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Fantasy Left Alone Lore & Chat( 2 slots open!)

Yooo, free backpacks, I hope they aren't cheap backpacks though.

Although these scientists could've run out of funding and given us cheap ones lol
Oz, who only survived out of the power of moolah: Is this a peasant joke I'm too amnesiac to understand?
Paul: "We can attempt a blood test to see what the cause of your amnesia is if you have any."
Paul: "We can attempt a blood test to see what the cause of your amnesia is if you have any."
Oz: Oh would you look at that! I have suddenly remembered I've got a deathly fear of needles since I was a kid! Aight imma head out....*zooms out trying to stealth but cannot cause his backpack is clanking with all the weird rocks he has collected*
x_Tasia_X x_Tasia_X Solirus Solirus Sunsmiter Sunsmiter Rapror Augustine Rapror Augustine Texangamer Texangamer RuRussy RuRussy SavannahSmiles SavannahSmiles viloxii viloxii

The rp will be starting Monday, November 21st!!! If you have not posted or finished your characters we will be starting regardless and you'll just have to catch up. haha I am holding back considering I want to start today XD

Just letting you all know!
I've got the starting scene ready!
(Poor Niko. 90% of their existence in the post is just bumbling around blind)
Haha I have all the starting posts for my characters ready as well. Hence why I said I'm holding back! XD
I don’t have a starting post ready yet because I wing everything but I wouldn’t be opposed to it starting this weekend (mostly because I’m kind of busy on Monday. But it doesn’t matter too much because Nina is currently wandering and she wouldn’t come in contact with anyone immediately.)
Super excited tho!!!
I have made memes.

Oz: Physically, yes, I could fight a cat. But emotionally? Imagine the toll.
Oz: BEHOLD, the field in which I grow my fucks! Lay thine eyes upon it, and thou shalt see that it is barren!
Oz: You’ll have a hard time believing this because it never happens, but I made a mistake.
Jokers: *aggressive eyebrow twitching*
Nikolai: Fool me once, I’m gonna kill you
Oz: Well, well, well... if it isn’t my old friend: the dawning realization that I fucked up bad.
How I see my characters reacting to Oz as a whole.

Milly: "He may be a bit young for my taste, but at least he's cute...and entertaining."

Lena: "What is this creature and why is it shiny...."

Gavin: "I like you kid, let's go on an adventure and see what we find!!! Oh if you can change things does that mean you can turn one plant into a different one?!? That would be awesome!!!"

Alexander: *shifts into wolf* "Try to pet me and I will bite you...."

Caleb: "Can you be serious for one moment and stop getting into trouble...." Watches as Oz finds more trouble. "Just one second....I just want one second of you not causing trouble!!"

Ariel: "I told you there was a giant cat in that direction for you to stay safe! Why did you think going towards it was a good idea?!" *Oz gives pouty face* Ariel rolls her eyes, "I might not save you next time....nah scratch that I'm just not going to tell you where the cats are...."

Do with it what you will!!!! XD
Cha cha real smooth Ozymandias!
One hell of a way to introduce yourself!
All jokes aside, what's with everyone and not playing Leaders? XD
I'm tempted to take another Leader slot because Queens Leader is empty and that upsets me
One gap...please...let it be filled....
Ariel : "It would be terrible only having two people..." Doesn't even know there are some out there absolutely alone!! XD

Caleb: "Is everyone okay?" Big brother worry mode is confirmed.

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