Kaiju Academy

Name: Domino Vexx

Age: 18

Grade: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Hebi - Snake Demon/Y?kai

This picture is her, only she will almost always be seen in the school uniform, once the classes start, with the edition of her hat. Her shoes are simply black dress shoes. Her mouth also contains fangs, like a vampires, but for a different purpose.

She takes one of three forms depending on the reasons for her changing forms.

  1. Basically her human appearance, only her eyes are snake eyes, keeping the same colors, and her tongue if forked like a snakes. This form is also ghost-like and causes her to be almost transparent. This will always be the monster form she is seen in the most.
  2. Her body shifts to that of a giant black'n green snake, with the head of her human form, with snake eyes, same color as human, and a forked tongue. She is rarely seen in this form, only when she is really, really angry.
  3. Her last form is a small, simple black snake, medium but still small. None of her human form, besides the obvious fangs, is in this one, besides her eye colors. This is the form she is seen in almost as much as the first monster form, just slightly less.

Personality: Her personality is that of a snakes, she is mysterious and unpredictable. She is a trickster and enjoys tricking others, though she often disappears from sight to watch the effect. Although that is so, she isn't normally happy perky, and social. She is a loner, and prefers being that way, unless she actually manages to make friends.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

  • She is lightning quick in reflexes
  • She is perfectly comfortable with small spaces, and often prefers them
  • She is cold blooded, like a snake, and has to seek heat from other sources, be it the sun or another being. Though, other beings help her become warmer faster than the sun does. --In the mornings she can often be seen standing in the sunniest spot she can find, just standing there.
  • She is comfortable with fall and spring weathers, but hates the winter, as it is hard to get heat or stay warm when everything is cold. The summer is the same, only she has to find cold places, when everything around her is warm. Being cold blooded really sucks in winter and summer.
  • She is good with close ranged weapons
  • She generates a natural venom, which is created though the mixing of saliva and zoo-toxins inside her mouth. ((Look it up if your really curious, if not just roll with it.)) This is injected should she bite any other being, or animal, causing the bitten other to either be paralyzed, which wears off in 2-3 hours, or to become very sick for a few days, when the venom usually wears off.

Bio: Domino is the daughter of two different yokai, but inherited her mothers traits, thus she never knew her father. Her mother raised her, and loved her, until the age of 13. At this time, her mother shoved her out of her comforting protection, handing her to a human orphanage. This is where Domino learned that keeping a human form, is probably best, otherwise she'd scare all the others off. She remained in the home until her 17th year, when she was adopted by two Tanuki`s. They provided food and clothing, and a place to stay, while putting Domino to work in various ways. When she turned 18, they decided to enroll her to Kaiju academy.

Her most used weapon.


Though it looks like a normal sword, its tip is automatically endowed with poison/venom.

Signature: Domino Vexx
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TotalChaos said:
Name: Domino Vexx
Age: 18

Grade: 12

Gender: Female

Species: Hebi - Snake Demon/Y?kai

This picture is her, only see will almost always be seen in the school uniform, once the classes start, with the edition of her hat. Her shoes are simply black dress shoes. Her mouth also contains fangs, like a vampires, but for a different purpose.

She takes one of three forms depending on the reasons for her changing forms.

  1. Basically her human appearance, only her eyes are snake eyes, keeping the same colors, and her tongue if forked like a snakes. This form is also ghost-like and causes her to be almost transparent. This will always be the monster form she is seen in the most.
  2. Her body shifts to that of a giant black'n green snake, with the head of her human form, with snake eyes, same color as human, and a forked tongue. She is rarely seen in this form, only when she is really, really angry.
  3. Her last form is a small, simple black snake, medium but still small. None of her human form, besides the obvious fangs. is in this one, besides her eye colors. This is the from she is seen in almost as much as the first monster form, just slightly less.

Personality: Her personality is that of a snakes, she is mysterious and unpredictable. She is a trickster and enjoys tricking others, though she often disappears from sight to watch the effect. Although that is so, she isn't normally happy perky, and social. She is a loner, and prefers being that way, unless she actually manages to make friends.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

  • She is lightning quick in reflexes
  • She is perfectly comfortable with small spaces, and often prefers them
  • She is cold blooded, like a snake, and has to seek heat from other sources, be it the sun or another being. Though, other beings help her become warmer faster than the sun does. --In the mornings she can often be seen standing in the sunniest spot she can find, just standing there.
  • She is comfortable with fall and spring weathers, but hates the winter, as it is hard to get heat or stay warm when everything is cold. The summer is the same, only she has to find cold places, when everything around her is warm. Being cold blooded really sucks in winter and summer.
  • She is good with close ranged weapons
  • She generates a natural venom, which is created though the mixing of saliva and zoo-toxins inside her mouth. ((Look it up if your really curious, if not just roll with it.)) This is injected should she bite any other being, or animal, causing the bitten other to either be paralyzed, which wears off in 2-3 hours, or to become very sick for a few days, when the venom usually wears off.

Bio: Domino is the daughter of two different yokai, but inherited her mothers traits, thus she never knew her father. Her mother raised her, and loved her, until the age of 13. At this time, her mother shoved her out of her comforting protection, handing her to a human orphanage. This is where Domino learned that keeping a human form, is probably best, otherwise she'd scare all the others off. She remained in the home until her 17th year, when she was adopted by two Tanuki`s. They provided food and clothing, and a place to stay, while putting Domino to work in various ways. When she turned 18, they decided to enroll her to Kaiju academy.

Her most used weapon.


Though it looks like a normal sword, its tip is automatically endowed with poison/venom.

Signature: Domino Vexx

Accepted welcome to the Academy! She is soooooo adorable!


Yonsisac said:
(Is it ok? and keep in minde not the best at English)


Natalia and Keishla










Apperance Detail

They are Both the same size,Odly they are the size of a Open Hand as they are not that Big eather,as they have Long Entenas coming from there head as they can use them too feel Vibrations in the air,as they are Very Light weight and they are able too fly.


Keishla is serius and Tempermental one,she is not bad or anything is that she is kinda Grumpy,she is silent and serius compared too her Energetic twin,as she mostly keeps things too herself and only trust her sister in anything,but there is oen thing that gets her Very mad is wen people argumate of her size...as that Gets her Very mad.

Natalia is joy and Helpfull one,she is very Nice and Joy compared too her twin,as she likes talking too people and geting too know new friends,aswell she likes Knowing all the Monsters and geting there Information and writing it down as inside her Book she has Lots of Information of monsters,she is aswell Shy but happy all the time.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Natalia uses a magical book that seems too have Infinet pages,as wen you reach the end of the book more pages appear,as she uses it for her Magick and aswell her reserch,as she dosent need the Book too cast magick but without the Book she could Only cast weak magick but with the Book she can cast mostly any magick....if she Writes it down and the draws symbols and all that

Keishla:She is the Inverted Magick of her sister as she can Only cast Dark Magick and Lighning Magick,as she dosent need a Book too cast Powerfull Magick as she is faster and stronger than her sister and aswell able too Teleport.




Natalias Book has Masive archive in its pages of spells and Monster information,as all is in Order with small little colord page seperators,seperating each so they dont get out of place,as each day she trys too write and draw somthing new too her Database.

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly)

Keishla T. Frost

Natalia T. Frost

I'm going to be completely honest, I'm a bit concerned with the grammar. I'm looking for intermediate RPers.
Name: Adrik Weston

Age: 18

Grade: 4th year

Gender: Male

Species: Naga (Snake Demon)/Demi-God


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Monochrome.Factor.full.399911new.jpg.37f833120e3536864326d112ae663fb8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35309" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Monochrome.Factor.full.399911new.jpg.37f833120e3536864326d112ae663fb8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Monster Appearance:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/large.jpg.dae1f33c96a03e9e95271bba3957a030.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35310" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/large.jpg.dae1f33c96a03e9e95271bba3957a030.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Black wings will spread from slits in his back and the lower half of his body becomes the bottom half of a snake's. His pupils become slit-like and whenever his emotions are high or he feeds, he usually changes forms. You know he's getting close when his eyes glow bright red, rather than their usual ruby, scales ripple across his skin and his fangs elongate more than usual.

Personality: Adrik is as fiery and temperamental as the flames he controls. He is usually angered and annoyed easily, especially if he finds whatever is going on at the time a waste of his own. He is known for acting arrogant at times and superior to others, the reason being because he is the son of a god from another Realm. He was raised to be relentless and if the situation calls for it, merciless. He can be sadistic and if if powers and strength are ever called into question, he'll happily prove that he is superior. He doesn't take well too losing and if he ever does(which has only been once), he father has harshly punished him. He is controlled when it comes to his other form and his thirst, but even that can get the better of him. If anyone were to get close enough, or even get him to care about them, he'd be protective and slightly possessive, but that's a part of his unusual charm.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Pyrokinesis: The manipulation and manifestation of fire at will.

Shadow Manipulation: Manipulation of the shadows around him, that are actually living, sadistic entities that thrive off of blood.

Speed and Strength: He is both strong and fast, inhumanly so.

Bio: Adrik is the son of Draven, the god of War and Bloodshed. He comes from another Realm where monsters and creatures like him are common and humans do not exist, the closest creature being elves and he's been taught to hate those and anything like them. His mother was never in the picture and Adrik was expected to do and be a lot of things. Draven wanted him to be as dark and evil as him, to not believe in freewill, but only in the control of others weaker. Adrik had to be stronger than the rest, faster, darker, more sadistic and always the highest in the food chain. He had a rough childhood, if he ever faltered in his father's expectations, he was punished with the shadows he was only beginning to control(a power inherited from his father). He has the scars that mar his body to prove it. As a child mostly growing up on his own, with the whispering of his father's teachings and expectations in his mind, Adrik found it hard to assimilate in the schools in his realm and was actually made fun of at first( which is his own personal reason for hating elves). They found it hard to believe he was the son of the fearsome god and Adrik was disciplined by his father to beat them into respect. No one ever questioned his lineage again after that.

He has now taken a step back and under his own request, Draven has allowed him into this realm to attend the Academy in hopes of learning more about others as well as about the realm. He is taking a step back from his father's influence and is trying to make an bigger identity for himself, rather than just the dark, evil, war starting son of a god. He is actually curious about the other species, though that is hard to see as he acts indifferent.

Extra: He absolutely loathes humans and the word "Freak".

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly) Adrik Weston

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.



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[QUOTE="Laney Lane]Name: Adrik Weston
Age: 18

Grade: 4th year

Gender: Male

Species: Naga (Snake Demon)/Demi-God


View attachment 88354

Monster Appearance:

View attachment 88357

Black wings will spread from slits in his back and the lower half of his body becomes the bottom half of a snake's. His pupils become slit-like and whenever his emotions are high or he feeds, he usually changes forms. You know he's getting close when his eyes glow bright red, rather than their usual ruby, scales ripple across his skin and his fangs elongate more than usual.

Personality: Adrik is as fiery and temperamental as the flames he controls. He is usually angered and annoyed easily, especially if he finds whatever is going on at the time a waste of his own. He is known for acting arrogant at times and superior to others, the reason being because he is the son of a god from another Realm. He was raised to be relentless and if the situation calls for it, merciless. He can be sadistic and if if powers and strength are ever called into question, he'll happily prove that he is superior. He doesn't take well too losing and if he ever does(which has only been once), he father has harshly punished him. He is controlled when it comes to his other form and his thirst, but even that can get the better of him. If anyone were to get close enough, or even get him to care about them, he'd be protective and slightly possessive, but that's a part of his unusual charm.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Pyrokinesis: The manipulation and manifestation of fire at will.

Shadow Manipulation: Manipulation of the shadows around him, that are actually living, sadistic entities that thrive off of blood.

Speed and Strength: He is both strong and fast, inhumanly so.

Bio: Adrik is the son of Draven, the god of War and Bloodshed. He comes from another Realm where monsters and creatures like him are common and humans do not exist, the closest creature being elves and he's been taught to hate those and anything like them. His mother was never in the picture and Adrik was expected to do and be a lot of things. Draven wanted him to be as dark and evil as him, to not believe in freewill, but only in the control of others weaker. Adrik had to be stronger than the rest, faster, darker, more sadistic and always the highest in the food chain. He had a rough childhood, if he ever faltered in his father's expectations, he was punished with the shadows he was only beginning to control(a power inherited from his father). He has the scars that mar his body to prove it. As a child mostly growing up on his own, with the whispering of his father's teachings and expectations in his mind, Adrik found it hard to assimilate in the schools in his realm and was actually made fun of at first( which is his own personal reason for hating elves). They found it hard to believe he was the son of the fearsome god and Adrik was disciplined by his father to beat them into respect. No one ever questioned his lineage again after that.

He has now taken a step back and under his own request, Draven has allowed him into this realm to attend the Academy in hopes of learning more about others as well as about the realm. He is taking a step back from his father's influence and is trying to make an bigger identity for himself, rather than just the dark, evil, war starting son of a god. He is actually curious about the other species, though that is hard to see as he acts indifferent.

Extra: He absolutely loathes humans and the word "Freak".

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly) Adrik Weston

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.

Accepted welcome to the Academy, yet where does the Naga part of him come into play?

[QUOTE="Kat Attack]Accepted welcome to the Academy, yet where does the Naga part of him come into play?

His father is the god, but his mother was a Naga. I created him a few years back, so slowly his history and information grew. His father created a few species in that realm, Naga being one of them and his favorite. Somewhere down the line, he had a son with a Naga, but once his son was born, he took him from the mother and raised him, himself. So where he is technically more Naga than god, he still has some of his father's qualities and takes a more god like form or appearance rather than the monstrous naga one.

Name: Tine Algora

Age: 13

Grade: 9th (Freshman)

Gender: Male

Species: Mage (Magical being, like a wizard but has a specific magic)


Height: 5'8

Weight: 159

Monster Appearance:

Elemental Take Overs







Personality: Tine gets very attatched to people, but has a hard time showing it. When he is thinking he can be very quiet, and he hates when his thought processes are interrupted. Time hates new places but doesn't mind new people, after all... he has been alone for a while.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Elemental Magic/ Elemental Takeover

Bio: Tine grew up in New England in a manor in a hill with his parents. Since he was old enough to understand things, he was aware of his parents magical powers. His dad was a light mage, his mother a water mage. Time did not see his parents much as they were usually going on missions, so he spent a lot of time home schooling with his mute teacher/baby sitter.

One day, when Tine was around 8, he remembered seeing lights surrounding the manor, and men with guns on every side. He remembered watching his parents being dragged out of the house. "Sweetheart, mummy and daddy are going on a very lingg mission. We promise we will be back someday but as for now, you will stay here with James... WE LOVE YOU!" those were the last words he heard from his mother.

After spending 4 years in the manor with his butler James, the manor was foreclosed. Instead of being sent to an unknown relative, James arrranged for Tine to be sent to a school for special people like him, and that's how he arrived to Kanuji Academy.

Extra: Tine was given a magical bag by his parents before they left on a mission from which they never returned. The bag has an unlimited amount of space and neither gains or losses weight.


Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly) Tine Demarius Algora

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.
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Name: Tine Algora

Age: 13

Grade: 9th (Freshman)

Gender: Male

Species: Mage (Magical being, like a wizard but has a specific magic)


Height: 5'8

Weight: 159

Monster Appearance:

Elemental Take Overs







Personality: Tine gets very attatched to people, but has a hard time showing it. When he is thinking he can be very quiet, and he hates when his thought processes are interrupted. Time hates new places but doesn't mind new people, after all... he has been alone for a while.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Elemental Magic/ Elemental Takeover


Extra: Tine was given a magical bag by his parents before they left on a mission from which they never returned. The bag has an unlimited amount of space and neither gains or losses weight.

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly) Tine Demarius Algora

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.

Accepted welcome to the Academy! Wow we have more people than I thought we would. I might need to close up applications soon...
Applying, if that's ok

Name: Warren Atkinson

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Species: Reaper


Monster Appearance: None as of yet, although high-class reapers can potentially transform into a ghostly apparition:


Personality:Warren is a rather laid-back individual, not really caring about superficial qualities when making friends. He is very outgoing, yet tactless, and he sometimes ends up offending someone unintentionally.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Functional immortality, e.g. he can die, but not permanently. As is the case with Reapers, Warren posesses a scythe which can harvest the souls of living humans. HOWEVER, he has not nearly reached that level of skill and ability, so thus far, it's really just a stick. As mentioned above, high-class reapers can turn into an intangible being that is quite powerful. Warren is not quite obviously not high-class. He can also see into the very souls of beings, and can decipher certain things from that, such as being able to see their emotions, etc.

Bio:Warren Atkinson was born into a family of 3; His father Thomas, mother Claudia, and older sister Janine. What most people don't know, however, is that the Atkinson lineage is notorious amongst the astral planes of existence as Reapers; Servants of the Netherworld tasked with the harvesting and policing of souls. The Atkinsons are "nobility" of sorts, and are an offshoot of the Grimm Family, the highest tier of all Reapers. Warren's sister is a recognized prodigy of the community, and is renowned for her aptitude with the necromantic arts. Warren's ability, well, pales in comparison to his older sibling.

His parents are adamant on making sure that the family's reputation stays intact, and has since sent Warren to Kaiju in order to train him correctly, and ensure that he lives up to the family's expectations. Warren isn't exactly keen on harvesting souls for the rest of eternity, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to appease his family, and bring honor to the Atkinson name.

Extra: As Warren becomes more experienced, his power will increase, and as such, so will his scythe's. He is also surprisingly good with computers.

Signature: (Warren Claudia Atkinson)

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.
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jamaicanviking said:
Applying, if that's ok
Name: Warren Atkinson

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Species: Reaper


Monster Appearance: None as of yet, although high-class reapers can potentially transform into a ghostly apparition:


Personality:Warren is a rather laid-back individual, not really caring about superficial qualities when making friends. He is very outgoing, yet tactless, and he sometimes ends up offending someone unintentionally.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Functional immortality, e.g. he can die, but not permanently. As is the case with Reapers, Warren posesses a scythe which can harvest the souls of living humans. HOWEVER, he has not nearly reached that level of skill and ability, so thus far, it's really just a stick. As mentioned above, high-class reapers can turn into an intangible being that is quite powerful. Warren is not quite obviously not high-class.

Bio:Warren Atkinson was born into a family of 3; His father Thomas, mother Claudia, and older sister Janine. What most people don't know, however, is that the Atkinson lineage is notorious amongst the astral planes of existence as Reapers; Servants of the Netherworld tasked with the harvesting and policing of souls. The Atkinsons are "nobility" of sorts, and are an offshoot of the Grimm Family, the highest tier of all Reapers. Warren's sister is a recognized prodigy of the community, and is renowned for her aptitude with the necromantic arts. Warren's ability, well, pales in comparison to his older sibling.

His parents are adamant on making sure that the family's reputation stays intact, and has since sent Warren to Carnes in order to train him correctly, and ensure that he lives up to the family's expectations. Warren isn't exactly keen on harvesting souls for the rest of eternity, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to appease his family, and bring honor to the Atkinson name.

Extra: As Warren becomes more experienced, his power will increase, and as such, so will his scythe's. He is also surprisingly good with computers.

Signature: (Warren Claudia Atkinson)

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.

jamaicanviking said:
Applying, if that's ok
Name: Warren Atkinson

Age: 17

Grade: Junior

Gender: Male

Species: Reaper


Monster Appearance: None as of yet, although high-class reapers can potentially transform into a ghostly apparition:


Personality:Warren is a rather laid-back individual, not really caring about superficial qualities when making friends. He is very outgoing, yet tactless, and he sometimes ends up offending someone unintentionally.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Functional immortality, e.g. he can die, but not permanently. As is the case with Reapers, Warren posesses a scythe which can harvest the souls of living humans. HOWEVER, he has not nearly reached that level of skill and ability, so thus far, it's really just a stick. As mentioned above, high-class reapers can turn into an intangible being that is quite powerful. Warren is not quite obviously not high-class.

Bio:Warren Atkinson was born into a family of 3; His father Thomas, mother Claudia, and older sister Janine. What most people don't know, however, is that the Atkinson lineage is notorious amongst the astral planes of existence as Reapers; Servants of the Netherworld tasked with the harvesting and policing of souls. The Atkinsons are "nobility" of sorts, and are an offshoot of the Grimm Family, the highest tier of all Reapers. Warren's sister is a recognized prodigy of the community, and is renowned for her aptitude with the necromantic arts. Warren's ability, well, pales in comparison to his older sibling.

His parents are adamant on making sure that the family's reputation stays intact, and has since sent Warren to Carnes in order to train him correctly, and ensure that he lives up to the family's expectations. Warren isn't exactly keen on harvesting souls for the rest of eternity, but he is willing to do whatever it takes to appease his family, and bring honor to the Atkinson name.

Extra: As Warren becomes more experienced, his power will increase, and as such, so will his scythe's. He is also surprisingly good with computers.

Signature: (Warren Claudia Atkinson)

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.[/quote

Accepted welcome to the Academy. Sorry for the late response.
Name: Christopher Morgan

Age: 17

Grade: 11th


Species: Vampire



Monster Appearance:


Personality: Brutally honest, disregards peoples feelings, likes to be alone, refuses to answer to anyone, rebellious

Monster Abilities/Powers: Manipulation of others will, reading people thoughts and actions beforehand, seduction (more of a curse than ability because it goes against how he acts)

Bio: Christopher is a pure blood, born and raised on the outskirts of Scandinavia in Hus fathers kingdom. Relatively, he would be considered a princes, but due to responsibilities, he refuses to accept or respond to that title outside of his home. Regardless, Christopher has been raised to be the "top dog", not that he would care for that at all. Due to his mothers early death after birthing his little sister Kayla, Christopher's responsibilities grew, since his father grew aware of the danger he was in. So, Christopher was raised to be the spitting image of his father. Sent to this school to develop a better sense of communication.


Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly): Christopher Alexander Morgan
[QUOTE="The Dark Princess]Name: Christopher Morgan
Age: 17

Grade: 11th


Species: Vampire



Monster Appearance:


Personality: Brutally honest, disregards peoples feelings, likes to be alone, refuses to answer to anyone, rebellious

Monster Abilities/Powers: Manipulation of others will, reading people thoughts and actions beforehand, seduction (more of a curse than ability because it goes against how he acts)

Bio: Christopher is a pure blood, born and raised on the outskirts of Scandinavia in Hus fathers kingdom. Relatively, he would be considered a princes, but due to responsibilities, he refuses to accept or respond to that title outside of his home. Regardless, Christopher has been raised to be the "top dog", not that he would care for that at all. Due to his mothers early death after birthing his little sister Kayla, Christopher's responsibilities grew, since his father grew aware of the danger he was in. So, Christopher was raised to be the spitting image of his father. Sent to this school to develop a better sense of communication.


Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly): Christopher Alexander Morgan

Accepted welcome to the Academy!

Name: Luther Balan* (*A Prince of Hell)

Age: 19

Grade: Senior

Gender: Male

Species: Demon


Luther stands at a tall 6’3”. He has piercing red eyes that stand out against his pale white skin. His black hair falls around his face and down his back. On either side of his head you will find a set of 3 horns that peak out of his hair. Luther is always dressed in high class clothing, looking like a true king no matter the occasion. His favorite look included a black button down with the sleeves rolled up a bit, a gray vest, black pants, and black leather gloves.

Monster Appearance: Same as above

Personality: Luther is, to put it bluntly, an asshole. He’s snobbish, loves to torment, and cannot keep his mouth shut to save his life. If he has a thought, it’ll be said no matter who he is talking to. However, Luther likes to put on an act. He’ll play the sweet, charming, romantic boy of your dreams until he gets what he wants. He’s cunning, manipulative, and would do anything for power without a second thought. If you thought Lillith was arrogant, wait until you meet her rival.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

  • Enhanced abilities, speed strength, ect.
  • Possession
  • Mental manipulation
  • Dark element manipulation

Bio: Luther was born from the 7th Circle of Hell; otherwise known as Violent. Luther lived a pampered life as ruler of the Inner Ring. He came into power at a young age after killing his family to gain control. Feared by all in Violent, Luther decided he needed to expand his control. Luther started a war against the Middle Ring. After what seemed like no time at all, Luther had taken over the Middle ring. Luther, still hungry for power, decided to visit the Outer Ring. Here he met Lillith. Luther devised a plan, marry Lillith and take control of the last ring, becoming King of Violent. However Lillith wanted nothing to do with him. Angered by the rejection, Luther began planning to launch another war against the Outer Ring. He has moved to Kaiju Academy to recruit more souls for his army.

Extra: Luther and Lillith have history. He likes to call Lillith, “Lilly pad”

Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly): XO, Luther

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.
Name: Kayla Morgan

Age: 16

Grade: 10th

Gender: Female

Species: Demonic Vampire



Monster Appearance:


Personality: Kayla avoids deep conversation, majorly with males. She much like her brother Christopher, being the type to say things before considering anyone's feelings at all. She tends to read a lot and will rarely speak to anyone first.

Monster Abilities/Powers: Normal Pure blood powers, seduction of others with her appearance.

Bio: Same as her brother except she was raised to be the spitting image of her deceased mother, hoped by her father to be married off to another kingdom to gain more power.


Signature: (Please Print Full Name Clearly):

Kayla Latise Morgan
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Name: John Abraus

Age: 17

Grade: First Year

Gender: Male

Species: Corruption. A species of worm that enters its host, and controls it from the inside. It boosts the psi and mental abilities of the host, but eventually is forced out. After that, it looks for another host.


Monster Appearance: ??? (You guys have to find out ^.^)

Personality: He is usually calm, and loves to play around. He tends to be careful around poison or anything like that.

Monster Abilities/Powers: He can read minds, and is a fantastic engineer. He can create the illusion of pain.

Bio: ???


Signature: John Abraus
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[QUOTE="captain forever]Name: John Abraus
Age: 18

Grade: First Year

Gender: Male

Species: Corruption. A species of worm that enters its host, and controls it from the inside. It boosts the psi and mental abilities of the host, but eventually is forced out. After that, it looks for another host.


Monster Appearance: ??? (You guys have to find out ^.^)

Personality: He is usually calm, and loves to play around. He tends to be careful around poison or anything like that.

Monster Abilities/Powers: He can read minds, and is a fantastic engineer. He can create the illusion of pain.

Bio: ???


Signature: John Abraus

Accepted welcome to the Academy! I must say, his species is new to me. I can't wait to see him in action.

Nami Shiranui




9th grade




Celestial Brush God



Monster Appearance:



Mami is benevolent, helping all those in need. She is loyal to her friends and determined to protect them, although she can be quite mischievous at times. She is incredibly playful, running around a person and playfully tackling them if she wants to play. She has an incredibly short attention span resulting her to sometimes stare off into space when she is being spoken to, which sometimes leads her to fall asleep. She always causes quite a mess, especially because of her tail.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Nami is known to have the power to control flames. However, the strength of her power varies depending on her form, and believe it or not, her powers are stronger when she is in her cute monster form. If she is in her human form, she can create nothing more than small puffs of flame, sometimes a small fireball. In her monster form however, she can create huge balls of fire or powerful jets of flame, she can even engulf himself in flames. In both forms, her tail is like a calligraphy brush, the tip always has ink in it, which may be quite messy.


(Will be added later)


She sucks at English, especially when it comes to reading. She is exceptionally talented when it comes to painting and writing, she is also quite talented in music and dancing. She is terribly afraid of swimming and no force on this earth could force her to go for a swim, even in a kiddie pool.


Nami Shiranui
CrimsonEclipse said:
Nami Shiranui




9th grade




Celestial Brush God



Monster Appearance:



Mami is benevolent, helping all those in need. She is loyal to her friends and determined to protect them, although she can be quite mischievous at times. She is incredibly playful, running around a person and playfully tackling them if she wants to play. She has an incredibly short attention span resulting her to sometimes stare off into space when she is being spoken to, which sometimes leads her to fall asleep. She always causes quite a mess, especially because of her tail.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Nami is known to have the power to control flames. However, the strength of her power varies depending on her form, and believe it or not, her powers are stronger when she is in her cute monster form. If she is in her human form, she can create nothing more than small puffs of flame, sometimes a small fireball. In her monster form however, she can create huge balls of fire or powerful jets of flame, she can even engulf himself in flames. In both forms, her tail is like a calligraphy brush, the tip always has ink in it, which may be quite messy.


(Will be added later)


She sucks at English, especially when it comes to reading. She is exceptionally talented when it comes to painting and writing, she is also quite talented in music and dancing. She is terribly afraid of swimming and no force on this earth could force her to go for a swim, even in a kiddie pool.


Nami Shiranui
Accepted! So adorable as well!



Awinita {Awin} Lipuna








Acheri: A disease-bringing demon, which normally has the appearance of a deformed little girl.

Monster Appearance:



Awin is a kind girl without a malicious bone in her body. She is generous and cares greatly for her friends. However, she comes off as very shy and quiet, usually stuttering when she speaks to people she doesn't know well. She doesn't hold grudges and tries not to be a burden. She hates her monster form and is very self-conscious about it.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Disease Manipulation: Awin can create, manipulate, shape, transform, cause/heal, etc. all forms of diseases, including their severity, contagiousness, methods of spreading, etc. She can control the organisms that spread diseases, including germs, bacteria, virus or other pathogen on a cellular level, including bacteriophages, microorganisms (microscopic organisms), retroviruses, cells that abnormally grow to make cancerous tumors and cysts, and pathogens that produce genetic mutations.

Disease Immunity: Awin's immunity, digestive, and other organ systems are enhanced or evolved far beyond that of a normal human's. She is completely immune to every form of disease brought on by bacteria, viruses, or even parasites.


Awin was raised in a community with her kind and was taught to disease humans. However, she found this to be repulsive. Eventually, she began to resent her appearance and wanted to be more like the humans she was supposed to infect. So, she learned how to use a human form and decided to run away. She stumbled upon Kaiju Academy, where she could stay and not be hated.

Signature: Awinita Lipuna

Name: Res...Is what he wishes to be called. His full name one his mother gave him....a mother who knew nothing of the curse Rosie Esward.

Age: 18

Grade: 12th

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Beautiful-Anime-Girl-Magic-Art-Wallpaper-4865.jpg.550b00cc27b64d2c80cfb9b9a2ebad27.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35630" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Beautiful-Anime-Girl-Magic-Art-Wallpaper-4865.jpg.550b00cc27b64d2c80cfb9b9a2ebad27.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Monster Appearance:<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Anime-monster-jaws-teeth-blood.jpg.4011834dc4338abbd3daf3c736a6d177.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="35631" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_11/Anime-monster-jaws-teeth-blood.jpg.4011834dc4338abbd3daf3c736a6d177.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's joyful in the worst of times. He hates to be corrected. He feels completely powerless against creatures of greater power and will show them respect. Unless if they wanted her soul. Hes very talkative to others and loves to experience new things. He loves exploring things he shouldn't and is a very curios person.

Monster Abilities/Powers:

Art Summoning: Any thing he draws on the scroll becomes real and he is able to control it completely. If the scroll is closed the art returns to ink.

Spiritual Bonding: If the beads on his right arm were to ever be removed his body would alter to a form. A form he was born with. Apart of the curse.

Gender Alteration: Apart of the curse placed on his family. When anyone from the family there mind is one gender and there body's the other, the voice prefers the voice of the body's gender. The only way to break this part of the curse......Which I shall not spoil...

Bio: Res's family had been cursed ages ago. Since the feudal age of Japan. There was ounce a witch who had decided to curse his family a long time ago. It was simply a mistake by the ancestor of his family. He tricked a witch into giving his family power within the land of Japan. When the witch realized she was tricked she put two curses on the family. That is how it started....detail shall come when he speaks of it.

Extra: He has a phobia of touch and will scream at anyone that touches him. He also likes to hide that hes really a male.

Signature: Rosie Leth Esward (Please Print Full Name Clearly)

In signing this application I solemnly swear that if I am accepted for enrollment, I will keep my human form at all times on campus, and I commit to getting along with, or at least not killing/eating humans.



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