
Elder Member
Nathan dashed down the gravel road, struggling to catch his breath, ignoring the pain in his legs. Disregarding his burning lungs, he continued to push forwards, stumbling and crashing to the ground as he darted around a corner. He quickly rose to his feet, adrenaline washing away the pain of the fall. The scrapes and bruises were minor injuries, when compared to what would happen to the others if he didn't make it to them in time. He would make it though, he would get to them in time!

He would save them!

That's what he wanted to believe, but as he pushed forwards a feeling of dread seemed to engulf. It pressed down on him like a raging tide, threatening to sweep him off his feet if he didn't hold onto some shred of hope. Deep down though, in the pit of his stomach, he knew he was already too late. He looked up to see a plume of smoke rising in the distance, the pillar bellowed upwards, marring the beauty of the serene blue sky. Only a little bit further now, he just had to push himself a little further. Gritting his teeth as beads of sweat stung his eyes, he made the final hurtle towards the center of town. Nothing could stop him!

He would save them...

He came to a halt as the mountain of bodies came into sight, most of them already horribly disfigured as the fire ate away at them. The pile of bodies towered over him, arms and other limbs jutted outwards, most of them nothing but bone now. The shadow it cast seemed to widen and spread, plunging the entire world into darkness. Suddenly the bodies began to writhe, their arms reaching out for Nathan, bony fingers desperately grasping at the air. What was left of their mouths moved up and down, as if they were all trying to speak, but only a deafening screech escaped their lips.

Nathan screamed with them.

He screamed in agony, as the sound pierced his ears. Dropping to his knees, hands clutching his ears, blood staining his palms as a stream of crimson dripped down from his ear canals. H e screamed in terror, as the mountain of bodies began to sway back and forth, then without warning the entire mound toppled over. He looked on in horror as they rained down on him, his screams drowned out by their wailing, their hands raking his flesh just before they corpses crushed him completely.


Nathan gasped for breath, the top of his head scraping the roof of his tent as he quickly sat up. He scrambled out of the small tent, clutching at his bare chest, panting heavily as the cool night air seemed to bring him no relief. Rising to his feet, tears blinded him from seeing the brilliant glow the stars gave off at night. He stumbled towards the edge of the building, using the metal railing for support.  Leaning forwards, he winced as the cold metal stung his skin. It took him a moment to regain his composure, nearly half an hour to be exact. He remained where he stood the entire time, staring down at the decrepit city as his breathing finally settled.

"Another eventful night." Nathan chuckle dryly, sitting with his back to the railing, fingers absentmindedly tracing the many scars which crisscrossed hi arms. "Day 12." he said for no reason in particular, finally peering up at the sly. Although the stars were just an afterthought, he really wanted to catch sight of the barrier blocking off the city from the rest of the world. A ripple would occasionally pass through it, similar to when a leaf gently lands on a clear pond, you'd have to be paying close attention to notice it. His guess that it was from something, or someone coming into contact with it. Trying to escape maybe? For the force field was serene as ever, completely invisible to the naked eye. His eyelids lazily fluttered open and closed as he gazed upwards, until he unknowingly dozed off. The camp he had made on the roof of a sky scraper his only protection, against the dangers that roamed below.
Nathan dashed down the gravel road, struggling to catch his breath, ignoring the pain in his legs. Disregarding his burning lungs, he continued to push forwards, stumbling and crashing to the ground as he darted around a corner. He quickly rose to his feet, adrenaline washing away the pain of the fall. The scrapes and bruises were minor injuries, when compared to what would happen to the others if he didn't make it to them in time. He would make it though, he would get to them in time!

He would save them!

That's what he wanted to believe, but as he pushed forwards a feeling of dread seemed to engulf. It pressed down on him like a raging tide, threatening to sweep him off his feet if he didn't hold onto some shred of hope. Deep down though, in the pit of his stomach, he knew he was already too late. He looked up to see a plume of smoke rising in the distance, the pillar bellowed upwards, marring the beauty of the serene blue sky. Only a little bit further now, he just had to push himself a little further. Gritting his teeth as beads of sweat stung his eyes, he made the final hurtle towards the center of town. Nothing could stop him!

He would save them...

He came to a halt as the mountain of bodies came into sight, most of them already horribly disfigured as the fire ate away at them. The pile of bodies towered over him, arms and other limbs jutted outwards, most of them nothing but bone now. The shadow it cast seemed to widen and spread, plunging the entire world into darkness. Suddenly the bodies began to writhe, their arms reaching out for Nathan, bony fingers desperately grasping at the air. What was left of their mouths moved up and down, as if they were all trying to speak, but only a deafening screech escaped their lips.

Nathan screamed with them.

He screamed in agony, as the sound pierced his ears. Dropping to his knees, hands clutching his ears, blood staining his palms as a stream of crimson dripped down from his ear canals. H e screamed in terror, as the mountain of bodies began to sway back and forth, then without warning the entire mound toppled over. He looked on in horror as they rained down on him, his screams drowned out by their wailing, their hands raking his flesh just before they corpses crushed him completely.


Nathan gasped for breath, the top of his head scraping the roof of his tent as he quickly sat up. He scrambled out of the small tent, clutching at his bare chest, panting heavily as the cool night air seemed to bring him no relief. Rising to his feet, tears blinded him from seeing the brilliant glow the stars gave off at night. He stumbled towards the edge of the building, using the metal railing for support.  Leaning forwards, he winced as the cold metal stung his skin. It took him a moment to regain his composure, nearly half an hour to be exact. He remained where he stood the entire time, staring down at the decrepit city as his breathing finally settled.

"Another eventful night." Nathan chuckle dryly, sitting with his back to the railing, fingers absentmindedly tracing the many scars which crisscrossed hi arms. "Day 12." he said for no reason in particular, finally peering up at the sly. Although the stars were just an afterthought, he really wanted to catch sight of the barrier blocking off the city from the rest of the world. A ripple would occasionally pass through it, similar to when a leaf gently lands on a clear pond, you'd have to be paying close attention to notice it. His guess that it was from something, or someone coming into contact with it. Trying to escape maybe? For the force field was serene as ever, completely invisible to the naked eye. His eyelids lazily fluttered open and closed as he gazed upwards, until he unknowingly dozed off. The camp he had made on the roof of a sky scraper his only protection, against the dangers that roamed below.

Amilia let her feet dangle down from the skyscraper she was. A man was sitting next to her, a man with weird clothes and of not too much height. "I tell you, back in my time, such a thing would never have happened. No, the government would have prevented such a misery." Amilia shrugged. "Well, i mean a lot changed in the time that you were not around, monsieur.", she replied. The man sighed. "A lot, but not only to the better.", he agreed. "Change always brings both, good and bad, right? You cant have one without the other. That would be like having a cookies, but no hot chocolate to them." The man laughed. "That is a lovely way to say it. For someone so young, you are quite wise, mademoiselle Amilia. But i feel like it is time for me to leave again." "Was it five minutes already? Oh, how sad... It was nice to talk to you, monsieur Bonaparte..." "Au revoir..." The man dissolved into nothing but a little wind making Amilia sigh. She had heard about him and since she wanted company, she had just thought that talking to him could be nice. Amilia was always interested in history, as she had the ability to meet some of the greatest people just by knowing their name. This man, Napoleon Bonaparte, had been one of them. Amilia got up. "I suppose its time then, huh, Winkles?", she asked her little plush. A last look around made her notice a tent on a nearby roof. "Somebody is camping here? What a funny idea... Maybe they have a campfire and marshmallows? Lets ask, come on Winkles!" Amilia gladly got up and hopped along the roof, until she reached the egde. "Hmmm...", she muttered and then noticed the fire escape at the side. It wasnt that far. "Lets try to reach that, Winkles.", she said and then hopped over, landing on the fire escape of the next building. "That worked." She climbed the rest of the way, reaching the roof and looking around, spotting the tent. "Over there. Hurry, Winkles!" Amilia made her way to the tent and looked, there was no light. "Is someone home?", she asked in a friendly tone.
Nathan groggily wiped the sleep from his eyes, waiting for his vision to come into focus. Blinking several times until his surroundings became crystal clear, he looked over to where he thought the sound of a young girls voice had come from. "How the hell did you..." he stopped himself mid sentence, no reason to ask such a stupid question. She probably was a mutant, so the fact that she had made it up there was no surprise. At a glance she didn't appear to be one of the rampaging metahumans, but looks could be deceiving. The only he would truly know was if he got a good look at her eyes. "Hey, miss, you looking for someone in particular?" he asked calmly, slowly rising to his feet so he wouldn't startle her. He could activate his power at a moments notice, so he didn't really feel like he was in any danger. Despite that fact though, he remained vigilant, his casual demeanor never betraying how tense he currently was.

@Princess Ami
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Nathan groggily wiped the sleep from his eyes, waiting for his vision to come into focus. Blinking several times until his surroundings became crystal clear, he looked over to where he thought the sound of a young girls voice had come from. "How the hell did you..." he stopped himself mid sentence, no reason to ask such a stupid question. She probably was a mutant, so the fact that she had made it up there was no surprise. At a glance she didn't appear to be one of the rampaging metahumans, but looks could be deceiving. The only he would truly know was if he got a good look at her eyes. "Hey, miss, you looking for someone in particular?" he asked calmly, slowly rising to his feet so he wouldn't startle her. He could activate his power at a moments notice, so he didn't really feel like he was in any danger. Despite that fact though, he remained vigilant, his casual demeanor never betraying how tense he currently was.

@Princess Ami

Amilia looked at the man who was so much taller than the little girl. "No, not looking for anyone.", she said. "But I saw your tent, so I thought that maybe you have a campfire and marshmallows, which I love. And so I thought I would ask you?" She smiled friendly and giggled. "Winkles likes marshmallows too!" Amilia tilted her head. "You look tense, is there anything wrong?"
Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing softly before giving the girl his full attention. "I have some snacks and drinks in the cooler over there." he told her, pointing over to an ice box besides his small tent. "It's too windy up here to start a campfire." as if to affirm what he said, a cold gust of wind blew past them, ruffling their hair and clothes. "Are you hungry?" his eyes met hers the moment she had started talking, and relief washed over him. They weren't the bloodshot eyes of the infected. He didn't bother returning her smile, it wasn't worth the effort. Their was something odd about this girl. How could she have possibly survived this long on her own? Either she had some insane powers, or she had an accomplice, who still might be somewhere nearby. The thought cause him to look over his shoulder, this was the tallest building in the area. If someone was lurking nearby, they wouldn't have many angles to get the jump on him. He kept all of this in mind, as he awaited the young ladies response.
Damian was sitting on the roof of a 3 story building just dazing off looking at a nearby skyscraper when he heard a commotion from the side of the building, he mumbled to himself like he usually does without thinking, "What the hells going on over there?", he walked over to the side of the roof and carefully looked over the side into the alleyway to see what was going on. He saw a man pointing a knife towards a teenage girl, he sounded panicked "Just give me the food you have there and i wont hurt you" Damian hasn't really seen anybody in this area for a while so he was glad the first two people he saw werent crazy meta-humans, that would have sucked, he felt bad that this man had felt the need to go to such drastic measures to get food, but he also couldn't just let this happen, he doubted he could talk down someone so panicked without them doing something crazy.

Damian put on his mask and put his hood up, he checked to make sure his backpack was on right and his staff was still strapped onto it, "Yep, all set." He then took a step off the building letting himself fall towards the ground, this might have been a dumb thing to do if he hadn't been running his current through his body, making his eyes glow a dim electrical blue. When he hit the ground he could take the fall since his body was enhanced from his current, he landed with a roll to continue with his momentum, mid roll he reached back and pulled his staff off of his backpack and swept the man holding the knife off of his feet as he was coming up, the man landed on his back and before he had any time to react Damian jabbed him between the eyes with the end of his staff, knocking him unconscious. 

Damian stood up straight leaning on his staff while looking down at the man, he didn't enjoy hurting someone who was just trying to survive, but he had to do something. He looked up at the girl, who was just staring at him out of shock. "The Hell are you waiting for? Get out of here, you don't need an invitation to run do you?" The girl jumped at his words and took off running. He sighed, he really hope she didn't run into any more trouble today. He then dragged the man into the building, he rummaged into his backpack and pulled out a loaf of bread and placed in on the mans chest, that should keep him satisfied when he wakes up. Damian decided it was time for him to go. still wearing his mask he left the building and scratched his head, "Wonder where i should go from here?" He paused a moment and tried to decide which way he should take off in. being alone really sucked when he had to make decisions

(Mentioned your skyscraper: @BloodyKharma @Princess Ami)
Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing softly before giving the girl his full attention. "I have some snacks and drinks in the cooler over there." he told her, pointing over to an ice box besides his small tent. "It's too windy up here to start a campfire." as if to affirm what he said, a cold gust of wind blew past them, ruffling their hair and clothes. "Are you hungry?" his eyes met hers the moment she had started talking, and relief washed over him. They weren't the bloodshot eyes of the infected. He didn't bother returning her smile, it wasn't worth the effort. Their was something odd about this girl. How could she have possibly survived this long on her own? Either she had some insane powers, or she had an accomplice, who still might be somewhere nearby. The thought cause him to look over his shoulder, this was the tallest building in the area. If someone was lurking nearby, they wouldn't have many angles to get the jump on him. He kept all of this in mind, as he awaited the young ladies response.

Amilia still smiled at the man. "No, I am not hungry. But thank you for the offer.", she replied politely. "It is rare to find a living person that is as nice as the dead are.", she continued. "You wouldn't believe how kind the man is that people refer to as Ivan the Terrible. He told.me he wasn't terrible at all. And he didn't seem too terrible too. Or Ximenez of Spain. A really kind soul." She smiled. "I like talking to them. They're my friends. All dead people are." She then looked at her bunny. "Would you want to be my friend too?" She giggled. "You don't have to die for it, just be nice to me."
He listened to the girl ramble on and on, without so much as a clue to what she was talkin about. His face remained placid, although he was starting to get a bit irritated. "I...don't plan on dying anytime soon." was all he said, before walking over to the cooler. "Do you want me to take you somewhere safe?" he flipped the lid open, bending down to grab two cans of soda. "Have you been to Madison Square Garden? From what I've heard, most of the law enforcers left in the city have gathered their, and their using it as a safe zone. Want me to take you there?" he asked, placing one of the cans on the ground and kicking it in her direction. It lazily rolled in her direction, stopping as it softly bumped into her feet.
She tilted her head. "I´m totally save on my own, my friends help me whenever i want. Vlad, would you come and show that i couldnt be saver?", she said and the wind around her started to gather in one spot, forming a man with pale skin, long brown hair, who was wearing weird, old looking clothing. He was weilding a sword. "How can i help you, Miss Amilia?", the man said in a friendly tone and smiled at her. His eyes then fell upon the man front to her and he immediatly raised his sword. "Is he a thread? I kill him in split seconds." Amilia shook her head. "He´s a friend, Vlad, thank you for your worries." She smiled at Nathan. "May i introduce you to Vlad the Impaler? Or, how he is also reffered to, Count Vlad Dracula. Have you ever heard of him?" Of course the man was no vampire, but the real Vlad the Impaler. However, due to his cruelness and strength, the myths around the "Count of Darkness" started to exist.

Nathan merely cocked an eyebrow as the little girl seemed to summon a man, from some bygone point in history. He took a long swig of the grape soda before finally speaking. "You gonna drink that?" he asked, pointing to the can of soda at her feet. "If not, roll it back over here, wouldn't want it to go to waste." he finished the rest of the pop, absentmindedly tossing it over the edge of the building. "Never heard of the guy." waving at Vlad dismissively. "Nor do I care to know anything else about him, just tell him to put that sword away. Unless he wants me to send him back to wherever it is he came from." yawning loudly, Nathan did a few quick stretches. He was getting bored with the situation, and since he had been woken up earlier then usual, he might as well start his morning routine. @Princess Ami

The can of soda silently fell towards the earth, connecting with Damian's head with a resounding 'crack'. Having fallen hundreds of feet in the air, it wouldn't be surprising if the man was slightly stunned by the sudden impact. It would bounce painfully of the top of his head, before clanging loudly to the ground. @Shnuydude
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Nathan merely cocked an eyebrow as the little girl seemed to summon a man, from some bygone point in history. He took a long swig of the grape soda before finally speaking. "You gonna drink that?" he asked, pointing to the can of soda at her feet. "If not, roll it back over here, wouldn't want it to go to waste." he finished the rest of the pop, absentmindedly tossing it over the edge of the building. "Never heard of the guy." waving at Vlad dismissively. "Nor do I care to know anything else about him, just tell him to put that sword away. Unless he wants me to send him back to wherever it is he came from." yawning loudly, Nathan did a few quick stretches. He was getting bored with the situation, and since he had been woken up earlier then usual, he might as well start his morning routine. @Princess Ami

The can of soda silently fell towards the earth, connecting with Damian's head with a resounding 'crack'. Having fallen hundreds of feet in the air, it wouldn't be surprising if the man was slightly stunned by the sudden impact. It would bounce painfully of the top of his head, before clanging loudly to the ground. @Shnuydude

"Are you sure i should not end him?", the man said, but Amilia shook her head. "I am against killing.", Amilia said. Vlad nodded. "I am sure you have interesting stories to tell, but not right now, so for now, i will say goodbye, Vlad." The man nodded and smiled. "I hope we meet again soon." She smiled back and nodded, the man dissolving. Amilia picked up the soda, smiling. "I am not thirsty right now. You can have it." She reached out her hand, so he could take it. "Where are you heading? Since everyone here became crazy and many people died, i am kinda strolling around. My friends protect me, but they can only stay five minutes, so im still very lonely."
"Just...put it back...in the cooler." he huffed in between push ups. "You know...you shouldn't just...openly reveal your powers to just anyone." panting heavily, he subtly used his powers to make himself heavier. He made sure to control his breathing, wincing as the soreness in his arms grew worse the more weight he added on. Beads of sweat culminated in the middle of his brow and chin, dripping down onto the cold cement rooftop. The frigid wind wasn't helping either, the cold gusts chilling him to the bone. "Y-you d-don't...know who will use s-such knowledge t-to...their advantage." he stood up, doing a few more stretches before switching to jumping jacks. "These friends of yours can't protect you from everything/"
In the more quiet area of the ruined city two sister were making their way down the street. The two were looking for nothing more than a nice stable building something that would stay up for a long time, and could withstand an earthquake or other natural disasters besides the meta humans running around. As they walked Alice turned to her older sister Elizabeth. "So Liz how bout that one?" Alice asked pointing to a partly burnt down apartment Elizabeth took off her head shaking her head. "No we need one not so well burnt out. Not to mention this place wouldn't last the second some meta humans looks at em wrong.," Alice nodded her head. "Ok I get ya I'll run ahead and make sure there aren't any meta humans by. With a quick wave Alice was bolting down the street beginning to become a blur in Elizabeth's eyes. Elizabeth wondered around some more aimlessly just looking for a good building. The reason they were searching because their idea is to make a refugee camp or something along those lines, they just know they want to help others while helping each other
Damian finally made up his mind "Guess I'll go this-" CRACK "Ah! what the hell!?" He took a couple steps back in dazed pain and looked down at the can that had hit him, he looked up at the skyscraper, the only place it could have came from. He didnt think it would have just rolled off on its own, so there must be someone up there. He began to feel a little excited, he hasnt really ran into many people but the ones he had met were scared of him because he was a meta-human so they didnt want him staying with them, since he used to live in this area most people recognized him and freaked out even faster, and no he didnt mean they got excited and wanted an autograph. he was already pretty infamous before the "Vaccine" but now everyone feared him instead of just disliking him. He hoped that whoever was up there wouldn't freak out, because he was coming up there, and he was bringing the damn can too for the jerk that hit him with it. 

He put his hood up and walked up to the building, he opened the door and walked in. he looked around until he found an elevator. He walked up to it and tried the button, it didnt open of course, he just really hoped it would. For him the stairs were not an option, he wasnt gonna go up a million flights of stairs, you go up one staircase and turn around to walk up a new one for eternity, hes not doing that. He put down his staff and took 2 knives off of his belt, his knives were in a short description, just kunai. he kept them on multiple small sheaths on his belt which are usually all hidden by his jacket. He put the knives in between the doors for the elevator and forced them open using his enhanced strength. He sheathed his knives, grabbed his staff and walked into the elevator, he looked up to the emergency hatch and pushed it open with his staff, he then strapped the staff onto his backpack so he could pull himself up onto the elevator. once he was up he looked for the ladder. after climbing for what seemed like forever he made it too the top, he thought he was going to have to force open another elevator door but it turns out the ladder led to a maintenance room, which he opened the hatch like door and climbed up into. Based on the sound of the wind blowing from outside he guessed that the room was on the roof.

He walked over to the door that led outside and tried turning it but it was locked. he groaned, just his luck, if he took the stairs then he probably could have used the normal door to the roof, now he was gonna have to force his way through and possibly scare whoever is on the other side. He unstrapped his staff and swung at the door handle, now that it was knocked off he shoved his staff through the hole where the doorknob was to knock off the handle on that side. With that taken care of he pushed open the door and walked out with his staff resting on his shoulder to see two men and a small girl. with his blue glowing eyes, his mask, and his hood up, he probably looked a bit intimidating, he reached into the side pocket of his backpack with his free hand and pulled out the can so they could all see it "Who hit me with this damn can?" Smooth Damian, smooth....

@BloodyKharma @Princess Ami
The sound of the door opening caught his attention, but didn't break his stride. Nathan sighed inwardly as he looked the newcomer over. Judging by the way he was dressed, he appeared to be one of those wanna be heroes. In all his years of living in the city, he had only spotted them from afar, and they were almost always leaving the scene of a crime. He finished his last set of jumping jacks, his body gradually reverting back to its normal weight towards the end. "I threw the can." Nathan said plainly, strolling past the masked man and over to his tent. "Here, have another." reaching into the open cooler, he grabbed a can of soda. He took a step forwards, as if he were about to hand the man the drink, then suddenly threw it at the newcomer with inhuman speed. The can sailed through the air, headed straight for his forehead, at a speed that most normal people wouldn't be able to keep up with. @Princess Ami

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Alice zoomed around the area scouting it out while Elizabeth found a safe spot and sat listening to music waiting for her to return. Alice found a tall building that would make a good look out spot. So she raced quickly up the building as she reached the top she ducked quickly as a can came her way. Passing the can and the one who threw it she stood close to the edge to look out over the city. "Woah you almost forget just how big this place is sometimes." She then looked around at the others as she hadn't even registered them as she got up on the skyscraper. She chuckled a bit waving at them. "Hi. Bye." With that she quickly bobbed between them to get past and was on the bottom floor in moments she sighed. "That was a close one I better hurry back and tell sis." As she was about to take off she stopped and hide behind some fallen bits of the skyscraper. 'I should be careful I'm not being followed first. I don't wanna lead those guys back to sis if they're trouble.' She thought to herself watching the staircase with eyes like a hawk.
Jake was standing atop a small hill. He had seen something speed past him and tried to follow it but it was way too fast. He ran after it. It looked as if it was a girl. But he couldn't really tell who or what it was. He was running as fast as he can which was pretty fast. Slightly faster than average but the thing was gone. He looked around, he was in the center of the street as he walked. He looked around as he did scanning the area for any signs of life. He was a little annoyed with how everything was going. He didn't like doing everything on his own, it got boring. No one to talk to and no one to chill with. He sighed as he kept walking. He had his guitar hanging from his back, the longer end facing down as he walked. He was breathing softly as he walked, he was tired and so he yawned stretching his arms as he continued to walk through the streets trying to find a trace of the flash of movement that had sped by him

@Nenma Takashi
From within Burned out building, Phil watched the two women talk from the shadows, it's previous occupants being purged by him. The whole lot were rotten to the core. Rapists and raiders they were, and now, nothing but meat to the man now taking up residence. Silently he watched with interest, as the two talked, followed by the one named Alice zoom off. Deciding he had nothing better to do, Phil finished with his "Meal" to silently played guardian angel with the remaining girl. Using the additional biomass he had gained, he focused on his hands, manipulating the cells and frame work of his DNA. Moments later, small hairs covered in a natural adhesive sprouted. Making his way to the fire escape, he began to scale the brick effortlessly, much like an insect or a gecko. Glad I stopped by that pet store a few days ago. This shit is useful. He thought keeping en eye on the one named Elizabeth, following her from the shadows.

@Nenma Takashi
Elizabeth took her headphones off for a moment she had to save batteries if she wanted them to last that's when she heard it. The sound of a heart beat she closed her eyes focusing on it. 'This heart beat is far too soft to be Alice so it must be someone else. But where are they, who are they, and why haven't they attacked yet?' She asked herself she stood up pretending she was stretching trying to think of what to do at this moment. 'They haven't tried anything yet so I'm sure I'm safe to assume they are either scared, friendly or both. Worse case their crazy and just messing with me.' Elizabeth looked down the path Alice had ran not seeing her. 'Alice will be back soon with her speed she'll find a high place come back and we can get out of here. So I better settle this before than.' She turned looking around. "Alright come on out I know you're their." She put her hands in her hoodie pockets as she looked around for anybody.

So much for silent guardian... Phil thought dropping from his perch behind her. "What gave me away?" He asked manipulating the newly acquired hairs to recede back into his flesh. Popping his joints, he stood up to his full height just coming up short of hers at 5'8". It had been a while since he could chat with someone without the eventuality of having to butcher them. "And before you ask, No. I'm not here to hurt you. And to answer the next, which I know will be asked, Why you should trust me? Easy. I would have killed you already if I wanted you so." He said in a rather droll tone, as if he had been asked the questions so many times. Although that was true. Of course those were followed by him butchering the ones that were holding said person captive. "Either you have a great sense of smell, or your hearing is exceptionally above average."

@Nenma Takashi
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Alex kept walking down the desolate street, the crunch of his shoes hitting rubble being quite obvious to anyone around, thought he had doubts people would be this close to the green glowing barrier, "but when your not me, you don't have a minds eye that can see invisible shit, now do you" he said, chuckling to himself, awed by how "wastelandish" the outer part of the city looked in comparison to the inner city, "probably superpowered freaks having fun with the locals...oh wait" he finished, smiling a huge grin, as 4 men approached him, looking eager. One man stepped up, holding his mp5 towards Alex with a sly grin, "let's see your loot, dumbass, no one comes around here without paying taxes" he finisned, getting a chuckle out of the others, one holding a shotgun, and the others with baseball bats. "Ohhh, and what makes me look like a tax paying citizen, huh?" Alex said, grinning wide as the leaders face grew angrier, "oh, you will pay...rough his up boys" the guy said, and as if waiting, the two with bats charged towards him, bats ready. Alex only stood, wanting fun for a while, he used his powers, the power of telekinesis, to stir the dust around them as a cloud, making the guys stop in their tracks, "HEY, I DONT SEE H-" one of the thugs stopped, as his bat was violently pulled out of his hands, with what felt like inhuman force, "what the-" the same guy said, before a Crack was heard and he fell, bleeding from his skull. The leader of the group and the guy with the shotgun only stood, see g the smoke in front of them, the leader spoke, "hey, what's taking so long?", "I can't see him boss, Jims nowhere either, maybe he r-" and that was when the guy went flying into the air, landing with a sickening thunk far from where the smoke had cleared, and a smiling Alex stood. "Your dead" the leader said, unloading a whole clip towards his direction, and stopping with fear as he realized the bullets had stopped all around him. "Let me tell you something" Alex said, sending all of the bullets through the guy with the shotgun, at the same time pulling the leaders gun out of his hands and freezing him in place, "people pay taxes to ME now, get it?" He finisned, tightening his mind grip on the guy, making him scream, "alright alright! I'll do what you want, anything, just please let me go!" The terrified man said, fear his only visible emotion, "I want you to spread the word, Alex owns these lands, ok" he finished, releasing the man to fall, "now leave, NOW!!!!" He suddenly shouted scaring the man off. Alex looked towards the big city, smiling a sinister grin, "this is my world now, and soon, this bubble will pop, and I'll be ready...with an ARMY"

(Starter post wooo! Hey, if anyone wants to know about him, the less friendly people of the streets will have word of him thanks to this event, so yea, I'm heading to the city, conquering the city, no big deal)
Nathans attention was torn away from the situation in front of him, as he caught sight of a bright flash of light out of the corner of his eye. He stared off into the distance, squinting as he tried to make out what exactly he had just seen. His widened as he realized the light was traveling towards the skyscraper. By the time he realized what was happening, it was already too late. The beam of energy tore through the skyscraper, striking the building a couple floors below them. It obliterated everything in is past, car sized pieces of the building fell down to the surrounding streets below. He barely had time to activate his power, let alone warn the others, as the top of the building suddenly lurched forwards. Gravity doing its job as the entire top half of the building fell towards the earth. The buildings in front of would momentarily break the skyscrapers descent, holding it up for a few precious seconds before they crumbled under its weight. The beam of energy would slice through the tops of several more buildings, toppling them all like dominoes, before dissipating into thin air.

@Princess Ami@Shnuydude@Nenma Takashi@ThatOneLunatic@HighSanguinaryPriest@CabalAnomicPotato

(if your on the roof of the skyscraper, get out of their! And the rest of you will be able to see what just happened from wherever you are in the city.)
Without thinking, Phil dashed forward and took hold of the woman before him, not waiting for her response. Carrying her bridal style, he forced a rapid mutation, using up most of the Biomass he had consumed not even an hour ago. Bone, tendons, sinews, and flesh rapidly grew from his shoulder blades, as knew muscles formed. In the time it would have taken him in minutes was done in but seconds as a pair of into leathery wings formed. Sprinting at high speed, he dove out the window, as a smaller, second pair grew near his tailbone, working a a pair of stabilizers, as the two took to the air. "Don't look down!" He called out to his charge, holding her tightly to his chest which seemed to have doubled in size, in order to support a set a larger lungs. "You can thank me later. But first let's find your sister." He added, as a chitinous shell began to cover the newly formed appendages.

So glade I pulled an Ozzy at the pet store. He thought, with a powerful flap of his wings, taking the two higher. After several more flaps, he could see the destruction that had been caused, along with three other survivors on a building about to topple.

@Princess Ami@Shnuydude@Nenma Takashi@ThatOneLunatic@CabalAnomicPotato@BloodyKharma
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Alex had changed directions from where he was before hin encounter, heading through, or should it be said, above rubble and demolished buildings, as he had a floating car door below his feet, when he saw out of the corner of his eye, a giant beam of light, that had shot through not one skyscraper, but multiple buildings. Alex stood frozen in mid air, trying to wrap his mind around what he just witnessed, he had seen "human" (he would call unmutated humans "humans", and mutants "metas") firepower, such as rockets and missles, but nothing that could do this much, "maybe a meta?" He thought, but would still be suprised to have met one with that much power...the thought made him smile, "someone finally strong enough to have real fun with, eh?" He said aloud, as he suddenly began speeding fowards, faster as excitment hit him, "you kill the strongest, you become the strongest, and that's step one" he thought, heading towards the first tall skyscraper to be hit, intent on checking the damage, get a good look at what's in store.

(I'm heading for the skyscraper!)
A dull thud could in the street as her collided with with the stomach of some mutant scum who was trying to get at a group of non powered people. The mutant stumbled back a little, before running at her again, seemingly trying to claw her face off or something like that. To say the least, Blaize was slightly annoyed swinging again, hitting it's head. The mutant went down for a few seconds, before lunging up, only to have a swift punch in the face with a bullet. But the echo of the gunshot was unheard as not to far, but far enough there wasn't to much damage, a giant beam of green destructive light was destroying buildings. "Well, if that's just fucking peachy," Blaize muttered, putting her gun back in its holster. 

After making sure the normal people were okay, and telling them to scram, Blaize decided, like all smart people so, to go check out the damage. You know, after the beam dissappeared, and she heard the last building tumble. 
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