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Fantasy Mythic Wings


That One Fear In My Enemy's Eyes
Hello everyone, and thank you for stopping by!

I am in the process of designing an RP which follows this general story outline (currently still fine tuning it, by the way):

A young boy is found gravely wounded and alone in the deep forests of Ka'al Dra, home of the High Elves by a patrol. The group senses a strange power emanating from the boy, and thus calls for a rescue party to take custody of the child and determine what his strange power means. Upon awakening the boy seems feral and uncontrollable until he hears Elven music, particularly the song of a High Elf maiden. Oddly, despite not being of Elvish descent, the boy understands the ancient lyrics and calms down.

After being questioned it is determined that the boy understands very little of the modern tongue, and thus he is taken to the High Elf King who can speak the ancient tongue which has long thought been lost to Elven kind. After a brief conversation, it is revealed the boy is a Dragon and his arrival heralds the coming of another, even greater power. The young Dragon was fleeing the Higher Plane, the realm of the Gods, due to it coming under siege from the forces of Darkness. A wicked power unlike any seen since time immemorial has appeared, and it comes in the form of an evil God bent on conquering both the Mortal and Higher Planes for His own dominion.

And so beings a tale of bravery, friendship, cooperation, and love. A tale binding the fates of Gods and mortals in an effort to defeat this monstrous nightmare brought to life. But can the Gods and mortals, even with their combined power, defeat this foe? Or are both worlds fated to be subjected to this evil power?


I know what you're thinking, and the answer is "No."

The RP's storyline is not a foregone conclusion.

"Of course we'll triumph in the end! That's how these stories always go!"

Not this one. No way.

I have designed this RP's story to be flexible, and I will be adapting the events of the story to the actions taken by our characters. How they interact with the world. How they defeat their enemies along the way. Whatever new powers, weapons, ancient texts, etc, they discover which help shed light on this mysterious new evil power. All of it will shape how I structure the RP's future and adapt the story to what we do.

I will not let this RP be a foregone conclusion. That's boring!

I promise that if you join this RP you'll be questioning at every turn just where the RP's story is taking you and whether or not what our characters are doing is making a positive difference in this fight against evil. If I determine that we are not doing a good enough job... Well, to put it mildly your character will have but two choices if we fail: live as a subject to evil, or die.

MAYBE, even if we do fail the RP's story we could come back and rise up in the distant future? Perhaps the ancestors of our characters could rise up against this evil power in a sequel story built into this same RP?

Who knows.

We'll have to play to find out!!

If you're at all interested in this idea, please let me know. I have to wait until they accept Hosted Project submissions again as this RP is going to be MASSIVE. We'll all need as much space as we can to work and I'll need as much space as I can to supply the details once everything is finalized.

There will even be a unique language of the Dragons for use in the RP (though only the Dragon child will actually use it). And for those wondering, no I'm not reserving the Dragon child for myself. That's kind of a dick move that I see a lot of GM's do, reserving the "best" characters for themselves. I'll assign everyone a number who is interested in the role and use a random number generator to find out who gets it.

To that end it is very important that if you want to join this RP that you DO NOT do so based purely on the idea of wanting to portray the Dragon child character. If you only want to join to be the Dragon child, that tells me that you are too immature for this RP and I won't waste my time allowing you to join the RP only to watch you leave when and if you don't get the character. You must be prepared to take on another role if you want to join in the event you aren't the one to win the Dragon child role. And no, I won't allow other player controlled Dragon characters. The Dragon child is the only one. End of story.

So if you can live with this rule about the Dragon child character, then by all means let me know if you're interested in joining! Despite being a Dragon, the Dragon child itself (whether male or female by the winner's design) will be a younger, smaller, weaker, and less experienced Dragon than some of the NPC Dragons our characters will meet along the way. The Dragon child won't be any kind of almighty or "super" character which can defeat anything that comes its way. It will struggle. It will fail. It will be injured. And it will come close to death many times, as will the rest of our characters, along the way.

Thank you!
Sign me up! Just one question, would you be acting as a dm and describing everything around us?

I would be operating in a similar capacity, yes. As a player myself, and the GM, I would describe details of importance in all of my posts such as the appearance of the general surroundings, what directions or from what locations enemies are coming from, time of day, etc. However that would be mostly for general reference. Everyone else would be free to add to that so long as it was not considered "out of place."

For example if I said we were in an open grassland with rolling hills as far as the eye could see with a clear blue sky overhead and someone else posted that there were dark storm clouds gathering off in the distance, that kind of defeats the purpose of "clear blue sky." Make sense? To the contrary saying that there was a cottage just over the next hill is perfectly suited to the setting I provided, as would saying there were herds of horses roaming about the grasslands or flocks of wild birds flying about the area.

So while I will be acting in a DM fashion with the information I provide about setting and such, everyone else is free to interpret "what else could also be going on" given what information I've provided and add to what I've given everyone in small ways. If anything seems a bit out of place or if a desired action or event seems a little over the top, asking me if it's okay to add it is the best course of action.

I will be pushing for a lot of collaboration and discussion in the OOC threads about what's going on in the IC sections as well, so everyone will have input on it on some level.
Sounds interesting. Do you have much of the world planned out, or are you leaving it open for now?

I have the entire world planned out, but only it's basic design. I am planning on holding a large discussion/collaboration between anyone and everyone who joins to decide further and more minute details as to what species live where, how old they are, what the landscape looks like, special locations (either to be visited in the RP or just in mention), etc.

There's A LOT to add to the RP, and I want to make sure everyone has their hand in creating a little bit of the world we're going to enter.
Count me as interested.
Question, will there be a magic system in place? I love playing spellcasters but it's fine if that won't be an option.
TheMilkMan TheMilkMan Ratatoskr Ratatoskr SP3CT3R SP3CT3R Wolfcoon Wolfcoon Black Jade Black Jade C Clio SomeStupidWords SomeStupidWords Amerikia1126 Amerikia1126 Drakerus Drakerus .

For your convenience and entertainment, here is a conversation between students of magic and their mentor which teaches you about how magic works in this RP (as well as what types of magic exist):



* "Master. What is magic?

Magic, put very simply, is the process of harnessing and controlling a supernatural force of the world.

* What is this force?

It goes by many names, but the most common name for it in the modern tongue is “mana.”

* What is mana?

Mana is an element of the world which inhabits everything, be it living or otherwise. Rocks, animals, plants, air, water, fire. Even the very light generated by the sun and moon as well as the darkness of night generate mana which can be utilized by various species and peoples.

* How does one harness mana?

In a word: Training.

To harness mana takes years of dedicated practice, and there are no short cuts. To harness mana, one must first master the art of meditation and learning to clear one’s mind of all outside thoughts and influences.

To silence one’s conscience is impossible, however, as the brain is constantly active both day and night. Not even the greatest of masters can rid themselves of their own thoughts. But what they can rid themselves of is the lack of discipline which lets their thoughts run wild and their focus to shift constantly from one thought to another. By training their minds to remain focused on a single thought whilst blocking out all outside distractions, they simultaneously train their bodies to more easily allow for the flow of mana.

The more scattered one’s focus, the less mana flows properly through the body and the weaker one’s magic will become.

* So how do you go from learning to meditate and focus your mind to using magic?

In a word: Training.

Mana flows freely by nature, but the body’s first instinct is to control the mana. To isolate it. To stop its flow. This is a grave error, as if mana is allowed to fester in a single point it becomes stagnant and becomes corrosive to the body. Horrendous and hideous scars and marks can result from blocked mana in the body, and these marks and scars can be crippling if left untreated.

To train one’s body to surrender to the flow of mana without trying to control it is an art form, and one which, like meditation before it, carries no shortcuts.

Overcoming the body’s natural instinct is very difficult, and dangerous. Many who have tried go insane from the mental and emotional strain the process puts on their shoulders. Those who went insane were either placed in special homes, or they were “dealt with” if it was deemed that they were a danger to themselves and others.

* Okay, so we know how to train for the flow of mana. How about you get to the magic now?

Yes, yes. In due time, thank you.

To learn to control magic, one must first master the flow of mana. Once the flow of mana is unhindered, having become second nature to the body, a potential mage can then turn their eyes on utilizing the flow of mana within them to control a given element.

* Which element?

Whatever element has chosen them.

* “Chosen?”

Yes, chosen.

At birth, and by the grace of the Gods, the element which most closely resembles the soul of the individual will bind to them. It is that element, and that element alone, which the individual in question can ultimately utilize and master later in life.

* Can we train in other elements?


* Why not?

Because it is the will of the Gods that all mortals will only ever wield a single element, and thus it is so. Only ever will any mortal wield a single element of nature, chosen for them by the Gods. There is no way to train one’s body to harness an element which does not represent one’s soul.

* That blows!

Then find another RP because you’re obviously too immature for this one.

* (Another student raises their hand)


* So what are the elements?

The combative elements, listed from most powerful to least powerful, are as follows:

1) Light/Darkness (Equals and opposites to one another)

2) Lightning

3) Water

4) Earth

5) Fire

6) Wind

And the non-combative elements, listed from most potent to least potent, are as follows:

1) High Healing (most powerful of all non-combative elements)

2) Necromancy

3) The Dark Arts

4) Alchemy

5) Summoning

6) Animation (giving temporary life to inanimate objects)

7) Binding

8) Basic Healing

* How do we know which element our soul is represented by?

When you are ready, you will journey to the world's capital of magic: the city of Manaus Infinitum.

There you will be placed in a magic circle where the Masters of Magic will place a single jar of each element around you at specific points in the circle. The longer you remain in the circle, the more mana gathers around you and the stronger the reaction of your chosen element will be. When the jar which contains the element begins to shake, that is a sign that the element has spoken. And it is then that you will be asked to open said jar and allow the element to emerge and flow through your body. If your body accepts the element, you will then be ready to begin training to master its power.

* What if the body fails to accept the element?

Then you will die.

* ... Why?

Because the element's power, despite being a small sample contained in a jar, is highly volatile to the bodies of mortals which don't accept their power. The negative reactions spark an instantaneous chain reaction of damages to the body's systems, starting with the nervous system, followed by brain death, and then ultimately the body dies completely as the rest of the major organs shut down in sequence. It is a very unpleasant way to die.

* How many die like that?

Nearly 40% of all those who seek to train in magic will die at this stage of their journey.

* ... (Gulp)

Yes... It is a grim reality. And there's an even more grim reality yet to be revealed.

* ... Wh-wh-... What is that?

That there is a test to determine when one has become a "master" of their element, and that test has a mortality rate of 68%.

* ... That's a lot.

Yes. Yes it is.

* And if you become a master?

Then you are set free of the teachings of others to explore and educate yourself about the world of magic which you now live in. How you use your power and how you decide to further your understanding and your abilities will be entirely up to you.

* Thank you master (all say in unison)

Thank you, my students. Be well, and may the Gods grace your journey through this magical world."

I hope you enjoyed it!

If you have questions, feel free to ask me!

~ ChoShadow
Huh. That's interesting.
I wonder why high healing and basic healing are separate. They just sound like the same thing but with different potency levels.
Huh. That's interesting.
I wonder why high healing and basic healing are separate. They just sound like the same thing but with different potency levels.

Oh there's a BIG difference, but I will wait to reveal the full extent until after I'm able to add a new Hosted Project again. At the moment, they aren't allowing new Hosted Project submissions so the RP has to wait a while.
Oh there's a BIG difference, but I will wait to reveal the full extent until after I'm able to add a new Hosted Project again. At the moment, they aren't allowing new Hosted Project submissions so the RP has to wait a while.

Ok, now I'm really curious.
Unfortunately it looks like it'll be at least a month before new hosted projects are allowed since they have to parse through all of the old ones first. Then again, you probably still have a lot of setup to do anyways so it works out.

In any case I'm pretty hyped!
Ok, now I'm really curious.
Unfortunately it looks like it'll be at least a month before new hosted projects are allowed since they have to parse through all of the old ones first. Then again, you probably still have a lot of setup to do anyways so it works out.

In any case I'm pretty hyped!

A month or more is going to be too long, so hopefully they can get it done sooner.

If not I'll just make a new Fantasy-RP IC thread (or several, as well as an OOC and Character thread) and we can get started within the next week or so. I'm almost done hammering out the basic details, and soon I'll be able to make the OOC thread where we can discuss the RP world at length and talk about the races, creatures, more about magic, geography, weather patterns, seasons, enemies, allies, etc.
I'm interested!
Quick question though. With the Gods choosing the elements people wield, are you going to be assigning us elements after we submit character sheets, based on our characters, or will we be choosing our own?
I'm interested!
Quick question though. With the Gods choosing the elements people wield, are you going to be assigning us elements after we submit character sheets, based on our characters, or will we be choosing our own?

You will be allowed to choose your own element.

However please do be aware that each element has restrictions in place which will be detailed when I actually make the RP. For example there are certain races which cannot use certain elements, and certain elements either can or cannot interact with other elements because of various reasons.

Again I will detail this when I make the RP.
Very, very interested! I've been waiting for a amazing roleplay that is similar to my style and the campaign I am running in D&D! Please allow me to join the group, if spots are still open!

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