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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy

Bell shot up when Kenichi called her name. "Awesome!" She said, doing a little fist pump. Bell liked her new nickname, it made her sound tough.
Kenichi nodded and then shouted. "Aylessa!" Aylessa stood up and looked at Kenichi ready for her nickname. "You shall be my Atom Bomb or A Bomb for short." He said and then back at the class. Aylessa shrugged and sat down. "A Bomb works." She said. @Kayzo @WoodenZebra
"Today we will stretch then head outside for a run." Kenichi shouted and pointed to the outside doors with his kendo stick. @Kayzo
Bell sighed, and nodded. Running wasn't her favorite thing to do. She stood up and held a hand out to Aylessa.
Lily was just drawing her big sister as she smiled she liked her big sister she couldn't believe she had have one now she just look at the teacher as she smiled' what i want to be to show to everyone i don't know' she thought to herself

Aylessa took Bell's hand and stood up stretching her arms in the air. "A Bomb! Glad you voulenteered to be our stretching teacher today!" Kenichi said pointing his kendo stick at Aylessa. Aylessa blinked. "Wait what?" She said but she couldn't protest because Kenichi pulled her up beside him. "You get to do anything and it will count as an exercises." He said. @Kayzo @WoodenZebra
Aylessa sighed and shaked her hands in the air. "Shake your hands for ten seconds or whatever." She said and watched as the class mimiced her. @Kayzo @WoodenZebra
Iroha gets up from whatever she was doing and walks to the courtyard, class had already started so it didn't matter if she was late. Iroha sits down at a table and takes out a book to read.
Lily just smiled as she hugged her sister as she got out of class early as she smiled as she blushed she was thinking about akio she really liked him" big sister do you have a crush" she asked as she smiled @Irohaa
Hikari walked through the halls eating a small macaroon and looking for the english room seeing as the teacher for english had given him the job today. Although he Didn't really enjoy teaching english for may reasons he still thought it had its up sides for instance he loved writing novels in this love he had writen a book, Why this happens and where he lived everyone loved it to bits.


Ashton raced through the halls chasing after the small kitten that had escaped her Dorm and ran through the rooms with glee and excitment. As Ashton neared Chi she put her arms out grabbing and falling right infront of one of the Teachers she gulped silently thinking of something to explain why a kitten of such age was running through the halls rapidly like a wild Gazelle "Uh...Um....I was ....This is.......My uh......" she looked down at the Kitten that was raging in her hands.


Hikari looked at the girl he was over thinking yelling at her for not being in class but he then realised the small kitten in her hands "Uh Yes Who is it this time a student?" He wondered looking at it "Sure don't look like student ey" he patted the small creature making it gently fall asleep "There now...who is it again?"


"It's no student" she replied tremmbling with fear whats he gonna say she thought.
"Nah, I really don't have a crush on anyone, I feel that love is kinda pointless at times." Iroha pauses thinking, "And if you don't love anyone, you can't have your heart broken". Iroha looks Lily in the eye and says, "If anyone ever breaks your heart, I want to know, that way I can find a way to beat that peice of scum to a pulp." She scowls for a moment but it turns back into a smile and she laughs "So who's the lucky guy your crushing on?"

Lily look at him as she smiled" his name is Akio" she say as she yawned as she hugs her sister as she sat on the bench" i was gonna meet him after school if you wanna meet him big sister" she say smiling
Lily looked at her as she smiled" oh look at this i drew my best sister ever " she say showing her drawings" uh i need a new notebook i think for my art class" she say to her smiling" come on lets go i think we meeting him soon" she say looking at the time lily was blushing thinking about the boy she liked she just held her sissters hand" you like him big sis" she say

@Irohaa @MattieLee
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(Idk where everyone is so I'll just wring it)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/akashi_seijuro_seijuro_akashi_render_23_chibi_cat_by_mitsuukki-d7prcvb.png.56ef15b32032eb5addd528c12cb916a7.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73612" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/akashi_seijuro_seijuro_akashi_render_23_chibi_cat_by_mitsuukki-d7prcvb.png.56ef15b32032eb5addd528c12cb916a7.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Akio had spent the hour asking the teacher about where he got his piercings and making jokes every once in awhile, he even got to play guitar which was pretty cool even if he sucked at it. Strangely enough nobody questioned his appearance here either. He wondered a moment what Lily was doing in his mom's class about now.

xXMiaXx said:
Hikari walked through the halls eating a small macaroon and looking for the english room seeing as the teacher for english had given him the job today. Although he Didn't really enjoy teaching english for may reasons he still thought it had its up sides for instance he loved writing novels in this love he had writen a book, Why this happens and where he lived everyone loved it to bits.

Ashton raced through the halls chasing after the small kitten that had escaped her Dorm and ran through the rooms with glee and excitment. As Ashton neared Chi she put her arms out grabbing and falling right infront of one of the Teachers she gulped silently thinking of something to explain why a kitten of such age was running through the halls rapidly like a wild Gazelle "Uh...Um....I was ....This is.......My uh......" she looked down at the Kitten that was raging in her hands.


Hikari looked at the girl he was over thinking yelling at her for not being in class but he then realised the small kitten in her hands "Uh Yes Who is it this time a student?" He wondered looking at it "Sure don't look like student ey" he patted the small creature making it gently fall asleep "There now...who is it again?"


"It's no student" she replied tremmbling with fear whats he gonna say she thought.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/96neko.full.781583.jpg.51840ea12c55126c8c88eaf3720c123d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="73613" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/96neko.full.781583.jpg.51840ea12c55126c8c88eaf3720c123d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The music teacher had left the class a moment to use the restroom when he was bumped into some kid chasing a kit?




  • akashi_seijuro_seijuro_akashi_render_23_chibi_cat_by_mitsuukki-d7prcvb.png
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  • 96neko.full.781583.jpg
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(my bad)

lily just waited where the music class to be over for the boy she liked as she just blushed maybe Iroha will like him maybe she won't most likely she will" big sis i get panic attacks when i talk to people i tried to talk to a girl my age but i had a panic attack" she say to her as she looked down


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