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Fantasy MAGE Academy // Magical Academia Roleplay

These was a tall, old grandfather's clock standing in the middle of the garden. Walking up to the structure, Hiroto read to time, 11:30. I still have a bit of time.

He started to trace back his steps, out of the garden and through the twist and turns of the hallways. It wasn't to long before he reached the entrance to the cafeteria. Apparently ,as he saw at the entrance, he wasn't the only one who found the cafeteria. Figuring that they were also new, he went up to them to offer them a greeting, "Hey there, you two new here as well?"
Melody's senses perked up when someone new was sitting near, quite eager to make friends around the academy. She passed the bowl that Noelle left to the new stranger, "You want it?"
"I'm a first year and my program is elemental magic, but I'm also looking into cyber security." Kiva answered politely. When she noticed the stack of papers with schedules on them, she quickly reached into her backpack to get add hers to the pile. "You might be right. Here's my schedule."

As Kiva continued to listen to Alis, she was told about what happened when angry students tried to get inside. The fear on her face was radiant. "They....never come out? Okay. Never argue with the hole and don't look for trouble. Got it. I'm bad with confrontations, so I never look for trouble. It just...." She stops herself before she potentially ruins the vibes on accident. Just then, Melody passed a bowl to her as an offering. Kiva looks at the bowl and then at Melody. "I....can have this? That's really sweet. Thank you." The sudden gift helped ease her mind. "I'll do my best to try to return the favor."

Kiva Fitzgerald - First Year

Monday, Wednesday, Friday
Math and Magic: 9:00 AM
Intro to Computer Science: 11:00 AM
Intermediate Wind Mastery: 1:00 PM
Elemental Magics 101: 3:00 PM

Tuesday, Thursday
Elemental Control Practicum - Outdoor Training Grounds: 10:00 AM
Elemental Combat Techniques: 1:00 PM
Intro to Meteorology: 3:00 PM

Basketball Tryouts/Practice: Monday-Friday 6:00 PM
“Well Kiva, it’s a pleasure. What’s your year and program? You might have some classmates here.” Alis motioned to the pieces of paper with everyone’s schedules written on them casually sitting in the center of their little group.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a boy entering the cafeteria in a rush, relief on his face. Guess he’s new too. She thought, raising an eyebrow.

Turning back to Kiva she said, “Oh and as for the hole, don’t reach too far into it. Some kids get mad at what the kitchen gives them and tries to get inside. They don’t come back that I’ve ever seen. The school keeps the kitchens, administrative building, and offices on lockdown.”

Oh, that might’ve made her more nervous- Alis thought, so she continued quickly. “But if you don’t go looking for trouble it won’t find you, so just stick to the crowds and you should be fine!” She flashed a reassuring grin.
Blessing felt an eye on him, turning around quickly and seeing Alis. "Did they..?" He questioned, his dragonlike tail on his shadow wagging in curiousity.

"Can I sit here?" Kailey asked, her larger dragon shadow standing calmly like her. Her hands still in her pockets, she looked at the group with Alis as the meantime leader.
It didn't take long for Hiroto to finish their chat as he watched the two walk down the oppisite hallway. He stood on the entrance of the cafeteria akwardly, unsure what to do. Deciding it would take a bit of time figuring out how to go back to the stone hallway he had seen, he scurried up the hallway, up the stairs and started searching for the same hallway he saw.
"Your very welcome," Melody replies. She looks over at Kiva's schedule, quite interested in her classes, "You have a very interesting schedule, by the way. I never heard of of this Computer Science your class says, what do you do there?"
Minji nodded in greeting as she got up from her seat, her stomach already rumbling for more sustenance. "I'm going to grab some more food," she announced casually.

Joining the line, she waited patiently before reaching the odd-looking hole that dispensed the cafeteria's offerings. "Hmmmm, something sweet, something salty, something savory, some soup would be nice, and....just bit of everything," Min said, watching as the hole teemed with a fresh array of dishes. Careful not to spill any, she balanced her tray skillfully as she made her way back to the table.

Inadvertently, her gaze fell upon Noelle seated at a distant table, "Oh, it's her," she murmured to herself. She hummed to herself, debating on whether to swing by.

"Oh well," Min shrugged, "Something was bothering me anyways." She walked up to where Noelle was sitting, still careful with the food on her plate.
As she takes a sip from her bitter tea, Noelle carefully watches the group from afar. On her plate there’s nothing more than just two petit sandwiches.
While taking another sip, she notices Minji approaching her table and scans her from head to toe. Noelle arrogantly raises an eyebrow not uttering a word, letting the half demon explain themselves.
With a slight twinge of her eyebrow, Minji greeted Noelle with a dry remark. "Mrs. Sunshine," she hummed, "With that much staring, you might bore a hole in Alis's head."

Without waiting for a response, she continued, her tone firm yet measured. "Though I'm not one to meddle now care about this sort of thing, I just have one little request," she said, meeting Noelle's gaze head-on. "Apologize to Mel, would you?"
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Blessing felt an eye on him, turning around quickly and seeing Alis. "Did they..?" He questioned, his dragonlike tail on his shadow wagging in curiousity.

"Can I sit here?" Kailey asked, her larger dragon shadow standing calmly like her. Her hands still in her pockets, she looked at the group with Alis as the meantime leader.

Melody scoot over the table seat, making room for the new people with dragon features, "Yes of course!" She points to their dragon tails, "Those tails are really cool! They look like dragon tails!"
The word “apologize” echoes in Noelle’s mind for a second before letting out a small chuckle. Slowly putting down the cup she was drinking from, her piercing gaze strikes Minji’s red eyes.
“You know.. I thought your other half would behave appropiately. But it seems that you people really do think with your horns instead of using your brain”
She stares at Minji’s head and sneers.
“If you can even call that thing a horn…”
"Charming," Minji remarked, her tone laced with sarcasm as she carefully balanced her tray. Leaning in slightly, she maintained her composure despite Noelle's biting words. "Though I love your beautiful personality," she added with a hint of mockery, "let me give you some advice."

With a whisper, she continued, her voice carrying a warning edge, "Don't spit words when you don't have the strength to bear the repercussions."
Noelle abruptly stands up almost tumbling the chair down.
“You are such a benevolent soul” she mocks her voice and imposes herself on Minji.
“I would love to see these repercussions you warned me about but because i pity your other half i’ll let it slide this time, consider this an act of real human kindness.”
As Noelle gracefully walks away, she combs her long hair with her hands and cheekily smiles.
“I truly am a ray of sunshine”
Noelle exits the cafeteria, leaving again the trail of a strong rose aroma behind.
It took him the full 30 minutes to refind the hallway and enter the second room. However, he would only find that there was only an old lady stirring in a cocuqsion in the room. Confused, he waited next to the entrance. It didn't last long though as the old lady finally took notice of his presence.

"Come in, my child," She said snarly, gesturing him to come closer. Hiroto gulps, walking in as the woman pulls over a stool. Assuming that she meant to sit down, Hiroto obliged her order. He was quite confused of what's going on and why it's only him in the room. The woman went around the room, pulling out a few herbs and unerving items. Having no confidence to speak if the woman would get upset at his judgment, Hiroto only watched the lady as she waltzed back to him. He was expecting her to put things in her cauldron but was taken aback when she started combing his hair.

"Are you...?" The woman shushed him and put her aging hand slightly over his mouth. "Quiet boy, your hair is long and tangled so I'm doing you a favor."
Minji observed Noelle's departure with a raised eyebrow, her expression unyielding despite the encounter. "Such grace," she muttered under her breath, her tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm.

With a subtle shake of her head, Minji made her way back to the table where Melody and the others were seated, her demeanor unchanged by the exchange.
Melody finished her bowl, wiping her mouth with a napkin. "Those we so good!" Noticing that Minji was no longer at the table, she looked around the cafeteria if she was still there. Delighted when she spotted MInji walking towards their table, she waves at the girl, "Hey, were did you go?"
"Had a conversation with a ray of sunshine," Minji replied with a wry smile as she returned to the table. She settled back into her seat, her gaze meeting Melody's with a mixture of amusement and exhaustion. "Seems I didn't miss much here," she added.
"Well, that sounds quite interesting." She watched Noelle as she exits the cafeteria, quite curious of what she would do later. "Well, I was thinking if you could hold my sphere. If you'd like of course," She hold her sphere in her hands.
Min looked up in surprise, glancing around despite the presence of their tablemates. Leaning in slightly, she whispered, "But I thought you said you might get in trouble." Her eyebrows furrowing slightly with worry.
"Yeah, but it wouldn't be a problem if it's too far away from me." Melody leans into the table, "I have yet to discuss it with the headmaster so I think it's ok." Melody handed Min the sphere carefully.
Min took the sphere from Melody's hands with caution, holding it delicately as if it were a fragile treasure. "Alright, just for a moment then," she replied softly. As her fingers made contact with the smooth surface of the sphere, a sense of awe and curiosity washed over her. She couldn't help but marvel at the intricate patterns of light dancing within, her eyes widening with wonder at the mysterious artifact. Wow....
Melody scoot over the table seat, making room for the new people with dragon features, "Yes of course!" She points to their dragon tails, "Those tails are really cool! They look like dragon tails!"
A smile crept to Kailey's face, complimenting her for her dragonlike features was the best first impression anyone could ever make. It's not like she's going to accept any other way of greeting, since she's short-tempered and a ready-to-go volcano. Provoking Kailey is the easiest but the worst thing to ever do, unless you actually want to die or burn to crisp. Her black hair was tied up in a bun, but it untied as soon as she took her food and sat down.

Blessing smiled as he walked to the filled table, finding a place with some personal space from the females of the group. He's shy, but to a small extent. Having a sister like Kailey made him feel like all girls are like that, but it turned out that girls can be bubbly or cheery too. His green eyes were sparkling as he held his plate of food, sitting beside Melody.

"We are the dragon siblings, Blessing and Kailey Honoriston." They introduced themselves, at the same moment.
"It's something I learned from the humans." Kiva answered as she looked at Melody. "Since most of them seem to lack the ability to defend themselves with magic, they've found alternatives. So the way I see it, if I can learn what they know, I can help protect them while also still being able to blend in with them." She then noticed the commotion with Min and Noelle as well as two more newcomers that had joined the growing group at the table. Seeing this as a chance to hide from the spotlight, she quietly listens to the conversations happening around her.
Alis looked at the newcomers and grinned once more, feeling her cheeks grow tired from all the smiling today. “Nice to meetcha both! You both are might interesting, speaking together like that. Plus the dragon shadows? Phew!” She laughed at that and turned to Minji.

“Did that ‘ray of sunshine’ insult you at all? I might have a bone to pick with her if she’s going around and insulting people for no good reason. That ain’t no way to spend the first day.” Her eyebrows furrow in anger as she looks at the door Noelle departed from.
Alis looked at the newcomers and grinned once more, feeling her cheeks grow tired from all the smiling today. “Nice to meetcha both! You both are might interesting, speaking together like that. Plus the dragon shadows? Phew!” She laughed at that and turned to Minji.

“Did that ‘ray of sunshine’ insult you at all? I might have a bone to pick with her if she’s going around and insulting people for no good reason. That ain’t no way to spend the first day.” Her eyebrows furrow in anger as she looks at the door Noelle departed from.
Blessing chuckled, being the bright sibling. He started eating, since talking and chatting a lot might make him late for his witchcraft classes. "She's three years younger than me, but we happen to have things in common. It's funny-" The white-haired darling smiled, looking at all the new faces sitting in the same table to memorize them.

Kailey brung out a small cake from her bag, since she only needed sugar for the sustenance of a whole day. Maybe at the third day of school she's gonna eat something, unless she's mad. Her dragon shadow was turning left and right, since their shadows are actual dragons they own. Her shadow was memorizing the people for her, quite interesting.

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