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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy

Bell smiled back and leaned her head against Aylessa's shoulder. "What should we do when we get back?" She asked, taking her hand.

Aero said:
Aylessa nodded. "Yup, it feels great, like it always does." She said purring a bit. @Kayzo
Lola and Liam walked out of the Study Hall room. "Wonder where Fang is?" Liam mumbled chewing on his hoddie sting. @lostsoul
walking up from behind them I tap them " you called?"(( school.. busy... yeah.)
Ashton looked around the halls then walked back to where she previously was "so where is my dorm?"she asked.


Hikari looked at Ashton "so you dont remember?" he pointed to the dorm which she had walked into earlier "the one on the left" he smiled


(getting back to it......Where did Liam go?)
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Nate looked at her,"I have studying everying I could get my hands on reading up what it is and what it does even if I already knowing everything about it.Then I started studying every subject in school so by kindergarden I knew more than 5th graders.So by the time I got to sixth grade my parents let me skip grades and know I'm here." Nate said
"Soo cool.."Kaneki mutters before picking him up and hugging him."I wish that my son would be as smart as you in the future!"
Kayzo said:
Bell smiled back and leaned her head against Aylessa's shoulder. "What should we do when we get back?" She asked, taking her hand.
Aylessa purred. "I'm not sure really, guess we can chill till we think of something." She said smiling.

Liam jumped a bit and look behind them. "Oh hey Fang!" He said smiling. @lostsoul
Hiro yawned, awakening from his overslept school day. He'd smash the alarm clock mute, after the 15th call. He'd check the clock. "OH MY HOLY GOD I MISSED SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well," I'd say, calm when I started to say 'Oh well'. I'd pick up my doll. "I'll name you Kaneki!" I'd say, poking the dolls drawn nose. The doll would speak, "Nice to meet you too, Hiro!" The doll would say and jump out of my hands. I'd faint at the sight, and Kaneki would begin to try to wake me up.
(Wake me up inside)

Bell purred softly and nodded. "Ok, that sounds good." She said, grabbing her hands. Opening the door to their dorm, she stepped inside and pulled Aylessa in with her.

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