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Fantasy Jade Isles {Wolf Rp} [OPEN]

How many people should we need to start?

  • 3

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  • 4

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  • 9

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The Jade Isles is a mighty land filled with wolves and their prey. Here, no humans are to be found. The three wolf packs, named after fire for their fierceness and ravaging nature, are the Ember Clan, the Flame Clan, and the Ash Clan. These wolves are fierce in nature, always competing and striving for the resources on the island. Within each pack, there are an alpha male and an alpha female, along with other pack members.

Please do not post in-character in this part of the thread until you have read the overview and have signed up and have been accepted.

In-Character RPing

Is this a plot in which the wolves are pretty normal but can communicate between each other verbally, or do they have powers?
Snickers said:
Is this a plot in which the wolves are pretty normal but can communicate between each other verbally, or do they have powers?
This is a RP where they can communicate with each other. However, they do not have powers.

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