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Fantasy Neko Private Acadamy

Lily heard the late bell ring as she smiled" she's pretty nice" she say to the girl" what you drawing" she asked the girl
Kaneki blushed."I can tell.Oh,and I'm drawing myself."She looks at Lily's drawing."What are you drawing?"
Gabby looks at her" oh just an anime i like its called fairy tail" she say smiled (with tat gotta go)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Anime-Girl-Paint-The-World-HD-Wallpaper.jpg.2e9ee21b1499e760ebeb92ed8b6294b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="72720" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_09/Anime-Girl-Paint-The-World-HD-Wallpaper.jpg.2e9ee21b1499e760ebeb92ed8b6294b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Shiro smiled at the student that had waved at her and then shut the door after the late bell rang. She took a quick look around her classroom and then began to speak.

"Good day class, I'm Ms. Harte and I will be your art instructor. I'm glad to be here and glad to meet all of you, now what is art?, seems like a simple question right?, because it is. Art is the process of creation using any form of medium and using that to express yourself creatively in any which way. Keeping that in mind the art we create is sort of like a reflection of ourselves correct?"

She smiled softly as she spoke with a calm tone of voice yet strong as she spoke of something she cared about.

"Since today is the first day I'm not gong to give any assignments but I do wish for you to start thinking for the next few days: "What do I want to share with the world?, what do I want them to know about the kind of person I am?" ask yourselves this question because it will be your year-long project, to take an art form and do something with it to reflect who you are on the inside. Is that fairly clear?, any questions before I stop my blabbering?"

She chuckled lightheartedly at the last part, she didn't want to bore these kids.

(Oh ok then, bye)



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(I need catching up too, terrible wifi where I was vacationing, I read through everything I missed jut now but a recap would be nice in case I missed something. I've gotten that Lily and Red Text Guy who I forgot the name of should get together and the people are in art class.)
Irohaa said:
(I need catching up too, terrible wifi where I was vacationing, I read through everything I missed jut now but a recap would be nice in case I missed something. I've gotten that Lily and Red Text Guy who I forgot the name of should get together and the people are in art class.)
((Well I believe it's time for the extra circulatives so yeah))

Aylessa stretched arms in the air when she left the class. "Can't believe I fell asleep. Oh well the teacher wasn't there anyway so it's all good." She mumbled and looked back at Bell. "So where are you heading?" She asked. @Kayzo

Kenichi was sittingg cross legged in the middle of the gym. His eyes closed and a kendo stick in his lap. @WoodenZebra
Kayzo said:
"I'm not sure. Just wherever you're going!" Bell said, heaving her hand.
"Well I'm heading to Gym." Aylessa said and held Bell's hand. "Let us walk there together." She said with a smile.
Bell smiled back and kissed her cheek quickly. She loved being around Aylessa, and wished that nothing bad would ever happen to them. Bell yawned, her tail lashing.
Aylessa purred as they made their way to the gym. "I wonder what the teacher is like." Aylessa said looking around the halls. @Kayzo

Lola and Liam looked at their schedules. "So what do you have sis? I have music." Liam said groaning that he may have to learn an instument but it's better than exercise or art. "I have art and oh crap I'm late I forgot!" She said and ran off leaving her brother alone. "Bye." He said with a chuckle and made his way to the music room.

Lola ran into the art classroom trying to catch her breath and fix her dress bottom. "Sorry I'm late!" The short blue haired neko said and sat down in the front. @MattieLee
Nate got to the gym and noticed that Mr.Kenichi was meditating and quietly sat next to him doing the same thing as him
Kenichi opened his eyes and looked at the two girls who walked in and down at the boy next to him. "Ah I see my class is already coming in!" He said in a loud voice. Aylessa cringed at how loud the teacher was. "Damn does he have to be that loud?!" She hissed her ears folding down. @Kayzo @WoodenZebra
Kenichi looked down at the small boy and patted his back. "I like your spunk kid! What's your name?" He asked in the loud voice that doesn't seem like it's going to het quieter. Aylessa growled and huffed. "Meh. Oh right I forgot my gym uniform!" She said. @Kayzo @WoodenZebra
(for my part just in art class Lily likes i guy named akio i guess you can jump in with me or some other class i wasn't really active that much been busy with college @Irohaa )
"Nunchucks I like that name!" Kenichi said smiling wide. He stood up and looked around at the class. "All right people sit down in the circle like Nunchucks here!" He shouted. Aylessa blinked and tilted her head. "Nunchucks?" She said as she walked to the circle with Bell. @Kayzo @WoodenZebra @Anyone else in gym
Kenchi had a kendo stick in one hand as he walked over a bench and looked at the list of names. "Alright my name is Kenchi Mitsurgi. I don't care what you call me as long as it's appropriate! I give my soilders nicknames in this class so for the rest of the year you shall go by these nicknames." @Kayzo @WoodenZebra
Bell smiled and swayed her tail. He seemed like a very fun teacher. She looked at Aylessa quickly, then turned her attention back to the teacher.
Kenichi put the list down on the floor. "Who is Bell? Stand up!" He shouted and waited for the girl to stand up. "Your name is now Bazooka no questions or complaining just deal with it." He said and looked around at the class again. @Kayzo

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