most of her life she uncomfortable with humans they make her feel uneasy inside and out she lived in a dubster she usually stays in her cat form shen she sees cats she don't know who her parents are

Likes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))

  1. cats
  2. music
  3. dogs
  4. friends
  5. reading

Dislikes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))

  1. cat haters
  2. dog haters
  3. humans
  4. bullies
  5. mean people
  6. storms

Helper or Nonhelper: ((Can be undecided, or neither)) undecided

@Aero how this character is she okay
((Make her 14-15 or explain why she skipped a grade))

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Arrow.jpg.58b3240e2329c40a1d26701e30b035d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Arrow.jpg.58b3240e2329c40a1d26701e30b035d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3de602_ArrowNeko.png.cb9407089f77f6fcf72c73634c57971e.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78221" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/57a8c4e3de602_ArrowNeko.png.cb9407089f77f6fcf72c73634c57971e.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Orange wherever his fur is white in Neko form.

Name: Arrow Norvien

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Grade: 11th

Personality: Arrow is a neko that suffers from YTD, yearn to do. He can only do what he wants to do and if he doesn't he won't. Most call him lazy, but if he puts his mind to it, Arrow is a hard working and dedicated individual refusing to give up til it's completed. He's a loyal friend and generally a nice guy though it takes a bit to get him to show it. He's playful and friendly and for the most part an easy going cat.

Sexuality: Straight

Bio: From birth, Arrow always found his cat form to be more enjoyable. As a male toroiseshell, he was considered a rarity and tended to be pampered. He would lounge around most of the day and then learn what he needed to do by night. His family helped him by convincing his previous schools to record lessons so that he could study them at night, which he did. However, he never really took a strong interest in school. He was always off doing what he wanted and despite being grounded several times for pulling off pranks that he shouldn't have, he continued to live his life this way. He prefers to either go with the flow or to go his own path depending on the situation. His parents have transferred him into Neko Private Academy hoping to cure him of his YTD. Though mostly they figure it's too late to fix it now.

Likes: Music, catnip, being petted, parties and naps.

Dislikes: School in general, bossy people, rules, classical music and dog people.

Helper or Nonhelper: Arrow isn't either a helper or nonhelper. He thinks that as long as the buildings are the way they are and he can nap in some of the places. It's all good.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lord.png.67dd5cb1fe64129e40f2d8194036b557.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79457" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/lord.png.67dd5cb1fe64129e40f2d8194036b557.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (Yes he has a living doll)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/omg.jpg.4e6383bf7601a6e10426e2ff561e5747.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="79458" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/omg.jpg.4e6383bf7601a6e10426e2ff561e5747.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Kiro Miroshi

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: 11th





*Not Easily Amused

*Helpful [Mostly To Women]

*Likes Being Called 'Cute' By Girls

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight)

Bio: Kiro is a meh kinda average kinda not whatever you'd say, flirty 16 year old boy. He's not yandere, but can get mad at people flirting with girls he likes. Which brings him to a story in his old school. He was flirting alot with a blue-haired girl that loved Tech. Later, a guy started flirting with her and she fell for him. Kiro bit his fingers off. Yep. True story of Kiro. So, note to boys: Do not flirt with Kiro's crushes.


*Attractive Women


*History Class



*Pictures of Women


*People Flirting with crushes



*Giant Harming Fish

Helper or Nonhelper: Helper or Nonhelper? Which kind? I'll just go with this: Mostly helps women or best friends.

Other: .3.



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Cat form: http://images5.fanpop.com/image/photos/26700000/Anime-Kitty-cats-26719069-346-259.jpg

Name: Nagisa Koizumi

Age: ((Reasonable high school ages, unless held back or skipped some grades please add to bio why held back or skipped grades)) 16

Gender: Female

Grade: ((10th through 12th)) 10th

Personality: ((Bullet or paragraph))

-Always cheerful and optimistic

-Tries to socialize with everyone

-Somewhat hyperactive

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio: ((No 'rping it out')) Nagisa wasn't born with her "kitty features", but when she was young she developed cat-like traits (like love for fish, extreme agility, and sharp hearing), one day at school in 9th grade someone pointed out "Look! She has animal parts!" After being harrassed about this for months, she was pulled out until she was old enough to go to the academy (she was homeschooled during this point), however she had to transfer mid-year due to some difficulties

Likes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))





Dislikes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))

People pulling on her ears/tail


Spicy food

Helper or Nonhelper: ((Can be undecided, or neither)) She hasn't decided yet

Other: Fanpop hates BBCode so you'll have to click it for her cat form
Appearance: ((Neko and Cat form. Unless you're that one human.))

Name: Alexander Dragon Heart

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: 11th

Personality: Alexander if fiery and short tempered, he is flirtatious and loves to get on your nerves. He thinks scarring people, watching them gag when they smell or see something gross, funny. He is active and competitive, he is a very good fighter and loves sweet things. One can tell this young man is not afraid to express him self, physically or verbally. He can be manipulative and charming when he whishes. He will tell you if he had a problem with you, that's a promise. He is always true to his word, he loves riddles and jokes, and can easily say one thing then do another, all because you weren't specific enough. He comes across as lazy and uncaring, and he is, at first anyways. He is bored easily and doesn't like people who lecture him. Now, with this guys personality, one would think crushes were a simple fling!... Wrong, if he had a crush on you, he is awkward and can hardly talk to you with out blushing out completely. He gets jealous easily and very snappy.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio: ((No 'rping it out'))

Likes: Sweets, funny people, fighting, winning, sleeping, relaxing.

Dislikes: Really hot days, P.E He is good at it, he just hates it. Loosing, romance, makes him feel to weird.

Helper or Nonhelper: Hasn't chosen yet.

Other: Is this good? It a WIP
BlackForest said:
Appearance: ((Neko and Cat form. Unless you're that one human.))
Name: Alexander Dragon Heart

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: 11th

Personality: Alexander if fiery and short tempered, he is flirtatious and loves to get on your nerves. He thinks scarring people, watching them gag when they smell or see something gross, funny. He is active and competitive, he is a very good fighter and loves sweet things. One can tell this young man is not afraid to express him self, physically or verbally. He can be manipulative and charming when he whishes. He will tell you if he had a problem with you, that's a promise. He is always true to his word, he loves riddles and jokes, and can easily say one thing then do another, all because you weren't specific enough. He comes across as lazy and uncaring, and he is, at first anyways. He is bored easily and doesn't like people who lecture him. Now, with this guys personality, one would think crushes were a simple fling!... Wrong, if he had a crush on you, he is awkward and can hardly talk to you with out blushing out completely. He gets jealous easily and very snappy.

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio: ((No 'rping it out'))

Likes: Sweets, funny people, fighting, winning, sleeping, relaxing.

Dislikes: Really hot days, P.E He is good at it, he just hates it. Loosing, romance, makes him feel to weird.

Helper or Nonhelper: Hasn't chosen yet.

Other: Is this good? It a WIP
So far it's good. Just need Appearance and Bio ouo

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-18_1-50-40.png.c5f1963eaa5b1715e6591bf956c9917d.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119776" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-18_1-50-40.png.c5f1963eaa5b1715e6591bf956c9917d.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-18_1-52-58.png.5e0be557f2e5b3f44783124ab96d73fb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119777" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/upload_2016-4-18_1-52-58.png.5e0be557f2e5b3f44783124ab96d73fb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ceto Gaw








1. Nice

2. Caring

3. Goofy

4. Thoughtful




Ceto had a normal life living his parents always helping them along with his friends whenever he was given the chance with nothing in return. Well he continued this through school helping people with homework and assignments to the point were people made fun of him for this. He didn't let this bother him as he continued to help people while the ones making fun of them flunked. (This good?)







-Being made fun of


Helper or Nonhelper:






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PokemonGirl said:
Appearance: View attachment 163193 View attachment 163195
Name: Zyla LaLune

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Grade: 11th


Dark Humored




Rude at times

A bit nosy

Sexuality: Bisexual

Bio: She grew up in a mostly normal house, but was homeschooled for most of her life. Until she found the Neko academy, Zyla lived a fairly lonely existence.







Party Killers

Sore Winners/Losers


Helper or Nonhelper: Undecided

( can I haz one? ) ( Oh, and I am back sorta. I will be able to rp during summer this year :P )
lostsoul said:
dangit... I lost my cs in the massive rp boost xD I am gonna finally do one.
Appearance: ((Neko and Cat form. Unless you're that one human.))


Name: ((First and Last))

alex fang

Age: ((Reasonable high school ages, unless held back or skipped some grades please add to bio why held back or skipped grades))




Grade: ((10th through 12th))


Personality: ((Bullet or paragraph))

  • kind hearted
  • silly at times
  • smart when wants to
  • typically acts stupid when people don't like him acting smart
  • ^^^ kinda a butt kisser.



Bio: ((No 'rping it out'))

when he was young his parents took him to get treated for a bump on the head while they were driving. They had forgotten to fasten the car seat to the car before driving that day. ( yay amnesia :D ))

ever since , He had thought if he had been mean to anyone if he wouldve died he would be remembered as a jerk. hence why he is nice all the time now ( GOD DANGIT I DID A PARA .)

Likes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))

  • cats,
  • anime,
  • techno,
  • dubstep,
  • mlp , being kind

Dislikes: ((At least three, bullet or paragraph))

  • dogs
  • haters
  • being ignored

Helper or Nonhelper: ((Can be undecided, or neither))



I am absolutely adorable aren't I?
( I look back at my pretty much 5th cs. The first one that required a bio... And cry. I would never do something this bad anymore xD . I am just gonna revise this. Keep the basics. Change the images. Add a real bio. Nothing much. )

New and improved:


( before hair dye.




Alexander Nova Martinez








  • Kind hearted
  • Silly at times
  • Smart when wants to
  • Typically acts stupid when people don't like him acting smart
  • Kinda a butt ( are we allowed to cuss?) kisser.




Alexander was a child in a family of 8. Where he grew up not knowing about the troubles of the world. His mother, Devin Nuclear Martinez . Took care of all 7 of her children alone, having to work almost all day and all night just to earn enough money. Alexander didn't realize what his mom was going through, until one day. Bring your parent to school day. He realized that he was the only one who didn't bring his parents, he said he didn't have a dad, and that his mom was at work. The teacher brought him aside to talk about it. Ever since then, he wanted to help in some way.

He never got many friends, due to the other kids thinking he was a freak. Whenever he got scared, he would curl up into a ball and hide in some place unreachable. He grew attached to computers, as he grew up. Due to him being told to stay inside, so he doesn't get hurt. He wondered for years where the computers go when someone breaks them. So he asked the teacher. The teacher took him to a workshop inside the school, where there were at least 5 people working on computers. All of them looked extremely professional.

He had found something he wanted to do.

When he got into middle school, people started to notice him. Mostly the teachers. They noticed how much smarter he was compared to the other student there. They put him in advanced courses. In which he passed all. The teachers then decided that he didn't belong in that grade. Skipping a grade practically each year. Until he was in 9th grade. The school district decided it was time to send him to a new school. He didn't belong there.


  • cats,
  • anime,
  • techno,
  • dubstep,
  • mlp , being kind


  • dogs
  • haters
  • being ignored

Helper or Nonhelper:

@Aero <3 sorry for leaving. I just get caught up in real life. I am now getting certified for computer tech support. How times change~))

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