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Fandom Knights of Checkmate | A DC Comics RP

Lost Martian

Man or Muppet?
Superheroes first started appearing three years ago when Superman was filmed rescuing a crashing airplane. In the time since then, all types of people with powers have shown up, dramatically altering the state of the world. This came to a head eight months ago when an alien warlord named Darkseid attacked the Earth. Seven heroes would come together to repel him, forcing the alien back into the deepest reaches of space. These seven heroes would then unite as a team, forming the Justice League.

With a dedicated team of heroes now operating without any oversight, the various governments of the world would grow uneasy, figuring that they should have some measure of control. Thus the United Nations Security Council would create it’s own organization, Checkmate. This organization would both employ the powered people of the Earth as well as keep tabs on them. To ensure a varied view when it came to protecting the world, Checkmate would have four leaders, each with the same level of power. The White King and Queen would handle the intelligence side of things, while the Black King and Queen would handle operations.

Each of these royals would have a Bishop, a second in command and source of advice. The royals would also have a number of Knights, agents that reported directly to them. The Knights would include metahumans, non-powered individuals, mages, and even aliens among their number. Together these forces would work to help other superheroes defend the world, but also to take them down if they ever went rogue.


The players in this game would be Knights of the White King of Checkmate, a businessman named Alan Scott. I’m pretty open on character concepts, though I would tell you to remember that this is very early on in the time line for superheroes existing, as such I don’t think any children, or probably any other type of relative, of a character would exist at this point. I’m also going to say Lanterns are allowed, except for Green, Black, and White which are currently off limits for story purposes. I will also most aliens, including custom ones that aren’t overpowered, though I’ll say no Kryptonians, Martians, or New Gods also for story reasons.

So if anyone is interested please let me know. If you want to learn more about the specifics of the setting or have a character concept issue, please shoot me a message. I know I’m new to the site, but this is and idea I’ve wanted to do for a long while, and I think I can make it fun.
Interested to see a "superpowered spec ops" story in an existing setting that isn't Suicide Squad. I'll just follow along here and see what characters everyone comes up with for this.
I'll express tentative interest due to other commitments I have at the moment. On that note, I also have a couple of questions:
  • What kind of posting requirements are you looking for e.g. length/frequency?
  • What is the setting? I'm assuming modern day or somewhere there bouts?
Glad to see people interested in this. And yes till will be part superpowered spec ops, mixed with traditional superhero stuff as it is still set in the DC Comics Universe.

As for the questions of Scatterbrain Scatterbrain , first I expect at least one post a week, though you are welcome to post faster than that if you have the time. As for post length I say at least a paragraph or two, or enough that you’re giving the other players something to work with. I personally tend to write more than that, but it all depends on the situation, as I don’t think a hard word count should be in place to stifle narrative freedom. As for the setting, it’s mostly modern day, perhaps a few years in the future to explain away some of the more advanced technology. I haven’t firmly decided on a date yet.

Also, does anyone have any character ideas they would like to share? I have several rattling around in my brain, so I’m mostly waiting to see what the other people want to play to see if I can rule some concepts out.

Here’s a couple off the top of my head:
  • A soldier who after being discharged from the army, became a part of Project Everyman, an attempt by Lex Luthor to create his own super humans. However things went wrong and most subjects were killed or disfigured. In the soldier’s case he developed the ability to generate crystals that fire outside his body, but his whole skin turned to crystal. He would then be taken in by Checkmate, providing him with a suit that covers his body.
  • A hacker who learned too much about a certain government project, the hacker would escape on a private plane to flee the country. However the plane would be sabotaged and would crash down into a swamp. The hacker and pilot would die in the crash, the hacker’s body sinking into the swamp. However his body would found by a sentient plant who would combine with his body. The hacker would be reborn, as an undead plant monster who would try to get his revenge. However Checkmate would find him and convince him to join them and they would assist with his mission.
  • A slacker in one of the big cities is secretly a mage, but doesn’t know it. After years of getting beat up as part of living in the bad part of town, the slacker would try to train himself. One day he would wander into an old pawn shop, being drawn to a mysterious dusty gold cloak. The slacker would decide to buy it on a whim, taking it home. He would then learn that it was the Cloak of Destiny, an artifact of Nabu, a Lord of Order. Nabu would offer to train the slacker in the mystical arts. The slacker would then begin operating as a superhero, only to immediately encounter Checkmate, who would tell him he could either join them or retire from heroics. The slacker begrudgingly agrees to join them.
Can I create a psionic character connected to one of the Big Forces(the way Ivy is connected to the Green)?
Lost Martian Lost Martian

Still uncertain about joining this,but I do have some superhuman OC ideas I might be able to adapt to the DC universe.

  • Mercenary who fights using a large locker on their back that can generate various weapons for their use. It's actually an alien artifact generated by a now-extinct civilization subjugated by The Reach,attempting to emulate the Scarab to create a superweapon that would let them fight back.
  • Alternate version of Shazam,an old woman who encountered the wizard Shazam and was granted the power to return to the prime of her life with the power of six goddesses when she transforms.
  • Theatre performer who psionically controls a heavily armed puppet to fight,sort of a variation of Scarface.
  • Just Black Spider or Cheshire,but with an OC behind the respective masks
orpheus. orpheus. a Psionic character is fine. Which of the Big Forces would you want to be connected to?

Nellancholy Nellancholy here’s my thoughts on your character concepts.
  • The mercenary with the alien tech weapons locker would work. Also he do have ideas for the Reach for this RP, so we could tie in this character into it.
  • I really like the old woman becoming young through saying SHAZAM. The goddess empowerment would probably put you on the higher end of the power scale I wanted for this RP, but I figured that the team could use a heavy hitter. Also note that you would not be the only Shazam empowered character as Captain Marvel and Black Adam are a thing in this setting.
  • Psychically controlled puppets bursting with weapons is the kind of craziness I love about comics. So yes, this would work.
  • I’m going to say no to the final idea, as Cheshire will be showing up early on in the RP, and I’m not sure about Black Spider right now. That and I like your three other ideas a lot more than this one.

Also I’ve decided on a character idea. I’m going with the mage character, who basically had no idea that he was a mage until he started using teleportation magic. He soon discovered that he could warp anywhere he wanted, so he started using his magic to rob places. This escalated into robbing magical places. Notably he took the Cloak of Destiny from the Tower of Fate, the Sword of Night from Myrra, and the Sunblade from Olympus. Eventually he would be caught by Checkmate, who offered to release him if he joined up. He would be both the team’s magic expert and means of transportation.
Also, does anyone have any character ideas they would like to share? I have several rattling around in my brain, so I’m mostly waiting to see what the other people want to play to see if I can rule some concepts out.
Nothing concrete at the moment. My two main ideas are both based on characters from Greek mythology but I am toying with the idea of someone with a more Golden Age vibe.
Scatterbrain Scatterbrain I'd be down with characters from Greek myth. It could tie into how my character stole the Sunblade from Mount Olympus. As for the Golden Age vibe character, do you mean that it would be a backstory in the vein of how they did Golden Age characters, or that they were active during the Golden Age? Because there was no Golden Age of superheroics in this setting, as the first hero to appear was Superman three years ago.

As for everyone else, I'm going to give this Interest Check a couple more days to see if anyone else bites, before putting up an OOC and Character Sheet thread.
I'm interested. I tend to gravitate to superheroes that are more tacticians (Green Arrow, Batman) could this kind of concept work fine for this?
Checkmate in the comics has made use of non-powered operatives like Deadshot,Arsenal,and Green Arrow alongside powered members,so I imagine it'd work just fine here as well.
CapellaStargaze CapellaStargaze non-powered, more tactical heroes would definitely work for this. I plan on having the Knights of the other Royals of Checkmate include both powered and non-powered operatives, so it does fit the setting.
Cogwork Cogwork If you can come up with a good reason for a gorilla to be an agent of Checkmate, then I'll figure out if it fits. There is a precedent for it in the comics with the super smart gorillas of Gorilla City, and humans putting their brains in gorilla bodies.
I’ve got a character I’ve been wanting to give a good go that I think could slot in nicely to this. Broad strokes is an undead detective using a mix of alchemy and other gadgets/weaponry to investigate supernatural crimes, including her own murder.
That work with what you have in mind?
RikuXIII RikuXIII Glad to see that you’re interested in this. As for your character concept I think it would work in this setting. You would just need to find a justification for her currently working for Checkmate. So if you’re ready, head over to the OOC thread.
Hello! Sorry if I'm late but is a character that was trained by the League of Assassins acceptable?

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