In Character Chat

Axelle Beaumont - Nike

"Contribute to chaos."

Guild: Styx | Location: Game Room | Scenario: Scheming | With: Philomena, Cameron, Oliver, Valerie, Theresa | Mentions: stellar.nova stellar.nova , Athens Athens , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , deer deer
Axelle headed back to the game room with confident strides. A return to the scene of the crime, she chuckled to herself. She was slightly annoyed to have been separated from her partner in crime but was pretty sure that she wouldn’t have to take the guilds too seriously. She paused at the door to the game room, appraising the five people already inside. Mostly girls, Axelle noted. This pleased her, girls, too her, had always seemed much more capable than guys. Her eyes settled on a pretty, redheaded girl. She had something that Axelle couldn’t quite put her finger on but that she recognised as similar to herself. A kind of storm hiding in her skin. Two of the other girls sat together, close like she always was with Ella. The boy appeared to be reading a book, likely to avoid any kind of interaction. Finally, the last girl; she was introducing herself politely, almost sweetly, to the room. Axelle didn’t catch her name but her ears latched on to the suggestion of a competition. Axelle had not wanted to be the leader, she knew she lacked the patience, organisation or commitment to lead a team but the opportunity to show off appealed to her and that distinctive grin spread over her features.
“A competition, once everyone is here of course, sounds like the perfect idea.” She announced as she stepped into the room, commanding attention. “I’m Axelle.” She perched herself on the edge of the air-hockey table. Now, for the second time she appraised the group and an idea came into her head. Perhaps, she mused silently, I could choose our leader myself… After all, if she could make herself win at these games, surely she could transfer that to another?

Maxine Levesque - Phoebe

"My magic crystal ball says you're full of shit."

Guild: Oceanus | Location: Dining Room | Scenario: Disdain | With: Galen, Avril, Tobias, Francesca, Sebastian, Will, Ella, Magdalena | Mentions: stellar.nova stellar.nova AnimeGenork AnimeGenork PixieDust PixieDust mxlly mxlly deer deer | Outfit: here
[color= #451800]hi
Max rolled her eyes behind her Fendi sunglasses. Oceanus? She knew before the announcement had even reached ‘C’ which guild she was in, not that it told her anything about what the guilds actually meant. An image flashed through her mind of the guild once they were all assembled and she dismissed it with the same disinterest she had shown for everything she had seen since arriving on the boat. Flashes of moments from different places and interactions aboard the ship. A boy baking a cake, a girl falling over the railing, a girl gambling in the casino and on and on. Her life a perpetual supercut of other people’s lives. In the beginning the visions had been easy to ignore. Just focus on something else, anything else. But as her own sight began to leave her and her own life steadily became black the visions had become her only window.
“They are a gift.” Her grandmother had assured her, gently stroking her hair one evening as Max had stared directly into the fire, trying to see anything clearer than an indistinct flickering light. She was sixteen when she began to go blind and seventeen when the world became black but for the visions. Growing up in New Orleans’ French Quarter Max had never questioned the existence of the supernatural. Being raised by her grandmother had put her right in the centre of the voodoo community and poised for infamy within it once the visions began. By 21, and a voodoo queen in her own right, Max had all but accepted that this was her life now. That was until the letter arrived. Although she could not read it she knew what it said and a feeling of intense dread had settled over her in the days preceding it’s arrival. Once she held it in her hands she knew that she had to go to this university. She could not explain why to anyone, could not even put it into words, but she knew.
Now, as she stood to make her way over to where members of her guild were already gathering, tapping across the floor with her cane: black with a golden skull at the top, where her hand rested. A man’s voice was introducing himself as Ace Lovett. He seemed to rate himself quite highly which made Max roll her eyes once more.
“Charming, a celebrity.” She drawled in a bored tone of voice once he had finished arguing with one of the other men.
“However will we all cope with the thrill? Catch me if I swoon won’t you?” She maintained the utter deadpan tone of voice. Both men, Ace and Galen, had irritated Max, though Galen did seem to be more sensible. Bickering of any kind annoyed her. While she cared very little either way, it seemed to her that Jessamine, out of the three people she had heard speak thus far was the most sensible choice for leadership.


Adrian Galanis
Reincarnation: Scylla
Guild: Phlegethon
Location: Dining Room - Upper Deck
Scenario: "The party is here"
With: Dulci, Jacqueline, Kenny, Gareth, Inna, Clo, Dani, Tomas
Mentions: Cami and Mena
Tags: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , PixieDust PixieDust , mxlly mxlly , stellar.nova stellar.nova , rainfall rainfall , Athens Athens

"A little fuck up never hurt anybody."

Feigning innocence as Adrian cowered slightly from Mena's scolding, a small grin remained plastered on his face as he listened to Mena. He wasn't necessarily "scared" of his best friend, but he did like teasing and joking around with her any chance he got. This was one of those moments. However, it seems he was saved by the "bell" when an announcer had made them get seated so the food could be brought out.

To say the least, Adrian gobbled everything off his plate before the next table could even get their dish. Who knew he would be that hungry. But, nearly killing someone could do that to you, huh? However, it seems his time with his best friends Mena and Cami were interrupted when another announcement came on the speakers. Adrian sighed exasperatedly, annoyed at the fact that they couldn't just sit and talk until they arrived at the University. Muttering under his breath, Adrian looked towards Cami, checking to make sure she hadn't plunked off the table or fallen asleep from her outing without him. Damn, he wanted some whiskey right now.

Tuning in and out of what was being said, Adrian sighed, not really in the mood to listen to someone blabber on and on about god knows what. However, he did manage to catch some things here and there like "teamwork" and being placed into guilds. Furrowing his brows, Adrian turned to look towards his best friends again, making silly faces at them as he grew tired of the nonstop talking. However, hearing his named being called along with his "guild" being announced, Adrian took a sip of his sad non-alcoholic beverage and sighed. "Phlegethon? Sounds like a mouth-full." But, Adrian was brought out of his "rude" behavior of being a "pain in the ass" when he heard his best friends' name being called and he was in a seperate guild from them.

Slightly angered by this matter, Adrian got up from his seat once the announcement was over and he stared at Mena and Cami incredulously. "This is a set-up. Are you f--cking serious? Looks like whoever's got me on their team, they should feel extremely grateful that they managed to separate one of the three most magnificent beings on this forsaken ship." He grumbled under his breath, really agitated to be away from his best friends. It's been forever since they've actually hung out. But, most of all, it would be odd to not be with Mena, watching over her so other sleazy hands wouldn't touch her delicate skin. The same could be said for Cami. However, she was a different story. Adrian would practically lunge at people if they ever touched her.

But, deciding to "get over himself" and straighten himself up, Adrian gave a mischevious grin towards his best friends. "Don't miss me too much when you're over there. I'll kidnap the both of you anytime." He said, winking at them, waving them good-bye as they left. As he stood in the dining room by himself, watching as the other walked out, Adrian shrugged his shoulders, fixing himself a little bit before making his way to the upper deck. Once he made his way towards the Upper deck, Adrian sighed, muttering to himself, "So, we meet again deck. What other wonderful pleasures shall you welcome me with today?"

As Adrian observed those on the Upper Deck, his so-called guildmates, he eyed a quite hoppy girl [Dulci] whom he believed she needed to either give him what she's got to make her so . . happy or tone down the energy. His eyes then went towards a blonde which only made him quirk his brows as he couldn't help but remember that "tigress" whom he "argued" with earlier. [Jacqueline] Soon, his attention diverted to a male that seemed to be enjoying the open air. Cute, but not my type. Too innocent. However, with a flick of his gaze, Adrian's grin grew as he noticed that all-too familiar silhouette. The red-head who he nearly drowned yet saved. She left an impression on him and that only made Adrian intrigued even more. Looking back and forth between the woman who seemed to have caught his attention and the brunette that had been by her side the whole time, Adrian couldn't help but think it wouldn't be so bad being in Phlegethon afterall.

Brought out of his daze from a male voice - now known as Gareth - that seemed to want to "break the ice", Adrian shook his head from the thoughts of the woman beneath him, quivering at his touch. Mumbling to himself, Adrian sighed, "The only 'ice' you're breaking right now is the mood." Soon, another woman, Inna approached the boy who wanted to speak up, her posture quite "uptight" and "trying". With a smirk gracing his lips, Adrian ruffled his hair, eyeing the woman. Soon even the brunette, the one had been with the woman that currently occupied his mind for too long, spoke up introducing herself as Dani. He didn't get the reason why people bothered introducing themselves when moments later, names and faces would be forgotten. Large crowds do that after all.

However, an even more attractive person came into view from his peripheral vision and Adrian couldn't help but quirk a brow at the chiseled chin and the smooth, caramel-like skin tone that was now in his line of vision. Tomas, huh? Feeling that it was now his time to "shine" and his turn to turn up, Adrian made his way into the opening of the deck, not one to bother to observe anymore. With a strut to his walk as his hands were in his pocket, Adrian nonchalantly looked around, "The party has now arrived," he grinned, speaking to everyone on board whether they're listening on now, "now, who's the leader? As for as I know, I am not one to take orders. Especially when I was born to lead. And my name? Adrian. Keep that name in your mind." He finished, waiting for disagreements or challenges his way. Oh, this is going to be fun.
coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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A smile to warm the reaches of my heart,
touches eyes that bore way into my soul.

Rafael sat on the terracotta patio outside his home in Peru. The night was hot, but not unbearable. The air was clear out here, but just a few paces towards the open glass doors and one would be overcome with the smell of peppers and roasted barbacoa. The sound of loud music filled the air. A guitar and a song in Spanish. Rafael himself tried to ignore it, but it was nearly impossible. There were a lot of things impossible to ignore. Like Marina.

He sighed and tapped his pen against the open page of his journal, looking instead up to the stars. The poem had remained unfinished for days. He didn't know how to say what he felt. especially not by means of a poem. Instead, he could only describe the scene that replayed in his dreams every night. A small baby boy grinning up at him. Frustrated, he closed his journal and tossed the pen onto it, pulling his legs up into the chair with him, pressing his knees against his chest. A comforting position that he often found himself in when he was deep in thought. He heard a tapping of feet on the terracotta behind him, but he didn't turn around. He knew whoever it was would sit next to him with the intent to talk to him.

"What are you doing outside, Santi?" His Abuela. She and his mother were the only two who called him Santi...a nickname for his true first name, Santiago. He didn't like it. It reminded him of his father. "Have you eaten anything?" No, he hadn't. He hadn't eaten anything for about a week now. Not since he found out...

"Sí Abuela" He winced at his lie, mentally kicking himself in the head since he wouldn't be able to confess it. He was leaving too early in the morning to find any priest. So the guilt of his sin would weight heavily on him.

"Are you nervous? About leaving us. it is going to be a very long time." Yeah, he was nervous. But he felt as if he didn't get as far away from Marina as possible, then he would scream. Or hurt himself. Or her. And he didn't need that weighing on him. The burden on his shoulders was heavy enough.

"Very nervous, but school will be good for me Abuela. I am excited about it." A slight stretching of the truth. But it wouldn't do any damage. He felt as if he should say something else to her, but he couldn't find the words. So instead, he was content to just sit with her in silence.

- - - - - - - -​

Rafael had found himself in the company of a Polish girl with wild hair after he had explored the boat. He hadn't approached her. She approached him after he accidentally made eye contact with her and now she seemed to think they were best friends. Her name was Marianne (too close to the name Marina if you asked him), and she was the most bubbly person he had ever met and quite frankly it was annoying. Still, he endured, finding it too much of a hassle to try and do anything but nod as she chattered on. So, he resigned himself to being her companion...and her tablemate at lunch.

He would be lying if he said he wasn't relieved to be parting ways with the girl. Thankfully she didn't chatter on too much. She just kissed his cheek, said her goodbyes, and whisked away. Which, thankfully, left him to make his way to the Lounge. He wasn't really a fan of this whole team idea, especially for a University. But he supposed he could put up with it for now. There were worse fates. So he made his way up, looked around at the people there, and sighed. None of them looked particularly interesting. One looked harsh (Skylie), one looked wild (Gal), one guy looked...there wasn't even a word he could find to explain why he wasn't a fan (Coleson), the other guy looked like a total wimp (Alois) which left.....oh.

Well, the last option didn't seem so horrible. She was standing somewhere in the middle between the first three, and the loner guy. So, he plastered on a simple enough smile and prayed to God that she spoke Spanish. "Hola. Espero que hables español Sería alentador tener aquí un amigo que ... bueno ... entendido." As for the others, well, he spared them their own individual glances too, but his smile was less sincere. "I'm Rafael. Nice to meet you all."

**TRANSLATION: "Hello. I hope you speak Spanish. It would be encouraging to have a friend here that...well...understood."


Rafael Montoya

Guild -- Acheron
Mood -- Slightly Annoyed
Location -- Dining-Hall -> Lounge
Wearing -- TBD

Skylie AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Galilahi mxlly mxlly
Coleson AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Hadara mxlly mxlly
Alois stellar.nova stellar.nova

Coding by stellar.nova stellar.nova
Cocytus? Veda groaned with the knowledge that there were going to be several seuxal innuendos made with the name of her group...guild...whatever. She didn't know if she was ready to stomach it. But to be fair, she wasn't ready to stomach being in a group either so there was that. Frankly, groupd weren't her thing.

Nevertheless, she made her way to the bar, after watching the anxious blonde guy run off. She should feel sympathetic for him. She sort of did. It was complicated. She was just in a sort of mood where everything annoyed her. Even the fact that her group was meeting in a bar annoyed her.

Veda came to the door of the bar and was surprised to see it half open, and in the process of shutting. She caught it just in time and entered right after the girl who just introduced herself as Elsbeth.
"Yeah, you got the right guild. And if I hear one god damn innuendo about the name of it, I won't be happy."
She made direct eye contact with the boys in the room, figuring that those would be the most likely offenders. Then she allowed the door to close rather loudly behind her before finding a seat that was a little more sperated from the rest of them, it just so happened that the farthest seat away from the entirety of the group was the one by the guy called Jules as she would later learn. "I'm Veda by the way. Just in case you wanted to know."


Veda Gupta

Guild -- Cocytus
Mood -- Irritated
Location -- Dining Hall -> Bar
Wearing -- This

Ivy AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Dax stellar.nova stellar.nova
Eva PixieDust PixieDust
Claude diwa diwa
Jules mxlly mxlly
Elsbeth Aukanai Aukanai

Coding by stellar.nova stellar.nova
Preston had to say she was pleased with herself. She had successfully chatted with another person on the boat. And Jesse seemed like an okay guy. Okay enough to work out with and chat with at the very least. And he proved to be a good companion at lunch, though she wasn't really feeling talkative. But she didn't mind points of silence.

She was a bit disappointed when they had to part ways, as she felt it would have been nice to stick with her sort-of new friend. But, she had to admit she was pretty excited about this group prospect. It meant that it was going to be a super easy way to increase the pool of people to know. More allies meant better things. Especially at a University.

So as she approached the game room, she kept a sharp ear out for any snippets of conversation and caught the tail end of a girl named Theresa introducing herself. Preston entered just after a girl with pink hair and patiently waited her turn. When Axelle was done speaking, she raised her hand to draw a bit of attention, a give a smile. "Hey, guys! I'm Preston." She felt as if there were something she was forgetting to say.....oh! "Oh, yeah, and actually I think a competition sounds cool...and fair really. I say we go for it.


Preston Walker

Guild -- Styx
Mood -- Pleased
Location -- Dining Hall -> Game Room
Wearing -- This

Jesse (Mention) PixieDust PixieDust
Phil stellar.nova stellar.nova
Oliver AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Val deer deer
Theresa deer deer
Axelle ms marigold ms marigold

Coding by stellar.nova stellar.nova

Reincarnation: Hestia|| Guild: Phlegethon || Scenario: A lot to process || Location: Dining Room---Upper Deck || With: Dulci, Tomás, Jackie, Kendrick, Clodagh, Gareth, Inna, Adrian and Dani || Tags: rainfall rainfall Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire AnimeGenork AnimeGenork stellar.nova stellar.nova PixieDust PixieDust mxlly mxlly Uxie Uxie deer deer

"Kindness is a language which the deaf can hear, and the blind can see.”

The lunch was extremely overwhelming for Henrietta from the moment she stepped through the threshold and was bombarded with conversations. Unlike some hearing impaired people, Henri hadn't adjusted to her hearing aid, always wanting to yank it off in the slightest moments of discomfort instead of being a "good hearing aid user," as her audiologist had once described it. Of course, this might have been due to the fact that hearing aids were a new (expensive) development for the young woman, and she had not gotten many chances to have them tweaked and adjusted, visiting her audiologist a spare few times, but Henri would argue otherwise.

The hearing aids were a life-changing thing for her and she didn't take that for granted, but if hearing was exhausting for her before the little pieces of technology she now wore in her ears, it definitely felt like running a marathon each time she used them. Because, now, she could hear the clinking of her house keys with every jostle and step she took; it was maddening, she could hear the never-ending hum of the refrigerator that made her want to pull her hair out, and in crowded or large groups of people her hearing aids would sometimes get confused due to all the background noise and leave her a disoriented mess with the amplifying of all the noises she hadn't initially been able to here. Everything was so loud, and she didn't think she'd ever really adjusted to all the sounds.

Henri blinked dazedly, trying to get a grasp on her bearings before promptly turning off her hearing aids. Her audiologist probably wouldn't approve of this course of action, rather suggesting that she just turn the hearing aids down, but Henrietta didn't want to be hearing anymore, she was perfectly content with hearing the world with a heavy cloak over everything. That was how she spent the rest of the lunch, save for an awkward fumbling to turn her hearing aids back on when attempting to speak to a server. After the eating portion of the lunch was over and announcements were due to start, Henri decided to turn her hearing aids back on, but now before turning down the volume on them.

"Phlegethon... Interesting name." Henri mused with a small smile as she headed to the upper deck. She arrived just in time to see a gênant-looking man begin to speak, and she turned her hearing aids back up to hear what he had to say. "now, who's the leader? As for as I know, I am not one to take orders. Especially when I was born to lead. And my name? Adrian. Keep that name in your mind." Without a second thought, Henri responded to the man with a laugh, "On t'a bercé trop près du mur? I'm going to be honest, here, I would not want to put my confidence in you as our leader. You feel like trouble." She walked over to join the rest of the group, giving them a wave and a warm smile. "Bonjour! It's a pleasure to meet you all. I'm Henrietta."

Translations: 1.gênant (troublesome) 2.On t'a bercé trop près du mur? (Was your cradle rocked to close to the wall/Were you dropped on you head as a child) 3.Bonjour (Hello)

Marianne was never good at saying goodbyes. In fact, she refused to acknowledge that it was a word in her vocabulary. Goodbye? What did it even mean? Sounded like a dull and boring world and she was anything but dull and boring. But then, Mari didn't like any sort of parting sentiment. Maybe she just didn't like parting from someone. But now she was doing it. And the someone she was parting from was her only family member. Her father. And boy were his tears cascading. She felt uncomfortable. She didn't know how to comfort the poor man. Her only solace was knowing that there were ten thousand dollars under his pillow in his room with a signed letter from her explaining that the money was his. He would never take the money from her in any other circumstance.

In the letter, she told him she had been secretly working for a while now, trying to earn enough so he could pay his way out of his debt. It wasn't a lot. But it would help. And she wasn't lying, she had been working in secret. But she wasn't about to share just how she had been working. Her father would keel over and die in half a heartbeat, and then she'd be forced to face that god awful word goodb- nope. Wasn't a word in her vocabulary. She wouldn't even think it.

"Papa, breathe. I can't have you asphyxiating over a simple parting. I will be back for the holidays, you know this. And it will be one less thing for you to worry about!" She patted his back awkwardly. She was never one for emotions. Whenever someone tried to talk to her about them, she always got nervous, changed the subject, and set about doing an activity that would cheer the both of them up. It was probably an unhealthy way to go about life, but she wasn't about to change. She was too stubborn for that. besides, what was the point of getting hung up on sad things? It was awfully depressing and Mari was anything but depressing. And it felt much better to have a smile on your face! So why not cheer up and get the hell over your issues?

But it seemed she was going to be stuck here just a moment longer, attempting to comfort her father. So, she held back any further comments, rubbed his back, and allowed her mind to wander about the University and the mysterious N who seemed to know all her secrets.

- - - - - - - - - -​

Mari had successfully restrained from crying during the rest of her goodbye and had been fine up until now. Actually, she was still fine. But Mari wasn't a crier unless you sat her down in front of a Disney movie....or any movie. But she swore that was the only time she would ever cry when around people. Seriously, not much affecting this girl's optimism.

Once on the ship, she explored a bit, swam a bit, then as she was drying off, a cute guy with pretty brown eyes made direct eye contact with her, and she just knew he would be a fascinating conversation partner. So she approached him, and would be the first to confess it, she chatted his ear off. It was kind of her specialty: nonstop babbling about everything and anything. She didn't even pick up on the fact that he was annoyed with her, and in fact, already saw him as a new friend. But he was awful quiet...she was going to have to scale some walls to get to know this guy.

She accompanied him to lunch, then when they parted ways she kisses his cheek, offered a quiet "see ya" because, again, goodbye was not in her vocabulary, and made her way to the upper deck. Of course, she got to talking to a few people on the way, including a very handsome crewman who she had to fight the urge to kiss right then and there because oh he was so charming. But she made it right as some guy, Adrian started talking. Her green eyes settled on him appreciatively. Oh, he was handsome. And full of himself apparently, but she didn't mind that so much. Adrian. Nice enough name. Rolled off the tongue easily enough. She watched as the girl who got there just before her- Henrietta as she introduced herself- rattles off some sass to Adrian in what she placed as French. Mari grinned wide. "I have to disagree with you, Henrietta. While you prove a fair point, one can't deny that Adrian does seem to hold himself like a leader." She had to cut herself off before she said anything further about the guy, but she couldn't help letting his name slide from her lips like honey. "I'm Marianne. Pleasure to meet you all." And as she scanned the other people in her guild, she concluded that, yes, it was a pleasure. Everyone was quite attractive. This was sure to be a grand adventure.


Marianne Pasternak
Mari, Maria

Guild -- Phlegethon
Mood -- Excited
Location -- Dining Hall -> Upper Deck
Wearing -- This

Dulci Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire
Jackie AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Kenny AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Clo stellar.nova stellar.nova
Gareth PixieDust PixieDust
Inna mxlly mxlly
Dani Uxie Uxie
Tomás rainfall rainfall
Adrian deer deer
Henri Athens Athens
Coding by stellar.nova stellar.nova

reincarnation of ganymede



The familiar, yet pungent odor of gasoline and exhaust smoke permeated the space of the garage as Emerson popped open the hood of a truck that was more or less a hunk of junk. She swatted away at the air to avoid the smoky assault to no avail. At this point, she was certain her hair would smell like fumes for days. Such was a day in the life of a Grease Monkey, she mused.

With deft hands, she pulled on a pair of latex gloves and scrutinized the car's engine. What had once been a pristine chrome was now stained and covered in oil smears and aged metal. It was shame really, but the car owner appeared to have rarely sought any kind of maintenance for his vehicle. Emerson ran a gloved hand along the red exterior, stroking it as if it were a beloved pet.

"Poor baby," she cooed. "He just didn't know how to take care of you, did he?"

There was a deep laugh from the other side of the garage, causing Emerson to whip her head around. She was all too familiar with the meaning behind that laugh. Her dark eyes narrowed as she searched for where his voice may be coming form.

"She ain't gonna answer you, kiddo," her dad's voice called. His voice was muffled and as Emerson craned her neck to get a good look at him, she realized he was on his back beneath a 1998 Honda Civic, which was decidedly a mundane vehicle for him to be working on. He typically passed those kind of things off to Emerson while he paid more attention to the cooler automobiles and motor vehicles that ended up in their shop. Emerson adored working, nonetheless. If she could, she would be surrounded with anything with a motor for the rest of her life.

"Am I seeing things or are actually doing menial work?" she quipped, placing a defiant hand on her hip. Unbeknownst to her, she had streaked her gray tank-top with oil residue on her gloves.

She heard him chuckle through a cacophony of metal against metal as he remained beneath the car. "Well, I gotta get back in the swing of things since I'm losing my best employee."

Emerson grinned. She knew he was going to have to bring up her impending departure sooner or later, despite the fact that her father was more likely to ignore the "elephant in the room" due to his apparent allergy to emotional topics. Whether either of them liked it, Emerson was soon to be shipped off to a University full of opportunities and unique experiences.

"Aw, dad. That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me," she crooned.

"Well, that's funny because I was actually talking about Ernie going off on paternity leave..."

She shouldn't have been remotely surprised. Tearing away the dirtied rag that she had tucked into her jeans, she balled it up and tossed it on his legs, which were exposed as he continued to tinker with the vehicle. Without hesitation, he kicked away the cloth. "I'm just kidding, Em. I meant you."

Emerson grinned and went back to work on the truck before her.

Silence settle between them before her spoke again: "I'm gonna miss you kid."

"Damn right you are," she laughed.

- - - - - - - - -

When it finally came time to Emerson to make her way to the ship, her father and the employees that were more like family came along to see her off. They had all hugged her goodbye and wished her well, her father being the last person to do so. Throughout her entire life, she and her father had only had each other as her mother had left them both just weeks after she had been born. There was no one more important to Emerson than her father and he had given her so much in life that she never cared to explore the mysteries surrounding her mother. Beck Albrecht was her father and he had done one hell of a job without the woman that had given birth to her.

And now was the time, not to sever ties, but to expand her horizons. While she'd miss her father terribly, she they were going to have to live without one another, at least for a little while.

- - - - - - - - - -

Emerson had been absent-mindedly poking at her food with a fork when she was startled by the sound of her name. The fork hand leapt from her grip and dropped onto the plate in an annoying clatter. Her eyes flicked around the room to check and make sure that she hadn't attracted any unwanted attention before she realized that people looking her way wouldn't really matter.

"... Emerson Albrecht, Cocytus..."

The child within her snicker at the name and she did her best to conceal an ever-growing smirk. She couldn't imagine why they wouldn't, perhaps, consider using a different name for a guild full of young adults who surely thought similarly as she. However, she also supposed hat it was hardly her place and she might as well remain obedient for now, especially since she seemed to be receiving instructions to report to the bar to meet her fellow "guild members".

She rose from her seat and proceeded towards the designated area.

As she approached the the room, she gently pushed the door open and peered inside, slipping inside with smile. She always felt awkward during introductions, but she supposed they were a necessary evil as one couldn't just look at a person and declare them friends or acquaintances. It appeared she had arrived just as a girl had threatened the lot against joking about their guild name. Emerson couldn't help, but grin at the fact that she was already guilty.

"Uh, hey, this is... Cocytus, right?" She was sure to avoid staying on the "cock" syllable for too long, for fear of inciting chaos with a random penis joke, which was clearly unwelcome by some of the group. Offering her most charming of smiles, she looked at the faces of her fellow guild members, feeling strangely optimistic. "I'm Emerson and I hope I'm not the only one who finds this... guild business... to be kinda weird."


guild: cocytus | location: dining room-->bar | scenario: "i have no idea what's going on..." | wearing: casual | with: Veda stellar.nova stellar.nova , Ivy AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , Dax stellar.nova stellar.nova , Eva PixieDust PixieDust , Claude diwa diwa , Jules mxlly mxlly , Elsbeth Aukanai Aukanai | mentions: n/a

coding; allrightsreserved deer deer
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✫ some people just need a high-five ✫

reincarnation: hermes | guild: cocytus | location: dining hall > bar | scenario: introductions | With: veda , ivy , dax , eva , claude , jules , elsbeth , emerson , vasilisa | Mentions: Aria
Mordecai Helmeyer rarely felt hesitant. He was impulsive , spontaneous and reckless - everything far from hesitant. Nevertheless , he felt stuck.

Hunched over at the edge of the Spree river, Mordecai stared at his phone screen. The bright screen illuminated the night sky , yet the harsh light did not bother him. What bothered the boy was the message he had typed. It was addressed to his father , the man entitled The Devil himself in Mordecai's phone contacts.

you know how you said i'd never make it to uni? well i did. so suck on that.
anyways, i'm leaving the country so i figured i should tell you. that's all.
hope ma's well,

Mordecai's thumb hovered over the 'send' button. He a) believed that the message was too informative, and b) did not want his father having a reason to call him. He had not spoken to the man since christmas and wanted it to remain that way.

He screwed up his nose. His moral compass was behaving ineffectively. In spite of detesting his father , the whole 'family is important' construct lingered in his mind. Mordecai inhaled sharply , wincing as though he was in great pain as he finally hit send.

'Fuck me, that was dramatic.'

The boy sighed with relief as he scrolled back through his contacts. He had firmly decided that he would not answer to whatever nonsense his father would send back. One message from him was luxury enough.

Mordecai stopped scrolling once he reached 'B'. He clicked on the contact entitled Bruce Lee.

aka , Arianna DelaCour.

Mordecai was not one to grow 'attached'. He would generally hang out with someone for a while , then move on - typically out of boredom. In spite of this , he never felt the desire to leave Aria back in Heidelberg. It was a matter of another circumstance.

Typing his message regarding the university , a loud noise suddenly erupted from the phone. Startled by his ring tone , Mordecai's judgment fogged as he read the name of the contact on the screen.

The Devil Himself

Without thinking , he instinctively tossed his phone into the river.

He stared blankly as his heart sunk along with his HTC, 'Oh shit.'

Mordecai had arrived to the dining hall late. The crewman announcing the register had already reached the name before his once he had entered the hall. Punctuality was not his forte.

'...Mordecai Helmeyer , Guild Cocytus.'

His snort was audible. His amusement was something he failed to hide. Cocytus. He commended the University for that bold choice.

'I'm Emerson and I hope I'm not the only one who finds this... guild business... to be kinda weird.'

'Oh no , it's very weird. Then again , so is everything else,' he answered casually as he entered the bar after the brunette , showcasing a clear lack of social anxiety. 'I mean , it's probably a cult. Luring in desperate young adults who can't pay tuition fees to a mysterious island where we'll be forced to hula dance for our great lord and saviour, N.' he shrugged and took a seat , 'or not.'


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stellar.nova stellar.nova
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
PixieDust PixieDust
diwa diwa
Aukanai Aukanai
rainfall rainfall


╳ maybe swearing will help ╳

reincarnation: ares | guild: styx | location: dining hall > game room | scenario: introductions | With: phil , cam , oli , val , theresa , axelle , preston | mentions: nagesa
'...Roderick Aitken , Guild Styx.'

Styx. Rory was unfamiliar with the other guild names. Ocean something , phlegm , cock , whatever - none of them were recognisable. However , Styx evoked some feeling of familiarity. It was a river from that Greek fiction - mythology or something. He recalled his eldest brother , Wallace , reading a book about it to him. Rory was not invested in a great deal of literature. However , his brother was a 'bookworm'. Rory had retained some information from various books Wallace would read. He read them aloud to him when they were younger , typically to calm him down following some kind of family quarrel.

The food provided for lunch was delicious , yet Rory had a bitter taste in his mouth. The thought of his eldest brother elicited some resentment. Wallace had moved alway from Glasgow to live in London with his husband. It was rare that he would call or text. Rory felt undeservedly abandoned and whether or not his resentment was warranted , he had remained indignant.

The boy heaved a sigh. He averted his attention from the crewman who had spoken , directing it toward the petite brunette across the table. He was genuinely surprised that he had company , much more so as it was the girl he had gracelessly knocked into earlier. Nagesa. He had figured she would have excused herself to locate someone less - inept. Despite being relatively relieved that he wasn't completely incapable of socialisation , Rory felt rather agitated. He had always found conversation easiest when he didn't like the person , when he could say whatever he wanted without caring how it would be received. Irritatingly so , Nagesa hadn't done anything to justify dislike. Regardless of Rory's tense and generally unwelcoming demeanour , she had been patient and even assisted in finding his jacket. Additionally , she was annoyingly pretty - which didn't help with the pressure to make engaging conversation.

Once they were excused from the hall , Rory had risen from his seat abruptly, 'I guess i'll see you 'round then?' He offered an uncharacteristically sheepish grin. He didn't intend for his hastiness to be something Nagesa should be offended by - he had just grown rather restless.

There was already a decent number of people in the game room by the time Rory had arrived. He was quick to notice that all with the exception of one were female - not that he minded at all. The other male in the room appeared apprehensive , to say the least. He had brought out a book to read , closing himself off from social interaction. Though , just by looking at the women in the room , Rory knew that boy wasn't going to get a break.

Rory had entered relatively quietly - as quietly as a person of his stature could. He acknowledged whoever glanced his way and lent himself against one of the game machines. He had caught some of the previous conversation regarding a 'competition'. He hadn't overheard what they would be competing with , neither what they would be competing for - but Rory figured it was a safe bet that it was with whatever was in this room and for the spot as leader. In spite of it being the general consensus back at home that he was a 'meathead' , Rory wasn't dense. 'A competition? sure,' it wasn't something that he'd pass up - although he knew he very well should. Sometimes he got a little too heated , apparently. Though he figured a little game couldn't be too bad. 'I'm Rory, by the way.'


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stellar.nova stellar.nova
Athens Athens
AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
deer deer
ms marigold ms marigold





It was one rather long boat ride. He envisioned it to be a lot faster than the pace it had been going. Especially since Tyler had easy cases of sea-sickness. Ever since he boarded on the boat all he did was stick to the railing and never let go. His stomach has been tossing and turning for the majority of the time on this devilish mobile. It only like what? Two seconds of relief when another wave hits him and well. Everything over-board it went. However upon the announcement that dinner was about to be presented. His stomach instead of hurling it actually grumbled. It was expected after the many times he fed the ocean creatures and emptying from himself. Straightening himself up he inhaled and exhaled before motioning somewhere inside. Even though he was simply completely lost he took his chances and followed his hunch and went further in and towards the right. What do you know... it was a sign pointing and indicating towards the dining hall and so he pranced his way there, his blazer over his shoulder as he held it with one finger there. He didn't know the dress code here so he always went with his own preppy style: smart.

He continued prancing towards a seat and lowered himself as she applied a napkin on his nice navy blue dress pants and looked what they had to offer. He tried not to scrunch his nose at the choice. He would have had a larger variety back home but he had to make do with a nice plate of rice minus the vegetables cause who even like those? As for a main he went the roasted rosemary chicken. Salmon was not his thing, even the smell of it was bothering him. However he chose to not whine about it. It was to start fresh here, resorting to old habits would just be doing exactly the opposite of that. And so he proceeded to nibble and examine. There was not one face that seemed remotely familiar and the chance to socialise were limited to him as he was bent over a rail for the majority of the ride.

Upon their dining experience, which turned out rather famishing than he expected for such a lesser selection than he was accustomed to. He heard a slight screeching microphone sound before a person started to speak and dictate what was on the paper he was displaying for the new students. He was too busy enduring his last piece of chicken to notice what he was saying.

"Tyler Brash... Cocytus."

As he was about to drink some water he almost snorted out at the sound of his guild name. Cock-- ytus. Pretty sure it was not just him, hopefully but it was hard not to. Guess it was time to attempt to make some actual friends this time round. It felt rather weird to be in a place where he knew no one. It felt un-natural for him. Time to attempt to change that. As the person stopped and ended his announcements, Tyler removed the napkin from his lap and wiped his hands clean even though his hands never touched his food. Taking a stand once more he draped his grey tweed blazer over his shoulder by holding from one index finger. He swaggered his way towards the indicated choice of guild meet-up. The bar. Seemed like a place where he can forget all his sea-sickness. Hopefully.

And so he arrived in this bar, even though every step he took he felt as if he was going to let out. Thankfully he didn't. That would not have been pleasant. As he reached this assumed bar he spotted people clustering in. He assumed that all these students where part of the now Cocytus guild. Sweet. He spotted a long haired brunette just by the bar and figured he would try with her first. No shame in getting a friend. Her straightened the open collar of his white button up shirt and motioned towards the bar and leaned on it. "Two shots of bourbon, one for me and one for the lady," he demanded to the bartender as he pointed at the rather attractive lady next to him. "Make it double." he instructed with the motion of two fingers and he settled on a stool, casually. He took his chances with her and assumed she loved drinks - even so bourbon. Hopefully.

Re-incarnation: Tyche - Goddess of Luck and Fortune | Guild: Cocytus | Location: Dining > Bar | Wearing: | Conversing with Eva ( PixieDust PixieDust )
Tags: Cocytus Guild ( stellar.nova stellar.nova , deer deer , Athens Athens , mxlly mxlly , ms marigold ms marigold , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , diwa diwa & Aukanai Aukanai )




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Leonie was not one to go around and socialise. Especially when she was on a floating piece of metal was hovering them through the ocean. Despite she looked calm and collected on the outside, it was a different story on the inside. She felt like her internal organs were twisted into big knots. Oh how she hated the ocean. It felt like a giant death trap that simply engulfs you into it's dark pits. The artificial red-head shook the thoughts out. Fortunately so easily for her. As she did, she lifted her head up she noticed how casual people where walking around ever so casually.

It was one thing that kept her mind distracted. Sketching. Well... it did not take much to distract her. She literally has an attention span of three seconds. However when it came to sketching, especially tattoo designs, her attention is to the full. To come to think that her ink parlor was her first and only real commitment she actually achieved. It was sad that she had to leave it behind for school. She was never much of a scholar. Never. Especially with her early case of slight dementia. So she doesn't really know why her aunt, of all people, decided that she must go to a university. New adventure I suppose.

At a certain point, she heard that dinner was about to commence and so she literally scraped her things off the small table and into her backpack before ever so slowly made her way to the dining room. She felt like every step everyone made, the ship was going to sink and kill them all. Luckily, it was none of that, at least till she took a seat.

Leonie was not one to eat much, or at least she is a very fussy eater. Picky or so to speak. However, thankfully, the food provided was all edible from her side. Her choice was salmon with lemon cream sauce. It was heavenly as she tasted it. It didn't take much to please her taste-buds despite being so fussy. However that simply filled her. However as she was about to get up and go back to her former place, she heard a microphone test and an announcer spoke. Yay. Announcements. As the person went on and on, her brain literally puffed out.

"Leonie Navarro... Lethe."

Her attention was grasped as she heard her name but that was about it. As she heard shifting around her, she looked at the student in front of her who seemed to be toying with his food and basically remained like that throughout the whole announcements to the point where he indicated where all the guilds had to meet but by the time Leonie was out in the dining room exit she actually forgot where to go. Being a member of Lethe, her meeting spot was the gardens. Weird. A boat had a garden... like really. How? Anyways she proceeded out but again she simply forgot, "Where the hell was I supposed to go?" she muttered under her breath.

Seeing a black haired female make her way upward towards the game-room she followed at her heels towards her location. Not even knowing if it was right or wrong but it didn't hurt to find out. These were the struggles she had to undergo everyday just because her memory was shit and the size of a pea. With a sigh she seemed to find herself in an arcade type environment. The Games Room she deduced that much. Now the question was... was she in the right place?

As Leonie turned around a bit so the wavy black haired female's came to view, she frowned. Her face looked rather... familiar but the problem above came to action once more. She just could not remember where. This was a serious issue. She despised it. None the matter she had to know where she was. She was a lost sheep. She covered her hands in her over-sized jumper and approached her. "Uhh sorry to disturb but... I am not quite sure where I... am? Or should be for that matter?" she inquired as she rand a hand behind her ear, moving a loose bright red strand behind her ear in the process.

Re-incarnation: Lethe - Goddess of Forgetfulness | Guild: Lethe... I think? | Location: Dining > Game Room | Wearing: | Conversing with Philomena ( stellar.nova stellar.nova )
Tags: N/A



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Clarissa Hawthorne
Reincarnation: Circe, The Immortal Sorceress
Guild: Oceanus:: Location: Dining hall :: Scenario: Hello!

You should not regret anything in life. If it’s good, it’s wonderful. If it’s bad, it’s experience

"We shouldn't be here." Caleb said grudgingly as he grab the table napkin and folded it in half, forcing his hands to be busy. "You shouldn't be here."

"Not this again." Clarissa, his twin sister groaned quietly. Her hands were busy balancing the fork and spoon on the glass in front of her. The two shared the same hobby when bored or anxious.

"No. This again!" said Caleb. "You got in in Stanford! Heck, you were supposed to do to an entrance interview for MIT. Instead, we're here, in a cruise, on the way to some mysterious university." he added in angry whisper. The two were speaking in rapid German. Their default language.

"I know, fancy isn't it?" Clarissa just rolled her eyes and just focused on the utensils in front of her.

"Parthenon University. First time I’ve heard of it. Instead of having the best opportunity, they have to ship us far away." Caleb sighed quietly, obviously still annoyed. "I told them a lot and this is the best deal we got? Perfect."

"Enough, Ludwig." Clarissa sighed, addressing his brother with his real name. "George, Agent Ward and the others are doing everything they can to help us. So, be nice. Be glad we're not in some Australian outback tending kangaroos."

"Everything they can?! You're kidding, right?" Caleb scoffed, now he's speaking in Arabic. The two were both fluent in at least 8 languages. It was actually a prerequisite in their previous job.'"Wait— George? Oh, you mean Agent Pretty Boy Holden?" Caleb laughed bitterly as he crosses his arms on his chest. "First name basis now, huh. Since when?"

"His name is George, not Pretty Boy. Not Special Agent Schnook, not Agent Jerk-on-a-Suit, not Agent Ken doll, Not Agent Know-It-All,” Clarissa patiently listed out the nicknames Caleb use to call their poor handler. "And certainly not Agent Barbie."

"You forgot Agent Chip—" Caleb gladly added but Clarissa cut him off "His name is George not Chippy. Grow up!"

An entertained and satisfied expression was drawn across his face. She just glared at her brother, her stormy grey eyes were unamused and somehow frustrated. "Alright, alright. Agent George Holden." Caleb said, finally giving in. Though the annoying smile was still on his face. "You didn't answer my question, when did he became George from Agent Holden, huh."

As if on cue, a man walked in the middle of the dining area and gather everyone's attention. "Shush, the program is starting." Clarissa smiled dearly knowing that it'll definitely annoy her twin brother. She took the utensils from the glass and place them back on the table before turning her head in the man’s direction.

"Did you jus— don't shush me," Caleb raised his eyebrow, "…you shush." he added, sticking his tongue out, he only received an eye roll from his twin sister.

“Clarissa Hawthorne…. Oceanus.”

It took a moment for her to realize that she was Clarissa. Her name wasn't Lorelei anymore, just like Ludwig being Caleb now. Clarissa was somehow excited and at the same time scared. First time ever since she can remember, she will be separated from her twin brother. It was daunting, yet she's relieve. She love her brother dearly but Caleb was over protective. Sure, his protectiveness was not coming out of nothing, she forgiven him already from what happened to her. She never actually blamed him, she never did but Caleb being Caleb, and he’ll take the blame and the misery and carry it for the rest of his life even if it wasn't his to carry.

"" Clarissa said as soon as the man was done listing out the guilds. She looked around, the emotions of the crowd were different from one another. Some were excited, some were curious and some were rather bored. "We're going to enjoy this. Everything will be okay." One by one, the crowd started to disperse and going to their designated guild. Clarissa was fidgety as she looked into Caleb’s eyes. Her twin brother’s face were rather blank. He’s a master of disguise and he can easily lie but she knew her brother better. The guy was definitely worried. “Everything will be okay. Trust me, I’ll be fine. I know the drill, Caleb.”

Caleb smirked as a reply and nodded quietly. Before walking away, Clarissa went in for a last bear tight hug. “It is not our part to master all the tides of the world, but to do what is in us for the succor of those years wherein we are set…” Clarissa said quietly. It was an incomplete quote from one of Caleb’s favorite books. She felt her brother chuckled. “Look at you, quoting Gandalf?” Caleb replied before pulling away. The usual carefree smile was back on his lips.

“Your dorkishness in rubbing in.” Clarissa mumbled, her voice was slightly breaking. Caleb flashed a crooked smile. “Go.” He answered, shoving his hands inside his pockets. “See you later, yeah?”

Clarissa beamed at her brother and just waved goodbye. She waited for Caleb to leave before heading towards the place where her guild was supposed to meet.

When she arrived, the crowd wasn’t in such a good spirit. Clarissa was able to read the crowd, thanks to her training, and she could definitely feel the tension in the air. Apparently some guy and someone named Ace Lovett were in some kind of a testosterone battle. Guys and pride. Bunch of dumbass. Shaking her head before finally stepping in, Clarissa greeted them with a smile. “Hello,” she paused, the girl nearly said her real name. “The name is Clarissa. And uh, I agree with what he said. We should vote.” She added while flashing a genuine smile.

[With: AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Aukanai Aukanai deer deer Athens Athens mxlly mxlly PixieDust PixieDust rainfall rainfall stellar.nova stellar.nova ms marigold ms marigold Uxie Uxie ]





It was a rather long day. Especially with her uncle nagging at her ears every single time till she at least climbed on board. Remember this... Do this... Don't do that... Yadda yadda yadda. All she could do was reply with 'Alright Uncle. I won't.' to simply shut him up. Oh how she wished it was that simple. However until she got on board the ship, it was just an utter head ache. She couldn't blame him, going away from home is a cover up from she did. The so called accident. Her uncle was only trying to help. A great deal amount. If it was not for him, she would have been crippled by guilt.

Enough said the time to board the boat had come and so she did. Hopefully to forget what had happened and start... fresh. As she boarded the boat she felt rather un-natural.She was never accustomed to the marine environment. Woods and greenery was always her thing and what she was used to. So this was something different. Throughout the boat ride she wanted her nerves to clear up for a bit before she approached anyone. That is if she would. So for the first and major part of the trip she resided in the upper deck, by the rail looking at the beautiful landscape of the open sea as they sailed by.

Eventually, as time passed, Amber nearly dozed off in her seat as the breeze brushed across her pale freckled face and through her strands of fiery orange hair. However she caught sight of students like her shifting towards the dining area and so she followed behind. That being said she took a seat in an empty chair far back and enjoyed the choice of salmon with lemon sauce. Letting it's slight sourness savor her taste buds. She indeed had quite the knack for sour things, making her lips quench. However as she was finishing up from her tiny portion of steamed vegetables, her attention was caught towards a being who seemed to be giving important announcements.

At the mention that team-work will be needed. Amber froze for a few seconds as whether she wanted to or not. She had to communicate in order to commence teamwork. However bringing it easier on her, the guilds seemed to have already been picked by them and so the announcer started listing all the students one by one and their respective guild. The list dragged down and down as it seemed to be moving in alphabetical order according to their surnames and well hers was an 'S'.

"Amber Lynn St. John... Archeon."

At the mentioned of her name she grinned. Ooo that rhymed, the thought passed in her head as from that moment forth she tried to recall some of the names that had been listed under the same guild from that point forward. The Archeon Guild.

Following that, the meet up points were also addressed and Archeon were to meet in the lounge. Wherever that was. As she was examining the area, her gaze fell onto a dirty blonde male with a dimpled smile. Amber was one to observe her surrounding but the male caught her eye. It's as if she knew him but not at the same time... if that made sense? She did pick up a faint reaction when he was called out into the same guild as her and she gathered his name was... Alexander. Interesting.

As he got up towards the lounge room she figured she would follow his steps. If anything he would lead her towards the rest of her guild so it was a plus. By the end of the trail she was where she presumed was the lounge where people were huddling, she halted a few steps away from the male she was following. Why she was drawn to him... she did not know. However it still felt weird, as if she knew him.

Re-incarnation: Artemis - Olympian Goddess of the Hunt and Wilderness | Guild: Archeon | Location: Dining > Lounge | Wearing: | Mentions Alex ( diwa diwa )
Tags: Archeon Guild ( stellar.nova stellar.nova , deer deer , Athens Athens , mxlly mxlly , PixieDust PixieDust , Uxie Uxie , ms marigold ms marigold , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork , Aukanai Aukanai )




S E L E N E | V E G A

incarnation - selene / guild - lethe / location - boat > garden / with - katy, mette, mateo, llya, arte, isabelle, naomi, castiel & omar / tags - stellar.nova stellar.nova , mxlly mxlly , Athens Athens , Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire , diwa diwa , AnimeGenork AnimeGenork / outfit - xxx

"Are you sure you will survive by yourself?"
"Yes, I'm not ten anymore."
"Selene, you're the most reckless person I've met, you don't have to go."

Selene shot a deadly glare to her childhood best friend, Monique, as she angrily folded her last pair of pants into her suitcase. The blonde beauty had been waiting impatiently for weeks until the day finally arrived for her to start college. "I've matured since high school," Selene snapped back, strolling to the other side of her bedroom and pulling out a pair of shoes from her wardrobe. "Besides, it'll be a good learning experience." Selene shrugged, slipping her shoes over her tiny feet. Monique rolled her eyes at the long-haired girl, Selene has always been childish at heart; always drinking more than she should, performing risky and dangerous dares just to prove to others that she isnt afraid, and always getting into trouble. "You said that last time when you thought backflipping off the school's roof and into a pile of bushes for your science assignment, Selene." Monique sighed. "What? I was showing how gravity and physics works." Selene shrugged. "Trouble always follows you like a lost puppy, I'm just concerned." Monique shot back, sitting down on Selene's bed as she watched her best friend get ready. Selene moved closer to Monique, placing a gentle hand on her best friend's shoulder, "I'm going to be fine," Selene said in a reassuring tone, "Trust me, I know how to be an adult."

Monique nodded hesitantly, her green eyes peering over Selene's shoulder as she noticed the time. "Well then, I trust you to run because you're going to be late."

Selene spun around on her heels as her blue eyes focused on her alarm clock, "Merde!" (Fuck.) Selene shrieked as she ran her tiny hand through her blonde hair. In a swift motion, Selene grabbed her suitcase that sat idly on her bed and quickly gave Monique a hug. "I'll write to you!" She yelled before racing out of her apartment once more.


Selene luckily made it in time to board the boat. She couldn't help but feel a pang of loneliness as she watched other students hug their parents and loved ones goodbye. Selene plastered a smile once more on her lips as she made her way on board, slowly making her way towards an empty seat on the boat and placed her suitcase nearby. The female pulled her phone out of her pocket and began to play different games, ignoring those around her as her focus stayed on the game. Selene lost the sense of time as she heard her name over the intercom.

'Selene Vega... Lethe.'

A soft groan escaped her lips, slipping her phone back into her pocket before standing up. Selene stretched her arm with a loud groan as she began to follow her other guild members. A curious look formed upon her face as she stumbled behind the other students until they stopped in a gorgeous garden. Selene raised a perfect brow as she admired her surroundings. "Wow, this is beautiful." The blonde-haired girl murmured under her breathe. Selene fluttered her eyes as she noticed a group forming nearby her, it seemed like she was the last one to arrive. She scurried over to the group, forming a smile on her lips as she began to examine the others features. "I'm Selene Vega, this is Lethe, right?" She asked with a raised brow, hoping she was in the right place.
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h a d e s

g u i l d


m o o d


l o c a t i o n

boat -> dorms​

w i t h

previously: preston, valerie, theresa, cami, andy, roderick, heidi, jada, xavier, aria, keith, axelle, oliver,

t a g s

Admittedly, Phil had clung to Cami through the enitre meeting of the guilds thus far, finding a lot of the other members (or the girls at least) to be quite intimidating in their own ways. She didn't see herself bonding with any of them right off the bat, but then again she was known for being anti-social. When the idea of the game was brought up, Phil did allow herself a small smile, but not because she thought it would be fun.

Phil wasn't at all interested in being the leader of this idiotic game thing, and she could easily lose, so she readily agreed. "Honestly that's not a bad idea, I say we get on with it." Honestly, she had thought everyone else had arrived, but when a lost looking girl wandered into the game room, Phil couldn't help but be a bit confused.

It was her friend Leonie- a simple friend whom she had met online and a couple times in person back in Greece. And she remembered having heard her name called for the guild lists but was pretty sure it wasn't Styx. Phil, knowing Leonie, assumed she was lost and was happy for the excuse to help a friend out, and to get out of this damned game room, so that's exactly what she did.

It had been an easy trip up to the mountaintop where the school was, and standing way up high during the dusk was beautiful, but Philomena was feeling pretty ill. She hated heights, and that was going to be a problem since everything here seemed incredibly high up.

When the boat had arrived at a certain point, a helicopter arrived to take a few students at once up to the top and they would receive their dorm assignments and be sent off to get ready for the gala. Which is currently what Phil was doing. She was quite pleased when she learned that her roommate was Cami, but not so pleased when she found out she was sharing space with the other members of the guild... which meant Adrian wasn't as close as she would have liked him to be.

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, unsure if this is what she wanted to be wearing, but she guessed she should look nice for something like this. Well, she was just going to have to put up with it.


p h i l o m e n a . a l e x o p o u l o s

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Guild: Acheron
Scenario: Oh Great...A Dance
Location: Lounge > Dorm Room
With: Hadara mxlly mxlly
Mentions: Gal mxlly mxlly Cole AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Alois stellar.nova stellar.nova Rafael stellar.nova stellar.nova
Outfit: This

Skylie Dyer/Iris

At this point, Skylie was pretty much done with this guild idea. Too many people. They all just needed to step back. Though a part of her appreciated the attempt Galilahi (oh, man, that name…she was going to screw it up and feel horrible about it later) made to talk to her, she instead chose not to answer. Thankfully, someone else took her place on that end, a blond boy who was…wearing eyeliner.

What even.

Coleson, however, seemed determined not to speak to her, which actually offended Skylie less than she thought it would. It seemed he’d correctly read her Stay the fuck away from me vibe. Closing her eyes, she blocked out the colors of the auras of the other people in the room, especially the blond boy with a strange resemblance to Draco Malfoy. Something about his colors made her sad. Maybe she’d exert the effort to not intimidate him as much as the other guild members. (What had his name been? Had he even said it? Damn.)

Hadara and Rafael she barely noticed. The sea was far more interesting. However, she came out of her listlessness long enough to vote for the Spanish girl for leader… At least, she was pretty sure that was what had happened. It was a bit fuzzy now.

Finally, the boat arrived at the university and Skylie had an excuse to drag herself and her duffel out of the room.

~ ~ ~​

No. She refused. She absolutely refused.

A gala? Like, a formal dance? With DRESSES? Not a chance in hell was she going to go to that. Not even if they dragged her kicking and screaming. The last thing she wanted to do was live through a reminder of her mother’s bitchiness.

She did, however, take a minute to pause and gaze out at the sunset. Hmm. Perhaps she’d paint this sometime. Actually, that wasn’t a bad idea. She loved painting alone. It was one of the only things that could make her smile anymore.

It seemed her roommate would be the very Hadara she’d voted for the leader of the guild. Well. At least she knew she could stand the girl. So she tried to appear less pissy as they were taken to their dorm rooms. Looking around, Skylie was more impressed than she let on. This was certainly better than… Nope. Not gonna go there. Not today.

Skylie put her duffel down and glared at the two suitcases that housed all her worldly possessions. Where was her alto saxophone case? She was pretty sure she’d made it clear that that was her baby… Oh, no, there it was. Taking a moment to hug the instrument case to her chest, Skylie sat on the bed and let out a breath.

She would go to the gala.

She would not have fun.

She was only going to prove that she wasn’t still hurt from the incident on the deck of the boat earlier. Her chest did not tighten whenever she thought of it. Everything was fine, it was okay, she was going to be okay—

A few more deep breaths later, Skylie was rummaging through one of her suitcases to see if there was anything fancy enough to wear to something like this. Her skirt from earlier was out of the question; that wasn’t nearly good enough.

When she finally found something presentable, Skylie was grateful, for once, for her mother’s existence. And after she put on the violet dress and the accompanying flower (gee, thank God she’d overlooked this when she’d replaced all the frilly dresses with her tomboy clothes), she was able to acknowledge she didn’t look half bad. That was new.

Glancing over at her roommate with her arms crossed over her chest, she asked mildly, “Should we go down to this thing together? Or would you rather we go separately?”

Yes, great start, Sky, she thought. That wasn’t awkward at all…


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Guild: Oceanus
Scenario: What Fun!
Location: Dining Room > Dorm Room
With: Magdalena deer deer
Mentions: Fran PixieDust PixieDust Toby AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Sebby mxlly mxlly Will mxlly mxlly Ace stellar.nova stellar.nova Galen stellar.nova stellar.nova Jessa rainfall rainfall Maxine ms marigold ms marigold
Outfit: This

Avril Cavallon/Harmonia

It didn’t take long for Avril to realize she wholeheartedly desired to be friends with everyone in her guild. Francesca and Tobias seemed positively delightful, as did Magdalena, Sébastien (a fellow Frenchie! Ah bon!), and William. Avril didn’t have a problem with Ace at all, but he made her feel a bit nervous. His behavior had easily riled Galen, which in itself made Avril glance back and forth between them. She had been about to interject and possibly resolve the tension when Jessa and Maxine introduced themselves.

Avril was relieved, needless to say. For as long as she could remember, she’d hated conflict of any kind, especially when they were pointless. Pointless conflicts only led to pointless arguments further down the road. Avril wasn’t sure what possessed Ace to purposely antagonize Galen, but being the fair-minded girl she was, she would give him the benefit of the doubt until she got to know him better.

Besides…she admittedly had never heard of him or his band.

That kind of made her feel guilty.

Biting her lip, Avril observed the rest of their guild’s meeting timidly, keeping her “mediator face” in check. When it came to voting for a leader, Avril debated with herself. Normally, she preferred not to make decisions like this (which was why she would probably never vote in a political election), but a part of her knew that a choice had to be made in order to keep Oceanus Guild balanced. In the end, her choice was Galen, which seemed biased…and while that was partially true, Avril knew she could trust him. And trust would be essential if their guild was to work together successfully.

~ ~ ~​

In any case, to say Avril was excited to arrive at the school was an understatement. She practically flew out of the dining hall to see the building towering above the sea on a mountain. “C’est magnifique!” she breathed, thoroughly entranced by its grandiose structure.

It was no surprise when Avril flounced off the boat in order to reach her new university quicker. To her great surprise and delight, Magdalena was her roommate! Avril glowed when she found out. The girl had given their guildmate Sébastien a greeting that had made Avril want to smile for days. They were so cute! Clearly, they’d known each other before today, which Avril found terribly sweet and romantic.

What was more, there was to be a gala! Ah, the nostalgia the idea invoked. It looked like Avril would once again be expected to sit through a social event that had never quite been her style. Still, the idea was exciting in its own way.

As soon as she twirled into the room she was to share with Magdalena, she grinned widely at her. “Your name is Magdalena, correct? That’s such a lovely name! I hope we’ll be great friends! Oh, and you can call me Avie!”

Avril then proceeded to change into a dress she hadn’t worn since before her parents died. While this thought made her a bit sad, she smiled and remembered how her mother would always do her hair and makeup before one of her parties. Then her papa would tell her she looked beautiful. Maybe she was a bright person who seemed to wear bright colors, but there was no denying black dresses like the one she wore now was certainly her style. Dark colors had always suited her better than the assumed lighter ones.

Smiling over at Magdalena, she chirped, “Is it weird that I am so excited for this?”


Code by apolla apolla
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g u i l d


m o o d

emotionally exhausted​

l o c a t i o n


w i t h


m e n t i o n s


t a g s

Honestly, Veda just wanted to take a long ass nap, so she was pleased when they got their roommate assignments, and with one hour to go until they had to be at the gala, well that was more than enough time to be a sad, depressing sack of pure laziness. And so, once she got settled in the room, she laid down on the bed and was just about to doze off when her roommate entered with her own things. It was one of the girls in her guild...but she could not for the life of her remember the girl's name. So she laid there for a while, pretending to be asleep, but she was peeking through slightly opened eyes in order to just stare at the girl and try to think of her life's story.

She couldn't come up with anything particularly interesting, but it was probably because her anxiety seemed to be eating away at her brain bit by bit like some weird ass zombie. So, she sighed, and not even pretending to wake up which would pretty much give away the fact that she hadn't been sleeping in the first place, she sat up quickly. "I can't for the life of me remember your name, and it's going to bother me-- it is bothering me. So much that I couldn't sleep so will you please tell me what it is before I throw myself out of our window?" Okay, yeah, she was sort of aggressive and kinda just throwing the idea of suicide out there, but still. She needed to know this girls name and she was too mentally and emotionally exhausted to care if she offended her or not.

v e d a . g u p t a



Guild: Styx
Scenario: Oh Dear... More Socializing
Location: Game Room > Room
With: Keith diwa diwa
Mentions: Val deer deer Rory mxlly mxlly Preston stellar.nova stellar.nova
Outfit: This

Oliver Jarrell (Coeus)

Even though he knew it was scientifically impossible, there was no denying that Oliver wished he could disappear. Not only were there far too many female members of his guild, but they were all intimidating in their own ways. Especially the redhead that approached him right away and questioned his decision to read. As soon as he realized she was addressing him, he flinched, shrinking back into himself so as to avoid further scrutiny.

Granted, a few of the girls seemed perfectly nice and not the least bit dangerous to his emotional health. Still, he knew from experience that appearances were drastically deceiving, and he didn’t take any chances.

When a boy finally entered the room, Oliver sighed in relief. A male! Now that he could handle. Unfortunately, this particular male radiated something that left a nervous jitter in Oliver’s chest. Maybe it would be best if he avoided interaction all together…

The method of choosing leader was simple enough: play a game and the winner would choose. Oliver liked it this way, but that didn’t mean he was willing to play. No way was he going to feel the pressure from all these girls to pick her, no pick her, no pick me I’m the nicest. No way. So he opted out of the game entirely and read his book instead.

And in the end, the best decision possible for leader was made. So that was that.

~ ~ ~​

To say Oliver flew out of the room would be a joke. He was the last one out, as he feared the idea of someone following behind him, making fun of him behind his back. Just…no.

Then he got to the top of the mountain and saw the view. Sydney could never hold a candle to this view. It was simply too spectacular. He was definitely going to take a picture and send it to his parents.

Now onto the next issue at hand: roommates. For perhaps the third time that day, Oliver would be forced to socialize, one of his least favorite activities. Why had he agreed to come to this university, again? Why had that been a good idea?? Not to mention the boy who was supposedly his roommate was actually kind of cute. Oliver wasn’t ready for that! Why did everyone in this school have to be attractive in some way? Why?!

Instead of blurting this sentiment out, he unpacked his bags and stuck to his side of the room. Of course, Keith (his roommate) would probably find this rude, but he couldn’t find the words to introduce himself.

A gala by itself didn’t seem so bad. But the idea of him going to one horrified Oliver like nothing ever had before. He hadn’t stuck around his high school long enough to experience a social dance, but even so, he knew this would not be fun. What was worse was that his mother had predicted this kind of event and packed him a suit. A suit. Why him?

In the end, Oliver sat on his bed, donned in a suit, lamenting to himself about how much he was already dreading attending this school. But instead of showing it, he took a deep breath and opened his book.

He read one word and immediately calmed down.


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Guild: Phlegethon
Scenario: Will He Be Okay with Music...?
Location: Upper Deck > Dorm Room
With: Journey Athens Athens
Mentions: Gareth PixieDust PixieDust
Outfit: This

Kendrick Wheatley/Orpheus

Kendrick had been perfectly content admiring the sea, but he was also happy that Gareth decided to break the ice. Standing around doing nothing wouldn’t exactly accomplish their goal, now, would it? Yet he could tell by the look on Gareth’s face that he had done so rather reluctantly.

So by the time a few other people introduced themselves, Kendrick dove in and smiled widely at Gareth. “I’m Kendrick, but not Lamar. I don’t really wanna be leader anyway, but I’ll definitely write a theme song for whoever it is!” Like a true hero, he’d saved Gareth from utter embarrassment. He was the boy’s knight in shining armor, or the superhero in really weird spandex that had no business being worn by a man.

Hopefully that wasn’t just in his head.

~ ~ ~​

Man, the people in his guild were weird. Maybe that was a side effect of having the weirdest-ass name out of all the guilds. Phlegm would probably be the go-to nickname for it before long…unless someone decided to correct Kendrick’s shorthand.

Even as a helicopter took him to the top of the mountain where the university was, Kendrick kept his guitar close. It was his baby, and mothers don’t just leave their children to suffer a fate worse than death…in this case, separation.

Okay, but his roommate seemed pretty chill. Probably came from having the same name as one of the coolest bands ever, Journey. Damn. Kendrick half-wished he had a cool name like that. His resembled a rapper he didn’t even like that much.

He couldn’t deny he wasn’t bummed Gareth wasn't his roommate, though. That was disappointing.

Mama Magdalene had snuck a suit into his suitcase, but Kendrick was far from mad. He was going to need to look like a mature adult at this gala thing, and the all-black suit pulled that off. If Luciana had been here, she would have cooed over how handsome he looked. Actually, most of his foster sisters would have done that, too. They were overwhelmingly Italian in that way.

Before heading off to this thing, however, he needed to get something straight. Turning to his roommate, he asked, “Are you okay with me randomly playing my guitar sometimes? If you are, that’s totally cool. I just wanted to make sure so I don’t piss you off later.”


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Arte Mestiere
Guild: Lethe || Location: Olympia Bound Ship, Gardens ---> Olympia Dorms|| Scenario: Dorms and a Gala || With: N/A || Mentions: Ekaterina stellar.nova stellar.nova || Gala Suit

Arte sighed softly to himself as those around him began to speak of leadership. He didn't particularly care, a good leader would be followed and a bad one would be ignored. He was perfectly fine with being left alone to do his work. Being bothered to decide who was going to be in charge was a waste of his time. Still, he observed that everyone in this guild was an artist of some type. To him, it seemed ineffective to place like minded individuals together. The ability to adapt to a new situation was one of a human's greatest abilities, but it wouldn't grow without proper stimulation.

Either way, he was pleased that the meeting ended and before long they'd arrived at the school where it rested upon a mountain. A beautiful piece of both scenic and architectural design. As he gazed at the mountain, he imagined all the ways he could sculpt it, but eventually decided that nature still held the greatest beauty of any artwork he'd ever seen. Everything into everything.

Things continued to move quickly and he was eventually given his dorm assignment along with the name of his roommate. He wasn't a stranger to sharing a room with someone. He wouldn't be doing much in his room anyway once he had access to his equipment and a proper lab.

However, there was mention of a Gala. That was...bothersome. A social gathering was the last place he wanted to be and he was very tempted to simply skip it altogether, he did have interest in exploring the grounds of the school.

A Gala was held in a formal location, generally one of high architectural value. The idea of being able to examine the buildings was what made him decide to actually go. There was also the thought that Katy might be there in a beautiful dress.

He did possess a suit that had been designed for him by a friend of the family. It was pleasing to the eye and he appreciated the care that had gone into making it. It was finely pressed and was tailored to his body specifically. He pulled the suit from his suitcase and hung it up before going to the bathroom to get in a shower before the Gala.



❉Dulci Amur❉

Guild: Phlegethon || Location: Olympia bound Ship, Upper Deck ---> Olympia Dorms || Scenario: My Dorm! A Gala!? || With: Jacqueline AnimeGenork AnimeGenork || Mentions: N/A || Gala Dress

Dulci was enamored with all of her guild mates. They were beautiful and quirky and just so delicious! They were also fun and came in all sorts of personalities. She was happy to be part of the group but there was no way she was being in charge. With her as the leader, they'd rarely leave the bedroom and if they did it would only to go out and party. As fun as she was, she didn't have the structure to be leader.

She did make sure to happily introduce herself and not so subtly hit on everyone, mostly for fun and partially to test the waters to see who she had a shot with. Some were openly interested and others seemed a bit more reserved.

Then when they got to the school, she was amazed at all the nature that surrounded it. She could feel the plants as they pulsed with life. She almost took off into the forest to never be seen again but she was stopped by staff and told she'd be taking a helicopter to the actual school. That was disappointing but she wasn't entirely bummed, it meant she could "covertly" rub up against some real cuties.

She found out that she'd be staying in a room with someone else and even sharing an entire building with the others of her guild and that made her squeal with delight. She had some completely black clothes and totally wanted to ninja herself right into someone's bed. Of course, sex wasn't the only thing on her mind. Slumber parties and big breakfasts! Just hanging out under the trees. It would be just like high-school...and college...and...

Well, she'd had a lot of fun and always enjoyed it.

But then more news was dropped on her. A Gala! The second she reached her room, she was in a flurry of motion as she bounced on her new bed and even on her roommate's bed. Then she began to get ready, she had the perfect dress but hadn't been sure if she'd get to use it so soon.

Because she loved the forest and plants, she'd gotten a dress to represent that feeling.

She was half naked when her roommate arrived "Oh, hi. Jacqueline right? Tell me something" she squeezed her breasts slightly "Bra or no bra?" she asked. It was a formal event but she wasn't sure if she wanted to wear something so constrictive. Besides, she was bound to be dancing with a lot of people and she kind of wanted whoever she was dancing with to feel her and not padded support.

Also, she wanted to tease her new roommate right from the get go. It was a good test on whether they'd get along.


Guild: Phlegethon
Scenario: I Have the Best Roommate Ever
Location: Upper Deck > Dorm Room
With: Dulci Seraph Darkfire Seraph Darkfire
Mentions: Adrian deer deer Kendrick AnimeGenork AnimeGenork Gareth PixieDust PixieDust Clo stellar.nova stellar.nova Dani Uxie Uxie Toby AnimeGenork AnimeGenork
Outfit: This

Jacqueline Royster/Asclepius

Jackie should've known that her staring at the ocean might come off a bit wrong. As soon as more of her guildmates arrived, she turned her head and flashed them all a stunning smile. She not-so-subtly checked them all out, noting the one boy, Adrian, was incredibly attractive. But then, so was the redhead currently clinging to a sweet-looking girl. The wannabe hero, Kendrick, was clearly infatuated, or at least fond of, Gareth, who'd started introductions. He reminded her of her brother, which made her all the more determined to befriend him. However, it was the bubbly girl that really peaked her interest. So energetic... This was certainly going to be fun.

Letting a flirty smirk creep up her face, she focused her attention on the matter of their leader, a position she would rather relegate to the more attractive members of Phlegethon.

~ ~ ~​

Sadly, her marvelous view of her beautiful guildmates was ruined by the ship's arrival at the school. No matter. It seemed she'd have another chance to see them at this gala. The word made Jackie shudder, reminding her of her parents' dinner parties and the guests' sleazy sons who had preferred looking down her dress to having a smoke with her. As soon as she heard the news, she dug out a cigarette and lit it, letting the smoke flood her veins and calm her down.

So maybe she smelled like smoke when she entered the dorms. So what? if her guild couldn't handle it, that was their problem. Tossing her hair over her shoulder, she found her room, which she was sharing with a girl named Dulci. Interesting name. But then, how could she judge when her name was Jacqueline?

To her surprise, her roommate was half-naked when she arrived, bouncing everywhere. If this was her version of getting ready for a formal event, Jackie couldn't wait to see her in full party-mode. I have the best roommate ever, she thought, grinning as she imagined Toby's reaction to the news.

She ignored the urge to stare at her roommate's chest like a dolt (or like a sleazy son of a rich man) and instead tilted her head, inspecting Dulci with a fashionista's eyes. "If you're planning on hooking up with someone, I would say no bra, but honestly, I kind of want to keep those my little secret." She swept over to her own suitcases, pulling out a dress she had yet to wear. "But considering your dress, I guess you could wear no bra... but what would be the fun in that? You have to let the boys--or girls--crave more of you. Can't go giving them everything right away, can we?"

Shucking off her previous outfit, she brushed out her hair and pulled her dress over her head. "I plan on mostly having fun and checking out the rest of our classmates. Who knows? Maybe we'll both get lucky tonight."

Then Jackie remembered something. "By the way. Are you okay with me smoking in here? Also, if we're going to this together, is it alright if we meet up with my cousin, Toby? He gets far too lonely for his own good. An before you ask," she added with a grin, "he is substandard attractive and only horny when he's drunk. But he doesn't drink, so that particularly hilarious side of him most likely won't come out to play."

Finally, her increasing attraction and fondness to her own roommate got the best of her, and she went right over to Dulci and threw her arm over the girl's shoulders, smiling. “Oh, honey,” Jackie said to her roommate, “We’re going to be the best of friends.”


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❉Dulci Amur❉

Guild: Phlegethon || Location: Olympia Dorms || Scenario: || With: Jacqueline AnimeGenork AnimeGenork || Mentions: N/A || Gala Dress

Dulci grinned as Jacqueline began to point out good reasons for both scenarios. In the end, she agreed that leaving more to the imagination was a good idea and dug out a deep green bra that would go well with her dress. She laughed softly as her new roommate threw an arm around her "The best of friends!" she said smiling widely "Just don't freak out if you find me in your bed in the morning" Dulci loved to cuddle and having a nice source of heat nearby would attract her in her sleep like a plant to water.

"I'm fine with you smoking" she said sniffing before frowning "Tobacco kind of sucks though" she then brightened up "I brought some seeds from home, once I've grown them, I can make some really good cigarettes" she clapped her hands. Being a lover of plants, she'd dabbled in crossbreeding plants to find interesting combinations. She'd also dabbled in making new types of plants to smoke. She'd had a few lovers that smoked and it wasn't the most pleasant thing to enjoy.

But she never bad mouthed something that others enjoyed. Instead, she'd found new ways to help them enjoy it. Smoke that tingled and tasted like electricity on the tongue, smoke that tasted like honey and heightened senses. She never messed with mind altering things though. Bad decisions were made when the mind was altered. It was always better to have a clear mind with amazing effects.

"Oooh! I have this one plant that when smoked, it actually tastes like chocolate!" she giggled "I call it the Willy Wonka plant" she then moved over to her suitcase and began digging around "I'm happy to meet your cousin, I love meeting new people..aha!" she pulled out what looked like a Pan Flute "I found this thing a while ago, it is weird but fun to play" she blew on it for a moment "I can play some good music to get your cousin in a party mood too" she set the Flute down on a nearby dresser.

"If you do get lucky tonight, feel free ask me to leave" she said smiling "Though I'd much prefer being invited" she pulled a smaller from her suitcase and patted it "If you need something for the night feel free to borrow it" she put the bag away into the dresser. It was always better to be prepared than to end up sorry.

From the way she kept pulling things from her suitcase, one might imagine it was magical but she was just a very good packer. She moved around enough to know exactly how everything fit into her case.

"I'm excited for the Gala" she said smiling as she began to fiddle with her dress "I've never been to one before. I've been to plenty of parties, but I've never met anyone who went to ballroom dances or anything like it"

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