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Fantasy Into The Shadows (Scorpiodragon)


Aspiring Writer
Name: Declan 'Kage' Miles

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Homosexual

Pack: Hendrix

Pack Position: Omega (Training to become a Warrior)

Pureblood or halfblooded wolf: Pureblood

Mate: Undecided

Litter: N/A
Wolf appearance:
Human appearance:

Personality: Declan is very straight forward and tries to be the best him he can be, whether that's by pushing himself harder to defeat a challenge or to help a fellow packmate. He tries not to sugarcoat things and tends to act more mature than he actually is, yet can be very childish other times. He tries to be funny when serious matters drag everyone around him down, and tries to put a smile on everyone's faces. Declan's temper is one that needs some serious management, due to his bloodline; his family has many hotheads in the family, and doesn't help that he has Alpha blood running through his veins.

Backstory: Declan was the son of an Alpha and an outsider; his father wanted to hide his abomination of a son and exiled both his mother and him from their lands. His mother raised him as a rogue and soon fell ill due to the harsh winters of his home land. Soon enough, his mother passed away at age of 14 and so he went on, barely surviving on his own. On a horrible, stormy night, he showed up at the Hendrix pack house seeking shelter.
Name: Adam Fir
Nickname: Jinx
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Pack: Hendrix
Pack Position: Omega
Pureblood or halfblooded wolf: Half-Blood
Mate: Kage (future)
Wolf appearance: E79F2E9A-FE41-44A1-9278-F7C4B0542349.jpeg

Human Appearance:


Personality: Adam can be charismatic when he wants to be, has a quick temper like his father and a sweet caring side like his mother, and very friendly. Adam is quiet and doesn't talk much but will speak his mind on things if he wants to, friendly and loyal wouldn't turn on his own alpha or his mate or anyone for that matter. Adam is quite ruthless in a fight due to his temper and one of the fastest wolves in his birth pack.

Backstory: Born into a pack in Yellowstone, the pack was a mix of werewolves, their human mates and regular wolves. The pack did well together, despite their differences, the human mates being at the bottom, the regular wolves in the middle and the werewolves at the top. Breedings were common between the werewolves and humans as well as the werewolves and regular wolves, though the children of such a union were smarter than regular wolves and larger, they could not turn. More than once a female wolf died from the large pups they had to carry as a result of the male weres breeding them and the pack grew quite large, being the only such pack in existence. Adam was born to the alpha wolf’s right hand, his Beta while his uncle was the Gamma and his left hand. Adam grew up there in his pack, a happy go lucky pup until he turned ten and could take on a rank in the pack as was custom for all pups upon reaching that age. Put through several tests, he was eventually made a guard. When he turned eleven, he accidentally led the pack into danger when scouting, leading them into the path of a snowstorm. When he kept making mistakes that nearly got the pack killed, Adam was demoted to omega and put through intense training for two years. Eventually he was pushed out of his pack after getting his siblings and the alpha heir injured or killed, where he wandered around as a rogue, only recent joining Hendrix.

Alpha-Top of the food chain, makes all the laws and is to be respected by all low rank wolves. Has a werewolf mate, human mate, & 3 wolf mates.
Beta-Alpha’s right hand wolf, law enforcer and general. Brother to the Gamma and Adam’s father. Has a human mate, werewolf mate, and 2 wolf mates.
Gamma-Alpha’s left hand. Acts as a voice for the pack and the lead hunter. Serves as the pack’s ambassador. Uncle to Adam, younger brother to Beta. Has a werewolf mate and a wolf mate.
Delta-They are the ambassadors, messengers, and lead hunters of the pack.
Kappa-They are the hunters of the pack.
Tau-They are lead guards of the pack.
Upsilon-They are the guards of the pack.
Zeta-They are the lead warriors of the pack.
Epsilon-They are the fighters and protectors of the pack.

Keeper-Possesses medical knowledge and herbal lore. Preserves the customs and history of the pack. When it comes to battles, they are the first to plan what steps to take.
Caretakers-Three members who work beneath the Keeper and help care for the sick and injured. They also aid in childcare and raising other wolves.

Subordinates Mostly made up of regular wolves and wolf kin, the backbone of the pack. Human Mates and werewolves may be in these ranks. They train the pups and omegas.

Eta-Lower full-fledged members of the pack.

Den Mother/Den Father-Responsible for looking after pups, mothers, omegas and elders. A female and male entrusted with the care of the weak.
Pups-The future of the pack. Upon turning ten years (werewolves) or ten months (Wolf & wolf kin) are branded by the Keeper, becoming omegas. Learn from the omegas and caretakers.
Omegas-The lowest of the pack, the comedians, adolescents, and elders. They help the Den Mother/Den Father, do chores and act as peacekeepers. They tend to eat last and are bullied, accepting fights and tough play without a fight. Male omegas do heavier chores and female omegas do lighter chores.

Moon blessed-A werewolf who is turned.
Summer Water-Hot water
Winter Water-Cold water
Sun Sleep-Afternoon nap
Moon Sleep-Bed time
Human Mates-Humans who are mated to werewolves who don’t want to be werewolves.
High Ones-Alpha, beta and gamma
Wolf Kin-Children of a werewolf and wolf. Intelligent enough to understand human speech and large as werewolves but not able to turn into humans.

Spirit Den: Where the keeper and caretakers reside, injured or sick pack members come for healing and may remain if in quarantine or having grievous injuries.

Laughing Falls: Leads to Laughing Stream.

Laughing Stream: Omegas and elders sometimes rest and drink here.

Void Den: Omegas, Den Mother, Elders, Pups live here. A den near a water source and hidden partly by boulders and vegetation, a sloping rock face casting the den's entrance in shadow and providing shelter from storms and other bad weather.

Thunder Ridge: Long in length and impressively tall as well, this wall like range is part of the annual journey the tribe makes in the transition of seasonal dens and consumes a quarter of the territory with it's gigantic form.

Sun Den: As the heat grows uncomfortable, some choose to remain outside while others press into the cool walls within. The sun den is used during the spring and summer. Lies in East of territory.

Moon Den: Despite the tight entrance, this is much more than a hole in the ground to the tribe who resides within it. A sturdy fortress against the vindictive wrath of mother nature as heavy blankets of snow and freezing storms plague the land, driving the tribe inside the warm safety of the den when things grow extreme. The moon den is used during the autumn and winter.

Ebony Hills: This jagged series of peaks stands out even against it's mountainous counterparts, an extremely difficult climb to make it is an area frequented by many birds of prey who make elaborate nests atop the columns.

Inkling Pass: With it's rugged terrain and at times abrupt inclines those who enter here must be fit and have good endurance, agility, and balance to stay on top of the sudden changes; keep in mind one slip and it could all be over.

Indigo Basin: Nestled carefully between several looming mountains this collection of deep blue water is quite the hot spot as many mountain dwelling mammals venture down for a drink, making for timely targets of the pack.

abyss den.jpg
Abyss Den: This is where prisoners and disobedient wolves are kept. It is a tight den and always heavily guarded but at least six members. There is a narrow tunnel which has room for one guard at a time to go through.
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Kage|Wolf Form
Outskirts of Yellowstone

After the long journey and a few moments of fighting with rogues to protect Adam, Kage was a bit grumpy. His large wolf huffed, his muscles moving methodically. He eyed the woods as they neared a..strange smelling area, commotion and chatter in the distance. Feeling a bit unnerved, Kage sped up a bit and made sure to stay beside Adam in case another group of rogues tried anything; he was seriously fed up with other wolves trying to attack them, having been scratched and bitten into a few times. He allowed his ears to flatten, a low growl leaving his chops, his lips pulling back when he heard a voice of a human. Quickly jumping infront of Adam, Kage puffed his large figure up a bit and snarled.

"Whoa! I-Is that you, Adam?" A women asked, her brow furrowed; she had been in the pack since she was a pup and had seen Adam grow from birth. Putting her hands up slowly, the woman hesitantly looked at Kage.
Outside Yellowstone

Adam has done his best to lead Kage towards Yellowstone, both the pack of which it was named and the national park. The teen was pleased that he had not gotten them lost though they did run into rogues on occasion, which broke out into fights and Kage usually fought anyone who came near him, earning a few bites and scratches. The mission for the rescue of the princess had not gone well, alpha and beta had been attacked along with their healer and pregnant mate by Winson. What had happened to not Den Mother, strange male, not alpha pup...Adam couldn’t remember. Everything afterwards had been a blur of fighting and blood.

However as they approached the outskirts of the park, Kage got all anxious and defensive all of a sudden and jumped in front of him, causing a confused whine to emit from Adam as the bigger wolf puffed out his chest, snarling at whatever had alerted him. A woman’s voice appeared out of thin air and she soon materialized before them, Adam’s ears flicking towards the voice, trying to place it. The former guard barked sharply before moving around Kage and swatting the bigger wolf with his tail as he passed him to stand at the other’s shoulder. The youngster scented the air, his eyes roving over he woman before he turned his head and nipped at Kage to behave, pressing his head into Kage’s chest and whining that everything was okay before turning back to the woman. Recognizing her as one of the hunters, the wolf trotted towards the woman and rubbed his body against her as pack was want to do when returning, knowing the female would understand him as he yipped that he was Adam and the stranger was an alpha son of a pack called Anarchy, many months travel from here, near the pack he had briefly joined and barked that was where he met Kage before yipping the wolf’s name.

Eliruz Eliruz
Kage|Wolf Form
Outskirts of Yellowstone
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Kage was still snarling until he heard Adam yip and bark from behind him, feeling Adam's nip to his neck. The large brute let himself relax as Adam told him everything was fine and to calm himself; his eyes slowly flickered down towards the smaller male as he began nuzzling his chest. His fur slowly matted back down and his ears perked in confusion as Adam moved forward to rub himself against the female. Still weary about the situation, the brute slowly moved forward and sniffed the female, finding she was no threat.

Judith, the female hunter, smiled warmly as Adam began telling her about everything and that the male was an Alpha'a son from another pack; no wonder the male was so big!

"Well, I'm just glad your back and safe!" She replied back to all of his yipping and barking before nuzzling into his fur as a sign of acceptance of said return. "The Alpha will be quite pleased to see you, and your..friend."
Outskirts of Yellowstone

Adam whined in acknowledgment of the female nuzzling into his fur, raising his eyes as he felt Kage come up beside him and then saw him move towards Judith as he sniffed her. Kage apparently felt she was no threat for he relaxed and Adam looked up at Judith saying that the alpha would be glad to have him back in the pack, the younger wolf tilting his head in confusion as he whined a simple why before straightening his head and barking, asking about his parents and siblings. Even though the younger wolf asked about his parents, he wasn't too sure his father would be too pleased to see him or the alpha for his mistake that had gotten him effectively removed from the pack in the first place. Turning to Kage, he barked that this was a hunter of the pack and they were now here within Yellowstone, the wolf looking between Kage and Judith before shifting back into human form, still managing to keep his clothes on as he shifted.
Kage|Wolf Form
Outskirts of Yellowstone
Judith smiled and stood up a bit straighter as the male began asking about his family. "Well, to say the least..they're worried sick and your father isn't too happy, but I'm sure once he sees your safe and sound, he'll soften up. As for your siblings," she groaned the last part, humor written in her expression, "they're almost as mischievous as you were! And they've gotten so big!" Judith exclaimed, a bit irritated at how his siblings behaved.

Kage hesitated as Adam told him this woman was a hunter and that they'd arrived at the packgrounds before shifting into his human form. Following after, he shifted, his clothes in tact but nearly shredded from all of the damage he's taken from the long journey here. He looked down at Judith, he smiled faintly and apologized for growling and getting too..jumpy, to which she accepted
Outskirts of Ithawell

Adam listened intently as Judith spoke of his parents m being worried sick about him but hoping hat once the older wolf saw Adam, he would soften up. Apparently father was not happy with him and the teen shifted at the information. “I thought he more angry siblings hurt or killed, alpha heir hurt because we went out on hunt.” As Judith spoke about his siblings being as mischievous as he was at their age and were getting big. Shaking his head, he heard Kage shifting beside him and apologizing, the hunter accepting the words of Kage.

“Alpha accept back?” He questioned, looking down at the ground between him and Judith. “Where high ones?”
Kage|Human Form
Outskirts of Ithawell
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon
Judith's eyes softened as the male shifted and began asking about his father, about the Alpha. Moving forward, she rested a hand on his shoulder with a small smile. "Everything calmed down, but they are still a bit upset; just talk to Alpha and we see." The female nodded before looking forward at Kage with uncertain eyes. "Alpha son? May pose threat to Alpha here.." She expressed her worry and breathed in before motioning them to follow. Kage furrowed his brow out of irritation and followed after once Adam began to move.

Nervously and out of protectiveness, the male quickly grabbed Adam's hand and squeezed it tightly, his eyes surveying the area. "I don't know how I feel about this, Adam.." Kage mumbled under his breath to his companion.
Outskirts Yellowstone

Adam turned his gaze towards Judith as she put a hand on his shoulder and spoke to him, saying everything had calmed down and he should just talk to the alpha before they would see if he would end up rejoining the pack at all before looking towards Kage and speaking of the male being a threat to the alpha. "Kage is good provider, good fighter," said Adam to Judith before heading into the territory. Kage was no threat, he didn't think the alpha had anything to worry about though it was the alpha's decision on if he could join again and if Kage could join.

Kage soon caught up to him as he wandered into the territory, the omega looking for signs of pack that were bound to be about. Kage grabbed his hand and walked beside him, speaking of not being sure about joining his pack or even seeking the alpha out. "Other pack fail because modern alpha stupid, so called princess not want to come home," said Adam. "There three choice here. Alpha accept back into pack, accept Kage. Alpha scar Adam through brand, blacklist Adam so can't join. Or alpha, if really mad, kill Adam." The former guard shrugged as if it wasn't a big concern, though was aware his companion would likely not be pleased with any of those options. "If join, Kage can learn be true werewolf. Might have hard time get used no modern pack stuff." He furrowed his brows in thought as he considered before pulling the bigger male along with him as he moved through the territory.

It was a few miles in that they came upon the first signs of wolf...shredded bark on a tree...and that was mainly due to ahowl in the air. Adam stopped as he listened, another howl piercing the air and then growing further away. "Message pass to high ones," said Adam, scuffing a foot on the ground. "Kage stay close," he said as he began walking again, Adam brushing his hair out of his eyes as he walked. About another half mile in there was the sound of paws running over the ground towards them, the scent of wolves on their tail. Adam took a few moments to place the smells before groaning loudly as seconds later two wolves leapt out of the forest and tackled the guard to the earth, tongues and happy barks sounding within the younger teen's ears. Two blondish-cream wolves tugged at Adam and ran their tongues over his face, causing the teenager to sputter as they pinned him, barking and whining, tails wagging furiously behind their haunches.

Radish top, Aqua below-children of beta and Nectar, wolf-kin, 14 years^^

"Off Aqua, off Radish," whined Adam as he tried pushing the wolves off him. Radish, the slightly larger one, whined as Aqua purposely lay down on their brother, Radish discernable from his twin from a large scar on his chest, two on his neck and three on his face. Pups of father's deceased wolf mate Nectar, father had been pissed when Radish had been injured in the hunt. Radish barked his head off, saying it was about time Adam came home and how the siblings had missed Adam, before scenting Kage and lifted his head. Seeing the other male near their brother, the wolf snapped his teeth at Kage and barked at him, questioning why he was near Adam and was alien.

"That Kage. No threat alpha, father, uncle," said Adam. "He...friend...companion."

Radish whined as the wolf-kin looked at each other, both stepping back after Aqua got off of him at the last word. "Where alpha?"

Aqua barked that pack was at Sun Den, Adam rolling so he could get up but was hit again as three wolves appeared and sent the omega crashing to the earth. "Ow." These wolves were young, only around eleven years of age but their bodies resembled eleven-month-old wolves. Two gray blurs and a black blur hit him and sent him to the ground, whining and licking him, one of the gray blurs tugging on his leg and trying to get him to play. "No play," said Adam. "Have find alpha, see rejoin pack."

Nirvana-11 years, middle of the triplets of Adam's parents


Nebula (gray female-oldest of triplets), Polaris (Black male-youngest of triplets)-children of Adam's parents
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Kage|Human Form
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Kage felt himself growing uneasy with the circumstances as they moved inwards towards the heart of the territory. Signs of territorial claim were beginning to pop up such as scratches carved into many trees, seen left and right along with the stench of a marking scent. His nose crinkled and his hand tightened on Adam's smaller one, a low growl leaving his lips. The large brute felt uncertain of what was to come, but he couldn't explain why he was feeling so protective over the smaller Omega. As he was pulled behind the male, he rested a hand on his hip lightly, giving it a squeeze before leaning down to his ear.

"I will not allow anyone to harm you; they will not lay a finger on you if they mean harm to you." He replied, his warm breath fanning out across his cheek and neck before he pulled away, his eyes snapping to the barking and howling of what he could make out as younger wolves. His eyes widened as he was shoved out of the way so the younger wolves could pounce atop the young omega. It was obvious they didn't mean harm to Adam, which made Kage lower his defenses a bit until one whipped it's head around and began growling and barking at him, asking questions.

"I mean no harm, as Adam said. Just here to keep Adam safe and possibly give myself to this..pack." Kage cleared his throat and offered an uneasy smile, his eyes widening as he heard softer steps, revealing themselves to be owned by even younger wolves. His brows furrowed and a faint smile of amusement overtook his uneasy expression. "Are these your siblings? They seem pretty young," the older brute asked Adam with a chuckle.

Adam certainly didn't have time to acknowledge Kage's words of reassurance or the warm breath on his neck that sent a shiver down the younger teen's spine before his siblings came at him and proceeded to lick him and argue with each other over who got to play with Adam first, much to the teen's annoyance. Still he was grateful for coming across them first then his parents who he was unsure about meeting, much less alpha.

Pushing the three younger wolves off him, Adam again tried getting to his feet, barely hearing Kage's words as of not liking the situation and not letting anything or anyone hurt Adam. The younger teen got up and brushed his clothing off, turning to Kage as the older tried explaining to his siblings who he was and that he meant no harm to Adam. Kage spoke once the conversation between the siblings had died down a bit, Adam turning towards Kage. "A few," said Adam with a shrug. "Radish," he pointed at the scarred wolf, "and Aqua are twins and part of quartets from father and Nectar. Nectar died in childbirth and was father's previous wolf mate before finding Cherry." Both wolves barked at Adam's introduction, Radish whining moments later. "They were born around the same time I and my siblings were so are fourteen like me...we just look like adolescents until we hit twenty years."

Pointing at the younger wolves, he spoke. "The triplets are from my parents and were born a couple years after me and the quartets. Nebula is the one that wants to play and grabbed leg..." he scowled at his sister, "Polaris is the black one and the youngest of them, he's my brother, and then the other gray female is Nirvana...she's the middle of the three. Now I see what Judith means by you all being mischievous." He rubbed his head. "I have more...though a few of them are deceased because I was idiot and we ran into trouble." This was accompanied by Radish's growl which caused Adam to flinch. "I apologize...that why I leave."
Shaking his head, the teen led the way to the Sun Den, accompanied by his siblings. It was about a four hour walk until they got to the Sun Den and more tracks, human and wolf could be seen within the territory as they walked, Radish eventually splitting off with a bark that he was going hunting.
Kage|Human Form
Outskirts to Sun Den
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

The brute listened intently and nodded, his eyes flickering towards the many pups and siblings around Adam who were whining and playfully tugging on Adam's clothing and leg. As soon as Radish growled, Kage let out a low growl of his own and moved towards Adam protectively, a worried look in his eyes. Helping Adam up, the male brushed him off and stood up to his full height before shifting to his large wolf form. He shook his large figure out and looked around the siblings, who now could feel the strong Alpha-type vibe vibrating off of the large brute. His golden eyes flickered towards Adam, a low huff leaving him as he took his place next to him, beginning to walk along side him as they made their way to the Sun den.

It was quite a long walk, and the pups were starting to slightly irriate the larger wolf but he didn't bark or growl, he just tolerated the occasional nipping of the heels. With a look of worry towards Adam, his eyes narrowed as he heard a loud howl, one of power and grace; the Alpha. His fur began to bristle as he heard more howls in the distance. Kage whined that he felt something bad was going to go down and pressed his large body against Adam's side,
Outskirts to Sun Den

Adam heard Kage’s growl to Radish and looked at the male as he shifted into a wolf again after helping him up, following alongside him as his siblings toyed with Kage by nipping at his heels, Adam watching their surroundings as he walked. The pack was large enough to deal with any who came here, be it human tourists, wolf or other predators. Sometimes human hunters would occasionally show up, forcing the pack to lie low and go underground until the danger had passed. The teenager nodded as Radish eventually ran off to hunt, his brows furrowing as he watched the scarred wolf run off into the forest.

As they came to the outskirts of the sun den, Adam felt Kage press into him, the wolf whining uncertainly as a howl pierced the air. His remaining siblings halted, looking at each other at the alpha’s howl and stopping their playful antics. More howls echoed in the air as Adam swallowed, looking back at his siblings who shined in fear before they all bolted off. Some help you are. Adam shook himself as he heard Kage even whine, the teen shifting nervously as he made out the meaning. Swallowing, Adam patted Kage and then moved forward toward the sun den, seeing wolf and human in the large area.
Kage|Wolf Form
Yellowstone Pack Sun Den
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Kage began to straighten himself up, a low growl leaving his lips before he turned his large cranium to look up at Adam, who was beginning to show signs of fear. His ears flattened and he began growing protective, allowing his Alpha-type energy to freely expose itself. Fur bristling and eyes collected, he began walking a bit faster, putting himself infront of Adam as they approached, his eyes catching sight of a wolf and human in the large area. What an odd sight..Kage could tell that this was definitely going to be a different experience than a more modern pack; wolf-kin, humans, now a mix? He shook himself, trying to show respect but concern at the same time.

The large brute finally stopped infront of the two figures, one human and one wolf; they didn't look happy. Slowly turning to look at Adam, he whined in worry, standing his ground. He was ready to fight off any attackers, if they became too violent.
Sun Den

Adam felt reassured by Kage’s words of encouragement, though still unfamiliar with Kage’s alpha aura. Eventually he took the lead as he growled and Adam would let him take the lead, falling into step behind him as was instinct. The wolf in question was a white wolf who stared at Adam and Kage before getting to his paws.


“Father,” whispered Adam, pointing towards the hulking beast. He looked to the human who was seated there and saw his mother’s sister sitting there, stringing a string with shells.


The woman turned as a hulking beast that looked like a dire wolf strode towards them out of the cave, causing Adam to whine and instinctively drop to one knee.

The Alpha snarled at the alien before scenting Adam and barked loudly. Understanding the order, Adam crawled around Kage until he was facing the alpha, keeping his head down and staring steadfastly at the ground as around them more wolves emerged from the den and forest, seating themselves around the area, minus those that were already here.

None of them made a move to attack unless ordered by the alpha or beta. The wolf shifted, his voice commanding and a powerful tenor as he spoke, almost like his wolf was trying to get out. “Adam Nicolas Fir,” spoke the alpha. His hazel eyes boring into Adam as the teen lifted his head.


Hazel eyes bored into Adam’s own before dropping his head again, his father and aunt not saying anything. “You deliberately cost my son injury by your stupid hunting idea. Luckily, my son survived, no thanks to you leaving shortly after. Abandoning not only my son but your siblings and cousins, both dead and alive.”

Adam swallowed in relief as he heard the alpha’s heir had survived but winched as he was reminded how he had left run off. “Alpha,” spoke up his aunt. “As my daughter says, Adam led the bear away from them at the expense of his life.”

The man turned his head towards the woman. “Star, I did not ask for your input. Is this true Adam?”

“Yes alpha,” spoke Adam. “After the bear attacked, I led it away so nobody else would be injured or killed.”
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Kage|Wolf Form
Sun Den
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Kage felt a heavy Alpha presence other than his in the air and lowered his ears back once more, his eyes flickering towards the new person who has walked into the vacinity from deeper in the den. He inhaled slowly, readying himself for anything but found Adam whimpering and kneeling immediately. His eyes narrowed towards the Alpha who began growing at Kage, his lips pulling back in a snarl but soon turned into a submissive whine; he knew standing up to him would only get him killed. The male slowly lowered himself to the ground and exposed his neck, a huff leaving his chops before he licked them.

His eyes flickered towards the blonde female who spoke up in defense of Adam, his eyes filling with worry as there was mention of a bear. Slowly turning his gaze back towards the Alpha who was now in human form, he whined quietly and shifted back into his large human form, kneeling still. Kage's body radiated Alpha power, yet he didn't know how to even control his aura at this point; there were many wolves around them now, which was beginning to make Kage feel uneasy but he brushed it off so he could focus on Adam's safety.

Sun Den

While his aunt merely continued looking at Kage until speaking somewhat in her nephew's defense, the woman went back to the necklace. The alpha glanced towards Kage as he snarled at him. "Rein your aura in boy," growled the alpha, watching as the alien bared his neck before shifting and taking a knee in front of him, yips and barks echoing through the air from the wolves gathered around. Mostly murmurs of Adam coming back and bringing an alpha pup with him, some surprised the former guard had come back at all. Turning back towards Adam he walked forward until he stood in front of Adam. Bringing his hand back, he slapped it across Adam's face, causing a yelp of surprise from the younger teen, before he felt the alpha grab his head and shove him to the ground, a whine issuing from the young teen. "Never endanger my heir again," growled the alpha as he leaned over Adam.

"Y...yes al...alpha. S...sorry alp...alpha."

"You will...again...go through training to get your rank back and retain omega rank until such time as we feel you have learned your lesson."

Adam whined confirmation in answer as he was pushed into the earth before being let go, the alpha straightening and barking several words to the wolves sitting around. He turned again towards the alien and studied him. "Why are you here?"
"Kage|Human Form
Sun Den
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Kage tried desperately to reel in his aura, to which toned it down in some degree but it began fluctuating when the bigger Alpha smacked Adam, growling and speaking to the younger omega; this is what he considered better? Being pushed around like a piece of meat. An involuntary snarl left his lips as his Alpha aura spiked, his eyes snapping furiously towards the Alpha. He quickly composed himself with a strained inhale and looked towards Adam, slowly moving towards him and helping him up, a finger gently caressing the reddening hand print on his cheek. Letting his hand drop, Kage smiled faintly at him before getting down on his knee once more, giving respect toward the Alpha, his gold eyes flickering up as he answered his question.

"I was with Adam for the journey, protecting him against whatever came in the way of our journey. I wish to join," he spoke, his voice holding a tone of sincerity, "I am Kage, an Omega from the Hendrix pack. Not even a few days ago, it fell to the hands of a rival as they stupidly tried to gain back a..previous pregnant female. The Alpha fell during said plan; I wish to offer my skills here, to better myself and gain control over my birth-given side, as it sometimes gets in the way." Grief of the loss of his previous pack shimmered in his features before he tried masking it with a straight face. "I wish to grow."
Sun Den

Adam glanced at Kage as the other moved slowly towards him and smiled at him, helping the teen to his feet, a finger going to his cheek that had been slapped where a red handprint was forming there. The alpha of the pack watched the pair as Kage went down on one knee before stating why he was here. He spoke of helping Adam get back to the pack and protecting him, spoke of how his former pack had been taken over because the alpha had fallen to another alpha. "Then that alpha was weak, helping someone who didn't want to be helped and fell behind," said the alpha. "Can you confirm what this omega who is the son of an alpha is saying Adam?"

"Yes sir," said Adam. "I didn't know the wolf in question, joining only two days before the alpha went on his mission. It was a modern pack...no pride werewolf. Pregnant mate go to with alpha. Same rights alpha. Beta...beta go with alpha rescue this pregnant wolf. Failed."

"An alpha let their mate...that they gave equal rights to...go off into battle," said the alpha in disgust and disbelief. "This is why women...females aren't given high positions except Heather," said the alpha as he looked around the group.

"I'll say," chimed in Adam's aunt.

The alpha turned and glared at Star as a few of the wolves snickered with each other. "So your alpha foolishly put his pack in danger all for a pregnant female, only to lose his mate, heir and his life as result of some stupid game?" The alpha shook his head and turned away from Kage as he paced the area, the wolves watching their alpha. "You wish to learn...to join? To control yourself." Turning back towards Adam and Kage, he surveyed them before focusing his attention to Kage then glanced over at Adam. "If you've been with Adam, he has probably said I rarely accept new blood into this pack, only enough to prevent inbreeding." The alpha stared at Kage some more. "Spruce!"


A middle-aged werewolf came towards the alpha and stared at Adam, the wolf yipping in greeting and quickly averting his gaze from the Keeper. "Yes Thanatos? What can I do for you?"

"Brand this alien...he wishes to join," said the alpha, now revealed as Thanatos. Spruce's eyes turned towards Kage. "Alright Thantatos. Is the omega joining again?"

Thanatos paused as he looked at Adam. "As an omega...until he learns his lesson and grows up."

"Noted," said Spuce with a shrug. The Keeper was an easy going man who was firm about his job and guided his three Caretakers with a firm hand. The alpha shifted back and howled to the rest of the pack, alerting them they were getting a new member and Adam had returned to the pack before next calling a hunt and waiting for the females and some subordinates to come hunt, the circle around the three wolves breaking up, the slimmer wolves going towards their alpha and forming up in straight lines.
Kage|Human Form
Sun Den
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

The brute listened to the Alpha, nodding slowly; branding? Oh..that's right, the brand on Adam's collarbone that Kage had freaked out over before. He dipped his head in respect before pushing himself up and thanking the Alpha before moving towards Adam, his hand gently cupping his cheek with a worried glimmer in his eyes. "Are you alright?" He murmured, his gaze flickering towards Spruce for a moment before moving back to Adam; he wouldn't budge until he absolutely knew that Adam was alright. His fingers gently brushed along his cheek, obviously trying to be gentle as he inspected his reddened cheek.

A sigh left his lips as he lightly grabbed Adam by his hip, reeling him into a small embrace and closing his eyes. "I really hope this is the right thing to do, Adam; they seem a bit more violent than most.." He whispered into his ear before burying his nose into his hair for the slightest moment and pulled away, giving his hip a gentle squeeze. "I guess I gotta get branded."
Sun Den

Adam turned to Kage as once the alpha left, Kage moving towards him and cupping his cheek. Asking if he was alright, Adam shakily nodded. "At least I didn't get killed or blacklisted," said Adam. He glanced at Spruce, the Keeper patiently waiting as he examined the shell necklace Star was creating. "I'll be okay...it'll hurt..the branding. Keeper doesn't use any pain herbs or medicine."

Kage leaned in so only Adam could hear him, whispering that he didn't think this was a good idea and how the pack seemed more violent than most. Adam shrugged, that modern pack being the only other one had experience with. Leaning into the male's touch and closing his eyes, he heard Kage sigh and pulled the omega into an embrace, grabbing his hip which was gently squeezed moments later. "Human mates keep some sense of civility," said Adam quietly. "Kage not like pack, Adam and Kage leave. Give chance...like I give chance old pack."

Adam's father, 45, Beta of Yellowstone Pack. Mated to Juliet (human mate), Gaia (werewolf mate), Thistle (wolf mate), & Fallow (wolf mate)
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Kage|Human Form
Sun Den
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Kage heard his words, his brow furrowing and he stared down at him in confusion. "No, you need to be with your family; I won't let what happened to my family happen to you, not again." He murmured back and allowed himself to lean down, pressing his lips against Adam's forehead. "If things go wrong, then we can leave. I'll fight whoever I have to, to keep you safe from harms way.." Kage said this as quietly as he could, away from prying eyes and nosy ears. Pressing one more kiss against the Omega's head, he slid a hand up to cup his cheek. "The pain will be worth it, and I can handle it."

Adam's father had shifted, watching the sight with a mixture of anger and confusion; who was this other omega with his son? Why were they..hugging? He let out a low growl but didn't get up; he'd talk to them later.
Sun Den

Adam stared at Kage as the older teen furrowed his brows, a confused stare on his face. Adam wasn't sure what was confusing exactly as Kage spoke and said he needed to be with his family. Adam nodded without comment, his eyes staring up at Kage as the older teen leaned down to kiss his forehead before speaking quietly of them leaving if things went bad and how he would fight to protect Adam and keep him from being hurt. After cupping his cheek, he spoke again of the pain, saying he could handle it and it would be worth it, the younger teen closing his eyes, even as he heard his father's growl and knew he would have approach parents and possibly uncle sooner or later which he wasn't truthfully looking forward to, though was glad to see his father doing well. "Okay..." said Adam hesitantly.

Spruce was looking at them now, still calmly waiting and walked towards them. "Adam, once you speak to your family, I recommend you find Heather and apologize to her," spoke the Keeper.

"Yes sir," said Adam. "Where Den Mother?"

"Escorting the omegas and elders to water I believe. They should be at Laughing Stream," said Spruce. He turned to Kage as the young omega nodded. "If you are ready, you may follow me," said Spruce as he headed away from Sun Den and further into the forest until they got to a den with ivy and an opening above some rocks which led into a comfortable and large cave.

"Welcome to Spirit Den," said Spruce as he stood at the bottom. It was a step climb upwards to the den entrance but one that would test the alien's strength and stamina as well as those of any who came to seek the Keeper and his Caretakers. The den itself was somewhat hidden by foliage and trees, cut into a rocky hill. In summer it was nearly impossible to see. Moss grew over the rocks from the rain but inside was sheltered and dry, the ground covered in animal skins and moss. The den itself was near a place called Secret Cove where meetings tended to be held.

spirit den.jpg

Adam remained alone with his aunt and father, the omega turning to face the werewolf who had sired him and countless siblings. Adam waited for his father to speak, body tense and not sure what to say or what would be said to him.
Kage|Human Form
Sun Den to Forest
scorpiodragon scorpiodragon

Kage sighed softly, pressing one last kiss to his forehead before looking towards the man who spoke of being ready. The male nodded and gave Adam one last glance before heading after the man into the forest, his taut muscles moving under his tanned skin. The hike was definitely a strenuous climb, but he kept up better than most who seeked out those who lived in the cave just a few feet from Kage now. With his reflexes quick, he made his way down and made it down with ease. Kage looked in awe at the beautiful and natural area, many vines hanging down decoratively.

He moved after the Seeker and sighed softly.

Adam's father pushed himself up, shifting into his human form, his tall figure taking shape. His eyes were ablaze as he made his way down to him, his fists balling at his sides. "Son," he breathed out, "you left deliberately, yet you did save lives. But yet, you come back with some..some alien! And an Alpha's son! He could try to overthrow our own Alpha!" He growled out, towering over his son, his eyes filled with anger yet there was still a hint of love. The brute groaned and shook his head, grabbing his son and pulling him into a hug. "Don't leave again."

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