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Fantasy Is The Demon Lord A Myth? (Out of Character/Lore)

I think she might become mistaken for a demon in this world a lot since the horns are coming out of the forehead, arent dark and skin and hair is pretty light.

Wouldn’t that make things more fun? But it’s up to you if you want to allow it, like I’ve said I’ve got other ideas
Wouldn’t that make things more fun? But it’s up to you if you want to allow it, like I’ve said I’ve got other ideas
You don't have to take a pic that exactly fits the description. You could take a pic of a human and say she has black horns or something.
Also I didn't say no, I just said that in the roleplay world it might invite lots of misunderstandings and even friendly fire.
Human with ears and tail. I played a game that has exactly that character, a demon wolf girl complete with horns
okay, demon wolf girl is fine. There can be a distinction that demon wolves aren't actual demons but are just called that way because they have horns.

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