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Fantasy Lost Laboratory of Kwalish (Paused)

Wait and drink.
How cute! It seemed that Iselas was constantly being pleasantly surprised by her traveling companions. And not the bad kind of surprise either.

Seating herself at the table Iselas reached for one of the wooden mugs of ale that Nowhere had procured for them. Blue eyes flickered around the crowded room, keeping a watchful gaze out for a certain troublesome cat. It seemed that this was a popular place and she was curious to try this fabled crumblecake that Nowhere had talked up. Most of all she was just eager to have a drink and relax for a while.
You see the cat running between tables at times. It peeks its head from under a chair, only to sprint across the floor, behind the counter, absorbed in its hunt. At some point it startles one of the working ladies, but it doesn't make too much commotion.

In the next fifteen minutes, your dinner is served. A waitress brings around a tray with all kinds of cakes, some savoury and some sweet. Nowhere licks his lips as the plates are set out on the table.


The three men with you start eating soon. The crumblecake doesn't look like much, but it is very tasty, especially the sweet kind. Nowhere seems to have a particular liking for rhubarb.

- Eat the savoury cake.
- Eat the sweet cake.
- Don't eat.
Eat the sweet cake.
Wooden mug pushed aside for the moment Iselas focused on the cake with an intense kind of curiosity. Anything that tasted even remotely good had already earned her stamp of approval and sweet food was rarely something that she got to indulge in. With a happy hum of excitement she began to dig in, watching the faces of her companions to see which they preferred.

Should she save any for the cat? Did cats even eat sweets?
The cake is tasty and nourishing. You can feel the aches of riding getting duller and fatigue dissipating. Nowhere winks at you knowingly, "After this you can be up for the entire night and not feel it in the morning."

"I am renting us rooms anyway." Nagrax says after finishing his dinner and goes to the innkeeper to make a deal.

"Suit yourself, I'm going to have some fun." The tiefling smirks, giving you a look, "They have nice, warm baths at the inn, and I'm gonna start from there. Care to join me?"

Jevan exhales and shakes his head, standing up from the table and walking outside. To tend to the horses perhaps, or to take a walk. Mary still hasn't returned either. But your feline friend makes an appearance quite suddenly, holding a mouse in its teeth and jumping up on the table next to yours, startling a group of dangerous-looking travellers.

- Go with Nagrax.
- Go with Nowhere.
- Go with Jevan.
- Go find Mary.
- Help the cat.
Help the cat.

Another pleasant surprise! Iselas gingerly tested her once stiff muscles, only to find that they'd loosened in her consumption of the cake. Unfortunately, once the meal was finished it was time to continue moving forward. In fact, it looked like there was a certain cat that needed her help. Brushing the crumbs off her fingers she stood to follow her companion, gently patting Nowhere's shoulder as she passed.

"I'll have to decline, I'm afraid." Iselas hand lingered for a moment too long, before she was moving on. "There's a dumb cat that needs my help." She muttered, more to herself, as she continued on and reached out to capture the cat in her arms as she passed by the other table. Her aim? To smuggle the feline out of there.
Nowhere gives you a sulking look, but soon stands up and is lost in the crowd of escorts. The angry adventurers have already drawn their weapons, and one of them had been really close to the cat with the tip of her dagger, when you pull the wriggling cat out of their reach.

"If that's your pet, then keep it leashed!" The woman with the daggers snarls. The cat snarls back in return, spitting the dead mouse right onto the table.

"Oh, you are gonna get it for that! You and your owner!" A thuggish looking, one-eyed, man stands up from his seat and steps toward you.

- Persuade them to let you go (roll for persuasion check).
- Intimidate them to back off (roll for intimidation check).
- Call Nagrax for help.
- Let them have the cat.
- Run outside (roll for acrobatics check).
Run outside (rolled 9).
"Huh?" Iselas said eloquently, momentarily surprised by the insinuation that the cat somehow belonged to her. "Wait, he isn't mine!" She tried to explain but it was already too late, there were weapons pointed in her direction and there was a dead mouse on their table. It was time to make a timely retreat from this situation and to get the heck out of there.

"Perhaps I should throw this rapid creature outside?" With that said, the cat was tucked under her arm -- not unlike a football -- and the half-elf was making a dash for the door. He was just doing his feline duty in catching mice, it wasn't his fault!
The angry party steps away from their table and toward you and you are forced to run outside while jumping over overturned chairs. At least you do it in style, and for a moment one could swear that the cat's meowing sounds very close to laughter.

The night has fallen and the street lanterns have been lit. Across the road you see Mary sitting on a wooden bench outside a residential building and shuffling her deck of cards. Jevan could be seen walking down the road somewhere, his back turned to you. The cat wriggles in your arms and then bites you, forcing you to let go. This time, the bite doesn't draw blood and overall the feline seems less aggressive toward you. It sits on the ground at your feet, licking its front paw.

- Go to Mary.
- Go to Jevan.
- Visit a shop with horse equipment.
- Visit a shop with adventuring equipment.
- Take a walk through town.
- Wait a bit, then go back to the Swinging Sword.
Go to Mary.
A little embarrassed by that entire ordeal, Iselas frowned down at the feline that now sat at her feet. At least it hadn't broken through her skin when it had bitten her -- in fact, maybe, just maybe, the cat was warming up to her? She honestly couldn't tell at this point.

"This is bullying," Iselas informed the feline, though she didn't look terribly concerned by the prospect. "And if people are going to accuse me of being your owner then we are going to have to come up with a name for you." But that was a problem for another time as her gaze had already settled on the figure of Mary.

Carefully stepping around the cat she decided to approach the elven woman, looking around for where her wolf could have disappeared to.

"Did you find what you were looking for?" Iselas asked as she approached, genuinely curious about what the elf could have been searching for in an alchemy store.
Mary continues to absentmindedly shuffle the deck of cards as you approach, only looking up at you when you ask her a question. Even then, she seems like she's looking through you.

"No, there's nothing here, too small of a town." She says, but doesn't elaborate.

Her wolf is not around, and she could have sent it hunting again. After all, you've never seen the big animal eat on the road. Your cat jumps up on the bench next to Mary and paws at her deck of cards. The elven woman quickly moves them out of the cat's reach, earning a hiss in return.

"This rabid animal is not actually an animal, you know." Mary says, looking at it derisively, "It's an intelligent being, or it used to be at some point. It's under a spell now, but those sorts of spells are the realm of witches and wizards. I thought it was a curse at first, but I would have recognised it if that was the case. The tiefling doesn't seem to react to it either."

- Ask about undoing it.
- Ask about naming the cat.
- Try to get an answer out of the cat.
- Change the subject.
Ask about undoing it.
"I figured," Iselas replied, arms crossed over her chest as she stared down at the feline with interest. "No animal gets that much enjoyment out of stirring up trouble." It was different to guess at something, however, than to have it confirmed by the honorary magic user of the group. Perhaps that was why it had wanted to die so badly? To escape the fate that it had been dealt.

"...Is there any way that we could undo the spell?" Iselas asked, sharp eyes moving away from the troublesome creature and onto the troublesome elf instead. "Other than death, that is."
Mary shrugs, "Maybe you can as a wizard or a witch if we encounter any. There surely will be, among the eldarin in the High Forest." She gives you a meaningful look. You still haven't decided on a path, but it is clear that Mary would like go through the High Forest. The cat is silent, looking at both of you as you speak, obviously understanding the exchange, or at least looking like it did.

- Agree to go through the Forest.
- Don't agree.
- Don't make a decision now.
Don't make a decision now.
That... was a good point. Iselas' teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she genuinely considered this possibility; the idea that they could free the cat from the spell it was under was a tempting one.

"I... don't mean to be rude," Iselas began tentatively, eyeing Mary with less judgemental consideration. "But, why do you want to take the route through the forest so badly?"
"It's the shortest route and I want to map the Barrier Peaks as soon as possible." Mary says right away, sounding a bit practised, but she doesn't let you question her further.

She stands up and raises her hand and you see her wolf trotting up to you from behind, the huge animal impossibly silent. The elven woman swiftly jumps on top of its back and they turn away from you without saying goodbye. They don't set toward the inn either and she makes no indication that she's going to go to bed anytime soon.

Jevan is nowhere in sight either. The cat meows, looking at you. You do feel a bit tired.

- Go sleep.
- Go back to the inn to find Nowhere/Nagrax.
- Optional: name the cat.
Go back to the inn to find Nagrax: name the cat.
"...That wasn't suspicious at all," Iselas muttered sarcastically under her breath, watching as Mary swiftly departed upon her wolf. Unfortunately, the half-elf was feeling pretty exhausted from the journey and was unwilling to wrestle with whatever riddle Mary was making her intentions out to be. Instead she sighed and looked down at the cat.

"C'mon, Whiskers. I'm looking forward to actually getting some sleep tonight, aren't you?" She grinned, turning on her heel as she headed back towards the inn. Hopefully she'd be able to find Nagrax, after all the Dragonborn was the actual leader of their small party -- whether it was official or not -- and she wanted to see how much more flustered she could make him.
The cat's nose scrunches up and it snarls at the name, but cannot say anything against it. It's gonna be stuck with Whiskers for the moment.

As you return to the Swinging Sword, you cannot see your companions anywhere, but at least the angry group from before is also not around. The innkeeper informs you that your dragonborn friend had rented two rooms for the five of you. One of the men and the other for the women, probably, but you'd have it for yourself now that Mary had gone off somewhere.

You are pointed up the stairs and away from the noise of the common room. The halls are filled with framed pictures and various trophies and a working lady or two. They smile at you fondly, with cleat invite. The rooms are numbered, so it's easy to find yours. You hear footsteps behind the room number twelve and nothing behind number eleven. This could indicate that Nagrax or Nowhere are in the room number twelve and that the one set for you is empty. Whiskers has followed you up the stairs, yawning as it sits on the floor.

- Go to your room.
- Knock on the door of room twelve.
- Go into the room twelve.
- Pay for one of the escort's services.
Knock on the door of room twelve.
Climbing the stairs Iselas found their designated rooms with relative ease. The working women that drifted through the hallways were treated with an easy smile but otherwise the half-elf did not engage with them. Truthfully, she wasn't one for escort services, unless there was one that truly did catch her eye. Most of the time she felt a little guilty when asking for their services.

Regardless, she brushed straight past what she assumed to be the women's designated room and into the men's. Raising her hand to the door, Iselas knocked three times in warning before shamelessly opening the door. She'd announced her presence and if they were changing, or doing anything inappropriate, it'd be locked. Besides, she wanted to inform them on the Mary situation and to ask whether Jevan had returned.
When you open the door you are greeted by one topless dragonborn, sitting on the bed and polishing his sword. The iron one. He turns to greet you with a nod, unfazed by your presence. His muscles shift underneath his pretty blue and white scales, as he brings the whetstone down the length of the blade.

"The room next door is yours. It should be unlocked." He informs you. The cat meows in acknowledgement and turns toward the indicated door, leaving the two of you alone. Nagrax looks after it, slightly confused.

- Ask about the companions.
- Stay and talk.
- Offer help.
- Go to sleep.
Ask about the companions.

Swinging the door open, only to see Nagrax looking gorgeous and shirtless on the bed, was enough to bring a genuine blush to the normally unflappable rogue's face. Iselas paused in the threshold of the doorway, hand still raised as she momentarily forgot why she'd stepped into the room in the first place, instead she stared at him blatantly.

Thankfully, for both their sakes, Whiskers' meow managed to break her concentration and to bring her back to reality.

"He meant both of us, Whiskers." Iselas informed the cat as it moved away to the room. With a quiet sigh she glanced over the seemingly empty space, vacant of one expected tiefling.

"Not that you're aren't looking super hot right now, because seriously I almost had a heart attack walking through that door," And the grin she flashed the Dragonborn was far too honest for her own good. "But where are the others? I don't think Mary will be staying with us tonight."
As if not realising what you are talking about, Nagrax looks down his torso, then up at you, then gives you an uncertain look. He puts the whetstone away and sheets the sword and sets it on the table. Picking up his cloak, he drapes it over his shoulders, wrapping a part of it around his torso.

"Better?" He asks, not certain if that is what had bothered you. The dragonborn are not known for having many facial expressions or having the same social norms as other races. It seems that only deliberate teasing could embarrass Nagrax. "I don't know about the map-maker and I don't care, but Jevan will be back late at night and, last I've seen Nowhere, he was headed toward the baths with two escorts in tow." He says with a dry chuckle, "I don't know how can he keep on doing it." He stops and clears his throat, "It looks like only you and me are getting an early night in. It is important to rest well tonight, we won't get much sleep in the coming days." While he seems ready to head to bed, nothing is stopping you from delaying it.

- Discuss which path to take tomorrow.
- Discuss the companions.
- Discuss something personal.
- Go to bed.
Discuss which path to take tomorrow.
Iselas would have better luck flirting with an actual cactus. When Nagrax stood and donned his cloak, seemingly attempting to preserve his modesty, she could only release a forlorn sigh. Unfortunately, she couldn't tell whether the Dragonborn was actually that dense or whether the flirtation made him uncomfortable. And that was the last thing she wanted to do.

"I didn't mean to -- ah, nevermind." Iselas cut herself off, shaking her head to clear her thoughts before pursuing a different line of questioning.

"I'm sorry for keeping you awake, but... you seemed reluctant to take the route through the forest?" She prompted a little hesitantly, lingering in the doorway despite having closed the door. Mostly in an attempt to avoid any possible eavesdroppers. "Mary is obviously in favour of taking the forest path and seems to believe that we could find a way to help Whiskers if we do, but... I would like to hear your opinion."
Nagrax takes a deep breath, then relaxes his shoulder, sitting back on the bed. He gestures for you to take a seat on the bed opposite, as he noticed you lingering at the doorway.

"I have travelled through the High Forest on a job before and it was never pleasant. The forest elves are not used to intruders and they treat that forest like their kingdom. While we were eventually allowed passage, we were always held up. That will not be the shorter part, even though it seems that way." He explains. "If you think that the cat is cursed and needs help, then the map maker is probably right. The elves know magic better than anyone in these parts, but they will not part with their secrets freely. I don't think that your attempts will bear fruit, unless Mary has family there or something, but how she tells it, she's older than the forest itself." He pauses for a moment, looking at you, "I would take the northern path around the forest, but you are this expedition's leader, so it is ultimately your choice."

- Pick the route and go sleep.
- Pick the route and stay and chat.
Pick the route and stay and chat.

Tentative, Iselas crossed the threshold of the room until she was perched on the edge of the other bed and facing her companion head on. Despite Nagrax's supposed claim that she was the expedition's leader, and not him, it sure felt like she needed to ask for his advice. It didn't help that he gave it so freely because how could she say no to that? Iselas loved free stuff!

"I understand," Iselas murmured when he finished his explanation, gaze drifting to a point over his shoulder as she mulled it over. "I'm just curious about what she wants to find in there. She seems pretty adamant on taking that path, and I do want to see if Whiskers can be helped." She trailed off for a moment as she breathed an annoyed sigh. Unfortunately, her curiosity and the slim possibility of helping Whiskers weren't good enough for her to put the mission at risk.

"Alright," Iselas nodded, slanting an easy smile in Nagrax's direction. "'S not like the Elves really like me anyway; northern path it is." Her grin sharpened slightly with mischief. "But that explanation did make you sound like quite the accomplished adventurer, you should regale me with some more bedtime stories~"
"Do I look like your grandpa?" Nagrax snorts, shaking his head. "I've been a soldier for a while, then I became a sellsword. I've travelled all over Faerun and seen quite a lot, but, with all due respect, I don't know you well enough to share my history with you." He says flatly. "Perhaps try asking Nowhere, he's always willing to talk."

With Nagrax unwilling to talk and the hours moving by, there's nothing else to do but go to bed. You find Whiskers curled up on the pillow of one bed, while the other one is left available for you. Within the next hour, you are fast asleep.


You are awoken in the morning by a knock on the door and Nowhere's voice: "Rise and shine, it's time to go!" He says in a sing-song voice. He sounds like he's in a good mood.

When you gather your stuff and Whiskers and leave the room, you find that the others are waiting for you in the common room of the inn. At least most of them are. Mary finds you outside, just as you take the horses out of the stables and mount them. She did not sleep in the Swinging Sword last night.

- Ask her about it.
- Don't say anything.
- Talk to someone else.
- Announce your choice of path.
Ask her about it.
Morning found a restful Iselas standing outside the inn, belongings in hand and yawn hidden behind her hand. Distractedly she was mumbling something soothing to Elis, undoubtedly talking about another day on the road, when she noticed Mary moving towards them. The Elf hadn't joined them in their rooms that night, instead she'd disappeared off after their conversation about Whiskers' possible curse.

Curiously she drew near, nodding to the other woman with a quirked brow.

"Did you sleep well?" Iselas questioned with a vague sense of concern. Sure, she wasn't fond of the woman's superiority but that didn't mean that she wanted her to suffer. Then again, she could understand feeling trapped in an unknown building. "You did not come to the room last night."

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