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Fandom Multiverse (one on one) (closed)

"Well it was worth a try" she shrugged.
"Zombies huh? Haven't fought those yet. Draugr sure. Skyrim is full of 'em." He said. Kallum returned to them after he jad dealt with the crowd. "Master Prym, I believe given the circumstances Mr. Tennyson could be quite-" The Omnitrix beeped and shot a yellow beam at Kallum. It did nothing to the Zabrak-Chiss Hybrid. "Wise to have his assistance on this matter. What did you do?"
"Zombies huh? Haven't fought those yet. Draugr sure. Skyrim is full of 'em." He said. Kallum returned to them after he jad dealt with the crowd. "Master Prym, I believe given the circumstances Mr. Tennyson could be quite-" The Omnitrix beeped and shot a yellow beam at Kallum. It did nothing to the Zabrak-Chiss Hybrid. "Wise to have his assistance on this matter. What did you do?"
"I'm guessing his watch scanned you. I'm unsure but I agree Ben could be of great help to us" she said.

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