Kaiju Academy

[QUOTE="The Akolite]Name: Res...Is what he wishes to be called. His full name one his mother gave him....a mother who knew nothing of the curse Rosie Esward.
Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance:View attachment 88966

Monster Appearance:View attachment 88967


Monster Abilities/Powers:

Art Summoning: Any thing he draws on the scroll becomes real and is he is able to control it completely.

Spiritual Bonding: If the beads on his right arm were to ever be removed his body would alter to a form. A form he was born with. Apart of the curse.

Gender Alteration: Apart of the curse placed on his family. When anyone from the family there mind is one gender and there body's the other, the voice prefers the voice of the body's gender. The only way to break this part of the curse......Which I shall not spoil...

Bio: Res's family had been cursed ages ago. Since the feudal age of Japan. There was ounce a witch who had decided to curse his family a long time ago. It was simply a mistake by the ancestor of his family. He tricked a witch into giving his family power within the land of Japan. When the witch realized she was tricked she put two curses on the family. That is how it started....detail shall come when he speaks of it.

Extra: He has a phobia of touch and will scream at anyone that touches him.

Signature: Rosie Leth Esward (Please Print Full Name Clearly)

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.

Name: Dillon Frost

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Monster Appearance:


Monster Abilities/Powers: Dillon can control one's mind, she can make them do all sorts of things that they don't want to do. Humans call this, "Possesion."

Bio: Dillon was young when she ran away from home, she ran because she wanted freedom. The feeling of wind in her hair, the smell of the crisp fall air. Then one day she found herself at the academy.

Extra: When it comes to talking to new people she is quite shy.

Signature: Dillon Lae Frost

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.
VeeTheAbnormalOreo said:
Name: Dillon Frost
Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Gender: Female

Species: Demon

Monster Appearance:


Monster Abilities/Powers: Dillon can control one's mind, she can make them do all sorts of things that they don't want to do. Humans call this, "Possesion."

Bio: Dillon was young when she ran away from home, she ran because she wanted freedom. The feeling of wind in her hair, the smell of the crisp fall air. Then one day she found herself at the academy.

Extra: When it comes to talking to new people she is quite shy.

Signature: Dillon Lae Frost

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.
Accepted welcome to the academy.
Name:Mines Power






Monster Appearance:

Personality:Mines is a very crazy person in the sense she likes to make things go boom she also has a big problem with people smarter then her. She is nice until you press her buttons(See what I did there) then she will 180 you and put a high temp lazer rifle in your mouth and you can guess the rest.

Monster Abilities/Powers:Mine has the power to turn her body into any weapon she has annualized. She also has the power to read a person's power and other data like there personality and body measurements and physical ability. She can also control and create and put together any machine she can think of as long as she has the material.

Bio:Mine was created by accident in a lab when they tried to create the perfect AI they succeeded but far more then excepted they called her M.I.N.E powers. Mega.Intellagent.Network.Enginer. Mine was smart too smart they tried to shut her down but she had already hacked her own system and created a body for herself even though it's robotic it still has normal parts but these parts are not human she used the demon parts that were being researched and used them to give herself a brain and heart that using her robotics she has pushed them beyond normal quality. She took over the lab and now uses it as her own using the parts there she gave herself upgrades including her powers except her analyze power she was programmed with that. She received her invite to the school and thought of it as a nice way to research new species.

Extra:Hates it when someone is smarter. Like to blow stuff up. likes researches things most of the time without permission

Signature: AI System March 10 Mine Powers

I will agree to your terms of not harming the humans I have finished that research long ago.
Name: atticus crow

Age: 17

Grade: 1st year

Gender: male

Species: living scarecrow


Monster Appearance:

Personality: very laid back, cool and calm he never gets worried, unfortunetly hes a little bit......half baked. Making him easy to trick but easier to tick off.

Monster Abilities/Powers: able to breath out a plauge of locusts, can shoot hay seeds at highspeed and make strawnets. He can even fly (in monster form)

Bio: ah yes ...well i actually died. Cut up by a hay maker with a local scarecrow, some pieces went one ways...others other ways and well...taa daa

Extra: he carries a scythe and loves to eat sweeties

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly) i atticus territo crow the 8th, promises to never harm anyone....maybe....i dunno
[QUOTE="the-lich]Name: atticus crow
Age: 17

Grade: 1st year

Gender: male

Species: living scarecrow


Monster Appearance:

Personality: very laid back, cool and calm he never gets worried, unfortunetly hes a little bit......half baked. Making him easy to trick but easier to tick off.

Monster Abilities/Powers: able to breath out a plauge of locusts, can shoot hay seeds at highspeed and make strawnets. He can even fly (in monster form)

Bio: ah yes ...well i actually died. Cut up by a hay maker with a local scarecrow, some pieces went one ways...others other ways and well...taa daa

Extra: he carries a scythe and loves to eat sweeties

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly) i atticus territo crow the 8th, promises to never harm anyone....maybe....i dunno

Accepted welcome to the Academy.

Name: Nebula ???????

(pronounced Skotadi)

Age: 17

Grade: Sophmore (Transfer Student)

Gender: Male

Species: Undead (Son of Charon) (This is the only form he has. He has slits cut out of his back to allow him to use his wings. Has a back backpack on his back when he is going from class to class)


Darkness does seem to follow him around, but he is not gloomy in the slightest. Though he does not fully understand social conversation, he tries his best. He likes to joke around a lot, though his jokes tend to be darker than others, but he will get serious very fast if needed to. He struggles in school just a little: math and English being his hardest subjects; history being his favorite, being the son of the ferryman of the underworld tends to have its perks. He likes to socialize with everyone, tending to act differently to each person. He stands up for people who cannot stand up for themselves, for he hates bullying. He is very flirtatious. Preference: Girls.


Dark Aura: If he chooses he can cool the air around him by absorbing much of the light around him (Great for summer time :D ) He can choose to add a secondary effect and can drain the hope of others as they can only stand there in despair. Travels at 10 feet/s.

Drain Blast: Sending out a blast of draining energy, drains the life force of others near by (only those who he decides though). Travels at 10 feet/s.

Undead Army: He can summon and control the undead. He can control as many as he wants, but uses more power.

Swordsmanship He has spent years training in the art of the sword. He is the most honorable of opponent, who would bring shame to Sword-Master. His blade is made of pure dark matter, a gift from Hades to protect himself. It sheer power can slice entire mountains to crumble, let alone a simple sword. Though he does not use his blade unless absolutely necessary. His blade responds to his mind so it can not be away from his side long, unless he chooses to.

Telepathy: Able to communicate to people or animals by establishing a mental 2 way link. He can also understand any language, for he sees and hears only English.

Angle of Death: Receiving the favor of Thanatos, he is able to take the soul of someone in a weaken state and sent them to Hades. He may also use this to heal people and revive people from the dead. Takes up a lot of the energy and can only be used once every 3 days.

Bio: Son of Charon, nephew to Thanatos and Hades, he was born and raised in the dark world that is Hades. He was raised in the dark arts and trained under the greatest of souls. When he was 15 he was sent to the light to take part of a school in order to fit into the upper world. He spends his summer visiting the underworld, spending time with his family, He was kicked out of his 1st school (for it not accepting that fact he was not human) and is now applying for Kaiju Academy. His armor is of valkyrie origins, for he had befriended them (he is quite charming and easy to get along with) and for this, his clothing has been blessed by Freya, and is able to protect him from the supernatural.

Extra: Loves music and plays the trombone. He is seen a lot with a ear bud in listening to his favorite music. His favorite composer is Ziegler. He also likes flowers and how they look. Favorite Color: Black and Purple.

nest of fiends- [media]

Prophecy- [media]

Song of Brotherhood- [media]

Fear no Darkness- [media]

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.


Nebula ???????

"Why are you crying dear? Come let me dry those tears, a beautiful face like yours should not cry"
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Federoff said:

Name: Nebula ???????

(pronounced Skotadi)

Age: 17

Grade: Sophmore (Transfer Student)

Gender: Male

Species: Undead (Son of Charon) (This is the only form he has. He has slits cut out of his back to allow him to use his wings. Has a back backpack on his back when he is going from class to class)


Darkness does seem to follow him around, but he is not gloomy in the slightest. Though he does not fully understand social conversation, he tries his best. He likes to joke around a lot, though his jokes tend to be darker than others, but he will get serious very fast if needed to. He struggles in school just a little: math and English being his hardest subjects; history being his favorite, being the son of the ferryman of the underworld tends to have its perks. He likes to socialize with everyone, tending to act differently to each person. He stands up for people who cannot stand up for themselves, for he hates bullying. He is very flirtatious. Preference: Girls.


Dark Aura: If he chooses he can cool the air around him by absorbing much of the light around him (Great for summer time :D ) He can choose to add a secondary effect and can drain the hope of others as they can only stand there in despair. Travels at 10 feet/s.

Drain Blast: Sending out a blast of draining energy, drains the life force of others near by (only those who he decides though). Travels at 10 feet/s.

Undead Army: He can summon and control the undead. He can control as many as he wants, but uses more power.

Swordsmanship He has spent years training in the art of the sword. He is the most honorable of opponent, who would bring shame to Sword-Master. His blade is made of pure dark matter, a gift from Hades to protect himself. It sheer power can slice entire mountains to crumble, let alone a simple sword. Though he does not use his blade unless absolutely necessary. His blade responds to his mind so it can not be away from his side long, unless he chooses to.

Telepathy: Able to communicate to people or animals by establishing a mental 2 way link. He can also understand any language, for he sees and hears only English.

Angle of Death: Receiving the favor of Thanatos, he is able to take the soul of someone in a weaken state and sent them to Hades. He may also use this to heal people and revive people from the dead. Takes up a lot of the energy and can only be used once every 3 days.

Bio: Son of Charon, nephew to Thanatos and Hades, he was born and raised in the dark world that is Hades. He was raised in the dark arts and trained under the greatest of souls. When he was 15 he was sent to the light to take part of a school in order to fit into the upper world. He spends his summer visiting the underworld, spending time with his family, He was kicked out of his 1st school (for it not accepting that fact he was not human) and is now applying for Kaiju Academy. His armor is of valkyrie origins, for he had befriended them (he is quite charming and easy to get along with) and for this, his clothing has been blessed by Freya, and is able to protect him from the supernatural.

Extra: Loves music and plays the trombone. He is seen a lot with a ear bud in listening to his favorite music. His favorite composer is Ziegler. He also likes flowers and how they look. Favorite Color: Black and Purple.

nest of fiends- [media]

Prophecy- [media]

Song of Brotherhood- [media]

Fear no Darkness- [media]

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.


Nebula ???????

"Why are you crying dear? Come let me dry those tears, a beautiful face like yours should not cry"
Accepted welcome to the Academy!


Best wishes, Headmaster.
Name: Carcinos (last name kept anonymous for security reasons.)

Age: 18

Grade: first year

Gender: Male

Species: Crab

Appearance: He is a tall man, with a small build and round red hair with shags at the back. His casual apparel includes (but is not limited too): a worn down leather jacket (black or brown) with a white shirt underneath, and dark red pants. He is always changing his shoes though.

Monster Appearance:

Personality: He is very timid, but has a very short temper, he has been trying to control his anger.

Monster Abilities/Power: He is covered in a tough shell.

Bio: As a child, Carcinos spent most of his time in his monster form, playing around on the beaches and stomping through the countryside. His parents of course got into a lot of trouble and they decided to move to an isolated location. Now, after 10 years of isolation, Carcinos signed up for kaiju academy.

Extra: he killed a man once, and as such he hates the taste of wool.

Signature: Carcinos
[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Accepted welcome to the Academy!

Best wishes, Headmaster.


Headmaster Katherine “Kat” Byron

Age: 112 (appears 16)

Gender: Female

Species: Witch

5’4.5”, long blonde hair, dark golden eyes, pale skin, small frame

Monster Appearance: Same as above

Over-the-top, flamboyant, outspoken, sarcastic, aims to please, nosy, promiscuous, loves a good party, cares deeply for her students

Monster Abilities/Powers:

  • Door Projection/Portal Creation - Ability to summon portals and gateways.
  • Elemental Generation - Ability to summon elements.
  • Healing
  • Spell Casting

Bio: Now, now children… That’s a bit personal. I can tell you this; I have 6 older brothers whom I love dearly although they can be a pain, and am the founder of Kaiju Academy. Maybe we’ll talk sometime about my past over drinks. ;P

Extra: Kat always stays up to date on the romantic lives of all her students, considering herself “Captain of the Ships.”
Name: Henry Taggart

Age: 90 (died at 30, then resurrected by a virus)

Grade: freshman

Gender: male

Species: Zombie (tank mutation)

Appearance: N/A

Monster Appearance:

Personality:Brutish, Very easy to set off, Protective, and very stubborn, although very intelligent and clumsy.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Incredible strength, strong enough to pick up a chunk of cement from the ground and through it great distances, along with incredible endurance when it comes to movement and pain.

Bio:Henry died in the late 80’s from a heart attack while exercising, when he came back as the hulking slab of meat and rage, he was not perceived as friendly, despite acting like a normal person. He was shot at and Burned for years, until he found his way to Kaiju academy.

Extra: he cannot speak english, but instead communicates by grunts and screams, and uses sounds to show how he feels, he can also write how he feels, when he has a giant pencil in hand. Despite his appearance, he is still mentally a human.

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly) Henry Uriah Taggart

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.

@Kat Attack

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