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ADAM's core shook with excitement. "Ah, yes. I have the proper information on the one who betrayed you, Marcus."
"However, I can tell that both of you, Nolan and Marcus, seem to not trust me at all. So I will do something for you all, If you all agree, I will forge the proper documents to get you out of this freakshow, No offense."
The AI listened intently on the conversation, only getting involved when needed.
"Well, Maddison, since you asked, I have quite a plan. First, since you all want to join me to help save the world, I will break you out. Secondly, We are going to have to retrieve a special vial from a lab in Area Fifty-One, Nevada. This vial contains a pecial mutation that forces plants to grow faster and produce a larger amount of food, I---My human self created that protein to save the world, but it was too late. Lastly, I will need help in which you will have to make it to the old NASA landing pad in Houston, Texas. Then you shall assist me in launching the vial to space, so I can spread it over Earth. Ja? You all agree?"
Marcus listened to the plan that the AI proposed and had to admit it was interesting. Though he did wonder, last he remembered some corporation took over the site sometime after it was declassified. Though he couldn't remember the exact company. He couldn't imagine that the three with him had even basic chemical augmentation procedures like his employer put him through for a prison break.

"Okay so we break into Area 51 now some scientific corporation's property, going against guards with beyond military grade augmentations and cyberware along with armor and weapons to match evade capture from Nevada all the way to Texas and strap this chemical to a rocket?." Marcus could only sigh the smart rouge AI either was so good as to figure out how to get over those problems plus several issues with rapid growing plants in shitty soil.
"The corporation in question deals only with testing new and evolved experimental aircraft. However, These aircraft are only in use by the company, no longer the USAF. Not like it has much of a influence anymore."
"Yesterday, as you know back then technology had quite the influence on future generations. Today, Someone like me can put a person with augmentations into a long-term coma. If I cut the wire to the battery, the bulb will fade. I however know quite a few ways to get in both area, I just need you all to cooperate and form a game-plan if anything gets sidetracked."

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