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Mystery of Mythwater (IC)

“I wouldn’t mind watching them” Jankurr just decided to put his own word into this
Cayde continues to look at the small fellow with curiosity. "Hold on, now. Lets hear some from our new friend to see if he needs watching at all. He may turn out to be a rather valuable asset in our search for answers." He waits expectantly for the response.
Day four of Expedition

Time: mid afternoon

Weather: cloudy

"If we did take you, would you be able to protect yourself if we come across trouble?"

"I could, I could, I sure could defend myself!" the little cloaked figure exclaimed. While it's face is still obstructed, it's body language was giving away it's joy in being included. Once it regained it's professionalism, it continued, "I-I've gotten out of trouble before. Out of big trouble. Hmmm... that big, no, bigger!" it pointed to the cart the party traveled in, implying that was roughly size of the "big trouble" it overcame.
"I can come then, right misters? Misses? Are we going now? To the pit?" it asked, already knowing the answer based on what the party had said.

Already eager to help, the little creature pointed up the road towards Lance Lake, "That's where you...we! Need to go. Come Come!" eager to show it's worth, the figure began to jog ahead, leading the cart towards the ruins,

((you can still explore the town, I just also want to include...))

Description of the ruins…

As Athaclenna steered the party's carriage off the main road when they reached the beach, the party turned onto a smaller, less traveled path. The slightly overgrown road winded up a small hill. It wasn't long until the infamous ruins of the House of Okrasil finally came into view. The church might have been quite majestic in its past but now, the decades of weathering and scavenging from the people of Mythwater have left it dilapidated and desolate. The sandy red stone structures that remain were just the implication of exterior walls. As the carriage pulls to a stop in a small clearing outside the "front entrance" of the building, you can see a small pile of stone stacked next to the remains of a simple camp. Looking through the open front of the structure you can see that the roof had long collapsed in on the main room of the church, leaving large chunks of broken stone scattered around the inside.Trees and scrub grew from the large cracks in the stone floor and pockets in the short stone walls. In the rear of the church is the largest section of the surviving wall. A ten foot section jutted up from the rubble at an odd angle and topped with a concave section of stone.

Below this small section of the wall is where the collapse happened. Standing in the entrance of the ruins, you can see the mouth of the pit. A rough five foot black spot on the cluttered ground. There is a small area cleared out around it, Most likely from the collapse.
Sylvestra quietly mulled over the confirmation of the gentleman in her mind, her rainbow-colored eyes furrowing in concern. "I wish I knew, but it's no good. I'd suggest to "

Of course it wasn't good. It was a bad omen. The same nightmare shared by multiple people, of a growing dark hunger. The more she pondered over the meaning over the dream, the more Sylvestra was thinking it might be caused by a monster. Perhaps there was such a creature trapped underneath the church? What if it had been imprisoned and the collapse just freed it from its cage? So many questions...

And yet, for all the curiosity these questions brought, she restrained herself from running towards the ruin. There were people in need of help here. Not only would it appease her more humane side, but it could potentially avoid having the locals be in the way if she could help them in any way.

"Don't worry, we'll find a way to help you." the elven Druid smiled faintly, giving the townsman a friendly pat on the shoulder. She looked to the others, seemingly in discussion with a new companion. "I'd say more help is for the best. I have a feeling we'll need all the support we can get for our endeavor. Besides, you guys can go ahead and investigate the ruins. I'll remain here for a short while to provide some assistance to the people here."

With a nod, she walked off to meet with the gentleman again. "Could you get me a few things? I'll need a cauldron, fresh water and a fireplace, oh and any sort of ingredient you can find. I'll try to make something to help your people with their condition, but first I must gather some ingredients myself. I'll be back later."

With that being said, she lost no time in heading off towards the forested area. She'll surely find a few ingredients there to mix a brew that would help the townsfolk with their exhaustion and calm their nerves. Those poor souls must be holding on from going to sleep, in fear of never waking up, like some others. If she's lucky, she might even find a few ingredients to prepare something to wake the victims of this mysterious endless slumber.

She uttered a prayer in Druidic, seeking guidance from the nature to help her in finding what she sought.

Sylvestra casts Guidance on herself for a Survival check.
Survival check result: 5+7+1=13

EDIT: Ignore the second d20 roll, I thought I needed to click there to add a d4 first.
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Bragrol was planning on locking himself back in the confines of his manor. Less troublesome townsfolk with their questions there. He caught movement out of the corner of his eye and turned to see the pretty elf making her way towards him. He paused to hear her out.
"Could you get me a few things? I'll need a cauldron, fresh water and a fireplace, oh and any sort of ingredient you can find. I'll try to make something to help your people with their condition, but first I must gather some ingredients myself. I'll be back later."
"Uh...Yes. I'll add it to the list for Sam to run up to you and your team. At your camp" he said firmly pulling out his notebook again to jot down the additions. It was a change in tone from the acceptable gentleman earlier to this curt rudeness he presented now. He impatiently shifted his weight to the other foot and began to turn away, "Good luck foraging" he mumbled before walking away. Leaving you in the silent street again.

Survival check result: 5+7+1=13
Good luck indeed. It took quite some time searching your usual suspected spots to realize that the coast is not the type of region you're used to foraging in. Instead of the bountiful forest floors you are used to, you are faced with sun baked pine needles. After about an hour of searching you manage to scrounge together enough Bursthelas stalks and Draffe flowers that you might be able to make a tea to help shield the mind and boost energy. You hoped this would be enough. Unfortunately, you didn't find anything potent enough to wake someone from a slumber. You think there might be Calamus plant growing in the area, but you can't remember what conditions it grows in.
"I could, I could, I sure could defend myself!" the little cloaked figure exclaimed. While it's face is still obstructed, it's body language was giving away it's joy in being included. Once it regained it's professionalism, it continued, "I-I've gotten out of trouble before. Out of big trouble. Hmmm... that big, no, bigger!" it pointed to the cart the party traveled in, implying that was roughly size of the "big trouble" it overcame.
"I can come then, right misters? Misses? Are we going now? To the pit?" it asked, already knowing the answer based on what the party had said.

Already eager to help, the little creature pointed up the road towards Lance Lake, "That's where you...we! Need to go. Come Come!" eager to show it's worth, the figure began to jog ahead, leading the cart towards the ruins,
“Alright let’s say you can defend yourself and pull your own weight on this mission…..” *Eredartis says as he circles to small fellow his expression unreadable.* “There are a few things I want to know. Like who are you and what do you know of the pit?”
As Athaclenna steered the party's carriage off the main road when they reached the beach, the party turned onto a smaller, less traveled path. The slightly overgrown road winded up a small hill. It wasn't long until the infamous ruins of the House of Okrasil finally came into view. The church might have been quite majestic in its past but now, the decades of weathering and scavenging from the people of Mythwater have left it dilapidated and desolate. The sandy red stone structures that remain were just the implication of exterior walls. As the carriage pulls to a stop in a small clearing outside the "front entrance" of the building, you can see a small pile of stone stacked next to the remains of a simple camp. Looking through the open front of the structure you can see that the roof had long collapsed in on the main room of the church, leaving large chunks of broken stone scattered around the inside.Trees and scrub grew from the large cracks in the stone floor and pockets in the short stone walls. In the rear of the church is the largest section of the surviving wall. A ten foot section jutted up from the rubble at an odd angle and topped with a concave section of stone.

Below this small section of the wall is where the collapse happened. Standing in the entrance of the ruins, you can see the mouth of the pit. A rough five foot black spot on the cluttered ground. There is a small area cleared out around it, Most likely from the collapse.
*Upon reaching the ruined Chruch (when the party actually arrives there) Eredartis would examine the temple, seeing if he knew anything of Okrasil or their religion.*

(Rolling history)
Having gathered what she thought was enough to brew a soothing tea, Sylvestra headed back to the caravan to prepare the camp and start on her endeavor. She laid out the ingredients she had gathered and the things she had requested earlier. She would set up the camp cozily, putting the fireplace at the center of camp and hanging a cauldron above it, where she would pour in some water and let it heat up as she began preparing the ingredients with delicate attention.

Grounding and chopping and mixing the ingredients, the druid would make use of her medical knowledge with a slight touch of the divine to guide her hands into making what she hoped would make a great tea to grant respite to the weary minds and allow folks to carry on with their days. The quietness, save for the soothing bubbling of the cauldron, the aroma of the brew and the exotic elf silently keeping busy made for quite a peaceful scenery.

Sylvestra casts Guidance on her Medicine check for brewing a relaxing tea.
Medecine check : 5+7+2 = 14
Day four of Expedition

Time: mid afternoon

Weather: cloudy

“There are a few things I want to know. Like who are you and what do you know of the pit?”

The little creature fell silent for a few moments, seemingly to gather it's thoughts:
"I already told you, I'm Grayvee. Everyone calls me that, and I, I've been there before. In the... pit I mean. I haven't been all that deep though and when I went there at first there were these bad people living there. Then it collapsed and the bad people were caught."

The creature answered in a matter of fact tone. It sounded as if Eredartis was meant to already know this. Finished just talking about the pit, the little figure scampered into the ruins to poke around. The next time anyone will see them, they will be looking around the edge of the pit.

Sylvestra casts Guidance on her Medicine check for brewing a relaxing tea.
Medicine check : 5+7+2 = 14
Sylvestra, as you boil the ingredients in the water, color begins to leech and blend. As it approaches a similar blue to the waters of Lance Lake a soothing breeze tickles your nose, an indication from the Wild Mother that it is ready. You pull the cauldron off the heat and begin to separate it into bottles supplied by the town.
You are able to craft a dozen mind shielding potions. Drinking one clears one point of exhaustion and gives advantage on your next wisdom save.
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"Hmm, impressive." he studied the potions with a side glance before returning to whatever task he was doing. Mainly watching everyone else, but also keeping his eye out for anything interesting.

9+1=10 so 10 on perception.
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The little creature fell silent for a few moments, seemingly to gather it's thoughts:
"I already told you, I'm Grayvee. Everyone calls me that, and I, I've been there before. In the... pit I mean. I haven't been all that deep though and when I went there at first there were these bad people living there. Then it collapsed and the bad people were caught."
Eredartis ran a hand through his hair. “Well that tells me very little I should have asked exactly who these bad guys are. But the research I’ve done on the ruins prior to our journey here should help.”
Day four of Expedition

Time: late afternoon

Weather: partly cloudy

As the party begins to investigate around the ruin site, a man makes his way up the narrow path. Obscured by the lengthening shadows and thick underbrush that flanked the road, he does not come into view until he is about 20 feet from Sylvestra's campfire. The man pauses and calls out, "Uh...Excuse me? Is this the party of investigators I was told about? I'm here to take you carriage and horses to be tended to". The man shifted his weight nervously, glancing around the site and refusing to step any closer.
"I assume, But who might you be?" He moved a bit closer to get a better look at the man
Sylvestra was quite pleased with batch, though she was a little bit disappointed she couldn't make more. This should be enough for a few handfuls of townsfolk. She should've asked their employer how many people were still awake and struggling against sleep. The elven druid smiled and nodded silently to the Paladin complimenting her handiwork.

She began sorting through her belongings to deliver these doses of tea to the villagers. She hasn't heard of anything from her fellow companions about the ruins yet so she figured she would make a quick errand in town after setting up the camp nicely for the moment they were going to stay here.

As she started to leave, Sylvestra noticed the person standing at a distance from the campfire, seemingly nervous. She offered the man a smile and a wave. "Greetings. Yes, that would be us. I wasn't expecting anyone to care for the carriage this early, but you're just in time. I need to deliver something to help your people while we're investigating."
Eredartis didn’t think this person was on the up and up. He stood up from his papers on the ruins regarding the man with a cool stare. “Who sent you to procure our things?” (Investigation check +2)
Day four of Expedition

Time: late afternoon

Weather: partly cloudy

While Sylvestra worked on her potions, the little cloaked figure was lurking nearby, curiously trying to decipher what the druid was doing with the boiling water and the plants. Every time she would divert her attention, the little thing would creep closer to investigate before scampering back to a respectable distance. It never touched or took anything, it just watched carefully.
"Oh it's horsema - It's Sam! Hi Sam!" the little creature exclaimed, giving a little half wave that caused the sleeve of it's robe to slide back slightly. It fixed it as it walked up to the man, "Is Matilda well?".
The man chuckled, " She's good. Better now the alfalfa has been harvested. Are you helping these people or are you sneaking around again?" the man asks playfully.

"I assume, But who might you be?"

The man gave a weak smile as Jankurr approached. The man was dressed in a simple brown shirt that tied at the collar and some black trousers. He wore a wide brimmed hat deftly woven from some kind of pale green grass. He had the same tired expression and dark bags as the other townsfolk you have seen. The man tipped his hat polity, "T'name's Sam. I'm the farrier in town" he said. Noticing the man who had been reading had joined the conversation, he locked eyes with the cool, calculating Eredartis as he spoke,

“Who sent you to procure our things?”

"Bragrol came by my place earlier to let me know you needed some horses taken care of." His gaze drifted past Eredartis and scanned the ruins. He seemed to be searching for something. He snapped back to attention when Sylvestra approached.

"Greetings. Yes, that would be us. I wasn't expecting anyone to care for the carriage this early, but you're just in time. I need to deliver something to help your people while we're investigating."

The man glanced at the horizon on the lake nervously, "To be honest, ma'am; I don't want to be out here after the sun sets. If you would like, I could leave the carriage till mornin'" He looked past Sylvestra at her little work station around and over the campfire, "You one of them majiky types?" he blushed slightly with embarasment before continuing, " Well miss, could I be of assistance? I don't know what you have in mind but I know who needs help the most"
Sylvestra crossed her arms, her chin resting in her open hand as she listened with keen interest to the stranger named Sam, her bright multicolored eyes analyzing him as he spoke. He looked just as tired as everyone else she met here so far. She began wondering if these people had uneasy rests because of nightmare or if they tried to stay up.

"I don't remember if my comrades do magic, but I do commune with Nature and the Feywild." the fey-touched Druid replied to the man, tapping her index on her chin as she looked pensive and trying to remember if there was indeed anyone else doing magic in her group.

Sam seemed well-disposed toward the group, if not looking at unease because of the coming night. Perhaps it would be better to inquire about the town as she heads back to town with him. Losing daylight will only make it more difficult to get him to stay and answer her questions.

"Why yes, your assistance would be greatly appreciated." Sylvestra looked back at the carriage. She had some time to unload their gear earlier to set up camp, since she needed her supplies to make the campfire and the necessities to brew her tea. Her gaze turned towards her companions. "I will escort this kind sir and the carriage back in town, and run an errand while I'm there."

She turned her attention back to the farrier. "Perhaps you could tell me a bit more about everything on our way back, yes?"
Athaclenna shakes her head at the question about magic. "No magic from me, I'm afraid. Unless you count the way I can make a fresh blueberry pie disappear, I'm just someone with lots of pointy items to stick in offensive people." She smiles at Sam, trying to show him that she doesn't count him as 'offensive people'. At least, not yet. "You said that we don't want to be out here after sunset. Why? What happens here at night?"
Cayde listens intently to the answer of just what it is that Sam is expecting to happen at night, and as he listens, he continues to look around, searching for any sign of danger. "Yes, Sam. Any information you can give might help us in our efforts to end this curse that has taken hold on the town. Please, share what you can."
"Why yes, your assistance would be greatly appreciated."
Sam nodded and moved towards the carriage. As he inspected the horses' harnesses he made sure to keep the ruins in front of him. He listened in as Sylvestra spoke to the rest of the party;
"I will escort this kind sir and the carriage back in town, and run an errand while I'm there."

She turned her attention back to the farrier. "Perhaps you could tell me a bit more about everything on our way back, yes?"
He perked up at this bit of news. He was in a rush to get back to the safety of the town by nightfall but with someone escorting him. He looked the druid woman over again. He did wish she was a little touher looking...
"Well ma'am, with you walking me back I can spare a few moments to answer some questions" he said, his mood lighter as he stroked the mane of one of the horses.
"No magic from me, I'm afraid. Unless you count the way I can make a fresh blueberry pie disappear, I'm just someone with lots of pointy items to stick in offensive people." She smiles at Sam, trying to show him that she doesn't count him as 'offensive people'. At least, not yet. "You said that we don't want to be out here after sunset. Why? What happens here at night?"
The man chuckled, "Well if you manage to cure the plague on our town, I'll be sure to make a pie for you special. We have the sweetest blueberries this side of of the lake" he said with a chuckle. The truth was that he and his daughter hadn't had time to bake much these days but he was determined to keep his word.

"Yes, Sam. Any information you can give might help us in our efforts to end this curse that has taken hold on the town. Please, share what you can."

At the question of what happened at night, he fell silent. Waiting until he set the crate he was carrying from the carriage down before continuing, "Not sure exactly. I haven't seen it with my own eyes. We all hear terrible shrieks and strange calls coming from the hill all through the night. Anyone foolish enough to be up here when that starts either does not return in the morning or comes tearin' into town babbling about terrible visions and little monsters" He trails off while looking towards the town at the bottom of the hill, his face dark with deep thought. "I wish I could tell you more but that's all I know. Ever since the cave-in we have had a lot to deal with in town that poking around a place as cursed as this isn't high on our list".

"Guess that's why Bragol finally gave you bunch a call" you could all hear his voice swell with gratitude.
Cayde says, "Understandable that you would want to call for help in dealing with this challenge. The right people for the right job. I certainly don't know anything about pies and baking, so I would have to call for help if I were ever in need of such a thing." He chuckles at the image that comes to mind of him covered in baking flour in the middle of a kitchen that's on fire.

"Let's get back to town and rest up and set out at first light. If the terrors in there are fueled by the dark, let's have as much daylight as we can."
"Baking isn't necessarily hard, I'd love to get in a kitchen soon anyways. Call me if there are ever too many pies to bake!" He chuckled as well. He liked talking about common interests with others. If they needed to rest up a nice patch of grass or something would do the trick
Sylvestra nodded to the others in appreciation. Grabbing a small crate where she had placed her recently-brewed wake-up tea, the wood elf pushed a stifled sigh. It was getting late, and her frail silhouette wasn't quite fit to carry around this heavy luggage around with ease. She sure could use another round of sleep, though the prospect of being visited by this awful nightmare again made it less appealing.

After loading the crate into the carriage, she let out another sigh. It would be high time to leave for town, she figured.

"Shall we then?" Sylvestra called out to the others.
Sam chuckled at Cayde's comment about, "no worries, my friend. As long as you promise not to call for my help in the pit we should be fine." Despite Cayde-6's strange appearance, it didn't seem to change how the farrier treated him. He seemed to be slowly relaxing even though the sun was sinking lower in the sky. At the mention of spending the night in town, Sam lit up. He picked the crate back up and place it back on the carriage. He moved to start helping Sylvestra gather her things, "We don't have a proper inn but you are welcome to camp at my farm. There is plenty of room in and around the barn where I will keep your carriage." he said as he gathered the parties things.

((we can skip to camp whenever you all are ready))
Day four of Expedition

Time: sundown to dusk

Weather: partly cloudy with a vibrant sunset

With Sam's instructions guiding Athaclenna, the party made its way back through town to Sam's farm. Overhead, the setting sun was transforming the sky above into a portrait of reds, oranges and purples. The shadows cast began to dissolve into a the general gloom of dusk. While they rode to the spot where they will camp, the little cloaked figure, Grayvee, sat on the back of the carriage

The party only had about half an hour of light once Sam's property came into view. The property was expansive fields of swaying grass. A few silhouettes of horses could be seen in the distance in the field. As Sam directed them past his humble one story farmhouse, the leaning barn came into view. It backed up to the treeline at the back of the property. Another barn was visible at the edge of the grazing pasture. Sam mentions that the far barn is for storage and the one near the field is where the horses sleep and where he works. As the carriage comes to a stop in the yard of the barn. Sam hops to the ground to begin the task of guiding the carriage into the barn and gathering the horses for care. As the party sets up their camp, Sam takes the horses to his workshop for boarding.

When he returns, he is carrying a large irregularly shaped canvas sack over his shoulder. When he reached the party, he dropped it to the ground, "Bragol came by with a list of things you needed but expected me to supply it" the man rolled his eyes and gestured to the pack on the ground, "I told him he was the mayor and that seemed like his job. He dropped this off while I was gone. Think it is the supplies you requested." He nodded to a dark path through the trees about a hundred feet from the barn, "That trail is a shortcut to the ruins. You can take it to avoid going the long way through town." After than the man falls silent. He glanced around at the group he only met a few hours before. He really hoped they were the answer they were looking for. "thank you all. have a good night and don't be afraid to get me if you need anything"
(Sam heads back to his house. The party may ask more questions and I can answer them as if they were asked before he left)

In the bag, the party gains;
300 ft of hemp rope
3 minor healing potions
5 field rations
one hooded lantern with a small vial of lamp oil.
"Thank you for your hospitality, Sam." Sylvestra brought a closed fist to her heart in respect to their host. Before he went back, Sylvestra handed the man a potion, the tea she brewed earlier. "This will help you rest tonight. If you could deliver the rest of it to the other people in need. I'd be much grateful. I'll try brewing some more if we have time."

She paused, thinking back on what Sam had mentioned earlier before they left the ruins. "You said earlier you knew who needed help the most. Could you elaborate on their needs, please?"

She turned to the group. No one was exhausted yet, so she felt no urgency to distribute the remedy to her companions, for now. If there were indeed strange happenings in those ruins and in town at night, they couldn't simply sit on their laurels and think they were out of danger.

She reached an open hand to her side, her open palm glowing with a wispy green hue. Perched on her shoulder, a unique-looking owl appeared.

"Hello, my little friend. Help me look out for potential troubles, yes?"

The owl hooted happily and took of towards the farm's roof, setting their big eyes onto the horizon.

"I'll stand watch for the first hours. Anyone else?"

Throughout her shift, the elven fey-touched druid would wander about the farm, keeping her senses sharp for anything suspect and praying to Nature to keep her group safe, while her fey owl familiar was either keeping to itself on the rooftops to spot anything, flying overhead to get a better layout of the land on Sylvestra's behalf (she would sometime switch her sight to what the owl was seeing)

Sylvestra uses her Wild Companion class feature twice during her shift to keep the owl up for 4 hours.
Sylvestra rolls for Perception with a +7 for a total of 23.
The fey owl rolls for Perception at an advantage with a +3 for a total of 6.

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