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Three Thousand Club
Mobi's House of Fandoms
Currently Craving: SoA, especially Juice x OC
* last updated 1/12/23 *

I tend to make search threads for my current cravings and things like that, but I thought that maybe it was about time I made a "master" search thread for all of the fandoms I'm currently up to RPing. Will I remember to bump it instead of just making a new thread down the line? Probably not, but it sounded like a good idea at the moment so... here we are, haha! I can't code, but I'm going to at least try to make this look as put together as I can and hopefully straightforward for your browsing ease. And if it's not, well... in my defense I'm both unexplainably drowsy and very allergy-stuffy at the moment. Anyways, let's get to it, shall we?

About Mobi
I'm a 20-something aspiring cinematographer living in the Eastern Timezone. My sleep schedule is all over the place, but I tend to be around from late afternoon to late at night or even early morning. The rest of the morning or early afternoon? I'm likely sleeping. I used to be a professional in the music industry and, well, that didn't make for a regular bedtime and some things never change, haha. I've been RPing for around 10+ years now and have been writing stories since I learned how to write pretty much. I consider myself to be a literate writer, but we all make mistakes at times and if I'm replying on my phone there's always the chance for autocorrect mistakes. I'm capable of one liners all the way up to 1,000+ words, though I find it pretty strenuous to reach the 1k mark anymore and have a sweet spot of 400-6/800 words. It really all depends on how much time I have to write, the scene, my muse, all that jazz. My schedule varies, as does my mental health (more on that in a minute), but I feel like I can confidently commit to at least one reply a week, with hopes of multiple replies a week if not daily. The shorter the reply, the faster I can whip it up (especially if it's a reply I can whip up on my phone!). I LOVE to plot and I love to chat ooc. I can pretty much guarantee multiple ooc replies a week, if not daily. However, as mentioned, my mental health can play a part in it. I struggle with depression and anxiety, which sometimes hits out of nowhere and makes it difficult for me to even get online. I NEVER ghost so if you don't hear from me for a little while, I'm likely going through a depression bout. I do try to keep my partners updated, though like I said there are those times where I just mentally can't even log on to send a simple update. Hopefully you'll be understanding of that! I try, I really do try, haha. I'm capable of writing male or female characters as well as OC or certain canon characters. I'm pro-LGBTQIA+, but I only have experience writing mxf and I'm only looking to write mxf at this time. I prefer to plot and RP in PMs, but I'm not opposed to threads... I just tend to be the forgetful sort and might wind up thinking I replied to a thread but actually didn't. I think I covered everything, but if you have any questions feel free to ask!

As for the fandoms themselves, I love going AU with plots so I'm not the type of person who insists on keeping the plots to the canon story. I'm also game to mixing fandoms (I won't lie and say that I haven't pictured several of them in the Game of Thrones universe even if I've only ever watched that once lol). Basically I'm open to a lot of different plots and ideas, though below when you get to the fandom lists you'll find some pairings listed, with my preferred role underlined. Those are either all of the pairings I'm up to writing right now or just a few suggestions. If a role is underlined, I'm usually incapable of/not interested in playing the other role, but feel free to ask just to make sure. I don't like to double in the same RP/plot, but depending on what you're interested in writing I might be up to doing two RPs. I lose steam fast if I have to write multiple main characters in one RP.

About You
I'm super chill and don't really have that many requirements for my partner. I just ask that you be 18 or older if we're going to write a romance plot or a plot with more mature themes. Please be friendly! It'll help my anxiety out a lot if you're one of those easy to talk to/plot with types, haha. I'm not one to turn a partner away if you're in a completely different time zone to mine. I would like a partner who is literate in the sense that I can easily read and understand your replies, so a good grasp on grammar, punctuation, and spelling would be a plus! I'm no grammar nazi, though, and I totally understand errors so I'm no stickler, but if I consistently struggle to understand what you're trying to say we might not be a good fit. I'd love a partner who enjoys plotting and discussing the RP like I do! I think it makes the RP even more fun. Since these are fandom plots/pairings, knowing the fandom is something of a requirement, at least the parts that will be involved in our plot. I'd love at least a reply a week if not more, but I understand being busy and having a life and all of that. Uh... I really can't think of anything else at the moment so if you fit this bill, stick around 'cause now we're gonna get into the good stuff... the fandoms I'm interested in writing!

FP Jones x OC // Malachai x OC // Sweet Pea x OC // OC x OC // Jughead x OC (possibly) // Reggie x OC (possibly)
Ah, one of my all-time favorite fandoms! I'm obsessed with Riverdale even to this day and I have a Southside Serpents tattoo. At the moment, the above pairings are really the only ones I'm interested in doing and I'm always always always craving FP x OC. If you're willing to write that pairing, you'll be my absolute favorite person, haha. I have a lot of plots in mind specifically for that pairing, but I'm game for others, too. For OC x OC I'd love to do something gang-related, maybe even Serpent x Ghoulie!

Jake x OC // Beck x OC // Payton x OC // Jake x Heather // Heather x OC // OC x OC
I know this is the longest of long shots, but Jericho is my favorite TV show of all time and I would LOVE to write it! The above pairings aren't the only pairings I'll do. I'm up to pretty much everything when it comes to this show, save for a cheating/affair plot like with Eric and Mary. Seriously, just like with the Riverdale pairing, if you want to write this with me you'll be my new favorite person, haha. I'd love to write an OC with Jake, but when it comes to that pairing I'll write either role. As for Payton, if you've watched the show... remember him? He's from the Rogue River episode. I'd love to take his story and expand on it. As for OC x OC, I'm up to a lot of things for it, but one idea I do have is a Ravenwood soldier x Jericho resident. That would definitely be interesting, haha. Seriously, though... I'll literally write just about anything for this.

Billy x OC // Billy x Sidney // Billy x Christina (Sam's mom) // Sidney x OC // Stu x OC // Stu x Tatum // Sidney - OC in a platonic plot (PM for more info)
I went from being too scared to watch the first movie to being absolutely obsessed with the whole series, haha. I specifically love the first, newest, and second films. Most of my ideas tend to be based on/related to the original film, with a lot of AU/twist sort of plots. I even have a platonic plot with modern day Sidney and a young adult/teen forced into the ghostface role (like I mentioned above, PM me for more info!). Is there something for every Scream fan? Probably, haha! When it comes to Billy x OC, I'd prefer to play the OC, but I'm not opposed to playing Billy. I'd also prefer to play the OC in Sidney x OC, but might be able to swing Sidney. Out of the pairings listed, I'm the least interested in Stu x OC and Stu x Tatum, but I could be convinced!

The Lincoln Lawyer
Maggie x OC // Mickey x OC // Mickey x Maggie // Cisco x Lorna // Cisco x OC // Platonic Mickey - OC or Maggie - OC
I've read the first two books (halfway through the third) and I've seen the entire TV show. I'm up to RPing in either world, though I think I'd prefer the TV show canon as I've watched it multiple times and I'm not done with the book series yet. I'm leaning towards the OC characters in Maggie and Mickey x OC, but I'm fine with playing the canons, too. I might be up to other pairings so feel free to suggest something! I have plots in mind for the platonic "pairings", just PM for more info!

Sons of Anarchy
Juice x OC // Jax x OC // Chibs x OC (possibly) // OC x OC (possibly)
I'm gonna lead off with the fact that I'm NOT finished watching the show. As of typing this, I've watched up to 7x07, but I've become so obsessed with it that I figured I'd list it now and if somebody doesn't mind writing with me even though I haven't seen it all yay, but if not at least it's here and I can update it once I finish the show. I'd love Juice x OC. Currently not open to writing any of the canon characters until I get a better grasp on them (though could possibly be talked into certain ones if my partner's understanding), though I might be up to writing the OC for other canons.

Though these aren't all of the fandoms I like, at the moment they're really all I'm interested in writing for. See something you like? Comment here or PM me and let's discuss!
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Bump! If I wasn’t on mobile I would update the main post to add a “cravings” section, but since I’m on mobile I’ll just put them here…

FP x OC // Jericho // Billy x OC (prefer OC) // Platonic Sidney - OC // Sidney x OC
Bump! Especially craving Juice x OC... there's gotta be someone out there who'll write it with me 🥺

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