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New Member
I've been roleplaying for going on ten years, and as such I've picked up quite the habit for paragraph/novella-style writing! Three decent paragraphs is my comfort zone, with my posts often exceeding eight or more depending on my muse! Generally speaking, though, you can expect me to mirror length!

What to Expect From Me:
  • As it turns out, I've got ADHD. It explains quite a bit about my habits, to be honest; I've always had difficulty maintaining focus even with things I love- like roleplay. Sometimes I can reply multiple times a day, other times it takes me a week to post something. I'm easily distracted and often forgetful. If you haven't heard from me in a bit, feel free to drop me a line! A little bump from time to time will help me remember to reply!
  • I absolutely LOVE to plot! I enjoy drama, angst, twists and turns; I have very few limits when it comes to what content we include!
  • I try to ensure my writing is comprehensible at the very least, though I try to aim for a pleasant reading experience. It's been awhile, so I may be rusty, but practice makes perfect!
  • If there's ever anything that makes you uncomfortable, any plot thread you're tired of, or a post you aren't sure how to respond to, please tell me! I'm always happy to accommodate. We can talk OOC about triggers/limits and other details we wish to either include or avoid!
  • I'm not normally comfortable playing canon characters (and by extension, doubling), but I'm so desperate for Sandrock OC x Canon that I'm willing to try my hand at a small list of canons in order to play my own OC! I can probably play Unsuur, Nia, Amirah, Arvio, or Owen decently enough, but if you want someone else, please tell me and we can probably come to some agreement.
  • I try to provide as much as I can for my partner to respond to, and I'd like it if you did the same. You don't have to write a book or break out a dictionary, but I do ask that you properly punctuate your posts. It's such a little thing, but a comma, a period, a dash; they can not only change the tone, but they also make it infinitely easier for me to read! Reading is so difficult sometimes, and punctuation helps me devote my full attention to your lovely works of literature, rather than me accidentally skimming it.
  • I know that I can get carried away with my post length, and I don't expect you to mirror fully, but I do ask that there's some effort and substance to your posts! Quality is far better than quantity, but for me the two often go hand-in-hand. What I'm trying to say is this: please don't give me one-liners or single-paragraph replies in response to a ten-paragraph post from me. Few things are as soul-crushing.
What I Expect From You:
  • I try to provide as much as I can for my partner to respond to, and I'd like it if you did the same. You don't have to write a book or break out a dictionary, but I do ask that you properly punctuate your posts. It's such a little thing, but a comma, a period, a dash; they can not only change the tone, but they also make it infinitely easier for me to read! Reading is so difficult sometimes, and punctuation helps me devote my full attention to your lovely works of literature, rather than me accidentally skimming it.
  • I know that I can get carried away with my post length, and I don't expect you to mirror fully, but I do ask that there's some effort and substance to your posts! Quality is far better than quantity, but for me the two often go hand-in-hand. What I'm trying to say is this: please don't give me one-liners or single-paragraph replies in response to a ten-paragraph post from me. Few things are as soul-crushing.

Now, on to the actual fun things!

So, MTaS! Love this game. Love the characters. Love love love the world. I just adore everything about this game always. The vibes are impeccable. if you haven't played it: play it!! It's finally out of EA!! If you have played it: Let's roleplay!! I've got two OCs to choose from:

Drawn here together because I was too lazy to draw them separately!

Their names are Jilian and Myth! They technically don't exist in the same timeline together but I like to pretend they're ex-girlfriends back in Highwind, and depending on the timeline, one or the other moved out to Sandrock. Not that this is at all important, I just like my little ladies.

I'll start with Myth! A problematic she/they with the classic "canon builder" body type and height, appearing deceptively delicate and cute, when she's really nothing but. Myth comes off as sarcastic and abrasive, and certainly isn't the best at making friends... They can easily come off as self-centered and rude, but she's got a good heart deep down! Myth is trying her best, but she was never the most reputable individual, even back in Highwind. Deceptive, weasely, and one to keep her true thoughts close to her chest- but she will still act for the greater good of her new home when all the chips are down! Unfortunately for Myth, though, they're easily drawn to equally-as-awful individuals, and has developed a terrible fascination for Pen. She's a quintessential "I can fix them" type, and it definitely goes both ways. Give them a kind love interest and save her from herself. She's got a penchant for melee combat- and, honestly, she prefers breaking out her daggers and beating up monsters to doing actual builder stuff.
Pairings: Pen, Miguel, Logan, Ernest, Owen, Justice, Grace, Mi-an, Arvio, Catori Commander Lefu, Avery

And Jilian, the sweetheart! She's certainly beefier than the canon builder. Taller than, say, Unsuur, but shorter than Pen! She's enthusiastic about everything and absolutely LOVES being a builder! Making stuff, digging around in the dirt, helping people. She loves making friends out of all her new neighbors! She takes as many commissions as possible, and in those brief interludes where she isn't wrapped up in her projects, she's riding around on Horse to deliver gifts and chat up everyone she can. Jilian's big into the whole Light business, but she can't help her love for the Old World technology- so the local church's niche beliefs on the matter make Sandrock even more perfect! She'll go out of her way to keep her new friends safe, no matter the threat, and she makes such thoughts known. She's as opinionated as she is kind. She also gives amazing hugs. Jilian can't get enough of guns and relics, and opts for ranged weaponry over melee, despite her stature. She's great with a sword and shield, though!
Pairings: Unsuur, Qi, Ernest, Logan, Justice, Owen, Arvio, Nia, Mi-an, Heidi, Amirah, Catori, Miguel, Burgess, Mint, Stev, Wei- Most people work with her, actually!
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